July 31, 2011

In the Stairwell Café...

... we can climb higher.


chickelit said...

Stare well at the Treppenhaus. Climb higher and higher with trepidation, feeling the Beklommenheit

The Crack Emcee said...

... we can climb higher.

Not with the assholes blocking the stairs we can't.

edutcher said...

You only see a stairwell like that when somebody has been thrown down it.

Big Mike said...

This must be in your student union building. Nowhere else does one see architecture quite ... like that.

Michael said...

One design firm in Madison. Odd.

Carol_Herman said...

You know, this is a scene out of the 50's.

Later, you'd be able to climb mountains, indoors. Because people discovered if you put up something that looks like a ladder UP ... People will attempt to climb it up and down.

I like the stuff done in the 1930's better, though. And, I always considered this stuff "Danish."

Almost Ali said...

The Mid-Air Cafe, where distraught students seek relief by walking up and flying down.

Kindly place a jelly-jar of weed-flowers on the shiny floor, as a target and memorial.

Anonymous said...

Drudge is making some type of statement with his grouping of photos...
Omama and Mitch mcConnell With the caption 'very close'.
Surrounding photos are GWB with his arm around a fireman post 9/11, two sketches of DB Cooper and a bunch of lookalike smurfs. So i think he's saying that 'very close' relates not just to a deal but that Mitch McConnell is too much like BHO in his thinking. He is too close to obama and far away from the house republicans.

Or maybe i am just crazy cuz it is insanely hot out today.

Anonymous said...

excellent shot

gk1 said...

I love the pics at this place. Ann, you have a really good eye. You should take a sabbatical and do photography for a while.

Synova said...

Has anyone been to see Cowboys and Aliens?

Or Captain America?

Other movies?

Freeman Hunt said...

I saw Horrible Bosses. Skip.

Freeman Hunt said...

Someone told me today that Heartless was good, and it's available on Netflix streaming. I haven't watched it yet.

Freeman Hunt said...

There's a topic: the Netflix rate increase. More specifically, all of the grousing about the Netflix rate increase.


Netflix has to be the most underpriced entertainment service in history. It is ridiculously cheap for what it is. I'm glad that they raised the rate to expand the streaming service.

Heart_Collector said...

That picture makes me dizzy. I like it.

Big Mike said...

@Synova, just got back from taking the wife to see the final installment of Harry Potter.

Spoiler alert! Good guy wins. Bad guy(s) die.

Synova said...

Just watched the first 4 episodes of Torchwood on Starz.

You know... I can deal with the sex I don't want to see by either covering my eyes or fast forwarding. I thought the original of this was a great show and I knew what to expect. But what *exactly* is it with the Tea Party and FOX slams? What were they thinking? That no one who is conservative or interested in fiscal responsibility would abide a show with an immortal gay guy?

They wrote this utterly repulsive lady (there are actually several utterly repulsive characters) and I can see how, in the situation described, that she might gain some popularity and become the spokeswoman for a particular mindset. What that was, was the notion that all of the people who were supposed to have died be declared legally dead and be sequestered. The "miracle" would end and everyone who wouldn't die for the duration would keel over dead anyway, so treat them as already dead, she argued.

Nasty, but someone would probably come up with that "solution" to what was going on. There would be some people who were persuaded.

What was completely gratuitous about it, not to mention irrational, was that they decided that this was a *Tea Party* sort of thought process. Apparently "Evil Stupid Lady" = "Tea Party".

It was disappointing and destroyed whatever trust I have in the writers to follow a coherent and rational plot line. What else are they going to be blind to? What other irrational belief systems will distort the story?

Synova said...

Harry Potter was fun. :-)

Fred4Pres said...

I think I have found a solution to your goose problem: Kinfolk said, hey move away from there, so the loaded up the truck and the moved to Mad-i-son, hippies and liberals.

Fred4Pres said...

Synova, Captain America rocks. I hear C&A is disappointing. I will likely check it out anyway, but I was very much pleasantly surprised with Captain America. Nice tie ins with Iron Man.

Synova said...

I thought that Cowboys and Aliens was compelling for every moment through the entire movie. Not a single dull moment for me. I thought that in the moment, it was brilliant.

So that's good.

But I also felt like when it was over, it was just over.

It really was a whole lot of fun, but I think I understand why it got panned a bit, which I can't explain without spoiling the end. But I don't want to discourage anyone because it really was very good and wonderfully entertaining.

Fred4Pres said...

Synova, I will check out Cowboys and Aliens next. Heck, I have been watching the Virginian, Gunsmoke and Have Gun--Will Travel on Netflix, so I am geared up for it.

But I think you will like Captain America. Not the best movie ever made, but it is very well done and I appreciated the effort of capturing what Brooklyn looked like in the early 1940s.

Synova said...

Oh, I have seen it!

My favorite bit, I think, was Cap making the best of being stuck with the USO. It made it clear that nothing was about *him* and he'd do his best, no matter the situation he was given.

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Hals said...
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