Police should have better things to do than harrassing people walking dogs with tags, but when she goes to court they will throw it out. It's a hassle, though.
What are the odds that the female cop who hassled this woman ever apprehended a truly dangerous criminal? If she saw you getting mugged she's probably cross the street and pretend not to notice.
That's a reason for harassment right there. Where's the shoes and pants? A pipe, maybe? Got to look right as all of you sashay past the homeless sleeping on grates.
As they get older, I notice Yorkies come to appreciate sweaters and such more.
One time The Blonde and I were driving out to see my sister with B Treasure Dog in tow. On a sub-zero morning in Des Moines, Treasure, who usually fought like the Furies when we tried to put her in a sweater, was more than happy to snuggle down in her overcoat and we never had a problem afterward.
Life in the Big City has a million tales. If the dogs had been illegal alien canines, then there would have been no action taken. But for law abiding targets( I mean citizens) there is always conduct unbecoming a target. The target here showed that she was smarter than the Officer...that is at least deserving of a slap down.
I thought at first that dog liked his sweater because it signaled "outside," but then it went back into its little house, sat, and peered out and that trashed my assumption.
I have a few baggies of undercoat from a beloved dog, who's been gone for some time now. Oh, go ahead, Crack.
Poodles! I had a beloved poodle obtained from my Dad's friends from an accidental breeding between a black and a white (scandalous). His name was Fling. He was black with a spot of white on the chest, and he was a miniature. My best friend's mom had three miniatures who were named something like Yvette, Nanette, and something-ette.
What size do you have? What color? I've always thought I might get another some day.
The USSR and Communist China found that it is imperative for a socialist state to have its subjects know that they can be arrested at anytime for any reason or no reason.
Random prosecutions (and persecutions) keep the people compliant and too distrustful of each other to organize against the state.
In American socialism, the fact that it raises revenue is a bonus.
They can grope our genitals, make us buy health services, and fine us even when we are in compliance. We're now serfs of a socialist state. Get used to it.
Aw, it's so sweet. I'd never realized that was poodle until you said, and I enlarged it.
Adorable vid, Chip.
My aunt has a grand-daughter (my second cousin). My aunt is not overly impressed with her and her husband's parenting abilities. She jokes that Olivia (the second cousins girl) will be running the household when she's five, and that Zoe, their Boxer, will be walking Olivia to kindergarten. I suggested that Zoe will be pulling her in a little cart.
NYC police have to fulfill a summons quota. The number/type of summons and repercussions for not achieving that number vary based on your assignment. Typically five-eight cops and a supervisor are brought in on overtime and directed to issue 10-15 summons each. Fail to do so and no more overtime for you. If it is the end of the day and the quota has not been met. Hello, 4 dogs=4summons=more overtime. Bonus* she is clean, well to do and will not have a warrant which would entail more work. Result, intoxicated bum downing a 40 on corner is ignored, decent citizen goes to court. Thank goodness Bloomberg was able to change the law and get third term, since he alone could provide such brilliant leadership.
D.L. McNamara has it right...cops have quotas to fill each month for the number of summonses they issue...although, officially, it is denied up and down that quotas exist.
This has long been a feature of municipal police departments everywhere. It's a revenue stream! (So is asset forfeiture: many police departments will confiscate money and property of people arrested for certain types of crimes, on the basis that the money and property are ill-gotten goods and therefore not legitimate assets of the accused. They auction off confiscated property and use the assets for budgeted needs. Just as summons quotas encourage cops to issue baseless and harassing summons to meet their quotas, asset forfeiture encourages egregious and precipitous confiscation of property and money from citizens without proper determination how the accused acquired the confiscated assets, because anticipated revenues from forfeitures are often written into the budgets of the police departments...and they have to meet their budgets!)
In addition to these realities that lead to abuse of police authority, certain occupations draw certain types of personalities, (e.g., jobs dealing with children will attract persons with unhealthy attractions to children--although don't misunderstand me to be saying that teachers and other child-workers are all pederasts, I'm not), and police jobs draw their fair share of bullies and authoritarians who relish humiliating or pushing others around.
We certainly are more and more becoming a police state, though Pogo's assertion that it's a socialist state is absurd.
I had a buddy who went on the cops and they told him he had to right twenty tickets a month. He asked his sgt how to do that and he said "just go out and find a bunch of black guys and they will be sure to be doing something you can give them a ticket for."
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Binging municipalities now desperate for revenue.
Law enforcement by mood and whim.
Althouse, you do your readers and your blog a grave disservice by not POSTING THAT PIC! lol
The dogs are all wearing sweaters!
Police should have better things to do than harrassing people walking dogs with tags, but when she goes to court they will throw it out. It's a hassle, though.
What are the odds that the female cop who hassled this woman ever apprehended a truly dangerous criminal? If she saw you getting mugged she's probably cross the street and pretend not to notice.
The dogs are all wearing sweaters!
That's a reason for harassment right there. Where's the shoes and pants? A pipe, maybe? Got to look right as all of you sashay past the homeless sleeping on grates.
People are fucking insane.
Doggies who like sweaters are adorable.
Lucky they never tried that with The Blonde. She fears no government slug.
She once brought the IRS to its knees in one tiny hour.
WV "putzin" Yiddish for the cops that did this.
First things first. Those dogs are cute but not excessively cute.
lolol Adorable, Irene. Dogs who dislike (some) sweaters are also adorable:
She was trying to pick her up.
When she found out she was going to the sausage stand instead of the fish taco cart....well....it was ticket time.
As they get older, I notice Yorkies come to appreciate sweaters and such more.
One time The Blonde and I were driving out to see my sister with B Treasure Dog in tow. On a sub-zero morning in Des Moines, Treasure, who usually fought like the Furies when we tried to put her in a sweater, was more than happy to snuggle down in her overcoat and we never had a problem afterward.
(I know...)
Cool deborah, that's very cool!
I've been knitting for about forty years, and I've had six dogs. Not one has ever had a sweater.
@ Irene: But have you ever saved brushed fur and considered knitting it? Hmmmm?
PS, be quiet, Crack.
deborah, we've always had poodles, so hair does not accumulate from brushing.
Have I thought about asking the groomer to save the clipped hair so that I can send it to a spinner?
Life in the Big City has a million tales. If the dogs had been illegal alien canines, then there would have been no action taken. But for law abiding targets( I mean citizens) there is always conduct unbecoming a target. The target here showed that she was smarter than the Officer...that is at least deserving of a slap down.
I thought at first that dog liked his sweater because it signaled "outside," but then it went back into its little house, sat, and peered out and that trashed my assumption.
You know what else is adorable? A Shetland sheepdog playing with a baby.
lol Blood sisters! Be quiet, Crack.
I have a few baggies of undercoat from a beloved dog, who's been gone for some time now. Oh, go ahead, Crack.
Poodles! I had a beloved poodle obtained from my Dad's friends from an accidental breeding between a black and a white (scandalous). His name was Fling. He was black with a spot of white on the chest, and he was a miniature. My best friend's mom had three miniatures who were named something like Yvette, Nanette, and something-ette.
What size do you have? What color? I've always thought I might get another some day.
deborah, we have two red miniature poodles; one appears as my avatar. They are half-brothers of the same mother. They weigh about 18 to 20 pounds.
My family's first poodle was named "Gigi."
"Fling" is a great name! Our next poodle will be "Flirt" (female) or "Sprout" (male).
Chip, that is precious!
The USSR and Communist China found that it is imperative for a socialist state to have its subjects know that they can be arrested at anytime for any reason or no reason.
Random prosecutions (and persecutions) keep the people compliant and too distrustful of each other to organize against the state.
In American socialism, the fact that it raises revenue is a bonus.
They can grope our genitals, make us buy health services, and fine us even when we are in compliance. We're now serfs of a socialist state. Get used to it.
I, for one, welcome our new socialist overlords.
Aw, it's so sweet. I'd never realized that was poodle until you said, and I enlarged it.
Adorable vid, Chip.
My aunt has a grand-daughter (my second cousin). My aunt is not overly impressed with her and her husband's parenting abilities. She jokes that Olivia (the second cousins girl) will be running the household when she's five, and that Zoe, their Boxer, will be walking Olivia to kindergarten. I suggested that Zoe will be pulling her in a little cart.
Carl the Rottweiler and Baby
Because she's of Asian descent, of course.
Because everything can be explained by bigotry.
Well if she was standing in front of a Korean restaurant I could understand the cop asking some quesitons.
If Hop Sing was awake he would say that was racist.
NYC police have to fulfill a summons quota. The number/type of summons and repercussions for not achieving that number vary based on your assignment. Typically five-eight cops and a supervisor are brought in on overtime and directed to issue 10-15 summons each. Fail to do so and no more overtime for you.
If it is the end of the day and the quota has not been met. Hello, 4 dogs=4summons=more overtime. Bonus* she is clean, well to do and will not have a warrant which would entail more work. Result, intoxicated bum downing a 40 on corner is ignored, decent citizen goes to court. Thank goodness Bloomberg was able to change the law and get third term, since he alone could provide such brilliant leadership.
"You know what else is adorable? A Shetland sheepdog playing with a baby."
I don't like to see a baby get that hysterical. A more calm atmosphere is better for both the baby and the dog.
Althouse, more like this?
Aw, good girls.
Sorry, deborah, but we just come from different worlds.
Dogs in sweaters. Y'all are amazing sometimes.
On the up-side, I've always wondered what everyone was talking about, when they mention the excessive spending that's tanked the American economy.
Mystery solved.
D.L. McNamara has it right...cops have quotas to fill each month for the number of summonses they issue...although, officially, it is denied up and down that quotas exist.
This has long been a feature of municipal police departments everywhere. It's a revenue stream! (So is asset forfeiture: many police departments will confiscate money and property of people arrested for certain types of crimes, on the basis that the money and property are ill-gotten goods and therefore not legitimate assets of the accused. They auction off confiscated property and use the assets for budgeted needs. Just as summons quotas encourage cops to issue baseless and harassing summons to meet their quotas, asset forfeiture encourages egregious and precipitous confiscation of property and money from citizens without proper determination how the accused acquired the confiscated assets, because anticipated revenues from forfeitures are often written into the budgets of the police departments...and they have to meet their budgets!)
In addition to these realities that lead to abuse of police authority, certain occupations draw certain types of personalities, (e.g., jobs dealing with children will attract persons with unhealthy attractions to children--although don't misunderstand me to be saying that teachers and other child-workers are all pederasts, I'm not), and police jobs draw their fair share of bullies and authoritarians who relish humiliating or pushing others around.
We certainly are more and more becoming a police state, though Pogo's assertion that it's a socialist state is absurd.
Robert Cook is entirely right about this.
I had a buddy who went on the cops and they told him he had to right twenty tickets a month. He asked his sgt how to do that and he said "just go out and find a bunch of black guys and they will be sure to be doing something you can give them a ticket for."
Oh he was a housing cop by the way.
That's the true facts by the way. No bullshit.
Oh and the sgt was black. Just sayn'
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