May 30, 2011

"Sarah Palin and her family sneaked out in Washington on Sunday night for what she called an 'incognito' tour of the national monuments..."

Reports the NYT:
Details of the visit were posted Monday morning on her Web site, along with pictures that show her, her husband, Todd, and her daughters enjoying stops at the Lincoln Memorial, the Jefferson Memorial and the World War II Memorial.

In one picture, Ms. Palin and Mr. Palin are sitting on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, looking out toward the Washington Monument, like any other couple might. In another, the whole family is seen standing below a part of the World War II Memorial that says “Alaska,” their home state.
Beautiful, innovative unrolling of what is presumably her candidacy for President.

Sarah, she's just like you, visiting the monuments, posing by the name of her state, wearing a visor and a baggy black T-shirt. I love the way she's slouching as if she's not thinking about her looks at all, while the other women are doing the photo-pose-y thing and the husband takes the figure-flattering 3/4 position and sucks in his gut.


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Freeman Hunt said...

I can't believe that I missed all this.


To some of you, thanks.

To the rest of you, I'm not sure what I wrote to raise your ire. I even joined in a video defending Palin when Palin-hate was peaking. I've got nothing against her. I just don't think she's running. I think she's rocketing higher in a very successful and lucrative career and that it would be surprising if she were willing to give that up. To me, her tour looks like the type you see for commentators like Hannity or Beck.

Correct me if I am wrong, but I suspect that you are viewing these events as someone who doesn't want Palin to run.

I'm ambivalent. I wouldn't mind if her style of direct confrontation were featured during a primary. I think she could spotlight important issues. (And she, for some reason, causes certain leftists to near-literally foam at the mouth, so that's entertaining.) But I'm more more of a Ryan or Christie sort of supporter. If she demonstrates an ability to explain financial issues the way they do, she will have my full support.

That is, if she runs. And I don't think that she is.

Anonymous said...

I've got nothing against Palin, either. I just don't think she can win for a variety of reasons. But that makes you a liberal troll, apparently. And you, of course, are jealous of Palin's good looks. Or something.

The important thing is that Palin is "sort of God," to use a phrase uttered by Evan Thomas about another young, inexperienced politician.

Freeman Hunt said...

Additionally, I don't think it would be a strategic move for her to run right now. Her negatives (in polling) are extremely high. She can instead use this time to work on changing the public's media-created impression of her.

Looks to me as though that's what she's doing. I think Palin 2016 is more likely than Palin 2012. By 2016, she will also have made so much money that the television career will probably not be as important to her.

Freeman Hunt said...

I'm a huge liberal. I'm for cutting the government.


Anonymous said...

One more thing -- It's manifestly stupid and ludicrously not true to say that jealous women won't vote for Palin. But let's assume it is true. In that case, it's just one more reason not to nominate Palin.

You Palin junkies need to regain your sensibilities.

Freeman Hunt said...

It's also outrageously sexist to treat any criticism (or, apparently, non-criticism) of an attractive woman by any other woman as the product of jealousy or some bizarre psychological phenomenon when there is no evidence of either one.

Freeman Hunt said...

Fighting sexism against conservative women.

Suddenly that old video is apropo.

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