February 15, 2011

At the "No Trespassing" Café...


... you can come right on in!


Meade said...

Armed Robbery Not Allowed

traditionalguy said...

OK, but could youturn off the surveillance cameras first. That seems like a funny way to regulate a Law School. But then the faculty in Madison could have a few of those "Professors Gone Wild".

Fred4Pres said...

Alleys are always interesting spaces. There is always a hint of something nefarious with them.

Trooper York said...

Former hero's not allowed.

traditionalguy said...

The issue before us here is whether the stick figure in the Prohibited sign should be a Male figure. That is so sexist.

chickelit said...

That Mad City design in the headshop window was unavailable for many years. I'm glad the copyright/licensing issue was apparently settled.

Toad Trend said...

I like the idea of a ginmill entrance off an alley...a basement ginmill...always interesting.

Is that the name of a head shop - The Pipefitter???


Anonymous said...

Someone has a serious attitude problem. Or it could be that the building owner is massaging his fragile ego, by making it seem as if his property is irresistibly attractive to trespassers.


Paul Brinkley said...

Not appropos of trespassing, but topical: Megan McArdle wrote a followup to that post that got her a whopping 1264 comments. Academic bias. Yikes.

Triangle Man said...

Am I to understand that the area adjacent to the head shop has experienced some unwanted extra people hanging around?

Triangle Man said...


Looks like the "implicit bias" folks at Harvard have a new topic to study. I look forward to reading their results.

Hagar said...

I think the reason Obama has a blind spot with regard to the cost of student loans, is that he never had to take out one.

Drew said...

Is this a photo of the protests in Madison today?

chickelit said...

The Lord's Prayer in German:

Vater unser im Himmel,
geheiligt werde dein Name;
dein Reich komme;
dein Wille geschehe,
wie im Himmel so auf Erden.
Unser tägliches Brot gib uns heute.
Und vergib uns unsere Schuld,
wie auch wir vergeben unsern Schuldigern;
und führe uns nicht in Versuchung,
sondern erlöse uns von dem Bösen.
Denn dein ist das Reich und die Kraft
und die Herrlichkeit in Ewigkeit.


The German words Schuld and Schuldigern mean debt/guilt and debtors/guilty* respectively, and correspond to our words "trespasses" and "those who trespass against us." Our words are perhaps too nuanced with a property infringement meaning (though the figurative meaning is there too).
*Nietzsche commented on the historical use in German of the same concept Schuld for guilt and debt (monetary) in his Geneology of Morals.

Almost Ali said...

Obama has a blind spot with regard to the cost of student loans, [in] that he never had to take out one.

Yeah, but Michelle did take out a loan, a big loan - and was really pissed when she had to pay it back - seeing how her Princeton thesis was NOT intended as a gift to humanity, but originally valued at the cost of her Affirmative Action loan, plus all related expenses.

Unknown said...

I'm beginning to think The Zero's attempt to cast his budget as cost-cutting, in itself an insult to anyone's intelligence - Left or Right, is nothing more than the final manifestation of his contempt for the American people.

ricpic said...

Alley, wherein the genie dwells
- Thou cul-de-sac streets hurry by -
Alluring shade that conjures spells...
Which emanate in shriek or sigh.

ken in tx said...

Presbyterians use the debts/debtors formulation for the Lord's Prayer. It comes from the King James Bible. The trespasses and trespassers language comes from the book of Common Prayer, an Anglican formulation accepted by Baptists and Methodists, unknowingly.

ricpic said...

The Baptists may possibly actually be unknowing. The Methodists only and always claim to be unknowing. But they know. They know.

chickelit said...

@ken in SC. Thanks for that interesting information!

Anonymous said...

Well, the back alley abortion is back.

It just has a governmental imprimatur.

The abortion mill run by Dr. Kermit Gosnell apparently doesn't interest Althouse.

Live babies murdered. Women mutilated.

Anonymous said...

From Steyn's article:

Furniture and blankets were stained with blood. Instruments were not properly sterilized. Disposable medical supplies were not disposed of; they were reused, over and over again. Medical equipment – such as the defibrillator, the EKG, the pulse oximeter, the blood pressure cuff – was generally broken; even when it worked, it wasn’t used. The emergency exit was padlocked shut. And scattered throughout, in cabinets, in the basement, in a freezer, in jars and bags and plastic jugs, were fetal remains. It was a baby charnel house.

Althouse, this seems like a legal issue to me. A rather large legal issue.

The media has largely embargoed the story. A woman's right to choose is sacred. Is feminist Althouse doing the same?

Fred4Pres said...

I thought Ann posted on that story. It was quite horrible. I think she said so too. But maybe I mistook her for someone else saying it.

Anonymous said...

Or, perhaps Althouse would find this description of Dr. Gosnell's abortion mill interesting:

West Philadelphia abortion doctor Kermit Gosnell routinely delivered live babies in the third trimester of pregnancy, then murdered them by "sticking scissors into the back of the baby's neck and cutting the spinal cord," according to the Philadelphia District Attorney.

Althouse's interest in this has so far been limited to a one line posting on January 19, according to my Google search.

garage mahal said...

Is this a photo of the protests in Madison today?

Yea usually protests in Madison, some 10,000 strong, would usually get a write up. Haven't seen Original Mike all day either. Hmmmm, maybe he went downtown to protest the big government nanny state ramming health care changes down his throat.

Hagar said...

So, how was Obama's sojourns at Columbia and Harvard paid for?

MadisonMan said...

And now there are rumors of no school tomorrow because of sick-ins.

The lines of people I saw -- on the internet -- were really really long today.

garage mahal said...

Strange days indeed. South Dakota wants to make it legal to murder abortion doctors, and Missouri wants to roll back child labor laws. But was to be expected when we sent hundreds of thunderous loons into power. Welcome to the post Tea Party era.

Calypso Facto said...

I can't help but think the rumored sick-ins will just turn the currently supportive-leaning public opinion against the teachers. Agree?

C'mon Garage, anybody you didn't ordain as worthy of election is now a loon? You trying out for Olbermann's spot? Just hasten us on our way to the similar-thinking benevolent despotism you envision, baby.

Calypso Facto said...

And speaking of no trespassing: how did the Obama administration manage to piss off the Argentinians enough for them to hold an Air Force jet hostage?

Calypso Facto said...

And speaking of no trespassing: how did the Obama administration manage to piss off the Argentinians enough for them to hold an Air Force jet hostage?

Almost Ali said...

So, how was Obama's sojourns at Columbia and Harvard paid for?

I'm afraid this information is classified Top Secret. However, the road to perdition led from Muslim-born (Syria) Tony Rezko to Muslim-born (Iraq) billionaire Nadhmi Auchi - and includes Obama's travels to Pakistan with his Muslim/college roommates.

In other words, it appears Obama received full "scholarships" courtesy of an auxiliary Muslim Brotherhood.

MadisonMan said...

I can't help but think the rumored sick-ins will just turn the currently supportive-leaning public opinion against the teachers. Agree?

I'm not sure. When there's only one or two days when the public is allowed input on such a big change, what are they supposed to do?

The daughter (she's a senior coasting to graduation) wants to go to the Capitol. I'm not sure we'll let her, although if there are no teachers there, it's kind of a moot point.

Calypso Facto said...

I'm not sure. When there's only one or two days when the public is allowed input on such a big change, what are they supposed to do?

Yeah, I've heard that argument. But how many teachers need to take the day off to speak at the hearing? I think Joe Public says, "I miss a day of work, I get written up. But a 160 work-days-a-year teacher gets to take a union-protected sick day to protest because they're working too hard for their money?!?" We'll see, I guess. Certainly there's plenty of WEAC money deluging the airwaves with ads right now to influence opinion. It probably would have been enough to pay for the health care contribution!

MadisonMan said...

I'm not listening to TV or Radio, so I haven't heard any ads. Highly recommended. I've been getting most of my info from facebook, it's been a very interesting way to gather information.

I wonder if the Joint Finance Committee will actually stop the hearing, after saying everyone in line could speak (it was a mistake to say that, IMO). It's a little dicey, I think, for Representatives to stop listening to citizens.

AllenS said...

Yesterday, I bought and towed (two wheel car dolly that I rented) home a 1980 CJ7 Jeep. It runs and isn't that rusted out for the year. Has a hardtop and all the glass is good. My plan is to tear it down to the frame, sandblast the frame and them paint and repair/fix everything, then put a snow plow on it.

Can I park it in front of the Café?

Clyde said...

Signs - Five Man Electrical Band

Hagar said...

The Weatherman network is not Muslim.

knox said...

Beautiful colors.

knox said...

AllenS, you must link to some photos when it's done.

AllenS said...

I'm not sure how I could do that, knox. Maybe Flickr, but I'm not sure how that works. I'm going to WalMart and buy a digital camera. I've learned that it's best to take pictures BEFORE you take anything apart. Because, when you go to put it back together, I have a tendency to say, "where the hell does this go."

I've restored a car before, and having pictures makes the job a lot easier.

WV: plationo

If Althouse owned the Jeep, she'd probably call it Plationo.

knox said...

AllenS, definitely photograph the whole process and put it up on Flickr!

Or at least make it your avatar when it's done so we can see it.

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