February 11, 2011

Are you excited about the new Lady Gaga single or did you feel compelled to hit pause and start singing Madonna's "Express Yourself"?

You can listen to Lady Gaga's "Born This Way" here. And here's Madonna over at YouTube, where there are lots of new comments about "Born This Way."

Gaga is singing about self-affirmation in this form:
Rejoice and love yourself today
'Cause baby you were Born This Way

No matter gay, straight, or bi,
Lesbian, transgendered life
I'm on the right track baby
I was born to survive
Madonna's "Express Yourself" had you expressing yourself and demanding that your man express himself:
What you need is a big strong hand
To lift you to your higher ground
Make you feel like a queen on a throne
Make him love you till you can't come down


Fred4Pres said...

Mubarak just resigned again. Reason? Lady Gaga's single.

Fred4Pres said...

Mubarak said that he thinks Lady Gaga is derivative and a poeser and he wishes for the good old days when American pop music had stronger women like Madonna.

Fred4Pres said...

The Egyptian Army says it better take over the music choices in Egypt.

Unknown said...

I haven't seen lyrics like that since, "They're Coming To Take Me Away".

jr565 said...

Pedophiles were also born that way. Express yourselves pedophiles!

Scott M said...

or did you feel compelled to hit pause and start singing Madonna's "Express Yourself"?"

I feel compelled to hit whoever foisted Gaga on us in the first place. When AA posts an article, I get the RSS hit. I can use ATOM to add it to my Outlook inbox, but I have to change the title for each thread I subscribe to. I was just going to title this one Gaga, but mistyped it as Gag. I'm leaving it that way.

Henry said...

Sounds like Lady Gaga is plagiarizing Dawkins' The Selfish Gene.

Just imagine all these little blobs of nucleic polymer singing those words.

That's the video I would make.

Phil 314 said...

Can you be born "transgender"? I thought the "trans" part required some medical assistance.

Pastafarian said...

I felt compelled to play some Cream or Traffic as a pallet-cleanser.

Or maybe some Floyd, since the LSD post brought it up.

J said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Henry said...

I felt compelled to play some Cream or Traffic as a pallet-cleanser.

How about some George Thorogood?

On the day I was born
The nurses all gathered 'round
And they gazed in wide wonder
At the joy they had found
The head nurse spoke up
Said "leave this one alone"
She could tell right away
That I was bad to the bone

lucid said...

Or, did you not care at all about any of this sexless silliness?

J said...

Lets see, 4 or 5 teabagger rightist-rants meant to please the Foxbots, following by some Gaga-disco.

The Schitzohouse marches on.

Does AA approve of Glenn Beck's assault on Prof. Piven or not? That's the issue

ricpic said...

The Schitzohouse marches on.

All those calls for civility and now this.

The Crack Emcee said...

The first chink in Sarah's armor appears - and I've had it:

There is no shortage of brewing opposition to the Church of Scientology gaining power inside the Federal Government. In the wake of recent headlines, many Tea Party activists have grown vocal against prominent political figures growing so cozy to a church about which millions of Americans have legitimate concerns. But, to date, Sarah Palin has not answered calls from fellow Tea-Partiers to speak up and demand that elected officials not accept financial donations from the church of Scientology and its members until more questions are answered about the religious organization's questionable practices.

Sarah Palin, of course, is no stranger to Scientology and, as a result, may not readily join the large and growing anti-Scientology movement. As coverage from the War Room notes, "Sarah Palin is personal friends with prominent Scientologists Greta Van Susteren and her husband, attorney John Coale. Coale helped Palin start her PAC -- and he once proposed starting a Scientology PAC, in the 1980s."

And, once again, Ann and Glenn and all the rest are left flat-footed because of other interests - like Lady GaGa.

BJK said...

Much like the new Britney Spears song that was released a few weeks ago, I don't really feel like I need to seek out the new Lady Gaga song.

...this way, it will take a few additional days before I'm sick of hearing it everywhere.

Ipso Fatso said...

The only legit song entitled "Express Yourself" is by Charles Wright & The Watts 103rd Street Rythm Band.

Some people have everything and other people don't

but everything don't mean a thing if it ain't the thing you want!!!!!

Shanna said...

Heard this on the radio this morning and lasted about half a minute before I switched the channel. Not a fan.

jerryofva said...

If you like the GaGa you will love this video. You will even like it if you can't stand her.


Methadras said...

The Crack Emcee said...

The first chink in Sarah's armor appears - and I've had it:

There is no shortage of brewing opposition to the Church of Scientology gaining power inside the Federal Government. In the wake of recent headlines, many Tea Party activists have grown vocal against prominent political figures growing so cozy to a church about which millions of Americans have legitimate concerns. But, to date, Sarah Palin has not answered calls from fellow Tea-Partiers to speak up and demand that elected officials not accept financial donations from the church of Scientology and its members until more questions are answered about the religious organization's questionable practices.

Sarah Palin, of course, is no stranger to Scientology and, as a result, may not readily join the large and growing anti-Scientology movement. As coverage from the War Room notes, "Sarah Palin is personal friends with prominent Scientologists Greta Van Susteren and her husband, attorney John Coale. Coale helped Palin start her PAC -- and he once proposed starting a Scientology PAC, in the 1980s."

And, once again, Ann and Glenn and all the rest are left flat-footed because of other interests - like Lady GaGa.

This is the equivalent of the calls that Roosevelt harbored communists in his cabinet and ranks (which he did of course) and look what we are dealing with now. The only difference is that he was a POTUS, Palin is not, she is friends with a scientologist.

Leland said...

Didn't even feel compelled to push play.

Palladian said...

Jesus Christ, we have a post-modern Jimmy Carter in the White House and a post-modern Helen Reddy delivering a post-modern "I Am Woman" affirmation to a post-modern generation of the terminally over-affirmed.

Wonder what the post-modern Pet Rock will be like?

Palladian said...

Maybe the post-modern iteration of punk rock will rise up and save us from this shit.

AllenS said...

That's some pretty weak shit, Crack.

Chris said...

Madonna is, or was anyway, a romantic. Gaga is a cynical post-romantic. Both creatures of their times.

Ann Althouse said...

"a post-modern Helen Reddy delivering a post-modern "I Am Woman""

Reddy's woman was notable for not being either solo (like Gaga's) or half of a couple (like Madonna's). She was a whole gigantic crowd: "I am woman, hear me roar, In numbers too big to ignore." It was a mass movement: All the women, joined together — oddly enough at the *toe*: "I am woman watch me grow, See me standing toe to toe, As I spread my lovin' arms across the land." That's a scary or hilarious image, depending on how you picture it... if you can picture it.

The next line is my favorite, because it forgets to notice the dissonance with abortion rights: "But I'm still an embryo/With a long long way to go."

traditionalguy said...

Crack...If you can judge guilt simply by association, then Palin may be a cult tainted psychic. Yet that seems far from likely. IMO Palin's real position is as a Christian with a heritage that is self sufficient spiritually so she has no need of any cult's empowerment, and therefore is immune to Scientologist's seductions. Palin is able to use the Van Susterins rather than be controlled by them.

Scott M said...

See me standing toe to toe

I've see a lot of kinky photos of women standing thusly...usually on a beach.

The next line is my favorite, because it forgets to notice the dissonance with abortion rights: "But I'm still an embryo/With a long long way to go."

My favorite dissonance from the pre-Me era was Dr. Seuss' "Horton Hears a Who"...a person's a person, no matter how small.


jerryofva said...

Here is my take on the Gaga:

Stefani Germanotta is a talented singer and musician. She looked around and saw there was no more room for another Sarah McLachlan, Alanis Morissette or Natalie Merchant. However, there was an opening for an avant-garde performance artist as the previous one Ms. Madonna Louise Ciccone was getting long in the tooth. So here is the choice be Sara Bereillas or Madonna. As always it's all about the Benjamins

J said...

Sarah Palin, of course, is no stranger to Scientology and, as a result, may not readily join the large and growing anti-Scientology movement

Wow. Sarah Grizzly's an....APPLIANTOLOGIST???

And Romney a MORMONIC? (supposedly MR admires L-Ron as well)

Moroni & L-Ron, togetha! The two-headed Demon in charge of the GOP.

Palladian said...

Whew, it stinks like stale bong water in here!

Oh, I see...

Oclarki said...

Between the strange syntax, laser focus on a single topic, even if irrelevant to the issue being discussed and faoming at the mouth anger, are you perchance not taking your anti-psychotics J?

Oclarki said...

J -

Between the strange syntax, and laser focus on one topic no matter how irrelevant I recognize a schizophrenic when I see one. Get help man.

Scott M said...

laser focus on a single topic

In order to be laser focus on a topic, it would have to be coherent.

J said...

Are you perchance like....... a chester, Oclarki,
as well as mormon or scientologist, little man? Sounds like it--par for the LDS cult.

Pass around yr little rumors, perps (got that AAsters?). If all goes, when we seize AA.com servers...well we'll see how deep yr racket goes (I suspect pretty deep).

You're the one who needs meds, like most teabaggers, including yr guru Beck.

coketown said...

Noticeably absent from Gaga's list of psycho-sexual deviants are pedophiles and necrophiliacs. It's okay for me to be lumped in with transgenders but not okay for the both of us to be lumped in with pedophiles? What's the rationale behind that?

The Crack Emcee said...


She is friends with a scientologist.

Are you guys nutty? I've been a Palin supporter, so why do you think I'd put some "weak shit" on her?

Greta Van Sustern's husband, John Coale, a long-time Scientologist trying to influence American politics, started Sarah Palin's PAC.

That's more than "friends" and, if you follow Scientology, you know it comes at a price. They tried to get Gavin Newsom, the mayor of San Francisco, by letting him sleep with a chippy - only to discover they were using him in an attempt to buy up property in the North Beach district - something that didn't go through only because of exposure and public pressure.

Look, I like Sarah as much as any fan, but facts is facts:

You and Sarah may think she's just "friends" with Scientology, but Scientology ain't just friends with anybody.

And I'm insulted you guys think so little of me.

Automatic_Wing said...

Nothing about foot fetishists either.

Rex Ryan is devastated.

Known Unknown said...

Gaga link no longer works. UMG has blocked it due to copyright issues, which is smart because, you know, why would anyone want to link to and share music that they might be interested in purchasing.

Republican said...

Loved the disco beat, enjoy Gaga as a performance artist, don't mind the socially liberal messages being sent to mushy brains worldwide.

The Crack Emcee said...

Why would anyone want to link to and share music that they might be interested in purchasing.

I don't know - I just heard two singles from a band called "Do or Die", got them for free online, and now plan on buying their album.

Crazy, I know, but it worked.

Known Unknown said...

I was being facetious about the lack of social media awareness from the folks at UMG.

Of course, Gaga is a known entity who probably doesn't need the help.

Listened to it on iTunes, and it pales in comparison to even "Telephone."

Oclarki said...


It's the ellipses, they suggest a rather unhinged sort. Don't you agree?

J said...

Scientologists are Quack with a capital Q, but maybe, like in HELL, a floor above Mormonics. Charlatan-in-Chief L-Ron Hubbard was an engineer of sorts, and even had some doubts about Total War Incorporated (that is, before CoS operatives offed him up at his rancho near SLO)

J said...

12: 52--what it is, Oclarki , mormon puto--is yr septum smashed the F. in. Legally, 818 side, Marquess of Queensbury style.

Known Unknown said...

Vultureis stealing your thunder.

Blair said...

There's a big difference between Lady Gaga and Madonna. Straight men were attracted to Madonna.

J said...


The final countdown, with like Great Ho of Babylon waiting in the wings

The CoS association will cost Palin, at least in some areas. Among like the white-trash wicca-mason-mormon class, she's probably come up.

JAL said...

Ah yes, this is why I like the music of my childhood.

jerryofva said...


Madonna was also big with gay men. She has pansexual appeal.

Madonna has a special appeal to submissive men. A friend of mine showed me a picture of her leaving a London sex shop with a strapon clearly visible through a mess bag with her husband in tow.

The Crack Emcee said...

Madonna has a special appeal to submissive men.

'Nuff said. And BTW - look at what Sarah's "friends" did to Lisa McPherson. I know:


The Crack Emcee said...


Crack...If you can judge guilt simply by association, then Palin may be a cult tainted psychic. Yet that seems far from likely. IMO Palin's real position is as a Christian with a heritage that is self sufficient spiritually so she has no need of any cult's empowerment, and therefore is immune to Scientologist's seductions. Palin is able to use the Van Susterins rather than be controlled by them.

I never said, or even suggested, *anything* beyond Scientology's a chink in Palin's armor - a political opening - and everyone runs off at the imagination about me claiming she's in cahoots with, or controlled by, them.

That's what's crazy, if you ask me.

Fred4Pres said...

This is even less than Geraldo opening Al Capone's cave.

MadisonMan said...

So I'm watching the Madonna video, and all I can think is: She's so not wearing Kotex Classic.

Alex said...

Worst lyrics ever. Always a bad idea to set a political speech to music. Gaga had her 2 years, it's time to move on...

Christopher in MA said...

"Wonder what the postmodern Pet Rock will be like?"

I thought it was Slow Joe Biden, myself.

Alex said...

Loved the disco beat, enjoy Gaga as a performance artist, don't mind the socially liberal messages being sent to mushy brains worldwide.

Uh you call yourself a Republican? Let me guess - GOProud?

Alex said...

BTW - for a really good singer-songwriter w/o all the political garbage check out:

Dancing on Needles

jayne_cobb said...

I actually heard this song on my way down to Richmond today and couldn't help but think that this is one of the most God awful pieces of shit that I have heard in a while.

Her music is usually awful but I fear we've finally reached that stage in a singer's life where they want to be taken seriously. That means she is going to attempt to push all sorts of causes and her music is going to go from idiotic to holier than thou.

The Crack Emcee said...


I actually heard this song on my way down to Richmond today and couldn't help but think that this is one of the most God awful pieces of shit that I have heard in a while.

Good for her. We need some extraordinarily God awful pieces of shit for our time.

Cedarford said...

I give Madonna an edge over Gaga in dance, choreography, and durability. Gaga is pretty smart, but Madonna has a remarkably high IQ (yeah, sometimes you'd never know).
Both equal in looks, and on some interesting, but some very lamentable showbiz style and lifestyle choices.
I give fellow Italian-American Stefani Gemma props over Madonna Ciccone in songwriting, composition and she is a far, far better vocalist.

jerryofva said...

oh my god, I agree 100% with C4

BJM said...

A tingle ran up my leg...oh wait. It was a chigger bite. Never mind.

AllenS said...

Is Stefani Gemma, Gwen Stefani?

Fred4Pres said...

Don't fear the Reaper... I am sure gay, lebian and transgendered Egyptians will do just fine under the new order.

As for Lady Gaga, I do like this cover.

Anonymous said...

Are you excited about the new Lady Gaga single...


... or did you feel compelled to hit pause and start singing Madonna's "Express Yourself"?


CJinPA said...

It's so cute to see edgy pop stars still telling kids to Be Yourself.

And by cute, I mean annoying. It's 2011 people. Every song, TV show and soda commercial has been urging kids to "express themselves" for the last, oh, three decades. MESSAGE RECEIVED.

How about a song about maybe shutting up and cleaning the yard. Just to be edgy and stuff.

Fred4Pres said...

CJinPA: Do you mean like Fountains of Wayne, Richard Shindell, or someone like that? That is for unhip oldish* former hipsters.

*not as old as those ancient baby boomers.

Fred4Pres said...

Paglia is not a Gaga fan.

MarkD said...


William said...

I always thought Madonna was a debased variation on Debby Harry. Debby Harry, herself, was a kind of anti-Christ to Doris Day. She presented a romanticized vision or club sex that was as idealized and unrealistic in its way as Doris Day's virginity. At any rate, Debby Harry remains the hottest blonde singer who ever lived. Madonna and Lady Gaga make sex seem like some kind of onerous, pious chore.

Ralph L said...

William, with them, it probably is.

Jason (the commenter) said...

Who cares if it's a rip-off? I don't want to dance to it, so what good is it? And I don't need affirmation (at least not the kind you buy), so I'll stick with Robyn.

sakredkow said...

I think they will both disappoint. But I'll give Gaga a listen. Maybe. Sometime.

rcocean said...

I have no idea who Lady gaga is. Never heard one of her songs.

Pretty sad, huh?

Chip Ahoy said...

jerryofva, thanks for the link. That's brilliant. I had trouble deciding if that was a girl or a guy. On the second viewing I decided it's a girl.

The Crack Emcee said...


I have no idea who Lady gaga is. Never heard one of her songs.

Pretty sad, huh?

No, you're one of the lucky ones:

The rest of us have to figure out how to scrub our brains now.

Sweetbriar said...

Lady Gaga is a one person tribute band. She copies from everywhere and calls it innovation, rather like schoolgirls crib quotes from every source they can find to pad out the word count on their English papers. I don't mind, it is what it is and if she can get rich and famous on it, which is her goal, then she is doing very well.

What I'd rather see someone of her generation and younger notice is that they are still copying their grandparents (boomers) and thinking they are being daring and fresh. They are allowing genuinely creative abilities to be siphoned off into mimicry. The funny/sad part is that when a new generation comes along with truly new art/expression, they won't like it. Bring it on!

nichole said...

So sad no one's mentioned Respect Yourself (Staple Singers, 1971) yet.

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