August 8, 2011

At the Sea-Holly Café....

... you can talk all night.


Carol_Herman said...

Oh, how pretty! Oh, what a treat.

Fred4Pres said...

Sea Hollys are nice. They would look really good with some Cardons and Artichokes.

Phil 314 said...

I've never seen these before.


mesquito said...

Those looks like the kind of crap that used to shoot out of the ground when it used to rain in Texas.

DADvocate said...

Looks like a type of thistle but apparently isn't, after googling sea holly and thistle.

traditionalguy said...

I have never seen sea-holly in my life.

I would have remembered them for sure. A very beautiful creation by the Creator.

Flowers are all different and still are all beautiful in their way. Those mountain flowers yesterday were a treat. Thanks.

pm317 said...

There is a lot of panic on many blogs about the lack of leadership from Obama. I see a lot of comments about Hillary and what could have been. You know among the three, Edwards, Obama, and Hillary, who the rational choice would have been. But the things are so fucked up now that I don't know if even she can save us. And why should she? She gave them a chance and people and the party royally fucked up.

As the blogger at The Confluence said:
Ahem, here is my reaction to the presidential candidate’s forum at YearlyKos in 2007: Edwards was the reincarnation of PT Barnum, all emotion, buzzwords and as phony as a $3 bill (and mind you, I wen’t into that ballroom as an Edwards supporter.) Barack Obama looked enervated and bored, sitting onstage like he was hanging out at some sidewalk Paris bistro. He didn’t impress me as much of anything presidential or un. He was simply taking up space and had mass. Hillary Clinton was alert, a litte tentative and extremely well prepared. She got over her nerves after a few weeks.

Do I think Hillary Clinton would have made a better president? Well, I nailed the other two, didn’t I?

Irene said...

Bat on a plane. Eeew.

pm317 said...

Ann, when you put up these pictures, I cheat and go to your flicker stream and look at all other new pics you have there. The one with the huge brownish gray rain(?) clouds is simply breathtaking.

Tyrone Slothrop said...

All I can say is, don't fall asleep near these things, or you'll turn into a pod person.

pm317 said...

Barack Obama looked enervated and bored, sitting onstage like he was hanging out at some sidewalk Paris bistro. He didn’t impress me as much of anything presidential or un. He was simply taking up space and had mass.

Then they gave him a teleprompter and a 26 year old speechwriter, a brilliant orator (or a tennis head) was born.

Titus said...

You know what I had for dindin tonight?

Fresh Wisconsin Farm Tomatoes and Cottage Cheese.

And some seasoning yeast and pepper.

Is it called Seasoning Yeast? It is supposed to be healthy and tastes incredible.

It was fucking amazing.

I have never had that combination but it is really fucking good.

Also, sweet corn is in season and it is amazing, especially when it is a combination of white and yellow corn. So fucking good.

Try it, you will love it!

My parents told me that when they were young, and on the farm, they didn't have sweet corn. Instead they ate the same corn on the cob as the animals on the farm.

My mom also had polio when she was young but recovered.

Have you guys ever ate dandelions? They put them in salads and I just can't dig it.

Titus said...

I don't need to put anything on my sweet corn. It taste that good.

What do you put on your sweet corn?

spool32 said...

I sure hope people in Wisconsin are headed out to vote. Quite surprised to see no mention of it at the Althouse blog...

Go vote!!!

Carol_Herman said...

Titus, "nothin." But I put the husks back into the boiling water, where I've added sugar.

Thanks for the tip on yeast and peppers. I would never have thought you'd sprinkle yeast on anything but water. Because you wanted to make it bubble. And, then you added this concoction to flour.

I'm sorry your mom had polio. More common back then than anyone here, knows. I think the Salk and Sabin vaccines came out at about the same time. (One's injected. The other is applied to skin the pediatrician scratches.)

Back in the summer of 1951 ... my parents had a friend whose oldest son got a sore throat. Maybe, 48 hours later was in an iron lung. And, died.

The other thing I remember? Both Sabin and Salk applied to the March of Dimes for grants. And, were turned down.

If anyone ate dandelions they were kids with way more curiosity than I had. But didn't dandelions have puffy tops? If so, we plucked them. And, blew their tops off.

What does a dandelion in a salad look like?

AlanKH said...

Can someone answer a question for me? Some folks say that the Tea Party won the budget standoff. Why are people making this claim? The one thing that the Tea Party wanted was a monumental blow to deficit spending. The Reid/Boehner deal offers no significant cuts to spending. What gives?

Anonymous said...

I'm going to bed in a few minutes, but I have a question that someone out there might be able to help with - skunks. I've lived in this house for 8 years, and never smelled skunk. But tonight is the third night this summer that skunki odor is permeating the outside air and coming into the house. A few weeks ago my dog had a close encounter in the backyard, and it took more than a week for the odor to go away.

So my question is, how do you get rid of skunks?

Anonymous said...

So my question is, how do you get rid of skunks?

You want patiently until November of 2012 and then you vote them out.

Almost Ali said...

What do you put on your sweet corn?


James said...

I sure hope people in Wisconsin are headed out to vote. Quite surprised to see no mention of it at the Althouse blog...

Go vote!!!

I'm sure Ann will mention it tomorrow. The recall elections tomorrow are in 6 of the 33 Senate districts so many of us can't vote. I've been bombarded by ads for two separate elections but my senator isn't being recalled.

Anonymous said...


(When Ann said she was moving off of blogspot I quit google completely, as I had been wanting to do. Now I'm using OpenID to comment but you can't delete your comments from OpenID.)

And since I'm the world's worse typist and an ever worse editor, that means a lot of crap from me now.


Meade said...

I don't put anything on my corn on the cob either. That's what we called it back on the farm in Indiana - corn on the cob.

The Cincinnati Reds are getting beat again. By Colorado. Disappointing season for the Reds. You know who's hot (besides Red Sox, Yankees, and Philadelphia)? The Brewers.

Irene said...

Cheer up, everyone! Meet our "Poppy." Poppy, the puppy.

P.S. Thanks to knox, if she's reading this. She inspired the name.

Anonymous said...

Why Red Sox, Yankies, Brewers and "Philadelphia"? Just say "Phillies".

wv: surli

traditionalguy said...

Jonas Salk is a little known hero who personally created and directed the lab research team that made a vaccine to beat a virus that killed or disabled 50,000 Americans, mainly boys and girls, every summer.

That was the miracle of our day.

Anonymous said...

Ah, but this isn't crap:

Zappa, prophetic as ever.

Meade said...


Hey, Irene!

Titus said...

Wisconsin "sweet corn" or "corn on the cob" is really to die for.

I fucking love it.

My parents put salt and butter on it but it really needs absolutely nothing on it.

And thankfully, in Wisconsin, you can't swing a cat, without hitting a sweet corn stand.

I will miss you sweet corn, and my parents...but that is about it Wisconsin.

I watched the news with my parents tonight at their house and every other commercial was some horrible slime fest between two candidates in Colombia County. Even Dane County is suffering the recalls.

I hate Coexist bumper stickers on cars.

Mass residents don't have bumper stickers on their cars. Wisc. residents love their bumper stickers.

Patrick said...

Meade, haven't seen the Brewers like this since 1982. Jo on the wagon!

PolticalJunkie2008 said...

If the Past Few Days Have You at Least a Little Worried... is one of the most enlightening pieces I've ever seen. The future is uncertain, but we can have real hope because the more people that read this, the more people will see the light and know what we have to do to get back on track.

Titus said...

And Go Sox! And Brewers!

And sorry to hear the news Jorge Posada.

See, I follow sports.

And you all thought fags were just clothes whores.

Patrick said...

Jump. Sheesh.

Blogger Account said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Titus said...

I also want to say that Carol Herman makes Althouse MORE interesting.

What is all this crap anyway?

Interesting is BETTER!

If it any consolidation Carol Nichevo did say he would like to beat me up, not because I am gay, but because I am "sick". What a relief.

Even Trooper got the shaft. I mean, come on, how can anyone not love Troop?

Blogger Account said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Carol_Herman said...

T-Man @ 10:32 PM

I heard people use tomato juice. Had a kitten once who jumped on my lap, after he'd been skunked ... And, I opened a can of Campbell's Tomato Juice on him. And, if I remember this correctly, the skunk smell went away.

(Then, I'm sure I washed the tomato juice by holding him in my hands, and turning on the kitchen faucet ... which I let run until it felt comfortable to one of my arms.) Then I stuck him under the flow.

Followed by wrapping him in a towel. Where I managed to hold him till he felt safe enough to bounce out of "confinement."

You know, a call to the animal control officer might help you find where the skunk's nest might be? (In or near a sewer drain, perhaps?)

Eventually they get eaten by coyotes, though. It's just nature's way of providing the "food tree."

Anonymous said...

Are there WI scientists wanting to serve in Congress?

The OB2 is a science admin. What about the GOP?

Tyrone Slothrop said...

t-man said...

So my question is, how do you get rid of skunks?

Build a highway through your property. Skunks can't resist getting run over.

Irene said...

Hi, Meade! Poppy says "Hi!" too.

pm317 said...

Maybe Meade will put my corn on the cob recipe on his blog. ;) Here goes: street vendors in India rub a piece of lime on freshly grilled corn on the cob and sprinkle salt and red chilli powder on it.

gail said...


There are enclosed live traps available for catching skunks that are made small enough so the skunk can't lift its tail and spray.

Brother-in-law has a big barrel he fills with water and immerses the whole trap in it. Bubble, bubble,no more stink. Dumps the carcass in the woods away from houses.

Neighbor shoots skunks caught in a regular live trap. She tolerates the stink...yuck.

I quit using dry/canned cat food in live traps, caught too many feral cats. I take them to the vet where he'll neuter/spay for cost and I bring them home and let them go. Even "cost" is too damn expensive.

Dry fruit works well.

David said...

I saw Holly years ago. Her father owned a brewery. She drove a Mercedes Gull Wing. Out of my league, but she liked to play in the minors now and then. Fun.

David said...

Alan said...
"Can someone answer a question for me? [Tea Party, win-lose-draw etc]

It's a long war, Alan. It can not be won in the first battle.

David said...

I am glad to see that Titus still lives (unless Sixty Grit has placed a pod on his neck and taken over his soul.)

Fen said...

NOW has denounced the character assasination of Bachmann by Newsweek.

Note, on this day, Monday August 9th 2011, NOW actually stood by what principles they have left.

Fen said...

[with the exception of the Virginia Chapter of NOW, who never lost theirs]

Anonymous said...

Picker bushes from Mars-

Two words: weed whacker.

Taking the mutts and the little lady to the secret lakes camping for 3 days-

Cold, cool, spring fed waters for a morning swim, hiking logging trails and brook trout to wash down cold beer.

Mosquitoes will be thick-just the way we all like them.

Taking two books-

Tuesday's with Morrie

and, Thoreau's "Why I went to the woods to vote for Obama because I'm smarter than you"

...just kidding.....sorta-

see ya...

chickelit said...

Titus said: What is all this crap anyway?


Titus, you have a slight credibility problem when it comes to taste in women: I simply cannot countenance your avowed adoration for Sarah Jessica Parker. Do you know many Sex And The City episodes I have endured like second hand smoke? Huh?

Chip Ahoy said...

Carol_Herman, nutritional yeast, and here, not active yeast. It's a vegetarian thing that tastes like cheese.

Karl said...

Cook's Illustrated Summer Grilling issue has a way too complicated recipe for Mexican Grilled Corn. ELEVEN ingredients - not including the corn.

Short cut - mix mayo & sour cream. Add salt & spices to taste. Apply to grilled corn.

bagoh20 said...

It may be seen as a travesty to some, but I like my sweet corn cut off the cob, with butter and black pepper, and I like it best when I'm wearing only my underwear on a hot summer night under the stars, sitting on cool patio furniture.

When I was a kid in western PA, my family would go out as a team to pick dandelions for dinner salad. You don't eat the flowers - just the leaves like spinach. We didn't do it because it was delicious, but because it was edible, available, free, and we were quite poor. I didn't eat it, because I hated all vegetables, other than french fries, until I was an adult. Avoid dandelions from dog parks.

Titus said...

There is going to be a remake of Don't Be Afraid The Dark coming to a theater soon.

I just want to let you know that this movie scared the shit out of when when I was like 3.

Kim Darby died.

And I was horrified.

Don't Be Afraid Of The Dark-remake, coming to a theater to you soon.

Hi Meadsy Poo.

bagoh20 said...

I have a number of strange tastes. One is eating brewers yeast straight from the jar. I reminds me of Mom making bread, back in the day. I always preferred the raw dough to the bread.

David said...

Jonas Salk came to my school a few times when they were first distributing the vaccine in Pittsburgh. We kids were lab rats but our parents were so terrified of polio they thought it was ok to be a lab rat. Salk would give shots and take blood samples, and sometimes this was photographed. He once broke off a blood draw needle in my arm.

He did something right. I never got polio.

David said...

Bags it's good to know that you are from western Pa. I think you are too young to have been needled by Jonas Salk though.

Western Pa's main export used to be steel. Now it's people.

Titus said...

I am sorry Chick, but I love SJP. I think it is a gay thing, except for Palladian, natch.

SJP is so hot and fabulous, that's all.

David said...

Hang Seng down 6%. No wonder they are pissed at Obama.

Titus said...

I am sorry but my impact here is HUGE.

Polio, Salk, Sweet Corn, Yeast, SJP.

I mean hello, no one even compares....and I think Althouse knows this.

Everyone is waiting for my next post.

But that is how I roll, with friends, work, my husband, and yes even in the little blog I patronize.

I fucking RULe.

bagoh20 said...

Titus, You left out turds. Whenever I see one, I always think of you. That's truly influential. You've touched my life.

Fred4Pres said...


I am glad you are okay.

I agree with you about sweet corn. Good corn needs nothng but a little hot water and salt. Heck, it is tasty off the stalk.

I will adopt your rare clumber if anthing happens to you. And I pledge to say to the rare clumber each day, I am not your master, Titus is, but I promised to take care of you. And I will instruct my kids to respect the rare clumber and not to abuse it.

I hope you post your stadium hand drawn sketches (the ones with the little people) to Ann for posting.

Dandelions are good before they flower. After that they are too bitter.

There is no tomato better than a Jersey tomato. I am not sure why, but it is true. Even tomatos in their birthplace in the Andes yearn to be planted in Jersey.

Fred4Pres said...


Not closely related to sea hollys, but the two plants would look good together.

Almost Ali said...

Fred4Pres said...
There is no tomato better than a Jersey tomato.


The Crack Emcee said...


Great photo. Or great plants. Or something.


There is a lot of panic on many blogs about the lack of leadership from Obama. I see a lot of comments about Hillary and what could have been. You know among the three, Edwards, Obama, and Hillary, who the rational choice would have been. But the things are so fucked up now that I don't know if even she can save us.

Two things:

1) No one can save us - we've got to save ourselves - that's what the Tea Party is all about and she ain't part of it.

2) Except in Ann's mind, there was nothing rational about the last election.


Can someone answer a question for me? Some folks say that the Tea Party won the budget standoff. Why are people making this claim? The one thing that the Tea Party wanted was a monumental blow to deficit spending. The Reid/Boehner deal offers no significant cuts to spending. What gives?

We redirected the conversation, humiliated Bambi, there's no new taxes but some spending reduction. It's the best we could do from where we are - a win is a win - and a win from a weak position is huge.

Now, Everybody, check out Al Gore Losing It - fucking hilarious!!!

The Crack Emcee said...


Just to give you an idea of how big a win this was, I was watching The Daily Show after the budget deal, and when Jon Stewart showed his audience how little spending had been reduced, they booed. Imagine that:

Democrat Liberals booing a significant lack of spending reduction!

Oh yeah, we won - Big Time.

Triangle Man said...

Does the Holy See like Sea-Holly?

Curious George said...

Corn? Sweet creamy butter and salt. Old school. As far as Holly, that's just between her and me.

The Dude said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
KCFleming said...

On walking to work this morning I saw the sun and nearly cloudless sky, felt a cool morning breeze, and watched birds alighting on branch and building.

All seemed unaware that the Dow had dropped 1000 points in less than a week.

And consider the Sea-Holly, how they grow. They do not walk to work with me. But even Barack in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

If I could see Holly,
Well that would be jolly,
And maybe I'll ask her to dance.

If you could see Holly,
You'd know it was folly,
'Cuse you'll know I won't have a chance.

Carol said...

"Why are people making this claim?"

They wanted a scapegoat for right now.

ken in tx said...

Carol, people eat the leaves of dandelions. The leaves reminded someone of lions teeth, get it? Diente de Leon. One can also make wine with the yellow flowers before they turn into white puff balls.

gerry said...

Poodles are smart. And cool.

WV: brompoo -- I kid you not!

pm317 said...

Megan Kelly defends Family and Medical leave act and who was the president who made it happen? the other Clinton of course..

kjbe said...

That's what we called it back on the farm in Indiana - corn on the cob.

That's we called it in suburban Milwaukee, too.

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