April 25, 2011

"TrendingRight: an automated news service that monitors social networks for the most popular conservative news."

According to the press release: "Trending Right shows the most linked conservative stories on Twitter for EACH HOUR. So, if you want to know what’s hot on the Right, RIGHT NOW, then you read Trending Right."

How does it know which stories are conservative? Trending at #21 at the moment is: "Christ the Lord is risen today." By Michelle Malkin.

So... we'll see how this works. I'm always looking for ways to get to things I want to blog about. I love Memeorandum (which "auto-generates a news summary every 5 minutes, drawing on experts and pundits, insiders and outsiders, media professionals and amateur bloggers"). It works in a sophisticated way to produce an array of links. How well is Trending Right programmed?


MadisonMan said...

This althouse post is number 8.

Still a few bugs in the system, to quote a Cartoonist.

Scott M said...

How does it know which stories are conservative?

It searches based on the least selfish.

m stone said...

LOL @ Scott

Chris Of Rights said...

I believe that it checks sites which it considers "conservative", and then monitors trends on items on those sites.

So, congrats. You're a conservative site.

I won't tell 'em you voted for The One. :)

KCFleming said...

At a minimum, the algorithm deletes the MSM.

le Douanier said...

Fourth spot is w/in easy reach.

Get Buzzy!!

le Douanier said...

"At a minimum, the algorithm deletes the MSM."

Yes! The perfect con cocoon is near.

KCFleming said...

A cocoon is certainly a risk.

However, deleting propaganda from one's reading likely has little effect.

If it's bullshit wrapped in a lie, why waste time trying to find the truth by scatology?

Better to read the lefty media overseas. Slanted, but not mere DNC outlets.

virgil xenophon said...

My daily "hot" news source? Drudge? Naw, I read--TA DA!!--the DRUNK REPORT! "Daily News on BOOZE!"-- "Drunkenly Navigating the World of News"

rhhardin said...

"Christ the Lord is risen today" is social right, the economic conservative's burden.

The Crack Emcee said...

To a conservative, it should be obvious the "most popular" conservative news isn't going to be news at all.

We don't play that.

Unknown said...

Among other things, it probably has a database of authors, along with key phrases and words and the frequency they're used.

It probably takes sites into account, but Conservative sites can post Lefty or Establishment Media items for contrast and some neutral sites can host Conservative content.

KCFleming said...

If truth were the only constant, "conservative" would apply, regardless of the story's origin.

Lyssa said...

Is there a left wing equivalent? I'd be interested in keeping up with that.

vbspurs said...

Hell, I'll use it, but nothing beats Memeorandum -- which culls from Left, Right, and Neutral. Clicking on Daily Kos links during a good day for conservatives is one of life's secret pleasures.

Anonymous said...

The top "news" story at this moment is a blatant advertisement:

"Great addition to your VOD & gaming aresnal. netgear's N750 wireless router Newspeaks its way to 750 Mbps."

This is a bullshit advertising spam engine disguised as a "right leaning" news source.

Won't link since it's pure bullshit.

Jim Howard said...

No RSS feed that I can find. That doesn't show much sophistication.