October 17, 2010

"Create an ‘aura of insufferable tension’ and ‘if they’re interested, they’ll make the first move.'"

The Keith Richards approach to getting women. Aura of insufferable tension. I love that. What does it even mean? Be Keith Richards, and...


rhhardin said...

Aura is golden.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

... Countess Zigenpuss.

markwark said...

"Create an ‘aura of insufferable tension’...

Yeah, well... Being a fabulously rich and famous rock and roll superstar might also have something to do with it.

traditionalguy said...

It means not to come on too strong as if you are interested in her, while (or erstwhile), you share space and do a male activity as if shes not there. Then let her seduce you.

Wince said...

I think the "insufferable tension" he speaks of results when the alpha male does not make the first move. Theory being when a woman wants you to make a move, and you don't, she starts looking inward at her own inadequacies, which creates a tension that plays-out in her decision either to reject you or surrender the dignity that comes from being pursued by the man.

Consider this:

Jones had pneumonia, so they left him at a hospital in Toulouse and carried on to Morocco.
Richards says Anita made the first move on him in the back of his Bentley ‘somewhere between Barcelona and Valencia’ because he ‘could not put the make on my friend’s girl’.

Ever think that, maybe, Jones was faking his pneumonia?

Brian's Girl?

And they say Leave it to Beaver is not "hip" and "with it."

Unknown said...

I have a feeling the insufferable tension comes from most women looking at KR for more than 10 seconds and not being able to turn to stone.

EDH said...

I think the "insufferable tension" he speaks of results when the alpha male does not make the first move. Theory being when a woman wants you to make a move, and you don't, she starts looking inward at her own inadequacies, which creates a tension that plays-out in her decision either to reject you or surrender the dignity that comes from being pursued by the man.

Believe it or not, something like that happened when I met The Blonde ;)

former law student said...

‘aura of insufferable tension’ and ‘if they’re interested, they’ll make the first move.'

This sounds better in theory than in practice. When Billy Jeff tried it, the best he could do was Monica Lewinsky.

Opus One Media said...

insufferable is about right.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Keith calls Mick "Brenda".

I love that.

Mark O said...

Probably, it means making her wonder if you are going to share your vial of blow with her.

Trooper York said...

""Create an ‘aura of insufferable tension’ and ‘if they’re interested, they’ll make the first move.'""

Why are you still posting about Brett Favre's penis?

Anonymous said...

You have to offer something to get something; charm, good looks, money, power, maybe even a pair of eyes she can't resist. But you've got to have something.

And winning is often a mixed blessing, especially when you attract the genuine beauties, those perfect specimens who require constant attention. Beauty is contagious and it generates tons of competition.

Barry Dauphin said...

aura of insufferable tension

That's when he has the smack and she has some needles.

Be said...

I think that "aura of insufferable tension" is kind of a zen wave that you just sort of ride or something. I can't really describe the particulars, but just *know* that this is how my Frenchie ended up winning me, for what I'm worth.

Thank you for pointing to someone anglophone and modern who described well this technique. He's literally a Modern Day Casanova. (Wish he could help me win the lottery, though.)

XWL said...

Given his various addictions, and the correlation between said addictions and a general lack of good hygiene, I'd say any woman that breaks through his miasma of insufferable body odor is probably a famewhore/golddigger, but I could be wrong...

Jason said...

Roissy, you magnificent bastard I read your blog!!!!

Mr. Forward said...

I've got nothing to add but the Word Verification is hypert.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

Trooper FTW @ 5:31 (days ago, apparently). But it's still the win.