May 6, 2011

"Would you ask Barack Obama in an interview with him ... what's your current relationship with cocaine?"

Andrew Breitbart gets pissed... at that extremely mild-mannered C-SPAN interviewer guy:


Synova said...

I think that pissed is a bit stronger than his reaction warranted. He did seem annoyed but I'm thinking that the hair and clothing and all is supposed to convey a sort of disreptitude and general orneriness - a deliberate contrast to the mild-mannered and tidy interviewer fellow.

Fred4Pres said...

Breitbart opened that issue up with his book and his comment at the beginning of the interview, so meh. He should have admitted to being flipant and some youthful indiscretions at Tulane. Just a wee bit of sugar is my advice on the come back (in that context). The question was not great and had some inferences, but it was not a typical lefty bad faith one either. Humor is generally the better tone. Scorn and sarcasm should be used sparlingly and when it is justified.

But I like how Breitbart has a come back. That is what conservatives need to do far more often, challenge the premise of an unfair question.

Marica said...

What is up with the color/tone of the interviewer's face and neck? It is perfectly the same color from collar to hairline.

soxfan4life said...

I would probably ask him about his relationship with Larry Sinclair.

Fred4Pres said...

Breitbart also looks like I do after I go to the bar after work, watched a game, and had a few beers. So that does not help either.

Toto said...

If only more conservatives were as strong with their retorts, and as cutting ...

Dustin said...

I have to admit, his appearance is not helping.

Fair or unfair, image matters.

Now, Obama did use the word "junkie" to describe the road he was going down, and it's a disgrace that the MSM wouldn't ask him about it. Who was his cocaine dealer? It's a fair question.

Obama snorted cocaine and that says a lot about his character.

Breitbart's reaction was fine. He didn't claim to have an alcohol problem, and interviewers should have the facts before making such a claim.

But he kinda opened the door for a liar to do that.

AlphaLiberal said...

Pasty Andrew Breitbart must have to drink heavily to live with himself.

One of his latest lies:
Video posted online prompts threats to UMKC professor

“I said, ‘One guy in the film said violence is a tactic, and it’s to be used when it’s the appropriate tactic.’ … Breitbart took out the part about me saying ‘one guy in the film.’ His editing has literally put words in my mouth that were not mine,” Ancel said.


Ancel said that in one snippet, “Giljum’s clothing changes midsentence.”

Congratulations, you got someone fired. Who will be next?

Carol_Herman said...

Oh, gosh. "Comparisons."

What would the Navy Seals take-out of Osama have looked like if Breitbart was in charge?

Not that I'm complaining about the camera work in the Situation Room. The camera didn't lie.

But anyone with ANY media savvy at all would have been asking Breitbart CURRENT QUESTIONS.

And, Obama's handling of his Commander in Chief duties turned out to be eye-opening.

Anyone who drinks a lot in college throws up a lot. So, it's always a good idea to let them drink at home, first. (Besides, you can water down the liquor in the bottles.)

Scott M said...

He's got a lot of someone's fired and, from what I have seen so far, for good reason. The Pigford issue alone should make anyone with any sense queasy about political correctness, government subsidy, pigs...

traditionalguy said...

Tail Gunner Andy appears to be getting the the full blast opposition research story lines, most written by the National Inquirer staff. "Journalism" at work.

windbag said...

Breitbart is an inspiration to others--whether or not you agree with him--to push back against the MSM and the monopoly they have enjoyed in establishing the narrative of current events.

As both (all?) sides figure that out, it can only hurt liberals, who deal in feelings as opposed to facts. Similar to Condi Rice's smackdown of O'Donnell, when she interrupted the interview to point out that he was serving up pig offal instead of facts, Breitbart paused to question the motive of the interviewer.

With the overwhelming majority of liberals in the MSM, the opportunities to push back are stacked in favor of conservatives and libertarians. As this this trend gains momentum, it will be like fishing in a bucket.

Synova said...

"Congratulations, you got someone fired. Who will be next?"

Congratulations, someone resigned.

This "got someone fired" is an interesting charge. Apparently all Breitbart has to do is post a little slander and University board's balls whither.

paminwi said...

Gotta love Breitbart! He rarely has a boring interview. I agree that taking it to the interviewer over the questions asked of him/conservatives makes people sit up and listen. After the fact statements about questions asked and how they were biased do not get any traction - the way Breitbart does it does!

traditionalguy said...

Alpha...Breitbart's missions operate under secret conservative ROEs, and letting liberals escape his video traps is not in those orders. Wouldn't you pay to see Breibart on The View. That would be a real grudge match.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Relationship with alcohol? What a pussy way to ask are you still a drunk.

And, as usual, Breitbart leads the pushback against the MSM.
Insty might say "more and faster please".

Wince said...

Seth Meyers at the WHCD, on Huffington, Breitbart, and O'Keefe.

What did the O'Keefe video stings have to do with hating "organized labor"?

windbag said...

@scott m

He's got a lot of someone's fired...

They got themselves fired for their actions; he just highlighted their actions. Just like teachers' being accused of failing a student. No, the student failed the class; the teacher just assigned the grade earned.

PatHMV said...

How many people in this country know that George W. Bush had a drinking problem? Lots. It was a big issue in the campaign, and the media discussed it fairly regularly.

How many people in this country know that Barack Obama used cocaine regularly in his youth? Not nearly as many, I guarantee you... because the media just didn't talk about it very much. They did a few pieces, mostly in the veins of "why this won't matter to the election," but that's it.

Breitbart's larger point here is that the media only asks personal questions like that when it doesn't like the subject of the interview (i.e., usually when the interviewee is a conservative). When they interview people they like, they ask much different questions.

Phil 314 said...

Didn't watch the video but Breitbart is chronically pissed. He would do himself and his enterprise well by being much less pissed. I like calm, clarity in my journalists (if that's what he is).

He truly has covered some issues that no one else will but his personality is getting in the way of his messages.

And lately he seemed real pissed at Arianna. Jealousy?

Chuck66 said...

I think it is safe to say Obama has not consumed cocaine in many years. But I would be interested in interviewing is concaine dealer.

Wouldn't that be interesting. The person who sold him his "blow".

Chuck66 said...

PatHMV....have your read President Bush's biography? He starts out by talking about his past drinking problem and how he became sober.

Barry Obama and Crazy Al Franken treat their cocaine use as a joke.

I wonder if any policemen were killed by Obama's drug dealers.

Chuck66 said...

Pat, sorry. I read the first sentence of your post and had to respond.

After reading the whole thing, I see what you are saying.

Barry and Al Franken were both recreational cocaine users and MSM ignores that.

Unknown said...

The interviewer didn't really care about the answer. Sending the question up the pole is what mattered. It backfired, because nobody in the media (left) wants to talk about Obama's cocaine use, but, that went up the pole too. Well played, sir. One of the best things about being right wing is being constantly underestimated.

Mark O said...

What? The President snorted cocaine? When? Does anyone know? How did he get elected?

That's racist. I'm sorry.

If conservatives don't disqualify all these liberal talking heads, they are idiots.

MathMom said...

I think the interviewer has had a stroke. He face looks uneven in a new way, and he is slurring his words.

nana said...

I like Breitbart and all his big's. That is how I found you.

Lucien said...

"What's your current relationship with alcohol?"?

Unless you're hoping for a witty comeback:"Estranged", "Love/Hate", "Symbiotic", "We have an open relationship", etc.this is a pretty clunky question to have prepared for an interview.

What's wrong with "Do you drink as much now as you report drinking at Tulane?"

Anonymous said...

I doubt that Brian Lamb would have done this.

Jim said...

Breitbart talks about drinking in college. He and Obama aren't terribly far apart in age. And Obama talks about his cocaine usage in his book too.

The media needs to explain why it feels the need to vet Breitbart for drinking but not Obama for his cocaine usage.

Their feet need to be held to the fire on ALL such instances where conservatives are held to far different standards than Leftists, and the faulty premises of their accusations/insinuations need to be challenged as well.

As always, conservatives should always be bringing their own cameras to ANY interview.

Fred4Pres said...

At lease he did not slur his words when he reacted to the C-Span reporter.

edutcher said...

Good for him. Breitbart understands you have to take the Lefties' M O and use it against them; he's not afraid to go after the privileged punks (thank you, Ed Asner) of the establishment media.

AlphaLiberal said...

Pasty Andrew Breitbart must have to drink heavily to live with himself

Yes, telling the truth weighs so heavily on the conscience.

Alpha should try it some time.

Charlie Martin said...

I suspect Andrew is getting a little worn down -- this is about the most extreme book tour I've ever seen.

Vword is "oodigal"

The oodigal son, perhaps?

Zachary Sire said...

Are he and Drudge still sexually involved or did that relationship end once Drudge was done mentoring him and Andy got his own little website?

garage mahal said...


george said...

Breitbart has discovered that the best way to attack liberals is to quote them or show video of them. They are so used to never being questioned and to being safe amongst fellow travelers that they will show their true selves. Unfortunately for them, their true selves are not fit to hold a job requiring any degree of responsibility and they are fired or have to resign in shame.

I particularly like how he anticipates what they will say in their defense and then offers up tapes he has held back showing how those defenses are lies.

And you know what? It is EASY because the rest of the media has left the field wide open.

BTW, being stoned is about the kindest explanation I can think of for why Obama thinks and acts as he does. All of the other explanations involve much greater character defects than simple addiction.

Lombardi Chick said...

Blogger Zachary Paul Sire said...

Are he and Drudge still sexually involved or did that relationship end once Drudge was done mentoring him and Andy got his own little website?

5/6/11 6:28 PM

You remind me of the kind of guy Breitbart is always know, the ones who make the snarky, baseless remarks, using homosexuality as a pejorative, while never actually copping to being an anti-gay bigot.

What's your name on Twitter? Maybe I've seen you.

MayBee said...

That's a really hot look for Breitbart. I approve.

Phil 314 said...

Ok watched the video. Breitbart not so pissed. I didn't get a great "respect" vibe going in either direction, though.

Palladian said...

Zachary Paul Sire is a promotional writer for the gay porn industry, where career advancement based on sexual favors and snorting blow are both just an average day at the office, so to speak.

Carol_Herman said...

Too funny.

Anything to change the subject for Obama, huh, since he didn't spike the football, either. But just dropped it.

blake said...

Actually, I believe that's righteous indignation.

MamaM said...

...he didn't spike the football, either. But just dropped it.

Spike or drop
It's not good
For One who
Hopes to score
To be caught
Holding on
To pigskin

el polacko said...

i didn't see him getting "pissed" either...just a quick and completely on-point comeback. imagine the uproar if barack would ever be asked about his own 'youthful indiscretions'...huffpo, et al, would be convulsing with rage. actually, i'd like to see that...maybe we can get that interviewer in texas to quiz the prez on his admitted drug use/sales and then watch the fireworks! ooooh!! pretty!!!

Anonymous said...

Just because C-SPAN interviewers appear to be extremely mild-mannered (and they do, it's the uniform over there) doesn't mean that bias at C-SPAN doesn't exist.

I stopped watching C-SPAN at least 10 years ago.

I doubt that Brian Lamb would have done this.

But he does, C-SPAN is his baby and anything that happens there goes through him.

Toad Trend said...


"Breitbart's larger point here is that the media only asks personal questions like that when it doesn't like the subject of the interview (i.e., usually when the interviewee is a conservative). When they interview people they like, they ask much different questions."

Precisely correct. Its about access - if the person being interviewed is 1. conservative and 2. is not a gatekeeper, then its fine to ask the 'wifebeating' type questions.

But, if the person is a liberal type with a position of power, you'd better not broach anything that might be embarrassing. That's a sure way to have your access restricted or revoked, because thats how liberals roll.

Cheerlead for us or go home. No tough probing questions.

AlphaLiberal said...

Well, the post I put down showed Breitbart very clearly lying. But do conservatives mind? No, they love lies!!!

Conservative = Morally Bankrupt

DADvocate said...

The interviewer seems to be a to the bone dipshit.

Michael said...

Alpha: Be careful with calling Breitbart. He has the entire tape and will release it if necessary to debunk the "out of context" defense.

Have you ever seen 60 minutes, by the way? Or any other show devoted to undercover "journalism"? Do you think the people caught out on those shows believe they have been treated fairly?

Breitbart is simply following the liberal rules.

TNJ said...

To address Alpha's comments.

Anonymous said...

If Andrew Breitbart says he did not have an alcohol problem at Tulane, then I believe him.
But his book seems to suggest that he actually did have an alcohol problem at Tulane.
I'm very glad to learn that he does not have such a problem. He is doing a heroic job of defending the tea partys and taking down the Democrat Media Complex.

blake said...

Alpha Liberal always lies.

It would be a full-time job tracking them all down.

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