February 23, 2011

Jesse Jackson & Tammy Baldwin hold court in the Wisconsin Capitol.

Meade got the video today, and even gets in a question. I did the editing.


chickelit said...

Nice reporting Meade (JJ looks ribbed! ;)

Revenant said...

I watched a pretty good documentary a few years back called "
Baadasssss Cinema", about the initial boom in "blacksploitation" films and how it gave black actors and filmmakers a voice they'd never had before.

One interesting tidbit is that the backlash against the films from within the black community -- which basically killed black cinema for a generation -- was led by none other than Jesse Jackson.

He's been detracting from American society a lot longer than one would think.

Almost Ali said...

I'm sorry, but we'll need a translation.

rcocean said...

Who's the blonde?

Chip S. said...

Yeah, nothing is quite so persuasive as slogan-chanting.

Jesse wants to "democratize the economy," but not the government, apparently.

Akiva said...

Literal baby-kissing. Wow, that's so exploitive it's almost beyond belief.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

That was a good question Meade.

Are we witnessing the birth of a challenge to Obama for the nomination?

Anonymous said...

Come with me, or go alone.

Methadras said...

Yeah, sounds like Jesse stuffed even more marbles in his mouth. Listening to his Marxist bullshit is nauseatingly repetitious with his 'keep hope alive' bullshit. People actually give this piece of shit credibility.

Anonymous said...

You type in "ethanal corn price" into Bing because you have that option.

The first hit from 2007 confirms something about something that makes you feel someting.

As the kids starve.

Anonymous said...

Indeed as I cannot even spell ethanal correctly the starving children are my fault.

My apologies.


Anonymous said...

Republicans, as well as Democrats, think children ought to go to bed hunry at night as long as fat (and rich) white Iowa farmers get their welfare.

Alas. Bill Buckley saw such shit too, didn't he?

What about Lincoln?

Anonymous said...

Now in case you're wondering, and it's a fair inquiry to say the least, when I write "hunry" as opposed to the pedestrian "hungry" I use the power of the neologism as would God himself.

And if you don't know, i.e. can't figure out, what "hunry" means then by God, be smarter.

traditionalguy said...

Save the whale!

Chip Ahoy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Chip Ahoy said...

If one chooses not to watch the video then one

☐ becomes smarter incrementally by not exposing oneself to something droningly mind-numbing.
☐ remains unchanged and impervious to something possibly interesting or useful.
☐ simply shows maturity in decision making.
☐ reinforces confirmation bias.
☐ childishly takes up talking like Jesse Jackson all day to one's own amusement but to the annoyance of everybody else within earshot.
☐ is just an asshole.

Bob_R said...

I choose both (c) and (d) - because my bias needs all the confirming it can get.

Joaquin said...

Aside from the Rev. I saw only one other black person.
I did see a bunch of old fat dinosaurs heading for a slaughter.

Unknown said...

Chip, I'll go with A and C, and what's behind door number 2.

Revenant said...

I watched a pretty good documentary a few years back called "
Baadasssss Cinema", about the initial boom in "blacksploitation" films and how it gave black actors and filmmakers a voice they'd never had before.

One interesting tidbit is that the backlash against the films from within the black community -- which basically killed black cinema for a generation -- was led by none other than Jesse Jackson.

He's been detracting from American society a lot longer than one would think.

Since the "bloody shirt" interview on Today the day after MLK was shot.

There could only be one leader speaking for black America.

Perhaps the only debt we owe Al Sharpton.

Anonymous said...

Did Jesse or Tammy talk to these facts?

In 1998, according to the U.S. Department of Education, Wisconsin public school eighth graders scored an average of 266 out of 500 on the NAEP reading test. In 2009, Wisconsin public school eighth graders once again scored an average of 266 out of 500 on the NAEP reading test. Meanwhile, Wisconsin public schools increased their per pupil expenditures from $4,956 per pupil in 1998 to 10,791 per pupil in 2008. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics inflation calculator the $4,956 Wisconsin spent per pupil in 1998 dollars equaled $6,546 in 2008 dollars. That means that from 1998 to 2008, Wisconsin public schools increased their per pupil spending by $4,245 in real terms yet did not add a single point to the reading scores of their eighth graders and still could lift only one-third of their eighth graders to at least a “proficient” level in reading.

The $10,791 that Wisconsin spent per pupil in its public elementary and secondary schools in fiscal year 2008 was more than any other state in the Midwest

Please stop telling me good salaries & benefits are needed to attract these "talented" teachers.

KCFleming said...

Hard to tell whether he's alive, or just an old animatronix doll that you wind up and it sputters the same phrases over and over and over again, regardless of occasion.


The Democrats haven't had a new idea since stereo records were invented, in 1933.

Shanna said...

Aren't people ever embarassed to contrast their hissy fit over a lost election and its results (and basically money) with struggles against real dictators and people who get shot in the street or hanged for protesting? I mean, have a little shame. Take a step back and take a deep breath here.

Anonymous said...

Egads, political theater at it's absolute worst.

Arms locked together, check!

Holding white child, check!

Oh wait!

Holding black child, check!

Fen said...

/via Insty

University of Wisconsin Health scrubbing doctor's profiles from website:

"...some of profiles are being scrubbed clean. The profiles of Hannah Keevil and Valerie Gilchrist remain, while Kathy Oriel, James Shropshire, Lou Sannon, Patrick McKenna, and Elizabeth Kvach have all been expunged from the Department of Family Medicine Faculty and Staff Directory page."


Fen said...

Aren't people ever embarassed to contrast their hissy fit over a lost election and its results (and basically money) with struggles against real dictators and people who get shot in the street or hanged for protesting? I mean, have a little shame. Take a step back and take a deep breath here.

You're kidding right? These are the people that force workers to join the Union, force them to donate to Democrats, then take to the steets claiming they champion Democracy.

If they express any shame at all, it will be the "penance" of demanding that other people reduce their carbon foot print, pay more taxes, etc.

Fen said...

Ed Morrisey: If Republicans overreached with their budget-repair bill and unfairly restricted the rights of unions, then let Democrats go on record opposing the bill and make it the centerpiece of the next legislative election in Wisconsin. Under the circumstances, though, the Democrats who have tried to hijack democracy in order to dictate terms should be the ones who fear the next election the most.

Why should they fear the next election if they are getting away with subverting the last one?

I'm Full of Soup said...


I will select 'F' being the asshole that I am I always try to stick with what I am good at.

Can someone say what minute meade asks his question? I don't want to watch te whole tape of MushMouth Jessie.

Luke Lea said...

Jackson, like Ann,(sometimes), is a publicity whore. The left needs new faces.

MadisonMan said...

Ohio, you have been warned

Roger J. said...

Professor--thanks to you and Meade for your stellar coverage of the events in Madison--Its right up there with the blogger that covered the Duke "rape" case--if there is a Pulitzer for great blogging you should be in contention--Well done (although, of course, you are still a fool for voting for the incumbent fool :) )

TMink said...

Fort, you are a mental case. What in the world are you trying to talk about? Are you off your meds?


Ann Althouse said...

Jackson was really good with those 2 kids. It was adorable. Admit it!

Now, Baldwin had zero rapport with children. In fact, Baldwin is funny throughout the video (and the additional footage). I don't think she enjoyed being Jackson's appendage.

Meade got 52 minutes of footage of her with Jackson and then on her own.

bagoh20 said...

Out in L.A., Tim Conway, Jr. has a radio show with a regular segment called "What Did Jessie Jackson Say?", where callers try to guess the English translation of excerpts from Jessie's speeches. It's hilarious, very popular, and has infinite material to draw from. He's been doing it a long time.

Jessie is the ultimate usurper. Meade should have ask him: Why do people listen to you? I don't care what your politics are, this guy is embarrassing to have representing your side.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I can't get past the first few seconds. Jesse thinks he's important. I do not.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Chip Ahoy: A.

bagoh20 said...

Fort is Jessie Jackson. C'mon dude, I caught you. Say something rainbowish.

chickelit said...

I don't think she enjoyed being Jackson's appendage.

You make her sound so strapped on!

MadisonMan said...

I agree that Tammy looked uncomfortable.

I'm sure she was thinking Why am I here? (Suddenly I'm remembering Ross Perot's running mate). It's always interesting to watch politicians try to remain standing on rapidly shifting sands.

Jesse Jackson has very good posture. He is ramrod straight as he walks.

Fen said...

/via Insty

"Every once and awhile you need to get out on the streets and get a little bloody when necessary,” Rep. Mike Capuano (D-Ma.) told a crowd in Boston on Tuesday rallying in solidarity for Wisconsin union members.

madAsHell said...

Which one of the Baldwin brothers is Tammy?

The Dude said...

Biden never said Jesse Jackwagon was clean and articulate.

WV: bolopp - what spews forth when Jesseh talks.

Phil 314 said...

A week ago a friend and I had just listened to an NPR piece about some civil rights event some 50+ years ago. We both had the same comment; its old time religion to the liberals.

And again today on NPR a story about women in the military mostly discussing how bad it was 50 years ago. Not to denigrate the "strides forward" but c'mon, it was 50 years ago.

So much of what I see in Madison is old time religion with all of the "old-timey" words and phrases (i.e. the working man, "Hitler..." etc.)

This really begs the question: "Who is the reactionary in this scenario?"

(And as for Jesse Jackson. Sorry I couldn't listen to much of it. I lived in Chicago in the 70's and 80's and got my fill of Jesse then.
Up with hope; down with dope)

le Douanier said...

"Meade got 52 minutes of footage of her with Jackson and then on her own."

So, Atlhouse, who is too impatient to watch some political programing (because reading the transcripts is so much faster), sat down, watched, and edited fifty two minutes of this stuff?


Anonymous said...

Oh jeez, that triumphant civil rights march thing in the beginning made me turn it off. Even Jackson looks embarrassed. Their battle cry now is "give me more of your money."

Absolute corruption.

Fen said...

So, Atlhouse, who is too impatient to watch some political programing (because reading the transcripts is so much faster), sat down, watched, and edited fifty two minutes of this stuff?Huh.

Hey! Bogart! Either shut up or pass the pipe.

MaggotAtBroad&Wall said...

I made it to the 2:45 mark. I couldn't take the preening.

Real American said...

The most dangerous place in America is standing between Jesse Jackson and a news camera. Reactionary liberalism - neither hope, nor change.

Once again, we see the left bring out the 60's and 70's radical playbook run by the same dinosaurs. The left has no new ideas. Just more taxes, more regulation, more govt and less freedom.

William said...

I admire his stately walk. He is a procession unto himself. The grandeur slops over into grandiosity when he bomfogs the speech, but he's really got that walk down.

Methadras said...

edutcher said...

Since the "bloody shirt" interview on Today the day after MLK was shot.

There could only be one leader speaking for black America.

Perhaps the only debt we owe Al Sharpton.

Now I know what MLK was thinking when Jesse was next to him when he got shot, "Fuck, they got the wrong guy."