January 25, 2011

Here's where I blog everything about the State of the Union address that doesn't involve the text.

I've already blogged the text. That's done! No more fretting over typing out what the Prez is saying in real time. Been there. Done that. This post is for everything else. What are they wearing? Who's falling asleep? What was that funny look? Where did he stumble over the text? All style and no substance, except to the extent that style is substance, baby.

UPDATE: Thanks for keeping this going in the comments. I don't have much to say about the visuals. The House fixtures looked surprisingly shabby on HDtv. Obama spoke slowly, had some gray hair, and made stabbing gestures with the pinched-together fingers of his left had. The mixing of the Democrats and Republicans in the audience really did — as critics warned — have the effect of making it look as though everyone supported him, but perhaps the demonstrations of support were a bit more toned down than they would have been if the parties had kept separated.

UPDATE 2: Instapundit has a grim screen capture. Was O's suit that blue?!

AND: As for that look, I think that's the Boris Karloff look.

CONFESSION: I slept through parts of it.


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Toad Trend said...

Well, my strategy seems to have paid off - I decided smartly to ignore the speech and remove the lint from my navel and trim my toenails, knowing I could get a pretty clear picture of what went on (or didn't) last nite from all the laserlike commenters here in the Althouse. I sure laughed alot more than I would have if I had forced myself to watch little Barry whine about how we aren't listening to him and all his great socialist ideas.


Only thing I realized is that I didn't rearrange the sock drawer...

Roger J. said...

Absolutely a fascinating post--not for any substance. what was priceless was Ritmo's inability to dominate the thread--he was simply ignored by most posters, and the more h/she was ignored the more h/she posted--to no avail.

If you think I am off base on my comment go back and look at the postings--try as he might, Ritmo never got off the ground. He cotinued to flail. and no one took notice. There's a teaching point here folks: ignore. Ignoring is the best medicine for fools. Plus, it drives them nuts.

Tank said...

Thanks to you guys who watched for me.

I went out to a blues club.

Not sure what the drinking game was, but I think I might have won.

AST said...

I didn't even watch the d***d thing and I'm filled with despair. This is like Jimmy Carter cubed.

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