April 20, 2011
"Greatest Living American: A Children’s Treasury of Trig Crap On His Birthday."
Wonkette did this, and as my mother used to say, "He's just trying to get a rise out of you." The point was: IGNORE! But you did not ignore. As my mother would say: "You're only encouraging him."
still disgusting and just plain foul. But, worse, it's juvenile.
I'm still going to try PapaJohn's pizza and I swear the idea never crossed my mind before.
The first comment on Wonkette's post nails it
My God, what in the name of decency were you thinking in posting this column? Can your life be so shallow and your integrity so brittle that you would take it upon yourself to demean a developmentally challenged child for political kicks?
(the other kev)
Jeremy's, Ritmo's and AlphaLib's people. Regular kids are too tough for them, so they go after the ones they think are easier prey.
Just when you thought Sullivan had set the record.
When Obama shoves his daughters down our throats we're supposed to either clap and ask for seconds or remain silent. Palin does the same and the left goes bonkers: One's a skank, one's an idiot, and one's a little retard.
I wish one of them was black or gay so the left would deem them off limits.
The Palin hatred just continues to amaze. If those who so loudly hate just sat down and shut up they might realize there's quite a bit of circumspection regarding Sarah Palin. I can only assume they need this "enemy" as the ultimate
I'm truly sick of the media abuse of the Palin children.
Didn't our president tell us to punch back twice as hard?
How about some Sasha and Malia contempt? How long do you think that would last?
This is not funny stuff. It is an immoral attack upon the boys in the baggage done for revenge on Palin's for her victories, like on Henry V after Agincourt.
Ha. Thanks! I knew I'd find out what the boycott is about without bothering to reward with my precious clicks. But it happened much faster than I imagined.
Feh. ALL children love birthday parties! What a sad case for a topic, here.
At least Wonkette's claim to fame is that she "took it in the arse." For her, Roe is unnecessary. Tampons, on the other hand, remain necessary. Then, the sun shines. And, the day comes along when this is unnecessary, either.
I don't know what presses pregnant women to have the "amniocentesis." But I always thought there were fears the fetus could be one of retardation. For what other reason would you allow a long needle to go into your belly?
Go ahead. Believe what you want. But "being surprised" at it being a boy or a girl isn't the motivator for the needle stuck into your pregnant belly.
I get it, Ann.... "ignore" is what our Moms advised when dipshit little cretins bullied us. But we're grownups now, and it's important to counter this reprehensible type of "journalism"...we need to call them out, call attention to it, make a scene, boycott, whatever....it's no different than showing up with a video camera at a protest. Expose them!
chickelit: I'm still going to try PapaJohn's pizza and I swear the idea never crossed my mind before.
Some other repercussions:
I'd never visited Wonkette before; I've heard the name, but never visited. That post they did is how I will always remember them.
I'll be sure to avoid them in future.
Admonishing us to ignore Wonkette is like telling us to ignore Sullivan when he periodically goes unhinged over the same topic.
Rational people have a natural curiousity about how these people can maintain so many alleged admirers for anything but historical reasons. I mean, this anti-Palinalia stuff is not just a quirk: Wonkette, along with Sullivan, resemble a significant segment of the voting population.
That fact that both also seem to cry "homophobe" at the slightest provocation also tells me something-what I'm not sure, but I don't like whatever it is. I also think moderates find it repulsive.
I hope I'm on the jury that judges Todd Palin when he finally tires of his wife being called an c*nt and a t*at and his youngest child being called a retard and brings some real justice to these despicable people.
Not guilty, all counts.
At a certain point, you shouldn't ignore stuff. Make the rude regret their actions.
WTF is wrong with these people? They all deserve to get the snot beat out of them.
In what universe is it ok to make fun of a little baby? God.
Go ahead. Believe what you want. But "being surprised" at it being a boy or a girl isn't the motivator for the needle stuck into your pregnant belly.
Huh? My sarcasm meter is broken again. Do know anything about how medical professionals determine the sex of a fetus?
wv "cading"
More often than not unfortunately.
Slowly, so slowly and with what pain
Humanity hoists itself up:
Its animal aversions to disdain;
The afflicted to lovingly cup.
The Triggers make the Truthers sound almost sane.
Papa Johns and Huggies pulled their advertisement as soon as they were made aware of it.
Althouse will scold them for not ignoring it.
I blame Palin's Madison speech and the launch of the new presidential-looking website. The elite left is in total meltdown, and Wonkette's soulless post is the most mature response they could devise. I think these nuts think that being even more brutal to her children will compel her to leave.
They could not be more mistaken.
In better times, people like that were horsewhipped.
Or shot, with the coroner's verdict, "He had it coming".
PS What Kev said.
PPS Acknowledging them may encourage them, but punishing them is what they need. This non-judgmental, value-neutral garbage, invented by the Lefties, let's not forget, allows them to get away with this sort of thing.
Never having visited Wonkette, there isn't much more I can do to ignore them - and, thus, hurt them, but I don't intend to do any less.
I don't know how anyone can be surprised by the article. It's really nothing new. Palin's been in the news because of the Madison speech, made the left look bad, and now we get the predictable response. She really does send some people over the edge. I honestly don't understand it. Like her, don't like her, whatever. But this? Insanity.
I wish one of them was black or gay
Then they could be treated as well as Clarence Thomas or Mary Cheney.
According to Twitter, Wonkette is now scrubbing comments. I can believe this because when I went there this morning, there were no comments like:
"My God, what in the name of decency were you thinking in posting this column? Can your life be so shallow and your integrity so brittle that you would take it upon yourself to demean a developmentally challenged child for political kicks?"
They were all piling on.
Wonkette left wonkette a long time ago.
Actually, she said on Imus, she didn't particularly like sex.
Since then it's been wonkette without the humor.
I don't know what the audience is today.
The part that makes sense is rebellion against the usual debate-enders, like it's for the children. If anything, that's a pro-children stance: take them only as what they are.
It screws in hatred though that makes no sense along with it.
I take it suits their audience. Just leaves you wondering.
What would make most sense is that it seeks outrage and posturing from Palin fans.
Sort of like flag burning aimed at people who think that's unpatriotic.
Then they get to point at you.
Then they get to point at you.
Hopefully the right and left can polarize each other to a great enough extent that the middle slips in and displaces them both before they relax again.
I hatched a little theory about that once.
So many people on Twitter have a sudden craving for PapaJohn's pizza!
The scared holiday of Easter is upon us where Christians celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is natural for us to turn our thoughts at this time to our own deaths and hope of resurrection and the life of the hereafter that will be revealed on Judgment Day. It seems obvious that these people have no concern over what will happen when they meet their maker.
They are to be pitied and ignored. Eternal damnation will be a just recompense for their activities on this earth. They seem determined to earn it in full measure.
Is Sarah Palin Betty Foy?
They are to be pitied and ignored. Eternal damnation will be a just recompense for their activities on this earth.
Like asking if a woman was a dog with papers in the last thread? Think you'll be Judged for that?
I do not get it.
Sarah Palin has owned Trig Palin since day #1. She loves him.
Sully and the Left are driven to distraction because it is not politically correct to give birth to a Down's baby. Because Palin did not abort her baby, she and the child deserve to be insulted by Wonkette......why?
I have no fear how I will be judged Garage. I am pretty confident that I will be fine.
Look to your owm record my friend.
You might be demanding a recount.
The scared holiday of Easter is upon us where Christians celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is natural for us to turn our thoughts at this time to our own deaths and hope of resurrection and the life of the hereafter that will be revealed on Judgment Day.
So many things we're supposed to feel or pretend to feel.
I was just feeling that warmer and sunnier weather would be nice, myself.
What's with a cold front coming through and then leaving you with a cold overcast rather than a sunny day.
After Easter, the stuffed pink bunnies are half price at Kroger. They make fine dog toys.
Wonkette's article must be confronted. Oppression begins with the use of dehumanizing verbal and written assaults in the public meeting space. This opinion piece must be answered. You need to clealry call Wonkette out and oppose the unjustified attack. Otherwise its implied consent.
There's Trig's third birthday, and then there's media coverage of Trig's third birthday.
If there's the latter - I haven't heard of it but maybe I don't follow the right news sources - then it's a commercial enterprise seeking soap viewers and perhaps also that's in turn taken up for political purposes.
Which would deserve some remark indicating that you can't be counted on for the stock expected emotions.
garage is emoting about motes again.
"Are those her AKC papers?"
Wow. Garage. You're right. That is EXACTLY the same as mocking a 3 old down's syndrome baby. I do NOT understand the reluctance to condemn even the most despicable behavior without trying find some sort of (in your mind) equivalence. Absolutely amazing.
I just ate a "John's Favorite" from Papa John's.
Happy birthday, Trig.
Not my favorite pizza but I enjoyed it immensely somehow!
It's a stock emotion rodeo, at the moment.
Is that that hard to see?
Just for Chicklit:
Amniocentesis. A long needle pierces a woman's stomach. (No anesthetic. Because that would involve two needles.) The needle enters the uterus. (There's an untrasonic scan going ... so the needle avoids the baby.)
But basically amniotic fluid is withdrawn. It is tested. What the test shows is whether or not the fetus is normal. And, it's sex.
Pregnant women who tell you they know they are having a son or a daughter, know this because they've gotten the results of the amniocentesis.
Yes. Sarah Palin had this test. Her obstetrician told her she was carrying a retarded son. She and her husband made the decision not to abort.
That's what "CHOICE" is all about.
Before this test became routine ... around the time ROE let abortions be legal ... people didn't know what the sex of their babies were going to be.
And, giving birth to a retarded child hit some parents as a tragedy.
Not all parents! (A long time ago the NY Times had an article about how such a birth affected some parents more than others.)
(Oh, by the way, one of the things the doctors do routinely, when the needle, filled with fluid, is withdrawn, is to SMELL IT.) If they've made a mistake, they've filled the syringe with urine.
It's not amazing Jeff. Mocking the pretensions of a dirty politician is the same as attacking an innocent child.
At least in a certain world view.
You just have to shrug and go Ok...there you go.
Pregnant women who tell you they know they are having a son or a daughter, know this because they've gotten the results of the amniocentesis
Just for Carol_Herman
Hmmm, I'll run your assertion by my wife, Nurse Goodbody, who had the sex of our two kids determined with just ultrasound.
Etymology reminder:
Outrage comes from outre, adj., going beyond what is proper.
It's made into a noun by adding -age, something going beyond what is proper.
It has nothing to do with rage.
What goes beyond what is proper deserves rage, the word itself says so.
That's a political doctrine, not a fact.
Why not, instead, indifference, ridicule or lit crit analysis?
Figure something out for a change.
Nope. Sorry. I don't ignore this one. This is awful. I emailed numerous advertisers for the site and it's absolutely the right thing to do. I'm sorry. A little guy like that. It makes me sick.
And it's Down Syndrome. Not Down's.
Jesus Carol, have you heard of CVS testing or just a US?
I mean clearly you're medically trained you should know these things.
Why are liberals the majority of the ugly Americans?
"Before this test became routine ... around the time ROE let abortions be legal ... people didn't know what the sex of their babies were going to be."
You can sometimes see the penis in an ultrasound. It's not a sure fire indicator, though.
Also, some find the needle to be slightly risky.
But anyhow, Sarah Palin thinks Trig is perfect. And she's probably right. He is probably never going to be capable of anywhere near this level of horribleness that is directed at him because his mom is a republican.
He's probably going to be as kind and sweet as the two Downs boys I know.
So he's a blessing on the Palin family, though obviously a very sore point for those who think abortion is an acceptable solution to this trait.
One thing that disturbs me is the reaction that Palin showing America her family justifies this, or somehow shows she's a bad guy. That's so weird. I want to know more about people who seek power, not less. I don't need the nitty gritty on the Obama children, but it's good to know they are a sweet family together. What's so horrible about OBama showing the world his beautiful family? Oh wait... no one said that was wrong because he's a democrat, and Republicans are simply better people than democrats are.
Etymology reminder II:
1902, from Fr. garage "shelter for a vehicle," originally "a place for storing something," from verb garer "to shelter," from M.Fr. garer "to shelter, dock ships," from Frank. *waron "to guard" (cf. O.H.G. waron "take care" <----
I'd say that that last part proves that garage and shiloh are the same person because shilho always signs off with "take care".
Anent the new discussion about baby gender:
The Blonde will tell you ultrasound is all you need.
PS Troop, nicely put, my friend.
and as my mother used to say, "He's just trying to get a rise out of you." The point was: IGNORE! But you did not ignore. As my mother would say: "You're only encouraging him."
Wonkette and staff need to be introduced to the business end of a baseball bat.
We should have more protests where we eat pizza.
Pregnant women who tell you they know they are having a son or a daughter, know this because they've gotten the results of the amniocentesis.
No, they tell you that at the ultrasound.*
Amino will tell you the sex, but it is used to test for genetic abnormalities. It is not routine and is generally recommended only for older mothers. People who would never abort have the procedure done so that, if there is an abnormality, they can be properly prepared for and educated about it before the child is born.
Wonkette makes me think Wankette or wanker. Or Marcotte.
Gross, I know.
I have never commented at Wonkette before today, but today, I felt that these people needed to hear from outside their echo chamber. This was my post, which has now been deleted:
You people should be embarrassed. Don't any of you have anyone in your extended families who are disabled? Were all of them aborted?
Do you ever stop to think that one unfortunate head injury can put you in the same mental category as Trig? If such a thing happened, would you expect the people who comment here to dig into their black hearts to find some compassion for you?
Wonkette - does your mother know what a mean girl she raised? Do you pull the legs off grasshoppers?
I am only now learning that Wonkette is not the proprietoress of the cesspool, but who cares?
I am glad that they are feeling financial repercussions for their bilge.
Math Mom--
The cowards at Wonkette deleted that? Figures.
blake said, I just ate a "John's Favorite" from Papa John's.
A friend of mine had the "John's Favorite" from wonkette a while back. Now it burns when he pisses.
How is the pizza at papa johns? I have never had it. Talk to me about crust, sauce-cheese ratio. Toppings.
I generally like my pizza's with a plain buffalo moz. cheese, light sauce with no chunks of tomato and a razor thin crust. I hate chunks of tomato in any tomato sauce. No chunks ever.
My favorite pizzas are Santarpios in Boston and Paisans in Madison.
Now I want a pizza.
I like shrimp on my pizza as well if it is large fantail shrimp. Not canned little baby shrimp which are gross.
In what universe is it ok to make fun of a little baby? God.
Why, in the Enlighterned Universe of the Government of the Democrat Party by the Democrat Party and for the Democrat Party.
My wife had an amnio 14 years ago due to what turned out to be a false positive from some other test. It was one of the most harrowing things of our lives, and we only learned later that the initial test was notorious for false positives. The reason we did it was that it was recommended, and we didn't know about the test's unreliability. Now, with the internet, we probably would have been able to do research and figure out the chances were for having a disabled child. Not that it would have changed anything, but we would have had time to build ramps and open doorways. Our daughter turned out smart as a whip, too.
I'm gonna go ahead and trot out with my bloody shirt: I have a son with Down syndrome.
Does that raise my legitimacy in this debate? No, it does not. Not not not. No more than Cindy Sheehan's legitimacy when her son died in Iraq.
However, my son's syndrome makes me more alert to the debate, and it makes me want to speak frankly:
* Leftists tend to think humans are bad. They like it when industry falters, women have fewer babies, and populations shrink.
* Leftists tend to assume hypocrisy when rightists celebrate things like compassion for people who need help. "Compassion is mine", sayeth the leftist. Anyone else who claims it is obviously an evil hypocrite.
Wonkette punches up.
"Wonkette and staff need to be introduced to the business end of a baseball bat."
I think they are about to be introduced to the business end of business - as in losing it.
The deleted Wonkette comments aren't hard to find.
Liberals hate retarded kids. They want to kill them in the womb. Palin kept her baby, handicap and all. This shames the left and upsets them and enrages them. They feel guilt and shame about what they are doing, the society we have created. We kill babies because they are handicapped. Always in the third trimester, because that's when Down's is diagnosed. Palin is pro-life. Not just in her words, but in her life. It is this fact, more than anything, that appalls the left and makes them hate her.
I liked it better when the pretty redheaded lady used to talk about butt fucking.
I'm assuming that Althouse believes that if she defends Glenn Beck against Bob Wright's attempt to silence him (through private sanction) that she must also defend Wonkette's right to smear disabled children from boycotts and other private sanction.
If you defend "A" you must defend "B".
If you defend "A" you must defend "B".
Let's see, "A" = the expression of political views while "B" = vile "jokes" at the expense of an innocent 3-year-old. Yep, they occupy exactly the same moral plane.
I honestly can't tell is this is first-rate mobying or the worst attempt at positing moral equivalence that I've ever seen.
What next--"If you favor free love you must advocate rape?"
Another Bloggingheads between Althouse and Ana Marie Cox could be interesting.
I liked it better when the pretty redheaded lady used to talk about butt fucking.
Maybe after 6 pints, a prime rib dinner and 4 shots of Jaeger at the bar at The Guards in Georgetown.
Pregnant women who tell you they know they are having a son or a daughter, know this because they've gotten the results of the amniocentesis.
No, they have a placental villus biopsied. Amnio is obsolete. Except for transfusion.
That is maybe the most vile thing I've ever seen on the internet. That is not an exaggeration.
Wonkette is the left's version of clubbing baby seals.
I was sexually assaulted in a mall food court when I was 9.
It was traumatic.
"Another Bloggingheads between Althouse and Ana Marie Cox could be interesting."
Ana Marie Cox hasn't been with "Wonkette" since 2006. The person responsible for the article in question is someone named Jack Stuef.
No reflection on your mother, Ann, but the "just ignore him" anti-bully tactic falls flat on it's face 99 times out of a hundred.
The person responsible for the article in question is someone named Jack Stuef...
who looks exactly like his writing.
On a separate but related issue I have been watching a fascinating program on the Vaccine Wars and children with Autism.
Parents of children with Autism overwhelmingly blame all the vaccinations and medical community say NO it is not the vaccines.
Are you all pro or anti vaccines?
Wow, look at the comments about his picture. Looks like he just got dissed big time.
The internet is a rough place my friends. A very rough place.
Are you all pro or anti vaccines?
I'm not a fan of polio or diphtheria.
"Ana Marie Cox hasn't been with "Wonkette" since 2006."
I know; just thought it would be interesting to hear them discuss the issue.
I think I'd rather watch Daniel Foster take on Jack Stuef in a pie-eating contest.
Actually, I think the Left has been allowed to dish this crap one day too long now. Most people try to take the high road, but this deserves all the push-back it got, and more.
Good for Huggies and Papa John's Pizza and those good folks on Twitter for stepping up to the plate on Trig's behalf.
As for the chap who created the post...evidently the beautiful Palin family has created deep jealousy and envy in him. He looks exactly like the archetypal "blogger in his parents' basement"...Jesus.
Stuef claims to be from Brooklyn link, unless that's his doppelganger.
It appears that he's also the Onion writer who's in charge of writing the occasional unfunny stuff, just to remind readers how tough comedy really is.
The person responsible for the article in question is someone named Jack Stuef... who looks exactly like his writing.
Jared Loughner's Buttboy.
I'm not as angry now after seeing what a pathetic wretch he is. Just a stupid animal that doesn't know any better. I predict he'll have a breakdown and be put on suicide watch.
Titus wrote: Are you all pro or anti vaccines?
Pro-vaccination. The anti-vaccination crowd are a bunch of selfish Luddites.
Regarding the porcine Mr. Stuef, he looks like someone who had to take his cousin to the prom.
FYI-Ashland, Oregon is a mecca for anti vaccination mothers and children.
Why do I think it's probably a mecca for New Ageyness as well?
I get it. Life is simpler without having a challenged kid around. Or any kids for that matter.
My wife's sister had Down's syndrome and lived with us for a few monthes back in the day. Girl drove me nuts. A compulsive eater, she would hit the fridge in the middle of the night and then deny it despite the remnants of her raid strewn about the kitchen. I remember being surprised that she could suffer psychological problems, after all she was "retarded." Hilarious!
Of course her "dysfunction" paled in a real comparison to mine, so she stayed as long as she needed to. As someone north of me wrote here, she was one of the sweetest people I have ever known. She loved birthdays! Remembered everyone's, made sure to buy a gift, and, most of all, consumed the birthday cake with a relish I can only call epicurean. She was probably more fully human than anyone I've ever known. Certainly more fully human than I.
Anyway, hate makes people pretty wretched.
Regarding the porcine Mr. Stuef, he looks like someone who had to take his cousin to the prom.
I gather that he is a sodomite as well. Queen Sully and now Princess Jack, hmm, I'm beginning to see a pattern.
Chickelit wrote:
I'm still going to try PapaJohn's pizza and I swear the idea never crossed my mind before.
And Huggies, and all the other companies who today said, "we don't condone mocking an innocent, special needs child because of his mother's politics (or any other reason)".
I personally contacted a boatload of them on Twitter to alert them about the story, and for them to come to their own conclusions, hoping they "do the right thing".
Tomorrow, I'm eating Papa Johns pizza.
I gather that he is a sodomite as well. Queen Sully and now Princess Jack, hmm, I'm beginning to see a pattern.
And Margaret Cho. And Sandra Bernhardt.
But it's not about homosexuality. They're just twisted freaks who happen to be bi or gay.
If he is a sodomite I can guarantee you he is not actually sexual.
He is likely categorized as "not getting any".
No hot sodomite would do him. Actually no not hot sodomite would do him either.
Margaret Cho is married to a man Victoria.
And she also did Quentin Tarantino.
I gather that he is a sodomite as well. Queen Sully and now Princess Jack, hmm, I'm beginning to see a pattern.
Ah, well, he's doubly f*cked, isn't he? No wonder he chooses a disabled baby for his target. He's the type.
If he actually does claim to be gay, I wouldn't rule out that possibility that he just says that to explain why he's never had a girlfriend.
Megs Cho, Titus, is bisexual. Actually, tri-sexual! She'll try anything. Baddabump.
No, really, though, here's an excerpt from an interview:
"PR.com: Speaking of your sexuality, you confuse me because you come off as very androgynous in your sexual orientation. You talk about guys, you talk about girls and you talk about experiences with both. Is that really who you are, and are you bisexual?
Margaret Cho: Yes. But then that’s sort of false because I am probably more connected to or attracted to transgender people. So, I would be more than bi. To say bisexual is saying that there’s only two kinds of gender. I really like transgenders (laughs).
PR.com: So, you’re trisexual (laughs).
Margaret Cho
Margaret Cho
Margaret Cho: Yeah. But, when I say that, then people think it’s a joke. It’s not (laughs)! It’s actually my life! Transgender people are people who feel that they were born in the wrong body, and so their life is about transforming into the body that they feel comfortable and good in. So, those are people who get gender re-assignment surgery. That’s part of it. That’s not always transgender, but that experience is always different and everybody’s different, but I would say bisexuality would be a limiting term."
"I gather that he is a sodomite as well. Queen Sully and now Princess Jack, hmm, I'm beginning to see a pattern."
A patter of two! Hmm, I'm also beginning to see a pattern, a pattern of brain-dead, fag-hating assholes making baseless claims against large groups of people, based on their sexual orientation. This Stuef guy is a classless douche-bag because he's a classless douche-bag (and paid to be a classless douche-bag), not because of his [presumed] sexual orientation.
Wonkette can go fuck herself. Unbelievable that this sub-human drech would focus the dull beam of a lightbulb towards a child with Downs. Rot in hell you cunt. I really hate these people and wish them nothing but ill.
I just noticed the .gif collage of photos in the Wonkette story features a stripper grinding her hips suggestively underneath a picture of Trig, as if he's getting a lap dance from her on his birthday. A three year-old. Who is special needs.
DEAR GOD, JACK STUEF. You are one sick puppy.
Methadras, as Palladian already posted, Ana Marie Cox left Wonkette AGES ago...it's Ken Layne who you should call a c*nt. Or perhaps not.
Hmm, I'm also beginning to see a pattern, a pattern of brain-dead, fag-hating assholes making baseless claims against large groups of people, based on their sexual orientation.
You've made a classic logical error.
I'm not saying that all fags are Trig haters.
What I am saying is that all Trig haters seem to be fags.
Really, Leo? All of them? Weird, the Palin-haters I meet seem to have only one thing in common- they're "progressives".
So I'm curious, who are all these faggot Trig-haters? We have Andrew Sullivan...
At least Stuef is feeling the heat. It appears that he's hired someone to redirect his own website (JackDouchebag-dot-com, appropriately changed) to the home page of the Natl Down Syndrome Society and has found one person willing to solicit donations via that site.
No word about a matching rate from DublStuft, of course--but he's pleased to be able to help others pay, just like the good socialist that he is.
I mean, I'm a faggot and I don't actually care one way or the other about Trig Palin, just as I tend not to care about any politician's children. I do care a little about Track Palin, 'cause he's hot, but I'm curious... will my genetic disposition toward faggotry someday make me hate a little child I've never met?
Really, Leo? All of them? Weird, the Palin-haters I meet seem to have only one thing in common- they're "progressives".
There you go again--changing the terms of the debate. I specifically said "Trig haters." And I know of only two: Queen Milky Loads Sullivan and Princessa Stuef-It.
Although now that you mention it, I suppose all those progressive Palin haters are also pro-sodomy.
What I am saying is that all Trig haters seem to be fags.
I don't think anyone, even DublStuft, hates Trig. There are horrid people who think it's clever or bold to use him as a prop to wave in the face of the person they truly do hate--and fear--Trig's mother. As Palladian has said, the legions of Palinphobes are united by their love of socialism and their infatuation with their own imagined intellectual superiority.
I don't think anyone, even DublStuft, hates Trig.
Really? Then I wouldn't want to see what he'd say if he really did hate Trig. With friends like that, etc.
"Although now that you mention it, I suppose all those progressive Palin haters are also pro-sodomy."
There are lovers of sodomy among all political populations. Who, in the end, doesn't love sodomy?
Who, in the end, doesn't love sodomy?
It depends on the amounts of KY Jelly to hand.
No wonder he chooses a disabled baby for his target. He's the type.
No kidding. There's something wrong about him. Like maybe his attack on Trig is him exercising some sicko fetish.
Geez, that kinda explains Andrew Sullivan too.
"It depends on the amounts of KY Jelly to hand."
Sodomy comes in all shapes and sizes. Even oral sex is considered sodomy in many places. And I'd take Vaseline Intensive Care over K-Y any day.
Leo, I'll stipulate that I don't know what's in his heart. Maybe he does hate Trig--I don't know, but I am pretty sure that he wouldn't care about Trig one way or the other if not for the politics of Palin.
I also don't know where the evidence is that says anything about this loser's sexuality. But even if he doesn't like girls, a sample of two (Stuffy and Sully) doesn't exactly provide a sound basis for making inferences about all gays. Why go there? He won't be any less loathsome if he turns out to be straight, or asexual.
"No kidding. There's something wrong about him. Like maybe his attack on Trig is him exercising some sicko fetish."
Nah, in this guy's case, it's far less interesting. He wrote this because it's the sort of thing his employer and his audience (nihilistic hipsters) expect him to write. It's the Wonkette "voice". Morality doesn't get in the way of paychecks, usually.
"Why go there? He won't be any less loathsome if he turns out to be straight, or asexual."
His glasses and wispy ginger neck beard are enough to make him hate-able.
"And she also did Quentin Tarantino."
I hope for both their sakes it involved a glory hole...and two paper bags, just to be safe.
wispy ginger neck beard
The Michael Moore look. I wonder if it's impossible to shave there because that blubber offers no resistance to the pressure of the razor.
His glasses and wispy ginger neck beard are enough to make him hate-able.
Sodomy or no sodomy, that made me larf.
Come to think of it, "Stuff and Sully" sounds like a very dirty sex act, regardless of the number of sexes involved.
It's the Wonkette "voice".
I read that he worked for The Onion? He apparently thought he was still there.
Palladian wrote:
A pattern of two!
Well, Palladian, there's also Zach and Downtown Lad and also those assholes in West Hollywood who hung her in effigy that Halloween. Hopefully they have more volume than resonance.
One of the last insightful things I recall Maxine saying before she disappeared altogether was why on earth were West Hollywood's gays united against Palin? They should have embraced her because she's not against them.
Too late now I guess. Sigh.
Victoria, This is what I speculated about much earlier in this thread:
It appears that he's also the Onion writer who's in charge of writing the occasional unfunny stuff, just to remind readers how tough comedy really is.
BTW, did you get the tweet I directed at you the other day, about the Three Archetypes?
"I read that he worked for The Onion? He apparently thought he was still there."
It's the Nick Denton taint.
Eww. Let me rephrase that...
It's the standard Denton Media/Gawker style, even though Denton unloaded the Wonkette website a while ago. Write like a Brooklyn resident who relies on the charity/drunkenness of richer people for cocaine and sex, and who are fooled by a few paychecks into believing that their ability to write blog-comment level snark and be cynically "irreverent" constitute talent.
His glasses and wispy ginger neck beard are enough to make him hate-able.
The neck beard is a "trick" that guys with fat necks and chins use. The idea is that a thick opaque beard will look indistinguishable from a slimmer trimmer neck and chin line which is covered in luxuriant beard. Of course it completely fails when the beard is thin and wispy like Mr. Stuef's. Stuef is probably self conscious about his weight and wishes that he had a thicker beard, but that's just speculation on my part.
"Well, Palladian, there's also Zach and Downtown Lad and also those assholes in West Hollywood who hung her in effigy that Halloween. Hopefully they have more volume than resonance."
Zach is a frustrated sub-Gawker media level writer who was forced to make a career out of writing paid promotional comments about gay porn. I actually think that's more of an honest living than being a Gawker media clone, but unfortunately Zach seems to have a lot of poison in his soul that, strangely enough, hanging around hot porn guys hasn't exorcised.
As for d*********d, don't speak its name! It's lying, sated, in some humid hotel room in Rangoon. Let's not stimulate it!
"One of the last insightful things I recall Maxine saying before she disappeared altogether was why on earth were West Hollywood's gays united against Palin? They should have embraced her because she's not against them."
Well I don't recall Maxine Weiss saying anything insightful, but this is a good point. If Palin were an Anita Bryant-type fag hater, I'd find the vitriol against her [slightly] more understandable but as far as I know, she's never really made any negative statements about gay people.
Yes, Chip! I replied to you yesterday, after an absence from Twitter. Thanks. :)
she's never really made any negative statements about gay people.
She actually has said she has close female friends who are gay, who used to be her basketball team buddies (the photograph is in her autobio).
And she didn't oppose same-sex benefits when she was Governor.
My take is that she's like many people (myself, for example). She doesn't often think about homosexuals, but when she does, even if she has some objections to the reality of the lifestyle, etc., it's not enough to make her go anywhere near full-Phelps.
In other words, equanimity.
"The neck beard is a "trick" that guys with fat necks and chins use. The idea is that a thick opaque beard will look indistinguishable from a slimmer trimmer neck and chin line which is covered in luxuriant beard. Of course it completely fails when the beard is thin and wispy like Mr. Stuef's. Stuef is probably self conscious about his weight and wishes that he had a thicker beard, but that's just speculation on my part."
Hey! I'm a fatso and I have a beard and it does wonders for me, though my beard is richer and more luxuriant than anything ironrailsironweights could dream of. Of course I don't have that tender pudding-face like Mr Stuef either.
vb, found it.
Chickelit wrote:
The idea is that a thick opaque beard will look indistinguishable from a slimmer trimmer neck and chin line which is covered in luxuriant beard.
So it's like a Caesar haircut for the neck?
The idea is that a thick opaque beard will look indistinguishable from a slimmer trimmer neck and chin line which is covered in luxuriant beard.
An interesting theory, to be sure, but why not let the beard grow out above the neck as well?
I'm sticking with the "jiggly jugular" hypothesis for now.
Exploring the topic of Palin and homosexuals for a bit more, I surmise that Andrew Sullivan and Jack Stuef (if he's indeed, gay) hate Palin because she's religious, leans Fundamentalist, and in their minds, that means gay-haters like Phelps, by definition.
So they preemptively hate her, even before she has ever clarified her views on the topic.
They've conjured up a miasmic idea of who Palin is, complete with boogeyman visions if she were ever to become President, which haunt their dreams like George W Bush did to them when he did.
Also, one particular subset of male homosexuals is incredibly misogynistic. I think Andrew Sullivan belongs to this subset. Palin discomforts him deeply due to being the über/eternal/oppositional female.
(Yes, Sullivan loved Dubya for a while there, but he went gaga, in my opinion, after Bush came out strongly in favour of the Defense of Marriage Act. I'm guessing he hates Palin in part because he feels let down, and it'll never happen to him again with any other fundie conservative)
"Also, one particular subset of male homosexuals is incredibly misogynistic."
It's good for all men to be wary of women.
Five or more advertisers have pulled out of wonkette so far over this.
Atlas didn't shrug this off; he threw up in his mouth.
It's good for all men to be wary of women.
And their teeth "down there".
People who do this kind of stuff generally don't feel remorse. They justify it (Wonkette is a "meta-humor website" don't ya know). Limbaugh's comments about Michael J. Fox come to mind and his comments about the teenaged Chelsea Clinton as well. Bullies on both sides. Anyhow, I hope the Wonkette site, which I used to read, dies. The editor sounds as bad as the writer.
I was wondering if maybe there was something about Sarah Palin's fecundity that gays were put off by, either consciously or subconsciously. But then I realized that Sarah has the same number of children as Nancy Pelosi.
So scratch that hypothesis.
"I was wondering if maybe there was something about Sarah Palin's fecundity that gays were put off by, either consciously or subconsciously."
Nah, I love fecundity, because it gives us more beautiful young people to admire, like Track Palin...
Wonkette is the one using Trig as a political prop.
Special needs children and their parents have a courage and perseverance that is heroic and beautiful. These kids bring joys that are spectacular and deep. Yet even beyond the difficulties to raise them is a grief that does not diminish and cannot be ignored for long. To mock this for cheap political tripe, well words fail me.
I hope the word hasn’t been cheapened too much by other low political stunts.
Your mom might have told you to IGNORE! when YOU were the one getting picked on, but didn't she also teach you to TAKE A STAND for OTHERS, especially those who couldn't fight for themselves?
Yes, let others say what they will about YOU. But if you see someone else being demeaned unjustly, have some nobility for pete's sakes. Would you stand by and let someone mug a little old lady next to you? If you were sitting next to Trig and an arse came up and started verbally abusing him, would you let said arse keep it up without so much as a grunt?
Stand up for others. Bet your mamas taught you that too.
Gays, please don't highjack what this thread is really all about. People, keep your focus. It's not about YOU.
"It depends on the amounts of K-Y jelly to hand."
Dear lady, you owe me a new keyboard. . .
"It's good for all men to be wary of women."
And their teeth "down there".
That's another thing that never made sense.
A guy, who is driven to find things out, is driven by an urge that makes no sense to him, and finally arrives at what it seems to him will answer the question, and nothing comes to light except that no answer is going to be found here.
That's an unattraction ending an attraction, but not a fear.
The correct end is carnal knowledge, not knowledge, is what becomes apparent.
I honestly can't tell is this is first-rate mobying or the worst attempt at positing moral equivalence that I've ever seen.
You need to take it up with Althouse, not me.
Althouse's argument has been that private sanctions of speech can be just as dangerous to free speech as the government's sanctioning. That it has a chilling effect on speech that is at odds with what the First Amendment is about.
The "moral equivalence" argument can be used just as much by critics of Beck as it can by critics of Wonkette's.
That's Althouse's point.
"I have no fear how I will be judged Garage. I am pretty confident that I will be fine."
You do know God is a Packers fan, right Trooper?
It's the standard Denton Media/Gawker style, even though Denton unloaded the Wonkette website a while ago. Write like a Brooklyn resident who relies on the charity/drunkenness of richer people for cocaine and sex, and who are fooled by a few paychecks into believing that their ability to write blog-comment level snark and be cynically "irreverent" constitute talent.
As befits your talents a marvelous illustration all packed into one sentence.
vbspurs said...
Methadras, as Palladian already posted, Ana Marie Cox left Wonkette AGES ago...it's Ken Layne who you should call a c*nt. Or perhaps not.
Yeah, he's a cunt too.
Palladian said...
Sodomy comes in all shapes and sizes. Even oral sex is considered sodomy in many places. And I'd take Vaseline Intensive Care over K-Y any day.
Indeed. I thought you were an Analeze guy, dude, man, whatever.
"Indeed. I thought you were an Analeze guy, dude, man, whatever."
I don't even know what that is, nor do I care to Google it!
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