January 11, 2011

"Hold It Against Me."

Come on, let's feel good again! There's a new Britney Spears single!


Anonymous said...

she's going to be 30 this year

Toad Trend said...

File that under 'I Couldn't Care Less'.

wv - cheatio

Political cereal.

le Douanier said...

Was her voice autotuned?

I don't think that effect sounds good.

prairie wind said...

Is she too young to remember this?

traditionalguy said...

Yes. An earthy Britney makes a good antidote to all this political hazing going on 24/7.

Unknown said...

Ann, they mention you at the very end (last minute or so) of the Goldberg v Douthat bloggingheads.tv diavlog as they discuss the relative civility of their conversation. ha !

coketown said...

Yay! It'll be just like old times when I would wear the mop as a wig and dance around the living room when Britney came up on TRL.

I'll have to draw on some stretch marks, you know, for authenticity's sake.

WV: bionse. As in that bitch Bionse has nothing on Britney.

MadisonMan said...

If you play it backwards tomorrow, you can hear "Happy Birthday Ann Althouse".

Wince said...

Everything comes full circle, after 9-11, thanks to the Onion.

A Shattered Nation Longs To Care About Stupid Bullshit Again.

MayBee said...

We can tie Britney into current events. She is still under the conservatorship of her father, having been deemed unable to be responsible for herself after a breakdown in 2008.

The Crack Emcee said...

I'm supposed to "feel good" about Britney Spears?

Whoo, lady, you and I are so far apart in our thinking on pop culture - and especially music - it's mind-boggling.

You are almost 60, right?

AST said...

Will this horror never end!

HT said...

I was wondering what's up with Brittany.

Another ice question, I hope the experts are here.

The main roads are pretty ok, and it's mostly just slush. But, it's going down to 18 tonight. I went to our hardware store (an Ace) and they dont have any chains, surprise! They could order some, they'll have to find out if there are any first, and then they'll get here on Friday. I just mention this because they're talking about another one of these things Sunday. I hope not.

Now, my question, I bought a container of Road Runner Ice Melt. It's now 1 pm and the temp is somewhere between 32-35 degrees. Do I put it on now? Tonight? Tomorrow morning? And I'm talking about my short driveway. It seems that the driveway does not freeze up as bad as the roads, for some reason.


rhhardin said...

oops I did it again in the aftermarket.

Unknown said...

I thought she was sharing a room with Lindsay Lohan.

Jay Vogt said...

Making the Bellamy Brother relevant again. Whodathunkit.

Anonymous said...

Originality apparently doesn't seem to be a concern.

knox said...

Poor Brit. Here's hoping she can get it together and not die young.

SBVOR said...

That whole sexplotation thing ain't gonna work for Britney anymore - she needs a new shtick.

Known Unknown said...

The entertainment industry is dead. Everything is borrowed, ripped, stolen and recycled from the past.

Repackage the same schlock from yesteryear, add some new beats, and sell it all over again.