June 17, 2011

"Remember, you were young once and you had a heart and you loved everybody."

A young man's oration after the Budget Repair vote in the state senate last night, juxtaposed with a chant from the young, heart-full-of-love folks: "Tax, tax, tax the rich/Walker you fucking son of a bitch."

(These clips are contained within the longer edit posted late last night here.)

ADDED: Song accompaniment:


Shouting Thomas said...

So, of course, the conclusion to this statement must be:

If you're not some hard hearted son of a bitch, you would give public employees every penny they asked for, lifetime job security, gold plated benefits and retirement at 55.

Even if there is no money to pay for it. Even if the poor suckers working in the private sector have to pay higher taxes. Even if the public employees already make more money and enjoy better benefits than you do.

Scott M said...

"Remember, you were young once and you had a heart and you loved everybody."

I can't think of a more unwittingly rendered comment that better dovetails with Winston Churchill's definition of liberals and conservatives;

“If you're not a liberal at twenty you have no heart, if you're not a conservative at forty you have no brain.”

Fred4Pres said...

I do not feel the love when they are reaching for my wallet.

Anonymous said...

These paid protestors should probably combine these chants for peak efficiency:

"Have a heart you fucking sons of bitches! You were young once. Fuck you! You had a heart you fucking assholes! We all have a fuck you heart! Make love, fuck you! Make love, fuck you!"

I have a piece of advice for these Wisconsin protestors: Put down Saul Alinsky's "Rules For Radicals" and pick up Dale Carnagie's "How To Win Friends and Influence People."

You don't win friends by calling them assholes and telling them to fuck off.

Hoosier Daddy said...

Scott beat me to it. Well played.

Anonymous said...

"I do not feel the love when they are reaching for my wallet."

They fucking stole your wallet a long time ago. They want your kid's wallet now.

Anybody still voluntarily paying their taxes needs their head examined.

garage mahal said...

You don't win friends by calling them assholes and telling them to fuck off.

Fuck off, asshole. I thought you were leaving anyway?

Shouting Thomas said...

Fuck off, asshole. I thought you were leaving anyway?

garbage, you are the lowest pond scum I've seen in a long time.

Do you behave this way in your off line life?

Phil 314 said...

First guy pleading for a heart:

crack bait

Phil 314 said...

The young guy's plea reminded me of this

Phil 314 said...

You don't win friends by calling them assholes and telling them to fuck off.

Fuck off, asshole. I thought you were leaving anyway?

And thus the battle lines are drawn.

I love the marketplace of ideas.

Hoosier Daddy said...

Fat, angry and bitter is no way to go through life son.

Anonymous said...

If you're not sick to death of seeing that Churchill quote at fifty, you have no Internet access.

Sal said...

"This blog is hardly professorial."

-the new dean.

Anonymous said...

"The young guy's plea reminded me of this"

"Cocaine is a helluva drug." - Washington, D.C. Mayor Marion Barry

Automatic_Wing said...

If you had a heart, you'd buy me a high-speed choo-choo. And maybe a bike path.

Methadras said...

Is it love when they reach into my pocket to steal my money to redistribute my created wealth as union payoff to their stooges and I have no say so or is it rape when I find their hands in there without my permission and I tell them no and they still don't remove it?

Anonymous said...

"I thought you were leaving anyway?"

Punked you again, GarageBanal.

I have three more senior Democrat Congressmen queued up ready for the guillotine.

Not leaving just yet.

Scott M said...

or is it rape when I find their hands in there without my permission and I tell them no and they still don't remove it?

"If it was rape, then it was good rape."

Sofa King said...

This was the greatest mistake the hippies ever made, losing perspective and convincing themselves that they alone knew what love is. They thought that their parents didn't love them, that The Man didn't love them. Tragically, it was *they* that failed to appreciate that *true* love demands no sacrifice.

Methadras said...

nevadabob said...

"Cocaine is a helluva drug." - Washington, D.C. Mayor Marion Barry

That was actually Rick James, but I get it. :D

Scott M said...

I have three more senior Democrat Congressmen queued up ready for the guillotine.

If they were senators, you'd have my undivided attention. How much did you make off that Weiner proof, btw?

Methadras said...

garage mahal said...

Fuck off, asshole. I thought you were leaving anyway?

Just because you say that to your mother doesn't mean you have to use it here, fatboy.

AllenS said...

"Have a heart". He stole that line from Ed Gein. Is this kid from Plainfield?

garage mahal said...

Look, Angry Baby is up a little early today from her nap. Cute.

SunnyJ said...

That young has so little to reflect on, in terms of minutes/hours/years...is what we olds "remember" from our more lengthy video of reflection. We're in a position to have seen how a few more things fully played out, rather than the heat of the moment.

We are the video...youth is the snapshot. Both have their place, strengths and weaknesses.

Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck...noun, verb, adjective, adverb, dangling participle currently overused by young and old. Common ground.

What the fuck is that about?

RobH said...

Looks like mostly college kids now. Possibly School of Human Ecology majors?

Original Mike said...

Because love means never having to pay your bills.

Scott M said...

Looks like mostly college kids now. Possibly School of Human Ecology majors?

Judging from Walkerville, I would have guessed Outward Bound rejects.

William said...

Way back when, I remember Grace Slick explaining to her followers why she travelled by limo. She said it wasn't a plutocrat limo but a hippie limo. She was travelling by limo for all of us, to show the rich that they didn't own everything. We should rejoice in her wealth because it was a stinging rebuke to capitalism. They didn't call her Grace Slick for nothing. Right from the beginning the hippie thing was more an affectation than a movement.....It's remains a curious fact about American radicalism that the people most alienated from it, are the children of those who have most profited from it.

chickelit said...

Dino Valenti was a mercurial messenger.

garage mahal said...

How did the beers go with your teacher buddy? My mom said there are a blizzard of Holperin signs up north, and no Kim Simac signs. Maybe that "We have shit schools but great roads" isn't a winning message?

Methadras said...

garage mahal said...

Look, Angry Baby is up a little early today from her nap. Cute.

I'm up at 6am daily to go to a private sector, non-union job/career that I'm passionate about, went to school for, and where I negotiated my salary on an upward trend for the last 25 years without a single iota of union representation to fuck it up. What's your excuse, you parasitic unionista?

edutcher said...

Apparently, having a heart has the same definition for the Lefties as peace and bipartisanship, give us everything we want and act as if you're happy about it.

Shouting Thomas said...

Maybe that "We have shit schools but great roads" isn't a winning message?

I'll bet that the average per student expenditure for public schools in Wisconsin exceeds $10,000 per annum.

How much more do you want, garbage?

And, I'll bet that that expenditure exceeds by at least 3 times to increase in the cost of living for the past 10 years.

AllenS said...


He never showed up. I waited around the whole morning, and nothing. No email or phone call saying that he wouldn't be able to make it. Typical teacher? Yesterday, he sent me another email inviting me go on a bus trip to see the Brewers next weekend, the 25th and 26th. Ready Randy's, a local bar is holding a Brewers bus trip. I'm done with the large group sports trips. I've got enough money. If I want to go, I'll drive myself.

Anonymous said...

"Tax, tax, tax the rich/ Walker you fucking son of a bitch."

I'm persuaded!

chickelit said...

I see the problem in Wisconsin. Note that the orator--the passionate one talking about having a heart--isn't stirring the attention of the babes. They're walking away from him in the video. Contrast that with the babes attracted to the beta-males in shorts chanting obscenities down at baser level on the rotunda.

It's so telling...and sad.

AllenS said...

Re: political signs

I'm in a different legislative area. There are about an equal number of Harsdorf and Moore signs around here.

garage mahal said...

I'm up at 6am daily to go to a private sector, non-union job/career that I'm passionate about,

Didn't know playing with an Etch A Sketch was career?

Seeing Red said...

Cato Institute:

Although public schools are usually the biggest item in state and local budgets, spending figures provided by public school officials and reported in the media often leave out major costs of education and thus understate what is actually spent.

To document the phenomenon, this paper reviews district budgets and state records for the nation's five largest metro areas and the District of Columbia. It reveals that, on average, per-pupil spending in these areas is 44 percent higher than officially reported.

Real spending per pupil ranges from a low of nearly $12,000 in the Phoenix area schools to a high of nearly $27,000 in the New York metro area. The gap between real and reported per-pupil spending ranges from a low of 23 percent in the Chicago area to a high of 90 percent in the Los Angeles metro region.....

monyize lololol

Seeing Red said...

How much money does the United States spend on public elementary and secondary schools?

School districts had total expenditures of approximately $596.6 billion in 2007–08, including about $506.8 billion in current expenditures for public elementary and secondary education. Of the remaining expenditures, nearly $65.8 billion was spent on capital outlay, almost $15.7 billion on interest payments on debt, and $8.3 billion on other programs (including programs such as community services and adult education, which are not a part of public elementary and secondary education).

After adjustment for inflation, current expenditures per student in fall enrollment at public schools rose during the 1980s, remained stable during the first part of the 1990s, and rose again after 1992–93. There was an increase of 37 percent from 1980–81 to 1990–91; a change of less than 1 percent from 1990–91 to 1994–95 (which resulted from small decreases at the beginning of this period, followed by small increases after 1992–93); and an increase of 32 percent from 1994–95 to 2007–08. In 2007–08, current expenditures per student in fall enrollment were $10,297 in unadjusted dollars. In 2007–08, some 55 percent of students in public schools were transported at public expense at a cost of $854 per pupil transported, also in unadjusted dollars.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics. (2011). Digest of Education Statistics, 2010 (NCES 2011-015), Table 188 and Chapter 2 .

2007-08 10,297 10,441

Seeing Red said...

# 1 Denmark: $6,713.00 per student
# 2 Switzerland: $6,470.00 per student
# 3 Austria: $6,065.00 per student
# 4 United States: $6,043.00 per student


I can find an addition $700, but I don't think GM would like it.

Seeing Red said...

There was a website "The Education Intelligence Agency which used to calculate spending by district by state.

The last update was for the 2007-08 school year.

Maybe GM should take a peek?

alan markus said...

For Wisconsin 2009-2010, average cost was $12,624

All School Districts
FY 2009-2010 Comparative Cost per Member

If you go to that link, select "All School Districts" & then "Show Report".

Ignorance is Bliss said...

Fred4Pres said...

I do not feel the love when they are reaching for my wallet.

Try moving your wallet to your front pocket.

Hoosier Daddy said...

"...Try moving your wallet to your front pocket..."

Good idea. That way you can get a reacharound.

Ann Althouse said...

"Way back when, I remember Grace Slick explaining to her followers why she travelled by limo."

That's not Grace Slick on that recording from the first Jefferson Airplane. That's Signe Toly Anderson, who left the band when her daughter was born in 1966. She was replaced by the lead singer of The Great Society, the model-turned-signer Grace Slick. The Great Society featured the lesser-known Slicks, Jerry Slick and Darby Slick.

Ann Althouse said...

"the first Jefferson Airplane..."

That's: the first Jefferson Airplane album.

I'm not redoing all those links to do an edit!

On the new blog site, there will not only be buttons for making links, but the ability to edit your comment.

(And by the way, it's been hell trying to export the huge archive.)

Ann Althouse said...

signer = singer

Anonymous said...

Those poor, suffering public employees. :)

Patrick said...

That chant seems entirely inconsistent with the young man's oration, and vice versa.

Phil 314 said...

I'm up at 6am daily to go to a private sector, non-union job/career that I'm passionate about,

Didn't know playing with an Etch A Sketch was career?

Uhh, I think these comments were meant for the "Macho" thread. Why don't you two just send each other pics of your private parts, see whose is bigger and settle this once and for all?

Anonymous said...

"The Great Society featured the lesser-known Slicks, Jerry Slick and Darby Slick."

As I read that, I thought you were trying to imitate Trooper York.

Carol_Herman said...

A Siamese Twin can share a heart. What's the point? Who wants to be born a Siamese twin?

Whatever happened to baseball?

Back in the 1950's. Before you could see a game on TV. You'd go to the ballpark. And, some shmuck, with a loud voice, would be up in the bleachers screaming at Leo Durocher. If you were nearby, it "could" ruin watching the game?

While baseball plays out really slowly. My dad took me to Ebbetts field. Being in his company was delightful. But as to watching baseball (then), I thought we were only watching grass grow.

No grass in the rotunda. But with crazy loons screaming from the rafters, it's not a place to bring busloads of children. Bad influence.

While, too bad the gal who U-bolt'ed herself to the railing isn't still there.

I'd have paid good money to travel to Madison. Just to see that.

"You gotta have heart." Wasn't that a Doris Day song, once? Didn't she sing it to Rock Hudson? Hey. Nobody says hollywood can't sell queers making believe they like women.

Okay. And, I notice. One screamer does not evolve into two.

I could'a told ya that ... from going to ballgames. One screamer didn't start an epidemic.

AST said...

I assume that this is what Obama thinks of as "compassion," which really means it's just another union con.

chickelit said...

The Great Society featured the lesser-known Slicks, Jerry Slick and Darby Slick.

They were even lesser-known by their Latin moniker:
lubricae minorae

Methadras said...

garage mahal said...

I'm up at 6am daily to go to a private sector, non-union job/career that I'm passionate about,

Didn't know playing with an Etch A Sketch was career?

Still beats whatever parasitic public tit sucking you've endeavored to find yourself in. I actually produce something, while you leech.

Methadras said...

Phil 3:14 said...

Uhh, I think these comments were meant for the "Macho" thread. Why don't you two just send each other pics of your private parts, see whose is bigger and settle this once and for all?

It wouldn't even be a contest anyway. I'd take out just enough to beat him.

Roy Lofquist said...

I saw the original Airplane. Somewhere in the LA area. We sat on the floor. Looked like a basket ball court. Contact high to the max. Buffalo Springfield too, same setting as I remember. Hendrix in the LA Forum. High, high, high. I voted for Goldwater. I was having a good time but I never went crazy.

DADvocate said...

you loved everybody

Maybe on one of his acid trips. I don't remember loving everybody and I don't remember anyone else loving everybody. Hippies hated establishment types, the "pigs", Nixon, anyone over 30, etc.

traditionalguy said...

If a man still thinks his government loves him, then he is retarded. The government holds a monopoly on the power to kill, to steal and to destroy...and it tries daily to carry out the latest threats against us unless we pay protection money. There is no love involved in governments.

Joe Hogan said...

The version of the song posted by Ann just seemed "wrong" to me. I wondered if it was not, in fact, the Airplane performing. Now I know that it is the Airplane, but that I never heard it before. My first Airplane album was their second, Surrealistic Pillow.

The version I was familiar with was by The Youngbloods. That version was first released, per Wikipedia, in 1967, after the Airplane version. It was then re-released in 1969 and went to #5 on the US Singles charts.

For my money, the Youngbloods version is superior and less choral than the Airplane's

Irene said...

When I first saw this clip, I thought of, "When you were young, and your heart was an open book . . ." Live and Let Die.

cubanbob said...

"Tax, tax, tax the rich/ Walker you fucking son of a bitch."

A Madison school teacher married with lots of seniority to a cop or fireman with lots of years on the job may well qualify as one of Obama's rich. So cut their salaries and benefits and call it a targeted tax hike. Maybe the moron in the video will give the governor a great idea and tax the hell out of the highly compensated public workers.

Eric said...

Remember, you were young once and you had a heart and you loved everybody.

I was never that kind of patsy.

foxtrot said...

Seeing Red:

"How much money does the United States spend on public elementary and secondary schools?"

I think the more pressing question is how much the U.S. pays its K-12 teachers in comparison to other countries? I'll bet Wisconsin teacher salaries look pretty damned good in comparison to Europe, especially when cost of living and tax rates are factored in.

Is it a question of not allocating enough money overall, or is it one of putting that money in the wrong places?

jeff said...

Heartless bastard. Not willing to take someone else's money and give it to the union folk. You dont tax the rich in Wisc? How odd. robert reich wants to raise the rates to 70%. Would that make them happy? Really rich people would still make more than you though. How about 90%. No chance of unexpected consequences, right? Just ask the people that USED to build yachts back during the Clinton administration.

Anonymous said...

The young fellow should be sent to his room till he's about 40, for his own protection.

Big Mike said...

I have no problem with paying teachers more, but I have a lot of problems with paying more and getting less.

There will be no education reform until the teachers unions are broken. That's not me saying that -- it's them!!!

Don't tell me that the unions are needed to protect the good teachers. I've saw what happened when an abnormally bad principal took over my son's high school. She had no trouble whatsoever forcing out the best teachers, though after many years of running the school into the ground she was finally fired after the SAT scores were so low that even a complacent school board was forced to act. To my knowledge the union never lifted a finger to protect the good teachers she was pushing out the door. But at my son's elementary school tbere was a teacher so bad that some children finished their year under her supervision needed psychiatric care (no, I'm not making this up or engaging in hyperbole in the least). The union was right there on the spot when one courageous parent documented the ways in which this teacher routinely violated county regulations and committed firing offenses.

Governor Walker's target is not the teachers; it is their union. And do not tell me that the unions protect good teachers or care one whit about the children, because you are lying if you say so.

For the sake of the next generation, the unions have to reform or be broken.

Harrington said...

Regarding Holperin vs Simac: We just returned from a trip from Land O Lakes to Wausau. Holperin signs seem to be pretty much restricted to Rhinelander, Simac dominates the rest of the area.

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