May 11, 2011

Frisbee in the rain.

The view from my office window this afternoon. It was a solid downpour, with many flashes of lightning. And yet...


Sal said...

They're the same age as the kid who buried himself in the sand. Coincidence?

edutcher said...

They must be Lefties, playing Frisbee next to trees during an electrical storm.

PS Nice to see you've got a view, Madame.

rhhardin said...

It's called grooving with the hydrologic cycle.

Dedicated bike commuters know about it.

Harry Phartz said...

Those folks are nucking futz! Zany, even. But it's Madison.

Hagar said...

We had almost 1/10th of an inch this afternoon. First measurable rain since early January.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Some are Only Happy When It Rains

coketown said...

Let the kids have their rain-Frisbee without the snarky comments. I did it in college, too. It's an exhilarating moment the first time you can do something like this without your mother running toward you, rain poncho in hand, yelling, "What are you thinking! You'll catch cold! And stay away from those trees; I mean it!"

roesch-voltaire said...

Have the old folks on this blog forgotten just the sheer fun of youth and rain exhibited here-- really it goes beyond politics the joy of life.

rcocean said...

Hey Althouse, get back to work.

coketown said...

Sorry Voltaire. The left has made life synonymous with politics.

Since I'll be paying for these kids' healthcare soon, I demand that the state intervene to make sure costs are kept as low as possible. Which means:

- No prancing in the rain, lest they get pneumonia.
- No running on wet grass, last they break their nimble legs.
- No standing near trees in lightning storms, lest they be smote.
- No throwing projectiles at one another, lest an eye or tooth be compromised.

Wince said...

I wonder if they like PiƱa Coladas?

Ricardo said...

You have a window that opens? I mean, in what I assume is a climate-controlled building, they let you open your window, and ruin the effect of the climate-control? Or, is this part of academic freedom?

rhhardin said...

Frisbee in the rain video (2009).

It's part of the breed standard that Dobermans don't like rain.

madAsHell said...

For as long as I can remember, there has been a football game (touch/tackle doesn't matter) at the local park on Turkey Day (Thanksgiving). The participants have never aged, but they are always cold, and wet.

It's the testosterone poisoning!! Did you see the co-ed walk by with the umbrella?? They were playing for her!!

Anonymous said...

This-- concerning the recent killing of that terrorist leader-- is sublime.

Especially the visuals.

I'm with the commenters, though; I wanna see the photo of the body.

roesch-voltaire said...

Coke your circular argument betrays itself, but I wonder when the right refrained from "politics?'

le Douanier said...

"You have a window that opens?"

That's so Althouse can yell. "Get off my lawn!"

Karl said...

Two things:
(1) Your office window opens? WTF! Who has that? Must be a university perk. Extra nice if you want to burn the occasional fat one.

(2) The Heg should be clean by now. It looks like some hard rain is falling. Did it wash all the stupid chalk shit off? (the residue that Mead's brush and bucket of water couldn't completly eliminate back then)

The Elder said...

I had a brother who used to make marvelous sliding catches in wet grass. Are you sure that wasn't your husband out there in the rain?

Bill said...

The important thing to remember is that just before the lightning strikes you, you need to yell SHAZAM! really loud. That way you wind up with super powers.