September 8, 2011

"Friendly bet on #Packers #Saints game w/ @BobbyJindal."

"We put up WI cheese & beer, looking 4ward 2 getting some seafood after #Packer win."

Tweets Gov. Walker, whose tweeting style is more tweety than that of Gov. Jindal, who tweets"
I bet WI @GovWalker some fresh LA seafood that the Saints beat the Packers tonight. He agreed to send us WI beer and cheese when we win!
Feel free to talk about the big game all you want, right here.


Fred4Pres said...

Wisconsin cheese and beer is good stuff. But so is gulf sea food (despite BP last year). Someone is going to be eating well indeed.

XWL said...

I will never get used to, or particularly like this Thursday Night Kick Off nonsense.

Thursday NFL Football is for Thanksgiving, and after, not in the summer.

On paper, these should be two of the better teams in the NFC this season, and with the truncated off season, teams like the Saints and Packers with stability at the QB and coaching staff should have an advantage.

Still, if I were a betting man, I think neither will win their divisions this year (not that Green Bay let that stop them from winning the Superbowl last year).

Also, screw the President, I will watch the pregame...

Anonymous said...

Besides the lack of sufficient Sunday ticket holders (for now), this is why no football team would ever locate in Salt Lake City.

What would the Governor of Utah ever bet? Green jello with shredded carrots and cornflake topped cheesy potato casserole?

Other teams would refuse to schedule for that reason alone.

Lincolntf said...

Two top-flight teams, both at the height of their powers. What's not to like? I'm a Patriots fan, and kinda like both these teams historically, probably moreso GB nowadays.

Anna said...

Haha, I remember a similar bet between MN and GA for an NFC playoff (I think). GA was supposed to send Georgia peaches if they lost, and get lutefisk if they won. They had no idea what lutefisk was. And the Falcons won.

Shouting Thomas said...

I'm betting my money on Obama's Bullshit Bingo!

XWL said...

If President Obama wants to placate NFL fans for stepping on their big night, he should propose Congress repeal the UIGEA of 2006 and allow Nevada based companies to legally book bets for US based internet costumers.

Tack on a 1% federal tax on all bets (won or lost), and the usual taxes on income, and taking this multi billion dollar a year industry out of the hands of foreigners and the mob and putting into the hands of publicly listed US based corporations would be better for everyone involved (except problem gamblers, who at least will only have to worry about bankruptcy, and not their kneecaps).

hoop said...

Wait, a government bet involving beer? Not complaining, but wow.

garage mahal said...

Can't wait to see our beautiful union thugs take the field!

Lincolntf said...

There are NO thugs in the NFL (or the Teamsters, NEA, AFL-CIO...)

TWM said...

Go Saints!

garage mahal said...

Wisconsin is second to none is representing in numbers. If you're watching NFL Network, there is a sea of humanity watching Kid Rock right now that has been there since 3:00.

Big Mike said...

I don't think Walker has much confidence in Green Bay. Otherwise wouldn't he have added brats to the bet?

garage mahal said...

Where is Walker anyway? I wonder why he didn't show for the game.

I think I know why!

AllenS said...

If you don't like the Green Bay Packers, then you need to leave the country immediately, you dirty fuckin commie mother fuckers.

Dan said...

I'm rooting for a 59-3 win by the Saints. But then...I'm a Vikings fan. I might be a tad partial. YMMV.

Lincolntf said...

To the extent that I have a rooting interest, I'm rooting against Marques Colston. Fantasy Football uber alles.

Dan said...

"Haha, I remember a similar bet between MN and GA for an NFC playoff (I think). GA was supposed to send Georgia peaches if they lost, and get lutefisk if they won. They had no idea what lutefisk was. And the Falcons won."

Aargh! 1998. Randy Moss's rookie year. The year that Anderson had a perfect year kicking. No misses on extra point OR field goals going into the NFC championship game. Game on the line, one minute and change (if I remember right) left, about a 30 yard field goal, and he whiffs. Then we actually get the ball back, and Denny Green decides, with the league's most explosive offense that year and with like a minute left to take a knee and go to overtime.

Yeah, I sort of remember that game.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Maroon 5.

garage mahal said...

Yeah, I sort of remember that game.

I do too. My friends are die hard Vike fans and I watched it with them. As a life long Packer fan I almost felt bad for them. Almost.

Dan said...

lincolntf: I have total empathy. I'm personally rooting for Drew Brees, Aaron Rodgers and Greg Jennings (5 leagues).

Dan said...

Garage Mahal: Shut up.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Maybe I'm jaded.. but I didn't see any moves like Jagger

Patrick said...

I doubt Jindal will welch like that loser Democrat from IL.

Ann Althouse said...

Brewers playing the Phillies too. Anyone watching both games?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I have a Phillies @ Brewers link.. if the football game is too boring ;)

Lem Vibe Banditory said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dan said...

Ann, what nerd would watch baseball when they could watch the Packers get absolutely destroyed? ;-)

Patrick said...

What AllenS said.

I remember the 1998 Vikes v. ATL game, known around here as "take a knee." The vikes that season had the most prolific offense in the history of the NFL. Nevertheless, the day after that game sports talk radio was absolutely filled with calls for their then coach Denny Green's head.

I listened all day. I think it was president's day the next day, so I was in the office alone. Lots of schadenfreude. Still.

Dan said...

Ann, by the way, you're now officially forgiven for voting for Obama. Your coverage of the kerfluffle in WI was outstanding.

Lem Vibe Banditory said... is the Phillies @ Brewers

Mick said...

By the way, just so you know, Jindal, born of Indian Resident Aliens in La., is not a natural born Citizen. Can you please make sure he knows?

wv: readm--- readm and weep

Dan said...

Patrick, I STILL want Denny Green's head for that boneheaded decision. I didn't even like him before that, because he had a history of bringing us to the playoffs most years and then exiting after the first game. I think the Giants pasted us to the tune of 50-something to 3 a year or two earlier in the first round (one of the most humiliating defeats of many I had witnessed...bleeding purple ain't easy).

The very first game I remember clearly was the very last superbowl the Vikings were in. I believe it was 1976 or so. I've been waiting ever since...and we've had like 3 NFC championship games since then. AAAARRRGGGGHHHH.

kjbe said...

Brewers playing the Phillies too. Anyone watching both games?

We are. Back and forth, back and forth, tonite (was supposed to go, but had a change of plans. nuts.)

garage mahal said...

"13 time World Champions!"

Sorry Dan

Holmes said...

Such a normal, guy's thing to do by Governor Walker. Maybe he's not Wisconsin's Greatest Monster after all.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Packers lead while Brewers vacillate.

Lincolntf said...

Huge fumble!! That's Negative 2 points for my opponent! Sweet.

Steven said...

For a first quarter with four touchdowns and no punts, the defenses haven't actually looked bad. The QBs and receivers are just better.

roesch-voltaire said...

What a game, but I was sorry to see one of my past student John Casillas sack Rogers!

Patrick said...

Dan- that was 41-0. And you
Are right, Green couldn't do anything in the post season.
More reason to keep him,I say.

Patrick said...

I don't know what it days about me that I'm reading about the Pack on a blog run by a lawprof. Probably says good things about the blog, though.

Barry Dauphin said...

By the way, just so you know, Jindal, born of Indian Resident Aliens in La., is not a natural born Citizen. Can you please make sure he knows?

wv: readm--- readm and weep

Jindal born in Baton Rouge, LA. Natural born citizen, eligible to be VP & president. And his parents even like America. Can you make sure Mick knows: read 'em and weep.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

NBC game announcer Collinsworth keeps saying monster..

Rush doesn't like him.. so he's probably not a Perry fan.

Big Mike said...

Well it's halftime, and them there Packers sure look good.

If they keep this up that good ol' boy Jindal better send out the shrimp boats.

XWL said...

Walker and Jindal should have raised the stakes, loser has to pay winners' state's pension obligations for the year...

ndspinelli said...

No real man will not flip back and forth..or real woman for that matter. Women just don't handle the remote as deftly as men. We are more used to handling long cylinders in our dominant hands.

However, it looks like it's time to focus on the Packers.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

He may go all the way!!!!

Howard Cosell

MisterBuddwing said...

Jindal born in Baton Rouge, LA. Natural born citizen, eligible to be VP & president. And his parents even like America. Can you make sure Mick knows: read 'em and weep.

Mick and his ilk are adamant: The only way to be a natural-born U.S. citizen is to have been born to parents who were U.S. citizens at the time.

Having been born to parents who were in the U.S. legally but who had not naturalized yet, I really, really, really like the implication that I'm not "as American" as Mick and his ilk.

And if Gov. Jindal ever runs for President or Vice President of the U.S., it will be fascinating to see how conservatives/Republicans address the natural-born citizenship issue.

WV: ingeou.

Patrick said...

Run back is a VERY good omen.

Barry Dauphin said...

Track meet:

NO- 27

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

The Packers game still close..

While the Brewers languish 7-2 in the bottom of the 9th.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

That should be the game right there..

Titus said...

I don't care for Jindal "playing white" and act like he would even drink beer or eat cheese or watch football.

Also, Jindal is extremely unattractive.

Walker, on the other hand, I would do.

Barry Dauphin said...


NO stopped on half yard line on last play of game.

Automatic_Wing said...

Sean Payton, what are you thinking, dude? After all that, you call a running play into the middle of the line, WTF?

Crunchy Frog said...

Goddamn prevent defense almost prevents the Pack from winning.


And the thing that frustrated me the most is that I have Rogers and he got outpointed by Brees (who I was up against).


Mick said...

MisterBuddwing said...
"Jindal born in Baton Rouge, LA. Natural born citizen, eligible to be VP & president. And his parents even like America. Can you make sure Mick knows: read 'em and weep.

Mick and his ilk are adamant: The only way to be a natural-born U.S. citizen is to have been born to parents who were U.S. citizens at the time.

Having been born to parents who were in the U.S. legally but who had not naturalized yet, I really, really, really like the implication that I'm not "as American" as Mick and his ilk.

And if Gov. Jindal ever runs for President or Vice President of the U.S., it will be fascinating to see how conservatives/Republicans address the natural-born citizenship issue."

I'm not a Republican or Democrat, and it's not Me and my ilk that demands it, it's the Constitution. It requires 2 generations of Citizenship as a firewall to protect against foreign influence. The Constitution is the Law. We are a nation of laws.
Does a 20 year old have the ability to handle alchohol as well as a 21 year old? Probably, but 21 is where the line is drawn. Could a 34 year old be POTUS as well as a 35 year old? Probably. Obama's very Presidency is validation of the requirement, as Obama clearly and outwardly does not have the attachmant to this nation required to lead it. The SCOTUS determines what the Constitution means, and they have defined batural born Citizen thusly in Minor v. Happersett:

"The Constitution does not in words say who shall be natural-born citizens. Resort must be had elsewhere to ascertain that. At common law, with the nomenclature of which the framers of the Constitution were familiar, it was never doubted that all children born in a country of parents who were its citizens became themselves, upon their birth, citizens also. These were natives or natural-born citizens, as distinguished from aliens or foreigners."

As of this point that is the law of the land. The fact that Virginia Minor was a Citizen was part of the holding of the case. That court determined her US Citizenship by construing A2S1C5-- that she was w/in the class known as natural born Citizens, who did not need naturalization by the 14 Amendment.

Jindal, Obama, and Rubio, born to alien parents are NOT eligible. Congress may change A2S1C5 by Amendment, but that has not happened. Instead the jackels in Congress have been trying to change it by Congressional Act, ever since Obama burst on the scene. Now they are trying to change it by Usupation. Both sides of the aisle are guilty of Treason, and Jindal and Rubio are NOT Patriots, just more scum at the bottom of the Congressional (and Governorial)cesspool.

Mick said...

Barry Dauphin said...
"By the way, just so you know, Jindal, born of Indian Resident Aliens in La., is not a natural born Citizen. Can you please make sure he knows?

wv: readm--- readm and weep

Jindal born in Baton Rouge, LA. Natural born citizen, eligible to be VP & president. And his parents even like America. Can you make sure Mick knows: read 'em and weep."

Really? where does it say simple birth in America makes one a natural born Citizen? You mean 2 illegal alien Mexicans could sneak over the border, have a child here, and that child is eligible?

Minor v. Happersett:

"The Constitution does not in words say who shall be natural-born citizens. Resort must be had elsewhere to ascertain that. At common law, with the nomenclature of which the framers of the Constitution were familiar, it was never doubted that all children born in a country of parents who were its citizens became themselves, upon their birth, citizens also. These were natives or natural-born citizens, as distinguished from aliens or foreigners."

That's the law of the land. Neither Jindal, Rubio, Obama or McCain are eligible.

AllenS said...

On September 7th
Trooper York said...
But the Packers are gonna lose 40-7 you heard it here first.

9/7/11 6:14 PM

You stick with the women's bras, let us boys and girls talk about sports. You moron.

MadisonMan said...

I'm pretty sure the NFL is tickled pink about the game. What an excellent start. Kick-off returns, punt returns, great passing. Great game for a fan.

Steve Koch said...

Great game, especially the QBs. Awesome ending to the game. You have to wonder about taking the ball out of Drew Brees' hands for the final play.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Mad Man:

The NFL is a veritable printing press. They should be happy & smiling 365 days a year.

MadisonMan said...

Boy was my son tired this morning though. I tried to get him to go to bed when the score turned 42-27. He declined. I foresee sleeping in 'til noon tomorrow on his part.

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