June 27, 2011

Anti-Walker chanting, Green Bay style... plus: a mini-stampede.

Yesterday in Green Bay, Wisconsin. Governor Scott Walker was signing the budget repair bill inside Fox Valley Metal-Tech building, while anti-Walker protesters lined the street outside. My edit of Meade's video highlights the difficulty getting a good chant going and — beginning at 2:34 — the crowd movement and mini-stampede that occurs when they think they see Walker leaving the building.


Big Mike said...

Yup. I can see the sloping foreheads plainly.

Fred4Pres said...

They even sound like a bellowing herd of cattle.

traditionalguy said...

That is sick.

TosaGuy said...

That's it? Governor Walker thanks God everyday for the opposition he has faced over these past few months.

Patrick said...

"Whiiiichhhhh pahhhhhket are ya gonna put the moneeeeyyyyy innnnn?!

SteveR said...

That one young lady is sort of cute.

Phil 314 said...

The whole world's watching?

(PS The drums are getting smaller.)

TWM said...

It's all fun and games until the kid gets run over and scrapes a knee . . .

bagoh20 said...

Just think for a second how many hours have to be worked and sacrificed by taxpayers away from their families to pay for all these people and their benefits. The more they protest, the more I'm reminded that what they want for all this loud whining is for other people to work harder and keep less of the rewards. This is what greed looks like.

Bayoneteer said...


Curious George said...

Hey, finally a black dude. Really, at :45. Of course he is well dressed, clean, and I'm guessing only uses the negro dialect when he wants to.

bagoh20 said...

"Which pocket are you gonna put the money in?"

These people get their cut before those earning the money have even gotten their paychecks, and now they want to know where you put the remainder.

dave™© said...

Ann Althouse once professed to be uncomfortable, or at least to not care much about, her conservative following, to say it was something she did not seek out or desire. In her latest series of posts, she reveals that she is no more or less than any other base conservative nowadays: She is willing to throw principle out the window in favor of the red meat she throws to her readers. Ignore the details, she tells them, because there are other details we can speculate exist that might make this okay-er than it seems. Then: Also, remember, we can threaten the left to make things even worse! Outcome-based thinking that demonstrates that it is the goal-- here, the goal of having a conservative Wisconsin Court to evaluate the conservative Wisconsin legislative and executive moves now being taken -- that is the driving force, and that the goal must be achieved even if that means giving up on little things like the truth, or little things like not having someone accused of a crime sit on the court.

Fuck you.

Jake said...

I hate seeing young kids at these things. I really only can see two scenarios:

1) Kid dragged there by parents, hates being there and could be doing something more productive.

2) Kid dragged there by parents, enjoys the mob mentality of being angry and yelling. Does not teach a kid how to responsibly address conflicts in their life.

Not to mention that kids are liable to get trampled by the idiot adults that never grew out of that mob mentality.

If I was a democrat I would call bringing your kids to a protest abuse. But since I'm conservative I'll call it what it is: terrible parenting.

aronamos said...

Mama would have continued to drag skinned-knee kid down the block to shout crude things at elected officials. A policewoman had to intervene.


wv: seschipt. What I just did for four minutes, give or take.

J Allen said...

I wonder if Walker will be blamed for the little boy falling down. I'm glad to see that the police officer appeared to be the responsible adult but I think the kid could’ve toughed it out to stay up with the herd. I’m sure his parent(s) was disappointed that he didn’t get to share with the full mob anger.

The Crack Emcee said...

Am I the only one who thinks progressives trampling their own movement - to catch a non-existent Walker - is ironic?

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

More vuvuzela might help.

Beth said...

A crowd of people walked, sped up marginally, and stayed within the zone marked with flimsy police tape. A child tripped, was immediately helped up and attended to by adults. It's a stampede! Think of the children!

garage mahal said...

Walker sure can draw crowds around the state. There's a little bit of everything in this budget to get your protest on.

No to broadband and small breweries, yes to concealed carry and bounty hunters.

Backwards and floorwards, we march on.

alan markus said...

Reminds me of the same people you see on TV on Black Friday - the ones rushing down the aisles at WalMart to grab the doorbuster specials.

KCFleming said...

But my God, protests are boring things.

Dioramas of dull repetition.

Yesterday, I planted tomatoes, then I protested against them.

They were however unmoved.

Tomorrow, I bring out the giant paper-mache heads. Surely then they will capitulate.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"It's about freedom".

Yep. The freedom unions enjoy to take as much money as possible out of the private sector and feed the unsustainable lavish union benefit machine.

Jason said...

Look! A black man! Somebody give him a drum!!!

edutcher said...

Rather sparse crowd - and I don't just mean size.

Still haven't come up with any new raps since 'Nam.

At the end, what did those morons intend to do to Walker?

Breitbart him?

Rob Crawford said...

yes to concealed carry

Puts a crimp in some of the more aggressive styles of "protest", doesn't it "garage"?

Anyone know if Wisconsin has a robust castle doctrine?

Charlie said...

That's an awful lot of angry white folks! Looks like a Klan meeting!

Known Unknown said...

yes to concealed carry and bounty hunters.

Does Boba Fett CC? I can't quite recall.

Charlie said...

...and lots of low-sloping foreheads!

The Dude said...

You need more Border Collies to keep those fat fuckers rounded up. Talk about shame, and lack thereof!

Tully said...

Stampede? Heh. Gather 'round like cattle and ye shall be herd!

JohnnyT1948 said...

Listening to the singing of "We Shall Overcome," when they sang "Deep in my heart, I do believe..." it was hard to believe that they really still believed. It was more like they were just going through the motions.

The Crack Emcee said...

Look! A black man! Somebody give him a drum!!!

That's an awful lot of angry white folks! Looks like a Klan meeting!


Hoosier Daddy said...

."...A crowd of people walked, sped up marginally, and stayed within the zone marked with flimsy police tape...."

Maybe they should have used concertina wire.

I still think its a hoot, all these folks demanding more taxpayer largesse.

Chuck66 said...

Patrick noted...."Whiiiichhhhh pahhhhhket are ya gonna put the moneeeeyyyyy innnnn?!"

Geesh, I almost shut it off after the first 10 seconds. Are these people the most annoying protesters ever?

Godot said...



Michael said...

As the lefties used to say, sad.

Dad29 said...

Not hard to tell that school's out and the faculty is available, eh?

furious_a said...

No giant paper machie' puppets? Seriously? Dime-store.

"Kids dragged there by Parents, #3"
--so they can try on shoes as their parents are looting the store.

foxtrot said...

It's amazing how liberal bullshit sounds the same everywhere you go.