June 2, 2011

Rush Limbaugh goes after Krauthammer.

On the occasion of Krauthammer's disrespect for Sarah Palin:
Krauthammer was on Fox the other day, I happened to see it. He said that Sarah Palin still doesn't cut it for him.  She's got good instincts but she's just not properly schooled.  And he said I don't mean schooled in the right places.  She's just not learned.  She's had two and a half years to school herself on matters of policy.  She hasn't done it.  She can't demonstrate it.  She's just not properly schooled.  And Tom Rowan, "Analyzing the Analyst" in the American Thinker, says why in the world do we sit here and bow down at the opinion of somebody that used to write speeches for Walter Mondale. 

Now, Rowan's theory is that people's pasts matter.  So here you have Dr. Krauthammer, who was a speechwriter for Mondale who obviously at a point in his life thought Ronald Reagan was a total idiot, you know, probably not schooled.  So Rowan's theory is, analyzing the analysts, that Krauthammer sees Reagan in Palin.  Wasn't particularly enamored of Reagan.  George Will was not an early Reaganite, for example, became a good friend and associate later on.  But this got me to thinking about this whole notion of who earns respect and why.  And Mr. Rowan, the American Thinker, said, why is it that everybody stops what they're doing and when Krauthammer issues an opinion that's it?...

Now, Krauthammer in many ways has acquired this respect because in many of the venues he appears he's the only conservative....
The segment at the link begins and ends with thoughts on Weinergate, by the way. Read the whole thing if you want to see how he weaves these themes together.


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traditionalguy said...

McCullough...I hear your point about "spending" in Alaska. But you fail to mention that the citizens of Alaska get paid cash dividends and Free Airline Tickets each and every year. They run Alaska like its their private business selling its oil wealth for extraction taxes on the oil companies. So what you call "Spending" was really dividend payments. And under Palin they raised the extraction taxes so that also saved many billions to put into a surplus rainy day fund. I bet that Californians wishe she had been their Governor right about now.

mccullough said...


I have no problem with the rainy day fund or using taxes for roads, schools, etc. as long as they are worthwhile investments and not bs projects. Palin's use of tax dollars for infrastructure was good overall. Compared to her predecessors, who never saw a project they didn't like to fund and steer contracts to their friends, regardless of usefulness or need of project, Palin was outstanding. Murkowski (father and daughter), Don Young, and Ted Stevens love(d) bullshit spending. And I understand that Alaska has been paying it's residents oil money for a long time. It would be tough to expect Palin to repeal the practice. That said, Palin actually increased the payment. That's inexcusable. She should cop to these mistakes.

Synova, I think Pawlenty and Huntsman did a good job as governor from a fiscal conservative standpoint. Huntsman did an especially good job at attracting business and investment to Utah. I like Paul Ryan. He's fessed up to past mistakes and is a genuine convert to more fiscal conservatism. The big issues to me are lack of economic growth and high deficits/debt. Lower taxes help promote economic growth, but tend to increase the deficit. And, as is becoming clear, spending is hard to cut. Medicare is very popular, and no one wants to be seen as against the poor or weak on defense. Based on their records and proposals, I think Pawlenty, Huntsman, and Ryan are the best people to tackle these issues.

If I were a Democrat, I'd support someone like Mark Warner or Phil Bredesen to do a much better job than Obama.

traditionalguy said...

McCullough...Wow! You just agreed with me that Palin actually had an exemplary fiscal Conservative record in Alaska contrary to your repeated charges that she was a spendthrift RINO...and then you finished the comment by repeating your false charges. That is major league manipulation of your audience. It is like the trial lawyer who when slammed by the judges adverse ruling promptly smiles and says "Thank you Judge" to make the jury mistakenly think the judge ruled in his favor. How dumb do you think we are?

Republican said...

Always enjoy the charges of 'elitism' about those Limbaugh chooses to attack when they don't toe his lines and serve his gods.

reader_iam said...

@Ralph L:

Sorry reader, your paragraph at 4:50 still doesn't make sense. Is English your native language?

Apparently not.

So it goes.

Unknown said...
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