ADDED: Scroll past the first 2 paragraphs to the interviews by CNN correspondent Nic Robertson, who tries to get Egyptian protesters to show how much Obama means to them and gets less than nothing:
ROBERTSON: Achmed, you've been here down here on the Square for many days. The United States and the international community. You've just listened to President Obama saying that America will support Egypt if it wants help and assistance, and hopes that there will be a good transition for jobs for the young people. What would be your message for President Obama?
ACHMED: We don't know, actually, who he supports. He serves for his own purposes, and the Egyptian people serve for our freedom and democracy. Any democratic country should see for the people, not for its own purposes....
ROBERTSON: Mustapha is joining me now. We just heard President Obama say that he wants to extend, eh, support and assistance to Egypt and Egyptians if they want any, and he hopes that there are more jobs for the young people in the future. What's your message for President Obama?
MUSTAPHA: Well, my message to President Obama is just, "We started this revolution without any outside help, and we are going to finish it also without any outside help."...
ROBERTSON: Are you pleased that President Obama has come out, however, now and said he supports this change and supports the people and supports the young people and -- and what they've done?
MUSTAPHA: Well, actually President Obama's views were kind of conflicting during the last week... but now he's saying that he's supporting the change....
ROBERTSON: The view from here is one of very happy to now hear that President Obama has swung behind the people.
LIMBAUGH: "So CNN and now CBS, asking all these people in Egypt, 'What about Obama? Aren't you happy? Obama did it, right? Obama made it possible. Obama caused the revolution! Obama inspired you. Obama got you freedom. Obama's gonna get you a job, isn't that right?'"
SMITH: "President Obama came out several times during the revolution; had things to say. Did it help?"
GHONIM: "We don't really need him [...]"
Neither do we, Ghonim. Neither do we.
... and, speaking of the Jug-Eared Jesus:
Obama Drops "S-Bomb" At Presser On Budget
Pharaoh Obama?
Now that would explain the Marc Anthony invite to the White House Superbowl Party.
I have more contempt for "journalists" now than any other time in my life.
And that includes time in J-school.
WV: refutric
Neither do we, Ghonim. Neither do we.
Unfortunately for you and fat man, your best shot at beating Obama is with Gomer Pyle or Peg Bundy.
Our country has been so ill served by it's mainstream media. I just watched the press conference and they are pussies.They are supposed to be jackals in pursuit of the truth. There was no energy of righteous anger and pushback as Obama droned on and on with his lengthy fact fudged answers.
MUSTAPHA: Well, my message to President Obama is just, "We started this revolution without any outside help, and we are going to finish it also without any outside help."...
This is wonderful news. Wonderful.
President Obama, I just found another $2 billion annually you can cut from the budget. We'll see how long Egypt's 'most respected institutions will last once Uncle Sugar cuts the lifeline.
Just embarrassing.
And garage, I think come November of next year, the Republicans could run a Big Mac and a Slap Chop and win.
I think come November of next year, the Republicans could run a Big Mac and a Slap Chop and win.
Hope and Change takes two terms. Just remember that.
To Hoosier's point, Egypt would starve (literally, Egyptians would starve) if the United States were to cut off funding the Egyptian government.
This is from the Onion, right? Even a CNN reporter couldn't be that stupid.
Egyptian response to idiot agenda driven reporter:
Who??? Obama? Who cares.
@Mark: Oh, he's just still sulking over the dawning realization that the taxpayers of Wisconsin really, truly aren't going to go Full Egypt over the prospect of swinish SEIU leeches and DMV matrons being denied their usual places at the fiscal trough, after all.
He'll get over it. Or not.
"Unfortunately for you and fat man"
Why are all the lefties such assholes? Are they so indoctrinated in hatred they can't help but express it? Or are they so stupid they think it's effective?
What Nic didn't get around to Juggdish and Clayton?
Mr. Mahal sez
"Unfortunately for you and fat man, your best shot at beating Obama is with Gomer Pyle or Peg Bundy."
Mr. Mahal, you sound a lot like that naive cheerleader from Maryland, Rep Chris Van Hollen.
This past election when asked about losing seats in tidal wave, he says "lose seats? We are going to win seats". I almost felt embarrassed for him, except for the fact that he is filthy liberal running dog for Pelosi Galore.
I don't see a great deal going Obongo's way these days; it doesn't appear he will be overly hard to beat.
Classic. How the Left keeps repeating the myths about how "smart" they are baffles me. Do the viewers actually buy Robertson's fictive wrap-up? Is Robertson stupid enough to think viewers will believe his summation over their own lyin' eyes?
So much dumb, I can't get upset over the deceit.
The Egyptians have The Zero's number.
When Dubya criticized Mubarak's repression, the US had a 30% approval rating in Egypt; after The Zero's Smart Reset Diplomacy, especially the speech in Cairo in '09, approval has slipped to 17%.
When even the Left blogosphere has to give Dubya props and diss Barry for his cluelessness, the empty suit at 1600 Pennsylvania is fooling nobody.
That is what I love about the irony of anti-Americanism. Its been touted fore and aft that the army is the most respected institution in Egypt, said institution that is largely equipped and trained by the hated Americans.
Egyptians either aren't aware of this or share the same disease of cognitive dissonance that Western liberals are afflicted with.
ROBERTSON: The view from here is one of very happy to now hear that President Obama has swung behind the people.
"Our country has been so ill served by it's mainstream media. I just watched the press conference and they are pussies.They are supposed to be jackals in pursuit of the truth."
If they ask the "wrong" question, they won't ever get picked again to ask a question ... effectively ending their careers.
Most of the people you see asking questions are very liberal members of the Democrat Party who are all millionaires along with Obama.
You cannot expect to find jackals among them. They're carefully hand-picked by so that no jackals ever get anywhere near the President.
The NBC White House Correspondent fore example .. remember that his boss (Jeff Immelt) is part of the Administration. You can't expect that NBC journalist to ask tough questions. He'd be sent to Siberia.
That's why their audience has shrivelled. People who matter aren't stupid.
The fix is in. And it's in good. But everybody who needs or wants to know is already aware of it.
I must find out where the people are going, so I can lead them.
I rarely listen to Rush, but I happened to catch yesterday's broadcast. The bit was even funnier live than suggested by the transcript. Nic Robertson came off as a slobbering sycophant trying desperately to get a soundbite from one of the two Egyptian interviewees praising Obama, and they refused to take the bait. So in concluding the story, Robertson made the assertion that the people were thankful Obama was behind the people even though nothing either of them said could be interpretted that was true. He just invented it. Made it up out of whole cloth.
Nic Robertson IS "America's Politico!"
I cannot believe that is an actual transcript. It reads for all the world like something out of a comedy skit about Pravda News Network. The end part wraps it up so thematically.
Are you sure this really happened?
Reminds me of during the 911 Commission Hearings, a Dem Commission member named Tim Something tried to prove the Clinton admin had focused on terror threats so he asked Janet Reno "do you think the daily White House meetings re terrorism helped to catch that terrorist trying to enter via Canada?"
Reno answered "No that was just good police work by the border agent".
"Why are all the lefties such assholes? Are they so indoctrinated in hatred they can't help but express it? Or are they so stupid they think it's effective?"
Know what totally kills me over and over again? Egypt was self-sufficient grain-wise, the breadbasket for Rome and its empire. In fact, Kemet, the earlier wheat, is the Egyptian word for Egypt. But all that was possible through the ages because of the usually reliable annual flood that would make life so miserable for modern Egyptians at the delta. So the great dam at Aswan is an acknowledged advance for modern life there but now Egypt must import grain from the likes of the United States.
OT, but Oh no!
So the great dam at Aswan is an acknowledged advance for modern life there but now Egypt must import grain from the likes of the United States.
They're in a dammed state of deNile over it too.
Know what totally kills me over and over again?
Wait... so: you're the Highlander, then?
Are they so indoctrinated in hatred they can't help but express it?
Consider for a moment that you voted for a President who you truly believed, with all your soul, really meant that he was going to change the way things were done in Washington. That the dawn of a new era was just within our reach and to ensure that, you also granted him a massive Congressional majority to ensure that Change would take place.
Consider now over two years later he has, well, not changed one thing about how Washington works (other than ensure his party was tossed out of the House), kept in place the horrific war policies of his predecessor and has irresponsibly spent more money we don't have than his irresponsible predcessor.
Nobody likes being played as a fool. I'd be angry and lashing out too.
"I cannot believe that is an actual transcript ... Are you sure this really happened?"
everything Rush Limbaugh presents is thoroughly researched before it is aired. Because he knows it will be thoroughly researched AFTER he airs it.
Of course it happened. And no, nothing was taken out of context. CNN is Pravda. They exist to produce propoganda for Barack Obama and those behind him.
Here ... go read the official CNN transcript for yourself. They put it on the internet:
You can't believe if because you still have sleep in your eyes.
Wake up, boy.
kept in place the horrific war policies of his predecessor
... which, one cannot help but notice, they've all but stopped protesting altogether, now that it's *T*H*E* *O*N*E* in charge of same. (He Pointed Out, Helpfully.)
Nobody likes being played as a fool. I'd be angry and lashing out too.
Actually, the liberal media and leftards who supported Obama are more like the battered wife who is in denial.
She couldn't have really married this asshole!?! If she admits it she will be facing a very unpleasant reality about her own self and her inability to make good life decisions.
So, she continues to live in an alternate reality where the asshole isn't really that bad, that she can change him into the prince she fantasizes him to be and that some day everything will be sunshine and roses.
Denial is a powerful powerful and dangerous state.
Actual CNN transcript:
It was clearly a mistake that this made it on the air. The producers must have asuumed that Roberts had screened his interviews before sending them to CNN headquarters.... but maybe it was live (who knows).
Rush just replayed the Nic Robertson clips and its just as funny today as it was yesterday.
It is instructive and telling to observe the media establishment and their effort to carry and actively promote the Zero.
'Ole Nic did his level best to get a couple of men to pay homage to the Won. They refused. He then dishonestly wrapped up his 'report' by saying how delirious everyone there was that Obama was behind their efforts.
No, there is no media bias. It goes beyond bias to outright promotion.
wv - bullon
I call bullon that.
What's really funny is that if the situation in Egypt goes bad and we end up with a replay of Tehran 1979 in Cairo, Nic Robertson will be there to assure us that Obama had nothing to do with any of it.
The man's a clown. And so is his wife.
Thanks, Ann, for putting them in charge:
Instead Of Obama Changing Our Image He's Revealed The Democrats For Who They Are
Achmed, you just took a dump in a flush toilet. What message would you like to give to Obama?
ACHMED: I just flushed my message down the commode.
Mustapha, flush toilets all over Egypt are now available to everyone. What praise would you like to bestow upon his greatness Obama?
MUSTAPHA: Who gives a crap? I thought it was only Chris Matthewswho got that tingly feeling in his leg.
The whole set-up was phoney. He interjected the "more jobs for young people in the future" line into each question, hoping to generate a "Yes, I agree with him" tone to their answers. I mean, what recently rioting young person in a poor country doesn't want "more jobs in the future"? The Egyptians didn't take the bait. Maybe a good sign.
It is amazing that the two Egyptians picked randomly on the street by this advocate/reporter have so accurately articulated a particularly weak performance by our current administration to the events in their country. It seemed like the reporter wasn't even listening to the answers to his leading questions.
The press is a business, not a charity.
Its product is not news, but you.
It sells your eyes to advertisers.
Whatever story keeps viewers from tuning away is what gets on the air.
You can't confuse them, and you can't lose their interest.
Nothing complicated, nothing not the usual soap opera.
The blogosphere holds the interest of a much more fragmented audience, interest by interest; but doesn't have the big numbers that purer soap opera gives the MSM.
A side effect is making lefty websites pitiful - having the same story line as the MSM but no audience numbers to justify it.
Reporter: "There's this guy that I really really love. Do you love him to?"
Mustapha on the street: "Who?"
Flashback to Vice President Joe Biden, explaining the official US stance on Hosni Mubarak:
The Hill: "Vice President Joe Biden said Thursday that Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak is not a dictator and shouldn't step aside in the face of mounting protests against his nearly 30-year rule.
Interviewed for PBS's "Newshour," Biden said that the democracy demonstrations that have sprung up in Egypt and Yemen since protests in Tunisia ousted President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, who had taken office in a bloodless coup and held the post since 1987, weren't comparable to the popular uprisings in Eastern Europe that brought down the Iron Curtain.
When asked if Mubarak was a dictator, Biden responded, "Mubarak has been an ally of ours in a number of things and he's been very responsible on, relative to geopolitical interests in the region, Middle East peace efforts, the actions Egypt has taken relative to normalizing the relationship with Israel ... I would not refer to him as a dictator."
your best shot at beating Obama is with Gomer Pyle or Peg Bundy.
Check it out -- garage thinks we're worried about Obama's chances in 2012.
This is known as "projection".
This is revolting. Ask them about THEIR revolution, THEIR future. Shut up about Obama - he isn't the news story here.
I think this was a massive fail for Obama in not getting behind the revolution right away. I think America is at its greatest when it supports freedom/democracy in far flung places. Europe would still be a fascist continent if not for America. The pacific rim would still be under a Japanese emperor.
I personally think its a no brainer to be pro democracy, pro freedom, anti fascist, anti communist - even if some of the people you are helping may not always express their gratitude 50 years down the line (e.g. france).
No, I am not the Highlander who gets killed over and over again. I'm Kenny.
wv: dinfarack = possible new Egyptian president
Nic Robertson came off as a slobbering sycophant trying desperately to get a soundbite from one of the two Egyptian interviewees praising Obama, and they refused to take the bait. So in concluding the story, Robertson made the assertion that the people were thankful Obama was behind the people even though nothing either of them said could be interpreted that was true. He just invented it. Made it up out of whole cloth.
The cretin Nic Robertson was just following orders from his liberal WASP and progressive Jewish CNN TV producers. "Make this a boost for our black messiah!"
He doggedly tried to push the "assigned narrative" the producers gave him and blundered right into looking like a journalist whore. Beyond parody.
Rush is right to ridicule him, but part of the blame goes with producers ordering reporters to shape the news to fit a pre-agreed on narrative. When you abandon credibility and make reporter's careers determinant on their willingness to whore to the "correct agenda", this happens a lot. Just not as blatantly and hilariously as the Nic Robertson fiasco, in most cases.
Nice to know the liberal WASPs and progressive Jews in control of most traditional media have not lost their ardor for black messiah. Expect them to be fully onboard for the 2012 race as Obama media surrogates.
Ankur, that the thing. It is a shame for POTUS to not be ahead of the revolution, leading it with support so there would be a possibility of guiding it, not just behind it. That's what is so sad in my view.
A Hispanic NY Times reporter brutally slaps Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton for their bumbling on the Egypt crisis:
NY Times: "The president changed course at least twice — speaking himself or through Mrs. Clinton. In the end, the administration left the protesters and their supporters disappointed and confused.
“The White House waited, watched, danced and shuffled,” Aaron David Miller, a foreign policy specialist, wrote in the journal Foreign Policy on Feb. 12. An expert on Arab-Israel affairs, he cited the conflict between moral values and strategic interests that the Obama administration had to balance.
Last week, during what became the happy finale at Tahrir Square, Mrs. Clinton was said to be reassuring rulers and officials around the Middle East that a post-Mubarak Egypt would not pose a danger to them.
But mostly she dropped from public view, leaving foreign policy pundits to debate whether she had been weakened.
Ouch! Guess they're still mad at Barack for deporting all those illegal aliens.
But at the same time, as Hoosier and Mark and others have pointed out - the egyptian army is completely dependent on the USA. And this revolution could succeed because the Army stayed back.
So saying that america didn't have anything to do with also not true. America did have a lot to do with it, evidenced in the fact that the egyptian army knows which side it's bread is buttered on.
journalist whore
That was redundant.
As an egyptian journalist said a few weeks ago: "if president obama had come out openly in support of the revolution, there would be american flags flying all over tahrir square today"
"It is a shame for POTUS to not be ahead of the revolution, leading it with support so there would be a possibility of guiding it, not just behind it."
Barack Obama actively moved to prevent the revolution. He slashed funding for a key democracy initiative begun by President George W. Bush and what funding that remained he gave permission for Mubarack to direct to his own cronies.
Barack Obama was supporting the dictator ($2 billion a year) until the day Mubarak pulled the rug out from under him and shuffled off to the Sharm El Sheik retirement home.
Then, he had to change his tune to act supportive of "democracy."
Barack Obama hates democracy because he knows that democracy is going to be his fucking downfall just like it was MuBarack's downfall.
I think America is at its greatest when it supports freedom/democracy in far flung places.
Especially when that 'freedom/democracy' thing is modeled on the Western definition. More often than not, revolutions that promise to bring 'freedom/democracy' bring little of either at least as we appreciate it here.
This isn't to say that is going to be the case in Egypt but I'm not holding my breath.
Good to see wingers still whining about Obama and the media 24/7 at Ann's conservative circle jerk blog.
All is well as ...
mama grizzly
Ron Paul
yada yada yada
surely will lead Reps to the promised land in 2012!
take care, blessings
btw, as a liberal independent and in the minority most of my adult life, it is refreshing to see Reps presently moaning/groaning just as much as Dems did previously.
And please, I beseech you, after (8) years of cheney/bush, let the disingenuous, sour grape/sore loser, teabagger sarcasm continue.
Come on, admit you're not appalled, not even surprised. Because everyone, including you, knows Obama is nothing but a jive turkey.
...and he's always been a jive turkey.
A Hispanic NY Times reporter brutally slaps Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton for their bumbling on the Egypt crisis:
Isn't a hispanic NYT reporter the last place a conservative would go for news? State run media and all that.....
However...what I find amusing is the different criticisms of Obama from different groups of conservatives.
One group (rightly, in my opinion) criticizes him for not standing behind the people of egypt.
Another group criticizes him for not supporting "our oldest ally in the middle east, our bulwark against north african terror" and raises the spectre of the muslim brotherhood, which for all practical purposes is a bunch of defunct and old islamists.
Here is what I think - it is important to support democracy. If democracy throws up an antagonistic government, then deal with that at that point. But start with supporting democracy and make that a fundamental principle of american foreign policy, even if it causes short term discomfort.
As liberal as I am, I think george bush had the right idea in that regard - in principle, if not in practise.
"Isn't a hispanic NYT reporter the last place a conservative would go for news?"
Oh, I think the takeaway here Garage is that if you can't get the liberals at the NY Times to print your spin, maybe you should find you some new spin.
So saying that america didn't have anything to do with also not true. America did have a lot to do with it, evidenced in the fact that the egyptian army knows which side it's bread is buttered on.
Well that is pretty much my point and opposition to continually pouring money into countries that openly hate us. It reminds me all too much of spoiled teenagers that can't stand their parents yet have no qualms about those same parents footing the bill for their sustenance.
Let my... people... gooo
"Why are all the lefties such assholes? Are they so indoctrinated in hatred they can't help but express it? Or are they so stupid they think it's effective?"
Oh, I think the takeaway here Garage is that if you can't get the liberals at the NY Times to print your spin, maybe you should find you some new spin.
I don't have any spin. I have really no idea what went on behind the scenes at the White House with regard to Egypt. Neither do you or Rush Limbaugh. I just have to chuckle every time a conservative links to the state run media though. Funny.
I have to say, I have mixed feelings about this.
I wish Obama/America had supported the evolution vocally from the beginning.
on the flip side, I don't think the revolution would have been successful without Obama's/America's background role in convincing the army to not crack down.
This seems to be a case of America doing the right thing...without getting the credit for it. Of course, I have no way of knowing what really went on in the back channels of diplomacy and what constraints they work under.
"Isn't a hispanic NYT reporter the last place a conservative would go for news? State run media and all that....."
It's an admission against interest. That's what makes it significant.
Like the saying goes, people who stand in the middle of the road get hit by cars going both ways. Some conservatives thought he should have supported the protesters, others thought he should have supported Mubarak. He chose option three: make vague, empty speeches.
Now approximately everyone in Egypt thinks he's an asshole. Smooth.
However...what I find amusing is the different criticisms of Obama from different groups of conservatives.
Yes. What is it with those conservatives?
They keep speaking for themselves instead of speaking from the template as we liberals do. Dumb conservatives!
(And, God knows, there is only one basis for criticism of Obamessiah.)
I heard that yesterday. Astounding. We are living in a fantasy world.
This seems to be a case of America doing the right thing...without getting the credit for it.
In other words, typical.
That is very funny.
Dear Media,
This is why we hate you.
If the walls ever come down here, I hope you pulls this stunt in the streets.
/via Blackfive:
On Tuesdaythe Obama Administration asked Hosni Mubarak to step aside.
On Wednesday they said that transitioning power “now means yesterday.”
On Saturday morning the Obama Administration said Mubarak must stay.
On Saturday evening the Obama Administration said Mubarak should step aside.
On Sunday Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Mubarak must stay in power.
On Tuesday the Obama Administration said that political reform will be a gradual process.
The show goes on at government media: Obama is so important as our President that we should be extra proud of him for leading revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt.Meanwhile at home he is doing all that he can to shut down America's gas, oil and coal industries, doubling the cost of energy,and taking away 30% of the corn crop. That will lead to a domestic revolution that he has planned for us when we wake up and we have no jobs and no food.
"I don't have any spin."
Shiloh: And I presume that the media under discussion on this thread is perfectly alright with you? That is they way you hope that journalists are quizzing people out in the world so that you can remain the ultra informed liberal that you are?
Indeed hombre. You do X, you get slammed for it. You do the opposite of X, you get slammed for it. And thats my point.
Obama is going to get hammered by conservatives no matter what he does.
So, in my opinion, he should just be consistently pro democracy in his actions and in his speech.
In his actions, he clearly was pro democracy - because I don't see how else the egyptian army could have been held back. It is unfortunate that the egyptian people, filled with a sense of victory and joy, don't see America's role in it. But its their revolution, and I think they can be forgiven for not thinking about america at this point.
But in his speech, he hemmed and hawed and dillied and dallied...and ended up not looking that good.
Shiloh_Libtard: And please, I beseech you, after (8) years of cheney/bush, let the disingenuous, sour grape/sore loser, teabagger sarcasm continue.
Now I leave you. Mommy says I have to come up from the basement and take out my trash. Ciao.
Makes me wonder what kind of master Nic Robertson serves.
I for one cannot square the list of this man's accolades with this performance. The story is off the rails, and reminds me of how The Economist lost credibility with all their fawning over Obama.
Is it really worth losing all that integrity?
Ankur: In his actions, he clearly was pro democracy
Depending on the day and the wind direction:
"On Tuesday the Obama Administration asked Hosni Mubarak to step aside.
On Wednesday they said that transitioning power “now means yesterday.”
On Saturday morning the Obama Administration said Mubarak must stay.
On Saturday evening the Obama Administration said Mubarak should step aside.
On Sunday Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Mubarak must stay in power.
On Tuesday the Obama Administration said that political reform will be a gradual process." - via Blackfive
I made the point a few days ago that America should support Liberty for all. And that if Egypt chose to use that Liberty to wage Jihad against us, at least they would die free. So you in I appear to be in agreement.
But stop spinning for Obama. Conservatives aren't complaining about what Obama did re Egypt, they're complaining that he did it incompetently.
DHOTUS. Diversity Hire Of The United States.
When are you going to stop covering for him?
Could it become commonplace to see a typical American laughing at or maybe spitting on the MSM's talking heads and reporters? Let's hope so.
When are you going to stop covering for him?
It would be amusing to watch such media develop further into a cadre of bagholders if it weren't so tragic.
Could it become commonplace to see a typical American laughing at or maybe spitting on the MSM's talking heads and reporters? Let's hope so.
Think of it this way: this will be the decade that the MSM Bubble breaks. Hundreds of Dan Rathers all whining about the "root causes" of their layoffs. Hundreds of Mary Mapes crying over their much diminished status.
Revel in it.
I'm going to bathe in their tears and raise a toast hoping they all starve to death.
One thing-Liberals tend to get paternalistic.
How about this-the Egyptian army gets credit for controlling the Egyptian army.
How in the hell doe Obama get credit when he said everything and anything while trying to position himself out in front of it-while dodging side to side?
I'll give Egyptians credit I think some of them noticed, and quite possibly some of them didn't because they had other things to do. The world doesn't revolve around Obama.
The Egyptians that did notice-trust me I'm pretty sure they saw the truth-the same thing as some Republicans-Obama saying whatever to position himself as the winner.
As for leadership from Obama-there wasn't much there-there. That's a credible option during something as dynamic as Egypt in the past couple of days but then Obama shouldn't be out trying to take credit for it all.
That he practically did during his latest press conference.
"I made the point a few days ago that America should support Liberty for all. And that if Egypt chose to use that Liberty to wage Jihad against us, at least they would die free. So you in I appear to be in agreement."
Yes. I completely agree with that sentiment.
"In his actions, (Obama) clearly was pro democracy ..."
Barack Obama gave a speech in Cairo. He did not call for Mubarak's resignation. Hillary Clinton was in Cairo as late as September propping up the dictator with $2 billion a year in foreign aid.
Barack Obama sent Vice President Joe Biden out to announce that Mubarak was not a dictator (despite a 30-year reign). Guffaws all around.
Barak Obama - as one of his first acts - halved the funding for the Egypt democracy project begun by George W. Bush and then gave Hosni Mubarack control over the remaining funds. Mubarack propmptly shipped that money to London where it remains with his children.
Barack Obama hates democracy and has done everything he possibly could to derail the Egyptian overthrow of Mubarak.
He couldn't stop it there.
And he won't be able to stop it here either when he is ousted in similar fashion.
Me too. It's unbelievable the way they parrot the White House budget outlook of "Obama will cut the deficit by $1.1 Trillion in the next ten years".
WTH? The media should be reporting "Obama staying on current path of record deficit spending for another decade"!
"... if Egypt chose to use that Liberty to wage Jihad against us, at least they would die free."
Egyptians are now free to choose evil, or not.
If Egyptians turn to the Muslim Brotherhood, sharia and jihad that's their right ... just as it will be our right to annihaliate their asses if they choose that path - just as we annihliated the Japanese when they chose the wrong path and Germany when Germans chose the wrong path.
Egypt is free to choose. And we are free to respond to their choice with every weapon at our disposal.
Everybody is free.
"It's unbelievable the way they parrot the White House budget outlook of "Obama will cut the deficit by $1.1 Trillion in the next ten years".
2010 Actual Spending: $3.5 trillion
2011 Requested spending: $3.7 trillion
The media calls this "cutting the budget."
You all are to credulous, and not cynical enough.
When I hear any politician say I am going to cut the deficit my immediate thought is: Are you going to cut spending, or are you using magical thinking to allow income to the government to catch up to the reckless spending?
It is lousy that the media reports just half the story. But that's because the media doesn't do math. Math is hard!
The one thing CNN seems unaware of is the high awareness level of Egyptians who have used their brains to survive the last 50 years of tricks by England, France, the USSR and America. They are "street wise", unlike Americans who are coddled and invited to believe in myths. An intelligent Egyptian will never trust in the Unicorn America that CNN pushes us to believe in.
Chickelit--recall A man for all seasons:
"For Wales, Richard? for Wales?"
Modern paraphrase: "for access MSM? for access?"
Fen said.....
I'm going to bathe in their tears and raise a toast hoping they all starve to death.
Nice. I am right there with you my friend.
The only thing worse than a journalist is a lawyer.
"Ankur said.....
As liberal as I am, I think george bush had the right idea in that regard - in principle, if not in practise."
As does Barry in regard to tax rates, Gitmo, the Patroit act and almost everything else that has anything to do with reality.
But he would never admit it like Ankur just did because he is a lying sack of shit. Just sayn'
Trooper and Fen--would love to join you--when and where
Should we praise fat ass, drug addict Rush?
Hmmm, Matt beshits himself--do you have a point or merely ad hominems
did you take a right turn at democraticundergrond boy?
Are you really that naive?
You say Obama doens't believe in Democracy? I dodn't recall Bush asking for Mubarak or the leaders of Saudi Arabia to resign either. Maybe you have really short term memory?
I won't defend Obama or Clinton in this either. But you are a fool if you think Republican presidents are somehow more pro-democracy in the middle east or elsewhere in the world.
I heard post-war Hawaii had a Slap A Jap Day to remember the Pearl Harbor attack.
Maybe we should start a Smack A Journalist Day. But don't really hit anyone- maybe just dump a beer on their head or do the old custard pie in their face.
Ok--after the ad homs Matt does actually make a point--to which I respond, Mr Bush fils did actually propose democracy and backed it up deposing saddam hussein--now compare Mr Bush's words and actions to Mr Obama's Cairo speech.
I won't defend Obama or Clinton in this either. But you are a fool if you think Republican presidents are somehow more pro-democracy in the middle east or elsewhere in the world.
Well, Bush did depose a Middle East tyrant and plant the seed of democracy in Iraq. Whether Iraqis cultiavte it or not remains to be seen.
Clinton gets 1/2 a point for bombing an aspirin factory in Sudan.
Obama? He doesn't even give lip service to democracy abroad.
Roger J.
You have a better argument? I'm asking a simply question. Minus the ad hominem the question is should we praise the [former] drug addict Rush? He should not be accused of being fat. I'll give you that.
I see Roger J. beat me to it.
Matt--you seem to be taking a much narrow approach than do it with respect than I with respect to Mr Limbaugh--I do not listen to him and I do not own a TV--Here's my position--it isnt important who advocates a position as long as that position is consistent or has explanatory usefulness to what happens on the ground. Clearly (at least to me) the interview was crap and obsequious to the nth degree--so in my calculus the interview simply shines light on the inability of a journalist to do the job the journalist should do
as to the policy questions--you and I may differ of those questions--I think Mr Obama's handling of the situation has been terrible--especially as compared to Mr Bushes rther straight forwarded handling of the question of democracy in the middle east.
Your mileage may of course vary
Roger J
So you propose that Obama should invade a country with our military to prove he is pro-democracy? Would that qualify enough for you? Bizarre arguments you guys make. There is no logic to them.
You are making an either or argument in which you expect Obama to either; A)Invade or bomb a country and therefore prove he is pro-democracy or B)Do anything else beside bomb and invade and therefore prove to be anti-democracy.
BTW he does support [and rather strongly] our efforts in Afghanistan. But I guess that doesn't count....
I hope those Egyptians are properly skeptical when they see this headline: Mubarak falls into coma after final speech.
Apologies to any one who tried to wade thru my previous post-let me try it again
Matt--our rationale for invading Iraq was not first and foremost the position of Mr bush to install democracy in the mideast--I suggest there were many reasons to invade iraq and the idea of installing democracy ranks lowest on the list.
But I would assert that it was an important meta reason beyond the other causus belli including violations of UN proscriptions on Saddam.
I dont think anyone, except for the most extreme, has suggested invading any dictatorships to install democracy. Dictatorships are distasteful but can be dealt with by a variety of means other than military invasion--thus I reject your argument as a false choice argument.
In a larger context the fact that Sadam Hussein was deposed for reasons short of "establishing democracy" sent a powerful message to some quarters in the middle east
Will that bear fruit? I may and it might have in Egypt although time will tell
In my judgment Matt you are conflating too many arguments into an either or false choice to make a single coherent argument
One MSM reporter's experience with those wonderful 'revolutionaries' -
Lara Logan (CBS) was surrounded and suffered a brutal and sustained sexual assault and beating before being saved by a group of women and an estimated 20 Egyptian soldiers. She reconnected with the CBS team, returned to her hotel and returned to the United States on the first flight the next morning. She is currently in the hospital recovering.
There will be no further comment from CBS News and correspondent Logan and her family respectfully request privacy at this time.
It is not one world.
In my judgment Matt you are conflating too many arguments into an either or false choice to make a single coherent argument
And you are surprised by this??
That is just the typical lefty lame-o method of attempting to debate. They can't see the forest for the trees and couldn't find their own asses with both hands.
When losing the debate, they switch the subject, throw out ad hominim attacks, bring up irrelevant arguments from left field and start shouting BUSH BUSH BUSH.
matt wrote: But you are a fool if you think Republican presidents are somehow more pro-democracy in the middle east or elsewhere in the world.
What about the Democracy Fund, created by Bush the Younger and re-directed into Mubarak's pocket by the current administration?
The MSM attempt to bolster Obama's reputation via realtime historical revisionism is both comic and pathetic. For Wales, indeed. Two years from today the Obama Administration will be merely a national regret over having bought history's most expensive nothing, yet CNN thinks they can invest in that failing institution and somehow walk away in the black. It's a classic case of the gambler's delusion -- borrow the cash from Carmine and Company and then recoup all losses by hitting the Trifecta at Belmont.
The die is cast in Egypt, and nobody knows what will proceed from these events, though the probable outcome is not favorable to this country or to peace. It is the job of the executive branch through the agency of strategic foreign policy to influence developments overseas to our advantage, or barring that to at least mitigate the damage an adverse turn of events might inflict on our national interests. Through his ignorance, unpreparedness, passivity and obvious duplicitous statements to the press Mr. Obama has managed to isolate our friends and encourage our enemies. We will be powerless to avoid the worst possible outcome of this coup d'etat, and Barry Soetoro's Original Amateur Hour is entirely to blame for this sad state of affairs.
In the late 40's, the new Indian goverment polled its people about how they felt about the end of 150 years of British rule. In someplaces they heard, "Who are the British?"
This is called cognitive dissonance and it was on perfect display from Erkle and his cock & ball sucking sycophantic minions in the media. Unbelievable denial right in front of your face, you fuckwad.
What an odd dialog for a reporter to have. I think it's a millennial version of the old "Ugly American" syndrome. . . . "Nice little country you have here sir. Oh, by the way have you thought much about how much you owe to Americans and our wise leaders lately?"
Fat Matt: Minus the ad hominem the question is should we praise the [former] drug addict Rush?
I hope you suffer so much from chronic pain that you develop an addiction to pain meds.
Then you can judge Rush.
Well, Bush did depose a Middle East tyrant and plant the seed of democracy in Iraq. Whether Iraqis cultiavte it or not remains to be seen.
Agreed and the same also applies to President Bush and Afghanistan.
Matt, why is Rush's drug use more germane than Obama's admitted coke habit?
Rush wasn't the one making daily contradictory statements.
That is just the typical lefty lame-o method of attempting to debate. They can't see the forest for the trees and couldn't find their own asses with both hands.
When losing the debate, they switch the subject, throw out ad hominim attacks, bring up irrelevant arguments from left field and start shouting BUSH BUSH BUSH.
I'm think Libtards are wired that way. Or, its a defensive-reflex they acquired once they realized their PCBS education didn't prepare them for a venue that delivers feedback.
Most seem incapable of arguing for the principles they claim to possess. Its like they never developed the arguments that led them to their conclusions. They just adopted the conclusions and parroted them to look hip.
Gotta run - Ezra is wandering close to another plate glass windown. Opportunity.
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