I've always wondered what these therapies consist of. Oh to be a fly on the wall listening to Weiner discuss with some therapist how he likes to send cock shots to women he doesn't know.
What I think the Democrats should do is move him to a different district. You know, like the Catholic Church did with its molester priests.
I read this and thought it was a great take on the whole thing. Of course, the whole "rehab" gambit is just that - a ploy - the question is, will anyone fall for it?
They fell for "The Gay Girl in Damascus" didn't they?
No one is arguing that Weiner's problem is heterosexuality. Rather it is his impulsiveness. His inability to step back and ask himself if it is appropriate to make sexual advances towards women who aren't his wife, and in such a reckless manner, is the real problem.
Every cock communique requires a sender and a recipient, and if the second doesn't save it like a treasure, then it never happened. I'm not saying that I would delete a similar photo from a female senator, but I'm a man and I think I'm required to keep it, view it often, and show it to all my friends. It's a law, I think.
No one is arguing that Weiner's problem is heterosexuality. Rather it is his impulsiveness. His inability to step back and ask himself if it is appropriate to make sexual advances towards women who aren't his wife, and in such a reckless manner, is the real problem.
The usual gobblygook.
The only honest commenter on this site, when it comes to the subject of sex, is Tight Ass, the fag.
Feminism has made jackasses of us all. Appropriate, my ass. Appropriate is one of those words that should fetch you a kick in the balls.
Weiner just wanted to get his weiner in as many pussies as possible. Taranto's remark was really quite clever. As Tight Ass has stated, straight men would be whores too if they operated in the environment gay men operate in... which is to say without the female brake on sex.
Modern liberalism has turned the equation upside down... celebrating in homo men what we now despise in heteros. It's ridiculous.
This whole sex addiction thing is a scam. It is nothing more than a money making scheme to get people out of trouble, out under nasty divorces, and making them look like victims of their own desires.
Taranto, what an ignorant jerk. Yes, and the Republicans like to defend the real cheaters like Sanford and Ensign, Gingrich and Rush. Nobody is squeaky clean here.
Why should anyone on the left be concerned with anyone else's sexual habits? I thought we were supposed to stay out of others' bedrooms? I don't think the article was snarky, it was dead on, pointing out the inconsistency and hypocrisy of the leftist agenda.
One of the things that probably annoys the lefties so much about this whole mess is that Weiner has forced lefties to become morality police. They have to appear interested and outraged at the sexual habits of one of their own. Well, why should anyone be outraged? Lefties encourage minors to explore their sexuality. They don't have a problem with introducing grade school kids to all sorts of sexual acts. And now they have to feign horror at a horn dog expressing his sexuality.
A question that can end almost every conversation with a lefty applies here: Well, which is it? In this particular case, can sexual behavior be modified or not? Either way you answer that has consequences.
snarky nonsense...the same criticisms would be made of any public servant in these same circumstances whether they were hetero or homo. did larry craig get a free ride (so to speak) or mark foley ? weiner's latest 'therapy' excuse is obviously nothing other than more political cover. the man has no shame and i don't think that there is a cure for that.
I got this from the Minneapolis Star Tribune. A story about a stabbing:
Dulski said that McDonald (stabber) is a man who is "in the process of becoming female," receiving hormone treatment while living as a woman.
As a trustee and counselor, Dulski said, he helps McDonald handle his finances. McDonald, who attended Minneapolis Community and Technical College this past spring semester, receives Social Security disability payments because of emotional and mental difficulties tied to gender identity, Dulski added.
You can also file this under why the country is going broke.
raymond said... Am I the only one who feels his taking a picture in a locker room is beyond creepy and in and of itself enough for him to be forced to resign? ================== Weiner is a minor league perv who never actually "cheated". That in itself would be survivable. But not coupled with a long history of two decades in politics conducting himself as an arrogant, loud-mouthed NYC asshole.
Not, even more importantly, with 27 incidents with the press where he told bombastic lies and attacked the media as part of his stonewalling.
There is, also, behind the scenes, the not so minor matters of deceiving the Minority Leader and her staff, his own House staff.
From a practical viewpoint, the Dems in the backrooms and the big donors know that Weiner can be swapped out for any other more suitable Dem in a District that has not voted Republican since 1923.
Yes, and the Republicans like to defend the real cheaters like Sanford and Ensign, Gingrich and Rush. Nobody is squeaky clean here.
You have to love the desperation here. The Left has spent generations preaching that dalliances outside of marriage are "private matters, between a man and his wife, just about sex, MoveOn and quit being a prude, it doesn't relate to character".
But now that Weiner is busted sending cock pics to underage girls, we get the equivalency that "real" cheaters are Republican.
All of these things are about people being people, and so are individual actions that do not really compare.
Gov. Sanford finding his "soulmate" in Argentina is not the same as Sen. Vitter frequenting houses of ill repute in Washington, D.C., etc.
And I do not remember any of the previously discovered miscreants using such language as Rep. Weiner used to women he had not even met.
Using bad language is not against "the law," but this was absolutely unacceptable behavior on the part of a member of the United States House of Representatives, and if Mr. Weiner won't resign, he should certainly be "sent to Coventry."
raymond wrote: Am I the only one who feels his taking a picture in a locker room is beyond creepy and in and of itself enough for him to be forced to resign?
I don't know about the Congressional gym, but my YMCA has a posted rule against that. (Actually the rule is against using cell phones anywhere but the lobby, but photography is the reason why.)
I don't know about the Congressional gym, but my YMCA has a posted rule against that. (Actually the rule is against using cell phones anywhere but the lobby, but photography is the reason why.)
Thank you. I'm dense, I never understood the reason for that rule before.
Seven, my understanding is that the treatments are typically 12 step programs with loss of control over sexual behavior as the focus rather than alcohol use.
I think Charley Sheen was on to something. For thirty six hours, put one group of men in a luxury hotel room with a mountain of cocaine and viagra and a rotating series of porn stars with whom to discuss their sexual hangups. In another room, put a group of men with the collected works of Betty Friedan, Susan Sontag, and Gloria Steinhem and a selected group of feminists to discuss those great works. At the end of the experiment, see which group has made greater progress in overcoming their hangups.
Sexting rehab? Talking dirty to other women rehab? Being a guy who's married and hunting out other prey rehab? Hey ladies, look at me because I think I'm hot as hell and you should think so too rehab?
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Seems like Anthony Weiner is more monosexual, they do call him "Hands Solo" for a reason.
I've always wondered what these therapies consist of. Oh to be a fly on the wall listening to Weiner discuss with some therapist how he likes to send cock shots to women he doesn't know.
What I think the Democrats should do is move him to a different district. You know, like the Catholic Church did with its molester priests.
I read this and thought it was a great take on the whole thing. Of course, the whole "rehab" gambit is just that - a ploy - the question is, will anyone fall for it?
They fell for "The Gay Girl in Damascus" didn't they?
Well, it may be snark, but Taranto is right.
The Dems' boosterism for gaydom is hilarious and godawful.
But, you missed the meat of the essay, which argues that women ain't no saints.
Taranto is right here as well.
No one is arguing that Weiner's problem is heterosexuality. Rather it is his impulsiveness. His inability to step back and ask himself if it is appropriate to make sexual advances towards women who aren't his wife, and in such a reckless manner, is the real problem.
It's called "shame", and it used to work, before it we learned to be ashamed of it.
"...women ain't no saints."
Every cock communique requires a sender and a recipient, and if the second doesn't save it like a treasure, then it never happened. I'm not saying that I would delete a similar photo from a female senator, but I'm a man and I think I'm required to keep it, view it often, and show it to all my friends. It's a law, I think.
No one is arguing that Weiner's problem is heterosexuality. Rather it is his impulsiveness. His inability to step back and ask himself if it is appropriate to make sexual advances towards women who aren't his wife, and in such a reckless manner, is the real problem.
The usual gobblygook.
The only honest commenter on this site, when it comes to the subject of sex, is Tight Ass, the fag.
Feminism has made jackasses of us all. Appropriate, my ass. Appropriate is one of those words that should fetch you a kick in the balls.
Weiner just wanted to get his weiner in as many pussies as possible. Taranto's remark was really quite clever. As Tight Ass has stated, straight men would be whores too if they operated in the environment gay men operate in... which is to say without the female brake on sex.
Modern liberalism has turned the equation upside down... celebrating in homo men what we now despise in heteros. It's ridiculous.
Taranto also provides a nice link to your pal Patricia Willams discussing the Palin emails.
I think you'll agree that it's provocative stuff, Althouse. Please think deeply before commenting on it.
This whole sex addiction thing is a scam. It is nothing more than a money making scheme to get people out of trouble, out under nasty divorces, and making them look like victims of their own desires.
"...women ain't no saints."
When was the last time a congresswoman Twittered her twitties? Twittering your twinkie is beyond the pale, even for congress critters.
This is really Class A snark.
Give the man a cigar.
Taranto, what an ignorant jerk. Yes, and the Republicans like to defend the real cheaters like Sanford and Ensign, Gingrich and Rush. Nobody is squeaky clean here.
Vicki from Pasadena
Why should anyone on the left be concerned with anyone else's sexual habits? I thought we were supposed to stay out of others' bedrooms? I don't think the article was snarky, it was dead on, pointing out the inconsistency and hypocrisy of the leftist agenda.
One of the things that probably annoys the lefties so much about this whole mess is that Weiner has forced lefties to become morality police. They have to appear interested and outraged at the sexual habits of one of their own. Well, why should anyone be outraged? Lefties encourage minors to explore their sexuality. They don't have a problem with introducing grade school kids to all sorts of sexual acts. And now they have to feign horror at a horn dog expressing his sexuality.
A question that can end almost every conversation with a lefty applies here: Well, which is it? In this particular case, can sexual behavior be modified or not? Either way you answer that has consequences.
Yeah, two weeks to cure a decades old disorder seems about right...
Seven Machos, the therapies? Do the words 'tenderizing mallet' mean anything to you?
He better not be going to a hospital. Lots of Arkancides occured in hospitals.
Am I the only one who feels his taking a picture in a locker room is beyond creepy and in and of itself enough for him to be forced to resign?
snarky nonsense...the same criticisms would be made of any public servant in these same circumstances whether they were hetero or homo. did larry craig get a free ride (so to speak) or mark foley ? weiner's latest 'therapy' excuse is obviously nothing other than more political cover. the man has no shame and i don't think that there is a cure for that.
The Weiner wants to milk the sympathy angle as well as try, "Out of sight, out of mind". The big Demos know better.
PETER V. BELLA said...
"...women ain't no saints."
When was the last time a congresswoman Twittered her twitties?
Just because she hasn't gotten caught, doesn't mean it hasn't happened.
I got this from the Minneapolis Star Tribune. A story about a stabbing:
Dulski said that McDonald (stabber) is a man who is "in the process of becoming female," receiving hormone treatment while living as a woman.
As a trustee and counselor, Dulski said, he helps McDonald handle his finances. McDonald, who attended Minneapolis Community and Technical College this past spring semester, receives Social Security disability payments because of emotional and mental difficulties tied to gender identity, Dulski added.
You can also file this under why the country is going broke.
"Taranto, what an ignorant jerk."
'"Shut up", she explained.'
raymond said...
Am I the only one who feels his taking a picture in a locker room is beyond creepy and in and of itself enough for him to be forced to resign?
Weiner is a minor league perv who never actually "cheated". That in itself would be survivable.
But not coupled with a long history of two decades in politics conducting himself as an arrogant, loud-mouthed NYC asshole.
Not, even more importantly, with 27 incidents with the press where he told bombastic lies and attacked the media as part of his stonewalling.
There is, also, behind the scenes, the not so minor matters of deceiving the Minority Leader and her staff, his own House staff.
From a practical viewpoint, the Dems in the backrooms and the big donors know that Weiner can be swapped out for any other more suitable Dem in a District that has not voted Republican since 1923.
Group therapy. They can put Weiner in between Lohan and DSK.
Thats all this is - like when the hollywood celebs run over someone and spend a weekend in rehab to avoid responsibility.
Yes, and the Republicans like to defend the real cheaters like Sanford and Ensign, Gingrich and Rush. Nobody is squeaky clean here.
You have to love the desperation here. The Left has spent generations preaching that dalliances outside of marriage are "private matters, between a man and his wife, just about sex, MoveOn and quit being a prude, it doesn't relate to character".
But now that Weiner is busted sending cock pics to underage girls, we get the equivalency that "real" cheaters are Republican.
The spin on Weiner is out of control.
This is about democrat congressman Anthony Weiner's lying and cheating.
Yes, and the Republicans like to defend the real cheaters like Sanford and Ensign, Gingrich and Rush. Nobody is squeaky clean here.
Did Taranto defend those guys? I must have missed that part of the article.
Or Vicki's just making things up again. Either way.
- Lyssa
All of these things are about people being people, and so are individual actions that do not really compare.
Gov. Sanford finding his "soulmate" in Argentina is not the same as Sen. Vitter frequenting houses of ill repute in Washington, D.C., etc.
And I do not remember any of the previously discovered miscreants using such language as Rep. Weiner used to women he had not even met.
Using bad language is not against "the law," but this was absolutely unacceptable behavior on the part of a member of the United States House of Representatives, and if Mr. Weiner won't resign, he should certainly be "sent to Coventry."
Very clever.
raymond wrote: Am I the only one who feels his taking a picture in a locker room is beyond creepy and in and of itself enough for him to be forced to resign?
I don't know about the Congressional gym, but my YMCA has a posted rule against that. (Actually the rule is against using cell phones anywhere but the lobby, but photography is the reason why.)
Henry said...
I don't know about the Congressional gym, but my YMCA has a posted rule against that. (Actually the rule is against using cell phones anywhere but the lobby, but photography is the reason why.)
Thank you. I'm dense, I never understood the reason for that rule before.
Seven, my understanding is that the treatments are typically 12 step programs with loss of control over sexual behavior as the focus rather than alcohol use.
loss of control over sexual behavior as the focus
Or gain of control over sexual behavior as the case may be.
(Your structure was parallel -- loss of control / alcohol abuse -- and so correctly phrased. I just choose to read it differently.)
"...women ain't no saints."
There is a bit of a difference between a porn star and a congressman, as far as what we consider acceptable behavior, no?
Shanna said...
There is a bit of a difference between a porn star and a congressman, as far as what we consider acceptable behavior, no?
At the point he tweeted his genital pics, he became a pornographer. Maybe not a star, but a willing amateur. So no, I don't see much difference.
But the sexting isn't where he needs rehabilitation. He needs a clinic for lying and slander.
wv: holste. If he'd kept that thing in its holste, he wouldn't have anything to lie about.
I think Charley Sheen was on to something. For thirty six hours, put one group of men in a luxury hotel room with a mountain of cocaine and viagra and a rotating series of porn stars with whom to discuss their sexual hangups. In another room, put a group of men with the collected works of Betty Friedan, Susan Sontag, and Gloria Steinhem and a selected group of feminists to discuss those great works. At the end of the experiment, see which group has made greater progress in overcoming their hangups.
Sexting rehab? Talking dirty to other women rehab? Being a guy who's married and hunting out other prey rehab? Hey ladies, look at me because I think I'm hot as hell and you should think so too rehab?
Name it Weiner, you conceited, arrogant slag.
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