March 14, 2011

Monday, in the Rotunda, and the protest goes on and on and on.

"Send in the CLOWNS":

Enlarge to see the little sign: "I'm from Illinois but the Koch Bros. are the OUTSIDE AGITATORS."

Meade has a long discussion with a guy who's wearing a Jesse Jackson '88 T-shirt:

Enlarge to read the sign: "Dear Scott Walker, Go back to college & take a Civics class. The only brain in your pants, is your Head Up Your Ass! Sincerely, Mrs. Slob, RN."

Meade with hand gesture that's only superficially similar to the guy in the plaid shirt:


There's the fist and there's the Flip.

Run, children!



Chip Ahoy said...

My sister also operates by a logic unique to herself. I often marvel how she manages to get on much less thrive. She thrives on emotion too.

Anonymous said...

Nothing but a bunch of bitter clingers.

The Crack Emcee said...

Nice. (The "run" photo.)

PogoПОССУМ said...

Remember when you want the мальчик ...little boy to stop the running, use please the painter's blue when taping them to the marble columns.

But no tape the mouth. That is a hearse of a different color.

Automatic_Wing said...

It's almost like a tourist attraction at this point...they should charge $10 for 2 hours of protesting and maybe they'd make a dent in that deficit.

Anne said...

Send in the clowns?

Don't bother, they're here.

Anonymous said...

What's that snorting and slopping noise you ask?
"Wisconsin unions rush to get deals in place"
Workers are scrambling ahead of new law that will limit their ability to collectively bargain

Carol_Herman said...

I love the pictures you got of Meade.

Until I saw (before) pictures of Meade holding his camera, I had no idea that NOW you hold the camera UP and OFF TO THE SIDE.

"In the old days" you had to focus by looking through the viewfinder.

ricpic said...

When there is no shame there is no honor.

Chris B said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Chris B said... didn't actually see Jesus there did you? I mean, it just doesn't seem like he would have to sign into the guestbook. Just sayin'...

Marilee said...

Oh good grief!! Get over yourselves union people. We non-unioners are middle class tax paying citizens too. Sheesh..go home and bake some oookies for the homeless.

Sal said...

It's like seeing Daily Kos commenters in person.

lemondog said...

Heard there is a movie being released shot using only a cell phone video.

Git them while their available. 1988 Jesse Jackson for President T Shirt

tim maguire said...

Is the "I'm from Illinois" sign a very clever plant by Walker supporters?

"Outside" isn't geographic, it's ideological.

Marilee said...

Of course I meant Cookies. But they'd probably like some yummy ookies too. Is that like a noogie??

Lincolntf said...

I think I should head up to Madison for a little while. Set up a three-card Monte game right in the Capitol. Never seen a steadier supply of suckers in my life.

garage mahal said...

It's almost like a tourist attraction at this point...they should charge $10 for 2 hours of protesting and maybe they'd make a dent in that deficit.

The great Jim Hightower said on Saturday that Wisconsin should hold a dunk-tank with Walker to get rid of any deficits. Indeed.

Anonymous said...

"It's almost like a tourist attraction at this point."

These aren't real protesters. They were hired on Craigslist and are working for $7.50 per hour.

It's all a huge fake-out.

Trooper York said...

Youse guys have to find a better hobby than movies of dirty hippies.

Seriously. It's time.

Trooper York said...

I mean I know sking is over but how about bowling or hiking or photo's of dogs urinating or something?

garage mahal said...

If it's 7.50 an hour it has to be coming from the GOP.

Anonymous said...

"The great Jim Hightower said..."


Dust Bunny Queen said...

I wonder how large the protest would be/have been if it were not for the

1. College students who have nothing better to do
2. The people who were bussed in from out of state
3. The paid union agitators
4. The high school and younger students and children brought to the scene
5. The usual wacko mentally ill who show up for these things no matter what the topic.

If it were only the people who were directly affected like the Public Employees IN Wisconsin and the Wisconsin taxpayers....I bet it would be a big nothing.

Hagar said...

This is getting tiresome.

Should not these people bus off to demonstrate in some of the other states that have passed "union busting" bills un-noticed while this has been going on?

SteveR said...

The only brain in your pants, is your Head Up Your Ass!

That supposed to be clever?

Phil 314 said...

Dear Ms. RN, Go back to college & take a Civility class.

lawyapalooza said...

Step outside right now and take a picture of the hundreds of peaceful protesters following a sign celebrating the fact that the Madison School District used the collective bargaining process to ratify their contract last night. With the teachers agreeing to massive financial concessions. Thos egreedy bastards. Oh, you say ALL of the unions agreed to ALL of the financial concessions? Those greedy bastards.

Tell the truth.

Clairvius Narcisse said...

why are so many posters here opposed to "the right of the people to peaceably assemble"?

garage mahal said...

So the most plausible explanation here is that someone paid for a bus of 10 people on a Monday to go walk around the Capitol? Way to use those Thinking Caps!

Phil 314 said...

"I'm from Illinois"

As the 14 demonstrated, all good Democrats are from Illinois

Dust Bunny Queen said...

why are so many posters here opposed to "the right of the people to peaceably assemble"?

I guess it depends on your definition of peaceable.

Screaming, breaking doors, vandalizing property, threatening and swarming those that don't agree with you....doesn't fit my definition.

Plus. We are not objecting. We are laughing at you. There is a big difference....clown.

X said...

School boards and local governments across Wisconsin are rushing to reach agreements with unions before a new law takes effect that will remove their ability to collectively bargain over nearly all issues other than minimal salary increases.

and some fools said politicians would give unions sweetheart deals.

Trooper York said...

"Hagar said...
This is getting tiresome"

I know right. I been saying this for weeks now. We are missing tons of great stories in the news. Japs who glow in the dark even when they are really wet. Press secretaries getting fired for dissing the One. Football going on strike. And worse of all....Lisa Rinna getting booted off the Celebrity Apprentice....wrap your lips around that one why dontcha?

Shanna said...

Maybe if you stop paying attention to them they'll finally go away.

Go and smell the flowers, not the protesting idiots.

The Drill SGT said...


what is your take on the story out today that your WI Sec of State was slow rolling making the new law effective?

He a Dem?

The same story said that local governments were rushing to put their new labor agreements in place.

Begs the question, why would a local government rush to put a contract in place Before its position improved?

Unless of course the local government team represents the union and not the taxpayers.

it sounded like a repeat of your last Governors policies of give-aways

coketown said...

Brevity is the soul of wit. If your protest placard needs punctuation you're doing it wrong. Ten word maximum. Any longer and it's a pamphlet that should be handed out.

wv: caked. Caked! Totally irrelevant but too sensational to let go unmentioned.

Clairvius Narcisse said...

i don't see any evidence of vandalism in these photos and i don't see myself in any of them.

Revenant said...

If it's 7.50 an hour it has to be coming from the GOP.

Yeah, ACORN and SEIU don't pay that well. :)

bgates said...

With the teachers agreeing to massive financial concessions

Salaries – year 1 Freeze salary schedule at 2010-11 rates; allow track and level advancement;

• Salaries – year 2 Freeze salary schedule at 2010-11 rates; allow track and level advancement;

Note the massive concession isn't a 2-year freeze in salaries, it's a freeze in salary schedules. A first-year teacher starting this fall will get a minimum $2950 raise guaranteed over the next two years. The raises will be higher for a teacher who has more experience and/or gets continuing education credits in the interim.

Revenant said...

The great Jim Hightower said [snip]

I don't really care what he said. I just wanted to remind the local non-lefties that we shouldn't be too tough on the likes of Hightower. He helped George Bush beat Al Gore back in 2000, and for that alone we owe him a debt of gratitude.

Revenant said...

Note the massive concession isn't a 2-year freeze in salaries, it's a freeze in salary schedules.

Public unions count it as a massive concession that working Americans are allowed to keep ANY of our own money.

Lucius Septimius said...

I wonder if the guy in the Jesse Jackson shirt has washed it since 1988.

10ksnooker said...

Are the crowds thinning?

Methadras said...

Henry Hill: You're a pistol, you're really funny. You're really funny.
Tommy DeVito: What do you mean I'm funny?
Henry Hill: It's funny, you know. It's a good story, it's funny, you're a funny guy.
Tommy DeVito: What do you mean, you mean the way I talk? What?
Henry Hill: It's just, you know. You're just funny, it's... funny, the way you tell the story and everything.
Tommy DeVito: [it becomes quiet] Funny how? What's funny about it?
Anthony Stabile: Tommy no, You got it all wrong.
Tommy DeVito: Oh, oh, Anthony. He's a big boy, he knows what he said. What did ya say? Funny how?
Henry Hill: Jus...
Tommy DeVito: What?
Henry Hill: Just... ya know... you're funny.
Tommy DeVito: You mean, let me understand this cause, ya know maybe it's me, I'm a little fucked up maybe, but I'm funny how, I mean funny like I'm a clown, I amuse you? I make you laugh, I'm here to fuckin' amuse you? What do you mean funny, funny how? How am I funny?
Henry Hill: Just... you know, how you tell the story, what?
Tommy DeVito: No, no, I don't know, you said it. How do I know? You said I'm funny. How the fuck am I funny, what the fuck is so funny about me? Tell me, tell me what's funny!
Henry Hill: [long pause] Get the fuck out of here, Tommy!
Tommy DeVito: [everyone laughs] Ya motherfucker! I almost had him, I almost had him. Ya stuttering prick ya. Frankie, was he shaking? I wonder about you sometimes, Henry. You may fold under questioning.

Clairvius Narcisse said...

once a public worker earns their wages it is no longer your money.

Methadras said...

Trooper York said...

Youse guys have to find a better hobby than movies of dirty hippies.

Seriously. It's time.

Hey, I saw that Frankel didn't come into your shop to get fitted for her bra. What gives?

Revenant said...

once a public worker earns their wages it is no longer your money.

That's nice, Clairvius, but future salaries have by definition not been earned yet.

So try to make a comment that's a little less banal and a little more relevant next time.

Methadras said...

Clairvius Narcisse said...

once a public worker earns their wages it is no longer your money.

So the whole idea is to curtail their free pass at public tax money that the tax paying citizen doesn't get to vote on as a means of the clear wealth redistribution money laundering scam that public employee unions along with their political counterparts have undertaken to spending money that is not theirs on their DNC favorites. Citizens do not get a say so on where that money goes and to whom. They are not represented in 'collective bargaining' about that money and to whom it goes to and where.

Anonymous said...

"why would a local government rush to put a contract in place Before its position improved? Unless of course the local government team represents the union and not the taxpayers."

Figuring out how you're getting fucked, eh?

Our governments up and down the line have been taken over by a Mafia-like organization.

"Management" is merely another layer of the organization and they act in concert with employees to goose salaries, benefits and pensions.

YOU are the one getting fucked. Looked at your property tax bill lately? Has your assessment dropped? Your house is worth half what it was two years ago, but has your tax assessment been cut in half?

They're fucking you 10 ways from Sunday.

If you're still voluntarily paying your taxes, then you deserve it.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

i don't see any evidence of vandalism in these photos and i don't see myself in any of them.

Dear asshat, thank you for signing your post with your name.

There are plenty of photos on the net and on this particular blog that show the damage to the building and surrounding areas.

If you took off your huge hat, perhaps we could see you in the photos.


garage mahal said...

once a public worker earns their wages it is no longer your money.

Slaves have "jobs", so why can't public workers work for free? Bombs and tax cuts grow on trees ya know.

Unknown said...

Those placards are a great example for those kids.

Coketown said...

Brevity is the soul of wit. If your protest placard needs punctuation you're doing it wrong. Ten word maximum. Any longer and it's a pamphlet that should be handed out.

They need to see Guy Kawasaki's video on the 10-20-30 rule.

Not exactly the same, but close enough.

Clairvius Narcisse said...

once a public worker earns their wages it is no longer your money.

The operative words "work" and "earn" tell the tale, until some real work is done, it's not earned.

Toad Trend said...


"once a public worker earns their wages it is no longer your money."


"once I take your tax dollars it is no longer your money."

Brilliant work.

Mutaman said...

"Nothing but a bunch of bitter clingers."

100,000 bitter clingers.

Lucius Septimius said...

At the heart of these protests was not a desire to encourage meaningful debate. If meaningful, thoughtful debate had been the goal, the 14 truants would have stayed and showed courage of their convictions. But they didn't. Instead we had hordes of people, many of whom were only tangentially interested in the substantive issue, taking to the street, taking over a building, waving signs, chanting slogans, etc. The content of most messages was not an attempt to argue a point, but to hurl insults at the opposition, painting them as tyrants, fascists, criminals, etc. Meanwhile, the protesters seemed to do everything they could to obscure the substantive issues through a veritable school (so to speak) of red herrings.
The purpose was not dialogue, it was not debate, it was not thought or reflection. The goal was to shut down, shout down, and intimidate duly elected representatives as they attempted to enact legislation according to accepted rules of order and the constitution of a sovereign state.
That is not a "protest." It is something far more sinister.
Either you accept the principles of constitutional representative government or you don't. The point of the protesters seems to have been that they don't.
We've seen what mob rule can do; we have seen what government according to the will of the mob means. Is that what we want here?

Revenant said...

Bombs and tax cuts grow on trees ya know.

Of course not. Bombs and tax cuts are paid for by giving lots of money to public school teachers.

Or at least that's the apparent point of your sarcasm. I dunno, you've not giving us much material to work with here.

Revenant said...

100,000 bitter clingers.

Yeah, Wisconsin's got a serious leech problem. Try rubbing salt on the protesters, see if it works.

We might want to try it out here in California at some point; our leeches number well over a million.

Automatic_Wing said...

Wisconsin's oppressed DMV clerks are just like slaves now. And not house slaves, either, they're just like the field hands that used to spend 16 hours a day baling cotton under the blistering Mississippi sun. Lawdy!

I can hardly wait for all fantastic music that's sure to result from all this oppression and suffering. In 50 years, the Wisconsin public employee equivalent of Muddy Watters will be born in a tarpaper shack on the outskirts of Appleton. Oh, the awesomeness that's sure to ensue!

Lincolntf said...

In twenty years, will some sleazebag pol falsely claim to have been "at Madison!"? Then we'd know the dingleberries squatting in the Capitol had truly made it.

Trooper York said...

Bethanny is a "skinny girl."

We spit on skinny girls. We like a girl with a little junk in her trunk.

Clairvius Narcisse said...

so if i work in a widget factory, you buy some widgets and i go out with my wages and rent a prostitute and buy some coke then you are subsidizing my hookers and blow.
you guys are funny.
oh, and mrs. dust bunny-in these photos was what i said. i didn't claim the protesters caused no damage and frankly i find that kind of behavior repulsive. just so ya' know sugartits.

Lucius Septimius said...

I can hardly wait for all fantastic music that's sure to result from all this oppression and suffering.

I'm having these images of polka blues.

Methadras said...

Trooper York said...

Bethanny is a "skinny girl."

We spit on skinny girls. We like a girl with a little junk in her trunk.

Yeah, but her junk is up top.

lawyapalooza said...

"• Salaries – year 1 Freeze salary schedule at 2010-11 rates; allow track and level advancement;

• Salaries – year 2 Freeze salary schedule at 2010-11 rates; allow track and level advancement;

Note the massive concession isn't a 2-year freeze in salaries, it's a freeze in salary schedules. A first-year teacher starting this fall will get a minimum $2950 raise guaranteed over the next two years. The raises will be higher for a teacher who has more experience and/or gets continuing education credits in the interim."

Ummm. Look at the retirement and insurance provisions, dipshit. In addition to freezing salaries at 2009 levels, the contract allows the district to increase or decrease wages in 2012 as well as increase health insurance premiums without any negotiation from the union. Then add in the now-capped top of the scale for the most exoerienced teachers nearing retirement. And while you're doing that, why don't you announce the actual savings developed by collective bargaining: $15,000,000 the first year alone.

Oooh. Facts hurt my head!!!

Trooper York said...


Really dude.

Fen said...

Clairvius Narcisse: so if i work in a widget factory, you buy some widgets and i go out with my wages and rent a prostitute and buy some coke then you are subsidizing my hookers and blow.

Do go on. Its always fun when Libtards attempt to lecture us on economics.

And I see your still clinging to your Chaos Avatar. Elric is soooo cool. Stormbringer! Suprised your handle isn't Drizztzz.

I think thats your mommy calling for you to come up from the basement and take out the garbage.

Brian Brown said...

Clairvius Narcisse said...

so if i work in a widget factory, you buy some widgets and i go out with my wages and rent a prostitute and buy some coke then you are subsidizing my hookers and blow.

I love the fact you actually believe this is a serious point.

Brian Brown said...

In addition to freezing salaries at 2009 levels

Uh, freezing the salary scale at 2010-2011 rates is not freezing salaries at 2009 levels

Are you really this dumb?

Hagar said...

Same thing for the Feds.
No salary increases, but they all move up a step in grade.

chickelit said...

Meade has George W. Bush ears!

B said...

Jay said:
Are you really this dumb?

Ya, I think he is. In another thread, he tried to push the Madison palm trees on Fox myth. He either bought that nonsense outright without ever checking for himself, or did check and hasn't a clue. There's a pattern of no evidence of critical thinking applied. So I think he is that dumb.

damikesc said...

gm: If it's 7.50 an hour it has to be coming from the GOP.

True. Unions tend to pay their hired protestors less than minimum wage.

Peano said...

This is an anemic attempt to revive the Sixties, but springs from a fatal misunderstanding. Our country is not at all ready for another Sixties. We are, by most measures, on the opposite trajectory. Sorry, would-be hippies, but you'll have to wait a few more decades before you get another shot.

bagoh20 said...

"once a public worker earns their wages it is no longer your money."

By that standard, there are a lot of refunds due to taxpayers.

Methadras said...

Fen said...

Do go on. Its always fun when Libtards attempt to lecture us on economics.

And I see your still clinging to your Chaos Avatar. Elric is soooo cool. Stormbringer! Suprised your handle isn't Drizztzz.

I think thats your mommy calling for you to come up from the basement and take out the garbage.


Fen said...

lol Meth

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