March 7, 2011

Sarah Palin gets in Kathy Griffin's 50-year-old face.

I'm sure Palin fans are delighted at the feisty smackdown. But there's no way that Kathy Griffin doesn't love it. So... everybody wins. I mean, these 2 women could be in collusion, the mutual benefits are so great.

As for the leave-my-kids-alone routine: Bristol Palin is 21 years old. Not only is she an adult, she's an adult who chose to go on a big network TV show, wear sexy costumes, and dance all over the stage week after week in an effort to get millions of people to call in votes for her so she could win a big prize. That's completely inviting mockery.

As for Willow Palin — she's only 16, but she was prominently featured on "Sarah Palin's Alaska." Her teen-girl petulance was served up — by her mother — for our amusement. You can't do that and also claim a special insulation for the children. I mean you can, if you want to play to your fans who love that Mama Grizzly stuff.

Now, Sarah Palin was confronted by the question about Griffin, so she didn't go out of her way to bash the has-been 50-year-old  bully comedienne. What else could she have said? She didn't have to be so confrontational. She might have said comedy is comedy, and people love to have their fun or something bland like that. But then I wouldn't be writing about her, and you wouldn't be talking about her, and Kathy Griffin wouldn't be furiously working the statement into a new Palin-bashing....


Pastafarian said...

You're criticizing Palin for defending all of her children, even the adults.

That's odd, since Palin specifically names the 16-year-old, and the article mentions Griffin's side-splittingly hilarious bit about "the retarded baby." And I'm not sure why a child's age ever makes it inappropriate to defend that child against slander and mockery.

By the way, Kathy Griffin was actually funny about 15 years ago. I've seen her do stand-up a couple of times, and met her once. But then she decided to slobber all over liberals' knobs sometime in the middle of the last decade in a failed effort to move from the D to the C list.

Unknown said...

If The Zero's teenage daughter is supposed to be out of bounds, so should Miss Sarah's. Agree Bristol is another story, but leave the younger ones out of it.

Also agree this falls under the old, "any publicity is good publicity", thing for Griffin, but only in the sense that it more firmly establishes her in the same class as Margaret Cho, Wanda Sykes, and Bill Maher.

As to Miss Sarah's reaction, that's what mothers do when their children are slimed. It should be no different for her - oh, yeah, right, she's a Conservative Republican, so everything's fair game.

Ron said...

Didn't Griffin play the title role in Secretariat?

Calypso Facto said...

"Kathy who?" would have been the appropriately killer response from Plain.

Like Pasta, I have a vague memory of Griffin maybe being mildly amusing a long time ago...

aronamos said...

This is the same woman who paraded around Palin's grandchild's worthless babydaddy in Hollywood. I'm sure there weren't warm feelings before the assaults on the kids.

I've never found Griffin funny.

SteveR said...

I have no respect for Griffin, she's crude and unfunny, but if Palin wants to be taken seriously politically, she has to ignore idiots like that. In any case Palin has put her kids out there, it's hard to expect they wouldn't get attention.

Joe said...

edutcher, that cuts both ways. A politician can't trot out their offspring as part of their campaign and then demand that offspring be left alone by the press.

MayBee said...

And I'm not sure why a child's age ever makes it inappropriate to defend that child against slander and mockery.

Justin Bieber gets criticized and mocked pretty regularly. I don't think it's out of bounds.

Calypso Facto said...

Plain = Palin. But you knew that. Oops.

MayBee said...

If The Zero's teenage daughter is supposed to be out of bounds, so should Miss Sarah's.

Sarah did feature her daughter in a reality tv show, so I do think there is a difference.

However, I also think it's pretty clear Obama uses his daughters (especially the little one) to boost his popularity when it sags. I don't have a problem with people calling him out on that.

AllenS said...

The obama children are shown all of the time, posing with mommy and daddy. That shouldn't give anyone a reason or excuse to make fun of them.

Martin L. Shoemaker said...

Motherly pride and a mother's protective impulse sometimes override rational thought, especially when caught unawares. As a mother, Professor Althouse, you should know this.

Unknown said...

Joe said...

edutcher, that cuts both ways. A politician can't trot out their offspring as part of their campaign and then demand that offspring be left alone by the press.

You mean the way the Kennedys, the Edwardses, or the Clintons did?

Anonymous said...

With respect, Prof. Althouse, the link states: "Last year, Griffin made fun of Bristol Palin for being overweight and “gain[ing] like 30 pounds a week [during Dancing with the Stars].” At the beginning of this year, Griffin said she’d spend 2011 targeting 16-year-old Willow Palin in an effort to find a new Palin family member to harass. In 2009, Griffin received flak for calling Palin’s baby Trig, who has Down’s Syndrome, a “retarded baby.”
Frankly, if someone had made fun of my children (no matter what the age, they are still MY children) I'd have reacted much more, ah, aggressively than did Palin.

Pastafarian said...

Joe said: "A politician can't trot out their offspring as part of their campaign and then demand that offspring be left alone by the press."

I missed the part where Palin suggested nominating Willow to the Supreme Court or naming Trig Secretary of Defense.

I think I remember seeing them up on the stage with her at the ends of a couple of speeches. Have Obama's children ever appeared on a stage with him?

Anonymous said...

The obama children are shown all of the time, posing with mommy and daddy. That shouldn't give anyone a reason or excuse to make fun of them.

Malia is a terrible World of Warcraft player and Sasha is addicted to Frosted Flakes.


Ann Althouse said...

"If The Zero's teenage daughter is supposed to be out of bounds..."

What reality shows were Sasha and Malia on?

Pastafarian said...

The Palin children aren't targeted because they've appeared on reality shows.

It's a political hit by a hack seeking favor from the liberal entertainment industry establishment, and it's a hit on a civilian not involved in the political fray.

Richard Dolan said...

Palin has an engaging directness as well as a good ear -- not too many will really care that her kids aren't all that young and exploit the spotlight when it suits them (and Sarah). Over the weekend one of the Brit papers (FT?) published an interview with Paul Johnson who contrasts Palin favorably with the old-time feminists and is a big Palin fan. Her fan club is growing in unexpected places. Doesn't necessarily mean that she would make a good president, though.

Chef Mojo said...

What reality shows were Sasha and Malia on?

The Democratic National Convention in '08. That's about as reality-show as it gets.

KCFleming said...

"She might have said comedy is comedy"

Too bland, and it allows that Griffin's methods are acceptable. Taking Palin's kid's ex-boyfriend around on a dog-n-pony show suggests deeper-than-average enmity by Griffith.

Which is why her stuff in re: Palin isn't terribly funny.

How about Palin saying: Oh, I love comedians. I would just love it if Kathy Griffith got back into doing comedy again.

MadisonMan said...

If The Zero's teenage daughter is supposed to be out of bounds, so should Miss Sarah's.

When you put your kids out there on a reality TV show, people will comment. Obama's kids are prisoners of their parents' doings just as much as Palin's are, but all the Obama kids are doing is what most kids are doing: Going to school, etc.

Disclaimer: I never watched Sarah Palin's Alaska so my interpretation of how Willow Palin behaved is based solely on Althouse's comment. Ideally, a comment would be WTH is Palin doing serving up her daughter like this? That's what I would say at least. It doesn't strike me as good parenting to include your kid in a reality TV show.

Pastafarian said...

Richard, I also heard that Griffin was doing stand-up in Europe and did a bit about Bristol being "the white Precious", and Griffin was booed.

I don't think that we should ignore the racism lurking beneath criticism of Bristol's weight, by the way. She's part Eskimo. They're not exactly lithe, wispy ballerinas. It's a little like criticizing Sasha and...what's the other pseudo-Russian name...Malia for being too dusky in complexion.

MadisonMan said...

Now I see I should have read the whole thread before commenting. Apologies for duplicating a thought already expressed.

Let me add that Kathy Griffin doesn't strike me as particularly funny. She's pretty good at publicity-seeking however.

Anonymous said...

"What reality shows were Sasha and Malia on?"

Doesn't matter. If Palin's children were hidden away somewhere Griffin and the rest of the bottom-feeders would be attacking them. Inversely, if Sasha and Malia were on a reality TV show Joy Behar would be freaking out if anyone on the right even mentioned they watched it.

It's just a specific in the overall civility debate. Liberals don't have to be civil, and frankly, I'm not sure they know how to be.

Pastafarian said...

MadMan said: "When you put your kids out there on a reality TV show, people will comment."

And when you put a hope-n-change bumpersticker on your car, people will key it.

In both cases, those people are assholes. The fact that these things happen and that they're foreseeable doesn't excuse them.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Palin has good instincts but is not super smart. That is why she can't resist taking the bait from irrelevant libs.

X said...

under these guidelines Obama's dreaming drunken deadbeat dad is also fair game even though it would also be in poor taste.

Pastafarian said...

Yes, AJ, all of us Althouse readers know: Oh, no, Palin is teh stooopid.

And yet we're still talking about her, more than we do the winning vice presidential candidate. That's odd, huh?

Aridog said...

What the heck ... I'll go with the two women in collusion bit. Whoever said here that publicity is publicity, it's all good (or something like that?) got it right.

As for the Palin "Momma Grizzley" meme ...great example of fictional imagery created from pure vapor. Anyone actually watch her Alaska television show?

My favorite part was her running down hill to be sure her caribou prey was dispatched ... carrying her rifle upside down. We all hunt like that, right?

traditionalguy said...

Willow and Piper will have to survive being made fun of in public and grow thick skins. When Griffin takes down other adult celebrities who have ways to get her back, such as banning her appearance on shows, it is like watching a bar room bully and is mildly interesting. But watching Griffin build her career on beat downs of under age and defenseless kids makes me sick to my stomach. So I believe Palin's response is the proper one. For her not to respond would be a show of cowardice. We don't need another coward in the Presidency

Aridog said...

And when you put a hope-n-change bumper sticker on your car, people will key it.

Thanks, Pastfarian ... that line made my day.

Pastafarian said...

Well, Aridog, I've always carried my rifle muzzle-down. It keeps rain and debris from trees out of the muzzle. It gives me a lower profile when climbing through brush. And it allows me to put the padded portion of the sling near the stock, so that the unpadded portion can be wrapped around my front arm in the firing position.

But maybe that's not what you're talking about.

PacoThe Ridiculous said...

>>As for Willow Palin — she's only 16, but she was prominently featured on "Sarah Palin's Alaska." Her teen-girl petulance was served up — by her mother — for our amusement.<<

Wow..have you been on some really serious cold medicine the past couple of days. the last several psots have been very strange.

Ann..the girl is 16. So what if she "showed her petulance"?. She's effing 16.

Kathy Griffin threatened to destroy a 16 year old girl.

Have you been catching hell in the faculty lounge and therefore feel the need to fly your blue flag to get back in the leftist's good graces.

Childish, Ann. Childish

Peter Hoh said...

Meanwhile, at Pawlenty headquarters, Tim and his staff are desperately trying to find a b-list celebrity who is willing to get into a public spat with the former governor.

James said...

edutcher, that cuts both ways. A politician can't trot out their offspring as part of their campaign and then demand that offspring be left alone by the press.

Really? I distinctly remember when Obama's campaign was foundering in Indiana and Sasha (the little one) got up on stage, took the microphone and said "vote for my daddy."

So it seems to me that you're saying its okay for Obama to use use his kids to garner votes but they must be left alone otherwise. Hypocrite much?

I just looked it up and this incident occurred in Fort Wayne, IN on May 5, 2008. At the time Hilary was leading him going into the Indiana primary.

KCFleming said...

Poor Pawlenty.

Skinny, competent, polite, and scandal-free GOP policy wonks just don't make the average voter's heart go pitty-pat.

If only he were a liberal radio host that took money from a Boys-and-Girls club and hid ballots in his trunk, or a professional wrestler-turned-small town mayor who had a talk radio stint.

Maybe he should do the Wellstone thingy and drive around in a dilapidated schoolbus.

MayBee said...

Ann..the girl is 16. So what if she "showed her petulance"?. She's effing 16.

It's not that she showed her petulance.

It's that she had a starring role on a television show.
We would scoff at say, Justin Bieber's parents if they said their son was off-limits to criticism based on his age.

I agree that people have attacked Palin's kids unfairly, and used their appearance at campaign events to pretend she's put them in the spotlight. That was wrong, especially compared to political tradition.

But the reality tv show did, legitimately, put them in the public spotlight. It was a decision made, and we all know decisions have consequences. Losing the ability to say your kids can't be discussed was one of the consequences.

Mick said...

I love the way Palin sends Liberals into a hissy fit of righteous indignation, while they try to identify her as the R. candidate (so they can isolate and ridicule the target in their best Alinskyan fashion).
She is the kingmaker, not the king.
It's very telling how the Left is so unhinged with hate towards a strong principled woman, even though they are supposedly so Pro Women's rights (which is really only pro women's right to murder the unborn, otherwise better seen than heard).

KCFleming said...

As mentioned, eminent historian Paul Johnson, a Brit, said he admired Palin, specifically that he liked "the cut of her jib."

Joe said...

(The Crypto Jew)

But the reality tv show did, legitimately, put them in the public spotlight. It was a decision made, and we all know decisions have consequences. Losing the ability to say your kids can't be discussed was one of the consequences.

Yes, yes just imagine if I don’t know Dennis Leary or Ron Silver or Rush Limbaugh were to say, that THIS year they intend to attack Sasha or Melia….that’s all you need to ask yourself…what would the response be? EXACTLY, High Dudgeon…but as Willow has appeared on TV and is the daughter of THAT Womon she’s fair game…right.

Joe said...

(The Crypto Jew)

As mentioned, eminent historian Paul Johnson, a Brit, said he admired Palin, specifically that he liked "the cut of her jib."

Pogo, OBVIOUSLY you mean T. Coddington Voorhees VII and you meant “Obama”…..

KCFleming said...

Griffith has indeed demonstrated mastery of the difficult field of skewering teenagers and retarded toddlers.

Soon, she will effortlessly mock the poor, the recently widowed, and those with dementia.

Her skills are expansive, and perhaps know no bounds.

Pastafarian said...

MayBee, I really need to keep up with pop culture better. I completely missed "the retarded baby"'s turn on "Survivor: Redemption Island." Did he win any immunity challenges?

And the 16-year-old girl is ripe for public mockery because she appeared in what was essentially a fishing show, where she was shown fishing from a river bank with her family.


I wonder how many times Bill Dance's daughter was called poor white trash to a guffawing audience of public employees and college students. Probably happened all the time.

KCFleming said...

"OBVIOUSLY you mean T. Coddington Voorhees VII"


I didn't know "jib" was a sailing term. I thought it meant he like her profile. Maybe it does.

MayBee said...

And the 16-year-old girl is ripe for public mockery because she appeared in what was essentially a fishing show, where she was shown fishing from a river bank with her family.

I don't think she's "ripe" for public mockery. She's been put in a position where it is hard to defend her as not a public person.

If you want to describe the show that way, fine. It was a reality show, the family chose to be on it, and they were paid for it.

It doesn't make Kathy Griffn honorable or funny.

William said...

There should be a seperate Pulitzer, Emmy, and Oscar to that reporter, comedian, or performer who causes the most damage to Sarah Palin. They are all competing, anyway, so some recognition should be made of their efforts. The benchmark performance was achieved by Tina Fey but it must be said that her performance sadly lacked malice and rancor. Kathy Griffin is several tiers below Tina Fey, but it can now be shown that her barbs have gotten under Palin's skin. And isn't that, after all, the highest honor and the whole point of all these insults? Palin has granted Griffin the highest honor at her disposal. Griffin's next ten appearances on the Letterman show are now assured.....The only way it could get any better for Griffin would be if the Pope could be made to lambaste her during a balcony address.

AllenS said...

I love the cut of your spinnaker.

Lombardi Chick said...

It's amazing how any bad thing that happens can be twisted into an opportunity to criticize Sarah Palin.

Some ugly, bitchy, middle-aged comic attacks a couple of young women who did nothing to her, and who is to blame? Sarah Palin, of course.

Well, she knows she's the real target of all this (what better way to attack a woman than to go after her children?), and she's calling Griffin out. I personally admired her response.

Aridog said...

Pastafarian ... "maybe that's not what you're talking about"

Nope ... it isn't what I was talking about.

She was carrying, with both hands, outstretched, the rifle scope side down, trigger side up, ... running downhill.

Almost as funny as her daddy having to rack the bolt for her several times while she's actually shooting ... 5 misses and one hit.

I'm just guessing, but I suggest her shooting, hunting and wilderness knowledge in general is scant.

A meme is a meme. Coined.

Unknown said...

The fact she was on the reality show is irrelevant. It doesn't give anybody license to go after her because they haven't got the guts to go after Republican, as opposed to Democrat, Mom.

Campaigns are reality shows, if anyone wants to push the line. So are the little jaunts Michelle (or Hillary) takes to places like Vail. The girls go along and are shown off to some purpose, such as, "Aren't we the all-American family and aren't I a wonderful example as a mother?" as well.

Paddy O said...

Funny how Griffin is basically living out her one episode role in Seinfeld.

Paddy O said...

"What reality shows were Sasha and Malia on?"

Palin's kids were being attacked prior to the Alaska show and DWTS.

Hagar said...

Bristol Palin is of age, owns her own house now, and should have to take her lumps for her own actions, but she is being attacked for being her mother's daughter, not for her own doings.

Willow and Piper are still children living with their parents and had ought to be off limits as much as Sasha and Malia.

"Sarah Palin's Alaska" was hardly a "reality show." Making use of Sarah Palin's fame, or notoriety, to promote Alaska (and, yeah, Sarah herself) is not the kind of schlock we associate with the term "reality show."
(Personally, I took it more like a "nature show" with Sarah talks-talks-talks kind of like background music really.)
Anyway, agin, these people are going after the kids for who their parents are, not for anything the kids did or are.

Joe said...

(The Crypto Jew)

She was carrying, with both hands, outstretched, the rifle scope side down, trigger side up, ... running downhill.

Almost as funny as her daddy having to rack the bolt for her several times while she's actually shooting ... 5 misses and one hit.

And this is bad HOW? And the five shot meme was is nice, but as the rifle she WAS firing had been dropped and the boresight knocked off true, the last shot WAS true, from a different rifle….but hey if it makes you feel better…still she didn’t ask 'Can I get me one of them there huntin' licenses?'.

Lombardi Chick said...

I'm just guessing, but I suggest her shooting, hunting and wilderness knowledge in general is scant.

So you're calling her and her parents liars?

She was raised in Alaska not all that long after statehood was achieved. The whole damned place was practically wilderness.

Paddy O said...

"That is why she can't resist taking the bait from irrelevant libs."

Yet, we also have the example of George W. Bush. He refused to take the bait, and in doing that basically conceded a whole lot of false narratives about his identity, motives, etc. Dan Quayle suffering much the same way.
I'd suggest that wasn't that smart either.

Palin is choosing to stand up to such attacks. Because whether or not such attempts to define her are worthy of her attention, such attempts can and do enter into the national consciousness. So, only by responding can she push back and assert her own attempts to define herself.

I think this might backfire against a really smart comedian, but Kathy Griffin isn't one. She's not funny a all, but only can capitalize on junior high quality cattiness. Which is basically the female humor equivalent of fart and booger jokes.

Lucien said...

Scrappy and confrontational is Palin's style. She does not avoid conflict, she does not tear-up, she does not retreat, she re-loads.

Whether that style is to one's taste, or not, it seems to be a relativley new one in female political figures on the national stage. It is the contribution that Palin makes that others with more polished political skills and resumes will ba able to follow.

It's a big part of what scares the bejesus out the folks on the other side when they think of Palin (that plus her fecundity and sexuality).

I don't think she's likely to change her M.O. any time soon.

MayBee said...

"Sarah Palin's Alaska" was hardly a "reality show." Making use of Sarah Palin's fame, or notoriety, to promote Alaska (and, yeah, Sarah herself) is not the kind of schlock we associate with the term "reality show."

*You* associate with the term "reality show".
It was a reality show. Sarah chose to be on it, and she chose to put her kids on it. It was entirely optional.

Do any of the people criticizing Griffin think Palin perhaps also made a mistake either doing the show, or putting her kids on it?

The Crack Emcee said...

I'm sure Palin fans are delighted at the feisty smackdown.

Yeah, we must admit, we are.

PacoThe Ridiculous said...

>>Ann wrote: What reality shows were Sasha and Malia on?<<

Was that a serious question?...seriously?? Are you that messed up on cold meds?

Who made being on a reality show a crime? The Obama kids are constantly used for publicity purposes? How is sitting for a posed propagandistic family portrait for a magazine cover considered loftier than showing a family out fishing...and all the entailed family dynamics?

The girl is 16, you blithering idiot. Is it really OK by you for her to be the subject of such vitriol from supposed adults?

PacoThe Ridiculous said...

Hey, Ann...Obama mentioned his daughetrs when he appeared on an episode of Myth Busters... they must be destroyed.

Sounds stupid, no?

rcocean said...

"edutcher, that cuts both ways. A politician can't trot out their offspring as part of their campaign and then demand that offspring be left alone by the press."

Bullshit. All politicians "Trot their kids out" - that doesn't mean they should be targets and anything goes.

Have liberals no shame? (rhetorical question). Just a little while ago you all full of Faux-outrage that Michelle was called fat. Does anyone take liberals seriously anymore?

BTW, I'm always struck by variance between the characterizations of Palin's words and what she ACTUALLY said.

rcocean said...

BTW, the whole "I'll take the high road and say nothing" has never NEVER worked for conservatives. Ask Dan Quayle or Bush I.

Politics ain't beanbag- and playing the Lady or the high-toned Gentlemen only gets you defeated.

caplight said...

This kind of question isn't meant to be settled on legalistic notions of how much exposure a politicians child has had and of what kind (just on stage vs reality show). It is a matter of decency. But then that is a concept in short supply in Hollywood to be sure but also the nation at large. Willow is off limits to ridicule even though she was on the reality show.

Anonymous said...

"...catching hell in the faculty lounge and therefore feel the need to fly your blue flag..."

Against my better judgment this thought has crossed my mind, now for the second time.

wv: moldi, Griffins humor.

GulfofMexico said...

Feigned indifference would be more presidential, assuming she cares about being that way.

KCFleming said...

In 2007, Kathy Griffin’s father John died from complications of heart failure and myeloma.

He had appeared on Kathy Griffin: My Life on the D-List.

Old man dying?
Griffin in tears?

Comedy gold, right?

KCFleming said...

"Feigned indifference would be more presidential,

...or the Obama Finger.

Aridog said...

So you're calling her and her parents liars?

Why, yes I am. You noticed.

"And this is bad HOW?"

And you noticed the change of rifles. Good. Notice she was running down hill with the one that was dropped and misaligned, not the one she made the final shot with?

And 5 missed shots with a rifle before you decide it's not zero'd properly anymore ...due to a prior drop on the ground?

Nothing "wrong" with daddy racking the bolt. However, most riflemen and women do it for themselves. Or maybe it's just me.

Many Alaskans are not wilderness versed, by itself no issue ... only when you assume because one lives in Alaska they automatically are grizzled wilderness vets. Todd, maybe. Momma Bear, no way.

People who must fib to make their image leave me wondering why?

It may be compulsive afterall. You wanna talk about her statement about what only kind of plane can land at Kavik River Camp?

That was another "good one" ... considering another "realtiy show" about flying in Alaska make mockery of it in the same season.

Actually, Sarah would be easier to take seriously if she just quit making stuff up.

Andrea said...

"Feigned indifference would be more presidential, assuming she cares about being that way."

Funny, Bush did the "feigned indifference" thing to constant vitriolic criticism all through his presidency and it drove everyone crazy. "Why doesn't he say something!?! Why doesn't he confront them??!!" was all I heard from frustrated Bush supporters and even more neutral parties. I don't remember very many people approving of this aspect of his presidency. But every time Palin so much as opens her peep, the gears start grinding. Why don't you just admit that you think a lady should never argue or get upset?

Ann Althouse said...

""Sarah Palin's Alaska" was hardly a "reality show." Making use of Sarah Palin's fame, or notoriety, to promote Alaska (and, yeah, Sarah herself) is not the kind of schlock we associate with the term "reality show.""

How many episodes did you watch? Did you watch the later episodes that focused on Willow?

Joe said...

(The Crypto Jew)

So Aridog the fact she fired five times discounts her from the Presidency? Walk me thu it, it’s OK her Dad wracked the bolt, but still it’s NOT, right…you’re a “concern troll” then…it’s not that you’re AGAINST anything or anyone, you’re just “concerned.” Thank you Tom Dashle…..

GulfofMexico said...

I generally appreciated Pres. Bush's feigned indifference, regardless of public sentiment towards it. He certainly would not have let Kathy Griffin, of all people, concern him. Neither would Pres. Clinton.

PaulV said...

Kathy Griffin said she was going to take on Willow next
She was booed when whe attacked Palins in front of troops with her Fat ass hanging out of her shorts.

PacoThe Ridiculous said...

>>How many episodes did you watch? Did you watch the later episodes that focused on Willow?<<

So....because she was on a reality show she must be destroyed??

Wow...simply, wow

blake said...

I do believe Paco and the Atypical NYer misread the Althouse.

However, this is silliness: It's not like Palin's kids hadn't been raked over the coals prior to the--well, it started on day one of her nomination.

Remember? Everything from the funny T-names to Birthers. From day one.

So the whole "Well, NOW she's ASKING for it!" rings a little hollow.

It's never stopped, and shows no sign of stopping soon. If I were Palin, I'd do what I was gonna do, regardless. Even something as heinous as letting my dad rack a bolt for me.

And if it's valid to attack her kids, it's valid for her to attack the attackers. And possibly fun.

shiloh said...

"Sarah Palin gets in Kathy Griffin's 50-year-old face."

Well, at least it was a fair fight lol.

palin rises to her level of incompetence ie The Peter Principle.


JFK battled Khrushchev

Reagan battled Gorbachev

and palin battles Griffin

Interesting contrast as palin battles Griffin would indeed be great reality tv.

'nuf said!

Aridog said...

Hey Joe (The Cryto ...)

Walk you through it, okay:

Taking five shots to determine the obvious is indicative of a slow thought process.

Not racking your own bolt is indicative of inexperience ... how many hunters and riflemen, over 6 years of age, do you know who need this assistance from daddy? Or whose daddy would even provide it?

Now I'm a "concern troll" ... here, let me clear that up: No doubt in my mind that Sarah Palin is a bad choice for even candidacy for the Presidency ... fortunately only her acolytes have suggested she's going to run.

Now if she DOES run, I'm wrong, but I doubt it ... she likes the spotlight she commands now. Never mind she has quit mid-term the only two state level executive positions she's ever held.

I did NOT say it "wasn't right" ... I did imply it's pretty fair indication of her lack of experience. I think is was funny, to tell the truth.

What on earth does does the potential Presidential candidacy have to do with her poor rifle skills? You conflating somehting?

On a personal level vis a vis her record as Alaska Governor; I dislike her and her actual actions as same. Said actions were NOT in line with her alleged positions now, but were convenient to her aspirations back then.

Grifter in Chief gives each Alaskan a $1200 check from oil revenues, never mind a deficit or the fact Alaska draws about $1.80 in federal money for every $1.00 in federal taxes paid in aggregate.

Mostly, I think of Palin as an amusing side show. It's enhanced somewhat since my better-half volunteered for her in '08. Keeps it interesting.

mtrobertsattorney said...

What reality shows were Malia and Sasha on?

Ans: The most "real" reality show of them all: The White House Reality Show

Joe said...

(The Crypto Jew)

What on earth does does the potential Presidential candidacy have to do with her poor rifle skills? You conflating somehting?

So why bring it up? I don’t worry about Obama’s bench press or his golf swing…see that’s what makes you a “concern troll” you aren’t “saying” anything, just expressing concerns, negative ones, but too nebulous to be called upon…or when called on them, suddenly it’s no big deal…so Palin is slow because she took five shots….”she’s stoopit” but Hey you really don’t think that this means anything, right? Which is it? It matters or it doesn’t? If it matters, tell me why? If it DOESN’T tell me why you’d even bring it up?

Thank you for playing.

Anonymous said...

"...misread the Althouse."

I'm not saying that it's so, it just was a thought.

With all that the Professor is reporting on in Madison, I'm thinking that many of her colleagues are not exactly euphoric that she's not slanting things their way.

AA's two little slapbacks are trivial but so are the liberal minds(that would appreciate them) that I've seen protesting for the past two weeks .

Just something that crossed my mind is all.

Joe said...

(The Crypto Jew)

Grifter in Chief gives each Alaskan a $1200 check from oil revenues, never mind a deficit or the fact Alaska draws about $1.80 in federal money for every $1.00 in federal taxes paid in aggregate.
I believe that’s required by Alaskan Law….and the cheque is larger now, because Palin renegotiated the deal with Big Oil. *WOW* As over 2/3 of Alsaka is Federal Land I would imagine that the Federal Government would mightily impact Alaska’s economy and government, possibly if they’d allow drilling in ANWR they’d get more money from Alaska.

Hagar said...

As far as I know, I have seen all of them. (I may be atypical in that I have kind of come to actually like hearing Ms. Sarah's voice - but then I am also pretty well tone deaf.)

And as for the notorious caribou hunting show - I speculate that the Palins and the film company must have had some mutual anti-editing agreement; otherwise the 5 shots with the "varmint rifle" would have been edited out.

I also think that Chuck Heath does not quite realize that his daughter left the "my little girl" stage 30+ years ago, and that he should have let her bring her own rifle and keep his hands off it.

And anyway, I think the episode showing Ms. Sarah shooting skeet and doing very well (except when her husband tripped her up by pulling when she was not ready for it) showed that Ms. Sarah indeed is quite handy with guns.

For that matter, in the caribou sequence, note that she gets annoyed and takes over the last shot with the "varmint rifle" herself with no hesitation, nor is there any when their friend hands her his rifle. And with the proper sight, the caribou drops as if poleaxed.

Trooper York said...

I used to defend Sarah Palin and her children but once you sign off to appearing on a reality show all bets are off. You, your family and your childern are all fair game for snark and ridicule and nasty hurtful comments.

Remember I said that. It might come in handy someday.

Trooper York said...

Of course that doesn't change the fact that Kathy Griffin is a nasty cunt who should be beaten to death with a shovel.

Trooper York said...

It is nice to see that you have to turn to Sarah Palin to get comments as the ongoing Iranian Wisconsin Hostage Crises is running out of steam.

Maybe we can get some cool photo's of dog's urinating.

Aridog said...

Joe ...

Why'd I bring it up? Simple. She is not what she says she is. Period. A better question is why did she bring it up?

You can consider me a troll ... from what you've said, I almost consider that a compliment. So, thanks.

And you DO need to study up more on Alaskan issues ... the revenue sharing checks are bigger now because Sarah gurl raised the state taxes on Oil Cos. big time while she was in office. Oh, and BTW ...that $1200 voter bribe, er,... revenue sharing .. was not the legally mandated sharing amount, which was $2000 for 2008 ... the $1200 was on top of that, and "special" as requested by Palin's office

I repeat, I am not "concerned" about her individual quirks, just her honesty ... if she runs I will do all I can to assure her defeat in the primaries. If my only choice is Obama or Palin, I'll probably not vote for the office for the first time since 1964.

There would be no point in it.

MadisonMan said...

So....because she was on a reality show she must be destroyed??

That's hardly the question being debated.

If you put your kids on a reality TV show, expect them to be ridiculed. If you don't understand that aspect of reality TV shows, if you put them on TV and then are surprised the pundits and "humorists" pounce, you are either supremely naive or a dunce or addicted to publicity.

PaulV said...

Aridog, you are wrong on the facts on the oil bonus to AK citizens. The oil price had risen that year and there was more money to distribute. Palin allowed lower distribution than possible to ensure enough money for the next year. Did palin have any power on how the federal government spends money? Are you jackass enough to think she did? Much of that federal money in AK is spent on defense bases and national parkland. Libtards complained that Willow was named after witch in Buffy, even though she was born before series started. Palin chewed out Letterman when he said Willow was raped by a Yankee. Willow was the child who attended game with mother. Letterman was forced to eat his words after pressure from advertisers. Now the Palin haters have led to a teenager who tghreatened Palin to go to AK and get get arrested. have you liberals no shame?

shiloh said...

Of course that doesn't change the fact that Kathy Griffin is a nasty cunt who should be beaten to death with a shovel.

It's nice to know someone actually cares ;) about Griffin.

PaulV said...

madman, how do you explain attacks on Willow before the AK Show? Hate by the left against smart woman politician. People with no respoect for women encourage this hate. Why are you not ashamed?

Joe said...

(The Crypto Jew)

Why'd I bring it up? Simple. She is not what she says she is. Period. A better question is why did she bring it up?
Really this “proves” that…who knew? I guess the fact that Dubya couldn’t rope and ride and brand meant he wasn’t who he said he was…..

And you DO need to study up more on Alaskan issues ... the revenue sharing checks are bigger now because Sarah gurl raised the state taxes on Oil Cos. big time while she was in office. Oh, and BTW ...that $1200 voter bribe, er,... revenue sharing .. was not the legally mandated sharing amount, which was $2000 for 2008 ... the $1200 was on top of that, and "special" as requested by Palin's office

I’m sorry this is evil why? When renegotiated it was realized that oil income revenue was INCREASING faster than the oil fund revenue sharing…Palin brought the oil refunds in line with revenue growth, but this makes her….what, evil greedy, a tax-raiser, what? It’s akin to the rifle thing, tell me why this means something?

If my only choice is Obama or Palin, I'll probably not vote for the office for the first time since 1964.

You’re a pretty sad old man if you can vote in Nixon-McGovern or Carter-Ford, but can’t vote in 2012…between Palin and Obama, because they are SO MUCH ALIKE…

Aridog said...

Hagar said..." I think the episode showing Ms. Sarah shooting skeet and doing very well ... "

I realize you are trying to be fair, so I will try to be fair. Sarah's Skeet skills were reasonable... I mean multiple one chip shots tailing the clay pigeon do count. Not quite in the "good" category however.

Oh, dang .. there I go "concern trolling" again!

Sheesh. I think Sarah's wonderful, and that Alaska needs her. Now if they will just keep her :-)

Trooper York said...

Sarah Palin make a concious choice when she put the kids on a reality TV show. It was to serve her political purposes. She has no more right to deferance to her children than Teresa Guidice or Jill Zarin.

Who for the typically uniformed Althouse posters are two of the biggest names in reality television.

Teresa of the "Real Housewives of New Jersey" has her children attacked as stupid, ugly, out of control and talentless on every blog that touches on the show. And that's just the ones that like them.

If you go on the field you might get your uniform dirty.

Welcome to the NFL.

KCFleming said...

Troop, that's no way to treat a shovel.

Trooper York said...

Sarah Palin made a big mistake with this show.

She made it boring.

PaulV said...

Aridog, are you ignorant of the how high oil prices rose in 2008?
The high prices allowed the increase in the dividend to the Alaskan people who owned that oil. You must be ignorant of the fact that Palin was ekected in 2006 and the next AK governor election was 2010. Are you so ignorant that you thought no one who call you on your BS?

Trooper York said...

Now if she had shot a couple of hippies I bet she would have got great ratings.

PacoThe Ridiculous said...

>>If you don't understand that aspect of reality TV shows, if you put them on TV and then are surprised the pundits and "humorists" pounce, you are either supremely naive or a dunce or addicted to publicity.<<

Seriously?? It's OK to attack children because they were on a TV show?
I don't normally say things like this, but you deserve to have your fucking ass beaten

Joe said...

(The Crypto Jew)

I realize you are trying to be fair, so I will try to be fair. Sarah's Skeet skills were reasonable... I mean multiple one chip shots tailing the clay pigeon do count. Not quite in the "good" category however.

Well thanx for owning up to what you’re doing? Have you seen Obama’s form on the Inclined Bench? And he calls 61 kilo’s pumping iron? Sure it has NOTHING to do with his awful policies, but I just thought I’d point out that though he claims to be “fit” he really doesn’t live up to his claim(s)…

PaulV said...

Democrats hate now because Obama is an epic fail? YES, but hate is their game and has been for a long time. sAD.

Joe said...

(The Crypto Jew)

And so because Obama and Palin can’t shoot straight or lift weights properly I shall be forced to vote for NEITHER of them come 2012…no matter what the price of gasoline, no matter how many Death Panels, no matter what the Inflation Rate, because NEITHER of them is what they claim! At least as far as some spurious cr@p I’d like to throw out is concerned….because if you can’t pump iron or skeet shoot better than that, then you have NO CLAIM to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue! It will be the first time since 1948 that I haven’t voted, but this is a PROTEST against the vacuity of the American Political System in 2012! Join Me My Fellow Americans in my demand that politicians live up to whatever image I have painted for them! If you don’t you don’t Love the Children!

Trooper York said...

Seriously?? It's OK to attack children because they were on a TV show?

No one is a bigger fan of Sarah than me but you are wrong here. It might not be right but that happens to the children who appear on reality shows all the time. They are generally humilated and mocked by many many people on blogs and twitters related to these shows. The blog "I Hate Jill Zarin" has five times the traffic of Althouse and it is not uncommon to have five hundred comments threads. Often trashing the kids who appear on these shows.

Sarah Palin and her children are not special. If you appear on these shows you have to take your lumps.

MadisonMan said...

PaulV -- I do not feel much shame for things other people do. Why should I? And I don't spend a lot of time searching out things to condemn. This ticks people off, apparently.

If you have a specific thing to ask me re: an attack on Willow before this show, it's likely I would find it (=the attack) in poor taste at best.

Trooper York said...

Which is not to say that we shouldn't stuff M-80's in Kathy Griffin's twat and blow her cunt off.

That would be most action she would have seen in years. Just sayn'

Lincolntf said...

"The blog "I Hate Jill Zarin" has five times the traffic of Althouse."

For real? This I have to see. I know of the show, and have seen ten minute snippets here and there, but I have no idea who "Jill Zarin" is.

MadisonMan said...

I didn't know who she was either, 'til google told me she was real Housewife of someplace.

Reality TV!

Aridog said...

Your "Sad Old Man" here ... yep, you got it, I'd not vote for Obama or Palin because they are almost exactly alike. All mouth, not much else. Empty suit, empty skirt ... what's to choose?

There's that and my fatigue with voting for the least offensive choice. Hey, I get it wrong a lot ... voted for the "peace candidate" in '64 and whoopee ... as "Country Joe" was wont to say now and then.

Oh, and you, and PaulV, apparently still miss the fact that the $1200 I originally cited was NOT part of the required oil revenues distribution.

Hey, Paul ... read the
Link I cited. What BS is that you're calling?

Hot dang, the Obama gave us up to $2000 or so in "stimulus tax relief" when they cut 2% off the 6.2% employee FICA tax for a year ... never mind SSA is allegedly in dire straits, cut the revenue source, right? That'll fix it!

Guess maybe I should vote for Obama. Unless Sarah says she can top him?

For my part, I've given way to much keyboard time to Palin, more than anything she deserves, so I'm done with it.

However, those in the fan club should keep at it. You might educate us "old tired sorry ignorant" peeps.

MayBee said...

Simply put, Reality TV is not where you put your children if you wish to protect them from public scrutiny and criticism.

Aridog said...

Hey, Joe ... are you are Prosecutor somewhere? You put words in other people's mouths like one.

When you refer to images created, you conflate that in to "criteria" of some sort not mentioned by anyone, and you ignore that it's the images politicians create for them selves, nothing I or others do. What a concept ... expecting politicians to be what they say they are ... oh, wait.

Trooper York said...

The way to counteract Katy Griffin is to point out several salient facts about her miserable life.

For instance in her first series she had to pay a guy to pretend to be her husband who was really only there to steal her ATM card and charge as much on her account as possible because he had to see her naked.

Then there are her parents who tried to drink themselves to death because of their shame.

She is a whole bag of douches.

Aridog said...

...she had to pay a guy to pretend to be her husband who was really only there to steal her ATM card and charge as much on her account as possible because he had to see her naked.


Best comment on this thread.

Joe said...

(The Crypto Jew)

What a concept ... expecting politicians to be what they say they are ... oh, wait.

Because I remember Palin saying, ”Vote For Me, ‘cuz kin bag a Caribou, with one shot!”

Joe said...

(The Crypto Jew)

Palin's administration last week gained legislative approval for a special $1,200 payment to every Alaskan to help cope with gas prices, which are among the highest in the country.

Trooper York said...

I have made a serious study of reality TV shows and I think I know what works and what doesn't. Sarah Palin didn't go "all-in." You can't half-way it. You have to go full "retard" so to speak. And they didn't so they failed.

PaulV said...

Aridog, why do you ignore the facts that Alaskans own that oil and that oil prices rose in 2008? Why should the people not share in windfall? The AK government is not allowed to spend that money in the trust fund. Palin only allowed about half of the windfall be given that year to the owners of that trust fund? Sad that you complain and whine when Palin did the right thing.

PaulV said...

Madman, I am just asking you to condemn the haters of the left? Is that too much to ask?

MadisonMan said...

Madman, I am just asking you to condemn the haters of the left? Is that too much to ask?

I reserve condemnation for specific things. Haters of the Left (you should spell it h8ers!) could mean one person, or every person to the left of Calvin Coolidge, depending on who's talking. Condemnation of the latter is essentially meaningless.

Aridog said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Nichevo said...

Aridog: Are you a moron, a liar, or an asshole? Or all three?

1) I bet you a fucking finger that you voted for Obama in '08 and will vote for Obama on '12 even if God is on the top of the Republican ticket. Any Democrat you did not vote for since you have been voting was an accident.

Aridog said...

Hey Joe (The Cryto ...)

Walk you through it, okay:

Taking five shots to determine the obvious is indicative of a slow thought process.

It is indicative of patience and modesty. I suppose you miss once then fling up the gun and cry "Armorer!"

I had a very similar experience last year - my first string being off to the lower left at a rifle range (their piece). First, second, third. Fired off the clip, four, five - hadn't been out in a while, firing offhand, no doubt it was me - workmen and their tools, you know.

Range instructor came up behind me - How you doin' - Gee I guess I'm out of form - Here lemme see that - couple of clicks - Go ahead try that -

5 in the black. Isn't it nice to know I still got it.

Not racking your own bolt is indicative of inexperience ... how many hunters and riflemen, over 6 years of age, do you know who need this assistance from daddy? Or whose daddy would even provide it?

For real? How many children you know firing live ammo at 6yo? I didn't see the ep, frankly, so don't know if it was overdaddying or what, but can you seriously believe that she couldn't work the bolt for herself? Maybe it was just "Lemme see that."

Now I'm a "concern troll" ... here, let me clear that up: No doubt in my mind that Sarah Palin is a bad choice for even candidacy for the Presidency ... fortunately only her acolytes have suggested she's going to run.

Define "acolyte" if you please.

Now if she DOES run, I'm wrong, but I doubt it ... she likes the spotlight she commands now. Never mind she has quit mid-term the only two state level executive positions she's ever held.

Just like Obama. Who you love and only hope he keeps going.

I did NOT say it "wasn't right" ... I did imply it's pretty fair indication of her lack of experience. I think is was funny, to tell the truth.

Have you ever touched a loaded firearm? Nothing in your commentary leads me to think so.

What on earth does does the potential Presidential candidacy have to do with her poor rifle skills? You conflating somehting?

On a personal level vis a vis her record as Alaska Governor; I dislike her and her actual actions as same. Said actions were NOT in line with her alleged positions now, but were convenient to her aspirations back then.

See, we're close here. You don't like her, so anything you can say against her is convenient. Do you go to bed every night hoping somebody gets a snap of her picking her nose?

Grifter in Chief gives each Alaskan a $1200 check from oil revenues, never mind a deficit or the fact Alaska draws about $1.80 in federal money for every $1.00 in federal taxes paid in aggregate.

Whatever. We all know where that comes from. Who are you hoping to fool?

Mostly, I think of Palin as an amusing side show. It's enhanced somewhat since my better-half volunteered for her in '08. Keeps it interesting.
3/7/11 1:16 PM

Hope she cleans you out in the divorce. I don't think you can handle it.

Aridog said...

PaulV .... last remark from me. Palin is a tax raiser. She raised taxes in Wasilla and did it again in Juneau. If that suits you, great. Me, I'd prefer budget balancing without the tax increases.

rcocean said...

However, this is silliness: It's not like Palin's kids hadn't been raked over the coals prior to the--well, it started on day one of her nomination.

Remember? Everything from the funny T-names to Birthers. From day one.

Exactly. Palin scared the shit out of the Left in 2008 & they've been on a search and destroy mission ever since. Why? She's a conservative with the common touch and she's a She.

They couldn't care less about the Huckster, Mitch, Mitt or Newt because they're either harmless or unelectable. Elect Mitt and you'll get a little less Federal spending and maybe judges like Kennedy - Otherwise Status Quo. IOW, harmless from a liberal perspective. Palin - OTOH - looks like she actually BELIEVES all her conservative rhetoric.

Besides they can always defeat boring white guys with Executive hair.

rcocean said...

And I actually find Griffith funny.

P.S. I am not Gay.

P.P.S.S. Not that's there's anything wrong with that.

veni vidi vici said...

Palin should've responded with something to the effect of, "yeah, well it's nice to see that Kathy has re-upped for 2011 so that her checks will keep coming for using me and my family as the basis of her entire routine."

Let's see how Griffin would respond to something like that, or how quickly the whole spat got buried.

Nichevo said...

AA: Professors in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

Nichevo said...

Aridog: more on the gunnery:

1) Did she observe Rule 3? Finger off the trigger? Yes = WIN.

I know she did, because if she hadn't you wouldn't be whining about how, I suppose, she carried the poor rifle upside down so the scope oil would leak out.

2) Did she nail the caribou with the first shot from the second rifle? Yes = WIN.

So again, what are you whining about? Oh right you quit the thread. Good choice, hump.

Nichevo said...

rc: No, you're only gay if you find her hawt. Did you see that pic of her ass? The air sure went out of that tire!

bgates said...

*You* associate with the term "reality show".
It was a reality show.

No, it wasn't. You can call it a crime procedural if you want. It wasn't that either.

Words mean things.

Trooper York said...

Kathy Griffin trashes everyone in show business up to and including Jesus.

But when Jay Leno said she was too ugly for his show she started to cry and bitch and moan that he was so mean.

Total hypocrite. Perfect liberal Democrat.

She should get bedbugs in her snatch.

shiloh said...

Are you a moron, a liar, or an asshole? Or all three?

Another awesome post from Nichevo.

and so it goes ...

Aridog said...

Nichevo ....

Oh, my, got to you, eh? Most not worth response... but a couple of points:

You amaze me with the assumptions and conclusions you draw. Simply astounding.

Hope you can get by
with 8 fingers after 2012.

I began NRA-Junior riflery, with live rounds, at a supervised range, at age 7 and earned my "Sharpshooter" badge/medal at age 8. You want to see it, email me and I'll send a photo of it and my Expert Badge from the Army circa 1968. So, yeah, other than learning to work a bolt action rifle without help at age 7, and later going off to meet interesting people and kill them, I've never "touched a loaded firearm" ... other than the revolver I carried for 20 years, or my old 30-06 hunting rifle, or my trap gun on Sunday's.

Define "acolyte"? can look it up. I'm pretty sure the sarcasm will be lost on you. You appear to be one of them.

Now I shall try once again to disengage on the Palin meme. Had people working in the house this PM and it's been a nice diversion.

Anonymous said...

Ann Althouse said...

"If The Zero's teenage daughter is supposed to be out of bounds..."

What reality shows were Sasha and Malia on?


Somebody tell Althouse that Palin is a private citizen, not President Of the Unite States.

embarrassing comparison

Aridog said...

Another awesome post from Nichevo....and so it goes ..

I resemble Nichevo's remark! I am a perfect asshole, so I've been toldt. Bwahahahaha.

This stuff only gets dangerous if you take yourself too seriously.

(Pssst: Talk's cheap ... I'm gonna ask Nichevo to send me proof of amputation of a finger in 2012, too!!)

Damn! ... I really DO have to go now. Wanders off muttering to himself.

MayBee said...

No, it wasn't. You can call it a crime procedural if you want. It wasn't that either.

Words mean things.

It was a documentary-style reality show, shot in a "fly in the wall" fashion.
Just because people have negative feelings toward the broad term "Reality show", that doesn't mean they are all alike.
It wasn't news, sports, or scripted comedy or drama.

What do you think it was?

shiloh said...

embarrassing comparison

One, let alone (2) posts re: palin the same day at a political blog is quite embarrassing, eh.

You bet'cha!

Trooper York said...

Kathy Griffin is a big favorite of our gay brethren. It is one of those things like ass sex and Barry Manilow that I don't understand the attraction but if that's what floats your boat you guys should enjoy yourselves.

But in the real scheme of things I think it would be a good idea if a rabid wolverine was trapped in her uterus.

(I include these gynecological insults as a tribute to Loafing Oaf’s well know obsession with Sarah Palin’s reproductive organs…think of it as a homage so to speak)

Trooper York said...

shiloh said...
embarrassing comparison

One, let alone (2) posts re: palin the same day at a political blog is quite embarrassing, eh.

You bet'cha!"

You are new here dude so let me clue you in. This is not really a political blog at all. It is meant to be more eclectic...the evil blogger lady once described it as Fellini meets "The Monkees." It was supposed to have some performance art, discussion of popular culture, photography, politics, law and a whole bunch of photos of dogs urinating.

Unfortunately she has lost her way. I keep trying to pull her back but she is very stubborn.

I mean her first crush David Cassidy was eliminated from "Celebrity Apprentice" last night and he didn't even get a mention. Shocking really!

Nichevo said...

Ari: that's interesting. You shit and piss on the floor, I rub your nose in it, and you're grinning because you got some attention? Now THAT is trolling.

Re: fingers, state your case. I expect to keep all ten - if I jammed my foot up your ass like you deserve I might not want the foot back, but that would be toes not fingers.

Re: 6yo: well, good for you, I envy you actually, but I asked how many others you knew. IIRC my rifle instructor, or the camp where he worked, wouldn't put anything bigger than a BB gun in the hands of a child younger than 10 (his own kids were a different story, LOL). I'd send you copies of my NRA badges but they are in storage.

I know what an acolyte is. I'm wondering in which religious establishment Gov. Palin is ordained.

Shiloh: as for you, bitch, Aridog at least has the balls to face me. Have you replied to my beatdown? Will have to dig through the threads for the fear stink.

Now as for dismissals - I gotta go tend to a pretty lady who appears to be coming down with something. Later for you.

But really, can't we all get along? Surely reasonable men can agree...Kathy Griffin is a skank ho par excellence amirite?

Shanna said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Shanna said...

What reality shows were Malia and Sasha on?

What reality show was Bristol on when I watched CNN spend FOUR HOURS zooming in on a 17 year old girl who was pregnant in 2008 instead of covering a hurricane?

I call bullshit on that line of reasoning. On the bit of that Alaska show I watched all I saw Bristol do was fish.

MayBee said...

Hagar said: " "Sarah Palin's Alaska" was hardly a "reality show." Making use of Sarah Palin's fame, or notoriety, to promote Alaska (and, yeah, Sarah herself) is not the kind of schlock we associate with the term "reality show.""

FWIW, previous Emmy nominations for Best Reality Show have gone to: Frontier House, Colonial House, Antiques Roadshow, Project Greenlight, Trauma:Life in the ER, Dog Whisperer, and Dirty Jobs.

You can associate schlock with the term "reality show", but shows are (put broadly) "reality" when they are not scripted, news, or sports. Documentaries such as "Life" would also not fall into the "reality" category. There is a wide variety of programming that falls into this category, much some of it very much not schlocky.

Trooper York said...

Reality shows are not schlock.

They are the truth.


shiloh said...

Trooper, I was being sarcastic 'cause again, it's almost too easy to make fun of mama grizzly ~ god love her!


Nichevo, I'm totally over er underwhelmed by your "awesomeness" ie (((Are you a moron, a liar, or an asshole? Or all three?

You shit and piss on the floor, I rub your nose in it

I jammed my foot up your ass

Kathy Griffin is a skank ho)))
to even attempt a reply to your measured, reasoned, well thought out grasp of the issues.


Unless this is considered a reply. ;)

take care, blessings and always try to rise above the fray lol

Shanna said...

They couldn't care less about the Huckster

And lord knows there were stories about his kids. We sure never heard a one of them, though.

blake said...

Simply put, Reality TV is not where you put your children if you wish to protect them from public scrutiny and criticism.

Simply put, running for VP as a conservative Republican woman isn't where you put your children if you wish to protect them from public scrutiny and criticism.

From here, it looks like the Palins went from fair game before the Alaska/Dancing stuff -- to fair game after the Alaska/Dancing stuff.

For some of you (Troop, Maybee) this changes something. I'm not sure what, exactly, whether Palin's now just supposed to accept the abuse piled on her children or what, but it seems to me the option was drop out of sight completely (impossible, really) or embrace-and-extend.

rcocean said...

I've always been attracted to Women involved in Comedy. Doris Day, Barbara Eden, Terri Garr, Elizabeth Montgomery.
I even find Sarah SIlverman attractive (a little bit). But never to KG, even though I find her funny.

Are we sure she's not a Lesbian?
There's something about her. She always gives off a Lily Tomlin, Ellen D, vibe.

Stephanie said...

Don't care to look back to who stated that Sarah was carrying the rifle running downhill, and slipped. That she was carrying the rifle incorrectly.

You are lying through your teeth. It was not Sarah that was carrying the rifle. It was her father, Chuck Heath, and no one was running. He was not carrying the rifle incorrectly. They were all walking downhill, and he slipped. That was what knocked the scope out of alignment.

Now, Sarah had control of editing for that show. If she wanted to hide anything she could have edited those 5 shots out of the show, and just showed the one shot kill. She didn't do that.

So, lie all you want, but it doesn't do any good when it can be discredited so easily.

MayBee said...

I'm not sure what, exactly, whether Palin's now just supposed to accept the abuse piled on her children or what, but it seems to me the option was drop out of sight completely (impossible, really) or embrace-and-extend.

Why are those the two choices?
Where I live (in LA), people are constantly bombarded with opportunities to put their children in the spotlight. There are good reasons not to do it, and some good reasons to do it. Every parent has to weigh what is important to them.
The problem is, you can't simultaneously put your kids in the spotlight (a tv show about your family, for example) and claim they should be off-limits for others to discuss.

In politics, there are fairly well-established lines. Yes, people often crossed those lines in a horrible way with the Palins. That was the bad judgement of the people who did it, and it was easy to point out how wrong they were. It was easy to defend Palin against the horrible judgement of those people because politician's kids should be able to come out on stage and wave to the people and still be left out of political attacks.

Putting them on an optional tv show was Palin's own judgement. Now, it could be she figured people already attacked them, so it couldn't hurt if the family made some money because the haters were just going to hate anyway. It could be she thought people would stop criticizing her children. Or it could be she didn't realize people who put their families on tv often end up with kids who are criticized.

There was an option not to do the show, or to do the show without the kids. Why do you think she chose as she did, Blake?

Trooper York said...

The difference is that when she ran for Vice-President she put her children out there like all politicians do. They deserved the same respect that other politicians like Obama and Clinton claimed for their children. The leftist press and the Democrats and insane loony’s like Andrew Sullivan far overstepped the lines in attacking those children.

But when you go on a reality show you pimp your children out in the same way that Ozzy Osborne or Kris Jenner or Teresa Gudice or whoever hatched Snooki did. If they are characters in the show they have to take their lumps like any of those other kids in those reality shows. Now sometimes kids opt out of the show. One of Ozzie Osborne’s kids didn't want to be part of the show so you don't know anything about her while her sister has a big career. The daughter of Dina on the Real Housewives of New Jersey was on for one year but her father pulled her out the next. When you buy into these shows (or your parents buy into it for you) you sort of lose your ability to be protected as if you were not in the public domain in this way.

That doesn't mean that Sarah Palin can't hit back at her critics or her adult or older children can't smack their critics faces on facebook or whatever. But they have lost their amateur standing.

Welcome to the NFL.

Trooper York said...

PS. You should call up poor Kim Richards and she can tell you all about how that goes when you're parents pimp you out and your greedy family sucks you dry.

Television is a dirty game. Politics is even worse. When you put them together you get somethings as dirty and polluted as...I don't know ...or yeah Kathy Griffins twat.

shiloh said...

Again, the ultimate irony: After filming began on her reality series, ms palin was complaining about lack of privacy.

Oh the humanity! as mama grizzly is totally frickin' clueless ...

Trooper York said...

People who sign up for reality shows often do not realize the unintended consquences.

I mean look at the girls on "The Real Housewives of Orange County" which started this Sunday. Allmost all of them are divorced or getting a divorce or their spouse died or they went bankrupt or they had to change the size of their breast implants.

Tragedies all around. The Palin's got off easy.

PaulV said...

MayBee, Palin's children were fair game before the AK travelogue, so why attack her rather than the douches who attack her children. Shiloh, would you be happy if stalker move in next door to you or would you build a high wall?

MayBee said...

MayBee, Palin's children were fair game before the AK travelogue, so why attack her rather than the douches who attack her children.

No, they weren't "fair game", but plenty of douches did attack them.
And I'm not attacking her, I am questioning her judgement if she thought putting her kids on a tv series was going to protect them from more criticism.

Do you think she thought it would?

Trooper York said...

Palin thought it would be good thing for her and her family if they did this series. So did I. We were both wrong. She didn't go "all-in." If Todd had beat the shit out of the reporter next door than they would have something. But the namby-pamby stuff they did just didn't cut it.

You have to go full goose loony if you want to make it in reality TV.

Beau said...

MayBee said...
Simply put, Reality TV is not where you put your children if you wish to protect them from public scrutiny and criticism

There you go, making sense again.

blake said...

>>Why are those the two choices?

Well, you could go about things in a half-assed way, and take all the heat, but that would be kind of dumb.

>>Where I live (in LA),

Howdy, neighbor.


Did she claim they shouldn't be discussed, or did she simply express the truth about Griffin? Strikes me as the latter.


Which had exactly zero effect.


Maybe she's doing these things because they seem like fun ways to show her kids they shouldn't back down from bullies, to be proud of their state, and to confirm her bona fides.

They're in the spotlight, they might as well have some fun with it.

blake said...

That doesn't mean that Sarah Palin can't hit back at her critics or her adult or older children can't smack their critics faces on facebook or whatever. But they have lost their amateur standing.

They never had any of the privileges normally associated with that, so I don't see that they lost anything.

shiloh said...

Shiloh, would you be happy if stalker move in next door to you or would you build a high wall?

Ah the deflecting, irrelevant hypothetical. ok, somewhat relevant.

As I'm not a celebrity, nobody cares about me as has been pointed at AA lately. ;) If I seriously thought someone was stalking me I'd notify the authorities etc.

But w/America's #1 drama queen palin, one never knows what is truth and what is fantasy as palin is also America's #1 publicity hound as much as she hypocritically cries out for her and her family's privacy, Bristol appearing on Dancin' w/the Stars notwithstanding.

Publicity = more palin cash flow, her only true priority ~ creating a fortune.

America, what a country!

Speaking of cash flow, this is why MSM is hopin'/prayin' she runs for president otherwise the Rep primary will be quite :::zzzz:::

Little did McCain know what magnitude of prima donna he was unleashing on mankind. :)

You bet'cha!

Roux said...

If someone was picking on your kids (no matter how old they are) because of your political views or even your commentary during the last few weeks, would you defend them? Would you say leave my kids out of this? You're a Mom, What would you say?

Shanna said...

Maybe she's doing these things because they seem like fun ways to show her kids they shouldn't back down from bullies

I suspect this was what she was attempting. Obviously, Bristol (who got the most crap in the first place) went on a big time reality show and she is going to get flack. She (presumably) made that decision with her eyes open. Hell, it couldn't get much worse at that point.

Also this:

They never had any of the privileges normally associated with that, so I don't see that they lost anything.

These kids were going to catch hell one way or the other. I think the Palin's figured they could let themselves get run out of public life or they could push forward with gusto. Trooper doesn't thing they used enough gusto I gather, but I don't think you could watch that show and actually think the kids acted in a way that left them open as fair game for criticism.

Unless you thought they were fair game from day one.

Aridog said...

Nichevo ..."... if I jammed my foot up your ass like you deserve..."

OMG...are you Iron Fist of old LGF fame? Nah, you just toss rhetorical threats out there for personal aggrandizement. We all know you're a bad ass, but tell us again anyway.

You do confuse easily, are the one who bet me a finger each on 2008 and 2012 that I did and I would vote for Obama. Uh, you lose.

Question: do you drink heavily while posting on line? Or is it just huffing glue fumes?

See ... others can fire up the pointless Ad Hominem insults.

I just stopped back to see if the thread continued....after I "pissed & shit on the floor", be sure to let everyone know when you take over ownership of this blog floor, umkay. I don't comment often, but I read every day, so I won't miss your big day.

PaulV said...

Maybee, The left was trashing children before Palin said anything. She STFU Letterman who got talked to by his bosses cause he was an ass. Why do you think that Leftist will stop attacking children if Palin does not call them out?
Shiloh, your silly rants makes you the drama queen. Have you ever attacked someone's children and not have their mother chew you a new one?

Nichevo said...

Shiloh, after displaying your wares of rancid personal abuse at so many different levels, do you pretend to condescend to me because...zounds...I used profanity? Excuse me, I thought your persona this round was that of a Navy man!

I think I may know what's wrong with you. They have something for that...the brand name is Midol.


1) Can you prove who you voted for/will vote for? If not, why would I believe you? Do you feel you have established credibility here with your bitch rants on Palin's gun etiquette? Or in some other way?

2) Not only did I not recall betting multiple fingers or a finger per election...I didn't say whose finger >;->

3) OK let's attempt to take you seriously. If not Obama, who if anyone did you vote for? If not Obama, who would you wish or be willing to vote for in 2012?

But using one finger per election, I notice your math does seem to indicate that you haven't voted for a Republican before 2008 - so who in '08? Clinton? Nader? Whoever was the commie?

And if you don't like Obama, why would you not vote for Palin if she ran and got the nomination? Instead of the BS reasons you gave, please tell the truth this time.

TW: unleite. Tell us the truth unleite before.

Phil 314 said...

The clip demonstrates one of Palin's weakness; she doesn't do righteous anger well.

She needs something less than this

Maybe closer to this

jaed said...

And I'm not attacking her, I am questioning her judgement if she thought putting her kids on a tv series was going to protect them from more criticism.

Do you think she thought it would?

It seems very unlikely that she thought that.

However, it's certain that not putting her kids in a TV series was also not going to protect them from more criticism (an overly polite term for it, in my opinion).

No course of action would have prevented ugly, heartless, and completely inappropriate trashing by the Good and the Great of our media and entertainment industries... and therefore, it did not make sense to keep them off the show in the vain hope of perhaps deflecting such attacks. If they're going to be vilely attacked no matter what they and their mother do, why not do some fun things? Why cringe away from publicity, when doing that isn't going to save you anyway?

That is what I would guess Palin was thinking.

MadisonMan said...

Somebody tell Althouse that Palin is a private citizen,

Britney Spears is a private citizen. Paris Hilton is. Yet they are mocked and no one seems to care.

Kurt said...

Oh, my poor eyes (or mind's eye, more appropriately, I suppose)!!! Your mention of Kathy Griffin being 50 suddenly made me recall that frightful image of her in a bikini! Yikes!!!

gbarto said...

This may have been mentioned without my noticing but... over a decade ago Kathy Griffin played an unfunny comedienne who got cheap laughs with a show called "Jerry Seinfeld is the Devil" in a bit on Seinfeld's show.

So I think we've known for a long time that Kathy Griffin substitutes being mean and intrusive for being funny.

Palin should have said, "Yeah, and Jerry Seinfeld's the devil. It must be some world Kathy Griffin lives in to talk about people the way she does."

Anonymous said...

You live a charmed life and I am glad to know you via the blog! I swear I could hear that fountain as I looked on!


jamboree said...

I thought Kathy Griffin was way older than that.

Aridog said...

I can't resist...

Nichevo postulated: "... I notice your math does seem to indicate that you haven't voted for a Republican before 2008 - so who in '08? Clinton?"

Huh? A Clinton was on the Presidential ballot in 2008? Who knew?

Nah, I wrote in "Leon Trotsky." Dead guys are just less trouble. You don't have to wait for them to quit.

Nichevo said...

Don't worry, 'dog, I'm past the point of expecting straight answers out of you. Go your ways, sirrah!

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