October 31, 2010

The Meadhouse jack-o-lantern.

I picked out the white pumpkin, found the black candle, and sharpened the knife. Meade did all the design work and carving.


The Elder said...

And it looks just like him!

Ann Althouse said...

LOL. That's just what I said!

Meade said...

Hey! Is that nice?

Mark O said...

Sharpening the knife is your specialty.

Unknown said...

I thought it was a smiling Vulcan.

Mark O said...

Sharpening the knife is your specialty.

He has such a nice whetstone.

Freeman Hunt said...

Ha! I love it.

Meade said...

First of all, I have more hair than that.

And I don't wear it in a top knot.

Rialby said...

White pumpkin?


le Douanier said...

Not bad, but can you top this?

Jana said...

Oh, wow. It DOES look like him!

Fred4Pres said...

Old school gourd carving.

Ron said...

It looks to me like a "Kaus-o-lantern!"

Wince said...

I got the impession of a Jack-o-Nicholson-lantern.

MadisonMan said...

I'm going to the neighborhood picnic before the trick or treaters go out. I hope the candy beggars are done by 8 this year -- it's a school night, after all.

Freeman Hunt said...

Our pumpkins.

My three year old picked out all the pumpkins and painted the one on the left. I carved the one in the middle, and my husband carved the one on the right.

Freeman Hunt said...

Here I was trying to make them benign looking because our children are so young, and now I notice that my three year old has created the scariest one.

Chip Ahoy said...

Lifehacker posted about preserving your carved pumpkin. Short story: spritz inside of pumpkin with weak bleach solution. Prevents mold.

My best carved pumpkin was a skull. A plastic gun was shoved into the side where an ear would be and the seeds and goop were pulled out through gashes and left in a pile on the opposite side.

Opus One Media said...
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ndspinelli said...

KKK PUMPKIN! Where's the sheet?

Opus One Media said...

.....sorcery and wizards....

David said...


Revenant said...

Very traditional!

sunsong said...

Happy Halloween & watch out for Zombies

sunsong said...

some amazing pumpkin carving

sunsong said...

Green cats eyes in midnight gloom
fly with the witch on her ragged broom
over dark hills where bonfires loom

~Myra Livingston

Penny said...

Now if these cuties came to my door to trick or treat, I might enjoy Halloween a bit more than I do.

Instead this happened...

The first little kid who knocked was shoving himself in front of his brothers and sisters to be first in line. When he saw my little orange and black bags of Halloween pretzels, he ran away.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Good work Meade!

MamaM said...

"A sharp knife cuts clean."

The Elder said...

"Hey! Is that nice?"

Nice? Who says that I'm not being nice?

I only said that it looks just like you. You know -- incredibly handsome with obvious features revealing happiness, courage, and integrity of character.

I'm shocked, SHOCKED to find that you would think I would mean anything else!

chickelit said...

When he saw my little orange and black bags of Halloween pretzels...

They sound adorable Penny. Did you home-make them?
I hope your next visitors are more respectful.

traditionalguy said...

The Meade-o-lantern may need some skin cream to slow down his vertical wrinkles and help with his dry skin. Nice job, guys.

Meade said...

Shocked huh? Wwwell...

Okay, full sized candy bar for you.

Hey! Just one. Not all you can grab! What, were raised in a litter of wild dogs?

Meade said...

By the way, who exactly are you supposed to be?

The Coon?

Known Unknown said...


Just kidding.

amba said...

What, no teeth!

jaed said...

When he saw my little orange and black bags of Halloween pretzels, he ran away.

I don't blame the kid. Anyone who gives out "healtheee snacks!" instead of candy on Halloween is... well, let's just say it's not in the spirit of the holiday. Fullsize candy bars at chez jaed.

(Now the adults who come trick-or-treating, to them I am Scrooge. I should have gotten some pretzel packs to offer the adults. Bah.)

Tank said...


My wife made one that looked like Elmo. Squirrels ate it. That's why, when driving, I aim at squirrels. If you ever read I crashed into a tree, you'll know I missed the squirrel (unless he's squished under the car).