Meade and I voted at around 11. He was #399 and I was #401 at our polling place (the First Congregational Church). There were about 6 others there, including the guy that slipped in between me and Meade and snagged the lucky number 400. The ladies manning the polls seemed to think the turnout was good. But with no waiting in line, it felt light to me.
ADDED: If Kloppenburg wins, her opponents should move on to a "recuse Kloppenburg" effort.
Maybe you hit just before the lunch crowd, but I think you're right. It does sound light.
PS The Kloppenburg sign, of course, cuts both ways.
Here on the Illinois side of the cheese curtain, Hubby and I were numbers 22 and 23 on one of two voting machines. Our machine had 3 precincts and the other had 4. Very light turnout, but just a few local offices and school board positions up this time.
wv: outoluve
What time do you folk (a buddy tells me that "folk" is already plural and that adding an "s" is superfluous, so I'm trying it out) think that we'll have a decent idea of the result? Maybe the 5 o'clock newscasts? Or into the wee hours of the morning?
From the logo bottom left corner it looks like an official Kloppenburg campaign poster.
That sign is true. The only reason to vote for the spaced out super liberal Kloppenburg is to do a violent act to the will of the Assembly and the Governor. So what makes the highly intelligent folks in Madison think that Kloppenburg won't turn on them during the next 10 years no matter what the assembly and the Governor are doing for the State? I suspect that voting booth secrecy will defeat Kloppenburg as rational thought kicks in.
edutcher: It does if you're intellectually dishonest and vote for a judge to pre-judge a case.
Hey, that's the new DNC logo, isn't it? Still don't get why.
Keep in mind, my liberal darlings, that you'll have Kloppenburg for 10 years. Do you know anything about her except that she's inclined to strike down Walker's union bill?
If she wins, I hope she turns out to be the left's answer to David Souter.
From the logo bottom left corner it looks like an official Kloppenburg campaign poster."
Hilarious if so, as that should mean she cannot hear this case.
From the logo bottom left corner it looks like an official Kloppenburg campaign poster."
Hilarious if so, as that should mean she cannot hear this case. "
Ha. That would be great.
Frankly, as funny as that would be, I hope Wisconsin realized this election is so much bigger than the political issue of union goodies today.
We're talking about an independent and honest judiciary. Wisconsin appears to have a major crisis with their embarrassingly unprofessional judges.
I remember when Keller (of the Texas CCA) was ridiculed for a lot of her failures. Beldar explained that it's not her job to aid the defense, and in fact, that's unfair, but beyond the specifics, her behavior and tenor and attitude embarrassed Texans. And that's drastically better behavior than I see in several flaky WI judges.
It's time for a long term campaign to restore the notion of an independent judiciary in Wisconsin. I'd go so far as to allow elections only for the lowest courts, and require experience before appointments above, made with legislative hearings on temperament.
the main reason that this leftist hack is not capable of being an unbiased judge.
To quote the great philosopher Bill Murray, "Baby steps..."
Isn't light turnout in Madison good news ?
The recusal-risk sign may have been created by a supporter, not by her campaign. Kloppenburg's site has a link to a volunteer-created pdf that provides instructions for "How to make your own Kloppenburg yard sign."
Included on the pdf is a cut-and-paste of her logo.
Polls don't close in WI until about 8pm. I'm guessing we'll have a projected winner somewhere in the 10-11 pm timeframe...unless it's really close.
(If it is that close...the legal challenges will be even more astounding to watch than Judge Sumi.)
Thanks BJK.
I'm an hour "ahead" of Wisconsin so it looks like it's gonna be a long night.
It's good voting weather in Ohio, if there's a vote, which school levy signs suggest, but maybe that's next week.
For today, let's see...
Item 1: partly cloudy
Item 2 (same page): mostly cloudy
Special statement (same page): showers will continue to drop southeast over Central Ohio through 5pm
It's all automatic. That's why it makes no sense.
I don't think it's going to get that far (recusing). Ellis said today that they're going to roll the CB portion back into the the BRB. Sounds like they're going back to senate square 1.
This is really unfair to Prosser who hardly deserves being a proxy for Walker.
Meade and I voted at around 11. He was #399 and I was #401 at our polling place ...The ladies manning the polls seemed to think the turnout was good. But with no waiting in line, it felt light to me.
Most people vote before or after work. Few have as much control over their time as does Meadhouse.
"If Kloppenburg wins, her opponents should move on to a 'recuse Kloppenburg' effort."
Seriously. If that is an official poster, as comments above have indicated, how could she possibly participate after essentially campaigning on being a vote against it? If, on the other hand, it's simply a zealous supporter, and K has not endorsed such talk, a recusal motion would be like asking Chief Justice Roberts to recuse because some of his supporters insisted he'd vote a certain way. So the crux is whether she approved the sign, but either way, the whole business is unseemly. Which is, of course, another reason why judges must not be elected.
The logo IS the official one, but I cannot find this poster on the Kloppenburg campaign site. It could well be someone else's creation not officially endorsed by her.
Just to copy a post I made earlier today in the first item here about voting today.
"The thing I am wondering about is whether Caperton really makes a difference if Kloppenburg wins. The way I see it, she can recuse herself, and show what a "non-partisan" she is who is not a captive of the unions, and a 3-3 split of the Supreme Court would still uphold any decision by Judge Sumi. So the left doesn't need Kloppenburg to vote on this issue, they only need to take away the possibility of Prosser voting to overrule Sumi. Am I correct on this? Maybe some of the more legal types who post here can clarify this for me."
No comments on this yet, and I really wonder whether it will make a difference if Kloppenburg would recuse herself. Any thoughts from the legal eagles out there?
If the KloppenKraken loses, do any of our resident Madisonians plan on re-initiating the riots of February and March? There must be e-mails circulating out there somewhere (T.A.'s, I'm looking at you.)
It absolutely is not an "official" Kloppenburg sign/poster. Someone printed off the logo and made their own sign. Homemade Klop signs are mostly what is out there; her campaign didn't provide many.
The left are obsessed with billionaires and Koch brothers.
. Which is, of course, another reason why judges must not be elected.
Appointed Judges suck as much as elected ones, at least in One-Party states like MA.
If I had a couple years to spare I'd craft a list of the felonies committed by Massachusetts judges during my lifetime. They are often the worst of the worst, politically influential but totally unelectable.
In practice, the Bench is where the Dems keep their bench.
Yup. She needs to recuse herself.
But it will be so much better if the unions spent all of this money on nothing!
You know, McGovern lost to Nixon's 60% blowout. (People didn't want McGovern! Even though we were still in Vietnam. 1972.)
And, then in 1984, when Reagan faced Mondale ... Mondale lost 48 states. (Only winning his own Minnesota.)
Keep hope alive!
And, if it's close, favoring kloppenberger? Re-count the votes!
My polling place is the grade school near Hoyt Park - no line at all, turnout only slightly greater than normal. If Kloppenburg can't generate big turnout on Madison's near west side it's hard to see how she pulls out a win.
BTW, Dane County readers, don't forget to vote for Eileen Bruskewitz too! She would be a voice for fiscal sanity at the County level.
Democrats shouldn't be allowed to vote. In fact anyone receiving a monthly government check should have their voting right revoked.
Hilarious if so, as that should mean she cannot hear this case.
Whats hilarious is the prevailing folklore that leftist like Kloppenburg play by the rules.
Did you vote yet, garage? How was Monona turnout? Judging by the absolute forest of yard signs, I'd guess it's pretty busy?
Of course there are the Mayor and City Council elections there too.
Lincolntf said:
If the KloppenKraken loses, do any of our resident Madisonians plan on re-initiating the riots of February and March? There must be e-mails circulating out there somewhere (T.A.'s, I'm looking at you.)
I haven't gotten anything even remotely suggesting that the TAA believes she will lose. The momentum definitely seems to be on their side at the moment, so no losing scenarios have yet been cast. If she does lose, you can bet your bottom dollar that there will be more protesting... although, at this point, a lot of students are just really tired of this and don't care enough anymore to survive on cold pizza and not bathe themselves for weeks on end. (They'll do that during finals week, anyway!)
That's NOT an official yard sign!
Out where I live, when dress stores run sales, they put white garbage bags on their mannequins. This looked "sort of" like that. So I enlarged the image.
It's a WHITE envelope of some sort. Open at the bottom. And, stuck on a measuring stick. (Dressmakers use them.) Obviously, inside the bag is probably another stick, stuck in horizontally.
As to the "sign" itself ... it looks pasted onto the bag. Maybe, originally it came rolled up like a religious scroll?
But sure. IF you vote for kloppenbergeroo ... it equals a negative.
So, you've got one house on the block ... (of how many blocks?) ... with a measuring stick in the ground. To hold up a mailing bag.
Free country.
When will reports come in from the local stations?
If you were #401 ... at 8:00 AM ... that sounds like a pretty good turnout. (While sure. People come in clusters.)
Weren't you standing with Meade, when someone broke in? Were you holding up the line?
There is video up on you tube of the Kloppenbopper giving a campaign speech. It's of the "all about me" category. Not much substance but a nonstop breathless earnest speaking style. She is a joiner. Lots of activities. All of the activities were very progressive, very Madisonian bien pensant. None very challenging (except Peace Corps, which I always admire.) Looks to me like the woman will be the full catastrophe if elected, and I expect her to be elected.
LarryK said...
My polling place is the grade school near Hoyt Park - no line at all, turnout only slightly greater than normal. If Kloppenburg can't generate big turnout on Madison's near west side it's hard to see how she pulls out a win.
Enthusiasm counts, and they have the enthusiasm. My guess is that many of the Kloppenbopper voters have voted before the election, or will vote after if needed.
If she wins, I hope she turns out to be the left's answer to David Souter.
Do Not Hold Your Breath Waiting For That To Happen.
The lady is a full bore lefty, a seemingly nice person of modest accomplishments and firm mind set. The Full Catastrophe.
It looks like the good judge just does not know how to dress and she should tune into TLC's What Not To Wear tonight at
9pm EST. Just sayn'
Did you vote yet, garage? How was Monona turnout? Judging by the absolute forest of yard signs, I'd guess it's pretty busy?
I was #749 at around 11:15 at St. Stephens. No lines at all, in and out in 5 mins. Last time I voted at the same time I remember it being #500-something. The lady at the registration table said the turnout was "wonderful", whatever that means. And that they thought they would get a 60% turnout. I think it will be a close election.
The big giant O logo is a nice touch.
I did my bit to cancel garage mahal's vote. Had to register first, since I've only been in the state a few months.
So if anyone is curious, election day registration works like this: you present photo ID and proof of residence, a current WI driver's license works for both, if you don't have one you need some bills and your SSN or sponsorship from a registered voter--there's lots of ways if you need them. If you manage to fail all of them, you can vote provisionally.
Then you fill out a form, and you have to put in every single district your residence is in. Lots of consulting maps for this part, as even the poll workers don't know off the tops of their heads. They said they tried to copy from other people's as much as possible.
Once you fill out the form and they sign it then they send you over to vote.
I didn't get a number, or even an "I voted" sticker, but I didn't think to ask.
Re: the official signs.
Does anyone else find the use of the slogan "elections matter" to be obscene?
Re: Recusal efforts
Re elected vs appointed judges--it doesn't matter, and this parable tells you why:
It comes from a very ancient democracy, you see..."
"You mean, it comes from a world of lizards?"
"No," said Ford, who by this time was a little more rational and coherent than he had been, having finally had the coffee forced down him, "nothing so simple. Nothing anything like to straightforward. On its world, the people are people. The leaders are lizards. The people hate the lizards and the lizards rule the people."
"Odd," said Arthur, "I thought you said it was a democracy."
"I did," said Ford. "It is."
"So," said Arthur, hoping he wasn't sounding ridiculously obtuse, "why don't the people get rid of the lizards?"
"It honestly doesn't occur to them," said Ford. "They've all got the vote, so they all pretty much assume that the government they've voted in more or less approximates to the government they want."
"You mean they actually vote for the lizards?"
"Oh yes," said Ford with a shrug, "of course."
"But," said Arthur, going for the big one again, "why?"
"Because if they didn't vote for a lizard," said Ford, "the wrong lizard might get in. Got any gin?"
"I said," said Ford, with an increasing air of urgency creeping into his voice, "have you got any gin?"
"I'll look. Tell me about the lizards."
Ford shrugged again.
"Some people say that the lizards are the best thing that ever happened to them," he said. "They're completely wrong of course, completely and utterly wrong, but someone's got to say it."
Ann, I wrote you in for Dane County Circuit Court Judge, Branch 2 instead of voting for Maryann Sumi. I was #776 in Madison's NE side. I voted last November at around the same time of day and I was #995.
Dual Freq:
You could be a damn good reporter when you can deliver facts like that which compare apples to apples! On second thought, you are probably way over-qualified for that kind of job!
Come on, you steenkin' Badgers, I'm counting on this site to give me the Prosser/Kloppenheimer result before the MSM does.
Both Prosser and Kloppenburg should recuse themselves from any decision on the Walker budget bill(s).
The nice ladies at my polling place (in Verona, near Madison) are expecting to hit 50% by the time the evening is over.
I voted at around 5 PM and the line was looooong. It took me a good twenty minutes to get my ballot.
The problem is the vote for Prosser needs to be "Franken-Proof". Otherwise the Democrats will drag it out and find dead people and felons to vote. Hey, the guards are public sector union guys, and they have all these prisoners just sitting around. Not a problem.
Colorado officials recently estimated that over 5000 people voted in the last election who should not have. The Democrats claim we don't need voter id laws because there isn't any fraud to catch. I don't understand the two stories together.
It absolutely is not an "official" Kloppenburg sign/poster. Someone printed off the logo and made their own sign. Homemade Klop signs are mostly what is out there; her campaign didn't provide many.
BS on stilts. Who exactly makes professionally printed campaign signs -- other than candidates, parties, and major special interest groups?
In the 2004 election, "Kerry Specter" lawn signs sprung up all over metro Philly. Snarlin' Arlen denied any knowledge of them until he turned blue in the face (pun intended). Nobody believed him, either.
Alex says:
"Democrats shouldn't be allowed to vote. In fact anyone receiving a monthly government check should have their voting right revoked."
They're busing (and taxiing) in all types of people who contribute nothing to their government coffers here in Madison.
I'm sure some fraction of my union dues are going to pay for this BS so that the Dems can hustle votes.
Lincoln says:
"If the KloppenKraken loses, do any of our resident Madisonians plan on re-initiating the riots of February and March? There must be e-mails circulating out there somewhere (T.A.'s, I'm looking at you.)"
The TA union has been much more tame as of late. This could be because:
1) They are smug about Floppenburg's chances of winning and, thus, her legal attack of the budget bill.
2) They are demoralized about the possibility of not getting their way.
If Prosser wins, who knows about future disruptions. Honestly, I think UW and Madison are a bit fatigued from the protesting.
Who exactly makes professionally printed campaign signs -- other than candidates, parties, and major special interest groups?
I can design one on the computer, take the PDF to Office Max, and get it printed up for a nominal fee. For a political cause, that's no big deal nowadays.
Did anyone notice that her name is spelled both "Kloppenburg" and "Kloppenberg" on the SAME DAMNED SIGN?!? How effing lame is that?
THE "O" is Obama's? Could'a fooled me.
The sign is just a bag on a dressmaker's (stick). Enlarge it, and you'll see.
One sign = one household's vote.
Given that Prosser beat Koppenberg in the primary. There is what to compare, once today's results get reported.
Prosser is 68. Shirley Abrahamson is 77. We're not talking about spring chickens, here.
How is it that Wisconsin is having a judicial election now? Do you have some odd system like VA and NJ or what?
Back in the day (like the Civil War kind of day), private citizens are the ones who produced all of the campaign buttons, posters, etc. Only in the twentieth century did the parties take that role.
(Random annoying fact that I just felt like sharing.)
[For election day registration] ... you need ... or sponsorship from a registered voter--
My goodness: a neighbor who can swear you're his neighbor is all you need to vote in Wisconsin! Who'da thunk it?
How is it that Wisconsin is having a judicial election now?
We would have muni elections in April in Illinois.
private citizens are the ones who produced all of the campaign buttons, posters, etc.
Knock yourself out. I'm particularly fond of the instant sponges, jar opener mats, etc.:
"The ladies manning the polls seemed to think the turnout was good. But with no waiting in line, it felt light to me."
Yes, those sneaky ladies are LIARS!!21!!212!!!
They're probably Soros plants.
Also back in that day, Lincolntf, IIRC candidates usually did not "campaign" as they do now. Others spoke on their behalf, as it was considered undignified to toot your own horn.
"Both Prosser and Kloppenburg should recuse themselves from any decision on the Walker budget bill(s)."
Why? Has Prosser indicated he would vote to uphold any bills or reinforce the will of the Executive and Legislature? I don't recall any 10 second pauses by Prosser.
Uh oh! My wife, the chief elections offical for our town, just told me Kloppenstein won our town by a 3-1 margin. We are a very red town voting wise.
There will record high turnout in Wisconsin. Ballot shortages in many wards. Who will it favor?
First results are in:
Joanne Kloppenburg 5,728
David Prosser (inc) 3,959
You can follow the returns here:
wv: spalin ... no kidding.
Which areas report in first?
Why is #400 a lucky number? It is a nice round number, but lucky? I like 399 or 401 better.
I don't know...the link doesn't give all the details.
Supreme Court REPORTING 2%
Joanne Kloppenburg
David Prosser (inc)
only 2% reporting
Supreme Court REPORTING 2%
Joanne Kloppenburg 16,868 53%
David Prosser (inc) 14,828 47%
You can follow live results here too.
It seems unlikely that this came from her campaign.
Regardless, it's disgusting she hasn't distanced herself from the idea she is partial, or a vote against Walker. I guess if she can't distance herself from that ad that victimized the molestation victim, Kloppenburg barely qualifies as a human being, actually. So whatever. This is what democracy looks like. I doubt the good jurists would try to thwart the function of the courts if the election doesn't go their way, democrats. Wonder why?
Supreme Court REPORTING 3%
Joanne Kloppenburg
David Prosser (inc)
There were a lot of Vote for Kloppenburg signs in Eau Claire today as I drove through on the way to the Twin Cities for a college visit. Back in Madison now. Oof, that's a lotta driving.
I'm guessing Dane County is reporting first since they have the newer voting machines. In most other places they are using scanners.
4% reporting
OK just tightened -I'll post less often because it'll get ridiculous.
I lied.
6% reporting
mad - still 50/50 but prosser's ahead now:
Supreme Court REPORTING 6%
David Prosser (inc)
Joanne Kloppenburg
wv: maxer
Here's a link that breaks the vote down by county:
"It's time for a long term campaign to restore the notion of an independent judiciary in Wisconsin. I'd go so far as to allow elections only for the lowest courts, and require experience before appointments above, made with legislative hearings on temperament."
Whether we elect the judges or they are appointed, it will be all about whether they are liberal or conservative. Kloppenburg did distance herself from being the anti-walker vote as much as she could, but obviously...if you have 3 conservatives, 2 liberals, and a swing judge...well, it would be good for liberals to have someone with liberal leanings on the court. That is just common sense. Checks and balances is all people can hope for in a democracy. And Wisconsin is lacking checks right now people...and it is throwing everything off balance.
Jennifer, you're right to have a lot of cynicism.
And you're right that politicians look at balance of the court rather than temperament.
But let's go ahead and get congressmen on record about temperament when having hearings on whether a judge candidate is ready for the job.
No, this isn't perfect. It's better than what we see today, though.
Your state is screwed up.
Hey WI,
What a fucked up state. WI is the poster child for why judges should not be elected in general elections.
a neighbor who can swear you're his neighbor is all you need to vote in Wisconsin
That person must have a valid WI DL and proof of residence (to affirm that the non-ID'd person is legit). So if that person is willing to go to jail for affirming that a fraudulent voter is legit, then he can swear for him.
The problem with WI voting is in same-day registration. If you can somehow get registered with fake information, your vote will count - because it is combined with the regular votes - even if your registration is later found to be invalid.
Registrations in advance of the election are validated against DL listings and other address/person checks, including the felon list, which we are supposed to check as we register people, but in November, with two dozen impatient people in line, we didn't always get to.
The only way the other poll workers and I could figure out how someone could vote twice with legal information would be if someone had moved since the last election but had not been dropped from the rolls at her old polling place. You vote at the old place, either in person or by absentee ballot, and then register at the new place and vote there. Of course, you have to be willing to go to jail for it because you would be caught as soon as your new information is validated.
The other way to cheat is for the poll workers to be in on it and allow fraudulent same-day registrations, but let me tell you, the little old ladies I worked with yesterday? They don't play. Don't mess with them. They know the rules.
@class factotum:
If you can somehow get registered with fake information, your vote will count - because it is combined with the regular votes - even if your registration is later found to be invalid.
Got it in one. FLS thinks all poll workers know all their voters by sight, so that fraud can never possibly happen. Those poll workers who helped me cast my vote, indistinguishable from the others even if invalid, have never seen me before.
Nonetheless I am a resident of that district and entitled to vote there. Because I had a state-issued ID there's less chance for fraud; though maybe poll workers can be sued for rejecting a fake ID the way that employers who don't hire illegals are sued. Your sharp little old ladies aren't allowed to use any discretion; they violate my civil rights if they do. And unfortunately we can't depend on all poll workers to be as incorruptible as they no doubt are.
When I looked up election-day registration in Wisconsin I decided I would try it myself. I didn't find it to be a very secure way of preventing fraud. Without a current state ID there's no reason why I couldn't have voted three times in three polling places, registering every time. Even with the state ID I could claim I'd just moved. It seemed to me that if you and possibly another person were determined to commit fraud, you couldn't be stopped, but the time you'd have to spend explaining why you don't have any form of ID, and don't pay any bills, and jumping through the other hoops, would deter casual fraud at any rate.
And this is why the ACORN registration frauds were such a big deal--get yourself registered in more than one place and you can vote in more than one place. Eventually the rolls will get sorted out, but in the meantime the election is over and there is no way to pick out the fraudulent votes.
And this is why the ACORN registration frauds were such a big deal--get yourself registered in more than one place and you can vote in more than one place.
But how would you do that? With advance registration, I mean? Are you assuming that the poll list, which is run a few days before the election, has not been validated?
@class factotum:
Register a bunch of people at the last minute.
MonCrief also told me that some ACORN affiliates had a conscious strategy of flooding voter registration offices with suspect last-minute forms in part to create confusion and chaos that would make it more likely suspect voters would be allowed to cast ballots by overworked officials. Nate Toller, who worked on ACORN registration drives and headed an ACORN campaign against Wal-Mart in California until 2006, agrees. "There's no quality control on purpose, no checks and balances," he told me.
There are already documented examples of fraudulent registrations being converted into fraudulent votes in Ohio, where ACORN and other groups were active. Darrell Nash, an ACORN registration worker, submitted an illegal form for himself and then cast a paper ballot during the state's "early voting" period.
Franklin County prosecutor Ron O'Brien also cracked down in the case of 13 out-of-state registrants who came to Ohio to register voters in Columbus for the group Vote From Home. The group all lived out of the same rented 1,175-square-foot house in Ohio, registered to vote and then most of them either cast early voting ballots or submitted applications for absentee ballots before leaving the state. They have agreed to have all of their ballots canceled in exchange for the prosecutor's decision not to file charges.
This has been the most hilarious conversation to witness! Regardless of whether or not Kloppenburg wins, it is quite humorous seeing all the nervous Repubs out there. The tables are turning my friends; you're going to have to deal. I've lived with your politics/policies since 1980. They clearly aren't working for most people - only the wealthy. So middle-class uprising? You bet.
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