And includes this video, where Weiner looks so uncomfortable that I'm feeling pretty sorry for him... and then he up and calls CNN's Capitol Hill producer Ted Barrett a "jackass."
The man is stressed. Would it really be so bad to check out who's following you on Twitter and — there's always a little picture — click "follow" if the follower looks cute?
IN THE COMMENTS: johnroberthenry questions the veracity... of the pie scenario:
Weiner talked several times about a guy in the back of an audience of 145,000 people throwing a pie at him.
I would be amazed if he could attract an audience of 145,000 people. Where would he make this speech? I suspect that only a NASCAR track would be big enough.
And then a guy in the back throws a pie at him? I'd like to meet that guy. He must have one HELL of an arm.
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 272 of 272"He also may have "stuff" on Barney Frank. And, Charlie Rangel."
Conservatives are following, and logging, ever single member of Congress who uses Twitter.
Because Twitter is a public feed of that Congressman that he puts INTO the public.
Of course we're going to watch what they put into the public and when they start putting their erect penises into their public Twitter feeds that's going to be newsworthy.
When they start stalking a bunch of politically unrelated but uniquely busty students and begin flirt sessions with those young daughters on their public Twitter feeds, we're going to be watching.
Yeah, we're watching the dirty old men.
Every. Single. One. Of. Them.
When they step out in public with someone other than their wives, we'll be there with our cameras to catch them.
Gonna be a miserable term they serve. They aren't going to enjoy public life unless they're living the straight and (no fun) narrow.
Because that's what they do to us.
MikeR it's something like this: the same brainpan that thought sending out dick tweets was a good idea thinks Obamacare and raising the debt ceiling are good ideas.
Here's the video of Anthony Weiner admitting that the photograph of his erect penis uploaded to yfrog may be his penis.
He also walks back the "prank" story and now asserts that his entire computer system has been hacked.
_Why_ do people seem to think that any of this is relevant to a politician's job, or any other? Why do they seem to think that it is appropriate for the politician to resign if he turns out to be guilty?
1. He is supposed to be doing the "People's Business" not taking pictures of his dick and sending them to young girls ....on our time as taxpayers. Twit on your own time.
1.a. What other resources is he misappropriating?
2. The inappropriateness of the whole thing leaves him open to being blackmailed or otherwise manipulated.
3. As a government official who is in charge of making decisions that affect the livelihoods and security of the voters to be in a position of being blackmailed or to be coerced /wink /wink to make decisions that are not impartial or in the best interests of anyone but himself (and his dick) is a dangerous thing.
4. If his judgement about appropriate behaviour and his respect for his position is this bad....just think what else he doesn't give a shit about.
He needs to go. It is a serious responsibility to be a Congressman or Senator.
"Why_ do people seem to think that any of this is relevant to a politician's job ..."
He's using government telecommunications equipment that WE PAY FOR to take pictures of his erect penis for the purposes of enticing young girls on the internet.
He is spending OUR TIME THAT WE PAY FOR not being our Congressional representation, but instead surfing the internet looking for tweens to bait.
He's breaking federal law by using the wires for the interstate transmission of obscene materials. That's a felony crime.
The fact that he's dragging his poor wife Huma Abedin's good name through the mud is only an unfortunate sideshow. Democrat Rep. Anthony Weiner shouldn't be using the equipment WE PROVIDE HIM WITH and that WE PAY FOR for these perverted purposes and we're going to find out how widespread his practice of doing this is.
We're sick and tired of paying taxes to these people so they can go to Washington and piss our money away on internet trim hunts.
Not. putting. up. with. it.
MEN! You CAN avoid 'Wags' Weiner's embarrassing problem!
Watch for people to start running entrapment scams on politicians. How hard would that be?
How hard would that be?
Is that a pun?
Totally unintended
She is very hot but isn't she half Paki and half Indian?
Not a good combo in the sack.
Says the man with the hot Indian husband. What were his antecedents pre-partition?
wv: ampsea
ScottM: "Conversely, and against assuming it's his doing, I care very much if a sitting senator lies and tries to cover it up."
Even on that I can't really agree. Husbands (or wives) should lie in these circumstances. His marriage is more important than somebody's rule about always telling the truth. I would consider it immoral for him to hurt his wife and kids needlessly. He will of course have to deal with his wife; that's a separate matter.
Somewhat similar: If you force people on a web page to register entering in personal information, name, dob, ssn, _and_ where it's quite clear to the user that you have no real need for it, a huge proportion of users (judged by the results) feel that it's quite okay to lie. You get a whole lot of accounts named Barney Google and such.
Husbands (or wives) should lie in these circumstances.
Mike, I don't know how old you are or what your marriage situation is or isn't. All I can say is that I can never agree with that frame of mind. We're going to have to agree we're at an impasse on this one.
I've been wondering about Weiner's wife.
From The Book of Knowledge:
"Abedin was born in Kalamazoo, Michigan. Her father was of Indian
descent and was an Iranian scholar who died when she was 17 years
old, and her Pakistani born mother is a professor in Saudi Arabia.[1]
At the age of two, her family relocated to Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
Abedin returned to the United States to attend George Washington University.
Huma Abedin began working as an intern for the White House in 1996
and landed an assignment with the First Lady. She currently works for
Clinton at the State Department."
So her father, an Iranian of Indian background (Apparently born in Iran) and her mother, a Pakistani up sticks when Huma is 2 and move to Saudi Arabia where they have never lived and have no ethnic connection.
Could they have picked SA because they are Muslim?
Huma comes back to the US at 18, goes to college and starts working in the WH as an intern. Becomes Hilary's aide.
Doesn't seem to make a lot of money, probably no more than $50,000 in any year yet can buy a $600,000+ apt as well as large quantities of designer clothes.
Could the money have come from her parents? Her father, deceased, was an Iranian scholar, he mom is a SA college professor. They sound like they they did OK but not wealthy.
Close, and I mean very close personal aide and friend to our Sec State.
Lots of other interesting stuff.
I am beginning to wonder if the real story is Huma Abedin and not Captain Underpants?
John Henry
I am sure there is nothing to worry about with Huma. No doubt the State Dept vetted her carefully.
John Henry
Here's the video of Anthony Weiner admitting that the photograph of his erect penis uploaded to yfrog may be his penis.
Wall Street Journal: Weiner Admits Lewd Photo May Be Of Him
"Rep. Anthony Weiner, embroiled in a bizarre controversy over a lewd photo of a man’s crotch sent to a young woman from his Twitter account, said Wednesday it’s possible the photo is of him."
Must be some Wall Street Journal hillbillies.
I would hate for Weiner to be my rep.
He's a terrible liar. If you're going to do it, you might as well try and be good at it.
"Watch for people to start running entrapment scams on politicians. How hard would that be?"
What do you mean "start?"
How do you know there aren't compromised Congressman already being told how to vote or else their "dick pictures" will be released?
How do you know Anthony Weiner didn't have that same conversation with a blackmailer? And that this is the result?
The fact of the matter is that until the House Homeland Security subcommittee on Cybersecurity, Infrastructure and Security Technologies begins an investigation into this alleged hacking attempt, we won't really know who is trying to ruin the reputation of this Congressman.
Republican Rep. Dan Lungren should empanel his subcommittee and send a request to the FBI to begin an investigation into this breach of Homeland Security. We need to get to the bottom of who is trying to destroy this U.S. Congressman.
Wolf: "You do not know if that photo is of you?" Weiner: "We are doing everything possible to determine the answer to that question."
Huma's befuddled when Weiner isn't sure if that's a pic of his wiener?
When will Pols learn that it's the coverup stupid!
at Mark: how in the world can any dumb MFer not know if someone has taken a picture of his stuff.
Give me a break--someone snuck into the locker room and put a camera in the guy's crotch and snapped a picture--AND YOU WOULDNT KNOW IT? I mean how stupid is that
This is one dumb bastard--And Blitzer's follow up questions? What exactly what were they? I love the hard hitting journalism of today.
To quote my friend Trooper the only thing worse than a lawyer is a journalist.
Bear in mind, Cedarford, that Jews run the world. They are smarter and richer than you are. That's why you hate them, right?
We're also better endowed.
Cedarford, once she's gone Jew, she's all done with you.
What do you mean "start?"
Exactly, see Palin, Sarah.
Robert: Actually, as of Friday morning last week he followed only about 95 others.
He suddenly doubled it, so that the number of young babes relative to the overall population of people he follows wouldn't stand out so much.
This is what everyone is missing. Before his premature tweet, Wiener's "follow" list was just a stable of hot young busty brunettes.
I think it was 39.
Weiner: "We are doing everything possible to determine the answer to that question."
This is not 2004, tens of millions of tech savvy users are online now. Weiner's wandering into CBS fake memo territory to his own peril.
Fen--dont think anyone following the story is missing that--its just not being reported--Weiner is trying to cover his tracks and doesnt apparently understand that the internet is unforgiving.
Does anyone have more than four pictures of the "total babes"? That doesn't seem very impressive.
Seems to me the House Speaker could step in here and refer this to the Ethics Committee (an oxymoron if there ever was)--I suspect the house leadership is hoping the court of public opinion will do their job for them--One wonders what the unwritten rules of the house really are.
The right-leaning twitterverse is aghast at the softball questions Blitzer was serving up, but IMHO Wolf did Weiner no favors; because Weiner thought he was getting a sympathetic interview, he let himself say some really, really, really stupid things that aren't going to go away.
Earlier in the thread I said the only question was how badly Weiner was going to crash-land this fiasco. Answer: very badly.
Its the arrogance.
Like the "who are you!" feeb thats no longer in office.
How do the Dems keep sending psychos like this into office? Sociopath Clinton. Narcissist Obama. Dingbat Klopper.
A 45,000 person crowd is not that huge (45,000 people would fit into lots of college football stadiums, for example).
If the pie was shaped like a frisbee, it might go a long ways. The world record for a frisbee throw is nearly 700 feet. Throwing from the upper rows of a stadium would add a lot of distance to the throw. There are probably lots of frisbee golfers who can throw a frisbee from the top row of a football stadium to the middle of the football field.
Is it possible to design a pie pan that is really aerodynamic? Yes, lots of engineering/scientific types could do that.
Before there were frisbees, back in the 20s, some college students would throw pie pans back and forth. To warn that the pie tin was on its way, they would yell "frisbee" (like golfers yell "fore").
If the pie hit Weiner, it might knock him out (or worse). Even if it did not knock him out, he would certainly be very angry (because he is the angriest politician in the world) and very focused on finding the culprit (rather than immediately continue with his presentation).
Is it possible to design a pie pan that is really aerodynamic?
It would have to be, because according to Wiener's dumb scenario, he would be throwing the pie at himself.
People would want to know why he threw a pie at himself.
Even on that I can't really agree. Husbands (or wives) should lie in these circumstances. His marriage is more important than somebody's rule about always telling the truth.
Poppycock! Weiner's just trying to save his ass. He could care less about Huma's reputation and/or the marriage or he wouldn't be tweeting a pron star and coeds. It was only a matter of time until a Rachel Uchitel stepped forward for her 15 minutes.
2. The inappropriateness of the whole thing leaves him open to being blackmailed or otherwise manipulated.
Isn't Weiner's a member of the Homeland Security Task Force? Why is he using a govt issued BB to send public messaging? Is his home computer secure? Does he receive govt email on his home computer or BB? Doesn't sound like eithr are very secure.
This should be looked into across the board, cuz if Weiner's doing it, others in govt service are too.
How do the Dems keep sending psychos like this into office?
What do you mean DEMS?
Reuters: Republican Weiner Uncertain Whether Lewd Photo was of Him
Weiner said:
"If I was giving a speech to 45,000 people and someone in the back of the room threw a pie, or yelled out an insult, would I spend the next two hours responding to that?".
Somebody pointed out that throwing a pie from the back of such a large crowd is absurd so my post was an absurd deconstruction of such a pie toss.
Ruy, Looks like Reuters edited its headline, but the conventional (D-NY) identifier is conspicuously missing.
I am guessing that at least 95% of the guys here could definitively say that that picture was not of their stuff. I sure can. And, if he were really in doubt, he could ask his wife.
Claiming that he doesn't know whether that is a picture of him is just idiotic. If he doesn't know, then likely he did take pictures, or have pictures taken, at some point in the past.
Makes no sense to me.
Ruy, Looks like Reuters edited its headline, but the conventional (D-NY) identifier is conspicuously missing.
The headline was an innocent mistake--'Rep' being interpreted as 'Republican' instead of 'Representative'--but the selective identification along Party lines is not innocent at all.
CNN To Weiner: "Have You Ever Taken A Picture Like This Of Yourself?"
WOLF BLITZER, CNN: "Have you ever taken a picture like this of yourself?"
REP. ANTHONY WEINER (D-NY): "I can tell you this, that there are -- I have photographs. I don't know what photographs are out there in the world of me. I don't know what have been manipulated and doctored and we're going to try to find out what happened. But the most important reason I want to find out what happened is to make sure that it doesn't happen again. Obviously somebody got access to my account. That's bad. They sent a picture that makes fun of the name weiner. i get it. Touche."
"They sent a picture that makes fun of the name weiner. I get it. Touche."
Huh? Now he's just making stuff up. Does he really think his consituents are that stupid?
Are they?
Reuters: Republican Weiner Uncertain Whether Lewd Photo was of Him
"I don't know if that particular one is a picture of my particular dick because I have taken so many photos of my own 'hard on' that it is hard to tell. Doesn't everyone?? "
How stupid does he think people are?
"Weiner said that the law firm he hired has an Internet security firm that is investigating how his account was hacked."
Gee, the FBI would do it for free. And I'm pretty sure their cyber division trumps whatever security company the law firm is contracting.
Hmmmm. Why would anyone have their own lawyers investigate, at ~ $400 an hour, when the best guys in that field would do it for free?
"Does he really think his consituents are that stupid? Are they?"
They elected him.
Look ... he's playing this off so that there won't be an investigation. He can't answer FBI questions, because it's a felony t lie to the FBI.
So, this "hack" bullshit is a fig leaf. Everybody knows he did it, but everybody in the media (except Dana Bash) is going to let him claim he was #hacked and not question him too terribly hard. That's why CNN took Bash off the story and instead let Wolf Blitzer lob soft balls at Weiner.
But everybody now knows the kind of a pervert he is: a flasher.
Those types of people can't help themselves. Sexual deviants are almost always repeat offenders. The next person he sends a cock shot to (or worse) will have him by the short hairs and will be able to sell that photo for tens of thousands of dollars.
The saddest part of this tale is that he's permanently stained the good name of his wife - Huma Abedin. She now carries his shame as hers.
I hope she kicks him to the curb.
You guys still talking about Anthony's Wiener?
Ruy, Looks like Reuters edited its headline, but the conventional (D-NY) identifier is conspicuously missing
Wow. It was there just a few minutes ago. Now is gone, down the memory hole.
Reuters sucks. Little Winston Smiths abound.
Seriously, the MSM is the first against the wall when everything falls apart.
this whole thing doesnt pass the bull shit test--please tell me that any man does not know that someone is taking pics of his erection. that defies belief. I mean really--can any sentient human being actually believe that?
Either he did it or had someone do it for him. there is no other explanation.
This dude is a piece of shit--a scurrilous, lying piece of shit--and these are the bastards serving as our legislators.
We are so fucked as country.
but everybody in the media (except Dana Bash)
BTW, hat tip to Dana Bash (and the guy Wiener called a jackass). I guess they didn't get the softball/embargo memo.
I was stunned to see she actually works for CNN. No doubt, they'll be carting her off to the re-education camps soon.
When the wives of these perverts stand up beside them while they do their mea culpas--Ms Spitzer, Ms Clinton, Ms Weiner and the like (and I am sure I forgetting republican wives)--they are part of the problem not part of the solution.
Ms Sanford up and left when her (republican) husband was out looking for argentian tail; good on her. She and Dust Bunny Queen are the women who are the bedrock--the rest are poseurs and whores.
Everything is backwards.
The guy the Left insists is the hacker? He's begging for the FBI to investigate him to clear his name.
The "victim" of the "hack" doesn't want the authorities involved. Are we really expected to believe that a jackass like Wiener doesn't want to rain hell down on the "right-wing smear artist" that did this to him?
Here's a pathetic scenario:
According to Stewart, Weiner's junk isn't that big. So he bought a strap-on to place under his briefs for the flirty pics he sent out to young coeds.
This is why he doesn't want to admit anything. Its the only thing that explains why he would willingly make such a PR hash of tweet incident.
WOW... Drudge caves and now has THREE stories on Weinergate. Let's see if tomorrow Rush still thinks its "no big deal."
"And, if he were really in doubt, he could ask his wife."
Dude, his wife has never seen the Member's member.
But she can tell you all about the last fish taco she had. Just sayn'
Trooper, you are such a romantic!
But I hear she is being comforted by Hillary just about now.
Huma staying mum.
BJM: "He could care less about Huma's reputation and/or the marriage or he wouldn't be tweeting a pron star and coeds."
Untrue. People get tempted, and do the wrong thing. Doesn't mean they don't care, it means they're people.
Don't know about you, but I don't have to deal with the temptations of a rock star. Which is lucky for me, because I'm only human. Wives: If your husband wants to become a rock star, remember that he's only human too, and ask him to reconsider.
ScottM: "We're going to have to agree we're at an impasse on this one."
Guess so. But I do remember an advice columnist from my youth - I think it was Ann Landers. Totally paraphrased, I only remember the gist:
Dear Ann: Years ago, I was unfaithful to my husband. I've been faithful ever since, but the guilt continues to haunt me. I feel that it's a barrier between us that I can't tell him. I so much want to come clean with him. What should I do?
Sign, Torn by Guilt
Dear TbG,
You were the one who sinned, not your husband and not your children. If you're suffering from guilt, continue to suffer. They don't deserve pain; you owe it to them to take the burden on yourself. Do the best you can, and try to shower them with the love you feel for them.
He says Huma's foursquare behind him but in fact she's only taking a run-up. The next time you see Weiner's junk she's gonna have bent it like Beckham.
"Weiner said that the law firm he hired has an Internet security firm that is investigating how his account was hacked."
Gee, the FBI would do it for free. And I'm pretty sure their cyber division trumps whatever security company the law firm is contracting.
I was just listening to Fox News, and in an interview with Weiner, he said that if these private investigators found anything,they would turn it over to the appropriate law enforcement officials.
The problem there, as was pointed out, is that the feds can get a warrant very quickly, and then get it to twitter, etc. within 5 minutes. This is critical, since they don't keep the detailed records all that long.
Finding the IP address of whomever was doing whatever is just fine, except that most of us utilize dynamic IP addresses. When you sign on to your local ISP, cable company, DSL provider, etc., your computer will typically send out a DHCP request for an IP address, along with IP addresses for the gateway, DNS servers, etc. And you will use that IP address henceforth until you log off or shut down, etc.
The record though of what location an IP address is connected to is only kept for a short time.
And, similarly, the connection between IP addresses and twitter, etc. accounts is only maintained for a short period of time.
This is why the feds are set up to notify these companies very quickly (apparently, in minutes) that they should freeze and maintain this information.
So, having his own investigators investigate (without subpoena power), and then notify the authorities if something is found, is much more likely to result in a situation where the critical information has been lost.
Just another reason that this whole thing smells a bit.
You note that the congressman is stressed. It sounds like you nearly feel sorry for him. And then you feature a commenter who ridicules the congressman (presumably under this stress) for something he said, but the commenter and you get it wrong. According to the NY Post, it's 45,000 people not 145,000.
If you think he's so stressed, why ridicule him for an extreme comment he made under stress? It's like you can't decide which is it: that he's stressed or
Oh screw it.
So, having his own investigators investigate (without subpoena power), and then notify the authorities if something is found, is much more likely to result in a situation where the critical information has been lost.
Exactly. The whole point is to have his lawyers suppress anything that incriminates their client.
But I'm also hearing that FBI now wants to talk with Weiner (ie. as a person of interest)
Very strange the Weiner-Abedin marriage. Came about at the time when rumors were flying about Hillary's live in gal pal Huma.
Rabbi-Imam Bubba Clinton presided over the ceremonies. Was it a double shotgun wedding? Is the long arm of the wicked witch of Chappaqua at play?
And who's Bubba dating these days?
Via Instapundit:
She is 27 years old, having been born on November 25, 1987 in Macon, GA, though has spent much of her life in the Nashville area. (Her fan club address is located in Antioch, TN.) Her vital statistics read as follows:
• Height: 5’2″
• Weight: 106 lbs
• Measurement: 34C-25-34
(These are important stats to porn stars and their consumers.)
Ms. Ginger Lee. Mr. Weiner/Wiener follows her on twitter.
i'm not sure how much investigative journalism the nypost did... gateway pundit had this story early monday morning, complete with pics of some of the many hot babes that weiner 'follows'.. somebody at nypost probably just saw it there. the blogs are where the real news reporting is happening.
my favorite quote from weiner came in an interview earlier today. while explaining how he has tried everything to make this story just go away he says, "i had myself photographed walking down the street holding hands with my wife AND THAT DIDN'T WORK" !! did the wife know she was being used as a cheap photo-op ploy?
Yeah, the Abedin-Weiner marriage seemed a bit fraudulent from the get go. If you wanted to make a farce of a marriage, who better to administer the wedding vows than the leering satyr, Bubba Clinton?
If Hillary and Abedin are a couple, it would be so awesome for Hillary to out herself (kind of like that scene in Tootsie where Tootsie reveals that he is actually a man).
Politicians can arrange their sex lives however they want. What they don't have the right to do is to reap the electoral benefits of pretending to conform to conventional morality while doing something entirely different.
Voters have the right to vote for politicians whose value system most closely resembles the voter's value system. This requires that politicians do a full and honest disclosure of their actual value system.
it is 45,000 not 145,000 but it still would be hard to throw a pie from that far back, and I suspect Weiner would really prefer that happened, because it might get the questions off why most of the people he follows are cute college girls.
And we all knew the outcome of the debt limit vote before it happened.
And we all knew the outcome of the debt limit vote before it happened.
Sure, but did you think so many Democrats would vote with the GOP? Including a few notables?
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