April 14, 2011

Scott Walker testifies before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.

Watch on-line right now.


Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Governor Walker there is a website claiming to stand with you and they don't like men wearing shorts..

Gov Walker, why are you against men wearing shorts?

garage mahal said...

Not sure why Walker agreed to this.

Admits under oath he never campaigned on ending bargaining rights, nor would it save the state any money.

Sal said...

Wow. I turned it on and the Koch brothers were brought up within 30 seconds. Sounds like we're getting our money's worth of Dem stupidity in DC today.

Henry said...

@garage -- He said that under oath? Under oath you say? That's so very very very serious. All you have to do now is find one campaign stop where he did say he was going to end bargaining rights and you'll be able to indict him for perjury. You could even do a citizen's arrest, you could.

Now you've been saying for months that he never said the thing that today, under oath he says he never said. That sounds really really serious. Under oath and all that.

Anonymous said...

Eleanor Holmes Norton is now saying that if we don't keep spending on union benefits we can't afford, we'll have a double dip recession.

She's placing on the Governor, the Nazi and baby killer, the burden of mending the rift that the unions started.

"These people are not going away" she says, speaking of the unions.

Oh yes they are.

Anonymous said...

And good for the VT gov. His union worked with him.

In New Jersey the union told the gov. to pound sand, and said they should pray that he died.

Anonymous said...

She's touting her reasonableness.

This is the lady that said that "DC should tell Congress to "go straight to hell."

Scrutineer said...

Admits under oath he never campaigned on ending bargaining rights, nor would it save the state any money.

You're saying that ending collective bargaining will have no effect on the amount that public sector workers are compensated under future contracts?

DKWalser said...

Admits under oath he never campaigned on ending bargaining rights, nor would it save the state any money.

So? Government officials are barred from taking actions they didn't campaign on. Seems strange. I must have missed that day in civics class when this was discussed. George H.W. Bush campaigned against raising taxes, yet he raised them all the same. Obama campaigned against an individual mandate, yet his signature healthcare legislation contains an individual mandate.

Bush's tax hike was valid despite his having taken the opposite position during the campaign. Obama's individual mandate (assuming it passes Constitutional muster) is not invalid merely because Obama had promised something different. And, the Budget Repair Act, is not invalid because Walker was silent on the topic of collective bargaining reform during the campaign.

Alex said...

Wow! According to garage unions are a bargain for taxpayers!

Brian Brown said...

Admits under oath he never campaigned on ending bargaining rights

Um, and?

Alex said...

For pursuing a policy he didn't campaign on, Walker should be recalled and he will be in 2012.

garage mahal said...

@garage -- He said that under oath? Under oath you say? That's so very very very serious.

Yea, what was I thinking. Why do they even bother with such formalities.

Hoosier Daddy said...

I've had about enough Wisconsin politics. Can't you guys secede or petition Canada to adopt you? At least garage will have his universal health care.

Alex said...

Yea, what was I thinking. Why do they even bother with such formalities.

Yeah due process and all. Why bother, just go straight to the gallows right?

AST said...

This is what one of my professors used to call "compounding ignorance.

Trooper York said...

Well he should be carefull anyway. This is how they got Barry Bonds.

Anonymous said...

From what I understand Vermont government is pretty frugal. They don't have assistants to the deputy dog catcher. Lot easier to deal with your unions if they aren't so big in the first place.

Hoosier Daddy said...

You're saying that ending collective bargaining will have no effect on the amount that public sector workers are compensated under future contracts?

No one has ever explained to me why public sector workers need unions. I thought the government was supposed to help the citizenry. Why would there be an expectation that the government as the employer would treat its employees the same or worse than those evil private companies thus needing union protection?

Anonymous said...

Unions, if they can be justified at all, are to protect workers from the natural effects of their own over-supply.

But even if we admit that unions are protective against greedy capitalists, on what possible argument should unions be able to form against the tax payers?

Protection against tax payers? The tax payers are king, and if you don't' want to work at the wages they're willing to pay, then get another job.

Brian Brown said...

While garbage is busy drooling over fake quotes about Scott Walker,

New applications by workers seeking unemployment benefits climbed by 27,000 to a seasonally adjusted 412,000 in the week ended April 9, the Labor Department said Thursday. Economists surveyed by MarketWatch had expected new applications for jobless benefits to drop to 380,000. The average of new claims over the past four weeks, meanwhile, rose by 5,500 to 395,750.

And to top it off, the President garbage voted for is going to waste 60,000 lbs of jet fuel (remember global warming is a grave danger) flying to Chicago & back to raise funds for his re-election. He will land at O'Hare International Airport late this afternoon, then attend two private fundraisers--at the N9NE and MK Chicago restaurants--before heading to the main event at Navy Pier at 7 p.m. Tickets range from $100 to the legal maximum of $35,800.
...He will spend the night in Chicago and return to D.C on Friday

PS Garbage: 62 percent say they favor cutting government services to sop up the red ink. Just 29 percent say raise taxes.

Have a great day!

Trooper York said...

Well teachers need unions because the majority of them are lazy, bored, cynical, depressed and generally all around incompetent. That is why they are not out in the real world. Those that can't do, teach.

So they need a union to protect their asses because if it was based on merit most of them would be out on their ass toot sweet.

You ever notice how some people can point to one teacher that was memorable and what they said and did stayed with them for the rest of their lives. You know what that means?

The rest of them sucked and were eminently forgettable. Just sayn'

Toad Trend said...

I look forward to hearing Gov. Walker's testimony.


"No one has ever explained to me why public sector workers need unions."

Indeed, it has become a socialist (group) construct serving no real purpose, other than to provide comfort and support for the democrat party.

No evil cigar-smoking boss worth his salt would ever work for the government.

Trooper York said...

And other government employees?

Today I was early for my train to Long Island. As I walked down the platform I saw in the last car the conductor and ticket takers were in the closed train laughing and drinking coffee while the doors were locked. There was only ten minutes before the train was supposed to leave. Now normally they open the doors so the passengers can sit down and wait until the train is ready to depart. But these douchenozzles were having too much fun so they didn't open the doors until there was five minutes to departure. I saw this elderly woman who I see every day and she was looking unsteady on her pins. I walked up to see if she was all right and she was shaking because she had to stand waiting to get on. She couldn't make it to the waiting area benches and back in time because she is real slow walking with her cane. She held on to my arm and trembled until they opened the doors. While they enjoyed their coffee.

Yes I am so very glad that government employees have collective barging rights.

cubanbob said...

I hope the next republican running campaigns on abolish welfare, subsides,getting out of the UN, privatizing social security, banning public service unions, repealing the Wagner and Davis Bacon Acts,banning closed shops and passing a national right to work act and a national right to carry and conceal and repeal the withholding tax and banning gerrymandering along with voter ID and eliminate motor voting. A guy can dream.

garage mahal said...

It seems like only yesterday our very own Trooper York was clutching his pearls tightly, writing long love letters about all the great public workers who risked their lives in NYC.

Yesterdays 9/11 heroes are today's parasites. Not even sloppy seconds worthy anymore.

Trooper York said...

Today two cops are on trial in Brooklyn. This woman got really drunk at South Paw a music club in Park Slope. She was so drunk that the cabbie was afraid when they got to her apartment in the Village. He didn't want to touch her. He actually couldn't touch by law so he called 911.

Two cops showed up. They helped her upstairs. And out of her clothes. They came back four times. They shut the blinds and the shades. She woke up naked and with a big pain in her cunt. The cops are on trail for rape.

The first person they called when they got in trouble? Their union rep. Not their lawyer or priest or minister or even their mother. Their union rep. They knew they would do everything they could to cover it up or intimidate the people in the case.

Yes I am so very glad that government employees have collective barging rights.

Trooper York said...

The guys who died in 911 didn't do it because of their union. They did it in spite of their union and it's rules. In fact if the union delegates were there they would have tried to stop them.

Those guys died a hero's death and should not be dragged into this dispute. But you can do what you want.

And I don't wear pearls. I am an emerald kind of guy. Just sayn'

Florida Gator said...

Admits under oath he never campaigned on ending bargaining rights, nor would it save the state any money.
It saves the local municipalities money. It also allows the local governments to hire and fire on merit, as opposed to seniority.

cubanbob said...

garage mahal said...
It seems like only yesterday our very own Trooper York was clutching his pearls tightly, writing long love letters about all the great public workers who risked their lives in NYC.

Yesterdays 9/11 heroes are today's parasites. Not even sloppy seconds worthy anymore.

4/14/11 12:17 PM

Next your going to advocate the combat troops be unionized as well. Hey aren't they also great public workers?

roesch-voltaire said...

Rapist who call their union are obviously much worse that free-market rapist who call their lawyer. Just saying

Anonymous said...

Yesterdays 9/11 heroes are today's parasites. Not even sloppy seconds worthy anymore.

Garage, I was going to say that even this was beneath you, but I'm not so sure anymore.

I understand that your world view is crumbling before your very eyes, but really, you should have learned when the Soviet Union crumbled and taken note back then, and have spent the intervening time regaining your equanimity.

Original Mike said...

"I've had about enough Wisconsin politics. Can't you guys secede or petition Canada to adopt you?"

Considering the direction this country is headed, Canada is looking pretty good right now.

Trooper York said...

They called their union because they know they would try to cover up what they did. Like they do all the time with drunk driving collars and tons of other shit that they get away with. I can tell you a lot of stories. Or better yet let Peter Bella tell you about how it goes down in Chicago.

Or better yet keep raising taxes like your man Obama wants to do. Yeah that's the ticket.

cubanbob said...

Original Mike said...
"I've had about enough Wisconsin politics. Can't you guys secede or petition Canada to adopt you?"

Considering the direction this country is headed, Canada is looking pretty good right now.

4/14/11 12:33 PM

Have you seen how far up against the US dollar the Canadian Dollar has risen since the guy with the funny name became president?

Brian Brown said...

It saves the local municipalities money.

Now why did you go and rain on garbage's parade like that?

He was all worked up pretending he proved a point on this issue.

Original Mike said...

Yes I have, CubanBob. They also never had a mortgage meltdown, because they don't treat mortgages like free candy.

garage mahal said...

I understand that your world view is crumbling before your very eyes,

You may want to take a look at polling numbers from around the country in only a few months of Republican rule. Not surprising really. What are they talking about? Birth certificates, head scars, and pillaging the middle class to pay for tax cuts for the wealthy. Awesome party you got there.

David said...

Where's the Kloppenpoodle? Does she still exist?

AllenS said...

garage mahal said...
You may want to take a look at polling numbers from around the country in only a few months of Republican rule.

Republicans rule what? What exactly are the Republicans ruling?

Toad Trend said...


"...few months of Republican rule. Not surprising really. What are they talking about? Birth certificates, head scars, and pillaging the middle class to pay for tax cuts for the wealthy."

I count 5 straw men there. Have I missed any?

MadisonMan said...

Did Gov. Walker explain about the 250K jobs that are coming to Wisconsin during his tenure?

Trooper York said...

Well those were the jobs scraping off the tape on the marble in the Capitol.

Original Mike said...

"...pillaging the middle class to pay for tax cuts for the wealthy. Awesome party you got there.

From today's Wall Street Journal:

"Under the Obama tax plan, the Bush rates would be repealed for the top brackets. Yet the "cost" of extending all the Bush rates in 2011 over 10 years was about $3.7 trillion. Some $3 trillion of that was for everything but the top brackets—and Mr. Obama says he wants to extend those rates forever. According to Internal Revenue Service data, the entire taxable income of everyone earning over $100,000 in 2008 was about $1.582 trillion. Even if all these Americans—most of whom are far from wealthy—were taxed at 100%, it wouldn't cover Mr. Obama's deficit for this year."

And you think you can fix this by raising taxes on the "rich". Awesome plan you got there.

Original Mike said...

What are "head scars".

Trooper York said...

Original Mike said...
What are "head scars".

Those are the little marks you get on your penis if you hang around with Lindsey Lohan too much.

Toad Trend said...


"Did Gov. Walker explain about the 250K jobs that are coming to Wisconsin during his tenure?"

What did you hear Gov. Walker say about 250K jobs?

Trooper York said...

Or what the union goons get from hanging around with garage too much. Just sayn'

garage mahal said...

Sarah Palin will be in Madison Saturday. She'll sort all this out I'm sure.

Trooper York said...



Sofa King said...

Rapist who call their union are obviously much worse that free-market rapist who call their lawyer. Just saying

Well, uh, except the free-market racist is stealing money out of our pockets by threat of force while simultaneously patting himself on the back for being such a wonderful, superior person.

We get that unions are good for the employees. The question is what good are they to the taxpayers?

Trooper York said...

I bet she's got her some strong teeth from chewing all that pemmican.

MayBee said...

Nothing says "Hey employers! Come to Wisconsin!" like thousands of the good, rules-following people of Wisconsin banging drums in the State Capitol 24/7 for 3 weeks.

Or knowing the leading lights of academia will compare you to McCarthy as part of the Wisconsin Idea if you don't do what the unions want.

Trooper York said...

Hey maybe Meade can get a photo of the blogger lady with Sarah Palin.

Now that would be cool.

Brian Brown said...

pillaging the middle class to pay for tax cuts for the wealthy

Um, the "middle class" pays very, very few income taxes.

You are dumber than a box of rocks.

AllenS said...

Republicans rule what? What exactly are the Republicans ruling?

Trooper York said...

Well I hope the Republican's rule out Donald Trump.

Unless he is running for the President of the Hair Club for Men.

Brian Brown said...

You may want to take a look at polling numbers from around the country

Um, ok.

I already posted a link to the A/P poll noting that 62% of respondents favor cutting government spending.

You and Obama oppose cutting spending.

Here is another poll:

For the week of April 4-10, Obama’s approval rating was 48 percent among those making $2,000 or less per month, and 46 percent among those in each of the three higher income brackets.

Don't worry, nobody expects coherence from you...

MayBee said...

So are these "tax cuts" still cuts from the 2000 rates? How long do tax rates have to be in effect before they are just the "tax rates" and not "cuts" from some past decade?

Brian Brown said...

pillaging the middle class to pay for tax cuts for the wealthy. Awesome party you got there.

Well, except that nobody has been "pillaged" and:

in the less than three years Obama has been in office, the debt has increased from $10.6 trillion to $14.2 trillion, a $3.6 trillion increase in about 27 months. In other words, Obama is increasing the debt by $1.6 trillion per year

Awesome party you got there!

Original Mike said...

"Unless he is running for the President of the Hair Club for Men."

I've noticed that the signal compression algorithm on my digital TV can't handle Trump's hair. It comes out as a blurry blob.

Hoosier Daddy said...

And you think you can fix this by raising taxes on the "rich". Awesome plan you got there.

Well Mrs. Hoosier and I don't qualify as rich by any stretch of the imagination with our combined income. After taking full advantage of every tax deduction that is available to us, Mrs. Hoosier did our taxes and let me know that we'll be writing Uncle Sam a check for $579 this year. Which means I have to wait on getting my new tattoo.

Just for giggles, she did some number crunching and assuming that the Bushitler tax cuts are repealed, we can look forward to paying an estimated additional $2100 in Fed income taxes.

I'll be perfectly honest and say that I would cheerfully pay that additional $2100 if there was some assurance that we would have some fiscal responsiblity in DC and make an effort to reduce the deficit and debt. But since most in DC are like garage and think there is no such thing as a bad government program and more taxes is better I'd prefer to keep my own money.

Hoosier Daddy said...

How long do tax rates have to be in effect before they are just the "tax rates" and not "cuts" from some past decade?

Good point. Maybe we should just blame all this on JFK since he presided over the biggest tax cut in history.

Michael K said...

Yesterdays 9/11 heroes are today's parasites. Not even sloppy seconds worthy anymore.

So, those were teachers and TAs running up 50 flights of stairs on 9/11 ? Were they going to conduct ESL classes ?

Hoosier Daddy said...

Even if all these Americans—most of whom are far from wealthy—were taxed at 100%, it wouldn't cover Mr. Obama's deficit for this year."

For God's sake SHUT UP! Don't give them any ideas!

/stomps off.

Anonymous said...

Schenk-Huegel, a Madison area store that specializes in uniforms for public servants - is going out of business because of declining sales making it unprofitable. Where are the public servants shopping? Why, the INTERNET, thus evading Wisconsin sales tax, destroying local business and forcing employees on unemployment as they seek new jobs. Another empty store-front; how will these newly unemployed people pay their property taxes? Maybe they should demand the State provide them with a job and benefits?

Garage Mahal and all the other Moonbats out there can't even see they are killing the Goose that laid the golden eggs. When the Goose is dead you can only fight over the remains until none is left. Check the mirror first.

Original Mike said...

"I'll be perfectly honest and say that I would cheerfully pay that additional $2100 if there was some assurance that we would have some fiscal responsiblity in DC and make an effort to reduce the deficit and debt."

I, too, would support higher taxes if they were actually used to stabalize our government finances, because I'd be better off with a stable, prosperous county. But there is not a snow ball's chance in hell that the government would use them responsibly. They have ZERO credibility on this front. As if there were any need for more evidence (there isn't) all you have to do is listen to President Short Pants' speech yesterday. It was as dishonest as the day is long.

MayBee said...

I totally agree with Original Mike and Hoosier Daddy.

AllenS said...

Republicans rule what? What exactly are the Republicans ruling?

garage mahal said...

I, too, would support higher taxes if they were actually used to stabalize our government finances, because I'd be better off with a stable, prosperous county. B

But you seem not to mind Walker making you pay more, and in the end, his budget spends 500 million more than the last budget.

Original Mike said...

"But you seem not to mind Walker making you pay more,..."

How is this at odds with my statement that'd I'd pay more in taxes if they were treated with respect? My increased costs (essentially, an 8% pay cut) are going for my pension and my health care.

"...and in the end, his budget spends 500 million more than the last budget."

You've yet to convince me of the veracity of this claim.

Hoosier Daddy said...

Garage Mahal and all the other Moonbats out there can't even see they are killing the Goose that laid the golden eggs.

Which is really weird when you consider guys like Senator John (did you know he served in Vietnam) Kerry who is a liberal Democrat from Massachusetts went out of his way to berth his yacht in Connecticut to avoid paying MA taxes. Then Democrat Claire McCaskill does the same thing with her pricvate jet.

I mean its really rich (pun intended) to scream about tax cuts for the rich and then the very same people who whine about the ‘rich’ are rich themselves and go out of their way to avoid paying taxes. Then you have Chollie Rangel who owns some nice beachfront property that he didn’t think to declare on his taxes and well…lets just say those rich liberal geese are making sure they’re hiding their eggs.

garage mahal said...

@Original Mike

I was wrong. It spends 609 million more

Awesome eh. It's much like the Paul Ryan plan. Gut services. Save no money.

Original Mike said...

Yet, we're suppose to trust them with our increased taxes.

"The world is made for people who aren't cursed with self awareness." - Annie Savoy

Hoosier Daddy said...

Awesome eh. It's much like the Paul Ryan plan. Gut services. Save no money.

Linky no load. What services is Walker gutting? I honestly don't know.

Original Mike said...

From garage's link:

"Gov. Scott Walker's proposed budget would increase overall spending by 1% over two years rather than reduce it as the administration had said earlier this month.

That would still be the tightest lid on spending of state and federal money in at least two decades, observers said."

It's my understanding (though I have to be honest and admit I haven't studied the issue in detail; I do have a job) thay Ryan's budget also actually increases spending.

Hard to square that with "guts services."

hawkeyedjb said...

"Rapist who call their union are obviously much worse that free-market rapist who call their lawyer. Just saying"

The free-market rapist knows he's probably gonna need a lawyer. The union thug rapist knows he probably won't. You call the guy that knows how to handle your problem.

Henry said...

@Hoosier -- Overall spending is going up 1% over two years. I'm not sure from the article if that is in real dollars.

It's complicated by the fact that the new budget offloads certain expenses and revenue streams to quasi-public entities (UW-Madison, Commerce). Because UW-Madison has its own revenue streams from Federal dollars and tuition different analysts disagree on whether this is a net loss or gain.

Garage is bowling for pennies.

garage mahal said...

There's always a perfectly good explanation why a Republican spends more than a Democrat.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

Walker is spending about 1% more over the next two years.

In contrast to Doyle (from garage's link}

By comparison, the current 2009-'11 budget approved by Democratic lawmakers and Gov. Jim Doyle used federal stimulus money to increase spending by $3.63 billion, or 6.2%, according to fiscal bureau figures.

Darrell said...

No one expects the C-Span-ish Inquisition. . .

damikesc said...

So Walker is both spending too much AND gutting services spending?


It's funny hearing a liberal deciding to NOT use baseline budgeting...for once.

Original Mike said...

"By comparison, the current 2009-'11 budget approved by Democratic lawmakers and Gov. Jim Doyle used federal stimulus money to increase spending by $3.63 billion, or 6.2%, according to fiscal bureau figures."

Can there be any doubt why we're in this mess? Doyle gets a one-time bolus of money to help tide us over a recession-related fall in revenues and what does he do? He increases spending? What did he think was going to happen in the next two years?

I know exactly who to blame for my 8% pay cut.

garage mahal said...

It's Doyle's fault Walker is spending more and making me pay more!

You guys are too much.

Hoosier Daddy said...

@Hoosier -- Overall spending is going up 1% over two years. I'm not sure from the article if that is in real dollars.

I guess he didn't gut enough services then.

Then again is this unusual for the government regardless of who is running it? Indiana's state budget increases every single year with wait for it, K-12 education appropriations increasing higher than any other item.

Hoosier Daddy said...

It's Doyle's fault Walker is spending more and making me pay more!

You know that's kind of funny garage because isn't that pretty much what Obama said about Bush and why we're spending over three trillion bucks we don't have?

AllenS said...

Republicans rule what? What exactly are the Republicans ruling?

Original Mike said...

"You know that's kind of funny garage because isn't that pretty much what Obama said about Bush and why we're spending over three trillion bucks we don't have?"

Pretty much.

garage mahal said...

Here you go Allen.

Pennsylvania joins Wisconsin, Ohio, Michigan, Florida, and Georgia as states where PPP has recently found that if voters had a second chance they would now vote against their new GOP chief executive.

Original Mike said...

This just in: Children would vote against eating their vegetables. Film at 11.

B said...


You 9and the 'I've run several successful national businesses' Jeremy should probably just not intrude into discussions on taxes. spending, deficit etc. Neither of you has a clue.

Not that I think you'll be able to process it, but it is the projected open loop feedback rise in spending and what it means to future deficits that Walker in Wisconsin, Ryan nationally, and other adults recognize and are trying to correct. Closing the loop requires slowing first, then reversing. In the slowing phase, spending will still rise, but at a rate that should intersect revenue at some point. Viola. The government entity of interest just stopping running a deficit each year. That is called living within one's means at a familial level. It's called being profitable in the business world.

garage mahal said...

Yea, ok B. Whatever you say.

Original Mike said...

Respectfully, garage, wasn't Doyle's budget irresponsible?

B said...


Using PPP to get a feel for voter preferences is like using wikipedia to do hard research. No good can come of it.

Stick with reputable polling houses like Gallup or Rasmussen and even then examine the statistical methodology, questions asked, how the questions were structured, and in what order for any particular poll.

B said...

'Yea, ok B. Whatever you say.'

Ah. So I was right. You indeed did not and do not have a clue when you run around flapping your hands about 'Walker is raising spending' and the simple explanation just doesn't penetrate.

Reality hurts doesn't it? I won't so often if you do yourself a favor and learn to treat information as something to be critically examined instead of shallow talking points.

This is called thinking for oneself.

garage mahal said...

Reality hurts doesn't it?

Nothing you've said appears to be "real". So no.

Brian Brown said...

garage mahal said...

It's Doyle's fault Walker is spending more and making me pay more!

After you asserted he is "gutting services" no less.

Do you even pay attention to your own silly drivel?

garage mahal said...

After you asserted he is "gutting services" no less.

yes moron! His proposed budget seems like not that great of a deal for the state, does it?

Brian Brown said...

yes moron!


Um, usually when you "gut services" you would spend less.

Carry on, bozo.

garage mahal said...

Um, usually when you "gut services" you would spend less.

yea, imagine that. Here's how, one example:

Education cuts = 1 billion less
Road building spending = 5 billion more

Math is hard for you to grasp, isn't it?

B said...


'Nothing you've said appears to be "real". So no.'

You've blatted out that 'Walker is increasing spending' talking point in several thread now. So put up or shut up. Explain in your words what Walker increased spending number means. Don't just toss out a number and a link, but EXPLAIN what your take is. Relate it to what the projected spending/revenue gap - deficit- was before Walker started his initiatives and what they are projected to be if those initiatives are implemented. imposing. I want your interpretation so I know that you've thought it through. Unless you do, as far as I'm, and quite obviously the other commenters calling you on your ignorance of what it means, areconcerned, you're just spouting another BS talking point.

The reality challenged part is that you actually think you score a point using it.

Brian Brown said...

The new normal:

Only 45.4% of Americans had jobs in 2010, the lowest rate since 1983 and down from a peak of 49.3% in 2000. Last year, just 66.8% of men had jobs, the lowest on record.

Thanks Barry!

Brian Brown said...

yea, imagine that. Here's how, one example:

Roads aren't a service now!!!

You're so dumb, this is boring.

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