August 19, 2011

Hey, I got an "Yglesias Award" nomination...

... from Andrew Sullivan.

The Ylgesias Award is the good one (of Sullivan's 6 awards):
The Yglesias Award is for writers, politicians, columnists or pundits who actually criticize their own side, make enemies among political allies, and generally risk something for the sake of saying what they believe.
Now, did I do that? I'm not sure I have a side. Or political allies. And some people question whether I even have beliefs! That should perhaps disqualify me for that award.


Dave said...

You developed a clear side within the last few years. I am a casual reader (although I look over your posts most days) and I rarely, if ever comment. I started reading this blog when I was a graduate student at UW and considering Law School and have continued since. For better or worse, it does seem that since your marriage, your political commentary and opinions have become pretty reliably conservative (certainly not on all things, but I've noticed a clear difference).

Anonymous said...


Your vote for Obama finally paid off.

Carol_Herman said...

Whatever the awards are for, your blog does generate commentary from "both sides," if not "all sides."

And, this award is in recognition that the Internet works. It draws people in to see stories that might not be on Page One. May not even be covered by Ed Schultz!

I think Peter Jennings is dead.

Though Trump is aiming to get another TV show rolling. By producing a script about tenants in his Trump Tower.

Trump will make more money.

But, definitely, you should win an award. Whose Yglesias?

Andrew Sullivan's won awards?

Shouting Thomas said...

Well, congratulations... I think.

Sullivan is a drugged out lunatic. He's spent most of his time burrowing into what he imagines is the deepest recesses of Sarah Palin's twat.

It will probably bring you more readers.

There is no such thing as bad PR. Even when it comes from a sick fuck like Sullivan.

Anonymous said...

Could someone sum up the stated basis for the nomination? Sullivan is someone to whose site I really do NOT wish to give any traffic.

Peter V. Bella said...

It's Andrew Sullivan. Consider the source.

Anonymous said...

Wow, now intellectual honesty is a risk.

The post modern world of the left is a strange ether to breath.

A. Shmendrik said...

You get a Lucite statue and a gift certificate to Borders,

Shouting Thomas said...

You do a good job on this blog, Althouse.

The way I look at it, you could be luxuriating in the middle of a world of people kissing your ass. That's the lot of a teacher who's got the goodies to hand out.

Instead, you've exposed yourself to people who look at things differently and who sometimes call you an asshole.

At least, that's the way I look at it.

You've got a hell of a soft life. That provokes a lot of envy. What the hell! I could have had that, but I chose otherwise.

Over the long haul, people mostly get what they deserve out of life.

Paddy O said...

"since your marriage, your political commentary and opinions have become pretty reliably conservative"

Interesting you would say this. Because it would appear to be true.

My impression, still, is that on a whole lot of topics you don't match up with your predominantly conservative commentariot. And because you're in a predominantly liberal environment you tend to be interested in thinks that contrast with the dominant assumptions of those around you.

Which means that the assumptions of your being reliably conservative come out of precisely your willingness to make enemies with your otherwise liberal compatriots.

Yet, I'm still wondering if Sullivan thinks you're a conservative tweaking conservatives or a liberal tweaking liberals. I suspect he thinks you're willing to tweak conservatives as a conservative, but in reality you're especially deserving of the reward because of how much liberals have rejected you from their team, even though you're still 'one of them'.

MadisonMan said...

your political commentary and opinions have become pretty reliably conservative (certainly not on all things, but I've noticed a clear difference)

I have a different take.

I think Meade alerts Althouse to more blogworthy items that show conservative viewpoints. When you comment on conservative topics, you may appear to be conservative.

Two other things: Althouse knows her audience and wants them to come back often. Conservative-leaning comments achieve that.

I think Althouse might be frustrated by the fool notions that some Democrats put forth, and her posts reflect a reaction against those. It's pointing out what is wrong so as to guide the party in the correct direction.

In reality, no one knows.

chickelit said...

He's trying to stroke you.
It's hard from him.
This confuses the lad.
Because he's not supposed to do.
But it's the next best thing.

I just wouldn't expect any stamina.

Anonymous said...

Oh no no no, Ann, you most definitely deserve award, congratulations, now keep it up and don't turn into a Neocon. I like you way better when you climb up out of the right wing rut.

chickelit said...

@MadisonMan: Very astute. I think you're right.

Calypso Facto said...

I think you might want to see a doctor about anything you "got" from Sullivan. Was it accompanied by a rash?

Dustin said...

If you really look for it, assuming it's sarcastic, Althouse is agreeing with Noonan that Obama has essentially given up doing his job.

His promises of skillful recovery were untrue.

And Sullivan, like most readers (including myself before I reread) assumed Althouse was making a sincere defense of Obama's recent behavior.

Anyway, it's not the vacation we're upset about, Andrew. It's the failure to accomplish his tasks. Blame blame blame all day, but the buck stops with Obama.

Dark Eden said...

"I'm not sure I have a side. Or political allies. And some people question whether I even have beliefs! That should perhaps disqualify me for that award."

Actually this proves you are qualified for the award.

Anonymous said...

It seems a bit odd getting one for saying something positive about the guy you voted for. Most bloggers I read are much more anti-Obama than you and they periodically say positive things about him. But no Yglesias awards for them. There must be something else at work.

And there is--it simply makes no sense to award the Yglesias to conservatives because crossing the aisle on specific issues purely on principle is business as usual for them. Only among liberals is this unusual.

But, of course, you are not liberal nor really are you conservative. So it's not clear what aisle you crossed, but Sullivan seems to have determined that you crossed it.

Most likely, he has assigned you a side and a set of beliefs and you acted outside the box he put you in.

Astro said...

Congratulations! Now, do the honorable thing and turn it down.

railrider said...

As Rush has said more than once, " still looking for that book, Great Moderates in American History"

ricpic said...

Does Madison Man even know what an insult it is to Althouse to say she blogs right (conservative leaning comments) because "she knows her audience and wants them to come back?"

There's a word for that.

Anonymous said...

Althouse is the Mme Geoffrin of the internet.

Carol_Herman said...

You're a good mom, Ann. Your son John doesn't cotton to the conservative point of view. It probably makes for more interesting table conversations. And, Meade's a pussycat.

The conservative sites that lose steam don't have the variety of opinions you're able to draw in.

And, for some reason, today, I decided JEB's gonna be chosen for the VEEP's slot. Which makes it impossible for Perry to win.

While Trump's using his leverage to sell a new TV show.

As long as Obama stays away from being photographed wearing yellow sweaters, I think he'll be okay.

To win the presidency you only need a smidgen above 50% of the vote. So, November 2012 doesn't have to be a landslide.

While Pelosi waits. She wants Boehner moving out ... where she gets to move in.

Up ahead? Won't just be about one race anymore.

Anonymous said...

"...but the buck stops with Obama."

Are you kidding?

The buck doesn't even tap the brakes, with Obama.

Ann Althouse said...

"The way I look at it, you could be luxuriating in the middle of a world of people kissing your ass. That's the lot of a teacher who's got the goodies to hand out. Instead, you've exposed yourself to people who look at things differently and who sometimes call you an asshole."

Well, you're kind of imagining a cushier environment than I really have here in Madison, where I'm pointed out as a heretic and denounced on a regular basis. If I had gone along to get along, I could have avoided that. But I could tell you the day (and maybe almost the hour) when I stopped doing that.

rhhardin said...

Prize and Prejudice.

rhhardin said...

Prize goeth before a fall.

Anonymous said...

where I'm pointed out as a heretic and denounced on a regular basis.

Sad to hear.

There apparently are episodes of which you choose not to write.

So sad. It is astonishing to contemplate and experience the abject intolerance of the "tolerance" crowd.

Shouting Thomas said...

Well, you're kind of imagining a cushier environment than I really have here in Madison, where I'm pointed out as a heretic and denounced on a regular basis.

I don't have much trouble imagining the environment in Madison. After all, I spend most of my time in Woodstock and Manhattan.

The left is fond of critical thinking... so long as you don't apply it to them.

Woodstock, in particular, exists to provide a hermetically sealed segregated environment for people who never want to encounter somebody who doesn't agree with them.

And, yes, the left in Woodstock gets plenty pissed if you don't toe the party line. I'm often told I should live elsewhere, as if ideological segregation is an admirable thing.

DaveW said...

I'm sorry this happened to you professor. I'm sure you'll recover swiftly.

bagoh20 said...

I think you've done a bang up job of discrediting "cruel neutrality", but I'm not sure how many people are in that club anyway.

AllenS said...

Maybe, you got the reward for:

This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

edutcher said...

The nomination would be more applicable if Ann really was on the Left.

She took the Cruel Neutrality thing seriously and that's how, as once commenter put it, she became the Conservatives' lovable Liberal.

Since her courtship and marriage, she's moved farther to the right, although how far is, I think, very much in the eye of the beholder. Her encounters with the public sector unions and the politicians and the activists have been responsible for that, to a great degree, but what she wants still, IMHO, is for people to be happy, not to be in need, and to get along with one another.

It's just that now the failure of the Leftist model is making her own re-evaluate her assumptions.

Ron said...

But I could tell you the day (and maybe almost the hour) when I stopped doing that.

That's interesting that you would be that specific....but the 'why' intrigues me more.

ricpic said...

To win the presidency you only need a smidgen above 50% of the vote.

And to think, you figured that out all by yourself, Carol Herman.

lonetown said...

I think the point is not that you criticize "your own side" but that you try to be honest regardless of sides.

People who project, interpret that as being willing to criticize your won side once in a while. Just don't get carried away.

1775OGG said...

Heck, a Sully award is worth about as much as what one of FDR's VP said about the VP job! Maybe not even that much. Still, it's an award but not certainly one from your peers, which Sully is not!

Cheers and keep up the good work.

ricpic said...

Hey, edutcher, I want people to be happy, too!

The noive a' dis guy.

bagoh20 said...

I think Althouse is one of only about 4 liberals that comes here anymore. That's unfortunate. I think it's because, the left are pretty embarrassed by themselves lately. She has become more conservative (or less liberal) because she doesn't have the option of not showing up, so what can she do? She's not a quitter.

WV: "glibb" I agree, but F. U. anyway.

Ron said...

Be careful, Ann....Sullivan may need proof Chris is actually your child, and not, say, Meade's. (the resemblance!)

What's that you say, the times don't work out? Well, 'so they say'...By AndyLogic, Meade could be RLC in 'deep cover'. In fact, the name 'RLC' is another typical Althouse clue; the middle letter is two to the left of 'N', as in RNC, as in Republican National Committee. Fakes left, but in reality takes orders from Rove directly...

Neutrality is indeed cruel.

Legpulling Ron

Chip S. said...

Hey, I got an "Yglesias Award" nomination..."

I didn't know you sang.

Carol_Herman said...

In the parliamentary system (which governs european bodies), every single seat winner ends up having clout. Because they can bargain a prime minister, who needs their votes.

It's not the american system.

What "A smidgen above 50%" means is that the winner gets the whole pie. Even if he's just won by a nose.

At racing tracks, at the finish line ... when there's a debate on whose nose crossed the winning line first ... You can see the horse that nose how to flare his nostrils ... is the winnah.

But there are plenty of betting windows open. Good races are tight races! They bring out the most people.

And, people who'd never vote for obama, anyway ... can't change the minds of others who do.

Heck, there are people here who can't even see how Jeb would land in the veep's slot.

Not do I care.

The GOP has a problem with Florida. Jeb would cure that. And, in a toss-up election, Florida's in play.

Delaware? You're kidding me.

chickelit said...

The GOP has a problem with Florida. Jeb would cure that. And, in a toss-up election, Florida's in play.

The Bushies have to destroy Perry first and Palin and Bachmann too. That takes out too many people Carol.

I know it's your fantasy, though.

Jason (the commenter) said...

Now, did I do that? I'm not sure I have a side. Or political allies. And some people question whether I even have beliefs! That should perhaps disqualify me for that award.

Althouse is a liberal, she criticizes Andrew Sullivan, therefore she qualifies.

Henry said...

What would a Kaus award be?

FedkaTheConvict said...

I suggest we create a drinking game; a shot every time Carol Herman mentions either Donald Trump or Jeb Bush.

We'd all be pretty hammered.

Who is this Yglesias Award name for? Matt Yglesias?

chickelit said...

What would a Kaus award be?

Better, what would a Sullivan award be?

garage mahal said...

Althouse is a liberal

No she isn't.

Phil 314 said...

To win the presidency you only need a smidgen above 50% of the vote.

One smidgen to be exact.

Michael said...

I dont care for Sullivan but the award, named after someone i also dont care for, is meant as a compliment and i would take it as such. Congratulations.

Phil 314 said...

I think he's hoping you'll nominate him in return.

PS He likes blondes

Phil 314 said...

My comment lead me to this.

Automatic_Wing said...

Giving you an "award" named after Yglesias is about the dumbest thing I've ever heard - as a blogger, he's not fit to carry your keyboard. Matty typifies the liberal pundit/journolist mindset: dull, predictable and clueless. Blech.

It's like giving Albert Pujols an award named after Mario Mendoza or something.

TWM said...

"I'm not sure I have a side."

I suppose that's a good thing for a blog in that it brings in people from all sides and allows them to engage in the conversation equally, but as a person, it really doesn't speak well.

Capital Punisher said...

well deserved!

Sal said...

Is Andrew Sullivan still around?

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Sullivan fell for the professor's sarcasm.

Ann Althouse said...

"Sullivan fell for the professor's sarcasm."


Anonymous said...

Althouse's blog followers are mostly Conservatives, some Libertarians and a handful of Liberals. Althouse is no Liberal, I suspect she may be independent at heart, but influenced by Meade into listening to the naughty devil on her right shoulder. It was refreshing today to see Althouse still has a mind of her own. I always suspected Meade is a bad influence, but he must have endearing qualities, no one is all bad.

Sal said...

Well, you're kind of imagining a cushier environment than I really have here in Madison, where I'm pointed out as a heretic and denounced on a regular basis. If I had gone along to get along, I could have avoided that. But I could tell you the day (and maybe almost the hour) when I stopped doing that.

So, what happened that day? Tell us. Did I miss something?

Henry said...

Jason (the commenter) wrote: "Althouse is a liberal"

Garage Mahal wrote: "No she isn't"

Give that lady another award!

gadfly said...

We can only hope that the award is named after Raphael and not Matt -- the guy who writes the garbage for George Soros and John Podesta over at Think Progress. Raphael seems like a nice guy.

As for your intellectual leanings, Professor, we need only recall what Winston Churchill said:

“If you're not a liberal at twenty you have no heart, if you're not a conservative at forty you have no brain.”

grackle said...

But I could tell you the day (and maybe almost the hour) when I stopped doing that.

Intriguing. Mind expanding on that? What caused the decision to shun PC?

On another note: Right? Left? Just where does our hostess fit on the political spectrum? Perhaps she takes each issue on without bothering to consider its place on the spectrum. Such a practice can make for difficulty in classification.

As for her vote for Obama: A philosopher once held that we all do what we want to do and find reasons later. She thought Obama was a better choice than McCain – an opinion which comes close to what some conservatives feel, especially social conservatives – better a Democrat than McCain.

Ann Althouse said...

"Althouse is no Liberal, I suspect she may be independent at heart, but influenced by Meade into listening to the naughty devil on her right shoulder. It was refreshing today to see Althouse still has a mind of her own. I always suspected Meade is a bad influence, but he must have endearing qualities, no one is all bad."

Meade, like me, was pretty liberal most of his life, comes from a family that voted for Republicans, and was deeply affected by 9/11. We quite simpatico.

Ann Althouse said...

"“If you're not a liberal at twenty you have no heart, if you're not a conservative at forty you have no brain.”"

I see you're counting by 20s. I'm 60. So... another category is needed.

Ann Althouse said...

"Intriguing. Mind expanding on that? What caused the decision to shun PC? "

The day was September 11, 2001. The precise moment was when a colleague of mine announced with sincerity and fervor that the attacks occurred because of this. I had absorbed and been sensitive to so many things in the years since I decided to go to law school (in 1978). I had held my tongue. But I said "no" out loud and with undisguised disgust, and I never went back

Ann Althouse said...

Here's a better link to that. Contemporaneous.

XWL said...

"I see you're counting by 20s. I'm 60. So... another category is needed."

20s, liberal
40s, conservative
60s, (my stab at a quote)

If you aren't both thoroughly disgusted yet quietly bemused by politics at 60, then you haven't been paying attention.

Sue D'Nhym said...

Come to think of it, I don't think I have ever seen you criticize someone for not having a side. You have criticized for not saying anything, but not for actually not having a side.

You are biased that way.

Anonymous said...

I agree with your take on the comment of the co worker that 911 was in retribution for Powell skipping the Conference because of the assertion that Israel was a racist nation. Hell NO. PC can be carried too far and if we really don't feel that way, but just fall into line to be PC, we haven't been true to ourselves and do ourselves a disservice. Ann we are the same age, I still am a Liberal, but dont mind telling a Liberal they are full of shit IF warranted.

Henry said...

“If you're not a liberal at twenty you have no heart, if you're not a conservative at forty you have no brain.”

Churchill never said that. It's commonly misattributed to him. What Churchill did say was, "Nothing in life is so exhilarating as to be shot at without result."

Writ Small said...

The award is named after Matt. I think it dates back to when both he and Andrew were both bloggers at the Atlantic.

Sullivan gives out (Michael) Moore and (Hugh) Hewitt awards, for intemperate left and right wing rhetoric respectively. In the old days, Sullivan was pretty equal opportunity. These days, the Moore awards are rare while the Hewitt awards are plentiful. Similarly, the Yglesias is more often awarded to right wingers criticizing their side than the reverse.

The "award" definitely means Andrew views Ann as in the Conservative / Republican camp, which is odd since despite his fervent Obama support and hatred of all things Bush, Palin, Romney, McCain and now Bachmann and Perry, he describes himself as "conservative." It's unclear why he doesn't extend the labeling courtesy to Ann he expects for himself.

In truth, he once was an eloquent voice for conservatives. I saw him as a kind of genius who made a compelling conservative, gay rights arguments from virtually within the conservative movement. A whole lot of conservatives were open to his ideas on that subject because he was such an gifted defender of the war on terror. He was once big on the idea of a "South Park conservative," a younger generation of cool conservatives to whom he felt aligned and who were his early blog fans.

Then Bush supported some anti-gay piece of legislation, and that was the beginning of the end of his conservative alliance. Weeks earlier he had blogged about how tough it was to defend Bush at parties, as most of his friends, like Chris Hitchens, were liberals. After what he clearly viewed as a betrayal, Andrew became over time an increasingly shrill critic of the George W. His conservative allies started to distance themselves. He had public blog feuds - some quite nasty - with Glenn Reynolds, James Taranto, and Mickey Kaus among others. Former foes, like Juan Cole, Paul Krugman and Josh Marshall, were slow to ally with Sullivan, so he had a period of time with few friends.

Evenually, Andrew's discussion of "South Park" conservatives disappeared. This was replaced by "Christianists" and other pejoritives for his erstwhile friends. These days, Sullivan tends to focus attention on what are to him the ugliest sides of the Conservative movement.

The openness conservatives once felt to his ideas on gay rights gradually diminished, and he came to be seen as just another liberal who could safely be ignored. I often wondered if he reflected on the degree to which he set his own cause back by his ideological transformation.

I still read the guy. His talent as a writer is undeniable, and he usually has something on his blog of interest. His bias and bitterness towards the right is ugly, so I "get" the unforgiving attitude of many.

Heart_Collector said...

Is this like the special olympics of the blogosphere. Can you win it if you werent playing?

Your better than whatever this is.

Trooper York said...

Althouse is a liberal

Pro abortion on demand. Big time feminist. Law professor teaching ambulance chasers how to destroy regular guys.

Voted for the jug eared Jesus.

She has conservative fans because she believes in the first amendment.

But she as liberal as Jane hamster

Kirk Parker said...


"but as a person, it really doesn't speak well. "

Really? Don't you all remember some while back, when the masthead here read "Politics, and the aversion to politics"? There's a fairly large class of people who really don't want to have to think about politics and yet don't want politics done to them either. I fail to see what's wrong with that.

Kirk Parker said...


I like your drinking game. Things have been really dry around my placee ever since that guy over at Volokh shut up about Bingham.

Kirk Parker said...

"And to think, you figured that out all by yourself, Carol"

OBJECTION! Asserting facts not in evidence, your honor.

Anonymous said...

The right is to Sullivan what
the left is to Althouse.

bagoh20 said...

The end.

HitBatsman said...

By age 60 the brain and the heart have fought it out, one gaining ascendancy. So we have a fork in the road: If the heart wins, one becomes totalitarian, knowing what's best for everyone and wishing to bestow it to one and all whether they want it or not. If the brain wins, one becomes libertarian, realizing how diverse the experiences and errors of life are.

Trooper York said...

You know what Canuck....that is actually pretty fair. I think you are on to something.

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