November 19, 2010

TSA agent: "What is this?" American citizen: "It's my prosthesis because I've had breast cancer."

TSA agent: "Well, you'll need to show me that."


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Lincolntf said...

Have we finally met a Government policy so diversely reviled that no politician will defend it?
I can only hope.

Trooper York said...

It doesn't matter. They don't care. They are going to shove it down your throat whether you like it or not.

This is the Castor Oil Administration.

Michael said...

The principal activity of the TSA for the last two or three years has been to make sure that fliers comply with TSA demands. People that get out of line are the problem. They have long since forgotten what they are there for.

Gabriel Hanna said...

Okay, look, I'm agin TSA and security kabuki, but this is now starting to look like a moral panic and I think we are about to see an absurd overreaction.

TSA is stupid, annoying, and an infringement on my liberties, but not much of an infringement compared to outraged voters demanding legislation all out of proportion to the size of the problem--which is how we got TSA in the first place. I don't want TSA people in prison for years on trumped-up things like happened with the Satanic day care centers.

If movies have taught us anything, it is that the only antidote to a zany scheme is an even zanier scheme.

Anonymous said...

This is the Castor Oil Administration.


But, since they're trying to command, control, then ration our health care and drive us off a fiscal cliff, I'd say it's more like arsenic.

Jason (the commenter) said...

All our Nation's hysterias seem to be focused on the TSA right now:

-Molesting children.

-Sexually assaulting women.

-Giving people cancer.

-Violating our rights.

-Wasting our money.

-Letting the terrorists win.

I wonder how much longer they'll last.

KCFleming said...

It's the fascism trial balloon.

jr565 said...

Ok, what about the muslim american woman who has a prosthesis because of bereats cancer? Is there any outraged if the TSA looks at her prosthesis? And lets stipulate she looks really nice.

Anonymous said...

Oh boy, they've singled out the handicapped, where is Jackie Chiles when you need him?

A survey of 7300 amputees conducted by the Amputee Coalition of America in June showed that travelers with limb loss have been subjected to inconsistent, unfair, abusive and often embarrassing screenings by TSA employees.

Class action lawsuit?

Harry said...

There was a great comment at the site where the original article was posted, which I'll take the liberty of forwarding here:

Just a few months ago the feds sued Arizona for passing a law giving cops the discretion to ask for nothing more invasive than proof of citizenship. Now, this same government sees nothing wrong with such intrusive hands on body searches that they amount to sexual assault. So highly trained law enforcement officials cannot check for adherence to federal law by simply asking for papers, but airport baggage inspectors with little more training than high school can perform an extreme body search (without being read Miranda rights) on whomever they please?!!! Is this a crazy nation or what. Actually, a recent study found 20% of Americans suffer from mental illness and many polls show that 20% of Americans identify themselves as liberals. Unfortunately for the rest of us, those same 20% are running the country!

jr565 said...

Jay wrote:
h boy, they've singled out the handicapped, where is Jackie Chiles when you need him?

A survey of 7300 amputees conducted by the Amputee Coalition of America in June showed that travelers with limb loss have been subjected to inconsistent, unfair, abusive and often embarrassing screenings by TSA employees.

Class action lawsuit?|

waht about if they're amputees like zawahir because they got it blown up figthing americans. or what if they are a muslim boy who got their arm ripped off while doing perfectly normal american things?

Anonymous said...

By the way they you'll need to show me that is a good representation of modern progressiveness in action.

Jason (the commenter) said...

Pogo: It's the fascism trial balloon.

More hysteria! The TSA isn't any worse than other government agencies. The only problem is that instead of slowly building up the restrictions over time, the government overreached, so everyone can easily see how much things have changed.

Not that I like the TSA, I just think it's too bad people can't react just as harshly to the gradual erosion of our rights.

Lincolntf said...

It's absolutely asinine to skip all the other options and go right to naked pics and manual examination of passenger genitalia.
Dogs, profiling, sniffers, etc. all should be added to the current metal detectors, etc. before such things are even considered.
The problem with electing inexperienced and largely stupid people at the Federal level is that 300 million citizens have to suffer for every one of their brain-farts.
Hey Obama, pretend that these nuns and kids getting mauled at the airport were Henry Louis Gates. You'd be flipping the fuck out, wouldn't you?

Jason (the commenter) said...

Let us not forget that George Bush (the one we're all supposed to be missing) brought the TSA upon us.

Rockport Conservative said...

I wonder if there is any kind of an IQ test for these people. I take that back, they could get more compassion from those with a mental disability. Notice, I can talk PC when necessary.

Lincolntf said...

And George Washington founded the Army, so he's responsible for My Lai.

Jason (the commenter) said...

Lincolntf: And George Washington founded the Army, so he's responsible for My Lai.

No, but he'd probably be responsible for what his organization did two years after he left office.

Automatic_Wing said...

With all these TSA agents acting stupidly, Obama's schedule is going to be packed with beer summits for the next few months.

Trooper York said...


Michael said...

jr565: "Ok, what about the muslim american woman who has a prosthesis because of bereats cancer? Is there any outraged if the TSA looks at her prosthesis? And lets stipulate she looks really nice."

Let's stipulate that you have flown twice in twenty years and are the perfect candidate for a position with the TSA. You are the epitome of the breed, the ne plus ultra of TSA-"think" the guy who can argue that the five year old is as potentially dangerous as the twenty five year old guy just landed from Yemen, the very essence of the TSA, the guy who can as enthusiastically frisk a sixty year old businessman from Omaha as a thirty year old from Saudi arriving via Amsterdam. You are it, dude, the absolute bullseye of a candidate for the TSA.

KCFleming said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
KCFleming said...

"More hysteria! The TSA isn't any worse than other government agencies. ....I just think it's too bad people can't react just as harshly to the gradual erosion of our rights."

I've been saying similar things on those topics for years, Jason. Surely you've noticed.

Peter Patau said...

TSA has a new motto.

The Crack Emcee said...


So highly trained law enforcement officials cannot check for adherence to federal law by simply asking for papers, but airport baggage inspectors with little more training than high school can perform an extreme body search (without being read Miranda rights) on whomever they please?!!! Is this a crazy nation or what.

What are you suggesting? That there are things in this modern world that don't make sense?

Perish the thought.

Jason (the commenter) said...

Pogo: I've been saying similar things on those topics for years, Jason.

Enjoy the irony!

ricpic said...

It's time to revolt against our horrible government.

jr565 said...

Michael wrote:
Let's stipulate that you have flown twice in twenty years and are the perfect candidate for a position with the TSA. You are the epitome of the breed, the ne plus ultra of TSA-"think" the guy who can argue that the five year old is as potentially dangerous as the twenty five year old guy just landed from Yemen, the very essence of the TSA, the guy who can as enthusiastically frisk a sixty year old businessman from Omaha as a thirty year old from Saudi arriving via Amsterdam. You are it, dude, the absolute bullseye of a candidate for the TSA.

So you're ok with the TSA (or whoever handles security looking at a womans prosthesis if she's a muslim right?

Jason (the commenter) said...

ricpic: It's time to revolt against our horrible government.

It's time to pay attention to it.

jr565 said...

Michael wrote:
Let's stipulate that you have flown twice in twenty years and are the perfect candidate for a position with the TSA. You are the epitome of the breed, the ne plus ultra of TSA-"think" the guy who can argue that the five year old is as potentially dangerous as the twenty five year old guy just landed from Yemen, the very essence of the TSA, the guy who can as enthusiastically frisk a sixty year old businessman from Omaha as a thirty year old from Saudi arriving via Amsterdam. You are it, dude, the absolute bullseye of a candidate for the TSA.

How many times must I repeat? I'M OK WITH PROFILING? PROFILE PEOPLE WHO ARE THREATS. But also, fix your security holes because a profile sint' everything. Certainly a muslim from Saudi Arabia is more likely to be a terrorist, but taht shouldn't mean that you should only concentrate on him and ignore the less obvious threats that you let pass under your nose.

Michael said...

jr565: No, I am not OK with that, but I am OK with you applying for a position with the TSA because I think you perfectly represent the stupid smugness of the whole enterprise. You would offend everyone equally which is the point of the agency.

jr565 said...

Lincolntf wrote:
It's absolutely asinine to skip all the other options and go right to naked pics and manual examination of passenger genitalia.
We should sic dogs on people rather than make them walk through a scanner. Or rather, I'll use the other sides hyperbole. We should sick wild vicious, rabid dogs to tear at the flesh of innocent americans and bite poor little children on their faces, rather than make them walk through a machne? Wasnt one of the objectiions to our treatment of detainees at abu ghraib that we scared detainees with dogs?

Anonymous said...

USSSA. Union of Soviet Socialist States of America. The government knows what's best for us. We are sheep to be herded where they would.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

So tell me once again... how unattractive is the option of high-speed rail?

jr565 said...

Michael wrote:
No, I am not OK with that, but I am OK with you applying for a position with the TSA because I think you perfectly represent the stupid smugness of the whole enterprise. You would offend everyone equally which is the point of the agency.

So, even though she's a muslim you would still not look at her prosthesis? Would it be theoretically possible that she might put a bomb in her prosthesis, if she were suspicious would you say that people could look at her prosthetic limb? Or, are you saying taht even if she were suspicious we must NEVER look at prosthetic limbs no matter what even as part of profiling someone?
That will make it easy for terrorists to bring bombs on board planes. Just find terrorists that blew off their limbs when they were working on their car bombs. They'll be above reproach.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

Let us not forget that George Bush (the one we're all supposed to be missing) brought the TSA upon us.

Only Obama (and the generic "government" that y'all, nevertheless, inexplicably want to be a part of) can be blamed for anything ever.

Oh, and the "libtards". Blame them too.

Anonymous said...

how unattractive is the option of high-speed rail?

To go from New York City to Miami?


To go from DC to San Francisco?


"High speed rail" is another idiotic leftist boondoggle.

yashu said...

Hmm. I'm in the minority here--- for some reason the scans don't bother me; I'm kinda surprised at the furor over them. I feel detached from that ghostly grey image (one of thousands in succession) flickering on a screen yards away from me. I don't feel toward it anything like a relation to an "image of me naked" : perhaps it's the facelessness & fleshlessness of it, and the impersonality of my relation to whatever TSA official(s) look at it.

Like LoafingOaf in a previous thread, I also wonder if this is a response to actual intelligence, e.g. picked up "chatter" that more attempted attacks of a certain kind are in the offing. Maybe it's because I always feel some anxiety about flying, and have to fly regularly (no choice), but the continued effort at better security (with improved technology) is important to me. (I admit that this may well just be a psychological placebo.) I'm kinda bothered by the apparent encouragement of civil disobedience on this (actual pranks at the airport, as opposed to a boycott of airlines, seeking alternatives to flying, etc.). (1) I do feel sorry for the agents, who are just doing their job (the ultimate purpose of which is, after all, our security). (2) More troublemakers (trying to make a political point) on those long lines just means more delays. (3) The more distractions & hassles the TSA have to deal with, the less attentively & effectively they'll do their proper job.

I do think the larger context in which these changes are happening greatly affects their reception. That is, under the Obama administration, post-Obamacare: an environment in which a sweeping, dramatic, woefully ill-considered governmental intrusion into one of the most intimate areas of our lives (health care) has been forced upon us, against the will of a majority, with insufficient explanation/ justification. ("Insufficient explanation/ justification" is to put it charitably: they passed the thing without reading it or giving anyone the opportunity to properly analyze it; and what passed for justification was riddled with misinformation, deceptive slogans, and just plain lies-- e.g. that it would cut costs, that you'd be able to keep your plan, etc..)

So I do get the feeling of recalcitrance; it's only natural to distrust the government, yet again, here. After all, "better security" may amount to no more than "health care reform": a change (instituted by "experts" who "know better," who feel no need to justify themselves to us, since they have the power to do whatever they decide to do-- ostensibly what's "best for us") that actually makes our lives worse, with none of the touted benefits. And in so doing, obviating changes that *would* make for real improvement: e.g. more rigorous & effective profiling. Still-- I don't know if there's specific intelligence re terrorism driving this. And the scans just don't seem that big a deal to me. (Maybe I'd feel differently if I had children, or if I was a famous-- if my identity is well-known, public, then that image is more personally correlated with me, could be used against me.) There's a whiff of hysteria about this, just as there was about the Patriot Act.

So I don't know. I ask myself these hypotheticals: would these changes have been made under Bush? Would his administration have better explained & justified them? Would there have been the same kind of outcry against them? No doubt there would've been an outcry… but maybe distributed differently among the population (in terms of political leanings). I'm not sure.

The Crack Emcee said...

Juba Doobai!,

USSSA. Union of Soviet Socialist States of America.

Nice name but If They'd Called Us We Could Think Of Others.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

DOn't worry, asshole. Those areas are "left-coast" and therefore off-limits to your kind. They call it a "flyover" for a reason.

KCFleming said...

As it stands right now, there is literally nothing the government cannot require of you, do to you, or take from you.

The fluidity of the former Constitution has permitted it to mean whatever the hell they want it to mean.

Our only allowable response is to comply.

Jason, are you drinking?

Anonymous said...

DOn't worry, asshole.

That's funny.

Of course poking holes in your simpleton logic take 2 seconds and drives you to hysteria.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

And the sky is falling too, Pogo. Don't forget to tell us about how the sky is falling.

Anonymous said...

Those areas are "left-coast"

Yes, Miami is now the left coast!

Who knew!?

You are an imbecile.

Lincolntf said...

Dogs are not "sicced" on anybody. Have you ever traveled in Europe? They walk circuits throughout the entire airport complex with their handlers. Long before and long after you pass through the security gate you see the dogs busily sniffing around.
If someone prefers having their Grandma groped to having a schnauzer walk by, then they've got issues.

KCFleming said...

Great, it's Moron Ritmo, Almost Tolerable Ritmo's special ed brother.

Anonymous said...

and therefore off-limits to your kind.

Ah, I love watching you tolerant leftists in action.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

Poking holes sounds like it must have some serious entertainment value in the boring flyover. Once you're done with your sudoku and crossword puzzles, make sure to go outside and poke some holes in something.

Anonymous said...

We should sic dogs on people

We get it dude, you work for the TSA.

We get it.

We really do.

Anonymous said...

how unattractive is the option of high-speed rail?

Yes, let's go high speed from Orlando to Chicago!

It will be a great 3 day trip!

You idiot.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

and therefore off-limits to your kind.

Ah, I love watching you tolerant leftists in action.

Off-limits optionally, by your own hatred of it.

By all means, feel free to visit the parts of America that you can never stop condescending to.

garage mahal said...

With all these TSA agents acting stupidly, Obama's schedule is going to be packed with beer summits for the next few months.

Yup. The TSA Porno Scanners are the new Henry Louis Gates Jr, the new ACORN, the new Van Jones, the new Shirley Sherrod, the new New Black Panthers, the new NPR, the new SEIU, the new how fucking much is that Michelle Obama dress, the new what religion IS Obama, the new is Hillary thinking about running for something, the new [insert global warming joke here...], the new Death Panels, the why won't Obama repeal DADT, the new why won't Obama close Gitmo, the new Obama overseas somewhere, and lastly, the new George Soros.

Or maybe just "Obama wants to X-Ray Sarah Palin's crotch.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

A train leaves Orlando at 220 miles per hour.

By "JAY's" unreasoning, the distance between those two cities must be 15,840 miles.

You might want to try learning algebra before attempting to run a government.

Anonymous said...

that you can never stop condescending to.

Mind you, from the author of:
to your kind.

Again, you're not that bright and easily misled.

Anonymous said...

A train leaves Orlando at 220 miles per hour.


There are no trains in America moving at that speed.


Lawler Walken said...

It's time to admit the truth. The terrorists have won.

Anonymous said...

You might want to try learning algebra before attempting to run a government.

You may want to familiarize yourself with the topic before displaying your staggering ignorance.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

"JAY" has just informed me that the distance between Miami and Chicago is more than five times the distance between New York and Los Angeles.

Funny. For a "real American" you'd think he'd actually have a clue as to what the country looks like.

Here's a hint, JAY: It's in North America, between Canada and Mexico. We can try on a globe if it would help you. And even though it starts with the letter "A", it's pretty far from Afghanistan.

Anonymous said...

"JAY" has just informed me that the distance between Miami and Chicago is more than five times the distance between New York and Los Angeles.

Actually, dunce, I informed you of no such thing.

But please, keep beclowning yourself.

Its fun to watch.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

There are no trains in America moving at that speed.

In China there are.

But go ahead. Mistake the speed of a high speed rail line with the speed of a car. It shows how stupid you are.

Anonymous said...

In China there are

And then what?

There are no trains in America moving at that speed.


Anonymous said...

But go ahead. Mistake the speed of a high speed rail line with the speed of a car.


Go ahead and mistake China for the United States.


Ritmo Re-Animated said...


What's the velocity of a train on a high-speed rail line?

(Hums Jeopardy theme).

You said it would take it three days to get from Miami to Chicago.

Try using those number things. They can be your friends. The one with the hat on top is really not angry with you.

Anonymous said...

In China there are


Move to China and ride the orient express.

Stop pretending that a high speed rail line could be built that criss crosses America.

Lincolntf said...

We don't have half as many pyramids as Egypt! Close the pyramid gap!

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

Go ahead and mistake China for the United States.

Oh, I see what your problem is! You want the U.S. to remain with less advanced technology than what China has. Thanks for clarifying.

Is that why you want to give them all your money?

jr565 said...

Lincolntf wrote:
Dogs are not "sicced" on anybody. Have you ever traveled in Europe? They walk circuits throughout the entire airport complex with their handlers. Long before and long after you pass through the security gate you see the dogs busily sniffing around.
If someone prefers having their Grandma groped to having a schnauzer walk by, then they've got issues.

Yet if the TSA introduced dogs into the mix, we'd hear how the dogs are scaring the children, and how they're making peple afraid for their lives because of the growling dogs. The fact that you just outlined a perfectly reasonable proposal doesn't matter, because the TSA are a bunch of troglydytes who want to kill us with their dogs. In fact they are going to use their dogs to conduct full body cavity searches on us before throwing us in rape boxes where we and our children will be groped and fondled.
But as for your suggestion, sure, if you want to bring dogs into the mix I don't mind. Beucase that is sensible and in certain cases they serve a valuable service. Only that doesn't negate the need for scanners either.

Anonymous said...

What's the velocity of a train on a high-speed rail line?

It surely is not 220 MPH anywhere in America.

Epic fail.

Mary Beth said...

19 US airports were using backscatter scanners last year. Is the problem the scanners or the pat downs? (Or as Claire McCaskill calls them, "love pats".)

If people are serious about protesting it, they should drink lots of water and feign incontinence when they are frisked.

Anonymous said...

You want the U.S. to remain with less advanced technology than what China has.

Again, you people haven't had a new idea in over 60 years.

High speed rail the new technology!

Who knew the bar was so low for you intelligent "progressives"

You're so progressive you want to mimic a communist, 3rd world dictatorship.

You bozos are a laugh riot.

Lincolntf said...

Current "Shortest Trip" available at Amtrak for Chicago-to-Miami is 47 hr, 15 min.

That's with zero delays, which has a zero probability.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

There goes JAY, proudly representing the "LESS ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY THAN CHINA FOREVER AND FOR ALL TIME" contingent.

So, when's the next meeting, JAY? Or are you still confusedly placing yourself in the Cold War era and trying to catch up with Sputnik?

You are an epic moron.

traditionalguy said...

The secret is out and TSA has lost its power over us. The TSA king was allowed to pretend it had clothes on out of solidarity for our fight against Bin Laden. Everybody knew soon enough that we had adopted a mean spirited Federal Agency that did zero to protect anyone...but we hung in there to show solidarity. Then this massive corrupt effort to double down on the useless pretenses TSA uses against us has cut the cord of solidarity on which it lived...and we are VERY angry for all of the years we have been abused for no reason at all. It's over. It's done. The genie won't go back in the bottle.

Anonymous said...

Current "Shortest Trip" available at Amtrak for Chicago-to-Miami is 47 hr, 15 min.

But, but, but, don't you see, they can magically build this whole new line that goes 220 MPH!

Never mind you have to cross over mountains and the cost would be astronomical, if this were even possible, assume it will be just 12 hours in unicorn land!

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

You're so progressive you want to mimic a communist, 3rd world dictatorship.

Oh. So it's the transportation that makes China a "communist, 3rd world dictatorship". I thought it had something to do with the political system. Thanks for the correction!

This guy would argue with his legs before deciding how to take off his pants.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

Never mind you have to cross over mountains

There are mountains between Miami and Chicago now? Where, exactly?

I love this guy. With every utterance he reveals some new imaginary idea about America.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

I didn't realize that was a high-speed line, Lincoln. Did Amtrak tell you it was?

garage mahal said...

Sounds like Lincolntf is a fierce advocate of high speed rail.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

They like low-speed, garage. On everything.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

Except for the chemicals they put in their bodies.

Lincolntf said...

I'm in favor of high speed travel, which rules out rail.

Anonymous said...

There are mountains between Miami and Chicago now? Where, exactly?

Um, are you really this stupid?

Here is a link with a picture of the Appalachian Mountains.

I'd love for you to get to Chicago without crossing them.

Your ignorance is staggering.


Ritmo Re-Animated said...

That's a good point, lincoln. A car traveling at 60 mph from D.C. to New York cannot get there in anywhere near the time it takes a train travelling at 220 mph.

Why don't you bumpkins leave the infrastructure to those of us who don't have a fear of bridges, cities, tunnels and other crucial infrastructure? Stay in your McMansions and visit your neighbors only when necessary to have a BBQ and show off your 50 inch plasma screen.

Anonymous said...

With every utterance he reveals some new imaginary idea about America.

I'm not the one who thinks high speed rail is viable on a topography I know nothing about.

But I think you should get out your Crayola's and your teddy bear and draw up your high speed rail line.


Anonymous said...

A car traveling at 60 mph from D.C. to New York cannot get there in anywhere near the time it takes a train travelling at 220 mph.

There are no trains in America traveling at 220 MPH.

There is a reason for that.

You don't know the reason.

Mainly because you're ignorant.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

Here is a link with a picture of the Appalachian Mountains.

I'd love for you to get to Chicago without crossing them.

Try Mississipi, or even Alabama. Do you need a link to those states?

Your ignorance is staggering.


Lincolntf said...

If you consider the parking, check-in, stop-over and disembarkation processes, the train from Boston to NYC is at best a wash compared to driving.
Lived there, done it, it's useless.

SpinningStar said...

I have not read all of the comments, but...

do they change gloves between searches? Can we demand to see them do so?

How many germs are transmitted between people because of these searches?

Anonymous said...

Why don't you bumpkins leave the infrastructure to those of us who don't have a fear of bridges, cities, tunnels and other crucial infrastructure?

Yes, mr "city" with his "knowledge" of "bridges" doesn't know that a mountain range runs from Newfoundland to the tip of Alabama.

You are an abject imbecile.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

There are no trains in America traveling at 220 MPH.

There is a reason for that.

It's because Republicans are too incompetent to get anything done but win an election by promising debt reduction through foregoing earmarks.

BEK477 said...

How fortunate for Obama and his administration that the election of November 2,2010 occurred before the current 'firestorm' regarding the TSA search proceedures. I suspect that the GOP would have picked up significantly more seats in the house if the election had occurred ata later date. Say the election occurs on next Tuesday. It seems that the country's tolerance for the TSA and Obama are reaching a new low.

Automatic_Wing said...

Stay in your McMansions and visit your neighbors only when necessary to have a BBQ and show off your 50 inch plasma screen.

LOL, progressivism at its finest. Great stuff, Ritmo.

Anonymous said...

Try Mississipi, or even Alabama. Do you need a link to those states?


So you're going to go west, right?

Do you know what is in the middle of the state of Florida?

If you go west to Mississippi you have to go north through Tennessee. Are there mountains in Tennessee?
Great, mr "infrastructure" at it again!

You are an abject imbecile.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

Yep, those Appalachians (esp in Georgia) are a pretty formidable obstacle. Ain't no way around them. Practically as high as Everest, they are. I mean, it's a wonder Atlanta even has highway access.

Fuck off and and shut your mouth until you can try arguing in good faith for once in your life.

Anonymous said...

It's because Republicans are too incompetent to get anything done

Um, the entire political apparatus of Illinois has been controlled by Democrats for several years.

High speed rail must not have been a priority.

Or when there was a Democratic President with 60 votes in the Senate.

garage mahal said...

I'm in favor of high speed travel, which rules out rail.

It doesn't rule out high speed rail. Just about every industrialized country wants it, and has it, but us. Because we are a stupid country.

Anonymous said...

those Appalachians (esp in Georgia) are a pretty formidable obstacle


First you said there were no mountains.

You don't have the foggiest clue what the Appalachians are or where they are.


Ritmo Re-Animated said...

LOL, progressivism at its finest. Great stuff, Ritmo.

Glad you like it, Maguro. "JAY's" regressivism and Lincoln's hatred of useful technology have a way of bringing it out in me.

Anonymous said...

mean, it's a wonder Atlanta even has highway access.


arguing in good faith for once in your life.

Of course you're too dumb to get it.

Anonymous said...

hatred of useful technology have a way of bringing it out in me.

Yes, so "useful" that it can't be used in America.

There are no trains in America traveling at 220 MPH.

There is a reason for that.

You don't know the reason.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

Um, the entire political apparatus of Illinois has been controlled by Democrats for several years.

High speed rail must not have been a priority.

Um, if you actually knew anything about Chicago, this city you pretend to want to travel to, you'd know that it actually has a pretty decent regional rail line.

Like most major cities that require ongoing economic development.

But not where you live, right?

Automatic_Wing said...

It doesn't rule out high speed rail. Just about every industrialized country wants it, and has it, but us. Because we are a stupid country.

Every industrialized country other than Canada and Australia.

Hmmm...I wonder what the USA, Canada and Australia all have in common? Any ideas, garage?

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

It's the politics, not the lack of usefulness, that brings out your hatred of technology.

It's your politics that makes you give weight to the anti-stem cell organizations. Not the lack of usefulness.

And so on.

Unknown said...

First stimulus, then the GM bailout, ZeroCare, then the BP oil spill, then all his wonderful smart diplomacy, the election, and now this.

I'm starting to get this weird idea that The Zero, far from being Dr Evil's puppet, is actually a brilliant double agent who has infiltrated the sancta of the Left for the purpose of discrediting the whole idea of government, Leftism, and the Democrat Party.

Jason (the commenter) said...

Lincolntf: And George Washington founded the Army, so he's responsible for My Lai.

No, but he'd probably be responsible for what his organization did two years after he left office.

Try again, compadre. This belongs to The Zero and has since January '09.

PS PB&J's new alias, Big Govt, talks about arguing in good faith.

Pot, Kettle, you know the drill.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

Hmmm...I wonder what the USA, Canada and Australia all have in common? Any ideas, garage?

FLYOVERS filled with bumpkins who send useless, corrupt incompetents to the capitol in a mendacious attempt to cut the national debt based on less than 1% of spending?

Oh, that's right. Only America has that. But Canada and Australia still have flyovers. But they don't let their cities suffer for it.

Good for them.

Anonymous said...

LOL, progressivism at its finest. Great stuff, Ritmo.

It is funny to watch.

Anonymous said...

you'd know that it actually has a pretty decent regional rail line.

Which has nothing to do with high speed rail

You do understand why you're doing this, right?

You move from not knowing about huge mountain ranges, to blaming Republicans, to now extolling regional rail lines.

You are an abject imbecile.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

As funny as those incredible obstacles to 18th century pioneers, the GREAT BIG IMPASSABLE Smoky Mountains.

Anonymous said...

FLYOVERS filled with bumpkins

You tolerant progressives give me the warm fuzzies.

Note that this imbecile also said this:
parts of America that you can never stop condescending to.

a mere 15 minutes ago...

Lincolntf said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
yashu said...

BGTDY & JAY, get a room, you two.


Anonymous said...

the GREAT BIG IMPASSABLE Smoky Mountains.

Um, note that you went from even questioning if there were mountains to this.

Why do you think you're doing that?

Want to guess, bozo?

Lincolntf said...

I love the trains in Germany, where they make sense.

Virtually all of the "high-speed" rail projects built/proposed in the U.S. are the product of fantasists navel-gazing through Gaia-colored glasses and finding a solution that just happens to exactly match their social /political ambitions. How convenient.
Listening to the half-assed Luddites on the Left (who'd probably ban the automobile if they had 67 votes in the Senate) lecturing the rest of us about advancing technology is a real chortler.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

Did you always want America to be so uncompetitive, JAY? Why do you hate America so?

The next crumbling bridge I see I'm going to spraypaint "JAY" all over it. And then, underneath that, I'm going to spraypaint: "THE ANONYMOUS COMMENTER AT ALTHOUSE WHO HATES INFRASTRUCTURE"

Anonymous said...

Did you always want America to be so uncompetitive,

Yes, the richest country in the history of man is now uncompetitive

You are so dumb I almost feel sorry for you.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

I love the trains in Germany, where they make sense.

You know what also made sense about Germany, Lincoln?

Well, to tell you the truth, I'm not sure. But I've got this Tea Party candidate named Rich Iott to tell you about...

Anonymous said...

The next crumbling bridge I see

The next crumbling bridge you see will be in a city with a Democratic mayor.

You're an idiot beyond belief.

Anonymous said...

Listening to the half-assed Luddites on the Left (who'd probably ban the automobile if they had 67 votes in the Senate) lecturing the rest of us about advancing technology is a real chortler.

Yes, they favor windmills, windmills over nuclear power plants.

But they're progressive

Just ask them.

Lincolntf said...

Fuck off, troll.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

Oh yes, JAY. The richest, bestest, (slowest) nation ever in the history of man excels at keeping people in their homes, yelling at each other over the internet, and not building practical ways to quickly move people and freight from city to city. That's one thing we're really great at.

Why don't you run for mayor of some flyover town on the platform of not having modern transportation links to other cities? We get it. Connection is not your thing. Build a moat around your little village and bleat off till your heart's content. And roast some marshmallows in a big bonfire behind your protective walls.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Question for liberal choo choo lovers:

If rail was popular and efficient and fast and a lot of people used it, wouldn't the TSA use these scanners at the rail stations too?

Bueller? Anyone ? Beuller?

Anonymous said...

and not building practical ways to quickly move people and freight from city to city.

Seriously, you are a clown.

A pathetic clown.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

My idea of progress includes stuffing JAY in Yucca mountain or, better yet, storing spent nuclear fuel under his mattress.

That would be progress. Without a doubt.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

If rail was popular and efficient and fast and a lot of people used it, wouldn't the TSA use these scanners at the rail stations too?

Ali G already tackled that one.

Anonymous said...

and not building practical ways to quickly move people and freight from city to city.

Because you can't like fedex anything across the country in 24 hours and grocery stores are stocked full of fresh food or anything.

It's the dust bowl 1930's to this abject imbecile.

traditionalguy said...

Big Gov...You are correct. There are some hills and a few surrounding mountains on the RR tracks from Chicago to Miami. the east coast lines have to go down the coast east of the Appalachians but the mid-western lines go down through Chattanooga to Atlanta and then southeast to meet the eastern lines to Florida. This IS the reason Atlanta is located where it is located...getting RR lines around the Appalachians and crossing the two rail systems. Location later made Atlanta into a hub for Delta Airlines. Now ATL is the busiest US Airport, measured in number of passengers and number of flights. We know all about the TSA.

Anonymous said...

on the platform of not having modern transportation links to other cities?

Again, I love that fact that a mode of transport that was around in the 1830's is "modern" to you progressives.

Keep beclowning.

Lincolntf said...

Even if this mythical Chicago-to- Miami straight shot was built 100 years ago it would have been on the verge of obsolescence within a decade.
Cars and planes work better. Pretty simple.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

Thanks TG.

If "JAY" had his way, Atlanta never would have been built. Too uneconomical or whatever.

Anonymous said...

Connection is not your thing

Um, your idea is silly.

You can't grasp this because you're ignorant.

garage mahal said...

Hmmm...I wonder what the USA, Canada and Australia all have in common? Any ideas, garage?

Southern Wisconsin has about the same population density as France, arguably the best high speed rail system in the world. They ain't choo-choos.

Anonymous said...

If "JAY" had his way, Atlanta never would have been built.

Coming from someone advocating rail, rail first tracked in the 1820's in America, is modern.

You're projecting, simpleton.

Anonymous said...

Southern Wisconsin has about the same population density as France, arguably the best high speed rail system in the world.

Um, the US isn't the size of France.

In case you missed it.

Automatic_Wing said...

The richest, bestest, (slowest) nation ever in the history of man excels at keeping people in their homes, yelling at each other over the internet, and not building practical ways to quickly move people and freight from city to city. That's one thing we're really great at.

As a matter of fact, our rail system is great at moving freight around. Really great. In fact, our rail lines are optimized for it, and trains move goods around around our enormous country very efficiently. Which makes sense, because freight movement, unlike people movement, is not particularly time-sensitive and there's a lot of ground to cover.

If you want high-speed trains you need new, dedicated track that's welded together rather than laid end to end. Probably a narrower guage, too.

Anyway, as AJ pointed out, as soon as your fast trains become popular someone will bomb them and we'll be getting groped before our 5 hour train ride instead of before our 2 hour plane flight.

So, rather than spend trillions on choo-choos, just fix airport security. It can be done.

Anonymous said...

Too uneconomical

Yes, I think we should build high speed rail from Chicago to San Francisco!

After all, there are no mountains, and even if there were and it cost 4 trillion, it would be ok.

Because it would be modern.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
jr565 said...

Yashu wrote:
So I don't know. I ask myself these hypotheticals: would these changes have been made under Bush? Would his administration have better explained & justified them? Would there have been the same kind of outcry against them? No doubt there would've been an outcry… but maybe distributed differently among the population (in terms of political leanings). I'm not sure.

If Bush had implmeneted them the lefties would have gone crazy. THey suggested that the govt being able to see what books took out of the library was tantaamount to an intro to nazi germany (Even though if you look at the library card on any book you can seem the names of the people who took it out before you, and that has never been a problem). Now Obama's TSA implements what it considers common sense techniques to help deal with airline security and the other side turns a routine pat down, which have been practiced for I don't know 50 years at airports, or wherever there is security, and all of sudden the TSA is a bunch of child molesters who are out to grope children. It's ludicrous. As to what Bush would have done, I bet if you asked him his opinion he would say that the TSA should implment procedures that best protect people on planes and to give the TSA the protocols and tools it needs to best deal with the threat. The rabid left and the rabid right also converge on the same plane of insanity from time to time.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

California has somehow found high-speed rail passes through their mountain ranges. But with "JAY's" newfound techno-fear, there ain't no way passes can be found for minor mountain ranges.

Also, if it uses rail, it must run on steam at, oh, say no faster than an average automobile. 60 mph tops for trains. At least according to the guy who thinks that Atlanta shouldn't exist. It might as well be "Atlantis" to him... all those hills are foreboding.

The right seems to be afraid of technology. Why is this? Sputnik's launch of a space race was a good thing, but then they came up with "Star Wars". Is that what it's all about? If there's no military benefit then it's no good?

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

Yes, I think we should build high speed rail from Chicago to San Francisco!

According to "JAY" apparently no city is located any closer than 3000 miles from the next one.

Boston, New York, D.C. are all much closer to one another. There is demand to travel from San Francisco to L.A. (with stops in between). And so on.

He has an obvious fear of traveling somewhere in America that doesn't involve the flyover.

Anonymous said...

The richest, bestest, (slowest) nation ever in the history of man excels at keeping people in their homes,

OOPS, your "facts" are false:

The U.S. ranks first for overall business environment and infrastructure, attributed mainly to its ability to meet high capacity air transport and tourism needs, including IT infrastructure.

Don't worry, ignorance is a virtue for you.

Anonymous said...

California has somehow found high-speed rail passes through their mountain ranges.

At 220 MPH no less!


Anonymous said...

According to "JAY" apparently no city is located any closer than 3000 miles from the next one.

Er, you're the one advocating high speed rail.

The failure in your little boondoggle is obvious. So of course you're spraying drivel.

Anonymous said...

there ain't no way passes can be found for minor mountain ranges.


I think you should go on pretending I said that.

You do realize you're doing this because your silly ignorance was exposed, right?

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

just fix airport security. It can be done.

This can-do attitude from a rightist is refreshing, touching even.

The problem is, it falls in with all the other quick easy fixes of the right. Some things are not easily reconciled. Civil liberties and "privacy" with security? It can be done but as those late to the game here prove, not as easily as Bush pretended.

Modern transportation and minor mountain ranges with a maximum elevation of 6,000 feet? Impossible!

Lincolntf said...

I'd actually love to see the Libs try to build there happy-fun-time-speedy-choo-choo from Chicago to Miami (if they were using there own damned money). Imagine how many people, beasties and "protected natural areas" that sucker would disrupt. They'd be suing themselves into oblivion within days.

Anonymous said...

There is demand to travel from San Francisco to L.A. (with stops in between)

I guess that's why Amtrak is loosing money.

But get on that California high speed rail now!

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

Oh, and debt reduction without touching anything but earmarks.

Anonymous said...

Modern transportation and minor mountain ranges with a maximum elevation of 6,000 feet? Impossible!

You do realize you're doing nothing but making a fool of yourself, right?

Anonymous said...

Jason: More hysteria! The TSA isn't any worse than other government agencies.

Gotta start somewhere.

The only problem is that instead of slowly building up the restrictions over time, the government overreached, so everyone can easily see how much things have changed.

So it's the government overplaying its hand that's the problem, not the building up of restrictions?

Not that I like the TSA, I just think it's too bad people can't react just as harshly to the gradual erosion of our rights.

Some dude once wrote something about the natural human path of reaction to that gradual erosion of rights, something about people being more disposed to put up with shit, while shit was sufferable, rather than just wrecking the political joint they were used to, until a whole lot of shit had been shat on them for a considerable period of time, and they finally just lost their shit about all the shit they'd been putting up with, because all experience hath shewn, that's just the way people tend to react to being fed shit for extended periods by their Governments long established. Some dude, Tom somebody. Did say something about George Bush starting it, though it may have been some other George he was complaining about, maybe George H.W.

Lincolntf said...

I just totally mangled my "there"s. Time for bed.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and debt reduction without touching anything but earmarks.


I think a supporter of the party of successive trillion dollar deficits should talk about debt reduction.

Really, I do.

Anonymous said...

I'd actually love to see the Libs try to build there happy-fun-time-speedy-choo-choo from Chicago to Miami

So would I.

After all, the big dig was a huge success...

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

JAY, is this your own version of your very own reality tv show?

Every "obstacle" you through up, there's a way around.

Much like all those interstates that allow passage through the TREMENDOUS HUMUNGOUS MOUNTAIN RANGES that formed the original border of the 13 colonies.

See, when Palin wanted to restore her poor understanding of the founders and what they stood for, I'm pretty sure even she didn't push for returning to their technological limits.

Seriously, it's no longer an 18th century political or social worldview they're all about... they want to push scientific understanding back to its previous state as well.

How's that Daniel Boone cap fitting, JAY?

Shanna said...

A car traveling at 60 mph from D.C. to New York cannot get there in anywhere near the time it takes a train travelling at 220 mph.

The train from NY to DC takes longer than a plane and costs more. If you are looking for fast, you take a plane, if you are looking for economical you take a bus or drive. (And have you ever been on the jersey turnpike (or i95 for that matter). What makes you think people are going 60? Hell, the rumor was that drug mules would drive at 200mph, which also beats your mythical train any day).

And I am vastly amused by the idea that any kind of train is more high tech than a plane that flies through the air. Air travel is very American, too, isn’t it. The Wright brothers and everything.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

California has somehow found high-speed rail passes through their mountain ranges.

At 220 MPH no less!



Ritmo Re-Animated said...

And I am vastly amused by the idea that any kind of train is more high tech than a plane that flies through the air. Air travel is very American, too, isn’t it. The Wright brothers and everything.

I knew the explanation would present itself sooner or later.

It's the oooohh ahhh factor of lift versus drag.

If only those bicycle manufacturing Wright brothers had come up with magnetic levitation.

Colliding particles? Hey! What's the point when you can fly like a birdie through the air? Neato!!!

Anonymous said...


Mind you, from the author of:
A train leaves Orlando at 220 miles per hour.

There are mountains between Miami and Chicago now? Where, exactly?

OOPS, you soiled yourself again.

Anonymous said...

California has somehow found high-speed rail passes through their mountain ranges.

California does not have 'high speed rail'

You are an idiot and a liar.

Anonymous said...

It's the oooohh ahhh factor of lift versus drag.


Um, and planes get you places faster than any rail line.

"High speed rail" is another idiotic leftist boondoggle.

Anonymous said...


Mind you, from the author of:
A car traveling at 60 mph from D.C. to New York cannot get there in anywhere near the time it takes a train travelling at 220 mph.

Which is it?

Hell's bells, you don't know.

You're just flinging poo.

Shanna said...

Why don't you run for mayor of some flyover town on the platform of not having modern transportation links to other cities?

Oh for fucks sake!

Three methods of transportation. Rail, Air, Car. Which one is the oldest? Which is the newest? Which is the fastest? Which one's provide the most efficient travel in a huge, sprawling country?

People have voted with their pocketbooks. There is a reason rail works very well for freight and not so much for people in this country and yet, some people just cannot accept it. They are the luddites.

Anonymous said...

I am vastly amused by the idea that any kind of train is more high tech than a plane that flies through the air.

Oh, but they have it in China!

And it's Modern!


Ritmo Re-Animated said...

People have voted with their pocketbooks.

Not in California and not in the Northeast.

You can take the less developed parts of the country and leave them to the luddites.

They do not contribute to the American economy (or to American society, for that matter) what the non-retrograde coasts do.

They are called "flyover" for a reason. We don't need them to be that well-connected, either. It's their choice.

Anonymous said...

Maguro: As a matter of fact, our rail system is great at moving freight around. Really great. In fact, our rail lines are optimized for it, and trains move goods around around our enormous country very efficiently. Which makes sense, because freight movement, unlike people movement, is not particularly time-sensitive and there's a lot of ground to cover.

Surprising how few people know that. (Me, for example, until quite recently.) I understand that Europe, on the other hand, relies on far more wasteful and inefficient trucking for most of its freight movement.

I'm sure there's a snark in there somewhere, for somebody.

Anonymous said...

A car traveling at 60 mph from D.C. to New York cannot get there in anywhere near the time it takes a train travelling at 220 mph.

There are no trains in America traveling at 220 MPH.

The Acela Express has a top speed of 150 mph (he train hits top speed once, for a couple of minutes) and takes an hour and fifteen minutes longer than a plane.

And, it is a revenue loser. Every year.


Ritmo Re-Animated said...


Anonymous said...

They do not contribute to the American economy

That's funny.

Your knowledge about America includes nothing about agriculture.

You are so dumb it is actually sad.

Shanna said...

It's the oooohh ahhh factor of lift versus drag.

It's the "oooohhh ahh factor" of getting their WAY WAY faster! And Cheaper! And in more, yes, MODERN transportation, which you claim to care about. I dont' know why I am responding because are a complete and total idiot.

You aren't even funny, like garage. You are just tiresome.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

Those Chinese people are very backward, right?

Anonymous said...

Not in California and not in the Northeast

I love the fact that you think government funding of rail lines = consumer spending.

Amtrak loses billions.

California does not have "high speed rail" it has a government (one with an $18 billion dollar deficit) committed to funding a project (onstruction date is subject to funding, which would be 2012 at the earliest).

Big difference.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

The major cities and states have economies that rival those of nations. Please continue contributing to them through consumption, FLYOVER JAY, because Allah knows invention ain't your forte.

All you will ever know of the American economy is how to consume your way through it. Innovation is something you resent. Obviously, this is because you are so shitty at coming up with a good idea.

Shanna said...

Not in California and not in the Northeast.

Yes, in the Northeast, idiot. I lived in the northeast for SIX FUCKING YEARS. Train is the more expensive than the plane while also being slower. Awesome!

If you want cheap, you take the bus or drive. If you want fast, you take a plane. If you have time to kill (because it's slower than a plane) and money to burn (because a train ride for DC to NY was MORE expensive than the plane) then you took the train. God.

Anonymous said...

You can take the less developed parts of the country and leave them to the luddites.

Yes the "luddites" who oppose nuclear power plants and demand government funding of projects that are not economical and make no sense.

You are a joke.

jeff said...

"Fuck off and and shut your mouth until you can try arguing in good faith for once in your life."

Quite possibly the funniest thing ever posted. No wonder you continue to change your name here. Or are you a Moby, attempting to show liberals as complete morons? If so, good job. Jeremy busy so your picking up the slack?

Unknown said...

They're communists, aren't they?

The automobile represents individual freedom. Maybe that's why Peking doesn't like them.

KCFleming said...

Ritmo gets more painful with every name change.

Anonymous said...

The major cities and states have economies that rival those of nations.

California is practically bankrupt.

So is New York.

In April, a commission appointed by Mayor Richard Daley found that the city’s funds could start running out of money as early as 2019, beginning with the firefighters fund.

It is almost as if you're ignorant.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

I dont' know why I am responding because are a complete and total idiot.

But that should make you feel right at home given how remedial your grammar is.

Anyway, I'm stupid enough to know how to use magnets to propel your fat, lazy flyover butt through the air at 220 mph. And this is not only a more recent invention than Da Vinci's air travel machine, but one that would be cool to watch. ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU MISS THE BEND ON THOSE INSANELY TREACHEROUS MOUNTAIN PASSES THAT "JAY" WARNS US ABOUT AND GO SPLAT!!!!1!1!!!!!

Quaestor said...

Ritmo's Stupid New Handle wrote:
So tell me once again... how unattractive is the option of high-speed rail?

So tell me why you think "high-speed rail" (gawd, Ritmo, you burble up that phrase like a mantra) is a solution to terrorist threats on American lives?

Anonymous said...

Innovation is something you resent.

Um, high speed rail is not innovation.

It is an idea that doesn't work.

Big difference.

But I think you should make another post revealing your stupidity.

Really, I do.

Shanna said...

But that should make you feel right at home given how remedial your grammar is.

Criticism of grammar or typos. For the internet gentlemen who has completely lost the argument.


Ritmo Re-Animated said...

I have no problem with any state wanting nuclear power so long as it disposes of the waste within its own borders.

But then, JAY probably doesn't even know what reprocessing is.

Anonymous said...

The major cities and states have economies that rival those of nations.

Yes, Texas and Virginia has Republican Governors and budget surpluses.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

Magnetic levitation is not innovation, according to JAY.

When was it "not" invented, then, JAY?

Anonymous said...

But that should make you feel right at home given how remedial your grammar is.

You misspelled "traveling" multiple times, bozo.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

Yes, Texas and Virginia has Republican Governors and budget surpluses.

Oh wow!!1!!1 What will they spend them on? Prisons!?!?!?!??!

How entertaining. Fuck Broadway! Fuck Hollywood! I'm going to colonial Williamsburg and then on to watch an execution of an ill-defended citizen in TEXAS! Whoopee!!!! Maybe even a rodeo!!!11!! Lasssoooo me a "JAY"!!1!1!

Anonymous said...

So we see the beclowner outdid himself.

First he asserted that a train could travel 220 MPH from Orlando to Chicago.
--This assertion is false.

Then when it was pointed out this MPH isn't possible because of mountains, beclowner disputed that said mountains existed.

Then when beclowner was exposed for such stupidity, he began saying that the "flyover people" don't want anyone to travel.

I see a pattern here...

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

But "you're" versus "your"? That's a very complicated error. Shakespeare himself might have not understood the difference.

And his spelling sucked!

Oh wait. It was late Middle English/Early Modern English he was using. Maybe he should have been more modern and whatnot.

Anonymous said...

Oh wow!!1!!1 What will they spend them on? Prisons!?!?!?!??!

Um, you do realize you're saying this because your silly assertion was proven false, right?

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

I see a pattern here...

The pattern is that you make shit up and can't tell a difference of degree apart from a difference of kind.

Automatic_Wing said...

If you asked the BBQ-eating, plasma TV-watching masses whether they'd rather have prisons or high-speed choo-choos, they'd pick the prisons every time.

And they'd be right.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

Um, you do realize you're saying this because your silly assertion was proven false, right?

I'm saying this because I don't give a shit about Texas' and Virginia's vaunted budget surpluses and because no one gives a shit about Texas' and Virginia's vaunted budget surpluses. They don't have the kind of attraction and draw that New York and California do to foreign travelers and they probably never will.

If you had any class in your upbringing and character and any respect for culture whatsoever, you would see this. But of course, you don't.

Shanna said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

The pattern is that you make shit up

You mean like this:
A car traveling at 60 mph from D.C. to New York cannot get there in anywhere near the time it takes a train travelling at 220 mph

-Note: no trains in America travel at 220 MPH.

Or did you mean like this:
There are mountains between Miami and Chicago now? Where, exactly?

We all know there are mountains, clown.

Now quick, make a post asserting I said trains can't go over mountains!


Ritmo Re-Animated said...

Yep. Prisons are the new high-growth industry that the red states are on to. And no government money needed to run those things!!!!

Anonymous said...

The pattern is that you make shit up

I've made nothing up.

And you can't demonstrate otherwise.

Automatic_Wing said...

Prisons happen to be necessary in this country. High-speed rail, not so much.

Anonymous said...

because no one gives a shit about Texas' and Virginia's vaunted budget surpluses.

spittle alert!

Actually, the people living in those states do.

But you can't care because it demonstrates the failure of liberal governance.

So wave your arms about high speed rail.

Anonymous said...

They don't have the kind of attraction and draw that New York and California do to foreign travelers

That's funny.

California & New York have declining populations.

People want to visit, but the don't want to live there.

Gee, I wonder why?

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

200. On to the next page, fools!

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