August 29, 2011

"Americans view the computer industry the most positively and the federal government the least positively..."

"... when asked to rate 25 business and industry sectors. All five of the top-rated sectors this year are related to either computers or food."

Food and computers, baby! We love that stuff!

The federal government fares worst, but no other government entity was on the list. Anyway, this is interesting, showing the decline of appreciation for the federal government over the last 8 years:

There's a steady decline in the Bush years. Things perk up when Obama steps in, but plummet faster than under Bush.


traditionalguy said...

That makes sense because since 1995 or so the Federal Government has been at war with the USA to facilitate a world currency and a world government.

avwh said...

Obama is so much better than Bush: he got a bigger negative spread in less than one term than Bush had after two terms!

I'm Full of Soup said...

Let's face it. We have suffered through lackluster [and that's a kind way to describe it] performances from the White House occupants for ten straight years now.

It really is time to shrink the fed govt and observe the 10th amendment.

edutcher said...

The American software industry is the best - most reliable - in the world.

The Feds?

Well, After WWII, name something they did that well.

cassandra lite said...

My takeaway from the chart is how low it was at the start of 43's presidency. Interesting, too, that all those years of being kept safe on our own soil from another terrorist attack--something few would've believed on 9/12/01--apparently did little or nothing to bolster the confidence of Americans.

ndspinelli said...

The legal industry didn't do much better than the govt.

The Dude said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Scott M said...

Well, After WWII, name something they did that well.

1)The interstate highway system.
2)We're not part of the USSR.

Known Unknown said...

Which one of the entities mentioned actually innovates?

Scott M said...

I would truly love to live in a world where the commercial space industry was rated highest. Had we not self-imposed a backslide (slouch?) into mediocrity over the past thirty years, I'm willing to be it would be.

le Douanier said...

"Food and computers, baby!"

What's so great about eating and sitting around w/ computers!?

How can Drill, Baby, Drill be bottom feeding w/ the feds? Commies must have been oversampled.

AFG said...

Kinda obvious that Bush managed to completely destroy any confidence people had in the federal government, and then took a shit right on Obama as he entered office. How could Obama POSSIBLY succeed given how far the country had sunk.

Scott M said...

How could Obama POSSIBLY succeed given how far the country had sunk.

If I agree with this statement, will you agree that it's hopeless for him and that he should leave gracefully without seeking a second term? I'm betting more than a few Democrats would support that.

le Douanier said...

"given how far the country had sunk."

Actually, coming into office when we were losing about seven hundred thousand jobs per month, isn't so bad.

But, it is horrible that we've been creating small numbers of private sector jobs (while cutting gov jobs, except in Texas) for seventeen consecutive months.

All level headed cons understand this.

Martin L. Shoemaker said...

Over 8 years of MSM propaganda against President Bush, the ratings plummeted.

Over 3 years of MSM cheerleading for President Obama, the ratings plummeted faster.

Imagine where they would be if President Obama had received the antagonistic press treatment that President Bush received.

Beldar said...

The computer industry is intensely competitive.

Ask people how they feel about the healthcare industry, and in particular, its cost effectiveness. What's missing from that industry is free flow of information and market competition. If those were introduced, the miracles we've seen in computer-related productivity would be repeated in healthcare.

Beldar said...

BTW, the maturation of the computer industry and its thorough integration into our lives was responsible for much of the huge productivity boost in the 1990s that in turn led to increased government revenues and a temporarily balanced budget. It wasn't any brilliance on Bill Clinton's part.

ricpic said...

Considering how hit and miss restaurants can be I'm surprised at the high rating the "industry" gets.

Jack said...

I don't have to buy a computer, but should I decide to purchase one, there are many suppliers from which to select. And if it turns out to be a dud, I can return it for a refund.

Try that with the FedGov and see what happens.

You have the worst of both; you have to pay for FedGov "services" or else men with guns will put you in jail. And, despite how crappy you believe the "services" are you can't ask for your money back.


bagoh20 said...

You gotta understand that the Federal Government's has a tough job. Half the population wants it to solve all their problems, and the other half wants it to leave them alone. Many even want both. The poor government is not capable of doing any of it. It can't do more, and it can't do less, and if it does either, someone is gonna be pissed anyway. They should all quit in protest.

Paul said...

Well no wonder people view these things like the polls say.

People USE computers. Government USES people.

So I'd have a more positive outlook at the computer industry to (btw.. computers is what I do for a living!)

Ann Althouse said...

"Considering how hit and miss restaurants can be I'm surprised at the high rating the "industry" gets."

I'm thinking it's the choice in a free market. People go to the restaurants that they like. It's hit and miss, but people find their hit and go back.

DADvocate said...

What industries give you the most bang for your buck? All the top industries are in the running.

I sold computers in the late 1980s. For around $2,000 you could get a basic bare bones machine. Now, your typical below $1,000 machine gives you more than a $10,000 machine could dream of giving you then.

What's the federal government give you for you money? Quite a bit if you look at it objectively. But, it also takes away quite a bit, especially lately. Not just business, but the individual is burdened with federal regulations and onerous laws. Too many to list here, but gun laws, RICO, drug laws, a multitude of environmental laws and regulations, "equality" and affirmative action laws, etc.

Sal said...

I expect the decline of favorable for the federal government to stabilize, since the 17% remaining are federal employees and their dependents.

le Douanier said...

"I expect the decline of favorable for the federal government to stabilize, since the 17% remaining are federal employees and their dependents."

Ha ha ha.

That's a good one.

Of course you really know that these employees and relations (like the oldies on SS and Medicare/Medicaid) don't think of themselves as being associated w/ the bad Fed gov.

"Keep the gov's hands off my Medicare."

wv: wingluv You gotta love those wingers.

Tim said...

Not surprising.

One gets better and better at less cost; the other gets worse and worse at greater costs.

The only problem is, those who gave us increasingly bad government at growing costs are very likely to continue doing so until death separates them from the voting rolls.

Too many people are too stupid to learn.

November '12: It's not just an election, it's an intelligence test.

Eric said...

BTW, the maturation of the computer industry and its thorough integration into our lives was responsible for much of the huge productivity boost in the 1990s that in turn led to increased government revenues and a temporarily balanced budget. It wasn't any brilliance on Bill Clinton's part.

Clinton did the best you can do as chief executive when it comes to the economy - he didn't screw anything up. Neither Bush nor Obama is bright enough to realize this.

bagoh20 said...

"What industries give you the most bang for your buck? "?

Internet porn.

DADvocate said...

Internet porn.

Really. Lots of free stuff out there.

cubanbob said...

Eric said...
BTW, the maturation of the computer industry and its thorough integration into our lives was responsible for much of the huge productivity boost in the 1990s that in turn led to increased government revenues and a temporarily balanced budget. It wasn't any brilliance on Bill Clinton's part.

Clinton did the best you can do as chief executive when it comes to the economy - he didn't screw anything up. Neither Bush nor Obama is bright enough to realize this.

8/29/11 9:52 PM

You give Clinton too much credit. He didn't have much of a choice with a republican congress keeping him in check.

Known Unknown said...

You give Clinton too much credit. He didn't have much of a choice with a republican congress keeping him in check.

I give him credit for being smart enough at least co-opting their agenda, and wisely making it his own.

Known Unknown said...

Also, where is your "No shit" tag, Professor?

Anonymous said...

The computer industry has progressed the most.

The US government has regressed the most.

Only a moron would put the US Gov higher in esteem.

Anonymous said...

If Americans view the government negatively..Then they should consider that in Europe sales/services taxes are 20% (25% in Sweden, try adding $250 to every $1000 spent!), consider that in Italy 27% of your salary goes towards social security, then add income tax at 20%-50%!
How would Americans view government if they had to pay taxes like Europeans? Instead of feeling so frustrated with government Americans should begin finding ways to create jobs because there is so much money to be made and so little in taxes. Americans don’t know how good they have it.