August 17, 2011

Ben Smith is still trying to get his mind around Rick Perry's manliness..

... and my mocking of him for his problem getting his mind around Rick Perry's manliness....

Smith says Perry's manliness is "shtick" which can be taken too far. There's something weirdly beta about Smith's relationship with Perry's masculinity. I notice how he lapses into light lisping toward the end of that clip when he's lauding Perry in relation to Bachmann. As I said in the previous post, Perry seems to have thrown some macho whammy on the press boys.

ADDED: I don't think Smith refers to it — though perhaps he means to allude to it — but there have long been rumors that Perry is gay. Google "Is Rick Perry Gay?" and you'll easily find the sort of stuff that's out there. Byron York might have intended to allude to these rumors when he said, in the clip above, that Perry isn't the kind of guy that is interested in Lady Gaga.


Anonymous said...

I think the media liberals are perhaps more comfortable with a snarky, arugula-chomping leftist.

Bob said...

The man shot a coyote to death while he was jogging. MSM knows an alpha when they see one. Right now they're collectively rolling on their backs and offering their soft underbellies in submission.

chickelit said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
chickelit said...

I'd wager they're attempting "swagger transfer" here.

Remember that journolist (I forget who) that said he/she felt a visceral loathing whenever they saw GWB because of his swagger and cowboy boots?
Der Spiegel captured what these two tricksters are trying to pull off here-even though it's blatantly obvious.

JR said...

Just came from reading LAT front page: “Obama's big bad bus draws stares, taunts.” Looks like a “Men in Black” gag bus. Size matters. Perry needs a bus. Then Perry and Obama can compare mini-crickets.

Scott M said...

Perry seems to have thrown some macho whammy on the press boys. well as their much more stupid step-cousins, ad agency executives, who, with the exception of Old Spice and Dos Equis, wouldn't know a masculine man if he punched them in the face Norris-style.

Oh, how we've fallen since trying to knock the battery off Robert Conrad's shoulder.

Chennaul said...

Perry is referring to something in his resume-and even bad press is going to get that fact out there for him.

It's going to be an edge that helps him in the South Carolina and Florida primary.

But it's something that a certain segment of the population really doesn't know about or factor in-when they are thinking about those primaries.

It's going brilliantly so far.

Now depending on how the schedule for the primaries shakes out-it could be Deadly for the rest of the field.

And, there is literally nothing they can do about it.

Hell even Obama got him high altitude on the issue...


Trooper York said...

If you are a man you do not comment on other men's maniliness.

That's creepy.

Joe said...

(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)

Perry’s gay, you know…
Or consorts with strippers and prostitutes…whoa, hold on, no one said which sex strippers and prostitutes, so the two stories are NOT contradictory….
He’s not a real man/Conservative.

Just doing the job of the Democratic party, the Media and Paulbots so they don’t have to and can focus on the IMPORTANT things, like Palin at a fair or Bachmann eating a corn dog.

Chennaul said...

The best thing that can happen for Republicans is if this thing raps up fast.

Keep the powder, er campaign money dry.

Save it for the big dance.

Chip S. said...

Watching this was like having to listen to a couple of halfwit undergraduates exchange deep thoughts at the next table in the coffee shop.

The word that kept flashing before me during that clip was epicene. No wonder Perry seems alien to them.

Shanna said...

The man shot a coyote to death while he was jogging.

Seriously? That's kind of awesome. Other than that, Rick Perry just seems normal to me.

Joe said...

(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)

Other than that, Rick Perry just seems normal to me

You sad deluded womon…have you ever seen Chuck Norris and Rick Perry in the same room at the same time? Just say’n…

Carol_Herman said...


Somebody's gonna get picked to run against obama. My bet is that obama, if he had his druthers ... wouldn't mind perry being picked.

Chennaul said...

To save his daughter's puppy.

Funny how they leave that out.

Lincolntf said...

Libs all through 2008-
"OMG!!! Look at Obama! He's sooo charismatic! And look at those abs!!! And his steely gaze!!...ooooh, I just luvvvv him..."

Now Perry gets the opposite treatment because deep down inside every Liberal "man" there is a 13-year old girl trying to get out. Might as well put down the Salon magazine and pick up the Tiger Beat, fellas, you're not fooling anyone.

Carol_Herman said...

Dubya, when he left office, had a "popularity rating set in the dumps at 31%.

It's more interesting to me that the right can't come to terms with how it can lose. Other than running away from the subject.

The recall yesterday, where the democraps didn't lose at all ... should sort'a clue you in a bit.

Heavy voter turnout.

Wisconsin which was the BLUE BLUE Bluest of States; entered the tossup column.

And, yet? With all that on the line, all you can see are the usual suspects coming out showing hatred. And, baring their teeth.

And, I keep wondering why.

Saint Croix said...

Smith says Perry's manliness is "shtick" which can be taken too far.

Mr. T would be too far.

"No I don't hate Bernacke. I pity the fool, and I will destroy any man who tries to take dollars from the people."

Chennaul said...

Are they that bad?

Do I have to go listen to this clip?

Brennan said...

Actually, Obama needs Rick Perry. Obama can't even rally his own base by himself. He's always needed a fall guy.

- Alice Palmer
- Jack Ryan
- George Bush
- Rick Perry

This will be the first time Obama has run for office with a record to defend.

TMink said...

You know, I think his policy is a tad more important than his butch.

And I agree completely with Trooper, who I usually agree completely with. What kind of man worries about how masculine another man is? Not the kind of men we hang around.


gerry said...

We've got a whiny metrosexual in the White House. Naturally, anything that doesn't mince and which may be a threat must be found to be fake.

I wonder if Obama will start laspsing occasionally into some sort of ghetto-speak to enhance his manliness?

chickelit said...

Those who recognize Perry as a natural preditor for entrenched partisans of both sides in DC believe that he, like Palin, must be destroyed. He has lot of the same ability to grow stronger from their perceived fear and loathing.

This is going to get a lot uglier.

mariner said...

The man shot a coyote to death while he was jogging.

Poor little coyote never bothered anyone,
Just joggin' down the road's his idea of having fun.

Coyote, Rick Perry's after you.
Coyote, if he catches you you're through.

Anonymous said...

Perry eats big corn dogs too.

chickelit said...

madawaskan said...
To save his daughter's puppy.

Funny how they leave that out.

Good point, madawaskan. 'Cuz doing that would show that he had....sensitivity!

Bruce Hayden said...

Smith says Perry's manliness is "shtick" which can be taken too far.

Must not have spent much time in Texas, or dealt much with Aggies. If it is shtick, then much of the state is infested with it.

The difference between the west, where I come from, and Texas, where Perry comes from, is that our manly men are quiet about their manly accomplishments, while Texans are more likely to brag about it. It is just the way that they are - a bit loud and boisterous.

Shanna said...

You sad deluded womon…have you ever seen Chuck Norris and Rick Perry in the same room at the same time? Just say’n…

Heh. I’m from the south. Every member of my family has a gun. All the men hunt. It’s normal. Those other guys are the oddballs!

To save his daughter's puppy.


I saw an anti-Texas/Perry post on facebook this morning and thought, man. They are scared. Perry has the most potential of any of the folks that have tossed their hat in so far.

DaveW said...

Here's a data point for you. I'm the president of our home owner's association. There are 34 homes in our neighborhood.

We have 3 people that I know carry handguns routinely and possess a CCW. All three are middle aged women. Well, I guess you could call one of them on the older side of middle aged.

So perhaps Perry packing heat won't hurt him with "suburban women" as the flaccid Mr. Smith thinks.

traditionalguy said...

Perry has a full range of emotions, and that is picked up on by the Gay men.

But Perry is all Texas Rancher. He may be sensitive to the livestock, but he still knows what the man in charge has to do with them, and how to deal with cowboys who are lonely men.

The lesson is to always have the upper hand over the horse, the cows, and the cowboys. No backing down is allowed, ever.

Gays usually do not raise a heard of anything except poodles, not that there is anything wrong with that.

The curious Ben Smith should spend a year at Ranch Management School and see how these men act and why.

The best program in Texas is at TCU, where they learn how to heard Badgers too.

mariner said...

Obama can't even rally his own base by himself. He's always needed a fall guy.

- Alice Palmer
- Jack Ryan
- George Bush
- Rick Perry

Laura Palmer?

Carol_Herman said...

Oh, I read someplace that if Walker gets challenged with a recall, ahead, Russ Feingold is gonna be the opponent. And, I wondered if that was a threat or a promise?

I also know back in 1936, when FDR was up for his own first re-election, things in America were really deep down awful. (He was accused of creating a worthless alphabet soup.) But people didn't change horses.

I have this sick feeling obama is gonna waltz into his second term. And, the tea party? Can't create a majority with smoke & mirrors.

Scott M said...

I have this sick feeling obama is gonna waltz into his second term.

Not without an assassination attempt or major terrorist attack, he won't.

Chennaul said...

chickenlittle and Shanna

A labradorpuppy to boot!

They are scared.


Saint Croix said...

Paul Ryan, by the way, apparently has been thinking hard about running, ever since Mitch Daniels bowed out.

He asked to be kept off the deficit commission while he figured out if he was going to run or not.

A radio interview he gave on Friday strongly suggests he might run.

Wow. I hope he's in. I would like very much to see Ryan and Palin in the race.

Chennaul said...

Unfortunately unless the polling data changes drastically-(and NY is melting down but not enough yet)-

you have to spot Obama- Illinois, NY, and Cali.

Chennaul said...

I think Alice Palmer is from back when he was a state senator, no?

Original Mike said...

"Mr. T would be too far.

"No I don't hate Bernacke. I pity the fool, and I will destroy any man who tries to take dollars from the people.""

I don't know. Kinda has a nice ring to it.

FedkaTheConvict said...

Actually, Obama needs Rick Perry. Obama can't even rally his own base by himself. He's always needed a fall guy.

- Alice Palmer
- Jack Ryan
- George Bush
- Rick Perry

This will be the first time Obama has run for office with a record to defend.

You omitted Blair Hull.

Hoosier Daddy said...

"... deep down inside every Liberal "man" there is a 13-year old girl trying to get out..."

Laughed. My. Ass off.

Now that should be a bumper sticker and the official GOP campaign slogan.

Well played sir.

chickelit said...

madawaskan: A labrador puppy to boot!

Don't even write such a thing! They read Althouse and will twist your phrase and make him into a Michael Vick or something!

Jeff in Oklahoma said...

If it hasn't already, it will become painfully obvious that the MSM will paint Perry as the devil.

In Perry's announcement, he sent painful tingles up the leg of the MSM and the establishment with this line:

“I’ll promise you this, I’ll work every day to try to make Washington, DC, as inconsequential in your life as I can.’’ (for what this may mean, read Jeff Jacoby,

The MSM have already tried and failed to discredit his "jobs record" (and how silly is that - - "they aren't "real jobs"). An excellent statistic laden survey at

Perry is nearly 180 degrees from the liberals core belief that government is the answer to your problems. The knives are out. Somehow, I don't think Perry cares much.

Hoosier Daddy said...

"... Perry eats big corn dogs too..."

Why not? They taste better than arugula.

Jeff in Oklahoma said...

^^ I failed to add, that Perry's statement heartens many Libertarians. ^^

chickelit said...

Apple cake said: Perry eats big corn dogs too.

That reminds me. Keep an eye on Lou Minatti's blog. He's boots on the ground in Texas.

Saint Croix said...

Ed Schultz and MSNBC edited a clip of Rick Perry talking about our debt as a "big black cloud" over America.

After MSNBC finished editing his clip, Perry was calling Obama a "big black cloud" over America.

Then Schultz called Perry a racist.

After he was caught doctoring the tape by Breitbart, Schultz apologized for the "mistake," but not his attempt to portray Perry as a racist.

Note also that the Huffington Post neglects to credit Breitbart for setting the record straight.

Anonymous said...

Politico's Ben Smith has trouble getting his mind around Rick Perry's manliness.

Seems to me that what most of the MSM has their mind -- and their lips -- wrapped around is Barack Obama's considerably less impressive manliness. That's what fluffers do.

Hoosier Daddy said...

I remember learning apfelkuchen means apple cake auf deutsche but I still can't help thinking it sounds like something you need penecilin shots for.

Trooper York said...

Look if you want to go somewhere that they know about manliness....the last place you would go is boringheads.

Now if you want to learn how to be a big pussy....they are your go to guys.

Hoosier Daddy said...

"... Ed Schultz and MSNBC edited a clip of Rick Perry talking about our debt as a "big black cloud" over America..."

I loved his one commercial where he is in a diner whing about all the issues and how he needs another show. Dude, no one watches the one you have now.

Hoosier Daddy said...

I did like his other show where he was a dumb German sergeant at a POW camp.

The Dude said...

"heard Badgers"? I have heard them, they have vuvuzelas and make way too much noise.

Original Mike said...

“I’ll promise you this, I’ll work every day to try to make Washington, DC, as inconsequential in your life as I can.’’

Chris Matthews and crowd were incredulous over this statement. They were gloating that nobody would vote for a guy expressing such sentiments.

They really do live on another planet.

grackle said...

The difference between the west, where I come from, and Texas, where Perry comes from, is that our manly men are quiet about their manly accomplishments, while Texans are more likely to brag about it.

If a politician from the “west”(or any other region) talks about his accomplishments it’s called “campaigning.” If a politician from Texas talks about his accomplishments at all it’s labeled “bragging.” So if Perry campaigns on his record … well … he’s just a braggart. Such is the power of stereotypes; such is the intent of a meme.

Will unabashed masculinity be a handicap in this age of the metrosexual?

I’ve spent a lot of time in Texas and other parts of the country. I can’t say that I’ve noticed any higher proportion of bragging amongst Texans as from folks from any other state. I have noticed a bias against Texans, however. And this is definitely a barrier for Perry. Time will tell whether it is a major or minor impediment.

Chennaul said...


They read Althouse and will twist your phrase and make him into a Michael Vick or something!


Ya I think they already have him hanging Bernake for treason. Ben Smith doesn't mind misquoting the hell out of that. You'd think he'd want to maintain his credibility on what candidates have said a little longer.

Also Perry started packing because he was running into rattlesnakes when he was jogging.

traditionalguy said...

Did anyone ever wonder where all of those effeminate soprano cowboys in the 1930s westerns came from?

What kind of name is Gene Autry?

Rick Perry...the first Gay President.

Just kidding, Rickie.

Chennaul said...

Well what will be over the top is if Perry makes this his campaign theme song:

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly.

Chris Matthews would flood his Calvins.

Hoosier Daddy said...

"... Chris Matthews and crowd were incredulous over this statement. They were gloating that nobody would vote for a guy expressing such sentiments..."

Which really illustrates the divide between liberals and conservatives. Matthews and others like him are perfect examples of the spoiled teenager who wants all the freedoms of being an adult but with the safety net that is mommy and daddy when they fuck up.

Patrick said...

This seems to be the definitive review of Rick Perry

FedkaTheConvict said...

A radio interview he gave on Friday strongly suggests he might run.

Wow. I hope he's in. I would like very much to see Ryan and Palin in the race.

I actually think it would be a huge mistake for Ryan to run. I've personally heard him say several times that he wasn't running; as recently as last Fall. But I guess Obama's weakness now is creating an opening. I think the plan was to run in 2016 but with Perry entering the race, if he wins election the earliest chance for Ryan in all likelihood wouldn't be until 2020.

The Obama campaign would destroy Ryan if he ran now:
1. Although he postures as a fiscal conservative, Paul Ryan voted for TARP, the auto bailouts, taxing AIG executives, and the recent debt limit increase. The Obama campaign will be happy to point to those votes.

2. They will also paint him as the guy would wants to end Social Security in an attempt to scare seniors.

3. There's a reason presidents don't come from the House. Although he has a much stronger record than Michelle Bachmann he still need more experience and ,preferably, executive experience. I think he'd be better off running for the open Senate seat next year.

edutcher said...

On the heels of news Little Zero is polling at 36 approval in NY, we have Kerosene Maxine saying her "people are hurting".

Translation: Her constituents are telling her ever so gently that the jive turkey who's acting white better start paying their mortgages like he promised or they're staying home next November.

Since Politico has spent the last 4 years in the tank for Zero, no one should be surprised Smith has issues with Perry's "manliness".

Chennaul said...

The gay rumor?

Kos is just looking for an excuse to vote for him.

Scott M said...

Perry/Cain or Perry/Ryan. One wonders what the general mood over at Romney's camp is these past couple days.

My hope is that the GOP candidates don't savage each other too much. Some may decide that Obama's so weak that they can ratchet up the primary battle without possibly loosing the general. I would disagree at this point.

Original Mike said...

Matthews is getting senile. Last night he referred to the assassination of Adlai Stevenson in Texas in 1963.

Palladian said...

" well as their much more stupid step-cousins, ad agency executives, who, with the exception of Old Spice and Dos Equis, wouldn't know a masculine man if he punched them in the face Norris-style."

Old Spice was originally marketed as a women's perfume. When that failed, they "butched" it up a bit, made an aftershave formulation, and it was a stupendous success.

The wonderful and cheap "Stetson" fragrance is basically Estee Lauder's "Youth Dew" with cowboys on the box.

Most of what is marketed as "masculine" fragrance today is complete garbage, partly because of years of cheapening of formula budgets, partly because of the pussies in Europe banning half the aromachemicals necessary to make great fragrances, and partly due to the same loathsome impulse toward sterility that leads half the young men in this country to shave their privates and wax their chests.

Scott M said...

I caught a whiff of "Polo" the other day and, as smell is a very powerful memory activator, was bitch-slapped by 1986.

Chennaul said...

Adlai Stevenson?


Matthews had/has malaria.

Palladian said...

"Just came from reading LAT front page: “Obama's big bad bus draws stares, taunts.” Looks like a “Men in Black” gag bus. Size matters. Perry needs a bus."

If he gets the nomination, then manly, God-bothering Rick Perry will get his own Dark Bus, courtesy of the Secret Service. They bought two.

Hoosier Daddy said...

"... Most of what is marketed as "masculine" fragrance today is complete garbage,.."

I agree. That's why I use my own handcrafted cologne. It's called Piss and Vinegar.

I make it out of piss and vinegar, organic mind you. Sometimes with a dash of Jack Daniels when I'm feeling naughty.

Hoosier Daddy said...

"... the young men in this country to shave their privates and wax their chests...."

Sonofabitch. And here I was doing it the other way around.

Shanna said...

"... Perry eats big corn dogs too..."

I am getting sick of this idiotic obsession with corn dog pictures. Almost as mature as calling someone a "teabagger" ad nauseum.

Lombardi Chick said...

Perry is a real man. That's good, because we desperately need one.

Watching all this wailing and gnashing of teeth over him from the journolistas so soon after his announcement says something about him - all of it good.

Perry/Rubio 2012

Hoosier Daddy said...

imisben" I am getting sick of this idiotic obsession with corn dog pictures..."

You'd think they'd realize how juvenile it sounds but it goes back to what original mike said, they are on a different planet. So sense of awareness whatsoever.

Palladian said...

"I caught a whiff of "Polo" the other day and, as smell is a very powerful memory activator, was bitch-slapped by 1986."

Polo's actually a great fragrance.

It's funny about smell memory. People tend to think that it's unique among the senses in its ability to transport you back in time, but it only seems unique because it's so specific. Your olfactory receptors have to receive exactly the same molecules or they won't trigger the memory of a smell. It's because of the rarity of hitting the nail squarely on the head that smell seems such a magical time machine.

I actually noticed this first with Old Spice. Smelling the current version reminds me somewhat of my grandfather, who splashed it on with abandon. A few years ago I got a big, unused bottle of Old Spice from the 70s. When I popped it open, whammo!, hit the nail right on the head and for an instant my grandfather— his aqua-blue tiled bathroom, the linoleum pattern, his beard stubble— became perfectly tangible, like a hallucination. Even though the current version of Old Spice is the same in structure as it ever was, the bits of reformulation removed whatever subtle keys were needed to unlock the door between a fond remembrance and a brief visit by a tangible apparition of Lt Col Grandpa.

madAsHell said...

The man shot a coyote to death while he was jogging.

I lived in Tyler, TX for a period of time. Coyotes are always shot on sight. Most coyotes are shot by a rifle from a truck.

If the story is true, then we can conclude:
1. He was jogging with a hand gun.
2. Coyotes run when they see people. He's a hell of a shot.

Chennaul said...

Lt Col Grandpa.

Ah ha!

Michael said...

Palladian: One of the jobs I had in high school was at a Schullman plant, the makers of Old Spice. I can open the top of Old Spice in the drugstore and be transported across the decades. Smell, as Proust demonstrated, is a powerful thing.

Michael said...

Rick Perry may not be gay but he can conceivably make Obama cry during a debate. Obama is a pussy, a real metro-man pussy. He is totally in trouble if he has to debate Perry because Perry will not be nice.

Palladian said...

"I agree. That's why I use my own handcrafted cologne. It's called Piss and Vinegar."

A lot of fragrances contain materials that smell like piss and shit in concentration. It's one of the secrets to creating a great scent, to add a carefully judged touch of filth in the far background. Almost all the classical perfumes (both "masculine" and "feminine") have these "animalic" notes. Some of them even contained actual nasty things such as the very common material called civet, which is a paste scraped from the butthole of this creature.

And vinegar used to be a common solvent for perfumes until the 19th century, because it was easier to obtain and cheaper than distilled spirit. There were even common silver objects called "vinaigrettes, which were little boxes that held a piece of cotton or sponge soaked in vinegar-diluted perfume, used like a pomander to ward off the foul smells of pre-modern-sanitation Europe.

Hoosier Daddy said...

Palladian I'm trying to be funny and you have to get all techincal on me. I bet you tell everyone how the magician pulled a rabbit out of his ass too.

I'm taking my Scotch and going home. You people are no fun.

Anonymous said...

I actually noticed this first with Old Spice. Smelling the current version reminds me somewhat of my grandfather,

That was my dad's scent. Which is why I have to laugh every time I see an ad portraying Old Spice wearers as sexy with gorgeous women hanging on them. Don't try to sell me Old Spice to give to my husband: I don't need to feel like I am kissing my dad.

WV: popro = Pop romance = creepy

Palladian said...

"Lt Col Grandpa."

Ah ha!

Or Calvert!, as my grandmother usually shouted at him. Lt Col Calvert used to wash down his Darvon and heart medicine with a few shots of Wild Turkey (not, as you might think, Calvert whiskey!) at the VFW, before climbing into his 1970 Chrysler Newport and barreling home, with the left turn signal on the whole way, leaving a trail of Old Spice fumes and the whistle of a hearing aid in his wake.

That is what you call a real man, not some helmet-haired politician.

Paul said...

Rick shot a dang coyote and ran a government... what has Ben Smith done?

Sounds like Ben is a metrosexual and is threatened by Rick's ability to be a man, a real man.

Original Mike said...

"I'm taking my Scotch and going home. You people are no fun."

Leave the Scotch, Hoosier.

Chip S. said...

But take the cannoli.

Synova said...

I would interpret "Perry isn't the kind of guy that is interested in Lady Gaga" as not-gay. Wouldn't you?

garage mahal said...

Righties just love that Big Daddy figure.

Chennaul said...


We have this French swearing slang...

And that sounds like (phonetically) the last part of a phrase-

would translate to:


ricpic said...

As an antidote to all this he man conservative stuff about Perry: in 2000 when Perry took over, Texas spending was $49 billion; the latest number available is $82 billion. Adjusted for inflation the growth in the size of government has been 35%. In 2000 Texas state debt was almost $14 billion. By 2009 that number had grown to $34 billion. Adjusted for inflation debt doubled under Perry.

chickelit said...

madawaskan wrote: Chris Matthews would flood his Calvins.


Carol said...

When I popped it open, whammo!,

I feel the same way about the last oz of Herbal Essence shampoo I've been keeping in a special bottle: instant 1973!

Good times.

Chennaul said...

OK I'm out-

I'll take the cannoli and the beer.

The whine is here....

Shanna said...

It's one of the secrets to creating a great scent, to add a carefully judged touch of filth in the far background.

Like bits of real panther?

Chennaul said...



I'm flouncing off for awhile.

Trooper York said...

When I was single I wore Old Spice.

And High Karate.

After I got married I had to switch to "Angel for Men."

It had no effect on my manliness.

I swear.

No really.

I mean it.

Palladian said...

A*Men is a great fragrance, though I have never met a man that actually wore it.

a psychiatrist who learned from veterans said...

but there have long been rumors that Perry is gay

Do tell.

Trooper York said...

We you don't know many pussy whipped men my friend.

Well except for me and Meade. Just sayn'

Chip S. said...

Righties just love that Big Daddy figure.

That certainly explains the Palin love.

Trooper York said...

I were the colonge my wife tells me to wear and I like it.

If I know what is good for me.

Trooper York said...

And it doesn't effect my manliness.

I swear.

I really really mean it.

Trooper York said...

Of course even though I wear it I usually smell like garlic and beer farts.

That's just reality.

BJM said...


What kind of name is Gene Autry?


The name of the kind of guy who flew a C-47 Skytrain over the Hump during WWII?

I always knew those Saturday matinees with Gramps would come in handy some day.

wv = mismo The MSM continues the same old tired meme to shore up Hte One.

DaveW said...


As an antidote to all this he man conservative stuff about Perry...

You're right. Perry is far from any example of perfection in a politician. In fact, I've never voted for the guy, there's just something about him I don't like.

However, in this case anyone that could win the republican nomination would be better by far than Obama - even Rick Perry.

Original Mike said...

"In fact, I've never voted for the guy, there's just something about him I don't like."

My initial impression is that he seems like kind of a clown.

Chennaul said...

We you don't know many pussy

You're not suppose to drink the cologne...

Trooper York said...

Hey I can't post for shit on my phone. Sorry.

Trooper York said...

Should have been "Well"

Trooper York said...

Plus any rummy will tell ya that Aqua Velva will do in a pinch. Just sayn'

Saint Croix said...

The Obama campaign would destroy Ryan if he ran now.

They are already trying to destroy him. He's pushing grandma off a cliff, remember?

I do not like the Obama/Romney horseshit of saying nothing on the campaign trail. Romney is such an empty suit right now I want to pull my hair out.

We need to cut spending a lot. I think it's going to require entitlement reform. Ryan is the #1 guy on entitlement reform. To say that Obama will kill him is to give up the fight.

If Ryan is the veep and we win then we have authorization from the American people to cut spending in a big way.

Just having Ryan in the race is vital. We can't keep avoiding this fight.

Otherwise it's four more years of "cuts" that don't cut anything, and debts that go up, and up, and up.

Scott M said...

many pussy

Isn't that a chic from a Bond movie?

Chennaul said...

You sounding like who's that Chinese actor..damn it.

Can't remember.

Chennaul said...

Scott M

Good thing he didn't drop in "l" in there.


Kevin said...

As an antidote to all this he man conservative stuff about Perry: in 2000 when Perry took over, Texas spending was $49 billion; the latest number available is $82 billion. Adjusted for inflation the growth in the size of government has been 35%.

Of course, the population of the State of Texas went up 21% during that period...

BJM said...


If he gets the nomination, then manly, God-bothering Rick Perry will get his own Dark Bus, courtesy of the Secret Service. They bought two.

Sarah has a bus so Bammy has to have one too.

Normally I don't begrudge the president the perks of office nor the safety measures, but this is just gluttonous stupidity.

What I'd like to know is how the SS moves the damned thing when it's not in use. I'm betting it flies in a gas-guzzling C-5, the SS/AF already flies TWO C-5s to move the presidential automotive fleet & a another now required for the bus?

So, I really do not want to hear another damned word about my carbon footprint or fossil fuel consumption when the Hypocrite-in-Chief flies a gas-guzzling 747, to a gas-guzzling RV delivered in a gas-guzzling C-5, attended by fleet of gas-guzzling Suburbans for absolutely no reason other than his own glorification.

Palladian said...

" Plus any rummy will tell ya that Aqua Velva will do in a pinch. Just sayn'"

Better to drink it than wear the horrid stuff.

BJM said...


You sounding like who's that Chinese actor..

Warner Oland? (who was really a Swede.)

Joanna said...

The Obama campaign would destroy Ryan if he ran now:
1. Although he postures as a fiscal conservative, Paul Ryan voted for TARP, the auto bailouts, taxing AIG executives, and the recent debt limit increase. The Obama campaign will be happy to point to those votes.

So... Team Obama is gonna rail on Ryan for being a bipartisan compromiser? Really?

Saint Croix said...

What I like about Ryan is that he's a moderate from Wisconsin. We need another strong moderate in the race. I think Ryan undercuts Mittens in a powerful way. There's literally no reason to vote for Mitt if you can vote for Ryan. Why, because you like Romneycare?

I think Ryan wins New Hampshire. And if that happens, Mitt is toast.


I mean, who actually likes Mitt Romney? Step forward. Identify yourself. I don't believe you exist.

I think a Palin-Perry-Ryan race will be very dynamic and exciting. I like that race a lot.

Synova said...

"Sarah has a bus so Bammy has to have one too."

I know.

How could anyone avoid that comparison? The President is traveling by bus. When is the last time that happened? (And what sort of horrendously expensive security nightmare is it?) And if he suddenly decided to be "folksy" and do a bus tour, wouldn't the comparison to Palin be obvious?

Of course, if Palin is completely sneaky, she heard he was having a bus purchased *before* she planned her bus tour, which she could do quickly without an itinerary in order to make it seem he was copying her.

Chennaul said...


Warner Oland? (who was really a Swede.)

Is that the guy that was in Murder by Death?

It would make sense that he wasn't even Chinese.

(I'm off to the googles...)

Chennaul said...

omg it was Peter Sellers.

Love Peter Sellers but I saw that movie when I was...5 or somethin'.

Chennaul said...

Have you seen this?

Exclusive* layout of Obama's new bus.

Anonymous said...

"Must not have spent much time in Texas, or dealt much with Aggies. If it is shtick, then much of the state is infested with it."


Hoosier Daddy said...

" Righties just love that Big Daddy figure..."

Cheer up garage. You still have President Mompants

BJM said...

@Saint Croix

I think a Palin-Perry-Ryan race will be very dynamic and exciting. I like that race a lot.

I'd rather see a Perry/Rubio ticket...that would be frickin' nightmare for the Dems.

Anonymous said...

Dude - Byron York kind of looks like an old woman. NTTAWWT.

Lincolntf said...

I like Romney. He's still my first choice among the field. I knew him long before he became the popular caricature of a "RINO". (Like when he was being called a "rabid right-winger" while he was my Governor.) I admired his years of opposition to MA Unions/corruptocrats, even health care reform, when he issued countless vetoes to try to make it less onerous.
His Olympics success as well as his Bain & Co. experience are examples of why I still think he'd be a great Pres. Take a pile of shit and turn into something productive. That's certainly the position the next President will find himself in, so why not someone we know can pull it off? As for his relative "conservatism", I say who cares? The House will be pushing the conservative message, the Pres. just needs to be an effective executive, not a firebrand. Let him take anyone from the field as V.P., from Bachmann to Cain to Gingrich and let them be the emotional/philiosophical leader. Meanwhile, Romney can do his best to drag us out of the biggest "bankruptcy" in world history.

BJM said...


A line in "Murder By Death" has become shorthand at our house for misunderstanding speech.

"Buns? You have buns?"

Original Mike said...

"I'd rather see a Perry/Rubio ticket...that would be frickin' nightmare for the Dems."

I haven't been impressed with Rubio the few times I've seen him interviewed. Seem like another politician mouthing platitudes. In his case, they were platitudes I agreed with, but I didn't see an sharp mind at work there.

Chennaul said...


Oh ya!

I remember that now-ha!

And they have it here in a montage of clips from the movie at youtube.

When we were kids we use to love that movie-haven't seen it in awhile.

jeff said...

1. He was jogging with a hand gun.
2. Coyotes run when they see people. He's a hell of a shot.

Carries a Ruger .380. Laser sights.

Righties just love that Big Daddy figure.
Idiotic. The last thing Righties see government as (and the president representing) is Big Daddy ready to take care of all your needs for you. There is a party that does look to government (again, the president representing) as a entity to take care of all their needs, but it aint the Righties. So, I'm guess your projecting. Again.

Saint Croix said...

I like Romney. He's still my first choice among the field

Fair enough. Would your opinion change ir Ryan (or Christie) came in?

Franklin said...

Any president that will uphold the tenth amendment and honor the principle of federalism is a fucking stud in my book. Man, woman, or that third bizarre gender, Democrat.

Anonymous said...

I tried to watch the video, but the spectacle of that pair of softies murmuring about "manliness" was too much. I stood it for about a minute. York's glasses sent me to a strange and dreadful place.

Comparing the strong-jawed "manly" looking caricature of Smith on the Politico website with the man's actual appearance makes for ribald laughter

Trooper York said...

Dude watching boring heads will rot your brain.

Stay away.

Trust me.

Lincolntf said...

Saint Croix, probably not right off the bat, but I'd be open to both of them. There is nobody in the field (or anywhere around it) who I wouldn't vote for over Obama.

Saint Croix said...

Google "Is Rick Perry Gay?" and you'll easily find the sort of stuff that's out there.

Ooh, fun with Google!

"Is George W. Bush gay?"

"Is Hillary Clinton gay?"

"Is Ann Althouse gay?"

And the answers are...



And no. There are no gay rumors swirling around Ann Althouse. Thus she is straight vindicated.
Whew, what a relief!

So I guess you're not interested in Lady Gaga, huh?

Saint Croix said...

There is nobody in the field (or anywhere around it) who I wouldn't vote for over Obama.


If McCain was President, we wouldn't have passed Obamacare, for sure.

Nor would we have passed Frank-Dodd.

We would have two different Supreme Court Justices.

We wouldn't have those job-killing EPA regulations.

We'd be drilling for oil again.

Our debt levels would be about $3 trillion less.

Unemployment would be around 6%.

You'd be hard-pressed to find any Republican who would be worse than Obama.

Methadras said...

There are Alpha males, there are beta males. Ben smith is an omega male.

VanderDouchen said...

Read through the whole thread to make sure I wasn't missing anything. Nobody mentioned Roissy, and Thouse went straight up Beta bashing to start this thing. Any Beta who wonders why he sits at home and doesn't even bother to spank it, can now start doing some research.

Beta's, flamers, and Beta Chasers have been allowed to define the politics of the beginning of this century. It must end.

WV: finsimpa:

Si, e' l'finsimpa.

Heart_Collector said...

Watch as fat white men talk.... I can just look in the mirror. tgdw.

wv-notati- a toddlers response when asked if they have tattos.

Kirk Parker said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kirk Parker said...


Theme from Good, Bad, and Ugly would be fine, but if Perry uses this version I'll vote for him twice!

Kirk Parker said...

"I'm the president of our home owner's association."

You can't say Althouse isn't tolerant; look at the sort of lowlifes she lets comment here--first Trooper, and now this.








Just kidding, bro! Welcome!!! And you've got a darn good point there, too.

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