April 6, 2011

Glenn Beck will "transition off" Fox News.

Announced just now.


Trooper York said...

Did you hear that sound?

That was Bob Wright coming in his pants.

Saul said...

This has been in the works for awhile. Supposedly he has a huge database of followers, and may do some "New Media," thing.

Phil 314 said...

O'Reilly wins


PaulV said...

Doing a 3 hour radio show and hour TV show daily is a lot of work. Reasonable decision.

rhhardin said...

Limbaugh says TV takes all the time and lots of teamwork.

Radio you can just come in and do.

chickelit said...

Must be part of great teutonic shift garage mahal thinks is happening out there. It's all a sign of an Obama tsunami next year.

raf said...

great teutonic shift

Yeah, those Germans are behind everything.

wv: prabli. Probably.

hombre said...

The HuffPo commenters are sure he was fired.

The third highest ranked cable news program guy fired?

Are lefties delusional about everything? (Never mind. I already know the answer.)

cold pizza said...

Beck/Palin in '12. Just because I like to watch heads explode. -cp

wv: bosing: what Bo don't do.

le Douanier said...

"Radio you can just come in and do."

Beck's radio show as really deteriorated.

It seems like there have been a lot of unexplained absenses. You turn on the radio, and surprise! Beck's not there, just his radio pals, or a fill-in.

When he is there, the show is becoming more and more like one of those cliche morning radio shows w/ a lot of dumb, over the top antics. And, they're really strongly relying on absurd sarcasm and hyperbole. I've always thought that earnest-nuttiness was the appeal of the Beck radio show. I miss that.

The TV show is still earnest-nuttiness, and now that's going away.

Unknown said...

I've always thought he was a self-satisfied jerk, but he did some good work exposing the salon Socialists and closet Communists in the Zero Administration - and, of course, he drove the Lefties nuts. So he was of some use.

Now, does The Donald replace him or go on to NH?

BJK said...

It's not getting fired if your contract expires....any more than Katie Couric is on the verge of getting fired at CBS.

While Beck has an audience, the place where I will give the left credit is the threats and assault on the advertisers have severely limited FNC's ability to monetize that audience.

Put someone like Megyn Kelly in that timeslot, keep most of the viewers, and make a lot more ad $$. Not a tough decision for a network.

chickelit said...

@raf: FYI-my puns are always intended.

Methadras said...

Wow, I did hear a giant overly produced, overly-annunciated sucking sound this morning. I thought it was just gas.

Anonymous said...

Room for a another bombshell with a law degree.

Quaestor said...

I say good riddance. I find Beck's conspiracist/millenarian style irksome and not very enlightening. The pseudo-professorial presentation didn't float my boat, either. I had too many real professors pontificating at my brain for too long to give Glenn Beck's show much of a shot.

Here's an opportunity for Andrew Breitbart to develop a gut-slamming on-air guerrilla news magazine just in time to deconstruct Obama's billion dollar (!!) re-election campaign

Freeman Hunt said...

He alluded to doing something like this a while back on the radio.

J said...

"Glenn Beck will "transition off" Fox News..."

into a mental institution and undergo treatment for a variety of psychiatric disorders.

Oclarki said...

Beck was entertaining when he used to things like moron trivia and stuff. The last few years have all been one long commercial for hording gold, and getting ready for a revolution led by the ghost of Sam Adams and Joseph Smith. Boooring! More morons to feel superior to, please.

Oclarki said...

Speaking of morons one can feel superior to, I see J has come back to the comments.

traditionalguy said...

The Big Bucks must be calling his name. He only has 2 years more to accrue income before Obama is gone and the Right Wing talking heads have to do a RIF.

SteveR said...

When they can't see him, is when he'll really drive them crazy.

coketown said...

Thank God. I've heard him on radio and he's far more fascinating than on television. Something about having visual aids at his disposal makes him an insufferable blowhard. And so dramatic. It's Fox News, Glenn! Not Lifetime.

J said...

12:48--that bother you, sodbuster? Beck-byatch one of yr role models, presumably.

come on out here and do something about it, white trash.

Beck shouldn't just be fired. He should be 5150'd (like most AA regs for that matter).

Skay said...

Soros wins after all.

Oclarki said...


Pretending to be a badass on the internet went out of style in 1999. Try to keep up

J said...

12:59---you wdn't say pretending in the street. Yd just run, hick.

are you a mormon, O'Clarktard?

Sounds like it--and one of yr LDS Elders insulted! Glenn the Fatboy's an insult even to the few rational mormonics around (one or two per county, maybe).

PaulV said...

Oclarki, I wished I had bought gold when Beck said to. The silver I have I bought as a favor back in 2002 did well.

Oclarki said...

What's your obsession with mormons? Did one of them touch your pee pee or something? I've been presented with no evidence theat your presence would cause me to run, other than your use of faux gang slang. Convince me I should worry.

J said...

Guess that means you are mormon, eh O'Clarkberg...and sad they did that to yr peepee, or rather what they made you do...to theirs.

That or just the ordinary AA klansboy wannabe (many of whom now hang with LDS).

either way, it's buh bye Beckberg

Lex said...

Clearly a conspiracy of the pro-union pro-abortion socialist atheist Nazi Muslim caliphate.
P.S. Abortion.

Cedarford said...

The one I'd like to see Fox dump is that dumb partisan hack Hannity - who is the doppleganger to the MSNBC Dem partisan hacks.

Lot of potential worthies out there. I wouldn't put Kelly in Becks time slot, and she just had a kid, but if there is any Fox regular ready for a regular Primetime hour, it's Megyn Kelly.

My dream is she replaces Hannity.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Al Gore should hire Beck so Beck & Olbermann could hold nightly deathcage matches on Gore's Current TV.

wv = word!!!

David said...


He's boring.

Methadras said...

J said...

12:48--that bother you, sodbuster? Beck-byatch one of yr role models, presumably.

come on out here and do something about it, white trash.

Beck shouldn't just be fired. He should be 5150'd (like most AA regs for that matter).

Uh, the east sider showed up. Looking around for a pair of balls to screw on to there pumpernickel? I'll let you borrow one of mine and I'd still 3 left.

Quaestor said...

J wrote: into a mental institution and undergo treatment for a variety of psychiatric disorders.

J, subtle and nuanced as ever.

wv: elowness - (adjective) describing a digital message or posting which scrapes the bottom of the stylistic barrel.

Joe said...

(The Crypto Jew)

The Big Bucks must be calling his name. He only has 2 years more to accrue income before Obama is gone and the Right Wing talking heads have to do a RIF.
Yeah just like Limbaugh, once Clinton is gone he’ll be out of a job. Oh WAIT….

Joe said...

(The Crypto Jew)

J wrote: into a mental institution and undergo treatment for a variety of psychiatric disorders.

J, subtle and nuanced as ever.

If J didn’t come here to scream his/her presence into the Face of the Night, s/he’d be totally unknown so cut J some slack….J works hours to create w a website with NO comments, and hence almost NO EYEBALLS. Let’s don’t be too hard on J.

Quaestor said...

Oclarki wrote: [D]id one of them touch your pee pee or something?

More likely refused to touch his pee-pee.

wv: poltur - acquiescence with and taste in fine arts among chickens.

Quaestor said...

AJ Lynch wrote: Al Gore should hire Beck so Beck & Olbermann could hold nightly deathcage matches on Gore's Current TV.

Not a fair fight. Olbermann would need a tag-teammate to even it out. Maybe his mother?

MadisonMan said...

Chalkboard futures just tanked.

J said...

1: 39. Los putos would be you, AA klanboys. Ya know-- Larry Craig, Log Cabin, Fatboy Glenn sort. oo la la

chickelit said...

More likely refused to touch his pee-pee.

"J" sounds like another sullivanist hung up on the Romney underwear thing. Watch him closely in the future.

Quaestor said...

Cedarford wrote: [I]f there is any Fox regular ready for a regular Primetime hour, it's Megyn Kelly.

Beck's slot is hardly primetime. Most people with jobs (few and far between these days, thanks to Lord Zero) are behind the wheel when Beck's on. Megyn's a babe and she's better at the "no spin" style than O'Reilly, which is why she's not likely to get a evening timeslot soon.

J said...
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J said...

I'm watching you, mormon-mason queersters. This site already listed with Feds as possibly terrorist. Like Jaredland.

Capichay, LDS trash?

Quaestor said...

It appears an under-achieving 9th grader with "issues" has hacked J's Blogspot account. Too bad.

Joe said...
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Joe said...

(The Crypto Jew)

It appears an under-achieving 9th grader with "issues" has hacked J's Blogspot account. Too bad..
When did that happen, several weeks ago, when the avatar changed?

J said...

Touched a nerve, eh LDS putos?

The ghosts of Jefferson and Mark Twain piss on the LDS gang as well (not to say what became of the GOP).

hombre said...

Word is that J will be "transitioning" over to comment exclusively on Kos. This will result in an immediate net increase in the IQ of both sites.

Quaestor said...

J used to mid-level readable. Now his posts are like a emo skater's tantrum after a particularly nasty bail.

Michael said...

J is a tough motherfucking valley boy from a rough and tough middle class burb and a hipster to boot swilling coffee and ripping out Hegel. Careful dudes because he has your number. Real tattoo too, no more ruboffs.

J said...

Now, follow orders from yr AIPAC pimp, LDS-masonic swine.

lets get this party started

Mark O said...

That "J" is quite a hate-filled, inarticulate addition to an overfilled group.

chickelit said...

J's golden mask is so beaten to airy thinness that I can almost behind it see.

"Malediction: verboten mournings"

Cedarford said...

Quaestor said...
Cedarford wrote: [I]f there is any Fox regular ready for a regular Primetime hour, it's Megyn Kelly.

Beck's slot is hardly primetime.

Which is why I said Kelly shouldn't get Becks spot, but a Primetime spot instead.

bil_d said...
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bil_d said...

I say good riddens, Beck is a self-deluded mystic fruit cake.

Freeman Hunt said...

The title of this post is incorrect.

From the press release:

FOX News and Mercury Radio Arts, Glenn Beck’s production company, are proud to announce that they will work together to develop and produce a variety of television projects for air on the FOX News Channel (FNC) as well as content for other platforms including FOX News' digital properties. Glenn intends to transition off of his daily program, the third highest rated in all of cable news, later this year.

So he's only transitioning off of his daily show. He will still be doing "a variety of television projects for air on the FOX News Channel" and "content for other platforms including FOX News' digital properties."

Quaestor said...

@ Cedarford

Mea culpa

J said...

2: 22: what part do you not understand about, "f*ck off LDS-zionist GOP trash", trash?

And for that matter the fraud of Joseph Smith (not to say theocracy and tyranny of King Brigham) has nothing to do with "Christianity," either prot. or cat., whatever one thinks of that tradition. Nor with the principles of US Founders.

that's all a bit deep for Klanhousers

Chef Mojo said...

I'm filing this under, "Whatever."

Beck has been slowly sliding into religious mania for awhile now, and is sounding more and more like a Christian/Mormon radio preacher going on about the end times. He is becoming irrelevant except to a fringe minority.

Fox has seen the writing on the wall. His ratings are tanking and I'm sure a lot of the advertisers are starting to get leery of his apocalyptic sermons.

He's lost track of the Limbaugh formula: Limbaugh considers himself an entertainer who sells advertising.

Beck has begun to think of himself as a savior.

Being a atheist conservative, I find Beck bothersome and, frankly, meaningless.

Chef Mojo said...

And in other news; J is still, and will continue to be, a douchenozzle who's sole purpose in life is to lick the post-hoops sweat off of Obama's ball sack while furiously jerking off to no avail.

Pictures at 11:00, as he blows a nut while hanging out with Cedarford and his collection of Auschwitz & Buchenwald death porn.

Chef Mojo said...


C'mon, son! Bring some of that witty street lingo, you illiterate cockholster.

Oh, wait. That might mean you'd have to let go of Obama's dick long enough to type!

Can't have that, can we?

Cedarford said...

Chef Mojo - (j)Pictures at 11:00, as he blows a nut while hanging out with Cedarford and his collection of Auschwitz & Buchenwald death porn.

Foreswearing Zionism and Israel as the 51st state as well as Jews having too much influence in media and finance than is healthy for the nation...doesn't make one a Nazi fan.
Anymore than liking Reagan makes one a fascist or thinking a viable national health insurance plan is eventually needed here(Obama's is bad) makes oneself into another Communist butcher bent on genocide.

Nor does someone with an Israel Uber Alles mindset like Chef Mojo necessarily translate into a person of no loyalty to the US...

And it is no more bigoted to say Christian Zionists are a revolting lot than it is to say radical Islamists are a revolting lot.

Toad Trend said...

I concur he has played himself out, despite some timely digging on some of the principals in our current 'administration'.

I'm tired of his weepiness. I do like a lot of his guests as they are a lot more interesting than he is.

I find Stossel alot more interesting due to his libertarian bent.

Chef Mojo said...


Foreswearing Zionism and Israel as the 51st state as well as Jews having too much influence in media and finance than is healthy for the nation...doesn't make one a Nazi fan.

Bullshit. Your reasoning is the same as the Nazis, so why not call a spade a shovel? The same arguments you use, are the same as ever.

Worse, you get off on it. You really do. You are nothing but a jackbook fetishist wallowing in your fantasy of Jewish domination.

What? Are the Jews whipping your pale, tender skin just a little too hard?

Anti Jewish fucks like yourself are experiencing a resurgence, I see.

I can take just about everyone here that I disagree with, but you? I just cannot see how Althouse can forbid the word, "ni**er," and yet tolerate your vicious anti Jew spewing.

Well. I guess since you don't use the word, "kike," it's all ok, right?

Phil 314 said...

Don't feed the trolls, particular the intellectually disjointed ones.

J said...

4: 37. Heh heh. Projecting again, Moj? Yr the cocksucker here, Mojo yid. Then, that's family tradition--like yr whore mama. Ill kick yr teeth in personally bearbyatch. Already got a line on you, dreck.

Yo cedarford sounds nearly reasonable at times. Send these scumbags back to Rahm.com

J said...

Open yr greasy whore hole, and belch Mojo-skank (is it woman or man? or both)

All ye need to know AIPAC shit. (links oder rechts)

J said...
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Chef Mojo said...
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Chef Mojo said...

Oh, J!

I'm touched at your attentions, you anti-semitic poseur putz. You keep bringing the funny!

Now, be a good little putz, and go back in your corner and jerk of some more with Cedarford.

LOVE the threats of violence! It's so indicative of the liberal mindset.

Yo, libtards! You own this guy! Either put a muzzle on him or put him down. He's your bitch.

Cedarford said...

Poor Chef Mojo - you make a gratuitous shot, I shot back politely and like a craven little snit you mewl for the board monitor to end your persecution.

Sorry, if you wish to be a Zionist ball-licker, that is your business...but if people don't like Israel as the 51st state or the New York financial meltdown, that's their read on things.

It is getting a little long and old to say that only Jews get an immunity pass from criticism for some suffering and tribulations that happened before most people were born.
And if in a position of dominance in industries that leads to bad neocon adventures, collapse of default derivatives, or Journolist conspiring to manipulate news to achieve progressive Jewish causes - same scrutiny has to attend Jews as any other ethnicity. Just like Muslims, Al Sharptons people, or southern white fundies or government union bosses.

To me, screams of "anti-Semitism!!" about any dissing of Jewish lobbies or problems in industries they dominate - are like Muslims screaming "bigotry and Islamophobia!" about being called out on the latest mob of Muslim head-choppers. Or any problems pointed out about fundies or inner city blacks is - bigoted, racist. And saying government unions have problems does not make one an "enslaver of the workers".

J said...

Ah you have ESP or xray vision, mojodreck?

Little putz would be your bum daddy, garbage

your insults are as pathetic as the rest of yr Ayn Randish scrawls and whines.

Stick to the shofar, dreck.

J said...

who is this little twisted creep Cedarford? Like Ruth Buzzi on crack or something.

Shut yr piehole, byatch. Capichay?