Joe -- You are so right. Poor, poor Mick. Just when he thought he was getting some traction. It must have been euphoric, like the feeling of a Hail Mary pass on your fingertips. And then...poof. The ball wisps away from your hands and bounces to the back of the end zone.
Maybe Kerry will finally disclose his discharge form and we can have 'closure'. Funny thing about the birther thing, it is first revealed by democrats (presumably Hilary's people) and the first lawsuits are filed by democrats but somehow its republicans that are the crazies all the while the Jug Eared tinpot wannabe could have simply released it three years ago instead of spending a ton of money litigating the issue for no legitimate reason. Low rent is what he is and he won't be missed after January 2013.
Maybe Kerry will finally disclose his discharge form and we can have 'closure'. Funny thing about the birther thing, it is first revealed by democrats (presumably Hilary's people) and the first lawsuits are filed by democrats but somehow its republicans that are the crazies. The Jug Eared tinpot wannabe could have simply released it three years ago instead of spending a ton of money litigating the issue for no legitimate reason. Low rent is what he is and he won't be missed after January 2013.
I was thinking of exactly this issue on my afternoon commute yesterday. "What are they going to do about that?" Spit-balling, I was equal parts "new info to rebuke the President" and "the publisher is fucked".
Glad to see nearly instant gratification one way or t'other.
Yeah, I imagine Mick was on that conference call. Can't wait to see what he has to say, but guaranteed it will be something along the lines of everyone being sheep...this isn't information coming soon...document was a fake...etc, etc, ad infinitum.
You should get a copy as a collector's item. I am sure Mitch will pay a lot to have one in his library.
Sorry Corsi and the publisher got burned, but it was a crazy conspiracy theory to begin with.
Let's move on to the Soviets and Stalin teaming up with Dr. Mengele to send mutated tiny pilots in Nazi era flying saucers to Roswell in order to frighten the American public.
Scott -- Mick said that the death of Bin Laden was to take publicity away from some status hearing or something for a court case filed by one of these birther loons.
Let's move on to the Soviets and Stalin teaming up with Dr. Mengele to send mutated tiny pilots in Nazi era flying saucers to Roswell in order to frighten the American public.
"Let's move on to the Soviets and Stalin teaming up with Dr. Mengele to send mutated tiny pilots in Nazi era flying saucers to Roswell in order to frighten the American public."
That's one of the most awesome theories I ever heard. Is this a real theory? What a sweet movie this would make.
Corsi shouldn't lie about our president, even if the president is an asshole. Karma.
If the story is a fabrication, it makes sense really. The people who were going to buy the book may still buy it. After all, conspiracy theory is impervious to fact.
So, according to the Esquire satire, the issue has been resolved for "anybody with a brain." I'm not sure if this refutes that claim or not (not being a brain surgeon), but here is something that I was led to by the blog Maggie's Farm: Ann Barhardt of Barnhardt Capital Management. After reading her post and looking at her strong resume' in animal husbandry I was certain, for a while, that I must have been mistaken and misread "Barnhardt Cattle Management. But, alas, no.
So, for that other expert in animal husbandry, Mick, there may still be hope.
Joe, have you seen the trailer for the upcoming "Iron Sky" yet? Nazis at a secret base on the dark side of the moon. What's not to love?
It looks great….along the same lines, I’d recommend Luna Marine Ian Douglas As the bloody conflict between the United Nations and the U.S. and its Russian and Japanese allies continues to escalate, a discovery of hidden alien secrets on the moon hints at a peril advancing from beyond the solar system, while the U.N. threatens to end hostilities by destroying millions.
Here is the link to the Daily Caller which says the Equire story is NOT TRUE.
I'm struggling to understand the parody.
We committed satire this morning to point out the problems with selling and marketing a book that has had its core premise and reason to exist gutted by the news cycle, several weeks in advance of publication. Are its author and publisher chastened? Well, no. They double down, and accuse the President of the United States of perpetrating a fraud on the world by having released a forged birth certificate. Not because this claim is in any way based on reality, but to hold their terribly gullible audience captive to their lies, and to sell books. This is despicable, and deserves only ridicule.
But this "satire" didn't bring ridicule on to Mr. Corsi (or at least no more). This seems to be such a stupid move on Mr. Warren's part but I guess "the choir" got it.
Not because this claim is in any way based on reality, but to hold their terribly gullible audience captive to their lies, and to sell books. This is despicable, and deserves only ridicule.
When did it become despicable to sell books based on political lies or rumors? Did Esquire go bonkers over Scotty McClellan's book? Have they demanded clarifications on Obama's "Dreams from my Father"?
It seems to me that free speech lovers would be happy to see people spend their own money on harmless books.
That's interesting: I pre-ordered this book from when it first hit @1 on the Amazon best-seller list after Drudge linked it (just to give Obama's enemies a reward for their hard work fucking him over).
Waited and waited and waited. They charged my credit card yesterday and sent me an email saying they shipped it.
I'm happy to let Corsi keep the money as a reward for keeping Obama's approval rating (and thus, his power) so low for so long.
I'm happy to let Corsi keep the money as a reward for keeping Obama's approval rating (and thus, his power) so low for so long.
I don’t think it was Jerome Corsi PhD (Wiley Coyote SUPER-Genius); I think it was more like unemployment, ObamaCare, incipient inflation, and a pointless Kinetic Military Action in Libya….
No, and it certainly didn't seem despicable when liberals produced an assassination porn fantasy film during George W. Bush's presidency showing him being murdered by a sniper in Barack Obama's Chicago.
Liberals made everything fair game during the Bush Administration and now they're going to have to endure everything they dished out. They showed just how low the game can be played. Now they're getting it back in spades and the whining really shows just what a bunch of pussies they are.
"If the story is a fabrication, it makes sense really. The people who were going to buy the book may still buy it. After all, conspiracy theory is impervious to fact."
But it's good politics, see. That's what the left has taught us - it's what Alinsky teaches. It's not about whether the theory is true or not (and keep in mind that many experts believe with good reason that the story is true and that Obama's "birth certificate" has been forged).
Whether it's true or not is really beside the point, though from a political perspective. This one story chopped 20 points off Barack Obama's approval rating for two years, and effectively undermined his presidency. So it was a very effective political weapon.
Just like "Bush lied, people died."
Expect more of the same because what's good for the goose is good for the fucking gander, bub."
I think telling lies is despicable (dyth-spick-uhbull)…it has always been dyth-spick-uhbull to tell lies….and to write a book full of lies and profit from it has always been very, very dyth-spick-uhbull…I don’t see that there’s any argument to it. I merely point out that it is LEGAL and apparently profitable….
As to “political” and “lies” well yes please give me examples of the political lying books and the lying lies they tell……Senator Franken. Do you mean Profiles in Courage, The Making of the President in 1968, Going Rogue, or Going Rouge and a selection of the lies contained there within would be most helpful….
If by “lying” you mean politicians are wont to emphasize the good, and not mention the bad, well I guess they and used car salespersons, and marketers are all liars…or by “lying” do you mean, “I did NOT order the cover-up” or “I did not have sex with that woman.”?
It was satire and Esquire says so. At the bottom of the Esquire story there's an UPDATE.
"UPDATE, 12:25 p.m., for those who didn't figure it out yet, and the many on Twitter for whom it took a while: We committed satire this morning to point out the problems with selling and marketing a book that has had its core premise and reason to exist gutted by the news cycle, several weeks in advance of publication. Are its author and publisher chastened? Well, no. They double down, and accuse the President of the United States of perpetrating a fraud on the world by having released a forged birth certificate. Not because this claim is in any way based on reality, but to hold their terribly gullible audience captive to their lies, and to sell books. This is despicable, and deserves only ridicule. That's why we committed satire in the matter of the Corsi book. Hell, even the president has a sense of humor about it all. Some more serious reporting from us on this whole "birther" phenomenon here, here, and here."
This is a non-story except for the rubes who didn't read the story in the first place and are bitter clingers to an erroneous opinion.
There really wasn't enough satire in the story for it to be called satire. The Esquire people will say it's sophisticated. I say it was poor writing. Satire is the hardest thing to write; it has to be obvious yet not obvious.
There really wasn't enough satire in the story for it to be called satire. The Esquire people will say it's sophisticated. I say it was poor writing. Satire is the hardest thing to write; it has to be obvious yet not obvious.
But, it is what it is: satire.
I agree entirely and I have a modest proposal about writing satire….
"Which experts are those? What are they experts in?"
They're scientists and document experts.
Top men I assure you.
They have a theory that the document has been forged and they point to much evidence to prove their theory.
Is their theory correct? I'm not sure, but there is solid evidence begin presented that deserves a fair and impartial hearing. You believe in impartial hearings, right? Isn't this topic too important to be politicized in the way that you're trying to politicize it?
Since they're scientists and document fraud experts (many of whom helped uncover Dan Rather's fraudulent Bush memos that got him fired) shouldn't we at least give them a fair hearing? They know a lot more about these things than some random Chicago political hack who always takes Obama's side of any issue.
But again, you're missing the larger point.
The larger point isn't whether Barack Obama's birth certificate is a forgery or not - people think their president is a crook. That's the issue. They're not going to re-elect a guy they think is crooked.
Seven Machos said... Joe -- You are so right. Poor, poor Mick. Just when he thought he was getting some traction. It must have been euphoric, like the feeling of a Hail Mary pass on your fingertips. And then...poof. The ball wisps away from your hands and bounces to the back of the end zone.
Game. Set. Match.
As usual you are just a bootlicker of the Usurper. It matters not WHERE he was born. Obama's birth to a British Subject father endowed him with British citizenship, which excludes him from consideration as a natural born Citizen, If the reson for the natural born Citizenship requirement was to prevent foreign influence (FACT) how is it possible that Obama, ADMITTEDLY born British, is a natural born Citizen, eligible to be POTUS? YOU still can't answer. Besides all of that, the BC is FAKE, and the article is satire, because they are Usurper bootlicker useful idiots also. Duh.
Seven Machos said... "the real story is finally told
Kid born in Hawaii to white American mother and black African father. Adopts trite leftist orthodoxy. Works hard. Becomes crappy president.
Not bad as far as stories go, but nothing really earth shattering here. Clinton's and Reagan's are far, far better."
And you still shill for the Usurper as the fake Conservative in the "lets attack his policies, this "birther" stuff is not going anywhere" meme----So obvious.
How is it possible, when the PURPOSE of the natural born Citizen requirement was to prevent foreign influence (FACT), that Obama, ADMITTEDLY born BRITISH, could be an eligible natural born Citizen?
Seven Machos said... "There really wasn't enough satire in the story for it to be called satire. The Esquire people will say it's sophisticated. I say it was poor writing. Satire is the hardest thing to write; it has to be obvious yet not obvious.
But, it is what it is: satire."
Of course, you were too dumb to catch that it was satire.
I see American mother, born in Hawai’i not natural born…..and OF COURSE, even though the aforementioned may be true, the Certificate is a FAKE…have your “top men” TOP. MEN. Determined this EXACTLY?
I mean who cares, according to you it could be a REAL certificate, but he’s not “natural born.” So basically the “Usurper” is just wrong, wrong wrong…but if so, why even worry about the certificate?
Don’t bother explaining, I’m a boot-licker of the Usurper, and I really don’t care to hear the tendentious arguments…it’s like the 9/11 Troofers…their silly tendentious arguments hold no luster for me and your silly tendentious arguments hold no luster either.
Dude, we've been over this but in case anyone new has shown up: there are no classes of citizens. Citizens are citizens are citizens. The Constitution requires that anyone who becomes president be born an American citizen. Obama was born an American citizen. Therefore, at age 35, he became eligible to be president.
But, Mick, tell us: when will you give up your ridiculous quest? Obama is unlikely to be president in about 18 months. Will you stop then? What if Obama wins reelection? Will you continue until January 2017? Beyond then?
Finally, the birth certificate doesn't matter. A person born of an American mother who lives in the United States a certain number of years and/or has parents who fill out some forms and/or is the child of certain American officials abroad is an American citizen.
So, Mick, how close are we to that critical mass of knowledge now that will allow you to go forward with your actual plans to address this Usurper situation? For a true patriot and defender of the Constitution, you were pretty obtuse last time regarding just what your plans are to correct the matter.
"I mean who cares, according to you it could be a REAL certificate, but he’s not “natural born.” So basically the “Usurper” is just wrong, wrong wrong…but if so, why even worry about the certificate?"
That is true, the BC means nothing, except to verify the story that he has already told, that he was born British to a British Subject father. But the LFBC is deinitely fake, so that story of Obama's nativity has yet to be proven. By the story Obama himself has told, he is not natural born, and not eligible.
Mick -- You are too dumb to realize that you don't understand the Constitution, will never get a judge or legislature to side with you, and are simply wrong about Obama's citizenship.
Good luck in your quixotic quest, dude. I'll be here belittling you until the end of time.
So, Mick, how close are we to that critical mass of knowledge now that will allow you to go forward with your actual plans to address this Usurper situation? For a true patriot and defender of the Constitution, you were pretty obtuse last time regarding just what your plans are to correct the matter."
You can't answer the question either: If the purpose of the requirement of natural born Citizen was to prevent foreign influence (FACT), then how can Obama, admittedly born BRITISH, be eligible?
So the FACT that the POTUS is ineligible hinges on what my plans are? Or is it that it doesn't matter?
Mick -- "You are too dumb to realize that you don't understand the Constitution, will never get a judge or legislature to side with you, and are simply wrong about Obama's citizenship.
Good luck in your quixotic quest, dude. I'll be here belittling you until the end of time."
Says the typical Alinskite. Obama HIMSELF says that he was born British, so even he disagrees w/ you. So answer the question.
I'm very interested in your view on the 14th Amendment's effect on your views of natural born citizenship.
His view has no place whatsoever for the 14th Amendment. He simply doesn't know that immigrants and bastard children were treated differently before the 14th Amendment and aren't and cannot be now, thanks to a radical and needed change to the Constitution after the Civil War.
Wait until you hear all his bullshit case dicta from, like, 1809.
Mick -- People born American are born American. Period. Dual citizenship, such as it may be, and such as it is foisted legalistically upon an infant child, does not matter.
Obama is still president by the way. How do you feel about that? Also, there are no slaves, even though the Constitution of 1789 clearly contemplates them. And U.S. senators are directly elected, in clear violation of the Constitution of 1789. You must be apoplectic.
I'm not, nor ever have, tried to argue the merits of your stance with you, Mick. From first to last, my question has always been;
If this means so much to you and you consider it to be as great a threat as you seem to consider it, WTF ARE YOU DOING ABOUT IT?
I want concrete steps. If you're not doing anything and have no concrete steps to battle this threat, you're just a blowhard. I doubt you consider yourself thus, so, again, WTF ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT IT?
One problem with all the born British bullshit is that Obama did not become a British citizen at birth because Obama's father and mother were not married at the time. The British law at the time granted citizenship to children of male citizens and non-citizen mothers only if the parents were married. Obama, Sr was already married to a Kenyan woman and not to Obama, Jrs mother.
Not that this matters anyway, because there is no reason that American born dual citizens are not natural born American citizens no matter whether Mick is sufficiently clever to figure that out or not.
How do you know Obama was born British? Have you seen his father's birth certificate?
Also, I'm very interested in your view on the 14th Amendment's effect on your views of natural born citizenship. Any room for Hawaiian anchor babies?"
He admits it on his campaign website. The 14th Amendment is a statute. If one If one must rely on the 14th Amendment to become a US Citizen, then citizenship isn't derived from Natural Law, where no statute is needed (those born in the US of 2 US Citizen parents need no statute, including the 14A to become US Citizens, what else would they be?). It has not been determined by the SCOTUS that those born in the US of 2 Alien parents are US Citizens, although accepted in certain circles. By the direct meaning of the 14A they should not be. Here is the admission at Fight the Smears, Obama's Cpaign website:
" Clarifies Barack’s Citizenship
“When Barack Obama Jr. was born on Aug. 4,1961, in Honolulu, Kenya was a British colony, still part of the United Kingdom’s dwindling empire. As a Kenyan native, Barack Obama Sr. was a British subject whose citizenship status was governed by The British Nationality Act of 1948. That same act governed the status of Obama Sr.‘s children.
Since Sen. Obama has neither renounced his U.S. citizenship nor sworn an oath of allegiance to Kenya, his Kenyan citizenship automatically expired on Aug. 4,1982.”
Scott M is right. What are you going to do about it, Mick? I mean, come on, dude. This is apparently your life's work. Take to the barricades, man. Get to work. Stop being a blowhard.
Can't you at least be like your fellow kook Cindy Sheehan and build a tree fort next to Obama's vacation house?
Even better, you could follow him along during his multitude of golf games, taunting.
Seven Machos said... "Mick -- People born American are born American. Period. Dual citizenship, such as it may be, and such as it is foisted legalistically upon an infant child, does not matter.
Obama is still president by the way. How do you feel about that? Also, there are no slaves, even though the Constitution of 1789 clearly contemplates them. And U.S. senators are directly elected, in clear violation of the Constitution of 1789. You must be apoplectic."
Of course "born" American is not the standard, and Article Section 1 Clause 5 has NEVER been amended, like in all those other silly analogies you bring up. The standard is natural born Citizen, and it has had the same meaning for consistantly over the last 234 years. You still can't answer the question, because logic twists the liar into a pretzel.
Seven Machos said... "Scott M is right. What are you going to do about it, Mick? I mean, come on, dude. This is apparently your life's work. Take to the barricades, man. Get to work. Stop being a blowhard.
Can't you at least be like your fellow kook Cindy Sheehan and build a tree fort next to Obama's vacation house?
Even better, you could follow him along during his multitude of golf games, taunting."
I don't need to tell you what I am going to do, but you will know it. So answer the question. Cat got your tongue?
Mick, do you suppose, or did you ever suppose, that one day, hearings would be held over this issue, and it would go to the Supreme Court, and Obama would be removed from office mid-term over this?
He was born to an American mother; that much isn't in dispute. It's pretty clear that he was born on American soil; but for most Americans, that doesn't really matter. If your mother is American, then so are you.
(I'm actually more concerned about the way Obama tries to throw a baseball. That right there is evidence that he is barely American. He has less in common with the average American than anyone who's ever held the office, I suspect.)
But this was never going to rise to the level of an impeachable offense. It's just been a distraction from Obama's real mistakes -- the debt spiral, anti-business policies, and on and on. By trumpeting this distraction, you've actually helped him to get re-elected.
The unelected Supreme Court does not make the law.
That seems to be an odd statement given the context of the situation. If, for a second, we assume there were actually a good leg to stand on and this went to trial, got appealed, got appealed, etc, who do you suppose would be deciding the case?
I don't need to tell you what I am going to do, but you will know it.
Yes, you do. If you have a snowball's chance in hell of convincing anyone else, you do. Otherwise, you're just blasting hot air, via your keyboard, obviously, into the internet.
Seven Machos said... "The 14th Amendment is a statute.
The entire Constitution is a statute. So what?
It has not been determined by the SCOTUS that those born in the US of 2 Alien parents are US Citizens, although accepted in certain circles.
The unelected Supreme Court does not make the law."
But SCOTUS determines what is Constitutional, and that question has yet to be before them. Natural born Citizens are US citizens of natural law, not by edict of the Constitution. If one is a Citizen by way of the 14th Amendment, then a statute is needed. Obama, at best, needed the 14th Amendment to resolve the conflict of dual allegiance, thus not natural born. So answer the question....
If, for a second, we assume there were actually a good leg to stand on and this went to trial, got appealed, got appealed, etc, who do you suppose would be deciding the case?
The Supreme Court would. More likely, the Supremes would remand with an instruction to be consistent with what the majority said.
But the Supreme Court doesn't make the law upon which the judges must base or at least loosely structure their decisions. Lawgivers do that. In this case, we have law -- the original constitutional language and the 14th Amendment -- that clearly indicate what the law is. There's no wriggle room.
The Supreme Court does not decide political questions such as this one. And, in fact, if I recall correctly, you, Mick, have told us that the Supreme Court has declined to hear anything related to Obama's birth.
Further, the only people with standing in any such case either don't care or don't want to pursue a case.
Also, you are wrong. Obama is eligible to president because he was born to an American woman.
Seven Machos said... "What's the question again, Mick? Is it whether Obama was an American citizen at birth? Or is there some other question?"
"American Citizen at birth" is not the standard, and that moniker includes those born abroad, who are clearly not natural born. Natural born Citizen is the REQUIREMENT.
If the WELL KNOWN reason (FACT) for the nbc requirement was to prevent foreign influence, how could Obama, ADMITTEDLY born British be a nbc, eligible for POTUS? Cat got your tongue?
Scott M said... "I don't need to tell you what I am going to do, but you will know it.
Yes, you do. If you have a snowball's chance in hell of convincing anyone else, you do. Otherwise, you're just blasting hot air, via your keyboard, obviously, into the internet.
So...what are you going to do?"
Don't want to tip my hand, but you will know. So answer the question.
What does Obama admit on his campaign website? Is it that his father was born in Kenya while it was part of The Empire?
Don't we need better proof than this. What if his Dad was born in Detroit and Obama cooked up this exotic story about his father coming over from Kenya to study in Hawaii, where he met Obama's mother. I want proof Mick that Obama's dad was not a U.S. citizen. A self-serving website story should not fool you. Whose thumb are you under?
Please correct me if I'm wrong, Mick, I know this is your baby and you know much more about this than me (seriously), but as far as I know:
The constitution doesn't give a definition for the term "natural born citizen", but it requires the POTUS and VP to be natural-born, not just citizens.
So if we look at other documents written at about the same time, to determine what was meant by the authors of the constitution, we find that they meant "someone born on US soil to parents who weren't citizens of another country."
But no where can we find any reference to the arcane question: what if one parent is a US citizen and the other isn't?
There are later decisions and scholarly writings where it's put forward that all that matters is birthplace; and that lineage or bloodline doesn't really matter. And that seems about right to me -- this idea of a birthright doesn't seem quite...American to me.
And I suspect that this is how it seems to a lot of Americans. In a situation like this, where there isn't a clear legal answer in black and white, opinion matters. And very few people consider someone "less American" because their father was from Kenya.
Seven Machos said... The Supreme Court does not decide political questions such as this one. And, in fact, if I recall correctly, you, Mick, have told us that the Supreme Court has declined to hear anything related to Obama's birth.
"Further, the only people with standing in any such case either don't care or don't want to pursue a case.
Also, you are wrong. Obama is eligible to president because he was born to an American woman."
If a law was enacted that prevented those born of Alien parents to be US Citizen, it would be appealed to the SCOTUS, and they would decide that issue, so of course you are wrong. If a Quo Warranto was filed in the DC District, or an electoral challenge was made regarding a candidates eligibility, it would go to the SCOTUS. SCOTUS has the responsibility of determining what the law (Constitution) is. The FAKE LFBC that Obama put out certainly sets him up for impeachment, not related to eligibility, and that would be heard by the Senate. Where does it say that birth to an American woman make one a natural born Citizen?
What does Obama admit on his campaign website? Is it that his father was born in Kenya while it was part of The Empire?
Don't we need better proof than this. What if his Dad was born in Detroit and Obama cooked up this exotic story about his father coming over from Kenya to study in Hawaii, where he met Obama's mother. I want proof Mick that Obama's dad was not a U.S. citizen. A self-serving website story should not fool you. Whose thumb are you under?"
The story that Obama has told is that his father was Kenyan. His campaign website verifies that, and further says that Obama Sr's CITIZENSHIP, and that of his children were controlled by BRITAIN. If that story is false, then Obama loses also. But yes it would need to be absolutely verified, which the LFBC supposedly does, but it is a fake. So answer the question. Cat got your tongue?
Pasta said: And very few people consider someone "less American" because their father was from Kenya.
First, I don't believe Obama is a dual citizen. He in effect renounced his right to Kenyan citizenship long ago.
With respect to what I quoted, are you saying that you don't understand what it means to hold two passports? To owe allegience to two nations? Or you don't understand the mechanisms by which Americans are allowed to hold more than one passport?
"I think one of Mick's points is that we don't need that freedom of choice in our POTUS."
Doesn't matter what anybody thinks about it, your sister-in-law, if not otherwise disqualified, is eligible to be president, if elected. Any child born in the United States is a natural born citizen (except for certain exceptions which have absolutely no relevance to Obama) no matter if the child is eligible to be a citizen of another country or not. There really is no dispute about this and throughout American history there has been no dispute about this; at least not since the 14th amendment.
Chickenlittle -- That doesn't matter, dude. You are trying to make the Constitution conform to your political preferences and ridiculously arguing by anecdote.
Mick is a silly blowhard who doesn't understand the Constitution.
Doesn't matter what anybody thinks about it, your sister-in-law, if not otherwise disqualified, is eligible to be president, if elected.
Maybe so, but I don't believe we've ever broached the question of electing someone with two nationalities. And I think it's an eventuality, things being what they are.
Further, you act like the American people are just going to up and elect somebody who is also a citizen of another country. That's unlikely.
You FOOL THEY ALREADY HAVE….you know The Usurper! I have top men TOP. MEN. Advising me on this and it is positively absolutely true…even more true than the Nazi-Commie Midgets at Roswell True, even more so Than Fire Cannot Melt Steel True….more than Grassy Knoll True….TOP. MEN.
Further, you act like the American people are just going to up and elect somebody who is also a citizen of another country. That's unlikely.
I think a majority of Americans are largely unawares of how other nations confer citizenship and passports on their subjects born in this country. I know I was until I married into it.
You act like I'm being being a pain in the butt. Here I thought you had actually worked in consulates and such and must be an expect in the topic.
You should be educating people Machos, not promoting obfuscation.:)
"Maybe so, but I don't believe we've ever broached the question of electing someone with two nationalities. And I think it's an eventuality, things being what they are."
I doubt that a dual citizen would be found to be ineligible for the presidency -- there appears to be no basis for the contrary conclusion. Of course, nitwits like that Taitz woman (and Mick) would jump up and down and prattle on without effect.
You act like I'm being being a pain in the butt. Here I thought you had actually worked in consulates and such and must be an expect in the topic.
Not only did I give out visas, I also did a decent amount of work at the United Nations on the topic of citizenship. What happens when your country disappears, for example? Do you have a citizenship?
There are some fascinating questions, and it's good that countries are trying to set up and maintain a uniform international treaty about it all.
In our country, though, for the presidency we have simple rules. You must be 35. You must have been born a citizen. Beyond those two requirements and the much more byzantine process of getting on the ballot, it's all electoral politics.
As for Mick, he is a loon who says crazy, crazy stuff. Since people assume he's a conservative (he's not), I have to do battle with his dumb, loony ass.
CachorroQuente said... I doubt that a dual citizen would be found to be ineligible for the presidency -- there appears to be no basis for the contrary conclusion.
Thank you Mr. Sullivanist-in-chief. That is indeed an interesting question & one which I'm sure would need some SCOTUS interpretation.
@edutcher: I think we're on two different wavelengths.
nevadabob, in reference to folks like Mick referred to them as "...scientists and document experts. Top men I assure you. TOP. MEN." [his punctuation]
That's comic overstatement. It reads like satire. It reads like satire because nevadabob is NOT writing about World War II. He is writing about Obama's birth certificate.
World War II I take seriously. The Obama birth certificate controversy I don't.
* * *
@Seven Machos -- In a previous thread, comments now lost, a commenter showed up and quoted the accepted legal doctrine regarding naturalized citizenship. Mick paid no attention. I don't know why you bother.
Chicken -- Why would the Supreme Court need to weigh in on whether a dual citizen can be president? That's the last group we need to weigh in and the last group likely to weigh in.
Wouldn't it be far better and much more likely for Congress to weigh in? Even better, wouldn't it be best if there remains a tacit understanding that dual citizens running for the U.S. presidency is something that simply isn't done around here?
Seven Machos said... "I don't believe we've ever broached the question of electing someone with two nationalities.
The Constitution says what the requirements for the presidency are.
Further, you act like the American people are just going to up and elect somebody who is also a citizen of another country. That's unlikely."
Right, and the Constitution says that the POTUS SHALL be a natural born Citizen. Not a Citizen at birth, or a bonafide Citizen, or born of an American mother. There is PLENTY of documentation of the meaning of the term, including by the Writer of the 14th Amendment, over 234 years. The reason for the Requirementn was to prevent foreign influence into the White House, and the best way to do that would be to require SINGULAR allegiance from birth (thus the name, natural BORN). Obama was born British, admittedly, so again, how is it possible that he is eligible. Cat got your tongue
I don't know, but I suspect an explosion of some sort followed by an anonymously delivered video to a local news station featuring you in a ski mask will 'splain it to us.
"Where does it say that birth to an American woman make one a natural born Citizen?
In federal law. There is no difference between regular born citizen and natural born citizen."
Now you are getting deeper and deeper into the lie. Where does it say that one born to an American mother is a natural born Citizen, and where does it say that a "born Citizen" is a "natural born Citizen". AND how does that square with the desire to prevent foreign influence? Seems illogical, but then logic always ties up the liar into a pretzel. You are an internet operative of the Usurper, under the "fake Conservative" alias-- very obvious. You better go get reinforcements.
Scott M said... "so again, how is it possible that he is eligible
I don't know, but I suspect an explosion of some sort followed by an anonymously delivered video to a local news station featuring you in a ski mask will 'splain it to us."
So answer the question genius, how could Obama, born subject to the citizenship of Britain, be a natural born Citizen, when the purpose of the requirement was to prevent foreign influence? Cat got your tongue?
I'm not one for ad hominum, but you truly are either a retard or a blowhard, or both. I never claimed to challenge your info or your stance on the issue. My one consistent question to you has what are you going to do about it?
Seven Machos wrote: Chicken -- Why would the Supreme Court need to weigh in on whether a dual citizen can be president? That's the last group we need to weigh in and the last group likely to weigh in.
Because we have statutory bars for a reason- for example, the existing law which bars certain individuals, however unfairly. If those statutory bars exist to prevent dual allegiance situations, then yes, I believe it should be codified if need be.
SCOTUS case law interpreting the present law as barring dual nationals would do the same though via different channels.
On the other hand, there are probably those who say that anyone should be eligible.
Seven Machos said... "Chicken -- Why would the Supreme Court need to weigh in on whether a dual citizen can be president? That's the last group we need to weigh in and the last group likely to weigh in.
Wouldn't it be far better and much more likely for Congress to weigh in? Even better, wouldn't it be best if there remains a tacit understanding that dual citizens running for the U.S. presidency is something that simply isn't done around here?"
Congress has already weighed in at Resolution 511. They said that McCain was a natural born Citizen because he was born in American Controlled territory (they lied, PCZ is leased, and military bases are not considered US Territory) AND he was born of 2 US CITIZEN PARENTS, completing the well known soil and blood requirement. Obama even sponsored the bill-- they all know that neither one was eligible.
Resolution 511:
"Whereas John Sidney McCain, III, was born to American citizens on an American military base in the Panama Canal Zone in 1936: Now, therefore, be it Resolved, That John Sidney McCain, III, is a `natural born Citizen' under Article II, Section 1, of the Constitution of the United States."
"I'm not one for ad hominum, but you truly are either a retard or a blowhard, or both. I never claimed to challenge your info or your stance on the issue. My one consistent question to you has what are you going to do about it?
Cat got YOUR tongue?"
Sure you're not! That's on a need to know basis, but you will know. So you agree that the putative POTUS is ineligible? You don't care?
"@Seven Machos -- In a previous thread, comments now lost, a commenter showed up and quoted the accepted legal doctrine regarding naturalized citizenship. Mick paid no attention. I don't know why you bother."
Natural born Citizens need no naturalization, even by the 14 Amendment. They are born of 2 US Citizen parents on US Soil--- natural law-- what else would they be, but US Citizens. ALL other combinations are naturalized, either by oath, Congressional statute or the 14 Amendment.
Sure you're not! That's on a need to know basis, but you will know. So you agree that the putative POTUS is ineligible? You don't care?
Are you moving to France, a la Johnny Depp? Personally I’m wed to you’re going to do: 1) Nothing, but flap your gums; 2) Or as ScottM says, we will see a video of you making demands and broadcasting your “manifesto” after some tragic-comic farce on a campus or mall.
"In our country, though, for the presidency we have simple rules. You must be 35. You must have been born a citizen. Beyond those two requirements and the much more byzantine process of getting on the ballot, it's all electoral politics.
As for Mick, he is a loon who says crazy, crazy stuff. Since people assume he's a conservative (he's not), I have to do battle with his dumb, loony ass."
Right. It's fun to play roles on the internet isn't it? The requirment is natural born Citizen, not "born a Citizen".
What I care about is how you think you're going to wield some sort of influence over the situation. What really makes me interested in the subject is that you must think you're smarter than just about everyone else out there to be so singularly responsible for dealing with it.
So, that being said, if you won't say what you're going to do...suspect at best...tell me what the end-result is going to be should all your fevered dreams come true.
Natural born Citizens need no naturalization, even by the 14 Amendment. They are born of 2 US Citizen parents on US Soil--- natural law-- what else would they be, but US Citizens.
An American political section officer lives in Zagreb. He has a German wife, who is not an American. The wife becomes pregnant, by this American man. The German mother has the baby in the nearest acceptable hospital, which would be in Vienna, Austria.
What is the nationality of the child?
Now, make it a Thai couple (both Thai) who live in Chicago. The woman is a stay-at-home mom. The father is allegedly a consular official but actually a spy with Thai intelligence. They have a child at Northwestern, down the street from the Thai consulate here in beautiful Chicago.
What is the child's nationality?
Bonus (trick) question: what is the law concerning whether these two children may become the president of the United States?
"Are you moving to France, a la Johnny Depp? Personally I’m wed to you’re going to do: 1) Nothing, but flap your gums; 2) Or as ScottM says, we will see a video of you making demands and broadcasting your “manifesto” after some tragic-comic farce on a campus or mall."
Right, Alinskyite. SOOO answer the question:
How is it possible, when the PURPOSE of the natural born Citizen requirement was to prevent foreign influence (FACT), that Obama, ADMITTEDLY born BRITISH, could be an eligible natural born Citizen?
If any of you here are lawyers, you should all be embarrassed. Were you all asleep in Con Law? I ask a simple question, and not 1 of you can answer. I am educating plenty of people here.
Seven Machos said... "Natural born Citizens need no naturalization, even by the 14 Amendment. They are born of 2 US Citizen parents on US Soil--- natural law-- what else would they be, but US Citizens.
An American political section officer lives in Zagreb. He has a German wife, who is not an American. The wife becomes pregnant, by this American man. The German mother has the baby in the nearest acceptable hospital, which would be in Vienna, Austria.
What is the nationality of the child?
Now, make it a Thai couple (both Thai) who live in Chicago. The woman is a stay-at-home mom. The father is allegedly a consular official but actually a spy with Thai intelligence. They have a child at Northwestern, down the street from the Thai consulate here in beautiful Chicago.
What is the child's nationality?
Bonus (trick) question: what is the law concerning whether these two children may become the president of the United States?"
Neither one is eligible. And you still can't answer the question Mr. fake Conservative Obama operative.
anyhow--to me the bottom line if Obama was born on mars, he is still the sorriest sack of shit we have ever had to occupy the office.
Now, now…there’s Jim-muh….Obama hasn’t managed to be embarrassed by a mob of “students” yet…and then there’s Buchanan, the POTUS, not the Pat…so let’s not exaggerate Obama has quite a fer piece to go to be that sack….
Well Mick, I don’t see any difference between you and Bah-Bwuh Streisand or Alec Baldwin or Tim Robbins or Susan Sarandon…a lot of TALK, not much else…You seem to be one of the simpletons who think that IF, Obama is tossed out, then everything he did goes away too, when that’s not going to be the case. Sorry, no magic bullet here, instead it’s campaigning and contributing and voting and replacing Obama, and then campaigning for repeal of much of the law LEGALLY passed and signed… short a lot of boring political/legal scutwork.
I'm still not sure what the question is, Mick. However, the answer to the trick question is that the issue has never been litigated. Therefore, there is no answer and, at best, we have what is analogous to a common law situation -- common law meaning that the law is what ordinary, reasonable people would do in whatever situation without a judge commanding it.
The two hypotheticals are hopelessly complex. The short answer is that the first kid is definitely an American from birth who could probably run for president. The second kid is likely not an American and, therefore, could not run for president.
I wasn't asleep in Con Law. To the extent your argument has any validity, it is up to the Electoral College to decide. You should present your arguments to them, should Obama get re-elected. Since the Constitution specifically commits the election of the President to the Electoral College, picked in accordance with each state's legislature, and subject to selection by the House of Representatives in the event no majority, no court has the power to decide the issue. It is called in the trade the Political Question doctrine. When the Constitution specifically sets forth who decides an issue, here the Electoral College, then it is up to them.
Good luck convincing any of them of your theory, Mick.
What I care about is how you think you're going to wield some sort of influence over the situation. What really makes me interested in the subject is that you must think you're smarter than just about everyone else out there to be so singularly responsible for dealing with it.
So, that being said, if you won't say what you're going to do...suspect at best...tell me what the end-result is going to be should all your fevered dreams come true."
You really don't care? It has nothing to do with whether Congress is smart. They are all in on it. They all know that Obama is not eligible as evdenced by their definition at Resolution 511. Obama is not dumb. It takes some brilliance to Usurp the Presidency, but I have a plan, and I will prevent his next term, and in the meantime I will educate the thousands that read this blog.
You really don't care? It has nothing to do with whether Congress is smart. They are all in on it.
Who mentioned Congress? Not I. I'm suggesting that there are a shitload of very smart people out there, some as smart as you, no doubt, that want him gone soonest. I don't need to bring any other official body to suggest that if those people saw an in, they would take it. You seem to have stumbled upon a magic bullet.
If the President is prevented from a second term by your actions, will he still be walking around?
Mick appears to be pretty dumb and he keeps to type almost without fail. But, ever once in a while I get the feeling that he may be getting over on us, as the British would say, that he is taking the piss. This remark, by Mick, gives me pause:
"and in the meantime I will educate the thousands that read this blog."
I wasn't asleep in Con Law. To the extent your argument has any validity, it is up to the Electoral College to decide. You should present your arguments to them, should Obama get re-elected. Since the Constitution specifically commits the election of the President to the Electoral College, picked in accordance with each state's legislature, and subject to selection by the House of Representatives in the event no majority, no court has the power to decide the issue. It is called in the trade the Political Question doctrine. When the Constitution specifically sets forth who decides an issue, here the Electoral College, then it is up to them.
Good luck convincing any of them of your theory, Mick."
The electoral college failed. But I wasn't asking you about the electoral college. I was asking you a question, which of course you refuse to answer, just like everyone else, because it reveals the vapidity of your silly argument. Congress could investigate the obviously fake LFBC,and the Senate could impeach. Or, as outlined in the 25th Amendment, Quo Warranto could be executed in the DC district, so the Electoral College is certainly not the final word.
But then obviously you failed Con Law, or you could answer the question, or maybe you don't want to, since it would make you look silly.
Knowing the post she links is false, she let's it stand.
The Esquire story, written by Mark Warren, spread across the Internet moments after being posted on the magazine’s website Wednesday morning. Esquire has said it was a joke and Warren told TheDC he has no regrets about posting it.
“He is an execrable piece of shit,” Warren said of Corsi.
Scott M said... "You really don't care? It has nothing to do with whether Congress is smart. They are all in on it.
Who mentioned Congress? Not I. I'm suggesting that there are a shitload of very smart people out there, some as smart as you, no doubt, that want him gone soonest. I don't need to bring any other official body to suggest that if those people saw an in, they would take it. You seem to have stumbled upon a magic bullet.
If the President is prevented from a second term by your actions, will he still be walking around?"
Congress had the ability to stop him, and by the definition of Resolution 511, they all knew Obama was ineligible. I guess other people are afraid of being called a "racist", or are told to shut up in order to prevent some sort of race war. Some are just educated idiots. I will stop him from "serving" a second term. In the meantime, I will educate many here. By the way, still can't answer the question?
Seven Machos said... "but I have a plan, and I will prevent his next term, and in the meantime I will educate the thousands that read this blog
This does sound like excellent sarcasm. I give you that.
Mick, if you have pulled it over on us, then I am the biggest sucker here. And I give you a standing ovation. And I feel deeply embarrassed"
Still can't answer the question? OBAMA"S KRYPTONTITE:
If the Reason for the natural born Citizen requirement was to prevent foreign influence (FACT), then how is it possible that Obama, admittedly born BRITISH, is a natural born Citizen, eligible to be POTUS?
I do kind of worry about Mick. Imagine if he turns out to be some assassin and it comes out that he was here at Althouse chatting about a plan to prevent Obama from a second term. In retrospect, it will all look so obvious.
Don't let this man have a job at the book depository. Even better, I hope Mick is gloriously fucking with me and everyone. That really would be best.
One wonders if that was the real reason for releasing the birth certificate: totally screw over the guy who arguably was the key to re-electing Bush.
I seriously doubt it, for two reasons:
(1): Obama's got no reason to be upset Bush won in '04. If he hadn't, Obama wouldn't be President right now; it would be either Kerry or, more likely, McCain. Plus Obama wouldn't have had a convenient Republican to blame all of America's troubles on.
(2): It was the veterans who co-authored and contributed to Corsi's book that really hurt Kerry, not Corsi himself. Without real veterans speaking out against the "Kerry as war hero" meme Corsi would have been just another crackpot political author; there are hundreds of those on both sides of every election.
I do kind of worry about Mick. Imagine if he turns out to be some assassin and it comes out that he was here at Althouse chatting about a plan to prevent Obama from a second term.
I worry that he we actually succeed in boring one of us to death and the rest of us will be held accountable for complicity in criminally negligent manslaughter.
You know, Mick, if you're serious about your obsession, and you're not just a Moby (a big if, given your veiled threats -- this is just the sort of nuttery a Moby would use to discredit Obama's opponents), then you'll be able to thank yourself, to a tiny extent, when Obama wins re-election.
All you're accomplishing is distracting people from considering or discussing issues that might lead to his defeat; and making Obama opponents look like tribalist/nativist nutcase wanna-be assassins. You're convincing no one, and you're driving people away from the anti-Obama side.
At some point, you've got to consider the actual impact of your actions. You're not getting anywhere with this. There's not going to be any Senate hearing or impeachment.
And if you're actually insane enough to attempt an assassination, let's put aside any moral problems with that and consider the realpolitik results: You'd create a martyr, whoever his VP is at that point will serve out that term and win at least once more, and huge congressional majorities for the Dems will ride in on the wave.
I think I've just talked myself into the elaborate Moby theory wrt Mick.
As a British subject yourself, why the worries about Obama's dual citizenship? I'd have thought you'd be pleased that a subject of the crown occupies the White House. Makes it easier for you guys to take the colonies back.
On more pressing matters, what's your take on illegal immigrants giving birth in the U.S. Are the kids U.S. citizens or no?
What about Bruce Lee, is he a U.S. citizen under the Mick theory?
Pastafarian said... You know, Mick, if you're serious about your obsession, and you're not just a Moby (a big if, given your veiled threats -- this is just the sort of nuttery a Moby would use to discredit Obama's opponents), then you'll be able to thank yourself, to a tiny extent, when Obama wins re-election.
All you're accomplishing is distracting people from considering or discussing issues that might lead to his defeat; and making Obama opponents look like tribalist/nativist nutcase wanna-be assassins. You're convincing no one, and you're driving people away from the anti-Obama side.
At some point, you've got to consider the actual impact of your actions. You're not getting anywhere with this. There's not going to be any Senate hearing or impeachment.
And if you're actually insane enough to attempt an assassination, let's put aside any moral problems with that and consider the realpolitik results: You'd create a martyr, whoever his VP is at that point will serve out that term and win at least once more, and huge congressional majorities for the Dems will ride in on the wave.
I think I've just talked myself into the elaborate Moby theory wrt Mick."
Right, Obama bootlicker. Obama was born British, so he is not a natural born Citizen, and not eligible. You cannot refute that truthful argument, so you fall back on the "fake Conservative" meme-- Attack his policies. He is not eligible, so anything he signs, including appointment of 2 Communist SCOTUS judges is null and void. So answer the question: If the Reason for the natural born Citizen (nbc) requirement was to prevent foreign influence, how can Obama, admittedly born British, be a nbc, eligible to be POTUS?
Seven Machos said... "Mick -- Asked and answered. Also, your question is loaded with all manner of silly premises.
But tell us your plan. We must know"
You never answered, because you can't. Silly Premise? Here is Alexander Hamilton in Federalist 68 talking about the requirement of natural born Citizen (FACT-- he first proposed that the POTUS be BORN a Citizen):
"Nothing was more to be desired than that every practicable obstacle should be opposed to cabal, intrigue, and corruption. These most deadly adversaries of republican government might naturally have been expected to make their approaches from more than one querter, but chiefly from the desire in foreign powers to gain an improper ascendant in our councils. How could they better gratify this, than by raising a creature of their own to the chief magistracy of the Union? But the convention have guarded against all danger of this sort, with the most provident and judicious attention."
The most provident and judicious action was to require the POTUS to be a natural born Citizen, w/ singular allegiance to the US, born of 2 US Citizen parents, from birth.
Logic is a biotch isn't it. Oh and Nonya-- you'll know.
John Jay wrote to George Washington, then Presiding Officer of the Constitutional Convention, on July 25th, 1787:
“Permit me to hint, whether it would be wise and seasonable to provide a strong check to the admission of Foreigners into the administration of our national Government; and to declare expressly that the Commander in Chief of the American Army shall not be given to nor devolve on, any but a natural born Citizen.”
The prevention of foreigners? Hmmm, so tell me how allowing a dual citizen to be POTUS achieves that goal. And how is one born of a foreign father, who was NEVER a citizen, a Creature of our own, as described by Hamilton in Federalist 68? Obama will be prevented from running in the next election. He is not eligible, and he, and all of Congress know it.
CachorroQuente said... "I think one of Mick's points is that we don't need that freedom of choice in our POTUS."
No. What I said is that the POTUS must be eligible for the office. The Constitution requires that the President SHALL be a natural born Citizen, and he is clearly not, by the facts already in attendance, and admitted by Obama himself. Born a Brit means not eligible.
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"Corsi, who graduated from Harvard and is a professional journalist...."
Well that explains it all.
One wonders if that was the real reason for releasing the birth certificate: totally screw over the guy who arguably was the key to re-electing Bush.
"factual inaccuracies" from Corsi--imagine that!
(The Crypto Jew)
Althouse commenter, “Mick” hurt worst…..
I wondered what had become of that. Now Obama is wrecking the literary industry.
The Drudge-ification of journalism is complete.
Joe -- You are so right. Poor, poor Mick. Just when he thought he was getting some traction. It must have been euphoric, like the feeling of a Hail Mary pass on your fingertips. And then...poof. The ball wisps away from your hands and bounces to the back of the end zone.
Game. Set. Match.
Maybe Kerry will finally disclose his discharge form and we can have 'closure'. Funny thing about the birther thing, it is first revealed by democrats (presumably Hilary's people) and the first lawsuits are filed by democrats but somehow its republicans that are the crazies all the while the Jug Eared tinpot wannabe could have simply released it three years ago instead of spending a ton of money litigating the issue for no legitimate reason. Low rent is what he is and he won't be missed after January 2013.
The Esquire story is a parody.
But the Obama t-shirts are all too real.
Maybe Kerry will finally disclose his discharge form and we can have 'closure'. Funny thing about the birther thing, it is first revealed by democrats (presumably Hilary's people) and the first lawsuits are filed by democrats but somehow its republicans that are the crazies. The Jug Eared tinpot wannabe could have simply released it three years ago instead of spending a ton of money litigating the issue for no legitimate reason. Low rent is what he is and he won't be missed after January 2013.
Is it a parody? My bullshit detector did not catch it.
I was thinking of exactly this issue on my afternoon commute yesterday. "What are they going to do about that?" Spit-balling, I was equal parts "new info to rebuke the President" and "the publisher is fucked".
Glad to see nearly instant gratification one way or t'other.
Althouse commenter, “Mick” hurt worst…...
Yeah, I imagine Mick was on that conference call. Can't wait to see what he has to say, but guaranteed it will be something along the lines of everyone being sheep...this isn't information coming soon...document was a fake...etc, etc, ad infinitum.
You should get a copy as a collector's item. I am sure Mitch will pay a lot to have one in his library.
Sorry Corsi and the publisher got burned, but it was a crazy conspiracy theory to begin with.
Let's move on to the Soviets and Stalin teaming up with Dr. Mengele to send mutated tiny pilots in Nazi era flying saucers to Roswell in order to frighten the American public.
Excuse me, Mick.
Scott -- Mick said that the death of Bin Laden was to take publicity away from some status hearing or something for a court case filed by one of these birther loons.
(The Crypto Jew)
Let's move on to the Soviets and Stalin teaming up with Dr. Mengele to send mutated tiny pilots in Nazi era flying saucers to Roswell in order to frighten the American public.
Is this even debatable?
Now I want a copy! can we still get them?
Here is the link to the Daily Caller which says the Equire story is NOT TRUE.
"Let's move on to the Soviets and Stalin teaming up with Dr. Mengele to send mutated tiny pilots in Nazi era flying saucers to Roswell in order to frighten the American public."
That's one of the most awesome theories I ever heard. Is this a real theory? What a sweet movie this would make.
Corsi shouldn't lie about our president, even if the president is an asshole. Karma.
Is this even debatable?
Joe, have you seen the trailer for the upcoming "Iron Sky" yet? Nazis at a secret base on the dark side of the moon. What's not to love?
If the story is a fabrication, it makes sense really. The people who were going to buy the book may still buy it. After all, conspiracy theory is impervious to fact.
False, true, don't give a damn, Corsi's a loon any way you cut it.
So, according to the Esquire satire, the issue has been resolved for "anybody with a brain." I'm not sure if this refutes that claim or not (not being a brain surgeon), but here is something that I was led to by the blog Maggie's Farm: Ann Barhardt of Barnhardt Capital Management. After reading her post and looking at her strong resume' in animal husbandry I was certain, for a while, that I must have been mistaken and misread "Barnhardt Cattle Management. But, alas, no.
So, for that other expert in animal husbandry, Mick, there may still be hope.
(The Crypto Jew)
Joe, have you seen the trailer for the upcoming "Iron Sky" yet? Nazis at a secret base on the dark side of the moon. What's not to love?
It looks great….along the same lines, I’d recommend
Luna Marine
Ian Douglas
As the bloody conflict between the United Nations and the U.S. and its Russian and Japanese allies continues to escalate, a discovery of hidden alien secrets on the moon hints at a peril advancing from beyond the solar system, while the U.N. threatens to end hostilities by destroying millions.
The aliens left a moon base behind…..
I downloaded & read the sample last night on my Kindle.
It seemed pretty dreary and I did not buy it.
I thought it might be interesting, if not for the birth info at least for other info on Osama's background.
It still might be but I didn't think I could read the whole thing.
Very poorly written, from what I could see.
John Henry
Corsi shouldn't lie about our president
Seriously? When did this become any kind of standard?
Cachocorriente said:
"So, for that other expert in animal husbandry, Mick, there may still be hope."
Are you saying that Mick is a pig fucker?
John Henry
Why not let the Birthers continue to purchase it, make your money back, and everyone is happy?
wv = enial...the state of mind one is left in after "researching" the Internets for "proof" of [insert favorite conspiracy].
enial...the state of mind one is left in after "researching" the Internets for "proof" of [insert favorite conspiracy].
Yeah, my tireless search to prove Daniel Tosh is actually gay isn't coming up with anything. I'm in complete enial.
Here is the link to the Daily Caller which says the Equire story is NOT TRUE.
I'm struggling to understand the parody.
We committed satire this morning to point out the problems with selling and marketing a book that has had its core premise and reason to exist gutted by the news cycle, several weeks in advance of publication. Are its author and publisher chastened? Well, no. They double down, and accuse the President of the United States of perpetrating a fraud on the world by having released a forged birth certificate. Not because this claim is in any way based on reality, but to hold their terribly gullible audience captive to their lies, and to sell books. This is despicable, and deserves only ridicule.
But this "satire" didn't bring ridicule on to Mr. Corsi (or at least no more). This seems to be such a stupid move on Mr. Warren's part but I guess "the choir" got it.
John Henry asks: "Are you saying that Mick is a pig fucker?"
Has he denied it?
John Henry asks: "Are you saying that Mick is a pig fucker?"
Has he denied it?
He was waiting for the knowledge of this to become widespread enough to reach critical mass before admitting it.
Not because this claim is in any way based on reality, but to hold their terribly gullible audience captive to their lies, and to sell books. This is despicable, and deserves only ridicule.
When did it become despicable to sell books based on political lies or rumors?
Did Esquire go bonkers over Scotty McClellan's book? Have they demanded clarifications on Obama's "Dreams from my Father"?
It seems to me that free speech lovers would be happy to see people spend their own money on harmless books.
That's not satire. That's a wet dream. Up your game, Esquire.
(The Crypto Jew)
When did it become despicable to sell books based on political lies or rumors?
It IS despicable, it’s always been despicable…it’s just perfectly legal, and sometimes profitable too.
That's interesting: I pre-ordered this book from when it first hit @1 on the Amazon best-seller list after Drudge linked it (just to give Obama's enemies a reward for their hard work fucking him over).
Waited and waited and waited. They charged my credit card yesterday and sent me an email saying they shipped it.
I'm happy to let Corsi keep the money as a reward for keeping Obama's approval rating (and thus, his power) so low for so long.
It IS despicable, it’s always been despicable…it’s just perfectly legal, and sometimes profitable too.
It has not always been despicable. Find me a political book that doesn't have lies in it.
(The Crypto Jew)
I'm happy to let Corsi keep the money as a reward for keeping Obama's approval rating (and thus, his power) so low for so long.
I don’t think it was Jerome Corsi PhD (Wiley Coyote SUPER-Genius); I think it was more like unemployment, ObamaCare, incipient inflation, and a pointless Kinetic Military Action in Libya….
(The Crypto Jew)
It has not always been despicable. Find me a political book that doesn't have lies in it.
I think you make a claim, you prove it…I’d be interested in the definitions of “political book” and “lies.”
"It has not always been despicable."
No, and it certainly didn't seem despicable when liberals produced an assassination porn fantasy film during George W. Bush's presidency showing him being murdered by a sniper in Barack Obama's Chicago.
Liberals made everything fair game during the Bush Administration and now they're going to have to endure everything they dished out. They showed just how low the game can be played. Now they're getting it back in spades and the whining really shows just what a bunch of pussies they are.
There's no crying in baseball.
Rose said:
"Now I want a copy! can we still get them?"
Not mine, not yet. I'll be putting it up for sale on eBay in a few years after BHO is out of office and the real story is finally told.
I think you make a claim, you prove it
This is turning into a silly argument, but I believe you made the claim that it has always been despicable. Prove it (nah nah nah nah boo boo)
I don't think for a minute you mean to start arguing about the definition of "political book" and "lying".
the real story is finally told
Kid born in Hawaii to white American mother and black African father. Adopts trite leftist orthodoxy. Works hard. Becomes crappy president.
Not bad as far as stories go, but nothing really earth shattering here. Clinton's and Reagan's are far, far better.
"If the story is a fabrication, it makes sense really. The people who were going to buy the book may still buy it. After all, conspiracy theory is impervious to fact."
But it's good politics, see. That's what the left has taught us - it's what Alinsky teaches. It's not about whether the theory is true or not (and keep in mind that many experts believe with good reason that the story is true and that Obama's "birth certificate" has been forged).
Whether it's true or not is really beside the point, though from a political perspective. This one story chopped 20 points off Barack Obama's approval rating for two years, and effectively undermined his presidency. So it was a very effective political weapon.
Just like "Bush lied, people died."
Expect more of the same because what's good for the goose is good for the fucking gander, bub."
(The Crypto Jew)
I think telling lies is despicable (dyth-spick-uhbull)…it has always been dyth-spick-uhbull to tell lies….and to write a book full of lies and profit from it has always been very, very dyth-spick-uhbull…I don’t see that there’s any argument to it. I merely point out that it is LEGAL and apparently profitable….
As to “political” and “lies” well yes please give me examples of the political lying books and the lying lies they tell……Senator Franken. Do you mean Profiles in Courage, The Making of the President in 1968, Going Rogue, or Going Rouge and a selection of the lies contained there within would be most helpful….
If by “lying” you mean politicians are wont to emphasize the good, and not mention the bad, well I guess they and used car salespersons, and marketers are all liars…or by “lying” do you mean, “I did NOT order the cover-up” or “I did not have sex with that woman.”?
many experts believe with good reason that the story is true and that Obama's "birth certificate" has been forged
Which experts are those? What are they experts in?
This one story chopped 20 points off Barack Obama's approval rating for two years, and effectively undermined his presidency
No. Absolutely not. If the economy wasn't a wreck and if his rhetoric matched reality, Obama's approval would be fine.
What you are saying is the exact equivalent of saying that the goofy Mena airfield stories dragged down Clinton. They didn't.
It was satire and Esquire says so. At the bottom of the Esquire story there's an UPDATE.
"UPDATE, 12:25 p.m., for those who didn't figure it out yet, and the many on Twitter for whom it took a while: We committed satire this morning to point out the problems with selling and marketing a book that has had its core premise and reason to exist gutted by the news cycle, several weeks in advance of publication. Are its author and publisher chastened? Well, no. They double down, and accuse the President of the United States of perpetrating a fraud on the world by having released a forged birth certificate. Not because this claim is in any way based on reality, but to hold their terribly gullible audience captive to their lies, and to sell books. This is despicable, and deserves only ridicule. That's why we committed satire in the matter of the Corsi book. Hell, even the president has a sense of humor about it all. Some more serious reporting from us on this whole "birther" phenomenon here, here, and here."
This is a non-story except for the rubes who didn't read the story in the first place and are bitter clingers to an erroneous opinion.
There really wasn't enough satire in the story for it to be called satire. The Esquire people will say it's sophisticated. I say it was poor writing. Satire is the hardest thing to write; it has to be obvious yet not obvious.
But, it is what it is: satire.
(The Crypto Jew)
There really wasn't enough satire in the story for it to be called satire. The Esquire people will say it's sophisticated. I say it was poor writing. Satire is the hardest thing to write; it has to be obvious yet not obvious.
But, it is what it is: satire.
I agree entirely and I have a modest proposal about writing satire….
"Which experts are those? What are they experts in?"
They're scientists and document experts.
Top men I assure you.
They have a theory that the document has been forged and they point to much evidence to prove their theory.
Is their theory correct? I'm not sure, but there is solid evidence begin presented that deserves a fair and impartial hearing. You believe in impartial hearings, right? Isn't this topic too important to be politicized in the way that you're trying to politicize it?
Since they're scientists and document fraud experts (many of whom helped uncover Dan Rather's fraudulent Bush memos that got him fired) shouldn't we at least give them a fair hearing? They know a lot more about these things than some random Chicago political hack who always takes Obama's side of any issue.
But again, you're missing the larger point.
The larger point isn't whether Barack Obama's birth certificate is a forgery or not - people think their president is a crook. That's the issue. They're not going to re-elect a guy they think is crooked.
Just ask Richard Nixon.
Update time--the article was "satire."
They're scientists and document experts.
Top men I assure you.
Now that's satire. Or it should be.
An army with Obama's birth certificate in front of it is...invincible.
Seven Machos said...
Joe -- You are so right. Poor, poor Mick. Just when he thought he was getting some traction. It must have been euphoric, like the feeling of a Hail Mary pass on your fingertips. And then...poof. The ball wisps away from your hands and bounces to the back of the end zone.
Game. Set. Match.
As usual you are just a bootlicker of the Usurper. It matters not WHERE he was born. Obama's birth to a British Subject father endowed him with British citizenship, which excludes him from consideration as a natural born Citizen, If the reson for the natural born Citizenship requirement was to prevent foreign influence (FACT) how is it possible that Obama, ADMITTEDLY born British, is a natural born Citizen, eligible to be POTUS? YOU still can't answer. Besides all of that, the BC is FAKE, and the article is satire, because they are Usurper bootlicker useful idiots also. Duh.
Seven Machos said...
"the real story is finally told
Kid born in Hawaii to white American mother and black African father. Adopts trite leftist orthodoxy. Works hard. Becomes crappy president.
Not bad as far as stories go, but nothing really earth shattering here. Clinton's and Reagan's are far, far better."
And you still shill for the Usurper as the fake Conservative in the "lets attack his policies, this "birther" stuff is not going anywhere" meme----So obvious.
How is it possible, when the PURPOSE of the natural born Citizen requirement was to prevent foreign influence (FACT), that Obama, ADMITTEDLY born BRITISH, could be an eligible natural born Citizen?
Seven Machos said...
"There really wasn't enough satire in the story for it to be called satire. The Esquire people will say it's sophisticated. I say it was poor writing. Satire is the hardest thing to write; it has to be obvious yet not obvious.
But, it is what it is: satire."
Of course, you were too dumb to catch that it was satire.
(The Crypto Jew)
I see American mother, born in Hawai’i not natural born…..and OF COURSE, even though the aforementioned may be true, the Certificate is a FAKE…have your “top men” TOP. MEN. Determined this EXACTLY?
I mean who cares, according to you it could be a REAL certificate, but he’s not “natural born.” So basically the “Usurper” is just wrong, wrong wrong…but if so, why even worry about the certificate?
Don’t bother explaining, I’m a boot-licker of the Usurper, and I really don’t care to hear the tendentious arguments…it’s like the 9/11 Troofers…their silly tendentious arguments hold no luster for me and your silly tendentious arguments hold no luster either.
Oh my God! Mick has found his way here. Awesome.
Dude, we've been over this but in case anyone new has shown up: there are no classes of citizens. Citizens are citizens are citizens. The Constitution requires that anyone who becomes president be born an American citizen. Obama was born an American citizen. Therefore, at age 35, he became eligible to be president.
But, Mick, tell us: when will you give up your ridiculous quest? Obama is unlikely to be president in about 18 months. Will you stop then? What if Obama wins reelection? Will you continue until January 2017? Beyond then?
Finally, the birth certificate doesn't matter. A person born of an American mother who lives in the United States a certain number of years and/or has parents who fill out some forms and/or is the child of certain American officials abroad is an American citizen.
YAY! Mick made it.
So, Mick, how close are we to that critical mass of knowledge now that will allow you to go forward with your actual plans to address this Usurper situation? For a true patriot and defender of the Constitution, you were pretty obtuse last time regarding just what your plans are to correct the matter.
Joe said,
"I mean who cares, according to you it could be a REAL certificate, but he’s not “natural born.” So basically the “Usurper” is just wrong, wrong wrong…but if so, why even worry about the certificate?"
That is true, the BC means nothing, except to verify the story that he has already told, that he was born British to a British Subject father. But the LFBC is deinitely fake, so that story of Obama's nativity has yet to be proven. By the story Obama himself has told, he is not natural born, and not eligible.
How do you know Obama was born British? Have you seen his father's birth certificate?
Also, I'm very interested in your view on the 14th Amendment's effect on your views of natural born citizenship. Any room for Hawaiian anchor babies?
I still want to see his academic transcripts and medical records.
Henry said...
They're scientists and document experts.
Top men I assure you.
Now that's satire. Or it should be.
No satire. That's how we won WWII.
With our luck, Little Zero sent it back to Israel.
Mick -- You are too dumb to realize that you don't understand the Constitution, will never get a judge or legislature to side with you, and are simply wrong about Obama's citizenship.
Good luck in your quixotic quest, dude. I'll be here belittling you until the end of time.
Scott M said...
"YAY! Mick made it.
So, Mick, how close are we to that critical mass of knowledge now that will allow you to go forward with your actual plans to address this Usurper situation? For a true patriot and defender of the Constitution, you were pretty obtuse last time regarding just what your plans are to correct the matter."
You can't answer the question either:
If the purpose of the requirement of natural born Citizen was to prevent foreign influence (FACT), then how can Obama, admittedly born BRITISH, be eligible?
So the FACT that the POTUS is ineligible hinges on what my plans are? Or is it that it doesn't matter?
Mick -- "You are too dumb to realize that you don't understand the Constitution, will never get a judge or legislature to side with you, and are simply wrong about Obama's citizenship.
Good luck in your quixotic quest, dude. I'll be here belittling you until the end of time."
Says the typical Alinskite. Obama HIMSELF says that he was born British, so even he disagrees w/ you. So answer the question.
I'm very interested in your view on the 14th Amendment's effect on your views of natural born citizenship.
His view has no place whatsoever for the 14th Amendment. He simply doesn't know that immigrants and bastard children were treated differently before the 14th Amendment and aren't and cannot be now, thanks to a radical and needed change to the Constitution after the Civil War.
Wait until you hear all his bullshit case dicta from, like, 1809.
The rumors of Micks demise seem to have been greatly exaggerated!
...and that's a good thing.
Mick -- People born American are born American. Period. Dual citizenship, such as it may be, and such as it is foisted legalistically upon an infant child, does not matter.
Obama is still president by the way. How do you feel about that? Also, there are no slaves, even though the Constitution of 1789 clearly contemplates them. And U.S. senators are directly elected, in clear violation of the Constitution of 1789. You must be apoplectic.
You can't answer the question either:
I'm not, nor ever have, tried to argue the merits of your stance with you, Mick. From first to last, my question has always been;
If this means so much to you and you consider it to be as great a threat as you seem to consider it, WTF ARE YOU DOING ABOUT IT?
I want concrete steps. If you're not doing anything and have no concrete steps to battle this threat, you're just a blowhard. I doubt you consider yourself thus, so, again, WTF ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT IT?
One problem with all the born British bullshit is that Obama did not become a British citizen at birth because Obama's father and mother were not married at the time. The British law at the time granted citizenship to children of male citizens and non-citizen mothers only if the parents were married. Obama, Sr was already married to a Kenyan woman and not to Obama, Jrs mother.
Not that this matters anyway, because there is no reason that American born dual citizens are not natural born American citizens no matter whether Mick is sufficiently clever to figure that out or not.
mccullough said...
How do you know Obama was born British? Have you seen his father's birth certificate?
Also, I'm very interested in your view on the 14th Amendment's effect on your views of natural born citizenship. Any room for Hawaiian anchor babies?"
He admits it on his campaign website. The 14th Amendment is a statute. If one If one must rely on the 14th Amendment to become a US Citizen, then citizenship isn't derived from Natural Law, where no statute is needed (those born in the US of 2 US Citizen parents need no statute, including the 14A to become US Citizens, what else would they be?). It has not been determined by the SCOTUS that those born in the US of 2 Alien parents are US Citizens, although accepted in certain circles. By the direct meaning of the 14A they should not be.
Here is the admission at Fight the Smears, Obama's Cpaign website:
" Clarifies Barack’s Citizenship
“When Barack Obama Jr. was born on Aug. 4,1961, in Honolulu, Kenya was a British colony, still part of the United Kingdom’s dwindling empire. As a Kenyan native, Barack Obama Sr. was a British subject whose citizenship status was governed by The British Nationality Act of 1948. That same act governed the status of Obama Sr.‘s children.
Since Sen. Obama has neither renounced his U.S. citizenship nor sworn an oath of allegiance to Kenya, his Kenyan citizenship automatically expired on Aug. 4,1982.”
Born a Brit, not Legit. Obama is ineligible.
Scott M is right. What are you going to do about it, Mick? I mean, come on, dude. This is apparently your life's work. Take to the barricades, man. Get to work. Stop being a blowhard.
Can't you at least be like your fellow kook Cindy Sheehan and build a tree fort next to Obama's vacation house?
Even better, you could follow him along during his multitude of golf games, taunting.
Scott M is right.
The 14th Amendment is a statute.
The entire Constitution is a statute. So what?
It has not been determined by the SCOTUS that those born in the US of 2 Alien parents are US Citizens, although accepted in certain circles.
The unelected Supreme Court does not make the law.
Seven Machos said...
"Mick -- People born American are born American. Period. Dual citizenship, such as it may be, and such as it is foisted legalistically upon an infant child, does not matter.
Obama is still president by the way. How do you feel about that? Also, there are no slaves, even though the Constitution of 1789 clearly contemplates them. And U.S. senators are directly elected, in clear violation of the Constitution of 1789. You must be apoplectic."
Of course "born" American is not the standard, and Article Section 1 Clause 5 has NEVER been amended, like in all those other silly analogies you bring up. The standard is natural born Citizen, and it has had the same meaning for consistantly over the last 234 years. You still can't answer the question, because logic twists the liar into a pretzel.
Seven Machos said...
"Scott M is right. What are you going to do about it, Mick? I mean, come on, dude. This is apparently your life's work. Take to the barricades, man. Get to work. Stop being a blowhard.
Can't you at least be like your fellow kook Cindy Sheehan and build a tree fort next to Obama's vacation house?
Even better, you could follow him along during his multitude of golf games, taunting."
I don't need to tell you what I am going to do, but you will know it.
So answer the question. Cat got your tongue?
Mick -- What is your plan? When is the revolution, man?
Also, Obama was an American citizen at birth and therefore has been entitled to be president since he came out of the womb.
Mick, do you suppose, or did you ever suppose, that one day, hearings would be held over this issue, and it would go to the Supreme Court, and Obama would be removed from office mid-term over this?
He was born to an American mother; that much isn't in dispute. It's pretty clear that he was born on American soil; but for most Americans, that doesn't really matter. If your mother is American, then so are you.
(I'm actually more concerned about the way Obama tries to throw a baseball. That right there is evidence that he is barely American. He has less in common with the average American than anyone who's ever held the office, I suspect.)
But this was never going to rise to the level of an impeachable offense. It's just been a distraction from Obama's real mistakes -- the debt spiral, anti-business policies, and on and on. By trumpeting this distraction, you've actually helped him to get re-elected.
The unelected Supreme Court does not make the law.
That seems to be an odd statement given the context of the situation. If, for a second, we assume there were actually a good leg to stand on and this went to trial, got appealed, got appealed, etc, who do you suppose would be deciding the case?
What's the question again, Mick? Is it whether Obama was an American citizen at birth? Or is there some other question?
I don't need to tell you what I am going to do, but you will know it.
Yes, you do. If you have a snowball's chance in hell of convincing anyone else, you do. Otherwise, you're just blasting hot air, via your keyboard, obviously, into the internet.
So...what are you going to do?
That's how we won WWII.
That's why it's satire.
Seven Machos said...
"The 14th Amendment is a statute.
The entire Constitution is a statute. So what?
It has not been determined by the SCOTUS that those born in the US of 2 Alien parents are US Citizens, although accepted in certain circles.
The unelected Supreme Court does not make the law."
But SCOTUS determines what is Constitutional, and that question has yet to be before them. Natural born Citizens are US citizens of natural law, not by edict of the Constitution. If one is a Citizen by way of the 14th Amendment, then a statute is needed. Obama, at best, needed the 14th Amendment to resolve the conflict of dual allegiance, thus not natural born. So answer the question....
If, for a second, we assume there were actually a good leg to stand on and this went to trial, got appealed, got appealed, etc, who do you suppose would be deciding the case?
The Supreme Court would. More likely, the Supremes would remand with an instruction to be consistent with what the majority said.
But the Supreme Court doesn't make the law upon which the judges must base or at least loosely structure their decisions. Lawgivers do that. In this case, we have law -- the original constitutional language and the 14th Amendment -- that clearly indicate what the law is. There's no wriggle room.
The Supreme Court does not decide political questions such as this one. And, in fact, if I recall correctly, you, Mick, have told us that the Supreme Court has declined to hear anything related to Obama's birth.
Further, the only people with standing in any such case either don't care or don't want to pursue a case.
Also, you are wrong. Obama is eligible to president because he was born to an American woman.
Seven Machos said...
"What's the question again, Mick? Is it whether Obama was an American citizen at birth? Or is there some other question?"
"American Citizen at birth"
is not the standard, and that moniker includes those born abroad, who are clearly not natural born. Natural born Citizen is the REQUIREMENT.
If the WELL KNOWN reason (FACT) for the nbc requirement was to prevent foreign influence, how could Obama, ADMITTEDLY born British be a nbc, eligible for POTUS? Cat got your tongue?
Scott M said...
"I don't need to tell you what I am going to do, but you will know it.
Yes, you do. If you have a snowball's chance in hell of convincing anyone else, you do. Otherwise, you're just blasting hot air, via your keyboard, obviously, into the internet.
So...what are you going to do?"
Don't want to tip my hand, but you will know.
So answer the question.
Born a Brit, not Legit. Obama is ineligible.
I must say I do like that.
You people here scoff at Mick because he raises a red flag about the dual citizenship.
My sister-in-law, born in USA to European parents, has two passports. It wasn't her choice as an infant- she was born that way.
She's a diehard leftist, works internationally, & thinks it's "cool" to have two nationalities.
If push came to shove, she'd choose America over the EU. In other circumstances, she's choose the EU over America.
I think one of Mick's points is that we don't need that freedom of choice in our POTUS.
So answer the question.
Don't want to tip my hand.
"Are you saying that Mick is a pig fucker?"
Wasn't that an old LBJ story? "Senator Johnson, you can't say your opponent is a pig fucker!"
"Hell no, bwah, but we can shore make the sumbitch hafta DENY it!"
What does Obama admit on his campaign website? Is it that his father was born in Kenya while it was part of The Empire?
Don't we need better proof than this. What if his Dad was born in Detroit and Obama cooked up this exotic story about his father coming over from Kenya to study in Hawaii, where he met Obama's mother. I want proof Mick that Obama's dad was not a U.S. citizen. A self-serving website story should not fool you. Whose thumb are you under?
Please correct me if I'm wrong, Mick, I know this is your baby and you know much more about this than me (seriously), but as far as I know:
The constitution doesn't give a definition for the term "natural born citizen", but it requires the POTUS and VP to be natural-born, not just citizens.
So if we look at other documents written at about the same time, to determine what was meant by the authors of the constitution, we find that they meant "someone born on US soil to parents who weren't citizens of another country."
But no where can we find any reference to the arcane question: what if one parent is a US citizen and the other isn't?
There are later decisions and scholarly writings where it's put forward that all that matters is birthplace; and that lineage or bloodline doesn't really matter. And that seems about right to me -- this idea of a birthright doesn't seem quite...American to me.
And I suspect that this is how it seems to a lot of Americans. In a situation like this, where there isn't a clear legal answer in black and white, opinion matters. And very few people consider someone "less American" because their father was from Kenya.
Seven Machos said...
The Supreme Court does not decide political questions such as this one. And, in fact, if I recall correctly, you, Mick, have told us that the Supreme Court has declined to hear anything related to Obama's birth.
"Further, the only people with standing in any such case either don't care or don't want to pursue a case.
Also, you are wrong. Obama is eligible to president because he was born to an American woman."
If a law was enacted that prevented those born of Alien parents to be US Citizen, it would be appealed to the SCOTUS, and they would decide that issue, so of course you are wrong. If a Quo Warranto was filed in the DC District, or an electoral challenge was made regarding a candidates eligibility, it would go to the SCOTUS. SCOTUS has the responsibility of determining what the law (Constitution) is. The FAKE LFBC that Obama put out certainly sets him up for impeachment, not related to eligibility, and that would be heard by the Senate. Where does it say that birth to an American woman make one a natural born Citizen?
I want proof Mick that Obama's dad was not a U.S. citizen.
Ask Harvard
In a situation like this, where there isn't a clear legal answer in black and white, opinion matters.
You vile, stinking racist...
Whose thumb are you under?
mccullough said...
What does Obama admit on his campaign website? Is it that his father was born in Kenya while it was part of The Empire?
Don't we need better proof than this. What if his Dad was born in Detroit and Obama cooked up this exotic story about his father coming over from Kenya to study in Hawaii, where he met Obama's mother. I want proof Mick that Obama's dad was not a U.S. citizen. A self-serving website story should not fool you. Whose thumb are you under?"
The story that Obama has told is that his father was Kenyan. His campaign website verifies that, and further says that Obama Sr's CITIZENSHIP, and that of his children were controlled by BRITAIN. If that story is false, then Obama loses also. But yes it would need to be absolutely verified, which the LFBC supposedly does, but it is a fake. So answer the question. Cat got your tongue?
Pasta said: And very few people consider someone "less American" because their father was from Kenya.
First, I don't believe Obama is a dual citizen. He in effect renounced his right to Kenyan citizenship long ago.
With respect to what I quoted, are you saying that you don't understand what it means to hold two passports? To owe allegience to two nations? Or you don't understand the mechanisms by which Americans are allowed to hold more than one passport?
I suspect the later.
"I think one of Mick's points is that we don't need that freedom of choice in our POTUS."
Doesn't matter what anybody thinks about it, your sister-in-law, if not otherwise disqualified, is eligible to be president, if elected. Any child born in the United States is a natural born citizen (except for certain exceptions which have absolutely no relevance to Obama) no matter if the child is eligible to be a citizen of another country or not. There really is no dispute about this and throughout American history there has been no dispute about this; at least not since the 14th amendment.
Henry said...
That's how we won WWII.
That's why it's satire.
No, that's how it's the truth.
If you read how close we came to losing, it's clear we had something else going for us.
Chickenlittle -- That doesn't matter, dude. You are trying to make the Constitution conform to your political preferences and ridiculously arguing by anecdote.
Mick is a silly blowhard who doesn't understand the Constitution.
Doesn't matter what anybody thinks about it, your sister-in-law, if not otherwise disqualified, is eligible to be president, if elected.
Maybe so, but I don't believe we've ever broached the question of electing someone with two nationalities. And I think it's an eventuality, things being what they are.
If a Quo Warranto was filed in the DC District, or an electoral challenge was made regarding a candidates eligibility, it would go to the SCOTUS.
This has all happened, according to you. Why hasn't the Supreme Court heard the case?
More importantly, please tell us your secret plan. We must know.
Mick you're scaring me....
I think it best that we fix this Obama problem at the ballot box.
I don't want to see schools, and streets named after this fool. I don't want to hear anyone lament "Oh, Barry, we barely knew thee!"
Machos & Cachorro
The plain fact may be that when that statuate was written, dual citizenship wasn't an option.
My S-I-L was not eligible for dual until quite recently, some law change happened under Bush 2 I believe.
So it may indeed be a topic worthy of interpretation.
And don't pretend that dual citizenship wouldn't matter to the electorate because I'm sure it would, as it should.
I don't believe we've ever broached the question of electing someone with two nationalities.
The Constitution says what the requirements for the presidency are.
Further, you act like the American people are just going to up and elect somebody who is also a citizen of another country. That's unlikely.
The plain fact may be that when that statuate was written, dual citizenship wasn't an option.
It's good that you admit that you have no earthly idea what you are talking about.
don't pretend that dual citizenship wouldn't matter to the electorate because I'm sure it would
So you are saying that Americans would not elect someone with dual allegiance. Great. What's the problem then?
(The Crypto Jew)
Further, you act like the American people are just going to up and elect somebody who is also a citizen of another country. That's unlikely.
You FOOL THEY ALREADY HAVE….you know The Usurper! I have top men TOP. MEN. Advising me on this and it is positively absolutely true…even more true than the Nazi-Commie Midgets at Roswell True, even more so Than Fire Cannot Melt Steel True….more than Grassy Knoll True….TOP. MEN.
Further, you act like the American people are just going to up and elect somebody who is also a citizen of another country. That's unlikely.
I think a majority of Americans are largely unawares of how other nations confer citizenship and passports on their subjects born in this country. I know I was until I married into it.
You act like I'm being being a pain in the butt. Here I thought you had actually worked in consulates and such and must be an expect in the topic.
You should be educating people Machos, not promoting obfuscation.:)
"Maybe so, but I don't believe we've ever broached the question of electing someone with two nationalities. And I think it's an eventuality, things being what they are."
I doubt that a dual citizen would be found to be ineligible for the presidency -- there appears to be no basis for the contrary conclusion. Of course, nitwits like that Taitz woman (and Mick) would jump up and down and prattle on without effect.
You act like I'm being being a pain in the butt. Here I thought you had actually worked in consulates and such and must be an expect in the topic.
Not only did I give out visas, I also did a decent amount of work at the United Nations on the topic of citizenship. What happens when your country disappears, for example? Do you have a citizenship?
There are some fascinating questions, and it's good that countries are trying to set up and maintain a uniform international treaty about it all.
In our country, though, for the presidency we have simple rules. You must be 35. You must have been born a citizen. Beyond those two requirements and the much more byzantine process of getting on the ballot, it's all electoral politics.
As for Mick, he is a loon who says crazy, crazy stuff. Since people assume he's a conservative (he's not), I have to do battle with his dumb, loony ass.
CachorroQuente said...
I doubt that a dual citizen would be found to be ineligible for the presidency -- there appears to be no basis for the contrary conclusion.
Thank you Mr. Sullivanist-in-chief. That is indeed an interesting question & one which I'm sure would need some SCOTUS interpretation.
One more thing...
Where does it say that birth to an American woman make one a natural born Citizen?
In federal law. There is no difference between regular born citizen and natural born citizen.
Is JFK still alive? If not, who killed him?
What's up with Roswell? And did Kristin Sheppard really shoot J.R.?
@edutcher: I think we're on two different wavelengths.
nevadabob, in reference to folks like Mick referred to them as "...scientists and document experts. Top men I assure you. TOP. MEN." [his punctuation]
That's comic overstatement. It reads like satire. It reads like satire because nevadabob is NOT writing about World War II. He is writing about Obama's birth certificate.
World War II I take seriously. The Obama birth certificate controversy I don't.
* * *
@Seven Machos -- In a previous thread, comments now lost, a commenter showed up and quoted the accepted legal doctrine regarding naturalized citizenship. Mick paid no attention. I don't know why you bother.
Chicken -- Why would the Supreme Court need to weigh in on whether a dual citizen can be president? That's the last group we need to weigh in and the last group likely to weigh in.
Wouldn't it be far better and much more likely for Congress to weigh in? Even better, wouldn't it be best if there remains a tacit understanding that dual citizens running for the U.S. presidency is something that simply isn't done around here?
Henry -- I think that poster that Cachorro, who is here with us today.
Seven Machos said...
"I don't believe we've ever broached the question of electing someone with two nationalities.
The Constitution says what the requirements for the presidency are.
Further, you act like the American people are just going to up and elect somebody who is also a citizen of another country. That's unlikely."
Right, and the Constitution says that the POTUS SHALL be a natural born Citizen. Not a Citizen at birth, or a bonafide Citizen, or born of an American mother. There is PLENTY of documentation of the meaning of the term, including by the Writer of the 14th Amendment, over 234 years. The reason for the Requirementn was to prevent foreign influence into the White House, and the best way to do that would be to require SINGULAR allegiance from birth (thus the name, natural BORN). Obama was born British, admittedly, so again, how is it possible that he is eligible. Cat got your tongue
so again, how is it possible that he is eligible
I don't know, but I suspect an explosion of some sort followed by an anonymously delivered video to a local news station featuring you in a ski mask will 'splain it to us.
Seven Machos said...
One more thing...
"Where does it say that birth to an American woman make one a natural born Citizen?
In federal law. There is no difference between regular born citizen and natural born citizen."
Now you are getting deeper and deeper into the lie. Where does it say that one born to an American mother is a natural born Citizen, and where does it say that a "born Citizen" is a "natural born Citizen". AND how does that square with the desire to prevent foreign influence? Seems illogical, but then logic always ties up the liar into a pretzel. You are an internet operative of the Usurper, under the "fake Conservative" alias-- very obvious. You better go get reinforcements.
Scott M said...
"so again, how is it possible that he is eligible
I don't know, but I suspect an explosion of some sort followed by an anonymously delivered video to a local news station featuring you in a ski mask will 'splain it to us."
So answer the question genius, how could Obama, born subject to the citizenship of Britain, be a natural born Citizen, when the purpose of the requirement was to prevent foreign influence? Cat got your tongue?
Cat got your tongue?
I'm not one for ad hominum, but you truly are either a retard or a blowhard, or both. I never claimed to challenge your info or your stance on the issue. My one consistent question to you has what are you going to do about it?
Cat got YOUR tongue?
Seven Machos wrote: Chicken -- Why would the Supreme Court need to weigh in on whether a dual citizen can be president? That's the last group we need to weigh in and the last group likely to weigh in.
Because we have statutory bars for a reason- for example, the existing law which bars certain individuals, however unfairly. If those statutory bars exist to prevent dual allegiance situations, then yes, I believe it should be codified if need be.
SCOTUS case law interpreting the present law as barring dual nationals would do the same though via different channels.
On the other hand, there are probably those who say that anyone should be eligible.
Seven Machos said...
"Chicken -- Why would the Supreme Court need to weigh in on whether a dual citizen can be president? That's the last group we need to weigh in and the last group likely to weigh in.
Wouldn't it be far better and much more likely for Congress to weigh in? Even better, wouldn't it be best if there remains a tacit understanding that dual citizens running for the U.S. presidency is something that simply isn't done around here?"
Congress has already weighed in at Resolution 511. They said that McCain was a natural born Citizen because he was born in American Controlled territory (they lied, PCZ is leased, and military bases are not considered US Territory) AND he was born of 2 US CITIZEN PARENTS, completing the well known soil and blood requirement. Obama even sponsored the bill-- they all know that neither one was eligible.
Resolution 511:
"Whereas John Sidney McCain, III, was born to American citizens on an American military base in the Panama Canal Zone in 1936: Now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That John Sidney McCain, III, is a `natural born Citizen' under Article II, Section 1, of the Constitution of the United States."
Scott M said...
Cat got your tongue?
"I'm not one for ad hominum, but you truly are either a retard or a blowhard, or both. I never claimed to challenge your info or your stance on the issue. My one consistent question to you has what are you going to do about it?
Cat got YOUR tongue?"
Sure you're not! That's on a need to know basis, but you will know. So you agree that the putative POTUS is ineligible? You don't care?
Henry said,
"@Seven Machos -- In a previous thread, comments now lost, a commenter showed up and quoted the accepted legal doctrine regarding naturalized citizenship. Mick paid no attention. I don't know why you bother."
Natural born Citizens need no naturalization, even by the 14 Amendment. They are born of 2 US Citizen parents on US Soil--- natural law-- what else would they be, but US Citizens. ALL other combinations are naturalized, either by oath, Congressional statute or the 14 Amendment.
(The Crypto Jew)
Sure you're not! That's on a need to know basis, but you will know. So you agree that the putative POTUS is ineligible? You don't care?
Are you moving to France, a la Johnny Depp? Personally I’m wed to you’re going to do:
1) Nothing, but flap your gums;
2) Or as ScottM says, we will see a video of you making demands and broadcasting your “manifesto” after some tragic-comic farce on a campus or mall.
7 Machos said,
"In our country, though, for the presidency we have simple rules. You must be 35. You must have been born a citizen. Beyond those two requirements and the much more byzantine process of getting on the ballot, it's all electoral politics.
As for Mick, he is a loon who says crazy, crazy stuff. Since people assume he's a conservative (he's not), I have to do battle with his dumb, loony ass."
Right. It's fun to play roles on the internet isn't it? The requirment is natural born Citizen, not "born a Citizen".
bootlicker of the Usurper
Is that your official title?
You don't care?
What I care about is how you think you're going to wield some sort of influence over the situation. What really makes me interested in the subject is that you must think you're smarter than just about everyone else out there to be so singularly responsible for dealing with it.
So, that being said, if you won't say what you're going to do...suspect at best...tell me what the end-result is going to be should all your fevered dreams come true.
1) Nothing, but flap your gums;
Technically, Joe, it's his fingers that are flapping. On the other hand, did you see the new piece on the zombie-proof house they built in Poland?
Natural born Citizens need no naturalization, even by the 14 Amendment. They are born of 2 US Citizen parents on US Soil--- natural law-- what else would they be, but US Citizens.
An American political section officer lives in Zagreb. He has a German wife, who is not an American. The wife becomes pregnant, by this American man. The German mother has the baby in the nearest acceptable hospital, which would be in Vienna, Austria.
What is the nationality of the child?
Now, make it a Thai couple (both Thai) who live in Chicago. The woman is a stay-at-home mom. The father is allegedly a consular official but actually a spy with Thai intelligence. They have a child at Northwestern, down the street from the Thai consulate here in beautiful Chicago.
What is the child's nationality?
Bonus (trick) question: what is the law concerning whether these two children may become the president of the United States?
"Are you moving to France, a la Johnny Depp? Personally I’m wed to you’re going to do:
1) Nothing, but flap your gums;
2) Or as ScottM says, we will see a video of you making demands and broadcasting your “manifesto” after some tragic-comic farce on a campus or mall."
Right, Alinskyite. SOOO answer the question:
How is it possible, when the PURPOSE of the natural born Citizen requirement was to prevent foreign influence (FACT), that Obama, ADMITTEDLY born BRITISH, could be an eligible natural born Citizen?
If any of you here are lawyers, you should all be embarrassed. Were you all asleep in Con Law? I ask a simple question, and not 1 of you can answer. I am educating plenty of people here.
Bootlicker of the Usurper is my official title. Please address me as such.
Thank you.
Lord--I cant believe this thread has gone on so long conspiracy theories are the ultimate in pig wrestling
anyhow--to me the bottom line if Obama was born on mars, he is still the sorriest sack of shit we have ever had to occupy the office.
Jug eared idiot.
Seven Machos said...
"Natural born Citizens need no naturalization, even by the 14 Amendment. They are born of 2 US Citizen parents on US Soil--- natural law-- what else would they be, but US Citizens.
An American political section officer lives in Zagreb. He has a German wife, who is not an American. The wife becomes pregnant, by this American man. The German mother has the baby in the nearest acceptable hospital, which would be in Vienna, Austria.
What is the nationality of the child?
Now, make it a Thai couple (both Thai) who live in Chicago. The woman is a stay-at-home mom. The father is allegedly a consular official but actually a spy with Thai intelligence. They have a child at Northwestern, down the street from the Thai consulate here in beautiful Chicago.
What is the child's nationality?
Bonus (trick) question: what is the law concerning whether these two children may become the president of the United States?"
Neither one is eligible. And you still can't answer the question Mr. fake Conservative Obama operative.
(The Crypto Jew)
anyhow--to me the bottom line if Obama was born on mars, he is still the sorriest sack of shit we have ever had to occupy the office.
Now, now…there’s Jim-muh….Obama hasn’t managed to be embarrassed by a mob of “students” yet…and then there’s Buchanan, the POTUS, not the Pat…so let’s not exaggerate Obama has quite a fer piece to go to be that sack….
Well Mick, I don’t see any difference between you and Bah-Bwuh Streisand or Alec Baldwin or Tim Robbins or Susan Sarandon…a lot of TALK, not much else…You seem to be one of the simpletons who think that IF, Obama is tossed out, then everything he did goes away too, when that’s not going to be the case. Sorry, no magic bullet here, instead it’s campaigning and contributing and voting and replacing Obama, and then campaigning for repeal of much of the law LEGALLY passed and signed… short a lot of boring political/legal scutwork.
(The Crypto Jew)
Neither one is eligible. And you still can't answer the question Mr. fake Conservative Obama operative.
Actually you’re wrong…the son of the Political Officer IS a US citizen and would be eligible for POTUS.
Mick says:
"I am educating plenty of people here."
Yes, you are, but not in the way you think.
I'm still not sure what the question is, Mick. However, the answer to the trick question is that the issue has never been litigated. Therefore, there is no answer and, at best, we have what is analogous to a common law situation -- common law meaning that the law is what ordinary, reasonable people would do in whatever situation without a judge commanding it.
The two hypotheticals are hopelessly complex. The short answer is that the first kid is definitely an American from birth who could probably run for president. The second kid is likely not an American and, therefore, could not run for president.
I wasn't asleep in Con Law. To the extent your argument has any validity, it is up to the Electoral College to decide. You should present your arguments to them, should Obama get re-elected. Since the Constitution specifically commits the election of the President to the Electoral College, picked in accordance with each state's legislature, and subject to selection by the House of Representatives in the event no majority, no court has the power to decide the issue. It is called in the trade the Political Question doctrine. When the Constitution specifically sets forth who decides an issue, here the Electoral College, then it is up to them.
Good luck convincing any of them of your theory, Mick.
Scott M said...
"You don't care?
What I care about is how you think you're going to wield some sort of influence over the situation. What really makes me interested in the subject is that you must think you're smarter than just about everyone else out there to be so singularly responsible for dealing with it.
So, that being said, if you won't say what you're going to do...suspect at best...tell me what the end-result is going to be should all your fevered dreams come true."
You really don't care? It has nothing to do with whether Congress is smart. They are all in on it. They all know that Obama is not eligible as evdenced by their definition at Resolution 511. Obama is not dumb. It takes some brilliance to Usurp the Presidency, but I have a plan, and I will prevent his next term, and in the meantime I will educate the thousands that read this blog.
You really don't care? It has nothing to do with whether Congress is smart. They are all in on it.
Who mentioned Congress? Not I. I'm suggesting that there are a shitload of very smart people out there, some as smart as you, no doubt, that want him gone soonest. I don't need to bring any other official body to suggest that if those people saw an in, they would take it. You seem to have stumbled upon a magic bullet.
If the President is prevented from a second term by your actions, will he still be walking around?
Mick appears to be pretty dumb and he keeps to type almost without fail. But, ever once in a while I get the feeling that he may be getting over on us, as the British would say, that he is taking the piss. This remark, by Mick, gives me pause:
"and in the meantime I will educate the thousands that read this blog."
I'm thinking that Mick may be a comic genius.
mccullough said...
I wasn't asleep in Con Law. To the extent your argument has any validity, it is up to the Electoral College to decide. You should present your arguments to them, should Obama get re-elected. Since the Constitution specifically commits the election of the President to the Electoral College, picked in accordance with each state's legislature, and subject to selection by the House of Representatives in the event no majority, no court has the power to decide the issue. It is called in the trade the Political Question doctrine. When the Constitution specifically sets forth who decides an issue, here the Electoral College, then it is up to them.
Good luck convincing any of them of your theory, Mick."
The electoral college failed. But I wasn't asking you about the electoral college. I was asking you a question, which of course you refuse to answer, just like everyone else, because it reveals the vapidity of your silly argument. Congress could investigate the obviously fake LFBC,and the Senate could impeach. Or, as outlined in the 25th Amendment, Quo Warranto could be executed in the DC district, so the Electoral College is certainly not the final word.
But then obviously you failed Con Law, or you could answer the question, or maybe you don't want to, since it would make you look silly.
Cachorro -- I have suspected the same thing. But check his blog. This guy is serious.
Looks like evil blogger lady is at it again.
Knowing the post she links is false, she let's it stand.
The Esquire story, written by Mark Warren, spread across the Internet moments after being posted on the magazine’s website Wednesday morning. Esquire has said it was a joke and Warren told TheDC he has no regrets about posting it.
“He is an execrable piece of shit,” Warren said of Corsi.
but I have a plan, and I will prevent his next term, and in the meantime I will educate the thousands that read this blog
This does sound like excellent sarcasm. I give you that.
Mick, if you have pulled it over on us, then I am the biggest sucker here. And I give you a standing ovation. And I feel deeply embarrassed.
Scott M said...
"You really don't care? It has nothing to do with whether Congress is smart. They are all in on it.
Who mentioned Congress? Not I. I'm suggesting that there are a shitload of very smart people out there, some as smart as you, no doubt, that want him gone soonest. I don't need to bring any other official body to suggest that if those people saw an in, they would take it. You seem to have stumbled upon a magic bullet.
If the President is prevented from a second term by your actions, will he still be walking around?"
Congress had the ability to stop him, and by the definition of Resolution 511, they all knew Obama was ineligible. I guess other people are afraid of being called a "racist", or are told to shut up in order to prevent some sort of race war. Some are just educated idiots. I will stop him from "serving" a second term. In the meantime, I will educate many here. By the way, still can't answer the question?
By the way, still can't answer the question?
Still don't care as long as my question goes unanswered. pptthp
Seven Machos said...
"but I have a plan, and I will prevent his next term, and in the meantime I will educate the thousands that read this blog
This does sound like excellent sarcasm. I give you that.
Mick, if you have pulled it over on us, then I am the biggest sucker here. And I give you a standing ovation. And I feel deeply embarrassed"
Still can't answer the question?
If the Reason for the natural born Citizen requirement was to prevent foreign influence (FACT), then how is it possible that Obama, admittedly born BRITISH, is a natural born Citizen, eligible to be POTUS?
wv. Mated: check
Joe said...
(The Crypto Jew)
"Neither one is eligible. And you still can't answer the question Mr. fake Conservative Obama operative.
Actually you’re wrong…the son of the Political Officer IS a US citizen and would be eligible for POTUS."
Actually no, the child would be a dual citizen, born in a foreign land, and certainly not eligible---Shows how little you know.
Mick -- Asked and answered. Also, your question is loaded with all manner of silly premises.
But tell us your plan. We must know.
Which elected POTUS held two passports?
Which elected POTUS was eligible to hold two passports?
But tell us your plan. We must know.
He can't until he figures out a way to have bulk ammonium nitrate delivered to a PO box.
I do kind of worry about Mick. Imagine if he turns out to be some assassin and it comes out that he was here at Althouse chatting about a plan to prevent Obama from a second term. In retrospect, it will all look so obvious.
Don't let this man have a job at the book depository. Even better, I hope Mick is gloriously fucking with me and everyone. That really would be best.
One wonders if that was the real reason for releasing the birth certificate: totally screw over the guy who arguably was the key to re-electing Bush.
I seriously doubt it, for two reasons:
(1): Obama's got no reason to be upset Bush won in '04. If he hadn't, Obama wouldn't be President right now; it would be either Kerry or, more likely, McCain. Plus Obama wouldn't have had a convenient Republican to blame all of America's troubles on.
(2): It was the veterans who co-authored and contributed to Corsi's book that really hurt Kerry, not Corsi himself. Without real veterans speaking out against the "Kerry as war hero" meme Corsi would have been just another crackpot political author; there are hundreds of those on both sides of every election.
I do kind of worry about Mick. Imagine if he turns out to be some assassin and it comes out that he was here at Althouse chatting about a plan to prevent Obama from a second term.
I worry that he we actually succeed in boring one of us to death and the rest of us will be held accountable for complicity in criminally negligent manslaughter.
Maybe a teen's first ever try at writing satire.
You'd think Esquire could find better.
I'm writing a book about how Mick rhymes with prick. Hick. Stick. Dick. And trick.
All about the satire.
You know, Mick, if you're serious about your obsession, and you're not just a Moby (a big if, given your veiled threats -- this is just the sort of nuttery a Moby would use to discredit Obama's opponents), then you'll be able to thank yourself, to a tiny extent, when Obama wins re-election.
All you're accomplishing is distracting people from considering or discussing issues that might lead to his defeat; and making Obama opponents look like tribalist/nativist nutcase wanna-be assassins. You're convincing no one, and you're driving people away from the anti-Obama side.
At some point, you've got to consider the actual impact of your actions. You're not getting anywhere with this. There's not going to be any Senate hearing or impeachment.
And if you're actually insane enough to attempt an assassination, let's put aside any moral problems with that and consider the realpolitik results: You'd create a martyr, whoever his VP is at that point will serve out that term and win at least once more, and huge congressional majorities for the Dems will ride in on the wave.
I think I've just talked myself into the elaborate Moby theory wrt Mick.
As a British subject yourself, why the worries about Obama's dual citizenship? I'd have thought you'd be pleased that a subject of the crown occupies the White House. Makes it easier for you guys to take the colonies back.
On more pressing matters, what's your take on illegal immigrants giving birth in the U.S. Are the kids U.S. citizens or no?
What about Bruce Lee, is he a U.S. citizen under the Mick theory?
Pastafarian said...
You know, Mick, if you're serious about your obsession, and you're not just a Moby (a big if, given your veiled threats -- this is just the sort of nuttery a Moby would use to discredit Obama's opponents), then you'll be able to thank yourself, to a tiny extent, when Obama wins re-election.
All you're accomplishing is distracting people from considering or discussing issues that might lead to his defeat; and making Obama opponents look like tribalist/nativist nutcase wanna-be assassins. You're convincing no one, and you're driving people away from the anti-Obama side.
At some point, you've got to consider the actual impact of your actions. You're not getting anywhere with this. There's not going to be any Senate hearing or impeachment.
And if you're actually insane enough to attempt an assassination, let's put aside any moral problems with that and consider the realpolitik results: You'd create a martyr, whoever his VP is at that point will serve out that term and win at least once more, and huge congressional majorities for the Dems will ride in on the wave.
I think I've just talked myself into the elaborate Moby theory wrt Mick."
Right, Obama bootlicker. Obama was born British, so he is not a natural born Citizen, and not eligible. You cannot refute that truthful argument, so you fall back on the "fake Conservative" meme-- Attack his policies. He is not eligible, so anything he signs, including appointment of 2 Communist SCOTUS judges is null and void.
So answer the question:
If the Reason for the natural born Citizen (nbc) requirement was to prevent foreign influence, how can Obama, admittedly born British, be a nbc, eligible to be POTUS?
Seven Machos said...
"Mick -- Asked and answered. Also, your question is loaded with all manner of silly premises.
But tell us your plan. We must know"
You never answered, because you can't. Silly Premise? Here is Alexander Hamilton in Federalist 68 talking about the requirement of natural born Citizen (FACT-- he first proposed that the POTUS be BORN a Citizen):
"Nothing was more to be desired than that every practicable obstacle should be opposed to cabal, intrigue, and corruption. These most deadly adversaries of republican government might naturally have been expected to make their approaches from more than one querter, but chiefly from the desire in foreign powers to gain an improper ascendant in our councils. How could they better gratify this, than by raising a creature of their own to the chief magistracy of the Union? But the convention have guarded against all danger of this sort, with the most provident and judicious attention."
The most provident and judicious action was to require the POTUS to be a natural born Citizen, w/ singular allegiance to the US, born of 2 US Citizen parents, from birth.
Logic is a biotch isn't it. Oh and Nonya-- you'll know.
John Jay wrote to George Washington, then Presiding Officer of the Constitutional Convention, on July 25th, 1787:
“Permit me to hint, whether it would be wise and seasonable to provide a strong check to the admission of Foreigners into the administration of our national Government; and to declare expressly that the Commander in Chief of the American Army shall not be given to nor devolve on, any but a natural born Citizen.”
The prevention of foreigners? Hmmm, so tell me how allowing a dual citizen to be POTUS achieves that goal. And how is one born of a foreign father, who was NEVER a citizen, a Creature of our own, as described by Hamilton in Federalist 68? Obama will be prevented from running in the next election. He is not eligible, and he, and all of Congress know it.
CachorroQuente said...
"I think one of Mick's points is that we don't need that freedom of choice in our POTUS."
No. What I said is that the POTUS must be eligible for the office. The Constitution requires that the President SHALL be a natural born Citizen, and he is clearly not, by the facts already in attendance, and admitted by Obama himself. Born a Brit means not eligible.
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