January 16, 2011

"With more sharing, the teams could have moved forward, thriving together."

"It was wrong for the Packers to hog the ball for something like 2/3 of the time."


kent said...

... and, hey: they're all wearing matching shirts already anyway, right...?


kent said...

Incidentally, Professor: you've been cited, and linked accordingly. ;)

Michael said...

Hopefully the losers got trophies though

le Douanier said...

Obviously the call for civility can be overdone.

But, I'm sure that the un-call for civility can also be overdone. We will arrive at such a point when the purportedly reactive 'un-calling' overwhelms the initial 'calls' in straw-graspyness, out-of-proportionness, and un-interestingness.

Maybe I'm an early adopter (e.g. I did initially note that it made no sense to tie Palin's comments/graphics to the shooing). Presumably others will eventually catch up, by becoming bored w/ the 'un-call.'

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

There is not going to be any sharing this afternoon between the Patriots and the Jets... and thank God for that.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

I want us to live up to Tom Brady's expectations. I want our democracy to be as good as Tom imagined it.
All of us - we should do everything we can to make sure this country lives up to Tom Brady's expectations.

Anonymous said...

Shame on those Badgers (aggressive animal... that's a no-no) beating my Illini yesterday in basketball.

Beating sounds like domestic violence, doesn't it, Althouse? And, basketball teams wear wife-beater t-shirts, don't they?

I think, Althouse, that you share in the collective guilt for this beating.

They kept score in the game, too! 76-66! My boys are home today nursing their severely damaged self-esteem, Althouse.

And, you did it! You beat my boys!

Fen said...

Hey! This is a recycled thread! I see what you did there. I want a refund.

garage mahal said...

More mysterious bird deaths after Green Bay leaves town. First Philadelphia, now Atlanta.

Paging Trooper York.

Ann Althouse said...

"Hey! This is a recycled thread! I see what you did there. I want a refund."

Yeah, I self-front-paged. That's sick!

Cedarford said...

In other news, an aspiring football team, hoping for inclusion in the NFL, fielded it's 1st roster.
The owner of the Portland Oregon "Mudclams" said that his players would be "nontraditional", blending college football players with female grief counselors, wheelchair athletes, diminutive Vietnamese-American ethnics, gay 120-lb ice skaters, obese Mexican American females, and the 1st Muslim punter.
"Diversity is our Greatest Strength", owner Fazul Rabazz, said.
"Whether we win or lose is besides the point. The objective is to feel good about outselves, get hugs from the grief counselors as we muff play after play, gain more civility and self-esteem".

Unknown said...

I'm wondering how Ann would have reacted to John Madden and Curt Gowdy obsessing over the hallmark of great teams of the 70s and 80s.

Ball control.

Known Unknown said...

You said this already.


Known Unknown said...

Whoops. Someone pointed that out already.


Known Unknown said...

Cedarford said "muff play". Heh heh.


Big Mike said...

Not to mention the ill manner in which the Wisconsin basketball team treated their guests from nearby Illinois. For shame, you folks from the Dairy State.

campy said...

Remember, before we are Packers or Falcons, we are Americans.

Fred4Pres said...

Seahawks-Packers championship game!!!!!

Ann Althouse said...

The Packers defeated the Eagles and the Falcons, so birds need to watch out. It will be more fun to see them go after the Bears. "Packers" refers to meat-packing, so I think Bears are more meat than Seahawks. Enough fowl. We want red meat.

Now, after we butcher the Bears, it's on to the Super Bowl (which suggests a bird, Superb Owl, but there will be no birds in the Super Bowl). Who will face the Packers: Jets, Patriots, or Steelers. The best image isn't Packers against Jets. Jets are planes. I don't like the imagery. So Patriots or Steelers. Both are human beings. I think Steelers makes for the best imagery, because Packers and Steelers are both working guys. There's a nice parallelism to that, which pleases me.

I also care about what I like to call their "costumes." Certainly, yesterday, the Steelers' costumes were much better than the Ravens costumes. Man, the Ravens looked like they were wearing ladies' leggings. I think you want some color break at the knee, so I was for the Steelers.

I'm all about: How do they look? It's a spectator sport!

Meade said...

campy said...
"Remember, before we are Packers or Falcons, we are Americans."

Not me. I'm a Packer-American. I come from a long line of packers. Meat packers. Indian meat packers. Reviled and discriminated against for generations, we're here now ready to claim our rightful government set-aside contracts.

caplight said...

Maybe if the NFL could buy into the cult of, "Can't we all get along," players from opposing teams could share the same bench like those of the Get Along cult want to do in congress for the SOTU speech. Of course players would have to be on their honor not to steal signals and plays from the opposing team which I am sure they would be willing to do since they're not really competitive at heart.

wv: cultz

Scott M said...

Why do so few progressives really like American football. Outside Tanishi Coated, I mean.