Advice from the University of Wisconsin Police, which I just received by email.
Never walk alone, particularly at night. So... even in daytime, we're not supposed to walk alone? Even if I whistle "You'll Never Walk Alone" and make believe I'm brave?
According to UW Police, there's a "violent predator" at large. Twice, recently, a woman was walking alone on campus and a man came up behind her and hit her on the head. That's bad, admittedly. But never walk alone?
Ban all males from UW campuses (campi?).
You can always bring along your little friend.
...and hit her on the head.
Maybe it was a love tap.
I earned my degree at ASU. Though I didn't live on campus, my only access to a computer was, and I was often there till 2 or 3 or 4 in the morning working on big assignments. The problem with this was that my car was in a parking lot a dark 10 minute walk away from the commons. I was very grateful when the cab drivers that would wait around to take the little drunk girls back to their dorms started recognizing me, and would drive slowly beside me to the lot.
Well the buddy system has worked well for nuns. The slogan can be, "Get in the habit of walking with a pal."
If I were the police, I'd advise something along the lines of, "Never walk alone unarmed." But Madison residents are firearmophobic bigots.
Never walk alone without a pro-union T-shirt and you'll be OK in Mad-town.
Twice, recently, a woman was walking alone on campus and a man came up behind her and hit her on the head.
Was it the same woman? Might be a clue,...
man came up behind her and hit her on the head
That's it? Nothing else? Sounds like it was just a protester attacking what he thought were conservative women.
And, as always in The People's Republic, the description of the alleged shitbird is appears he's Latino, but that's not for certain. The Cap Times hopes it's a Tea Partier.
Maybe it's Jerry Lewis.
Dress like a man. Walk like a man. Okay, a short man. With boobs.
(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
Yeah Althouse, do you think it’s a RIGHT to be able to walk ANYWHERE, ANY TIME, alone? News Flash: the world has predators and they have haunts, and UNLESS you are willing to stroll in IBA and carry an M-4, full loaded, and are willing to be alert 90% of the time, it’s good advice. I’m a big guy and at 03.00 hours I’m cautious about where I walk….It’s called “being prudent.”
PLUS, as the UW-Madison Campus is no doubt gun free, AND populated by little drunken sheep, where do you think the predators will congregate? At the local gun club or Tim Horton’s with the Police? They’re gonna wander on down where people have willingly disarmed themselves, and foolishly act as IF nothing bad could happen to them, and wander around late at night, with an excess of disposable income, and as a plus a goodly number will be substance impaired… Where I come from we call that a “Baited Field.”
And, of course, no university builds adequate, convenient parking, so all women are forced to walk great distances if they drive to school.
If you are a women that has always been the case once it goes dark-- even here in Madison where we have our fair share of male predators. But oddly even some of my male students, walking alone have reported being attacked just outside of Engineering Hall.
(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
If you must be out at that time, be sure to take Meade and something that has at least a .4 in the “caliber.”
At least you don't have grizzly bears.
Although Madison might occasionally have a few transient bears like this one.
roesch-voltaire said...
But oddly even some of my male students, walking alone have reported being attacked just outside of Engineering Hall.
That's it? Attacked for no reason?
You should walk in threes: you, Smith and Wesson.
...and a man came up behind her and hit her on the head.
Of course she also left out that the "hit on her head" was rhetorical. Still, never walk alone ladies, that way it is two against one.
Where are the police? At the capital holding the protesters at bay?
Twice, recently, a woman was walking alone on campus and a man came up behind her and hit her on the head.
Why not just look for the guy dragging around the home made electric chair?
...with the really long extension cord.
And watch out for guys asking you for coffee in elevators. But you Sweet Poly Purebreds need not fear, Marcotte is here!
Aw Ann, just pack heat like we do in TEXAS.
Walk alone? No problem down here. In the parks the rapist/killers don't know who has a gun. Grab some woman you you might find a few .380s or .38s in your gut.
We see sexual assaults mostly on college campuses where no guns are allowed. Yes 'gun free' zones. The bad guys ain't dumb they don't want to get hurt over this so they go where they know they can find unarmed victims.
At my college, the biggest worry when walking alone at night was coons. They dig in the garbage along the bikepaths and carry rabies.
I think it's Justice Prosser, out practicing his new, Justice Bradley-defeating move
Coketown, "That's racist."
"At my college, the biggest worry when walking alone at night was coons. They dig in the garbage along the bikepaths and carry rabies."
See? We are all quick to denounce racism around here.
Talking about popular songs: Down in the West Texas town of El Paso... They know how to deal with crime.
I spent most of my college time when I was not in class in a strip club on Murray street. Very little crime. Well only victimless crime. And women didn't have to worry about getting attacked.
They just needed enough room for the dollar bills.
I think Madison needs fewer unions and protestors and more strip clubs.
The Mormon Tabernacle Choir link reminded me: Get a Utah conceal carry permit, which is good in 34 states. Unfortunately, Wisconsin is not one of them. Sucks to be you.
Has anyone been watching David Prosser lately?
If the attacker uses choke holds, then Garage will know.
Here's better advice.
Wear comfortable shoes. Do not carry an expensive pocketbook. Do not wear an expensive leather coat.
And, IF you're walking alone, walk a dog.
The bigger the better.
What happened to a can of mace on a key chain?
Are you really alone on a college campus?
Isn't the biggest threat someone coming up behind you running to get to a class. And, you get knocked down?
What if you're walking and eating a slice of pizza at the same time?
What if your purse accidently goes sideways and hits anyone who gets too close?
Do you know how much a thin and small women can lift in a purse?
It will be interesting to see if concealed carry alters the current "afraid to walk alone" atmosphere" in paradise.
Predators do their homework...they spend hours at it, like other do at their job...they spend planning to attack their prey.
Alone you are a target. Alone in a gun free zone you are a target with a neon sign over your head.
When I lived in NYC they told me to walk rapidly and act like you know where you are going, with purpose and in the middle of the sidewalk...away from the building and away from the street. Looking distracted, looking about etc. makes you look like a "tourist" and easy prey.
Carry a pencil/pen size aresol can of blaze orange paint (pocket, key chain etc.) Marking them makes them very nervous.
Conceal carry purses!
And while a .45 or .40 is preferred, a lady who has a cool head and hand with a .22 pistol is going to be able to fend off 99% of most male attackers. Just pulling out the pistol will end things. If you have to shoot with a .22, muliple shots to the chest and head will get the job done ladies. The point is don't let the size of a pistol intimidate you.
What if you're walking and eating a slice of pizza at the same time?
Throw in standing on your head while spitting wooden nickles and you'd have a great circus act.
My son went to Mudd. His dad bought him a new bike at Christmas. He didn't use a lock. He just ran into a building for something. Only to discover when he came out, again, the bike was gone.
How would a predator know you were walking, alone? People tend to "group" ... just as they do at checkout lines.
What happened to campus security? Are they not allowed outside? Must they stay locked in their offices? Or confined to automobiles?
What happened to the "good old scream?"
Maybe, what you need is a squirt gun full of blood? Grown men can faint at the sight of blood.
While walking and shouting "wait up for me" ... could put a predator off your track, no? Even a wild raccoon wouldn't jump out ... if it looked like you were paying attention ... and not about to walk idly into a lamppost.
I don't see that working on a college campus. Maybe they should just increase the police presence? Or provide voluntary shuttle/escorts if it really is a crisis. That does sound very scary.
This is a standard requirement for soldiers who are traveling off base in a civilian environment. Always travel with at least one other soldier. You see, soldiers know full well that there are predators out their always. I preach this to my kids and grandkids. I go accompanied by Smith and Wesson.
WV: faracepo:
You have reached the Detroit police department, faracepo-po press 1.
3am bike trips (rise and shine!) to the store are one of life's pleasures.
There's no traffic on the back roads, or even the main roads for that matter; you can turn the light off and pass ghostly cows in the fields.
Maybe howse about not walking around in Condition White all the time. For your own sanity and safety, maybe Yellow, please -- calm attentiveness to surroundings and circumstances.
You're out at night? Watch your six, dammit. And maybe carry some heat.
NEVER walk with that stupid ear plug stuck in your ear!
You think predators are a problem? When you don't look where you're walking you can take flight by tripping. If not over something you don't see ... like a crack in the sidewalk ... Then over your own shoe laces.
Now, if you take the behaviors of not paying attention to where you're going ... and you go out in traffic ... do you know what happens? Just because you don't see the car, doesn't mean it can't hit you.
Stupid to think you're avoiding trouble because you're listening to your MP3 player.
Oh, by the way, what happens if you make it into a classroom, unmolested, but you continue listening to your MP3 player? This really works out because it keeps you from feeling bored?
In broad daylight he hit them on the head?
Jethro Gibbs hits people on the back of the head that he likes.
Not like that, huh.
Ah, folks, concealed carry doesn't work very well if someone comes up behind you unobserved and clubs you over the head.
Some women who have trained for years in martial arts claim to be able to sense attackers who are behind them -- in the dojo I used to belong to we did actual exercises to help enhance that "sixth sense." But the qualifier "trained for years" should not be overlooked.
If I'm leaving the office after dark and I see an unaccompanied woman also heading out, I offer to walk her to her car. Given the state of my knees these days walking a bunch of extra steps is no small thing.
Once in a while a woman will go all Rebecca Watson on me, but that's life.
Was that notice sent out for legal reasons? Just in case a woman who gets hit on the head, sues the campus police for not providing sufficient security?
I guess, if I were to get this notice, I wouldn't go outside without a hat.
Which reminds me.
The only way the current photographs show that things have warmed up in Madison, is to notice all the woolen hats have been put away for the summer.
A hat could deflect the blow of a head tap, no?
What you need is a fembot, baby. Yeah!
Heres an even better suggestion. Have the police issue a warning to bad guys to stay the hell off the streets or they will be hit with billy clubs. Or, to the police, get off the freaking computer and make your presence known so that law abiding people can walk when and where they please. How about that for a safety tip?
I was at the University of Chicago campus in the late 1970's - visiting my bro' - and I noticed the unusual shape of the handsets on the emergency phones scattered throughout the campus. My brother told me that campus police advised students that if being chased to just knock the handset off the cradle and keep running, then repeat. The handsets and the cradles were designed to make it easy to do that, whilst on the run. It was like a really rudimentary form of GPS. Presumably there was a campus map on a panel somewhere and the pattern of the lights would tell the cops where you were being chased. Now that was a combat zone. Sheesh. Madison has really changed for the worse in terms of violent crime. Back in my day there... .
You'll Never Walk Alone.
The gospel according to Robert Rogers begins with this piece of advice:
Don't never take a chance you don't have to.
Advice as sound today as it was 250 years ago.
Another verse:
Have your musket clean as a whistle, hatchet scoured, sixty rounds powder and ball
While impractical taken literally, a modern adaptation is also prudent.
The Blonde agrees heartily.
Palladian said:
"I think it's Justice Prosser, out practicing his new, Justice Bradley-defeating move".
And Prosser is white and since it's Madison, odds are it was a white guy.
Follow Grover's advise and "Don't turn the page!
Crack - That goes back the old joke that every 30 seconds a woman in New York is hit by a car. Someone needs to find that woman and get her out of the street.
If you have to shoot with a .22, muliple shots to the chest and head will get the job done ladies.
The rule my instructor gave me was if he's worth shooting, he's worth shooting twice, with a .22 make that 3-4 times.
Here's a look at crime in Madison. Hardly anything going on.
Never walk alone.
Keep your two good friends, Smith and Wesson close at hand.
You wanna be safe? Go to Denny's - get the Grand Slam Breakfast at night.
Crack - I am on the caveman diet so no pancakes for me though I can eat plenty of eggs, bacon, scrapple and ham. I
"You should walk in threes: you, Smith and Wesson."
Eh, walking in pairs would be fine... Just you and Mr Glock...
And we know the person hitting females from behind is a male how?
I guess if they'd been stabbed with knitting needles, there might be some questions.
They used to advertise my alma mater as "a safe place to send your boy." That was before they allowed drinking, dancing, and female students on campus, and the big city was still 20 miles away on a two lane road.
Later, when I was there, no one locked any dorm rooms except during vacations and home football and basketball games (and private time). A drunk townie shot a student in the chest at a party (he lived). That was the only violent crime I remember.
Now they have emergency phones everywhere and electronic passes for the dorms.
Never go outside your bedroom. Ever.
That way, you'll live forever (and possibly longer).
Nobody ever did anything by facing the world bravely. Never take a risk.
After all, it's the bedwetters who have made history.
The guy probably was inspired by "National Lampoon's Stoned Age."
"if you can hear thunder, lightening is close enough to strike you" too, they say. "running is really too tough on your body", so says the fat doctor. *** The real dangers in life stem from not being able to think.
The girl at Indiana University who disappeared was walking alone at 4:30 am. Young people can be very foolish.
"After all, it's the bedwetters who have made history."
That's why we called 'em "You're-a-peeins"
"You'll never walk alone"?
Sure, he hit her, but it felt like a kiss.
For all the talk about bringing your friend Mr. Colt (or Messrs. Smith and Wesson, or Herr Glock, etc.), a firearm is useless to you if you are not aware of your surroundings.
Any person walking on campus at night should do the following:
(1) Keep your eyes and ears open. If you are alone, do periodic checks in all directions. You might see a friend, or another person who needs company on the walk. You also might see a predator on two legs who is sizing up his prey. If you see him before he is in range, half of his plans are wasted.
(2) Plan ahead. Wear shoes and clothes that allow for rapid movements. Know your path, and look for areas where ambushes can be done. Plan to minimize space in potential ambush zones.
(3) Avoid areas that are not well-lit.
(4) To supplement part (3), take a flashlight. Preferably, MagLite.
Just remember, "God made all men. Samuel Colt made them equal."
A Walther PPK is just the right size for a woman's hand. It's only a .380 but the magazine holds more. Unless there are metal detectors at the buildings on campus, a woman should carry a gun at night.
Never walk alone as long as the Democrats are in charge.
The Kel-Tec P-3AT. Same idea as the Walther, James Bond's gun. Blogfather calls it the "Lumpy Special". 11.6 oz fully loaded with .380ACP. There is a .32 that is even lighter.
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