What the hell happened?
What began as a goodwill trip to China for the Georgetown men’s basketball team turned violent Thursday night, when its exhibition game against a Chinese professional club deteriorated into a benches-clearing melee in which players exchanged blows, chairs were thrown and spectators tossed full water bottles at the Hoyas players and coaches as they headed to the locker room.
The photo makes the Chinese players look like they are stomping on one American guy while another American guy expresses outrage.
The brawl occured one night after Vice President Biden, who is in Beijing on a four-day visit to discuss U.S.-Chinese economic relations, attended a Georgetown game against another Chinese club at the Olympic Sports Center. That game, which was won by Georgetown, passed without incident.
So this has nothing to do with Biden?
Well, Biden can have that effect on some people.
What happened?
What do these events have in common?
Georgetown basketball team
Philadelphia flash mobs
Riots in England
Wisconsin state fair incident
The Chinese were clearly behaving badly. I blame their Hip Hop culture.
Here's the video
Fucking yellow bastards started swinging chairs. The Hoyas should've ripped that shit out of their hands and beaten each and every one of them to within an inch of their lives. And the shitbag Commie crowd throwing trash was a nice touch. Fuck you, China.
First time I've ever rooted for the Georgetown basketball team in my life.
The first shots are fired in the war for Taiwan.
So this has nothing to do with Biden?
That was the winning Blonde Question.
Some runners up:
- So this has nothing to do with sweaty black men?
- So this has nothing to do with Chinese Communists playing a Western sport?
- So This has nothing to do with chop suey?
Honorable mention:
- No fair! The chink is fighting with his FEET!!
Uh huh. What's a "Hoyas" in English?
Why did Biden go to China?
Next time, I think we should "send" Trump. Trump has one good idea after another. Including taxing everything China exports to America ... to stop the charade China plays with its currency ... so it always goes down when Americans show up to do business.
Go ahead, talk basketball all you want.
Oh. And. "welcome" to China. Where none of the Chinese go to jail! Eggrolls, yes. Justice, not a chance.
I believe Hoya translates to "rock" in some form of Latin.
Wikipedia tells me I was half/kinda/sorta right..."The team name is derived from the mixed Greek and Latin chant, "Hoya Saxa," (meaning "What Rocks") "
It looked like a cultural exchange of wilding techniques.
Black people in groups always cause trouble. Milwaukee county fair assaults; Philadelphia street brawls; Chicago, Boston, Atlanta, and Phoenix flash mobs; crazy bitches that beat up that cross-dresser at McDonalds; crazy bitches that went ape at a McDonalds in Florida; etc. People try sugarcoating it by calling them "teens," but the city council of Germantown, MD isn't fooling anyone with who their "curfew" is directed at.
Biden? Yeah, blame it on the white guy.
That was a nasty brawl. In the video MarkG links, you can clearly hear some yell in English "Kill them!"
@Lincolntf, that's the official story. Truth is, no one knows how the Georgetown teams came to be known as the Hoyas.
What evidence do you have that the Georgetown players instigated this, Coketown? It sure does not look that way from the video, though you can't see the lead up. Your racist assumption is pathetic. The R word is vastly overused but there's no other explanation for your nasty and uninformed post.
Watch the fucking video, you idiot. It wasn't because they were "black guys" that they had a brawl. Grow the fuck up. Not every single story is fodder for your little racial theses.
Your racist assumption is pathetic. The R word is vastly overused but there's no other explanation for your nasty and uninformed post.
I submitted a not-comprehensive list of black people behaving badly spanning just a couple months. Crime statistics back me up on this. The R-word is vastly overused, and that includes your reflexive little bitching-fest over the not-unreasonable insinuation that, yeah, groups of black people cause quite a bit of trouble, and you can't read a newspaper nowadays without reading a story about it.
@MarkG, thanks for the link. Looks like a Chinese player started it, and around the 20 second mark you can clearly see a Chinese athlete clubbing someone -- a Georgetown player, I presume -- with his fist.
The Big East is known for "letting them play" and "taking the whistle out of the referee's mouth," so the Hoyas are used to rough play. But this goes a bit far.
The Chinese are taught to hate America. They're fed with a lot of anti-American propaganda about how America doesn't want them to succeed.
I heard it was a tossup. The famous classic black thug culture of Georgetown Basketball - against the overweening nationalist arrogance of Han Master Race now believing they are conquerers of the world.
The Chicommies have been in other fights with other national teams.
I wouldn't necessarily go with the ordinarily reasonable surmise that it was likely thug basketball behind it.
Noodle-sucking little punks wouldn't last 30 seconds on any decent urban court. The U.S. teams over there should pack up and head home tonight. Let the fucking pussies play against each other.
Just to spray a little more gas on the fire, another black-on-white mob attack.
Maybe they are upset because we're going to pay them back 50 cents for every dollar they loaned us.
(I mean, we'll give them a dollar. But it will be worth 50 cents.)
No, Coketown. You can't wiggle out of this. You blamed this incident on the black Georgetown players. You had no basis for the conclusion other than your clearly stated belief that groups of black people "always cause trouble." Those were your words. "Always."
It's good that Althouse does not censor. People can see you for what you are.
Halo Joe was talking about restoring one of the original Swedish settlements in DE and was asking the best material to put between the logs.
Someone heard the word "chink" and that was all that was needed.
Carol_Herman said...
Uh huh. What's a "Hoyas" in English?
Lincoln is right.
Georgetown is Catholic and Hoya comes from the Latin, "On this rock, I will build my Church"
Yeah--there are black on white group attacks. That take from Philly is one of them. Those women (girls!) are racist too. My point is that Coketown is exactly the same kind of person as those kids in the black mobs.
Chinese are a nationalistic group.
And they have no women to direct their competitive young male need to win acceptance. So war is all they have left.
So killing all of the girls is not such a great idea after all.
Everybody hates Georgetown!
Here is China v. Brazil in a basketball brawl.
China v. Brazil
The coach is American, and the guys from Brazil have not much in common with the guys on the Hoyas.
I don't think any deep conclusions can be made.
Hell the Boys from Brazil look like Larry Bird's Celtics and the American coach looks like he could use a tranq dart.
Everybody hates John Thompson and the Hoyas.
Just hope they don't send Uconn to China.
Remember when Thompson screwed up the '88 Olympics. He didn't understand International BB was different then the Big East. So, he made the US olympic team into a Hoya clone. Lots of athletes who couldn't shoot the 3 pointer.
The Russkies ate them for lunch.
I can't wait for the U.S. to play China in the Olympics (obviously depending on seeding, qualifying, etc.), less than a year from now. Payback from the big fellas will be a bitch.
Gawd I hope the Brits let their bobbies have batons.
British Bobbies May Trade Billy Clubs for Baton : Police: Officers are testing an expandable metal defensive device made in the U.S.
Afternoon tea and fish and chips are safe. But one American company is hoping to exert a little influence on another British mainstay--the bobby.
Police officers in Britain, known as bobbies, traditionally carry only 14-inch wooden billy clubs for protection. But in reaction to increasing violence, bobbies are now testing an American-style expandable police baton produced by a small New Hampshire company.
I swear during the recent troubles I read somewhere they were still debating this-seventeen years later.
Just watched the Brazil v. China fight. Yup, the Chinese are the biggest pussies on earth. Kicking people on the ground, bum-rushing single players. Hope those douchebags realize that their greatest potential in life is to one day deliver me a Number 9 luncheon special with extra Crab Rangoon. Fucking losers.
Kicking people on the ground...
Ya, what the hell is up with that?
Kicking more like stomping.
The Chinese thuggery is perfectly reasonable: Everything in the world naturally belongs to China. Anyone who stands in the way deserves to be crushed. /sarc
Georgetown is Catholic and Hoya comes from the Latin, "On this rock, I will build my Church"
Because it's on a rocky palisade overlooking the the fall line of the Potomac.
I hope we get a link that gives us a credible account of what happened.
International Basketball is often out of control. Big men, rough sport, bad officiating and court organization.
Historically Georgetown hasn't had a nice reputation but in this type of event its incumbant on the hosts to set the proper tone. If they have any sense of what that is.
Ooo, a basketball fight. Slapping and scratching and kicking.
When does hockey start? Maybe the Chinese national team would like to play an exhibition against the Red Wings. Or against a halfway decent high school squad, maybe that would be more competitive.
The commies probably started it all since they had numerical superiority. The Hoyas must have felt like the Marines at Chosin Reservoir.
phx, from the linked article, it sounds like the officials were letting the Chinese team get away with excessively rough play without calling any fouls on them, while calling everything they could on the Georgetown team. At one point before the fight, one of the Chinese players got up in Coach Thompson's face -- that's pretty unusual at any level of basketball. That this guy didn't get ejected, or at least a tech, is beyond belief.
The video seems to bear this out -- the Chinese team was spoiling for a fight, and when it started, they fought dirty; and the officials and police did nothing to protect the grossly outnumbered Americans.
Duke did not have a fight. What does that tell you?
"Including taxing everything China exports to America..."
Sorry Carol Herman, no can do. There is some super world organization called WTO (World Trade Organization): the US cannot unilaterally impose taxes on imports. Of course other countries can always exclude US products unless they have signed `bilateral free trade agreements with the US. Don't ask me why. The US is always the Big Bad Wolf, even though it is a leaking Wolf balloon, to be restrained. Our politicians are always ready to do their big money contributors' biddings.
Georgetown is Catholic and Hoya comes from the Latin, "On this rock, I will build my Church"...
Georgetown is certainly Roman Catholic, but the verse from the Gospel of St. Matthew as given in the Vulgate is ... et ego dico tibi quia tu es Petrus et super hanc petram aedificabo ecclesiam meam et portae inferi non praevalebunt adversum eam. I can't get "Hoya" out of that.
Everywhere this administration goes things turn to shit. King Shidas. Hes brownish in skin color. He touches himself. Hes the president... lol???
Anyone seen Ip Man or Ip Man 2? Very well-made films with good Kung Fu, but also extremely propogandistic and nationalistic promoting the idea that the Chinese have been historically victimiized and that it's time to start fighting back.
Spent a few months in Beijing in 2002. The English-language paper there was full of the same kind of thing.
The constant stoking of resentment is a really sick thing. Fortunately for us, we're above that sort of thing. Right?
Couldn't have happened to a better, more deserving team. No one should be surprised that the Hoyas were involved in a melee. Does John Thompson III carry on his father's racist tradition of recruiting only blacks?
"ic" @ 9:27 PM. Watch Trump. Don't watch me. The WTO, the UN. NATO. The whole foreign bag of tricks. Bunch of Douchnozzles. Plus, all their technology, they steal from us.
When our copter went down outside Bin Laden's compound, we should's sent missiles into it. Leaving nothing but dust for the pakistanis to show the chinese.
We play "stupid." We get stupid returns.
David is quite right to call Coketown out on the racist assumptions behind his remarks. However, I think it is fair to say that making a prejudiced comment on the internet is not quite the same thing as joining in a mob and physically attacking someone.....I couldn't follow the action on the court, but it seems to me that the proper prejudice is to favor the Americans.
The Chinese have been paying for our inability to live within our means for a long time, and they are now simply frustrated that they don't think that they'll get their money back. I don't blame them.
"However, I think it is fair to say that making a prejudiced comment on the internet is not quite the same thing as joining in a mob and physically attacking someone."
I see your point but the one leads to the other so I don't draw much of a distinction.
On another site someone in the comments stated they were watching the game on TV (They live in the DC area) and stated the game was a farce from the beginning due to biased refs and the Chinese players were looking to start something and did
This account is backed up by a WAPO story.
Some Chinese fans were incredulous. “It seemed that [the referee] was eager for the Chinese team win tonight, so the Georgetown team members were very unhappy about it,” said Zhou Ting, 26, a doctoral candidate in biology at the Chinese Academy of Science who attended both games. “I can tell the Chinese players provoked the conflict. . . . The [Bayi] basketball players have got a bad habit of revenge on every small, unfair thing in the Chinese Basketball Association. It’s a hooligan’s habit.”
"The Hoyas should've ripped that shit out of their hands and beaten each and every one of them to within an inch of their lives."
Yeah, that would have been my first impulse. In China. Land of the number-one largest employer in the world, the Red Army. Behind their heavily-patrolled borders. Where no matter which direction you travel, you'll always quickly encounter some area where past Chinese rulers have ordered the deaths of millions.
Honesty and good sportsmanship are core American values. When those who are supposed to exhibit them fail to do so, whether it's a referee who blatantly makes calls for one team or a "Justice" department or Secretary of the Treasury who don't follow their own rules, we get angry. We don't like it when the fix is in.
Thompson should have pulled the Hoyas off the court much earlier and told the Chinese that they wouldn't come back until the vision-impaired referee went to the local Wal-Mart optical and got some glasses.
The real question is, when will Thomas Friedman come out with a column praising Chinese brawling skills - the breathtaking, national investment in developing and understanding how to commit cheap-shot hard fouls in a goodwill game - and how America, with its crumbling, neglected basketball infrastructure, is falling behind the PRC in advancing on-the-court pugilism into the 21st century.
Sixty Grit --
"Paging Crack Emcee - come tell us what shit eating white people we are for mentioning race."
You forgot that you don't know anything about religion either. C'mon, that's always a two'fer.
Watching the video, it looks like it starts when a Chinese player intentonally trips one of the Americans (obscured somewhat by the spectator's head at the beginning of the video.) No foul is called, and he retaliates by intentionally tripping one of the Chinese players (just offscreen), who immediately starts throwing punches. That clears the benches.
Apparently there were a lot of words and shoving going on throughout the game at the foul line.
According to the story in today's Chicago Tribune the Chinese team has gotten in numerous brawls and has been fined tens of thousands of dollars in recent months.
It was also noted that Georgetown was whistled for about 3 times as many fouls as the Chinese were.
Was there any evidence of the Georgetown team using social media to coordinate their fouls against the Chinese?
8/19/11 9:20 AM
Blogger Scott M said...
Was there any evidence of the Georgetown team using social media to coordinate their fouls against the Chinese?
Dude, I LOL'ed
I got your goodwill, right here!
The Chinese team is a pro team that is connected to the military, so nothing surprises me.
Georgetown is coached by John Thompson III. He is the son of John Thompson, Jr., who coached the Hoyas from 1972-1999. The current coach went to Princeton, and was the head coach there before becoming the Georgetown coach in 2004.
The current coach Thompson has implemented a version of the so-called "Princeton offense" while at Georgetown, which slows the game tempo somewhat. While the "thug" reputation of Hoysa under the first coach Thompson is undeserved, the style of play under the second is very different. Last year, for example, the Hoyas were tied for seventh in the Big East in the number of fouls per game in conference play, with an average of 18.7 per game (see http://statsheet.com/mcb/conferences/big-east/team_stats?season=2010-2011#fouls). This is consistent with prior years under this coach. They have not been a dirty team.
One of the things that has not been reported extensively is that the Chinese team was affiliated in some way with the People's Liberation Army.
As for the definition of Hoya, it remains obscure, but see http://www.hoyabasketball.com/history/hoia.htm.
Overlooked by the US press, the University of Hawaii basketball team is also currently on a goodwill tour in China---they were in Beijing yesterday--- and have experienced no incidents like the Georgetown game.
Back in the '70's I went to China to play hockey. those people are animals. We were prepared for a sub-par arena, but they would randomly hack chunks of concrete out of the seats and throw them at us. their players were poor skaters, unable to shoot or puck handle, but thought nothing of using their sticks to beat us to a pulp. Nuke the place, I say.
They had ice in China as early as the 70's?
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