January 20, 2011

"Do you dream of a fairytale wedding?"/'I think I’m well beyond the fairytale marriage stage."

Piers Morgan inanely interrogating Condoleezza Rice about marriage.


jsled said...

It isn't inane; he was trying to get her to slip up and make some indication that she's a lesbian. That would be an interviewing success, really.

Being unaware of which state your interviewee lives, on the other hand. Not inane, but close.

Kev said...

(the other kev)

The show is quickly becoming this decade's Wilton North Report.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Amazes me that the geniuses at CNN thought they should even continue this type of TV show format after Larry King moved on.

le Douanier said...

This clip wasn't an interrogation, even in the light banter sense of 'interrogation,' never mind enhanced interrogation techniques.

Unlike Palin, Condi isn't fishing for coddling by Althouse-types. So, don't bother, it's actually insulting to Condi. Condi can handle herself. Now, how has Palin been hurt by the lame stream media today?

le Douanier said...

BTW, when are the cons here going to do their opo research on Morgan?

There's a lot there.

Irene said...

"Well, you're quite a catch, aren't you."

Condi civilly replies, "Why, thank you."

Irene thinks, "Bite me."

JAL said...

That's so freakin' unbelievable.

JAL said...

So does this guy know how to spell s-e-x-i-s-t?

Irene said...

JAL, I suspect he thinks it's F-L-A-T-T-E-R-Y.

David said...

Her husband George Bush was openly sleeping with another woman.

David said...

I think growing up in Birmingham was more than enough preparation for this turkey.

Condi Rice is such a puzzle to the left that they have given up trashing her.

Penny said...

"JAL, I suspect he thinks it's F-L-A-T-T-E-R-Y."

If you're talking about Piers saying she is quite a catch, Irene, then I too suspect he thought it was flattery. It was intended to be, and Condi Rice accepted it as it was intended.

She's a class act.

Penny said...

Do you really think that women who climb to lofty positions like Condi Rice are focused on feminist slights?

People like her have much more important things with which to concern themselves.

Unknown said...

That is a inert brat

Irene said...

It depends where you position a "slight" on your offense

"Out of context," the banter was flattering, and Dr. Rice was appropriately gracious. Taken as a whole, the interview set my meter buzzing.

Imagine if the interviewee had been Barbara Boxer? How long would she have elegantly buoyed through the saccharine cooing?