Are Obama-loving press members trying to orchestrate an outcome by giving an abundance of attention to the person they hope Obama will face in November 2012?That's basically what they did in 2008, he notes.
But the press liked McCain, I think, because he was relatively liberal. Palin isn't. Palin is good at getting all the attention, and I worry that it will prevent better candidates from getting the early support they need to survive the caucuses and primaries.
As for Chris Matthews, I suspect he's just desperate for ratings and knows how many viewers he could get if Sarah would bring her celebrity-power to his little show.
1 – 200 of 216 Newer› Newest»Sara Palin has made more money for more people than Milton Bradley's Monopoly money printing division.
She is a one woman economic stimulus program.
Never dig too deep when trying to determine the motives of a shanty Irishman. Remember, for all the bluster and inflated egos, the Irish have never even ruled their own little island. He wants some subject.
I suspect he's just desperate for ratings and knows how many viewers he could get if Sarah...
Now why does that make me think of blog posts on Althouse?
I've been watching more of MSNBC lately. They are obsessed with Palin. Whether or not it's by nefarious design; well I don't watch enough of MSNBC to know. Nor am I willing to. Those people are Loons!
Palin is a dynamo, isn't she?
She's the most hated by the left figure since President Reagan. For reasons that I cannot understand, she simply drives the left insane.
About all she shares with Clinton is star power. This is something that I don't understand, so I'll pass on that. I don't adore any idols among politicians, not even Palin.
Palin seems (as far as we know now) to possess personal dignity and integrity... which is not at all like Bubba.
I watched 5 minutes of her reality show last night. I don't care much for these shows. But, I thought hers was pretty OK. She visited a fish factory and worked the line for a few minutes. She isn't queasy about blood and guts, that's for sure.
It's A TRAP! (h/t Admiral Ackbar)
(The Crypto Jew)
the Irish have never even ruled their own little island. He wants some subject.
You take that back Bucko! We have too! I believe the last ruler was named Brian Bóruma mac Cennétig! And it was ONLY 1083 years ago! Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire! Sassenach!
Not sure my dreams can ever approach a level of wildness where Chris Matthews is in one.
Sarah Palin had a "humiliating pounding" in 2008?
Sarah Palin had a "humiliating pounding" in 2008?
Yes, I wondered about that one, too.
We in the leftist press beat on her and beat on her, and we thought we'd defeated her. But, the dumb bitch refused to go away!
Who does she think she it?
On a crowded stage, Palin is the one you look at. She wouldn't be my first choice among Republicans, but she would make the speech that I would watch. John Wayne was no great shakes as an actor, but his presence sticks in the memory in a way that that of Laurence Olivier does not. Perhaps what we distrust about Sarah Palin is the ferocity of our own response to her.
... and I worry that it will prevent better candidates from getting the early support they need to survive the caucuses and primaries.
Enuff of amateur hour already.
Sarah Palin, bless her heart, she's definitely an opportunist in the most capitalistic sense. Without a smidgen of guilt she leaves the governorship of Alaska and embarks upon a celebrity venture of varied value and certain personal return. And the media savors her presence more than her apparent audience. I suspect her emergence and her oblivion will wax and wane just as the christian movement within the Republican Party did. The really uninterested (in what she says and does) among us must wait for this passing wind.
Does it ever occur to her followers that she might have left the Vice Presidency for the same self-enriching celebrity-ism. Vote for her she'll be true to her obligations and commitments. So who's caring for that large family that she help brew while she and her husband are gallivanting around the country doing 'what?'.
(The Crypto Jew)
Palin is good at getting all the attention, and I worry that it will prevent better candidates from getting the early support they need to survive the caucuses and primaries.
Now you sound like Senator Danforth, “poor Dick Lugar, he might be primaried….” Here’s a hint, it’s up to the candidate to get the attention and support and if they CAN’T they don’t deserve to win. I supported Fred Thompson; he didn’t win, not McCain’s fault, Fred’s fault…If Jindjal or Pawlenty can’t compete not Sarah’s fault, Tim or Bobby’s fault…no has a RIGHT to a seat (Dick Lugar); no one has a RIGHT to be the candidate that runs in 2012.
WV: “prousal” to be very, very “excited” whilst reading À la recherche du temps perdu
Now why does that make me think of blog posts on Althouse?
(The Crypto Jew)
Does it ever occur to her followers that she might have left the Vice Presidency for the same self-enriching celebrity-ism. Vote for her she'll be true to her obligations and commitments. So who's caring for that large family that she help brew while she and her husband are gallivanting around the country doing 'what?'.
Who takes care of Melia and Sasha? Who took care of Chelsea? Funny we ask questions of Palin we don’task of others, isn’t it?
This liberal coyote has seen Palin's taillights as the road runner that ran over him one time too many. Matthews is trying out a new tact that hopes to "overexpose" Palin in a last ditch attempt to stoke jealousy among the GOP elites who are the only chance to stop her inauguration in January 2013. Obama has already lost...the question now is whether Sarah gets the nomination or is pushed aside by Mittie or Jebbie and the Bush Family Architect.
Without a smidgen of guilt she leaves the governorship of Alaska and embarks upon a celebrity venture of varied value and certain personal return.
I am at a loss about what she's supposed to feel "a smidgen of guilt" about.
Nothing here, except your assertion that she should feel guilty.
I suspect that Palin will win the presidency, because she's the only candidate who says anything that matters. Why this is so, I cannot say.
But, the plain truth is a deadly weapon, as the Reagan haters discovered. I think history is about to repeat itself here.
Miss Sarah ought smack Chrissy a good one for comparing her to a sack of sleaze like Willie.
PS nd, The Eyties really haven't ruled THEIR country since the Milvian Bridge.
Conservatives should ignore the MSM interviews by refusing to appear on their shows. They don't get a fair shake by dweebs like Mathews so f them. Anyone ever see his Sunday gabfest- his panel has nary a conservative ever.
...I worry that it will prevent better candidates from getting the support they need...
To the bitter end the sophisticatos will prefer anyone to a genuine no nonsense conservative.
Naughty, naughty MadMan.
I suspect Matthews suffers from a mild organic brain disorder related to his diabetes. Example: his sotto voce 'oh god' when Jindal came into camera view to give the Republican rebuttal to the, IIRC, Obama SOTU message.
He simply blathers on and on. His immoderate assessments of Hillary during the election were unconscionable.
Still, cant' help but a have an affection for the big lug, in general. Just have to be in the mood to watch him.
Chris Matthews, like Arianna Huffington, sees the conservative ascendancy and is trying to position himself to benefit.
Remember when Matthews was the featured "guest host" for Rush Limbaugh's show before he went full-time moonbat?
Similarly, watch this clip of Arianna Huffington trying to position herself as a reasonable voice. Recall too that she once claimed to be conservative: Arianna Tries to Triangulate
Whatever they're doing, she won't fall for it:
The leftist media all blew it already.
And I'd like to remind you "she's not smart enough" types that the examples I put above were designed specifically to put that idea in your head. So, unless you have concrete examples of anything truly stupid Sarah Palin has said or done, you're merely a gullible parrot of the mediasphere.
Here's the unmediated record of the president.
Here's the unmediated record of Sarah Palin.
I will remind you that I'm an atheist. If, like George W. Bush, the woman doesn't make me gag - because I'm able to be fair to her - I wonder what the problem is for those of you who probably also didn't recognize what a great president W. was when he was in office - and played a role in making him look bad when he was in. My conclusion:
Many of you are not as unbiased, or independent, in your thinking (or it's presentation) as you imagine.
lol matthews in a nutshell
If other candidates are better, than Sarah Palin won't matter, and if they aren't, then why should Sarah Palin have to make room for them?
Affirmative Action is the sort of thing that Democrats do, not Republicans.
Libtard: Without a smidgen of guilt she leaves the governorship of Alaska
You guys forced her out of office. So its a bitch rich when you play the "quit" card on her.
Libtard: and embarks upon a celebrity venture
Likewise, you guys made her a celebrity.
Libtard: I suspect her emergence and her oblivion will wax and wane just as the christian movement within the Republican Party did.
Keep dreaming, bitch.
Libtard: Does it ever occur to her followers that she might have left the Vice Presidency for the same self-enriching celebrity-ism.
No. Because [see above] your whole "quit-for-celebrity" meme is bullshit.
In the future, you might want to reconsider trial-balooning your propaganda over at HuffPo. It won't fly here.
Bye bye lil libtard sockpuppet.
I suspect her emergence and her oblivion will wax and wane just as the christian movement within the Republican Party did.
Oh wise one please enlighten us on this "christian movement with the Republican Party" you speak of. Is it as "opportunist(ic)" and "self-enriching" as this Palin figure?
Or is it a much more substantial and high-minded of an influence as say, the "labor union movement" within the Democratic Party or the "black race movement " within the same Democratic Party"
Please tell us, inquiring minds want to know
As for Chris Matthews, I suspect he's just desperate for ratings and knows how many viewers he could get if Sarah would bring her celebrity-power to his little show.
I know a certain law professor who could routinely generate 300 comments and some humongous amount of traffic just about every time she had a "Sarah Palin" tag.
Just sayin'
I was going to vote Libertarian in 2008, Sarah Palin changed that. John McCain was not even my third choice for president. Right now the field for 2012 is not even formed completely. Chris Matthews has lots of time to rid his leg of tingles; perhaps even get an audience,naw, never happen.
Clyde in the previous thread said to get a rope for that Howdy Doody-looking Bradley Manning character.
Clyde, didn't your mommy teach you that making fun of a person's appearance is fucking rude!
But thank you for the idea. Manning to Doody (proprietary GIF-friendly) morph.
McCain is not "relatively liberal;" he just does not quite know what he is.
Ms. Sarah does know, but her record of governing is not all that "conservative," except perhaps in the sense that "pragmatic" and "conservative" overlaps.
I don't think Larry Olivier was all that great, although "Is it safe?" was wicked scary.
There is no sense in which McCain could have ever been considered "relatively liberal". The press liked McCain because he was good copy, and because he was accessible.
Maybe Matthews is "switching teams" so to speak on what gives him a tingling feeling.
"better candidates"??
If they were, in fact, "better," then how could that dumb hick moron Palin ever outshine them? How is it that this blithering idiot again and again beats everyone else to the punch, saying the right thing, showing herself to be far wiser and more knowledgeable than all the smart people? If they can't beat a boob like her, how can they beat a true boob like Obama?
Better candidates?? Like who???? Ninety percent of them are disasters in waiting.
The press promoted McCain for the same reason I vote for Mets players for the All Star game.
He is a loser.
The left is being played. Their blindness to their own stupidity born of emotion, and group think is allowing Palin to distract them. They will not walk away from the 3 Card Monty table until it's way too late. I love it.
Enough celebrity, cult-of-personality, Hegelian world historical spirit presidents.
Give me a boring dude who can balance a budget.
Fen, embrace and celebrate it. She quit.
I do not elect people to quit when things get tough. I don't really care about the circumstances that cause the toughness. The Presidency offers far more challenge than a Governor's office, and if you can't hack it as the Governor, how can you convince people that you can as President? I think that's a very valid question for her, and I've never really heard her address it.
Madison -- Oh, but there's more. The excuse for quitting apparently is that Palin -- who basically has a money printer in her house -- couldn't deal with all the baseless lawsuits and investigations that the national -- international! -- left was conspiring to bring against her.
Can you imagine Bush or Clinton thinking that way, or any apologist for them saying that? Hilarious.
(The Crypto Jew)
do not elect people to quit when things get tough. I don't really care about the circumstances that cause the toughness. The Presidency offers far more challenge than a Governor's office, and if you can't hack it as the Governor, how can you convince people that you can as President? I think that's a very valid question for her, and I've never really heard her address it.
Then you just didn’t read her resignation address. POTUS is more difficult, but Slick Willie and Shrillary got a Legal Defense Fund for their problems, under Alaska Law, the Governor could not…hence the endless challenges were going to bankrupt the Palins.
But thank you for your “concern.”
Give me a boring dude who can balance a budget.
Balancing the budget isn't a function of the office of the President.
Com'on MadMan you would never have voted for Palin no matter what.
It's like me telling you I would root for the Red Sox. I wouldn't do that if they were playing Cuba in the World Series with Fidel Castro pitching.
Which might have happened because Fidel was a good little pitcher back in the day.....the Washington Senators scouted him and they signed him the Mob would still have casinos in Cuba to this very day.
is that Palin -- who basically has a money printer in her house -- couldn't deal with all the baseless lawsuits
She had a "money printer" in her house as Governor?
I do think she runs the risk of being overexposed and needs to dial it back.
hence the endless challenges were going to bankrupt the Palins.
I hereby resign from the Presidency because I face the possibility of going bankrupt.
You can get overexposed when you are on a reality show and it is repeated over and over again.
I think by this time next year we are all going to be pretty tired of the Palins, Sister Wives, Snooki and midgets. Just sayn'
JAY -- I am sad for you that don't understand an obvious metaphor. However, I will not embarrass you further by explaining it.
The president can balance the budget by vetoing the budget or, if you want to get really radical, by refusing to spend monies allotted. That would be a constitutional crisis, of course, but it's an option.
hence the endless challenges were going to bankrupt the Palins.
So she chose money over America.
Does anyone have a good link to all these frivolous lawsuits, how much they were costing, and what happened after Palin quit?
Com'on MadMan you would never have voted for Palin no matter what.
I've said many many times that I thought the choices given to us in 2008 were bad ones. I didn't like McCain because of his incoherent response to the looming economic crisis (Let's suspend my campaign and gather Congress to fix things!!!) and his base-pandering with his VP pick.
Does anyone really want their governor to spend all their time and money fighting the fever swamp that we are talking about here. Her resignation was the responsible decision for both the state and her family. To have stayed and fought might have seemed heroic, but diving on a hand grenade when there's nobody to save and endless grenades coming is just stupid.
On the other hand, our President did quit his previous office for no good reason other than ambition, but a Lightworker must follow his destiny for the good of mankind.
"and his base-pandering with his VP pick."
Which just goes to show that you would never vote for her no matter what as you think of her as pandering to the conservative base.
You would no more vote for Palin than Garage would avoid taking a dip in a warm yellow river of piss to help our Russ. Just sayn'
MadMan, you voted for someone who skated and fudged his entire way through elected life. What he achieved was through graft, guile, voting present, and taking credit for the work of others. It's called politics.
So she chose money over America.
The usual empty quote from our King of Empty, garage.
Palin chose to do what she wanted to do with her life, which is her prerogative.
You created a goal for her that you want to impose on her. And, then graded her in accordance.
She's your enemy. Your her enemy. She will defeat you, and I suspect she will ignore your attempts to coerce her into playing by your rules.
garage, why don't you tend to devising strategies for your own side?
I want to add here that by criticizing Palin, I am in no way saying anything positive about Obama, or McCain, or Biden. When was the last time this country had two decent candidates to choose from for president? 1948?
I think Sarah is sort of like Ronald Reagan. However, it needs to be pointed out that RR was on General Electric Theater and Death Valley Days for several years—not counting re-runs. When political opponents attacked him as being a dunce or a loon, millions of Americans said to themselves, “ No, I don't think so. He's one of my favorite TV guys.” I don't know if Sara Palin has time to built up that kind of good will among non-supporters before 2012.
am sad for you that don't understand an obvious metaphor.
In a constitutional republic where Congress controls budget authorization & appropriations, it isn't a metaphor.
However, I will not embarrass you further by explaining it.
You are only embarrassing yourself.
The president can balance the budget by vetoing the budget
Um, that wouldn't balance the budget or anything.
It could force the shutdown of the government, however, interest payments on the debt are still obligated under law.
if you want to get really radical, by refusing to spend monies allotted.
You're obviously ignorant to the fact that interest on the debt and spending on entitlement programs like Social Security and Medicare, that is spending out of the President's control, take up an amount that is greater than federal revenues.
The rest is borrowed. So no, that wouldn't balance the budget.
But I think you should continue on on your "metaphors"
Palin:political right :: Obama:political left
So she chose money over America.
By resigning from the position of Govenor of Alaska?
Hyperbole much, goof?
So she chose money over America.
Actually it was money over Alaska.
Palin' problem now is the same as it was on the day McCain picked her. She does not have the experience for the job. Being mayor of Wasilla and serving part of a term as governor of the small (population), quirky state of Alaska is pretty weak.
Regardless of what you think about their politics, Reagan was Gov of California and Bush of Texas (two of the biggest, most complex states). Really good prep for the job of Pres. Even Clinton was a multi-term Gov of a smaller state.
Palin, like the Zero, just does not have the background to do the job. I say this as someone who agrees with most of her positions, agrees she has been shamefully vilified for being a pretty, female conservative, but questions both her experience and the quality of her intellect (I never get the feeling I'm listening to someone who knows more than I do when listening to her).
She is making money now, but is (1) being on Fox News, (2) having a realtiy show and (3) speaking out on Facebook really enough to prepare her to be Pres?
that wouldn't balance the budget or anything
A politically astute person could pull it off without shutting down the government. Veto the budget. Work immediately with Congress for a continuing resolution.
Furthermore, there is no spending that is out of the control of the executive branch. It is the job of the executive branch to spend the money allotted by Congress.
(The Crypto Jew)
I hereby resign from the Presidency because I face the possibility of going bankrupt.
You just didn’t read her resignation, you didn’t read anything from the 1990’s either…Clinton Legal Defense Fund….but hey don’t let facts slow you down….
Clinton Legal Defense Fund
Exactly. So why did Palin quit?
(The Crypto Jew)
“At the news conference, Ms. Palin cited numerous reasons for quitting, including more than $500,000 in legal fees that she and her husband, Todd, have incurred because of 15 ethics complaints filed against her during her two and a half years as governor. She said all of the complaints had been dismissed, but she still had to pay lawyers to defend her.”
(The Crypto Jew)
Seven, Because Alaska Law did NOT allow for the establishment of such a fund……in fact the last allegation was that the discussion of such a fund was an ethics violation….Thank you.
She said all of the complaints had been dismissed, but she still had to pay lawyers to defend her.”
So she she quit over complaints that have been dismissed, and it sounds like she would incur the same costs had she not quit. That doesn't sound very Presidenc-y
Joe -- Money is fungible. Secondly, she quit.
Joe, my point is: If she resigns from being Governor of Alaska because she might go bankrupt (after all, she says she had $500 K in legal bills, and I sure as heck believe everything she says!), why would she not do the same thing if she were President?
Bankruptcy can be caused by things other than Legal Bills.
$500,000 in legal bills is one speech in Kansas City for Palin. Come on, people.
(The Crypto Jew)
So she she quit over complaints that have been dismissed, and it sounds like she would incur the same costs had she not quit. That doesn't sound very Presidenc-y
Because MORE were in the offing. And there was NO Clinton legal Defense Fund or Scooter Libby Defense Fund option available under Alaska Law…
Joe -- Money is fungible. Secondly, she quit.
Money is fungible and green and your point is? The job was COSTING HER FAMILY ABOUT $200,000 A YEAR….Let me know how many jobs YOU keep that cost you money, Seven…not OPPORTUNITY COSTS, but cost you money as in $500,000 in legal bills over 2.5 years…
I’m something of a Palinista, but I’ve gotten there by the poor arguments against her…she’s “stoopit”, she’s “Unedja-makated”, she’s a “quitter”…Anyone have a POLICY beef with her? Gee I can tell you a number of POLICIES for which I blame Obama, and some hypocrisy on the side, but I don’t claim he’s “stoopit.” Or “jug-eared, or narcissistic….
I've do not understand why she didn't lobby to have those laws changed, btw, that prevented her from having a legal defense fund. Sure, it was against the law. Laws are changed all the time.
Present a coherent argument to your base, and to allies in the Legislature, and have the relevant law modified in your favor. Why was this not an option? Is the no-legal-defense fund thing in the AK Constitution?
I will agree that her resignation was a bad move, regardless of her financial woes (I find it off a legal defense fund was illegal). That being said, the bar for Presidential qualifications has been laid pretty low the last decade or so.
$200,000 is a speech in Akron for Palin.
I've do not = I do not.
It was I've never understood. Well, my editing needs work.
MadMan and garage would quit their government jobs too if they lost money on them.
Work immediately with Congress for a continuing resolution.
The CR would have obligations exceeding federal revenues.
$500,000 in legal bills is one speech in Kansas City for Palin. Come on, people.
In fairness Seven, she wasn't making that kind of coin as Governor.
In fact, all she did was take a lesson from the Clintons after being in office. Write a book, do some speaking tours and rally the troops during campaign season. All she did was accelerate the process by resigning.
The CR would have obligations exceeding federal revenues.
And the money would get borrowed.
(The Crypto Jew)
Joe, my point is: If she resigns from being Governor of Alaska because she might go bankrupt (after all, she says she had $500 K in legal bills, and I sure as heck believe everything she says!), why would she not do the same thing if she were President?
One more time, slowly for you Seven: C—L-I-N-T-O-N L-E-G-AL D-E-F-E-N-S-E F-U-N-D or S-C-O-O-T-E-R L-I-B-B-Y D-E-F-E-N-S-E F-U-N-D both of which were legal under F-E-D-E-R-A-L Law, but not legal under then Alaska Law…..
Hoosier -- Clinton owed tons of money to lawyers upon leaving office. he paid it later with book and speech revenues.
Why couldn't Palin do this?
Joe -- Lawyers for money all the time.
Furthermore, there is no spending that is out of the control of the executive branch.
The executive branch doesn't control entitlement spendng.
And the money would get borrowed.
You're an ignorant goof over your head.
Stop commenting.
Please, you're just beclowning yourself.
The executive branch doesn't control entitlement spendng.
Are you really asserting that the ladies at the Social Security office are employed by Congress? Really?
ANCHORAGE, Alaska — Thousands of donors who contributed to a $390,000 legal defense fund for former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin will get their money back after an investigator said Thursday the fund was illegal because it was misleadingly described on a website.
State Personnel Board investigator Timothy Petumenos said the Alaska Fund Trust inappropriately used the word "official" on its website, wrongly implying that it was endorsed by Palin in her role as governor.
But Petumenos also found that Palin — the 2008 GOP vice presidential nominee — acted in good faith and relied on a team of attorneys to make sure the fund was lawful and complied with the Alaska Executive Branch Act.
Palin's attorney, Thomas Van Flein, said the trust brought in almost $390,000 before Palin stepped down as governor July 26, 2009. More than $33,000 has since been donated, but Van Flein said that money will go toward $87,680 the trust has incurred in administrative and other expenses.
"She supports this process 100 percent, and I think she agreed to this resolution 'cause it was the right thing to do," Van Flein said. "She never instructed anybody to do anything that would not comply with federal law or state law."
(The Crypto Jew)
$200,000 is a speech in Akron for Palin.
THEN the argument would be, “She should be out governing Alaska, not giving speeches to pay her lawyers.”
I've do not understand why she didn't lobby to have those laws changed, btw, that prevented her from having a legal defense fund. Sure, it was against the law. Laws are changed all the time.
Present a coherent argument to your base, and to allies in the Legislature, and have the relevant law modified in your favor. Why was this not an option? Is the no-legal-defense fund thing in the AK Constitution?
Ok, but UNTIL the law is changed, and if the General Assembly has gone home for the year, you can’t get relief UNTIL they convene again, Palin is STILL out the $500,000, and any other lawyer fees in-between the passage…of relief, assuming passage occurs. No there was No Legal Defense Fund Option in the Ethics Law, a deliberate decision of Palin and the General Assembly in response to previous corruption in the Governor’s Office.
And the money would get borrowed.
Yeah, that will balance the budget, real fast!
Are you really asserting that the ladies at the Social Security office are employed by Congress?
Um, the ladies at the social security office don't set benefit levels.
You have no point.
You're an ignorant goof over your head.
Stop commenting.
Please, you're just beclowning yourself.
Palin advisers created the Alaska Fund Trust in April 2009 to help her pay legal bills she incurred defending herself in the "Troopergate" investigation and a series of other ethics complaints. Palin's personal lawyer, Tom Van Flein of Anchorage, "strongly advised" the trust be vetted by the Alaska Department of Law to make sure it was legal under Alaska ethics law, Petumenos wrote.
But Palin instead chose to follow the advice of another attorney who recommended against seeking input from the attorney general, and instead to simply contest the "inevitable" ethics complaint when it came, Petumenos wrote in his report.
"The prudent thing to have done in my opinion would have been to go to the attorney general in advance," Petumenos told reporters on Thursday.
Read more:
JAY -- The point is to keep the government open until the political battle is won (or lost). I urge you not to run for office.
"Palin, like the Zero, just does not have the background to do the job. I say this as someone who agrees with most of her positions, agrees she has been shamefully vilified for being a pretty, female conservative, but questions both her experience and the quality of her intellect (I never get the feeling I'm listening to someone who knows more than I do when listening to her)."
Saved me the trouble of typing. Thanks, rd!
Um, the ladies at the social security office don't set benefit levels.
So, you are asserting that the people who actually give out the benefits are employed by Congress. They are not. A president could -- but wouldn't -- stop all Social Security payments.
It's just odd that Democrats haven't filed frivolous lawsuits against every Republican governor. Seems so easy.
But only poor ole Sarah had to deal with this. And so many other things.
Hoosier -- Clinton owed tons of money to lawyers upon leaving office. he paid it later with book and speech revenues.
Not Hoosier, but I see no way that Palin could have reliably foreseen how lucrative (or not) her post-Governor career(s) would be.
I think former Presidents know they can come into some serious post-office money, some of it even legally. Not many former Governors can do that.
(The Crypto Jew)
It's just odd that Democrats haven't filed frivolous lawsuits against every Republican governor. Seems so easy.
But only poor ole Sarah had to deal with this. And so many other things.
Other Republican OR Democratic Governors operate(d) under a different legal regime…….
So, you are asserting that the people who actually give out the benefits are employed by Congress
Since you're obviously ignorant, let's try again:
The the ladies at the Social Security office don't set the benefit levels.
You have no response.
You're an idiot in over you head.
(The Crypto Jew)
So, you are asserting that the people who actually give out the benefits are employed by Congress.
Uh yeah, and as to “stopping payments” ONLY if there is NO money allocated…the 1974 Budget Impoundment and Control Act limits the POTUS’ ability to impress and impound or recise money…Passed because Nixon decided that HE would spend the money Congress authorized in a manner he decided was best, not Congress…now policy-wise he might have been correct, but Congress soon put a stop to it…further there is NO “Line Item Veto” so the POTUS cannot simply veto the expenditure of specific sums. You’re not ENTIRELY wrong on this issue, but as in many things government-related the details and legal niceties matter.
Benefits ARE Congressionally set and NO the POTUS cannot just “not spend the money” neither could the POTUS act to not spend a specific line of the budget, because s/he has no line-item veto.
$200,000 is a speech in Akron for Palin.
The Governor of Alaska cannot accept speaking fees and there's a strict limit on other honoraria.
So essentially you're criticizing her for doing exactly as you suggest.
The Revolution Will Be Commercialized
On the morning of July 3, 2009, a national holiday, Sarah Palin placed a call to her communications director and told her that she wanted to hold a press conference at her Wasilla, Alaska, home. She wouldn’t disclose the topic. For Palin, the months since Election Day had been a letdown even bigger than the loss to Barack Obama and Joe Biden. Being governor was drudgery. “Her life was terrible,” one adviser says. “She was never home, her [Juneau] office was four hours from her house. You gotta drive an hour from Wasilla to Anchorage. And she was going broke.” Her sky-high approval ratings in Alaska—which had topped 80 percent before John McCain picked her—had withered to the low fifties. She faced a hostile legislature, a barrage of ethics complaints, and frothing local bloggers who reveled in her misfortune. All this for a salary of only $125,000? The worst was that she had racked up $500,000 in legal bills to fend off the trooper scandal and other investigations. She needed money and worried about it constantly. “You have to keep in mind,” Bill McAllister, her then–press secretary, told me, “she and Todd were middle class. They’re rich now, but not then.”
So, you are asserting that the people who actually give out the benefits are employed by Congress
Let's keep your tutorial going:
The people at the Social Security Administration, none of them, set the benefit levels.
You have no response.
Benefits ARE Congressionally set
Since the Social Security Amendments Act passed by Congress in 1975, payments have been calculated automatically. (Note: Democrats controlled both chambers of Congress and wrote this legislation)
Can you grasp that mr nachos?
Oh, I think we found one of the ladies at the Social Security office!
On Friday, Speaker Nancy Pelosi [D, CA-8] announced that she was scheduling a vote on the Seniors Protection Act of 2010, which would give a one-time payment of $250 to social security recipients who are struggling in the recession economic downturn.
By the way, don't you just love Democrats, giving you that huge 1 time payment?
Aren't you lucky they're so compassionate?
On Friday, Speaker Nancy Pelosi [D, CA-8] announced that she was scheduling a vote on the Seniors Protection Act of 2010, which would give a one-time payment of $250 to social security recipients who are struggling in the recession economic downturn.
Which branch makes the payment?
"Not Hoosier, but I see no way that Palin could have reliably foreseen how lucrative (or not) her post-Governor career(s) would be."
I think the reaction she received during the campaign was a fair indication.
(The Crypto Jew)
Which branch makes the payment?
It would seem CONGRESS, wasn’t that the point in dispute?
It's fascinating to watch as Palin's enemies on this board attempt to insist that she's got to play by their rules.
Tough titties, boys!
I don't think she's going to accommodate you.
One of her most attractive attributes is that she refuses to play by her enemies rules.
Keep gassing! The Divine Miss Sarah isn't listening. She's going to play by her own rules.
Stew in it.
I have the reverse take on Palin. I think she is becoming a lightening rod for the continued criticism of the tea party and now-majority Republicans, the point of which is to make all the other GOP presidential hopefuls look sober, smart and responsible by comparison. Palin being wacky, confrontational and "extreme" makes the candidacy of a Mitch Daniels type harder for the media to complain about. If a serious, smart Republican can manage to win the nomination, the Democrats and media's ammo will be used up on a character who embodies the conservative id but will not be a candidate.
By the way, this is something the President can do:
President Obama formally announced on Monday that his administration is seeking a two-year freeze on federal pay in an effort to trim billions of dollars off the deficit.
“I did not reach this decision easily,” the President said, in remarks before pooled press. “This is not just a line item on the federal ledger. These are people’s lives… In these challenging times we want the best and brightest to join and make a difference but these are also times where all of us are called on to make some sacrifices. And I’m asking civil servants to do what they’ve always done: play their part.”
But note that: the freeze “will not impact step increases or bonuses for federal workers.”
I bet there will be a lot of bonuses this year...
Enough about Stupid Sarah, she's a joke.
Which branch makes the payment?
When Obama signs the bill, the Social Security Administration.
Now, to what you brought up earlier, Obama could refuse to sign it, but the country doesn't have that type of leadership, unfortunately.
My point is: the current federal obligations already exceed federal revenues. Even if congress passes a CR, the budget would be unbalanced.
Deep cuts to these programs are needed and that needs to be done with Acts passed by Congress.
Enough about Stupid Sarah, she's a joke.
Apparently not.
She's apparently the most interesting, most provocative person in the U.S.
I'd say the jokes on you.
Oh, as a point of emphasis, the President has decided to propose a freeze in civilian pay to Congress.
Alex: "Stupid Sarah" Tell you what. I will bet you that Sarah's grades are better than Obamas.
Obama actually believes the govt workforce is comprised of our best and our brightest. God he is so clueless.
She's apparently the most interesting, most provocative person in the U.S.
Like when she "misspoke" about North Korea? She's a total retard. Then she posted on Facebook a sophomoric attack on Obama, something right out of "Mean Girls". Simple Sarah should just go back home to Wasilla!
Like when she "misspoke" about North Korea? She's a total retard. Then she posted on Facebook a sophomoric attack on Obama, something right out of "Mean Girls". Simple Sarah should just go back home to Wasilla!
Yes, she's driving you mad.
If she's so contemptible, you'd shut up about her.
The truth is, you're obsessed with her.
You don't strike me as the brightest match in the box.
As the political pundit's world turns. After Sarah Palin's performance over the past year and the REALITY show on cable TV, the illiterate dummy meme has flopped. The latest attack is an envy based accusation that Palin is being paid money for her extreme popularity, and therefore a short white man with no popularity deserves to be anointed by the GOP.That will teach this upstart a lesson. What a big fail that strategy has already become too.
(The Crypto Jew)
Like when she "misspoke" about North Korea? She's a total retard. Then she posted on Facebook a sophomoric attack on Obama, something right out of "Mean Girls". Simple Sarah should just go back home to Wasilla!
Troll Alert…Please Do Not Respond…Troll Alert….Please Do Not Respond
Troll Alert.
I love that.
Oh, as a point of emphasis, the President has decided to propose a freeze in civilian pay to Congress.
Propose is definitely the key word. I can totally see Congress ignoring the suggestion -- especially when it comes to Congressional Pay.
But proposing it is better than doing nothing, I guess.
(The bar is set pretty low) :)
The press also liked McCain because he gave them access. In the summer of 2008, McCain listened to his handlers instead of his instincts, shut off the press very abruptly and they turned on him.
(The Crypto Jew)
The press also liked McCain because he gave them access. In the summer of 2008, McCain listened to his handlers instead of his instincts, shut off the press very abruptly and they turned on him.
They turned on him because he was the Republican Candidate! The unsourced article on his lobbyist “affair” was the first clue on how this was going to go.
Alex: When she misspoke about N. Korea she immediately corrected herself as you can see should you care to look. The President, by way of contrast, did not correct himself when he misremembered the number of states in our great union. He was tired, of course. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
Joe -- Congress does not make any payments. That is the job of the executive branch. Congress authorizes payments.
Actually Palin didn't correct herself. Beck did. And her excuse was that she was tired. HAHAHAHA
Palin won't get the nomination and hopefully won't run. A Republican will be president in 2012. Barring a huge war (like World War II), the federal budget will be balanced by 2014.
These are my predictions.
Liberals have become convinced the only Palin would lose to expect some buttering up, of how Goddess PAlin is indeed just the ticket for Republicans in 2012. At MSNBC and elsewhere.
BDS erupted only after Bush became president. PDS erupted when? Right after the Katie Couric interview?
What's next for crazy libs? Will they try to identify potential Republican prez candidates while they are still in grade school or high school and tear them apart non-stop 247?
Palin' problem now is the same as it was on the day McCain picked her. She does not have the experience for the job. Being mayor of Wasilla and serving part of a term as governor of the small (population), quirky state of Alaska is pretty weak.
You guys are so full of shit. As someone who's put himself out there (admittedly in another capacity) I ask you:
Could you do it? Run for office and not only win, but do the job good enough to run for the higher office and win that, too? And then be capable of winning people over in your performance of that job enough to be picked for another?
I say you couldn't and you're just talking crap you know nothing about.
I could. If I had the money to run, I'd have a shot at winning anything I went for - and doing the job, too. But I don't see that quality in hardly any of you airchair quarterbacks, declaring Palin doesn't have what it takes. You don't know what it takes! You don't think you had a good choice in the last election? You wouldn't know a good choice - that's why you blew the last election!
You guys make a nigga tired with your bullshit.
Bender said...
"better candidates"??
If they were, in fact, "better," then how could that dumb hick moron Palin ever outshine them? How is it that this blithering idiot again and again beats everyone else to the punch, saying the right thing, showing herself to be far wiser and more knowledgeable than all the smart people?
It's the Jesse Jackson syndrome. For 10 years, circa 1982 to 1992 - the media could count on the God Jesse to beat any Democrat to the camera on any subject with his "pithy, rhyming, "street-smart" moral wisdom and charismatic aura.
Substitute big tits and a pleasant look, using "folksy hockey mom wisdom" for big angry black man droning in morally superior sonorous preacher-speak (to progressive Jewish media bosses yet to meet THe ONE) and you have this decade's flavor of Jesse.
Wait until you see Palin's latest Facebook message about the Wikileaks. She kicks the administration right in the nuts.
I think of Palin and Christine O'Donnell as well, as sort of demagogue sponges. There's only so much available time in a news cycle for our unbiased media to call republican politicians stupid evil racist nazi demonmonsters. If Palin is in the race, even if they try really hard to bite back their insane hatred of her, they can't help it. They'll fire all torpedos at her, and she'll take the flack, leaving other candidates to slip through with relatively few news stories of how they're really racist nazi devil worshippers who made dirty profits.
Consider how many thousands of news stories were run about O'Donnell (who had no chance of winning anyway), vs how many hit pieces they ran against Marco Rubio (who is a future presidential hopeful).
I think IF Palin runs for President, she will serve a similar role, and by her presence in the race, virtually inoculate the eventual GOP candidate from the typical unbiased media dirty tricks.
"Inexplicable: I recently won in court to stop my book "America by Heart" from being leaked,but US Govt can't stop Wikileaks' treasonous act?" - Sarah Palin
Doesn't Sarah know that Wikileaks isn't an American organization. How is it treason for a non-American to publish this stuff.
MadisonMan: I hereby resign from the Presidency because I face the possibility of going bankrupt.
Don't be dense. "I hereby resign from the Presidency because these frivolous legal attacks will keep me away from the duties of my office."
Geez Madison, it wasn't *that* long ago you were chanting "Move On!"
On the same day, a few weeks ago, that Vladimir Putin was shown shooting a scientific dart into a whale, President Obama was seen riding a girl's bike somewhat clumsily. A commenter said that they've got Dr. Evil and we've got Pee Wee Herman. That's funny but it is not the point. The point is, who is Putin competing against? It's not Obama. Is there any doubt that Sarah Palin would have no problem shooting a dart into a whale? Putin knows who his real rival is.
Did C-4 jump the shark @ 4:42, Or was that a satire of a deranged commenter? Jessie Jackson of all people to compare Sarah to had many anti-Jewish slips...but being pro Jewish has been Sarah's only crime in C-4's alternate universe. My diagnosis is a mild concussion. He must have been watching the Palin clans, Eskimos and all, smoking salmon strips on last night program. I suspect that that set off C-4's Bagel and Lox enemy recognition alarm causing him to hit his head scrambling to go to JewCon 5.
I know this is kinda like a V8 moment but it was only today that I clearly saw why the media perseverates over Sarah Palin:
See reliably generates the sort of left/right comment/anger fest that news organizations love to cover. This blog posts confirm that.
Now if one can step back and read the comments (and if one assumes the majority of commenters on this blog are right of center) one would conclude Sarah Palin does not have broad support in the Republican party. She may have narrow AND strong support but I would bet a fair number of Republicans would prefer she not run.
"traditionalguy said....
He must have been watching the Palin clans, Eskimos and all, smoking salmon strips on last night program. I suspect that that set off C-4's Bagel and Lox enemy recognition alarm causing him to hit his head scrambling to go to JewCon 5."
Now that is some funny shit right there. Well done!
Wow, Fen, so you're saying something frivolous might keep Sarah Palin from performing her Presidential duties? Shouldn't a President be able to focus on things? That's what we should have learned from Clinton, who couldn't, and look what happened.
And I don't think I'd ever chant Move On. Maybe Don't look back, but chanting -- unless it's Gregorian -- is so not my style.
bagoh20 said...
Sara Palin has made more money for more people ...."
for herself...for herself
I have no doubt that Palin is the dream candidate. let's all get behind her and urge her on. We know what she wants to run - all we need to do is feed the fire in the belly of that great grizzly mom.
show your support. run sarah run!
C-4 vomited -
"Substiture big tits and a pleasant look. . ." blah, blah, blah.
It's the middle of November. Shouldn't you be busy throwing another Jew in the oven, asshole?
So far post-election, the Obama admin has given few signs that he gets it is all about that 3-letter words Jobs Jobs Jobs.
Therefore, I predict the economy will slog on for next 18 months and the big Private Equity wonderboy Mitt Romney will look good enough to the voters in 2012.
Crack - "You guys are so full of shit. As someone who's put himself out there (admittedly in another capacity) I ask you:
Could you do it? Run for office and not only win, but do the job good enough to run for the higher office and win that, too? And then be capable of winning people over in your performance of that job enough to be picked for another?
I say you couldn't and you're just talking crap you know nothing about.
I could. If I had the money to run, I'd have a shot at winning anything I went for - and doing the job, too. But I don't see that quality in hardly any of you airchair quarterbacks..."
Sounds like Crack is on crack himself.
His line of argument appears to be that any polarizing politician is superior to any non-politician "armchair critic".
Don't like Palin? Palin is a better person than you because she is in the arena, and you aren't.
Ditto Hillary.
Ditto Biden.
Ditto Obama.
Ditto Noble Algore...
And so on...
While it is true that demonizing politicians is done by many people of lesser income, IQ, lifetime accomplishment, and educational credentials than the public officeholder...and is overall stupid...the facts remain that what many of these leaders WANT to do, their values...are deeply antithetical to large segments of the population.
And as voters they have a say..even if "Elitists" say people who have not gone to at least Yale or Harvard grad schools should criticize a Hillary or Obama - or on the other side..Palin should be above condemnation by people who never were mayors of small towns or were ever considered worthy enough to BE in a position as Governor, in order to quit being Governor
That's what we should have learned from Clinton, who couldn't, and look what happened.
I'd take a distracted Clinton over anything we have now, or had since. Or anything we can even see on the horizon.
Run stupid Sarah, run!
Christopher said...
C-4 vomited -
"Substiture big tits and a pleasant look. . ." blah, blah, blah.
It's the middle of November. Shouldn't you be busy throwing another Jew in the oven, asshole?
Those days are almost 70 years in the past, happened in foreign lands, not here..
The days of Jewish Bolsheviks slaughtering millions in Russia, the Baltics, and Ukraine and setting up the Gulags are also 70-90 years in the past.
In the relevant present, asshole, not the distant past...we are most impacted by Elites that sold US industry, jobs, and our creditworthiness to China. The same Jewish and WASP ELites that so perverted Wall Street finance that it will take 7 trillion from our present and future citizens pockets to pay off the loans the Fed Gov't took to bail the Wall Street crooks out.
And we face present external threats from China, the Islamoids, the emerging threat of instability and demographic change to America by Mexico.
Not from Nazis. Not from what the Brits, Germans, Japanese, Vietnamese, or Southerners did ---in ancient war history..
The problem is so many Americans are intellectually stunted by public schools and the media - so they see everything past our Borders as being all about WWII. And WWII, they learned, was All About several million Jews. They can name camps, and Jewish suffering totals - but can't tell you how many US casualties we took in that War. List any ally or foe's casualties. Or speak intelligently about the Civil War except to say it was All About Lincolns speech and All About the Slaves.
THey cannot address a single contemporary argument without somehow invoking Godwin's Law - such is the level of their stunted intellects
Sounds like Crack is on crack himself.
His line of argument appears to be that any polarizing politician is superior to any non-politician "armchair critic".
No, C4, that's not my argument. My argument is you don't know what it takes, you ain't got what it takes, and you wouldn't recognize it if it was right in front of you.
Sarah Palin ain't just "polarizing" - she scares the bejeezus out of your kind because you recognize that she's more than you want to admit. I get the same shit - people pick me out of a crowd because they can sense I ain't a conformist and, if they're looking to control things, I. must. be. eliminated.
But I'm still here, and almost every enemy I've ever faced is either dead or no longer a threat.
I'm not claiming I took them out, or anything macho like that, just that I've got that certain something that makes them notice me - because they recognize I've got an edge on them. Sarah Palin's got that, too, and it drives y'all crazy. That's why you focus on every superficial thing you can find about her in your attempts at undermining her. It's not like you're going to throw your hat in the ring - you wouldn't stand a chance. But you must take her out.
And the reason why is because she's the real thing.
(The Crypto Jew)
I'd take a distracted Clinton over anything we have now, or had since. Or anything we can even see on the horizon.
You confuse the TIMES, with the mean to say you wish you could go back to the boom, with a Peace Dividend, and the USSR collapsed, no obvious foreign threats discernible....
Clinton had NOTHING to do with that. That's like wishing for LBJ, because the 1960's were so groovy....
And aren't you selling The Won a little short here, Garage? After all he's YOUR guy, the Light Worker and All, Transformative, Post-Racial, Post-Partisan...the World is Healing, the Planet Cooling, and the Seas Falling...or has the luster of Hope and Change worn off?
Sarah Palin ain't just "polarizing" - she scares the bejeezus out of your kind because you recognize that she's more than you want to admit.
HaHa. There is literally nothing that I want more than for Sarah Palin to get the Republican nomination. But it will never happen. And it won't be because of liberals or the media. If she runs she will be destroyed by Republicans with more money than God that aren't going to risk taking their chances with her in the general.
"To his little show" compared to...your little blog, which is trying to get attention too? Heh.
Joe -- I am a conservative and I admitted long ago that Clinton, for all his faults, was a pretty good president. He brought two things I cherish (NAFTA and severe welfare reform). He also governed during peace and prosperity. If that's due to happenstance, then I credit him for happenstance.
Eventually, a lot of leftists will admit that W., for all his faults, was a pretty good president. Probably not Garage, but a lot of leftists.
It's high time we all agree that Obama has been a failure who is in over his head. For the same reasons Obama is a failure and is in over his head, Palin would be a failure and would be in over her head. She, like Obama, is a cult of personality with very little experience.
Yeah, Matt, a free part-time blogger blog and a show on MSNBC that costs millions to produce -- those things are totally comparable.
Perhaps an analogy would help you...
Althouse:Matthews :: Matt:Althouse
The Crack Emcee
Clearly you are a legend in your own mind. Anyway, I can vouch for every liberal I know in saying we would love Palin to run against Obama because she is not electable. Her negatives are way too high.
The key to winning the Presidency is you absolutely must appeal to the middle of the road independent voter. This is why most Presidents over the past few election ran campaigns that tried to appeal to everyone – not just one subset of voters.
Palin could win a seat in the House of Reps somewhere easily - like Texas. But once she tries to go beyond the enclave of far right wing types she would be toast. Imagine Nancy Pelosi trying to run for President and you get an idea.
Romney or Huckabee have a much better chance in a general election. Palin could win the GOP primary, but I can't imagine the GOP is that dumb.
(The Crypto Jew)
She, like Obama, is a cult of personality with very little experience.
Obama’s problems are not being a Cult of Personality, it’s under-lying governance philosophy and his appointments…
Sorry, dood I see Palin with a better philosophy and better appointments, due to a better philosophy…
(The Crypto Jew)
Romney or Huckabee have a much better chance in a general election. Palin could win the GOP primary, but I can't imagine the GOP is that dumb.
Thanks for that “advice’…let’s see the author of Romney Care and a flip-flopper/liar/hypocrite OR Huckabee, BOTH of whom your side will then call Religious Bigots and Zealots…Sure let’s choose a candidate that dispirits the GOP base…great plan, IF you’re a Democrat…
Oh News Flash, these “Independents” broke GOP in 2010…they WERE the Tea Party Revolution, vote wise…so you keep telling yourself that all those Independents will vote Obama in 2012, though they have been abandoning him in droves.
Joe -- I don't think anyone is particularly up in arms about any appointment Obama has made. Moreover, Palin's philosophy (whatever it is) doesn't much matter. I've got a great philosophy, but I don't think you should vote for me for president for the same reason you shouldn't vote for Palin: she, like Obama, has very little experience governing.
As far as cult of personality, people swoon for her the way they swooned for Obama. Yet she's done nothing but give a convention speech you must have like.
"I'd take a distracted Clinton over anything we have now,"
Yea, what could go wrong with a distracted President? Just look back and see what was missed before 2001 that ended up being pretty big oversights.
Seven: I don't think people "swoon" for Palin but rather have a certain connection with her normalcy. She has run a business. She has filed tax returns. She has some civic pride and runs for and wins local office. She has kids with problems. People connect with this.
Can she run the country? Probably as well as our current leader and without the ideological baggage that is outside the norm.
Joe said...
(The Crypto Jew)
I'm with Seven Machos on this one. [A first perhaps].
But in my view Palin is less appealing than Obama was when he announced his candidacy.
I really think the less someone knows about a candidate these days the better off they are. So if Marco Rubio suddenly announced he would run I would sit up and notice. I think he could win. Although perhaps it is too soon.
But Palin doesn't scare me because I really find her more of a sideshow than a true politician.
Also the 'Tea Party Revolution' followed closely on the heels of the Obama Democrats revolution. True, you have momentum but in two years it can swing back and often does.
Again, Presidents with a far right or far left POV tend not to win. Remember Obama ran pretty much to the center and was vague about what change meant other than an alternative to what wasn't working. Plus he was up against McCain and Palin, which was a plus for him.
(The Crypto Jew)
I don't think anyone is particularly up in arms about any appointment Obama has made.
Yeah Geitner, Sotamyor, Kagan, Vann Jones, Cass Sunstein, the list of statists is long, because Obama is a STATIST, but please do go on about Napolitano, or Holder or Ray LaHood…sure no problems with these folks. The problem is Obama’s Cult of Personality…oh please dood.
And aren't you selling The Won a little short here, Garage? After all he's YOUR guy,
He was never my guy. I supported Hillary actually. Ask Hoosier, he'll tell you all about it. I think Obama is awful, but for totally different reasons than you think he is I'm sure. This "pay freeze" plan today just shows you how fucking clueless this guy really is. I would love to see a real Democrat primary him, but of course I'm sure that won't happen either.
But in my view Palin is less appealing than Obama was when he announced his candidacy.
Matt -- Come on, man. Palin was never appealing to you. It's impossible for you to understand the appeal of Palin because you are not a conservative or a libertarian. I am, and I do understand the appeal, but I reject it.
Also, just so you know, McCain is not a very conservative Republican. This is commonly accepted.
(The Crypto Jew)
Plus he was up against McCain and Palin, which was a plus for him.
No he was against McCain, the only time McCain led was after he announced Palin…Veep’s don’t lose elections, POTUS candidates do…nice try, though.
Oh and wasn’t McCain the “Centrist”/Moderate Candidate that was a shoo-in, just the sort of guy the GOP OUGHT to run? Of course, as Limbaugh says, all those “Moderate” Republicans who thought that, VOTED FOR OBAMA!
Matt you think Palin is Non-Mainstream and hence non-electable…the cruel truth is she’s closer to most people’s ideology than SanFran Nan….sure Pelosi is non-mainstream, Palin, far less so…
Please note in this thread no one has said SH!TE about Palin’s policy preferences, not even you…care to take a stab at what makes her “wrong”, as apart from “stoopit” or non-mainstream?
So if Marco Rubio suddenly announced he would run I would sit up and notice. I think he could win.
Who was the last good Presidential Candidate to come out of the Senate?
Geitner, Sotamyor, Kagan, Vann Jones, Cass Sunstein
Obama's appointees are no more controversial than Bush's appointees.
Tim Geithner would only be considered controversial in the fringiest and silliest hothouses of conservatism. Sunstein and Kagan, whatever you may think of them, are not controversial people. The definition of controversial is not "disagrees with you about policy."
I think Sotomayor was a poor choice but, again, nothing crazy there.
Jones was controversial and an idiot and he was promptly canned when his shit hit the fan.
(The Crypto Jew)
This "pay freeze" plan today just shows you how fucking clueless this guy really is. I would love to see a real Democrat primary him,
This’ll be good, exactly what IS a “Real Democrat?” Obama sure looked like one to me…unions-Check, Environmentalists-check, Feminists-Check, Class Warfare-Check, National Health Care-Check, Higher Taxes-Check, Cap and Trade-Check…what more did you want, “All Power to the Soviets?” “Arise Ye Starving Masses?”
And please don’t start on a Zell Miller kick…Hillary, “We're going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good." Hillary Care, more Cap and Trade? Plus, all that aerobic conditioning from dodging sniper fire?
Finally, what’s your kick with the “freeze?” Which seems an odd freeze, merit bonuses still OK, step increases-still OK, promotion pay-still OK, it looks like we just got rid of the COLA? Sure it’s not near enough, but you’re not going to say it’s too “excessive” are you?
(The Crypto Jew)
Tim Geithner would only be considered controversial in the fringiest and silliest hothouses of conservatism.,
Sure not paying your taxes, EVEN WHEN YOUR EMPLOYER GIVES YOU THE MONEY TO PAY THOSE TAXES, is perfectly mainstream. Why I used the old, “TurboTax ate my return just last year”, the IRS loved it…
Uh YEAS, not agreeing on policy IS the definition of “controversial.”
Seven Machos
True she would not appeal to me. But I'm saying I'm not so sure she appeals to moderate Dems, independents and some moderate Republicans. I look at the numbers and I don't see her winning the middle stream voter.
Joe (The Crypto Jew)
> I don't like her stance on cutting government spending. I think taxes should be raised for the rich.
> I support social secuity and medicare
> I'm pro-choice and I support stem cell research
> I believe in some ear-marks. [So does Palin BTW but like most in the GOP she pretends they don't help states].
> I support a government run health care system [which is further left than Obama].
> I don't believe in teaching creatinism in schools. I think there should be a very clear seperation between church and state.
> I think there should be defense spending cuts.
> I'm not 100% familier with her foreign policy views but I can't imagine they are much different than Bush's which I didn't really embrace.
Tell me again why I would want to vote for Palin? I have nothing against her personally. I don't like her platform. Fair enough?
(The Crypto Jew)
Tell me again why I would want to vote for Palin? I have nothing against her personally. I don't like her platform. Fair enough?
Fair enough…you are the only commenter, this thread at least who’s done so…you’re WRONG on all your policy preferences, of course, and not mainstream, so your “take” on who’s the “best” GOP candidate is like polling Hitler for the next President of Israel, but at least we’re off the “she’s stoopit” and “unqualified” and a “quitter”…. With you. Everyone else not so much….
Matt -- $10 says you've never voted for a Republican candidate for president in your life and you won't in 2012.
It shouldn't be surprising to you when your opinion is dismissed by Republicans.
(The Crypto Jew)
For fun:
> I don't like her stance on cutting government spending. I think taxes should be raised for the rich.
Even though Federal revenues have never topped 19% except in war-time? Meaning that anything above spending 19% is unsustainable? You mean in spite of increasing the budget by 38% in the last two years, and that’s before ObamaCare hits
I support social secuity and medicare
Then you support privatized SS and vouchers for Medicare, because otherwise they are UNSUSTAINABLE, and will collapse leaving older Americans without pension and medical support
> I'm pro-choice and I support stem cell research
Sorry you like butchering babies, and supporting a system of research that has soaked up BILLIONS for exactly one FDA clinical trial, as compared to ADULT Stem Cell Research which is in the DOUBLE DIGIT trials
> I believe in some ear-marks. [So does Palin BTW but like most in the GOP she pretends they don't help states].
Define “earmark”…I have a definition, a budget line that voids either the grant or procurement process, what’s yours? In short, what IS an earmark to Matt?
I support a government run health care system [which is further left than Obama].
WOW, if we get one where will the Canadians go for healthcare, much less the AMERICANS?
I don't believe in teaching creatinism in schools. I think there should be a very clear seperation between church and state.
I don’t believe Palin did either…what’s this STRICT separation mean? No crèches, no 10 Commandments? Protection FROM Religion?
I think there should be defense spending cuts.
I guess some are possible, but as the bulk of the Federal Budget is NON-Defense, the vast majority of the cuts have to come from there, BTW only 3.7% of GDP is Defense…a rather low figure.
I'm not 100% familier with her foreign policy views but I can't imagine they are much different than Bush's which I didn't really embrace.?
WOW, but you support Obama’s????? Because they are pretty much Bush’s too….Tell me you are a disciple of Robert Cooke, at least…otherwise your “position” here is ludicrous and unsupportable….at least Cookie hates(d) Clinton, Bush, AND Obama.
Joe said...
(The Crypto Jew)
Yeah but I can easily seperate my own personal views from fact. I could have told you pretty easily that Dennis Kucinich didn't have a chance in heck to win any Democratic primaries yet he was someone whose views I pair up with. I too was telling people Dems would lose the House early on. Fact and opinion are two things.
It's pretty hard for anyone to make any objective comment on the likelyhood of any candidate unless you see the poll numbers. I see Palin's poll numbers. They are not where they should be because she is such a polarizing figure.
Seven Machos
True, I never voted for a Republican for President. But that fact alone does not [and should not] disqualify me [or anyone] from making political predictions based on the facts I see and read. I'm not saying Palin's negatives are high just in California. I'm saying they are higher than they should be in places they shouldn't be if you want to win the Presidency.
This could change. I'm guessing it will not. But then Obama could tank even more and who knows then.
Hey stop beating up on Matt. All those years on the Today show with Katic Couric was torture enough.
The poor guy just doesn't know what he is saying anymore.
(The Crypto Jew)
Come on People we can crawl to 200 comments!
GO,go, thread count!
I never knew that thread count was important till the wife bought these 1,000 thread count Eygptian sheets. Man they are great.
Sarah Palin is the most under-rated political figure in America today. No, I’m serious. She was chosen as McCain’s VP and gave an acceptance speech at the Republican Convention that still resonates: “I guess a small-town mayor is sort of like a "community organizer," except that you have actual responsibilities.” Can anyone come up with a line from McCain’s acceptance speech?
What followed was a political crime, with members of McCain’s team sabotaging her in a number of ways, including allowing her to be interviewed by MSM figures that hated her and were allowed to edit the interview with the result that even today many people think that Palin has not read a book. Isn’t that one of the reasons so many conservatives doubt her abilities or are on the fence? You are allowing Katie Couric – of all people – to influence your judgment!
He decision to resign as Governor of Alaska was supposed to end her political career. All the “smart” people, like George Will, agreed on this. How’s that prediction working out for you? In what was one of the boldest and smartest moves made by any rookie politician she gave herself the tools to amass a personal fortune and the ability to become a figure on the national stage. Anyone who’s stuck in Alaska simply can’t do that for logistical reasons.
And how about this “dumb broad” using Facebook as a way of bypassing the MSM? No other political figure has used the new media quite this way and this effectively. Reagan’s success was built partly on his ability to speak directly to the American people, avoiding the gatekeepers in the media. He also had the ability to project the fact that he had so much in common with the average American; he was “real people” even though he had spent most of his life in Hollywood. Well, as the Gipper would say, Sarah Palin is the real deal. Didn’t graduate from Yale or Harvard, worked for a living at jobs to which ordinary people can relate, has a real family with all its quirks (sort of like the Reagan kids), has a good looking husband who has a job that – to repeat – to which real people can relate.
Palin is, from the very beginning, an unlikely elected leader. Conventional wisdom says you don’t rise in politics by bringing down your party’s leaders. She became governor of Alaska by bucking the corruption in her own party. Even now she is being dissed by the king-makers in the Republican establishment. I have read some comments by bloggers who wrote that they don’t want to be governed by people like themselves; they want to be governed by their betters. They’re finding out the hard way that their “betters” are simply better credentialed, not wiser. The fact is that most people like to vote for people just like themselves. In the last presidential election they voted for a blank slate that to this day is largely unknown. The next election will be for someone we know intimately. No more voting for ephemeral “HopeN’Change.” It’s time to elect someone who is firmly grounded. Sarah Palin.
(The Crypto Jew)
For fun:
> I never knew that thread count was important till the wife bought these 1,000 thread count Eygptian sheets. Man they are great.
These aren’t Oprah Cotton Sheets are they!?!? You GREEDY CONSUMERIST!
Joe said (The Crypto Jew)
I guess you must think I am a secret Republican who doesn't know it yet? In truth I do share some moderate Republican beliefs. But they are a rare breed these days.
Social security can be saved the way it was saved in the Reagan presidency. Raise the tax limit from 106k a year to whatever it takes. It is sustainable if you do that.
Earmarks are items that are inserted into a bill to direct funds to a specific projects within a congressman's district. The point is Earmarks get criticized but used often.
Anyway I'm not a Conservative. Sorry to disappoint you. I think the way the US government has run for the past 70 years in conjunction with the business world is pretty good. I don't think giving everything to Wall St and the Corporate world [or the 'free market'] is the answer. I'm no fan of Milton Friedman's world view.
No they are not Oprah sheets man. They are gen-u-wine Egyptian sheets dude. You have to trust the A-rabs on sheets because they wear them as clothes and on their heads and stuff.
If Omar Sharif were awake he would say that is racist.
(The Crypto Jew)
You have to trust the A-rabs on sheets because they wear them as clothes and on their heads and stuff.
That’s evilllllll and wrong…I laughed until I stopped….
Matt after I read your policy preferences I didn’t think you were a Republican….
"Once upon a time
Once when you were mine
I remember skies
Reflected in your eyes
I wonder where you are
I wonder if you
Think about me
Once upon a time
In your wildest dreams.
Once the world was new
Our bodies felt the morning dew
That greets the brand new day
We couldn't tear ourselves away
I wonder if you care
I wonder if you still remember
Once upon a time
In your wildest dreams."
Joe said...
(The Crypto Jew)
Plus he was up against McCain and Palin, which was a plus for him.
No he was against McCain, the only time McCain led was after he announced Palin…Veep’s don’t lose elections, POTUS candidates do…nice try, though.
I wouldn't credit your Goddess with McCain's temporary post-convention bounce. That happens after every well-delivered Presidential Party Convention for any nominee.
What Palin did was excite certain right-wing men with her tits abd charisma - And make the folks doing catfish fries and dunking people at the fry in the river to wash their sins away take notice.
Alas, the more the rest of the country saw of Palin and McCain - the less they liked them.
I wouldn't credit your Goddess with McCain's temporary post-convention bounce. That happens after every well-delivered Presidential Party Convention for any nominee.
I have to say, would those who criticize Palin at least acknowledge she is human? We who like her personally don't view her as some sort of supernatural figure. There are no shrines to Sarah Palin here. My pastor would be deeply offended if there were.
It's the other side that views their candidates in terms of divinity.
(The Crypto Jew)
*WOW* C4, a MISOGYNIST and an anti-Semite…you are the complete package aren’t you? One more reason to pray for a Palin victory, a Jew-Lover with a great set of “lungs”’ll make your head explode…
@ Matt I really think the less someone knows about a candidate these days the better off they are.
Not any more.
Too many people got O'burned.
(When can we see the transcripts, the thesis, the 1981 passport?)
Gosh this thread has degenerated into a typical Cowboys vs Giants discussion
Guys , just as Kerry Collins was not the quarterback of the future, Sarah Palin is not...
(Well you know the rest)
And Sarah Palin is not Kerry Collins. She is more like Bill Parcells. She might not be the quarterback but she can coach the team to the Superbowl.
Plus both of them are nicknamed "The Tuna." Just for different reasons.
Oh and they have the same size breasts.
So Palin is like Parcells should be a new tag. Just sayn'
Obama on the other hand is Rocky Thompson.
(They could never find his birth certificate either).
1981 passport?
I hadn't heard this one before.
(is this controversial in conservative circles?)
MadisonMan: Fen, so you're saying something frivolous might keep Sarah Palin from performing her Presidential duties? Shouldn't a President be able to focus on things?
You are so full of shit. You KNOW that you can't run a state from inside a courtroom. Your guys filed the lawsuits to hamstring her ability to serve as governor. And when she resigns for the good of Alaska, you tar her as a quiter. For something you caused. Fuck you.
I was thinking BO is more like
Joe Pisarcik
(and certainly no better than Dave Brown)
Well Barry has hair a lot like Scott Brunner.
Not that there's anything wrong with that.
Joe said...
(The Crypto Jew)
*WOW* C4, a MISOGYNIST and an anti-Semite…you are the complete package aren’t you?
As if people that dislike Arabs are not also anti-semites...and did disliking the old WWII Japs or the present day Chinese make all such people "Racists???"
As for MISOGYNIST - it is the Right Wing that has become infatuated with the looks of Palin and Perky CHristine and made one a big Goddess and the other sort of a Vestal Virgin to a Goddess,
Had either looked like Hillary or Janet Napolitano - the Right Wing would have given them a complete pass.
Its the Palin & O'Donnell worshippers acting in their way like liberal females got all gooey over John Edwards (his smile, his silky hair!!), or old black Mommas did over Jesse - crying at rallies, hootin and hollerin's as if they were in Rev Wrights church.
If Vidal Sass0on was awake he would say that was racist.
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