The campaign also asks people to hand over control of their social networking accounts on Facebook and Twitter to it for 24 hours to deliver Gore's message.
I'd give control over my FB account to Anthony Weiner before I'd give it to Al Gore.
Dear Saint Gore, out preaching to the heathens. Can't we just put him in a pot and boil him up for dinner? His large economy size would feed the multitudes and then some.
Interesting that nowhere in the news item is "anthropogenic" mentioned. Gore is trying to convince "deniers" that "climate change" leads to more severe weather events. I'm not sure that there are two clearly defined sides on that issue. Personally, I don't buy the claim that man's activities are causing the planet to heat up (I'm a "denier");but I don't believe I'd argue that a warming planet wouldn't result in more extreme weather.
Why does it even matter? Is there some cabal out there trying to torpedo funding for tornado sirens or seawalls?
As neologisms go, that one's pretty ugly and not a little demeaning. There is some company religion should not be asked to keep.
And it's odd that Gore wants to focus on the least convincing part of the AGW story - the connection between GW and recent 'extreme' weather. Hasn't he been paying attention to all those who say, whenever there is a particularly long cold snap in the northern hemisphere, that climate isn't weather?
It's always entertaining when AGW supporters point to the opposition's funding while completely ignoring the fact that Al Gore became a billionaire thanks to the global warming scare.
But hey, I'm sure the opposition's funding completely dwarfs the money received by the proponents of the theory. Oh, wait.....
Daddio...A warming planet leads to less harmful weather events and much more food.
A cooling planet causes all of the problems.
At the equator the direct sun always heats up air. That heated air then runs into warmed air as it heads towards the poles and causes little in the way of sever storms.
Or it runs into cold air plunging towards the equator and we have the tornadoes and cyclones called hurricanes followed by rain and snow deluges for flooding. And the crops yields drop.
But no one controls the cosmic ray cloud formation except heaven.
Strange how the proponents of the theory of AGW have become staunch opponents of the scientific method, which depends on doubt, skepticism and constant testing of assumptions. Imagine how primitive the theory of evolution would be if we had simply declared it 'accepted' at the time Darwin published Origin of Species.
Here's a theory: if it weren't for the perceived opportunities to control people, those on the left wouldn't give a shit about global warming.
What about India, with its odd off-by-a-half-hour time zones? Does Gore not care about Indians? Because I know there's something about half-off about Gore, too.
Even a Koch-funded AGW study found that the shows anomalous global warming Mueller/LATimes.
Then Dr. Mueller's just a UC Physics professor. The Alt-tard geniuses gotta know more science! Like ...meth-lab tech, re-load for the semi ammo, and F-150 wrenchin'.Yeah
Time for some stupid, meaningless ad hominems as usual, eh Blithering TomTom. I referred to Dr Mueller,and his recent study --then, that's way beyond your cognitive skills set.
Now, threaten me again, you old bag of scootertrash. Looking forward to reading about your bust in the newspaper.
Sad part is that this sort of thing only hurts their cause. I am a right winger who supports energy conservation, mass transit, etc (along with new oil drilling and nuclear power). I think "all of the above" is the only thing that will work.
But how do I try to spread the gospel of buses and trains when that puts me on the same side as crazies like Al Gore? of the best examples of this....congressional Democrats made a live statement about global warming in DC a couple of years ago. Then each got into a SEPARATE SUV and were driven ONE BLOCK to the congress parking ramp.
It would be like given a speach on healthy eating, then turning around and walking into a fast food place to pig out on greasy burgers and fries.
Another shit spewing know-nothing aka Scott-tard--youre not funny either, yokel. Alas Scott-tard Limbaugh's not a scientist, and doesn't know jack about the issues involved with AGW. Nor does the Baroness von Althouse
Another shit spewing know-nothing aka Scott-tard--youre not funny either, yokel. Alas Scott-tard Limbaugh's not a scientist, and doesn't know jack about the issues involved with AGW. Nor does the Baroness von Althouse
Ever get the feeling that this little crack addict really is pissed off?
He is, too.
When he really loses it completely, he posts even more sulphorus diatribes on my website.
Hey Shouting bag of lying trash--prepare, perp. I don't use dope, scootertrash--you do. AS does your hayseed pal Squat tard--rather common at the Tweekhouse
And "Little".Heh heh. That'd be be you as well, little old man. coming to get yr HD, your meth, your illegal weapons. Buh bye, Shouting dirtbag.
You'll be saying leetle soon, yu illiterate bag of bumpkin hick shit wouldn't say that
Time for some stupid, meaningless ad hominems as usual
Then he wrote:
Hey Shouting bag of lying trash--prepare, perp. I don't use dope, scootertrash--you do. AS does your hayseed pal Squat tard--rather common at the Tweekhouse
And "Little".Heh heh. That'd be be you as well, little old man. coming to get yr HD, your meth, your illegal weapons. Buh bye, Shouting dirtbag.
You'll be saying leetle soon, yu illiterate bag of bumpkin hick shit wouldn't say that
Explain E grade to us again, bench-presser. Or maybe you should try explaining what the scoredown is in football.
If anyone would like to try and understand "J" I have a Berlitz tape, Learn to Understand and Speak Crazy in 10 days. I bought it when Perot ran for prez, and I'll be happy to loan it out.
Maybe Gore can start a global warming version of Jim and Tammy Baker's Pass The Loot club. The guy's not ever a scientist, but he is a Baptist. I guess that's why the tent revival approach suits him.
You forgot to add "and punish heretics and deniers".
Those who don't believe in the one true God Gaia and who hurt her are to punished, stigmatized and carbon taxed to death. It's a little less painful than burning heretics at the stake--but just a little less. And Gore would look good as a fat monk with a tonsure throwing wood on the fire.
Who gives a f*ck about your little gripes, Scott the hayseed,or your little klansmen whines and pathetic plebian insults, or those of your fellow perp Shouting Assclown. This isn't your site, or your radio show.
IT's about your lack of knowledge about AGW(and that of Baroness Von Althouse, and Limblow, Fox,etc). . The evidence of anomalous warming exists--even a one-time skeptic Mueller admits that. Got that peasant dumbass?
I know a lot about some things, J. Not as much about others. I'll also admit when I'm wrong. Something I've yet to see you do about any subject ever.
Your comments are fucking hysterical especially in the context of your own comments, but I don't believe you have the cognitive ability, or the aptitude, to see it.
Admit you don't know what you're talking about when outed and you'll be well on your way to both healing and moving out of your grandmother's basement. I'd usually guess mother's basement, but I'm not sure you have any idea who your parents really are.
Gerry had some interesting posts on the point that Al Gore is not too bright--and flunked out of divinity school first time around.
That made me curious, so I went to Wikipedia to read Al's bio. Now Wikipedia is as friendly to Gore as can be. They give him the full Lewinsky treatment on the 2000 election.
But even though they're biased a few statements stick out. Al went to St Alban's "a tony prep school for the Ivy League"--and graduated 25th out of 51. He applied to only one school--Harvard and got in.
Of course if you are a Senator's son, you're fortunate in more ways than one. Al ranked in the lowest fifth of his Harvard class in his freshman and sophomore years. He avoided science and math because he found them "difficult". He did finally graduate --on time--with a Bachelor of Arts in English.
He enlisted in the Army in 1969 because he thought it would help his father's Senatorial campaign in Tennessee--and because he thought his avoiding the draft would hurt his father. He went into basic training at Ft. Dix in August 1969. (I was in basic and advanced training at Ft. Polk Louisiana during the summer and early fall of 1969. 95% of the guys in my infantry training battalion got two weeks leave and orders to be shipped out to Viet Nam.) Not so our delicate Albert. Somehow he (a) wound up an Army journalist; (b) didn't get orders to go to Viet Nam until January 1971 (i.e. he sat on his safe little keister in the USA for a whole year after training); and (c) was honorably discharged on May 15, 1971.
That discharge date is very interesting for several reasons. First, in those days you normally served a 12 month tour of duty in Viet Nam if you were in the Army--13 months if you were a Marine. Al served 4 months(which after all was about 10 weeks longer than Kerry served in Viet Nam).
Second, if you volunteered for the draft, you got a two year hitch---and here Gore is getting out after just 21 months. If you actually enlisted in the Regular Army, you had a three year hitch. Gore got out early no matter how you slice it.
Then Al Gore goes home--dinks around a bit with local journalism. He's at odds and ends and starts divinity school at Vanderbilt--drops out or flunks out after a year. Then he tries law school at Vanderbilt--drops out or flunks out after a year.
No like our other Presidential or would be Presidential Nobel Prize winners (Carter, Gore & Obama--in order of winning their "Prize") Gore is none too bright, and he doesn't do" math and science. Hell of a preacher to the choir though.
Al wants to convert me? Easy Al, here's how you do it. (1) continue to insult both my intelligence, my motives and my moral fiber. (2) continue to ignore all contrary scientific finding, misrepresent the scientific underpinning of AGW theory, (3) continue to denounce, ad hominem, and try to suppress the opinions or findings of, any scientist who even remotely questions your personal authority on this subject, and (4) continue to talk down to me and everyone else in that...voice of yours.
Hoss-BJM with some mumbling about what it takes to be science. Are you claiming that CERN somehow disproved AGW? You're wrong Hoss-tard. CERN was looking for subatomic particles (with little luck), not doing atmospheric physics, or climate modelling.
The campaign also asks people to hand over control of their social networking accounts on Facebook and Twitter to it for 24 hours to deliver Gore's message.
Sounds like a good way to get yourself defriended!
According to my cousin’s husband, giant king crabs are storming Antarctica and it's all because of global warming! It’s a tragedy. The snow will never be the same.
Scott M said... Isn't there something in the Constitution about separation of Religion and Blogging?
You're thinking of the Federalist Emails.
LOL. Good one!
Mike: The one thing I don't put on Al's head is his Vietnam duty. The last thing the brass and field commanders wanted to worry about was some senator's son running around in the combat zone getting his ass all shot up. Get him a job behind the lines and get him out as soon as possible. Al knew from the get-go, though, that his time in the service would be pretty easy.
Al was groomed to follow in his father's footsteps and then become president, something Al Sr. could never aspire to because of his segregationist past. I'm not sure this was the path Al wanted to follow; it's certainly not a path he was suited for. But then, who would have listened to his blathering about Earth being in the balance?
If Al wants to convert me, he can sell his 100 foot houseboat and, like me, keep a couple of canoes in his back yard. I'm sure that will be part of this 24 hour show...
Someone help me out here, who is this 'J' person? He sounds like a typical 12 year old hyped up on Mountain Dew and spewing threats and insults at his betters from the ultimate safety of his anonymity and his mother's basement.
I took a very fast peek at his blog and it looks like pretty standard Statist nonsense to me...Nothing particularly leapt out as 'scientific' or even educated. Which matches his content and style here.
Is he amusing at all, or is the amazing intellect on display here pretty much the limits of his talent?
What's that, Hoss-BJM--don't care for the facts/evidence in favor of AGW (such as DrMueller's research) so like dig up your failed communication 101 class from Tuscon JC?! Maybe just quote yr fave GlennBeck or Limblow rants on AGW, mormon trash.
You don't know what rational disputation or debate is BJM-flunkie (and Alttards--note this BJM is a male,pretending to be female) ,just like you've never put together a formal argument in your life, Hossgrrl. Holy Syllogi sm101 ,ratman
Somebody won't help you "Orion" (hmm,sounds like Hoss,or one of his palsies--maybe Senrab? Bad news--yr about to go down with yr boy HossRon) ,perp, except maybe the mental authorities.
Statist heh. LA Times? HuffPo? NYT? I guess thats enough to scare the F. out of a Romneytard
"There will be a full-on assault on climate skeptics, exploring where they get their funding from."
Oh, they really do not want to go there, do they?
"...the 2006 documentary film "An Inconvenient Truth," which earned $49 million at the box office worldwide."
And how much has Gore made from selling carbon credits? The prophet makes a profit selling a clean conscience to those who have a big carbon footprint and can afford to pay.
J, do please be quiet while your betters are having a discussion. Your squalling is mildly distracting. Also, for someone who apparently prides himself on being 'educated', you make an awful lot of assumptions.
If you're trying to threaten me little one, you've got a very long way to go to rise above 'amusing.'
Now, go write 'I will not jump to conclusions' 500 times in cursive and hand it in to your teacher.
So, folks, I'm guessing it's your standard-issue troll, 1 each, do not feed? Or is it fun, and acceptable to play with? I'll refrain from the treat-tossing pending further guidance from the Gallery...
"Interesting that nowhere in the news item is "anthropogenic" mentioned. Gore is trying to convince "deniers" that "climate change" leads to more severe weather events. I'm not sure that there are two clearly defined sides on that issue."
It's bait and switch. (And we see it here, too.)
Few people "deny" that the world is getting some tiny degree warmer. So that's the bait... if you're reasonable or have a clue, scientifically, you can be convinced of this "truth."
Then the switch... because they never really said they were talking about "anthropogenic"... and now because the first bit is true, we're supposed to enforce poverty and economic suicide, and embrace anti-technology/anti-science/anti-progress policies.
I'll believe them when Gore spends 24 hours pushing nuclear power.
Orion asked:...Is he amusing at all, or is the amazing intellect on display here pretty much the limits of his talent?.
Not very amusing. Sad, pitiable, prone to incoherent hysterics, and woefully lacking in the ability to process diverse information and opinions.
Take his tack above of claiming that Dr Mueller, who indeed is an AGW skeptic, now admits that anomalous warming exists. He doesn't. All he's done is statistically treat the data that the 3 main AGW proponents presented as proof of AGW and confirm the temperature trends. No conclusions about the provenance of the data or AGW itself were made. As a matter of fact, Dr Mueller stressed that there is a lot more to be done by his group to even affirm the trends. Following j's link to the original information, and understanding the information presented, and you would not make the claim J did.
J also mocked a poster, BJM, for mentioning CERN. J claimed he said CERN somehow disproved AGW, but he didn't. Look at BLM,s post. It's correct. CERN recently cast a lot of doubt on one of the AGW assumptions about cloud formation.
There's two examples and there is more evidence of his flighty approach to information in this thread alone. He does the same thing in thread after thread on subject after subject. J has some knowledge of a few narrowly defined subjects and believes it makes him smart on every other subject. In actual fact, he's a lightweight on his own subjects, and woefully ignorant on every other one I've seen him address.
Rich fantasy life though. Ask him about his claim of bench pressing 400lbs. A running joke here.
Thank you for the data! One of THOSE, huh? Thanks - I actually DO know the 2005 181lb WABDL Open Bench Press world record holder (He's a firefighter at my old station - my brush with greatness!). 400lbs would be an accomplishment indeed! Would surely eclipse my paltry 254lbs. But that's not difficult. LOL Has he specified what weight-class he lifts in? Or is that a verified fantasy? :D I can't say I know many IT folks who are into weight-lifting although I know a few who are into cycling or swimming. Fitness isn't usually high on our list of activities...
From what I can tell he IS apparently an IT person, but as I've spent decades in that field it doesn't particularly impress me. I've known quite a few IT jocks who made a box of hammers look quite bright and couldn't form a cogent argument if their lives depended upon it. I'm assuming that IT is one of his narrowly-defined subjects of expertise?
I'll put him in the 'Walter Mitty/Elwood P Dowd' category then and consider him harmless. I'm guessing that feeding him poor taste? Doesn't sound like he'd be much fun to joust with and from what I've seen he suffers from the repetitive nonsense spouting that seems to infect almost all Statists.
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Someone had to take over for Jerry Lewis.
Except the citizens of the world are now "Al's Kids."
And the polar bears.
The campaign also asks people to hand over control of their social networking accounts on Facebook and Twitter to it for 24 hours to deliver Gore's message.
I'd give control over my FB account to Anthony Weiner before I'd give it to Al Gore.
I thought that Obama banned torture when he became President?
"There will be a full-on assault on climate skeptics, exploring where they get their funding from."
Does that sound science-y to you?
I liked "Crazy Al' with the beard better.
"There will be a full-on assault on climate skeptics, exploring where they get their funding from."
Yeah, where are they getting their funding from, and how come I'm not getting any of it?
His carbon-credit busines tanked. He's got to try to save it somehow.
His credit cards must be maxed.
Be prepared for some record low temperatures.
The Big Lie method is still a force to be reckoned with.
So Dur Fuhrer Gore is holding a mass assembly for his green shirts to denounce deniers and affirm their oaths to gaia.
The scandal is that the US Government funds this established Church,
Wake up liberals!
Bring him some coco butter oil, STAT!
yes, the right wingers who don't even consider the remote possibility are 'atheists'..
Al Gore sounds a lot like Reverend Lovejoy.
Will there be a tent?
Any snakes or chickens involved?
Hopefully it will be nothing but Al blathering for 24 hours straight with no sleep or pee breaks, that I'd watch... at least the last half hour of it.
Have they released what he vestments are going to look like yet?
Have they released what he vestments are going to look like yet?
Recycled hemp, duh.
...the mask slips?
24 Hours of Reality!
Oh, my God!
Dear Saint Gore, out preaching to the heathens. Can't we just put him in a pot and boil him up for dinner? His large economy size would feed the multitudes and then some.
Recycled hemp, duh.
I would have thought drowned polar bear fur.
The reason I appear allied with righties is that righties — as they say — look for converts and lefties look for heretics.
Haha. I bet we guess who said that.
But does your Rev. Lovejoy have 200 peer-reviewed, uhhh, slides?
Interesting that nowhere in the news item is "anthropogenic" mentioned. Gore is trying to convince "deniers" that "climate change" leads to more severe weather events. I'm not sure that there are two clearly defined sides on that issue. Personally, I don't buy the claim that man's activities are causing the planet to heat up (I'm a "denier");but I don't believe I'd argue that a warming planet wouldn't result in more extreme weather.
Why does it even matter? Is there some cabal out there trying to torpedo funding for tornado sirens or seawalls?
As neologisms go, that one's pretty ugly and not a little demeaning. There is some company religion should not be asked to keep.
And it's odd that Gore wants to focus on the least convincing part of the AGW story - the connection between GW and recent 'extreme' weather. Hasn't he been paying attention to all those who say, whenever there is a particularly long cold snap in the northern hemisphere, that climate isn't weather?
For 24 hours?? This could get ugly.
"Does that sound a little religion-y to you?"
Nope. A little Jim Jones-y, yes.
It's always entertaining when AGW supporters point to the opposition's funding while completely ignoring the fact that Al Gore became a billionaire thanks to the global warming scare.
But hey, I'm sure the opposition's funding completely dwarfs the money received by the proponents of the theory. Oh, wait.....
Al Gore: Glenn Beck without the smarts and the charm.
Yep, the carbon credits market is tanking.
Daddio...A warming planet leads to less harmful weather events and much more food.
A cooling planet causes all of the problems.
At the equator the direct sun always heats up air. That heated air then runs into warmed air as it heads towards the poles and causes little in the way of sever storms.
Or it runs into cold air plunging towards the equator and we have the tornadoes and cyclones called hurricanes followed by rain and snow deluges for flooding.
And the crops yields drop.
But no one controls the cosmic ray cloud formation except heaven.
Are those his words? Or some media person?
More gasbaggery.
"Does that sound a little religion-y to you?"
Not really.
My religion doesn't focus on converting "skeptics".
I've actually found most secular skeptics are unwilling to rest without converting believers though.
Toss Gore back into the non-religion secular camp, I say. His beliefs are more likely represented there.
Over the weekend I watched Tony Hawks droll Round Ireland with a Fridge.
Maybe Al could try that next. He doesn't even have to plug it in.
algorejr flunked out of divinity school for good rreasons
WV: incie Austrialian for uncle
Will Al return control of the suckers' social networks to them at the end of the 24 hours? Yeah, he says he will.
"There will be a full-on assault on climate skeptics, exploring where they get their funding from."
Bring it, Gorebot.
WV: uncie Austrialian for uncle
Strange how the proponents of the theory of AGW have become staunch opponents of the scientific method, which depends on doubt, skepticism and constant testing of assumptions. Imagine how primitive the theory of evolution would be if we had simply declared it 'accepted' at the time Darwin published Origin of Species.
Here's a theory: if it weren't for the perceived opportunities to control people, those on the left wouldn't give a shit about global warming.
He's going to pontificate for 24 hours? Who does he think he is, Castro?
What about India, with its odd off-by-a-half-hour time zones? Does Gore not care about Indians? Because I know there's something about half-off about Gore, too.
Hey, it's the new Islam and the Living Redwood is its Profit
PS Well, this is the 92nd anniversary of Adolf joining the German Workers' Party.
I guess it could haven been worse, he could have been President.......... - oh crap ..........
Ok, it is worse with current leadership, but my point is still valid
Even a Koch-funded AGW study found that the shows anomalous global warming Mueller/LATimes.
Then Dr. Mueller's just a UC Physics professor. The Alt-tard geniuses gotta know more science! Like ...meth-lab tech, re-load for the semi ammo, and F-150 wrenchin'.Yeah
Sounds more like a circle jerk.
"There will be a full-on assault on climate skeptics, exploring where they get their funding from."
How about a full on review of where Gore gets his funding, including the estimated billion he's been given by VC's funding the green pie in the sky.
You know what would be a really great 24 hour revival tent show... J and algore!
algore doing his mad scientist bit, sort of like Dr. Frankenstein.
And, little J, ranting and spitting and cussing, playing the hunchback, Igor.
I'd pay to watch that.
Even a Koch-funded AGW study found that the shows anomalous global warming
That's like stem cells vs. embryonic stem cells.
can be for 1 not the other.
Time for some stupid, meaningless ad hominems as usual, eh Blithering TomTom. I referred to Dr Mueller,and his recent study --then, that's way beyond your cognitive skills set.
Now, threaten me again, you old bag of scootertrash. Looking forward to reading about your bust in the newspaper.
You're the illiterate psychopath here,dreck.
I can't imagine why Tipper dumped his ass.
Fat man wants to harangue people for consuming too much on facebook and twitter. of course my comment is tu quoque, ad hom, glib, & true.
"broadcast...every hour for 24 hours across 24 different time zones from Wednesday to Thursday"
Funny that Wisconsin is forecast to set some new record-low temperatures for those two days...
Yo, Hoss the Romneyite aka X googled the names of some informal fallacies! Wow. You don't have a clue what they mean.
Guess what Hoss---your democratic palsies have been informed of your anti-AGW views, your support for the Alttards, GOP, your white suprematism,etc
lets hope youve sent some of yr little notes to trash like Scootertommy. Will make your case that much worse, perp
I'm with Glenn Reynolds-- I'd be more inclined to believe global warming is a problem if the people preaching behaved as if it were.
"There will be a full-on assault on climate skeptics, exploring where they get their funding from."
If you can't use facts and good arguements to change minds, then you try to destroy your opponents via force.
Sad part is that this sort of thing only hurts their cause. I am a right winger who supports energy conservation, mass transit, etc (along with new oil drilling and nuclear power). I think "all of the above" is the only thing that will work.
But how do I try to spread the gospel of buses and trains when that puts me on the same side as crazies like Al Gore?
Time for some stupid, meaningless ad hominems as usual
At least E-Grade-J is being honest now. of the best examples of this....congressional Democrats made a live statement about global warming in DC a couple of years ago. Then each got into a SEPARATE SUV and were driven ONE BLOCK to the congress parking ramp.
It would be like given a speach on healthy eating, then turning around and walking into a fast food place to pig out on greasy burgers and fries.
Another shit spewing know-nothing aka Scott-tard--youre not funny either, yokel. Alas Scott-tard Limbaugh's not a scientist, and doesn't know jack about the issues involved with AGW. Nor does the Baroness von Althouse
Time for some stupid, meaningless ad hominems as usual
Explain E grade to us again.
Another shit spewing know-nothing aka Scott-tard--youre not funny either, yokel. Alas Scott-tard Limbaugh's not a scientist, and doesn't know jack about the issues involved with AGW. Nor does the Baroness von Althouse
Ever get the feeling that this little crack addict really is pissed off?
He is, too.
When he really loses it completely, he posts even more sulphorus diatribes on my website.
Al Gore plots his revenge!
Hallelujah! I've been converted!
No wait. Just conned.
St. Alfred the Intemperate must be holding some Solyndra junior debt.
His telethon reminds of that 24x7 cable preacher who ran footage of his walking ponies as backdrop while he read from the Bible.
The broadcast is sponsored by: Doctor Johnson's Snake Oil Elixir.
Hey Shouting bag of lying trash--prepare, perp. I don't use dope, scootertrash--you do. AS does your hayseed pal Squat tard--rather common at the Tweekhouse
And "Little".Heh heh. That'd be be you as well, little old man. coming to get yr HD, your meth, your illegal weapons. Buh bye, Shouting dirtbag.
You'll be saying leetle soon, yu illiterate bag of bumpkin hick shit wouldn't say that
Al Gore is holding an Old Fashioned Revival Hour. It is his religion, you see.
J said:
Time for some stupid, meaningless ad hominems as usual
Then he wrote:
Hey Shouting bag of lying trash--prepare, perp. I don't use dope, scootertrash--you do. AS does your hayseed pal Squat tard--rather common at the Tweekhouse
And "Little".Heh heh. That'd be be you as well, little old man. coming to get yr HD, your meth, your illegal weapons. Buh bye, Shouting dirtbag.
You'll be saying leetle soon, yu illiterate bag of bumpkin hick shit wouldn't say that
Explain E grade to us again, bench-presser. Or maybe you should try explaining what the scoredown is in football.
Looks like I've got another burning at the stake coming.
If anyone would like to try and understand "J" I have a Berlitz tape, Learn to Understand and Speak Crazy in 10 days. I bought it when Perot ran for prez, and I'll be happy to loan it out.
Heretics, either convert or be burned at the stake.
Maybe Gore can start a global warming version of Jim and Tammy Baker's Pass The Loot club. The guy's not ever a scientist, but he is a Baptist. I guess that's why the tent revival approach suits him.
J said...perp. I don't use dope...
You should.
Alas Scott-tard Limbaugh's not a scientist
Algore is?
Didn't he flunk out of the seminary the first time around in college?
What Al Gore needs is an infusion of Charlie Sheen Tiger Blood.
...and isn't the "broadcast" just an extended rant at a website?
He isn't too bright, is he?
J has convinced me. There must be something to this warming shit.
Poor Al. He looks like someone stuck an air hose up his rear end and pumped him up to 20 psi. Maybe 30.
Here's a theory: if it weren't for the perceived opportunities to control people, those on the left wouldn't give a shit about global warming.
You forgot to add "and punish heretics and deniers".
Those who don't believe in the one true God Gaia and who hurt her are to punished, stigmatized and carbon taxed to death. It's a little less painful than burning heretics at the stake--but just a little less. And Gore would look good as a fat monk with a tonsure throwing wood on the fire.
Who gives a f*ck about your little gripes, Scott the hayseed,or your little klansmen whines and pathetic plebian insults, or those of your fellow perp Shouting Assclown. This isn't your site, or your radio show.
IT's about your lack of knowledge about AGW(and that of Baroness Von Althouse, and Limblow, Fox,etc). . The evidence of anomalous warming exists--even a one-time skeptic Mueller admits that. Got that peasant dumbass?
J - maybe you want to read up on:
Cyber bullying
I know a lot about some things, J. Not as much about others. I'll also admit when I'm wrong. Something I've yet to see you do about any subject ever.
Your comments are fucking hysterical especially in the context of your own comments, but I don't believe you have the cognitive ability, or the aptitude, to see it.
Admit you don't know what you're talking about when outed and you'll be well on your way to both healing and moving out of your grandmother's basement. I'd usually guess mother's basement, but I'm not sure you have any idea who your parents really are.
@Curious George
I can't imagine why Tipper dumped his ass.
I thought it was because he was sliding around the Hotel California with Laurie David.
Isn't there something in the Constitution about separation of Religion and Blogging?
Isn't there something in the Constitution about separation of Religion and Blogging?
You're thinking of the Federalist Emails.
J's just pissed because he blew his birthday money on a bunch of useless carbon credits instead of a new XBox.
Gerry had some interesting posts on the point that Al Gore is not too bright--and flunked out of divinity school first time around.
That made me curious, so I went to Wikipedia to read Al's bio. Now Wikipedia is as friendly to Gore as can be. They give him the full Lewinsky treatment on the 2000 election.
But even though they're biased a few statements stick out. Al went to St Alban's "a tony prep school for the Ivy League"--and graduated 25th out of 51. He applied to only one school--Harvard and got in.
Of course if you are a Senator's son, you're fortunate in more ways than one. Al ranked in the lowest fifth of his Harvard class in his freshman and sophomore years. He avoided science and math because he found them "difficult". He did finally graduate --on time--with a Bachelor of Arts in English.
He enlisted in the Army in 1969 because he thought it would help his father's Senatorial campaign in Tennessee--and because he thought his avoiding the draft would hurt his father. He went into basic training at Ft. Dix in August 1969. (I was in basic and advanced training at Ft. Polk Louisiana during the summer and early fall of 1969. 95% of the guys in my infantry training battalion got two weeks leave and orders to be shipped out to Viet Nam.) Not so our delicate Albert. Somehow he (a) wound up an Army journalist; (b) didn't get orders to go to Viet Nam until January 1971 (i.e. he sat on his safe little keister in the USA for a whole year after training); and (c) was honorably discharged on May 15, 1971.
That discharge date is very interesting for several reasons.
First, in those days you normally served a 12 month tour of duty in
Viet Nam if you were in the Army--13 months if you were a Marine. Al served 4 months(which after all was about 10 weeks longer than Kerry served in Viet Nam).
Second, if you volunteered for the draft, you got a two year hitch---and here Gore is getting out after just 21 months. If you actually enlisted in the Regular Army, you had a three year hitch. Gore got out early no matter how you slice it.
Then Al Gore goes home--dinks around a bit with local journalism. He's at odds and ends and starts divinity school at Vanderbilt--drops out or flunks out after a year. Then he tries law school at Vanderbilt--drops out or flunks out after a year.
No like our other Presidential or would be Presidential Nobel Prize winners (Carter, Gore & Obama--in order of winning their "Prize") Gore is none too bright, and he doesn't do" math and science. Hell of a preacher to the choir though.
Yep, things were looking mighty sweet for Al & Bammy's green gig until the AGW shit hit the CERN fan.
Al wants to convert me? Easy Al, here's how you do it. (1) continue to insult both my intelligence, my motives and my moral fiber. (2) continue to ignore all contrary scientific finding, misrepresent the scientific underpinning of AGW theory, (3) continue to denounce, ad hominem, and try to suppress the opinions or findings of, any scientist who even remotely questions your personal authority on this subject, and (4) continue to talk down to me and everyone else in that...voice of yours.
That will be sure to win me to your side.
Havn't we reached the point yet where we just say Al Who?
Hoss at work here, with a few more s-names (most likely BJM) ,and new white supremacist palsies (including that crypto-klansman Trooper York & Co).
Hoss-BJM with some mumbling about what it takes to be science. Are you claiming that CERN somehow disproved AGW? You're wrong Hoss-tard. CERN was looking for subatomic particles (with little luck), not doing atmospheric physics, or climate modelling.
Youve been exposed, Hoss.
J has been exposed as a cyber-bully.
There is a Cloud blocking the sunshine wherever Gore stands.
The campaign also asks people to hand over control of their social networking accounts on Facebook and Twitter to it for 24 hours to deliver Gore's message.
Sounds like a good way to get yourself defriended!
According to my cousin’s husband, giant king crabs are storming Antarctica and it's all because of global warming! It’s a tragedy. The snow will never be the same.
Beck said buy gold and Algore said buy carbon credits.
Boy, do I feel stupid.
Hoss Beauboy representing for fatboy Glenn Beck. Sad--even the Foxtards shitcanned yr mormon hero, eh. Beck knows nothing about AGW--like you
Scott M said...
Isn't there something in the Constitution about separation of Religion and Blogging?
You're thinking of the Federalist Emails.
LOL. Good one!
Mike: The one thing I don't put on Al's head is his Vietnam duty. The last thing the brass and field commanders wanted to worry about was some senator's son running around in the combat zone getting his ass all shot up. Get him a job behind the lines and get him out as soon as possible. Al knew from the get-go, though, that his time in the service would be pretty easy.
Al was groomed to follow in his father's footsteps and then become president, something Al Sr. could never aspire to because of his segregationist past. I'm not sure this was the path Al wanted to follow; it's certainly not a path he was suited for. But then, who would have listened to his blathering about Earth being in the balance?
If Al wants to convert me, he can sell his 100 foot houseboat and, like me, keep a couple of canoes in his back yard. I'm sure that will be part of this 24 hour show...
I saw the headline and hooted to hubby that we need to sign up.
He really is heading for a crack up.
He did not get to be President. He does get to be Irrelevant.
Another example of stellar intellect and civility from the Juiceboxer "J" Debate and Pissing Club.
I'll bet Gore doesn't once mention manbearpig.
This isn't your site, or your radio show.
J seems to think that this is his site.
Will the crazed sex poodle promise a happy ending?
Where's the sex poodle tape?
Religiony but no clergy? I presume that is the way Madam likes it.
Someone help me out here, who is this 'J' person? He sounds like a typical 12 year old hyped up on Mountain Dew and spewing threats and insults at his betters from the ultimate safety of his anonymity and his mother's basement.
I took a very fast peek at his blog and it looks like pretty standard Statist nonsense to me...Nothing particularly leapt out as 'scientific' or even educated. Which matches his content and style here.
Is he amusing at all, or is the amazing intellect on display here pretty much the limits of his talent?
What's that, Hoss-BJM--don't care for the facts/evidence in favor of AGW (such as DrMueller's research) so like dig up your failed communication 101 class from Tuscon JC?! Maybe just quote yr fave GlennBeck or Limblow rants on AGW, mormon trash.
You don't know what rational disputation or debate is BJM-flunkie (and Alttards--note this BJM is a male,pretending to be female) ,just like you've never put together a formal argument in your life, Hossgrrl. Holy Syllogi sm101 ,ratman
Somebody won't help you "Orion" (hmm,sounds like Hoss,or one of his palsies--maybe Senrab? Bad news--yr about to go down with yr boy HossRon) ,perp, except maybe the mental authorities.
Statist heh. LA Times? HuffPo? NYT? I guess thats enough to scare the F. out of a Romneytard
How many skeptics are going to watch Al Gore (I just typed B instead of G... bore!) for 24 hours, or at all?
Sponsored by Solyndra!
"There will be a full-on assault on climate skeptics, exploring where they get their funding from."
Oh, they really do not want to go there, do they?
"...the 2006 documentary film "An Inconvenient Truth," which earned $49 million at the box office worldwide."
And how much has Gore made from selling carbon credits? The prophet makes a profit selling a clean conscience to those who have a big carbon footprint and can afford to pay.
J, do please be quiet while your betters are having a discussion. Your squalling is mildly distracting. Also, for someone who apparently prides himself on being 'educated', you make an awful lot of assumptions.
If you're trying to threaten me little one, you've got a very long way to go to rise above 'amusing.'
Now, go write 'I will not jump to conclusions' 500 times in cursive and hand it in to your teacher.
So, folks, I'm guessing it's your standard-issue troll, 1 each, do not feed? Or is it fun, and acceptable to play with? I'll refrain from the treat-tossing pending further guidance from the Gallery...
"Interesting that nowhere in the news item is "anthropogenic" mentioned. Gore is trying to convince "deniers" that "climate change" leads to more severe weather events. I'm not sure that there are two clearly defined sides on that issue."
It's bait and switch. (And we see it here, too.)
Few people "deny" that the world is getting some tiny degree warmer. So that's the bait... if you're reasonable or have a clue, scientifically, you can be convinced of this "truth."
Then the switch... because they never really said they were talking about "anthropogenic"... and now because the first bit is true, we're supposed to enforce poverty and economic suicide, and embrace anti-technology/anti-science/anti-progress policies.
I'll believe them when Gore spends 24 hours pushing nuclear power.
Or fission.
Or anti-matter.
Orion asked:...Is he amusing at all, or is the amazing intellect on display here pretty much the limits of his talent?.
Not very amusing. Sad, pitiable, prone to incoherent hysterics, and woefully lacking in the ability to process diverse information and opinions.
Take his tack above of claiming that Dr Mueller, who indeed is an AGW skeptic, now admits that anomalous warming exists. He doesn't. All he's done is statistically treat the data that the 3 main AGW proponents presented as proof of AGW and confirm the temperature trends. No conclusions about the provenance of the data or AGW itself were made. As a matter of fact, Dr Mueller stressed that there is a lot more to be done by his group to even affirm the trends. Following j's link to the original information, and understanding the information presented, and you would not make the claim J did.
J also mocked a poster, BJM, for mentioning CERN. J claimed he said CERN somehow disproved AGW, but he didn't. Look at BLM,s post. It's correct. CERN recently cast a lot of doubt on one of the AGW assumptions about cloud formation.
There's two examples and there is more evidence of his flighty approach to information in this thread alone. He does the same thing in thread after thread on subject after subject. J has some knowledge of a few narrowly defined subjects and believes it makes him smart on every other subject. In actual fact, he's a lightweight on his own subjects, and woefully ignorant on every other one I've seen him address.
Rich fantasy life though. Ask him about his claim of bench pressing 400lbs. A running joke here.
Thank you for the data! One of THOSE, huh? Thanks - I actually DO know the 2005 181lb WABDL Open Bench Press world record holder (He's a firefighter at my old station - my brush with greatness!). 400lbs would be an accomplishment indeed! Would surely eclipse my paltry 254lbs. But that's not difficult. LOL Has he specified what weight-class he lifts in? Or is that a verified fantasy? :D I can't say I know many IT folks who are into weight-lifting although I know a few who are into cycling or swimming. Fitness isn't usually high on our list of activities...
From what I can tell he IS apparently an IT person, but as I've spent decades in that field it doesn't particularly impress me. I've known quite a few IT jocks who made a box of hammers look quite bright and couldn't form a cogent argument if their lives depended upon it. I'm assuming that IT is one of his narrowly-defined subjects of expertise?
I'll put him in the 'Walter Mitty/Elwood P Dowd' category then and consider him harmless. I'm guessing that feeding him poor taste? Doesn't sound like he'd be much fun to joust with and from what I've seen he suffers from the repetitive nonsense spouting that seems to infect almost all Statists.
For the record, I deny that the earth is getting any warmer since 1998 when it entered a stasis followed in 2009 with a sharp cooling trend.
The recent stormier weather is that cooling trend in action.
How much snow pack did we get last winter that caused the massive summer flooding? The Ski resorts were open July 4th as I recall.
Does anyone believe a warming trend caused that snow in that last record setting winter?
I would much rather see Gore engage in a thirty-hour debate with some of those skeptics whose challenges he's been ignoring.
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