“You ran on very high rhetoric, hope and change, and the Democrats this year seem to be running on, ‘Please baby, one more chance’,’’ Mr. Stewart said at one point. At another, he asked the president if he was now running on “Yes we can, with certain conditions.’’
Mr. Obama replied, “I think I would say, ‘Yes we can, but –“
Mr. Stewart, laughing, cut the president off. Mr. Obama jumped in again, finishing his sentence: “But it’s not going to happen overnight.”
October 27, 2010
Obama on "The Daily Show."
Jon Stewart is a very talented individual.
But help me out here. Why do liberal comedians put so much time into trying to make liberals feel superior to conservatives and religious people?
Stewart, Colbert and others may be funny, but challenging and daring they are not.
He acknowledges that where he wants to take us (point B) is a long hard uphill slog. He needs spell out exactly where point B is and what it looks like.
Is point B:
(a) equality for all (because he'll arrange it to be so)?
(b) less for some but more for others?
(c) a utopia or just a unicornucopia?
Oh, but he is wrong. It can happen overnight.
It might take many months to build a beautiful building, but any damn fool can burn it down in one night.
Obama has been lighting fires now for 18 months, and the only reason there is anything standing at all is that the system was designed to block and hinder power hungry "reformers" like him.
Why do liberal comedians put so much time into trying to make liberals feel superior to conservatives and religious people?
Same reason they put so much time into trying to make women fell superior to men.
'Cause everybody can see they're not.
I'm sure Vlad & Mahmoud find it very amusing.
Barack Obama seemingly has no concept of the gravitas required by his office. What's next? A sign on his desk that reads "You don't have to be crazy to work here - but it helps"? A cameo on Saturday Night Live?
Oops. Wait.
"vulgar pragmatism"
Gahhh. Blech. Did Stewart actually fellate President Wonderful? I think Palladian had an advanced screening of this last night.
Did he tell Jon Stewart the "Car, ditch, slurpee" story? That one's been such a hit!
"Why do liberal comedians put so much time into trying to make liberals feel superior to conservatives and religious people?"
Because right now, conservatives and religious people are being truly ridiculous.
Stewart, Colbert and others may be funny, but challenging and daring they are not.
They are to comedy as Don Rickles was to Lenny Bruce.
What's the key demographic President Obama's trying to remotivate? The youth. What's Stewart's prime demographic? The youth.
The overlap of those two is obvious, and has been remarked on by many people. But I just thought of something else, a reason why this may turn out to be a shrewd move on President Obama's part. One thing that really appeals to the youth demographic is anything that older, less culturally aware adults think is undignified or inappropriate. The very fact that responsible people see this as an unworthy move on his part will make them like it more.
We'll know I'm onto something if the President shows up to his next campaign stop with a safety pin through his lip.
Stewart is an equal opportunity ox gorer. I give Obama credit for appearing on his show. I sense a nuanced meme developing that everyone should start to feel sorry for the sincere Barack Obama that has been misunderstood by angry folks. Yrouble is we do feel that he is sincere...in his desire to destroy freedom, capitalism, and our use of the USA's natural resources. Poor Barack: he wants us to understand that we just need to trust him as much as Cuba trusts Castro so that we can survive a few years longer.
“But it’s not going to happen overnight.”
So he's definitely a philosophical pragmatist. Then again, didn't he win? Wasn't that supposed to be enough to get his way with Congress? It will be fun to watch him have to go hat-in-hand to the House and politely ask for the things he wants, only to be told by the Repubs "We won."
(reposted, as the first attempt was only semi-literate)
(The Crypto Jew)
Because right now, conservatives and religious people are being truly ridiculous.
Explain further. Provide examples, be clear and thorough, show all your work.
Crimso, you're being too hard on yourself. If semi-literacy were a reason not to post, the Internet would be a pretty empty place.
But it’s not going to happen overnight.”
It's been two years. Or is that 'overnight' in DC time?
It will take generations to judge George Bush. Hey, they're still debating George Washington!
Obama? Worst ever. Already!
You all are going to cry. I just got done with some high-level (the top of the top) peers and the verdict is this: The GOP is about to be hit by the wave of Democratic voters like a smart-nosed QB gets sacked. You know, the Democrats will win the House (224+) and the Senate (54+).
You can hide no more. It is over for the GOP. The timer to the end of the party of the living dead is running out. You cannot cram at the last minute. This is not a mid-term. This is what the voters want: vision and a deep desire for the best in America.
Okay, I am convinced that we will meet our target (see above). It is over for the GOP.
What next for the GOP? Crying will not help. Complaining about the Obama-Biden Administration, Speaker Pelosi, and Leader Reid will not help
I am available for web-based political therapy. I will give you a discount, if you mention this good blog.
In any event, you will have to wait till Nov. 2016 now.
It will take generations to judge George Bush. Hey, they're still debating George Washington!
Nobody's doubting their patriotism. They never gave reason to do so.
Just.Takes.Time. Depending.
Why do you post as AP, Titus? The compulsion to ridicule? Such insecurity there must be inside.
Damn Obama is such a hard worker!
"Hope and Change" is high rhetoric?
High all right, more like wasted out of your mind if you fell for that.
"vulgar pragmatism,"
she says,
Sign up for my political therapy and you will know that I am not "Titus". I am a Democratic consultant. My full name initials are: AKB. To know more about me, you will have to sign up. I get paid, you know by many candidates. After this Nov., I will be super rich and will make in-roads in Chicago 2011 Mayoral election (for Rahm) and 2012 for the Administration.
Oh yes, I have hit jackpot. My girl friend's parents are super impressed with my business.
Off topic, but I saw Michelle today and boy, has she put on weight! Not a darned thing wrong with that and you won't catch me making fun of heavy people. I have said all along that choosing anti-obesity as the First Lady's cause was a bad, bad mistake. If I were the one who sold her on the idea, I'd be hiding.
This may explain Stewart's smugness.
Shall we play a game? Where's Obama?
I think ricpic nailed it dead nuts. Titus is America's Politico. Never connected those two dots before now.
One of my big concerns with Obama before his election and since - has been his, what seems to me, dishonesty. He supposedly had no idea what was going on in the church he attended for twenty years. He was definitely going to renegotiate NAFTA. He was going to be post-partisan. He would never, never, never raise your taxes - not any kind of tax. Your health insurance premiums would go down while he insured the uninsured. He's going to end "don't ask don't tell". If you like you insurance you can keep it - and on and on.
I will be watching after Tuesday for any sign of honesty from Obama. Any hint that he gets it: that this is absolutely a rebuke on him and what he has and hasn't done the last two years. I'll be watching for him to acknowledge that he didn't listen to the people. They didn't want healthcare - they wanted jobs and improvement in the economy.
We will see...
I think ricpic nailed it dead nuts. Titus is America's Politico. Never connected those two dots before now.
This was discussed previously elsewhere.
America's Politico said...
Sign up for my political therapy and you will know that I am not "Titus". I am a Democratic consultant.
Hee poot creetuures een oor boodies; medd oss seh lies!
My girl friend's parents are super impressed with my business.
And people pay money for penis puffing pills advertized in their SPAM filters. God BLESS America.
I will always love John Stewart for his first show after 9/11 and the words he spoke when he opened it...even if he's forgotten them.
On the upside, Marco Rubio hugged me today and I took a killer picture, and posted it on my blog.
It was a great day.
"They didn't want healthcare - they wanted jobs and improvement in the economy."
No President can really do much about creating jobs, and this one never even had one, and may not even know what one is, but Biden could help teach him 3 letters: J-O-B-S.
I'd like to take credit, garage, but it was someone else posting here, can't remember the name, who first pointed out the similitude (is that a word?).
I hope people realize that Stewart has a team of writers telling him what to say after thinking it over for days and testing it. Not real impressive in my world. Most influential man? Give me a break. Most people, outside of Comedy Central viewers, don't even know who he is. That's a pretty small world.
"They didn't want healthcare"
That's not exactly right, what we wanted and needed was healthcare insurance reform. What we got is neither.
Obama, Stewart, and the 1000-comment posts on the Rand Paul protester are of a piece:
Telling me that I shouldn't believe my lyin' eyes.
Jobs are growing! The economy's on the mend! Health care is reformed! Libertarians are stomping free speech!
One big goddamned game of three card monte.
Jon Stewart: "Mr President, you told us you were smart and would usher in an era of post-racial and post-partisonship. And you were going to be different than Bush. Why didn't that come to pass? "
Obama: "Man is it cool to be the Prez!"
Yes, he has to turn this country into Botswana before he has the change he wants.
Chase said...
Jon Stewart is a very talented individual.
But help me out here. Why do liberal comedians put so much time into trying to make liberals feel superior to conservatives and religious people?
The Lefties' innate insecurity and feelings of inferiority would be my guess. These people are all about emotion and appearances. People who really do think make them feel bad.
Irene said...
(ref!, ref!) Sherlock says, "Hi".
Is it just in Northern CA or has anyone else noticed that a lot of political ads, especially for local offices, don't mention the party affiliation if they are a Democrat.
What's with that? Fool me twice?
No President can really do much about creating jobs, and this one never even had one, and may not even know what one is, but Biden could help teach him 3 letters: J-O-B-S.
I don't recall Obama ever acknowledging that :-) - speaking of lack of candor
Mr. Stewart, laughing, cut the president off.
That's what Stewart always does--giggles hysterically at everything he or a favored guest says.
As far as Obama being dishonest, he speaks untruths so unabashedly that I really wonder whether he realizes that what he's doing is lying. I think he just has an irrepressible need to say whatever he intuits will do him the most good at a particular moment, whatever the truth of it.
Since Clinton, I've come to the conclusion that psychopaths have an unfair advantage in electoral politics because of their charisma and skill at lying and faking emotional responses.
(Hi, Sherlock!)
I am in Philly area and just got one in the mail today. It is for Pete Kohut who is running for state representative. I never heard of him and since, in my area, all the elected pols are Dems, Kohut must be a Repub.
I think these brave candidates started doing this a few years.
tree hugging sister said...
On the upside, Marco Rubio hugged me today and I took a killer picture, and posted it on my blog.
Given your handle... Does that make Marco Rubio a tree? And if so, what kind?
(former law student, garage mahal, HDHouse, and others... You owe me for setting up that easy shot for you.)
Just to know how low Obama has brought the Presidency, just imagine Reagan on "The Daily Show". Yeah right, I couldn't either.
"Stewart is an equal opportunity ox gorer."
What are you smoking?
Oh yes, I have hit jackpot. My girl friend's parents are super impressed with my business.
Terrific, now you can move out of your parents basement.
I'm starting to really like Martin L. Shoemaker.
(Why do liberal comedians take such time etc.)
Because it's been tradition to make fun of the right wing/conservatives for almost half a century - at the very least since Nixon. In 2010, it's easy, safe and conventional requiring no new thought just treading down well worn pathways.
I have no memory of it being any other way within my lifetime. Maybe PJ O'Rourke during his Rolling Stone days back when. Ann Coulter qualifies as a comedienne IMO, sort of a reverse-universe Roseanne Barr.
It gets a little more difficult when you're roasting your own side. That Taiwanese animated news has no problem taking the piss out of Obama. (Here they are on Stewart: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hz31FDhY4qw. ) South Park works both sides. Stewart does only very occasionally.
Jon Stewart's charm to me lies in his image as someone who is bright and fundamentally decent - his mensch qualities- because that's not usually the case in his world. If he's secretly patronizing 12-yr-old hookers I just don't want to know.
KS...Stewart has his audience to please, so he takes them as their opinions are and leads them with smirking smile into some facts Remember a year ago Stewart shocked his Obama infatuated audience by reminding them that it is OK to laugh at Obama. Education is a word that means that a teacher educes people from their current understandings of the world to another better set of understandings. So cut Stewart some slack seeing where he has to begin from.
I'd like to take credit, garage, but it was someone else posting here,
Ah the hell with it. Just take credit for it.
“You ran on very high rhetoric, hope and change,..."
It's a madness I tell you, simply madness.
There was a comment by Joe the Crypto Jew the other day that was spot on for one by Americas Politico. I figured he had signed on with the wrong user name.
Okay, "Daily Show" is over, Obama still acts like he doesn't get that the majority of the public doesn't like what he's selling. Nor does John Stewart, who suggested that the healthcare plan was too timid.
Also, Stewart felt that Obama had not done enough to root out political corruption. Yes, when you hire the fox to guard the henhouse, the results are often disappointing.
Obama managed to come across as charming, earnest, and idealistic, like he was still campaigning for his first term, and the audience ate it up, or seemed to. I've been in the studio audience on the Letterman Show, and when I watched the program that night I noticed that the sometimes tepid applause or laughter had been bumped up to earth-shaking volume.
Obama managed to refrain from using the words "hoodwinked," "bamboozled," or "run the okey-doke," which he reserves for a select portion of his supporters.
The Crypto-Jew is America's Politico? Damn, I figured he was a Crypto-Pakistani or something like that.
Can someone explain how this works? I'm sure I'm missing something;
Jon Stewart helped talk the nation into (I'm being generous here) an epic political mistake, and for that - even as we're watching the con and the country fraying - gets voted "Man of the Year"?
What kind of man we talking about here?
"Obama on Daily Show: We have done an awful lot".
Who is calling Obama a liar? Shame on you.
Thanks, garage, but I'm sure soon enough I'll say something to piss you off with my right / left / center / libertarian / but above all contrarian views. It's just something I do. It's a gift... and a curse.
tree hugging sister, you have an interesting blog there.
Did you know Rubio means 'blond' in Spanish?
Marco Antonio Rubio is clearly NOT blond.
Stewart is an equal opportunity ox gorer.
No he's not. He is less of a liberal shill than Colbert. but that's a low bar.
traditionalguy, I still disagree that Stewart is an equal-opportunity ox gorer. He's organized a rally this weekend to ridicule the Beck rally. Would he have organized a rally in response to a left-wing rally?
Why doesn't he use his real name?
Rallying the willfully blind youth vote
The problem is that Obama & Co. just don't possess the faculties to comprehend the benefits of the free enterprise system. They're easily duped by Marxist sloganeering originating from foreign shores that makes them live in fear of markets...
It will take generations to judge George Bush. Hey, they're still debating George Washington!
Obama? Worst ever. Already!
C'mon Garage try harder. Just because some on this blog reflexively ridicule BO doesn't mean you have to revert to that tried and true retort:
If you don't want to be considered a liberal shill then don't post like one.
I was struck today by the contrast between the reporting of Obama on the Daily Show and this article about Rove critiquing Palin and O'Donnell.
Disagreements within the Democratic Party are healthy but within the Republican Party are symptoms of deep divisions, anger, etc. Or as they used to say on Hee Haw:
Gloom, Despair and agony...
When will the Stewart/Colbert/Comedy Central demographic wake up and cry out:
You pissed away my entire inheritance!!
Nobody mentioned that a talk show host called the president of the United States, 'dude.'
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