September 1, 2010

Caught in a rainstorm, ducking into a small-town libraray, I read the Utne Reader yesterday.

I used to subscribe back in the 80s, when I loved it. But what is it now? I found the cover pretty amusing:

I can't find a bigger picture of that at the site. Too bad! They should show it off. It's funny — Obama biting into a sloppy cheeseburger and cringing as the angry Michelle waves a bunch of carrots much like wives in old comic strips used to wield rolling pins. And you know what it means when a First Lady gets after the President to eat carrots.

Of course, the article inside isn't critical of Michelle Obama and her eat-your-vegetables shtick. It's critical of Obama, but not because he eats cheeseburgers, because he "loves up industrial agriculture." We're supposed to identify with the angry woman swinging her lo-cal phallic symbols at her man. (At least they aren't cut up phallic symbols like the ones Hillary famously foisted on Bill.) The cheeseburger Obama prefers — like the onion rings Bill Clinton preferred — is a symbol, a symbol of what he loves. In Obama's case, according to the article, it's agribusiness. He "loves up" agribusiness, that big sloppy, gooey cheeseburger.

It's Utne Reader, that magazine for aging lefties, and the article assumes you're into the anti-business agenda. The magazine assumes you'll identify with Michelle and her vegetables and is oblivious to the possible revulsion you might feel to the angry face they've given her. You're supposed to think:  Yes, Obama, come back to your lefty roots. (Note: Carrots are roots.) Your policies need to kick big business in the ass and embrace the local and sustainable and holistic.

But I didn't get that far into the magazine. The library was closing and the rainstorm was ending, and we needed to get back to the Glacial Drumlin Trail. I only had time to read: 1.  a letter from the editor by a subscriber who was sending back an issue of the magazine because it had Sarah Palin on the cover and she didn't want to look at that ever ever ever (though presumably the articles inside assailed the Alaskan), 2. "On Being Fat and Running: Abandoning insecurity for a full life," by Brenton Dickieson, from Geez, and "Sentenced to Life: A man ages in prison and outlives society’s fears," by Kenneth E. Hartman, from Notre Dame. But none of those things are accessible on line, so I can't send Utne Reader some traffic and set up some discussion about that here.

The Hartman article is a reprint, and — unlike the Geez reprint about running while fat — the original is on line, so you can read it.
Prison is a young man’s world, a world of physical violence and posturing, a world of brute strength and primal, unfocused rage. It is not a place to grow old, although more and more of us are doing just that: growing old in prison.
But Utne Reader is not a young man's world — or a young woman's world. It feels like an old person's place. I felt too young for it... and I'm old. Or it's for those other aging Americans... the lefties.  I see these people in Madison all the time. Do they feel left behind? Do you think the day will come when "lefty" will seem to mean left behind?

IN THE COMMENTS: lemondog has a way to get to an enlargement of the cover. Here's a closeup screen grab that shows Michelle's face:

The artist is Jason Seiler. Nice work. I notice the cigarette over the ear now. Ha.

Using lemondog's method, I can get to that letter about Sarah Palin. If you page forward in the magazine, you'll find it. You can see the cover that upset the poor woman so. She complains:
When the media gives air space, page space, and cover space (albeit in jest or irony) to crazies such as Palin, they are complicit in her plan to lend credence to the climate of ignorance, sensationalism, and just downright muddled thinking that is passed off as a national discourse these days — and which she is one of the most visible muddlers.
Jeez, the mere image of Sarah Palin unleashes hysteria.

AND: The image of Michelle Obama drives other people nuts. Women's faces. They're so provocative.


DaveW said...

Oh please. Obama doesn't love any business. He has no clue whatsoever what any business does or doesn't do, why or how. As far as I can tell nobody at the White House does.

My wife used to subscribe to Utne Reader but she gave it up in the late 1980s.

Michael Haz said...

Utne Reader is the Readers Digest for paleohippies.

MadisonMan said...

Why shouldn't Obama like agribusiness? He's from Illinois! Don't you think a Senator from a Agricultural State is at least going to have cozy relationship and some knowledge of Agribusiness?

Lincolntf said...

What sad brand of human craves a Government that will dictate what they can eat?

wv: "carquet"

A fancy garage floor?

lemondog said...

I can't find a bigger picture...

Click on left arrow to go to cover with zoom available.

Rockport Conservative said...

I subscribed in the '70's. I couldn't take how left it was although I was a Democrat at the time. I didn't know it was still around.
Several years ago when we traveled the Oregon Coast my husband speculated that Bigfoot was just an aging hippie.

traditionalguy said...

Interesting post, Professor. You commented that a letter writer to the Utne editor returned her copy of the issue for Palin's face being on the cover? That writer sure had a need to deny Palin's existence. Was it signed by Murkowski?

I'm Full of Soup said...

Haha I saw the cover and assumed it was a photoshop spoof by Palladian. But it's real!

Sigivald said...

I guess the Utne Reader wants higher food prices to hurt the poor and make the world starve?

They'd throw away the Green Revolution and be shocked (shocked!) when famine struck.

(Yeah, I'm ignoring the part about the President. Because his treatment on the cover and in the article is less important than the underlying localist, primitivist worldview.

Weird how "progressive" types so often take a stance that's not even conservative, but actively reactionary...)

Trooper York said...

I know that Obama hates me and the rest of the small businessmen in america.

Everything he has done has made it harder to stay in business and his claims of trying to help small business is just bullshit. Plain and simple.

Calypso Facto said...

tradguy said: "That writer sure had a need to deny Palin's existence. Was it signed by Murkowski?"

Could have been. Obviously her focus was NOT on her re-election campaign. She'll now have plenty of time on her hands to write letters to the editor. Way to go, Joe Miller!

Trooper York said...

I didn't know that Loafing Oaf was a broad.

Irene said...

The First Lady would look a lot less angry if she did something to get rid of those coin slots on her forehead.


chickelit said... wives in old comic strips used to wield rolling pins.

It is telling how the cartoonist just populates old caricatures with new faces.

It's photoshopworn technique.

john said...

Wow. That enlargement clearly shows that small earphone he wore during the debates. Ann, you were right after all.

Fen said...

Libtard: When the media gives air space, page space, and cover space (albeit in jest or irony) to crazies such as Palin, they are complicit in her plan to lend credence to the climate of ignorance, sensationalism, and just downright muddled thinking that is passed off as a national discourse these days — and which she is one of the most visible muddlers.

BRB, have to replace my irony meter...

Do these people own mirrors? Geez

garage mahal said...

I know that Obama hates me and the rest of the small businessmen in america.

Republicans just blocked a bill that would have provided 30 billion in loan programs and 12 billion in tax breaks targeted specifically for small businesses. Coincidentally enough, it included small business tax cuts for restaurant owners and retailers who remodel their stores or build new ones.

It's Republicans that hate you.

GMay said...

Trooper said: "Everything he has done has made it harder to stay in business and his claims of trying to help small business is just bullshit. Plain and simple."

No shit. I'm waiting on a call from the only one of 6 prospective lenders that is willing to look at my small business loan app. One of them, Small Business Lenders, said they're not even lending right now. They're only letting people assume existing loans for the time being.

I'm shocked I found even one lender that was willing to lend in this climate. Everyone is scared.

jungatheart said...

Althouse, please get off the 'I'm old.' schtick. 59 is the new 49, dontcha know?

omg, they make Michelle look like a Klingon for real. Aging Trekkie utopians.

The cigarette is hilarious.

I'm Full of Soup said...

If this agri-business stuff is really a hot button for liberals, I can't imagine how asinine the conversation topics would be with a bunch of liberals.

chickelit said...

Garage Mahal wrote: Republicans just blocked a bill that would have provided 30 billion in loan programs and 12 billion in tax breaks targeted specifically for small businesses.

Robert Taft hated that kind of bailout too.

And he was Mr. Republican (according to JFK).

TMink said...

"the article assumes you're into the anti-business agenda"

What an interesting assumption for a business to have. How do they pull it off? "We are anti business, and we have a special on Utne Reader towels through the end of the week. Down with agribusiness! Try the veal."


I'm Full of Soup said...

Read the fine print- Obama's plan is just another that tries to pick winners and losers. It is restricted to very small community banks. Why?

Trooper York said...

garage those sba loans that they tout are pure bullshit. I know because I have applied for them. You can not get a loan for even $20,000 for operating capital. It is all a shell game.

The only people who get some loans are women and minority owned businesses under special dispensations and programs geared to them and even they are grasping for straws as the banks who process these loans don't want to lend out the money.

The posion pill in the health care bill of the increased 1099 reporting will destroy many businesses. It is the first step in the plan to impose a value added or national sales tax. Our only hope is that a future congress reverses this and stops that VAT tax. Otherwise it will destroy us once and for all.

I know the enemy and he is the tax and spend douchebags of both parties.

Say what you want, but Obama is the biggest tax and spend guy we have seen in power in a long, long, long time.

Trooper York said...

Gmay, only someone who has a small business knows how true what you said really is in the real world.

Which is a lot different than the internet.

Those of youse guys who get a paycheck have no fricking idea. Just Sayn'

Scott M said...

Republicans just blocked a bill that would have provided 30 billion in loan programs and 12 billion in tax breaks targeted specifically for small businesses. Coincidentally enough, it included small business tax cuts for restaurant owners and retailers who remodel their stores or build new ones.

It's Republicans that hate you.

Pray tell, Garage, where the money for that program is going to come from. I feel rather confident in saying that this country is currently operating under a very large budget deficit. Where would that money have come from?

You never answered my question, Garage. What do you dislike about fascism and why do you keep avoiding telling us those reason?

traditionalguy said...

Now the liberals are angry at Obama too. No wonder he goes golfing every chance that he gets. Out on them golf course the other players at least give you some respect.

GMay said...

garage - Where. The. Fuck. Is. The. Money. For. That?

I know this is a foreign concept to leftards like you, but actions have consequences. When you piss away money like Obama and the Crats did on a historic scale, that has consequences.

Do you have the first clue as to what those consequences might be?

Do you know that the vast majority of people who make over 250k a year are small business owners? These are those evil rich people your boyfriend has been demonizing. So he's threatening to tax their personal income, add a VAT, impose 1099 tax requirements on vendor purchases, and we should be chomping at the bit for money coming our way that doesn't even exist?

Do you even know what all was in the bill? Could you even fathom what the consequences might be?

Or are you like your shitforbrains party leaders and just not bother reading legislation before you buy off on it?

Do you ever, ever know what the fuck you're talking about?

garage mahal said...

garage those sba loans that they tout are pure bullshit. I know because I have applied for them. You can not get a loan for even $20,000 for operating capital. It is all a shell game.

Not SBA loans. It would have been administered through local banks.

Why do they hate you so, Trooper?

Trooper York said...

The sba loan program is a boondoggle that just provides jobs for administrators and government employees and lends only a fraction of what they are touted as doing. It is a farce and a lie.

Government does not care about small business.

And tax breaks don't mean shit if you can't make a profit because there is no tax anyway.

But if you operate as an Sub S or LLC and are taxed on your personal return for your business income you get destroyed especially when the Bush cuts run out.

It's scarey out there.

garage mahal said...

garage - Where. The. Fuck. Is. The. Money. For. That?

Such a good boot-licking Republican, even when it hurts your own business. You people are completely fucking bonkers. Would have better results talking to the Taliban.

Trooper York said...

They hate me because they are in the business of lending money to people who don't need it. They do not lend on a specualtive basis on the potential of your business.

No don't get me wrong. I don't expect a bank to do it. But the fraud of the goverment saying they will do that is what irks me. They give the money to the banks and say they are providing help to small business when all they are doing are helping the banks. We all know how that has turned out.

I don't expect something for nothing. But don't lie and say you are helping small business when every regulation and tax and new requirement makes it harder and harder to comply each and every day.

Tell the truth. The small businessman is just a chicken to be plucked so the government can employ all of its lazy ass workers and spend money on bullshit.

If you don't believe me look at the road crew outside my door right now leaning on their shovels the pricks.

jungatheart said...

'I'm shocked I found even one lender that was willing to lend in this climate. Everyone is scared.'

I don't know from economics, but are they scared or are the people way at the top sitting pat.

DaveW said...


What small businesses need right now is to borrow money. If the darn republicans would stop blocking that bill the Dems would fix it up so small businesses could borrow money in this environment.

This is what passes for understanding business nowadays. It's like the conversation about businesses refusing to hire people.

Trooper York said...

They will just pass the bill and say you can borrow money but if it is adminstered by the local banks you will not be able to do it.

In the clothing business, they used to have this thing called factors who were private lenders who would advance you the money to buy goods and pay the vendors. In other words they bought the accounts recievables of the vendors so they could produce stuff and the stores had some time to pay. Most of them went belly up in the recession.

Abrecombie and Fitch are closing 100 stores. American Apparel has a debt call that if they don't meet at the end of the month it will be liquidated and their stores might also close. Things are really tight and they are getting tighter.
These are big businesses in our terms.

How do you think the little guy is doing in this climate?

GMay said...

garage mahal whiffed: "Such a good boot-licking Republican, even when it hurts your own business. You people are completely fucking bonkers. Would have better results talking to the Taliban."

You could have just said...

"I can't answer your question."

...instead of ripping your talking point right out of Kos's last e-mail pushing his latest bullshit book.

Scott M said...

Such a good boot-licking Republican, even when it hurts your own business. You people are completely fucking bonkers. Would have better results talking to the Taliban.

Not an answer, Garage, but an insult. Because you don't have a good answer? Do you have kids, Garage? Are you okay with looking down the hyperinflation barrel bearing in mind that you have to provide for them? How about handing off a collapsed dollar?

Chennaul said...


Brings up a great point.

I got here late to a thread one day-and the Liberal commenters has decided to move the ball of health care from-

Canada-to France for some reason.

The convo went something like-we don't mean Canada we mean a health care system like France's.

Well ghee-what do you think the income tax rate is in France?

The overall rate of social security and tax on the average wage in 2005 was 71.3% of gross salary, the highest of the OECD.

he tax burden in 2007 (43.3% of GDP) remains at a high level, both historically and in comparison with other countries.

The current "Value Added Tax" or VAT:

The current standard rate is at 19.6%. The reduced rate (for food and books) is 5.5% . A specific rate of 2,1% applies only to the drugs taken in charge by the Social Security. [wiki]

Phil 314 said...

Aw c'mon Professor I bet reading it gave you a warm, fuzzy feeling for days past.

lemondog said...

Republicans just blocked a bill that would have provided 30 billion in loan programs and 12 billion in tax breaks targeted specifically for small businesses. Coincidentally enough, it included small business tax cuts for restaurant owners and retailers who remodel their stores or build new ones.

That's a tactic combining spending and tax cuts to smear anyone in opposition to spending without restrain.

Is there math to support that $30 billion in loans (spending) will be offset by increased revenues resulting from $12 billion in tax breaks, to meet the bipartisan Paygo legislation that was and continues to be meet with Dem amnesia?

Trooper York said...

Many small businesses need to borrow small amounts to cushion the effect of the business cycle. You know you have to purchase inventory before you can start selling it. There is a time lag and you need a cushion. That is where a factor or small bridge loan would be very helpful.

But the SBA and the banks make you jump through hoops. They have cut back on a lot of the lines of credit they had out there during the crunch. So people are turning to alternatives.

Like credit card processors who will loan you money based on you sales and take a cut off the top to repay the loan. They approve much quicker and you get the money right away. But it is a mugs game. You are really giving up a lot of control. They get their money first which I guess is fair because they will make risker loans.

You don't want to do that unless you are desperate because it is too hard to break away and they charge you a much higher rate to process you credit card sales.

It's a mugs game.

Chennaul said...


Republicans just blocked a bill that would have provided 30 billion in loan programs

So question garage -since you are the one touting this bill;

Where is the 30 billion coming from-how does the bill fund that?

Trooper York said...

I am not that worried about the loans. I can finance it elsewhere.

I just hate the paperwork and regulations and new mandates that take up so much time and money.

I had a pissant from the dept of consumer affairs come in to inspect me last week. She told me I was the only one who had met all the regulations for posted signage and documentation on Court St. I wanted to tell how much time it took to do that but it just wasn't worth it. Because I was sure I missed something. If they want to get you they will. A fine or summons for a couple of hundred dollars is easy as pie for them to trump up if you piss them off.

Michael said...

Garage: Try to at least have the decency to listen to the small business owners on this thread. They are giving you some very real and very current feedback on the policies of the administration. You might want to call them names or suggest they are idiots, but the truth is that you are not a businessman and clearly haven't the slightest clue about their concerns. Be "progressive" enough to try to learn that the small business community is getting fucking slaughtered and lefty rhetoric and smugness is not going to help. People who fill out the short form income tax have no authority to comment on business and the horrible burdens that government places on them. Burdens which are administered, often, by fools.

garage mahal said...

Garage: Try to at least have the decency to listen to the small business owners on this thread. They are giving you some very real and very current feedback on the policies of the administration

With all due respect, I don't think any of them even knew about this bill. Exactly what policies of this administration are even you talking about? Christ, the Chamber of commerce supported this bill.

Trooper York said...

One specific policy of this adminstration that is death to the small business is the requirement that they hid in the health card bill to make you isssue a 1099 to any corporation you pay more than $600 to in a year. You know what kind of paperwork is invovled? Especailly if you have to get their tax id number and what not to comply. Most of the big companies will do it for you and will get an unfair advantage over the small mom and pop. So Home Depot will do the 1099 but the corner hardware will not be able to do it. So a lot of people will take the easy way out and only go to the big vendors.

That is a direct and tangiable way that illustrates how Obama and his ilk hates the small businessman and favors the big businesses that give him all his contributions like Goldman Sachs.

Jesus I feel like Robert Cook!

Scott M said...

Christ, the Chamber of commerce supported this bill.

Who cares? Where's the funding for this program coming from? Remember Paygo? How about the fact that WE DON'T HAVE ANY MORE MONEY???

jungatheart said...

'Tell the truth. The small businessman is just a chicken to be plucked so the government can employ all of its lazy ass workers and spend money on bullshit.'

So what is the long-range lib plan when the middle class is completely sucked dry?

Michael said...

Garage: The bill is bullshit. Nobody wants government help. Small business people want the government to get the fuck out of the way. They don't want to have to deal with the government and its idiot employees in order to get a small, fucking loan that would be readily available if the president of the country did not demonize businesses and the banking community.

Trooper York said...

"So what is the long-range lib plan when the middle class is completely sucked dry?"

They don't think that will ever happen. That is why they brush off what we are saying even on this thread. They think the goose will keep on laying that golden egg no matter what. They have no plan.

Other than tax and spend. Tax and spend. Tax and spend.

Trooper York said...

When the recession first hit, Nanny Bloomberg said "Hey what's the big deal? So you buy one less dress this week."

BUY ONE LESS DRESS THIS WEEK!!!!! less newspaper or magizine...or cut your cable bill...or have one less restaruant meal.

The prick.

GMay said...


Answer. the. question.

Where's the money coming from?

And I doubt very seriously you know what was in the bill, despite your posturing that you do. Enlighten us oh knowledgeable one. Put us some learnin'!

Have you ever applied for an SBA loan? Have you ever applied for working capital? Operating line of credit?

Tell us rubes what you know!

Calypso Facto said...

Just like the education "race to the top" I think the "small business bill" is sheer lunacy. Why should we raise taxes and send the money to DC so that a politically motivated bureaucrat working in an extra-Constitutional agency can decide how much of it should get returned to us?

Just get your administration's boots off our necks already, Mr. President! We can then stand on our own.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Screw you garage. Many of us knew about the bill- why do you think I told you to read the fine print? The Obama admin has limited the lenders to only small banks- did you know that? And why did it do that?

Obama and his cronies think they should determine who wins and who loses. Which is sorta what he said to Joe The Plumber two years ago.

Trooper York said...

Now,now lets not beat up on garage too much.

He is a Packers fan and they are notoriously soft in the head.

Trooper York said...

Plus it is really hard for a guy making six figures to have any sympathy for us small business owners.

I mean he is too busy worrying if he has enough Grey Poupon on hand.

garage mahal said...

Where's the funding for this program coming from? Remember Paygo?

Passed this year 60-40

40 were Repubs against paying as you go, of course.

Now,now lets not beat up on garage too much.

You mean, another round of "let's pretend we're winning while getting our ass kicked".

Trooper York said...

You're right garage. I am getting my ass kicked by Obama and Patterson and Bloomberg. They are sticking it to me and there is no relief in sight. I am just going to struggle along the best I can and try to keep my employees employed and pay every new tax and fee and fine and carbon tax and medical mandate and workers compensation increase and unemployment insurance incease and Metropolitan surtax increase that they decide they need so they can pay for some more government make work jobs.

But you are right. They are kicking my ass.

Trooper York said...

What is that line those goobers used to say in that commercial:

“We thank you for your support.”

Chennaul said...


This is just the opener from an article about this-@Huffington Post-no less-

People are fed up with bank bailouts that risk taxpayer billions. The government's apparent solution: call them something else.

Congress is at work on a new program that would send $30 billion to struggling community banks, in a process similar to the huge federal bailouts of big banks during the financial crisis. This time, money is more likely to disappear as a result of bank failures or fraud.

Two weeks ago, President Barack Obama declared an end to taxpayer bailouts when he signed a sweeping overhaul of financial rules. In his weekly radio and Internet address on Saturday, he described the new bailout program as "a common-sense" plan that would give badly needed lending help to small-business owners to expand and hire.


EDITOR'S NOTE – An occasional look behind the rhetoric of public officials.


At its core, the program is another bank rescue. Some lenders need the bailouts to survive. Others could take the bailouts and crumble anyway. That's what happens when banks run out of capital – the money they must keep in case of unexpected losses. Banks with too little capital can be shuttered to protect the taxpayer-insured deposits they hold.

Or, under this proposal, many could get bailouts. The new money would be available to banks that are short on cash. It's supposedly reserved for banks deemed "viable." But regulators won't consider whether banks are viable now. They'll envision how strong a bank would be after receiving a fresh infusion cash from taxpayers and private investors. If the bank would become viable because of the bailout, the government can make it happen.

"This is a below-the-radar bailout for community banks," said Mark Williams, formerly a bank examiner with the Federal Reserve. "What we lack here is oversight and true accountability." He said the potential costs are far greater than the program's impact on small businesses. The change for them would barely be noticed, he said.

Scott M said...

Passed this year 60-40

40 were Repubs against paying as you go, of course.

Ouch...that might hurt if I was a Republican. You still haven't answered where they are getting the funding for this bill from.

Chennaul said...

What you call the small business 30 billion loan bill is in reality-

The Community Bank Bailout.

Here is what you wrote:

Republicans just blocked a bill that would have provided 30 billion in loan programs and 12 billion in tax breaks targeted specifically for small businesses.

Here is how they writ about it at Zach's Equity Research:

In an effort to boost lending to small businesses to create more jobs in the challenged economy, Democrats in Congress have been pushing hard a small business stimulus bill, which includes a $30 billion credit to community banks that lend to local businesses, along with $12 billion in tax breaks.

Notice the diffence?

jungatheart said...

' Most of the big companies will do it for you and will get an unfair advantage over the small mom and pop. So Home Depot will do the 1099 but the corner hardware will not be able to do it.'

Because it's too complicated/expensive for them to comply with the task of doing 1099s with their vendors?

Calypso Facto said...

And maybe, just maybe, if Congress hadn't screwed up the operations of small banks with an overreaching 2,000 page finance bill (New rules weigh heavily on community banks) they wouldn't have to come back later and try to prop up those small banks with a bailout.

Chennaul said...

btw garage-

You do know why Democratic House member Maxine Waters is being investigated?

Here is Maxine's resume from her website:

Congresswoman Waters serves as a Chief Deputy Whip, making her an integral part of the House Democratic Leadership, which is lead by Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Majority Leader Steny Hoyer and Majority Whip James Clyburn.

Congresswoman Waters also serves on two House committees and their various subcommittees:
Financial Services Committee
Chairwoman, Subcommittee on Housing and Community Opportunity
Subcommittee on Financial Institutions and Consumer Credit
Subcommittee on International Monetary Policy, Trade and Technology

Here is what Waters is being investigated for:

Waters is accused of intervening with federal regulators on behalf of a bank in which she and her husband had substantial investments, and where her husband once served on the board of directors.

That bank received 12 million from the first bank bailout program.

GMay said...

garage mahal bragged: "You mean, another round of "let's pretend we're winning while getting our ass kicked"."

I hope you wear a helmet while you post, or at least that your mother puts frosting on the monitor.

Trooper York said...

No it's the oppisite. You would have to provide the 1099's to the people who buy from you.

For example Joe the plumber buys $601 dollars of nails in a year. He would have to give a 1099 to the company he bought it from. Home Depot will do it for him and he just has to file it. Otherwise he has to track down that business and get their address and tax id and mail it out to them. Who would you rather buy stuff from? The people who make it easier for you or the ones who you will have to pester for their information when you are filing your taxes?

DaveW said...

Trooper, I don't have any idea what it takes to run a business of any sort in New York nor do I know the first thing about your business. Note though, I know I don't know (Heh a known unknown, if you will.) The idea of attempting to do so in that tax, union and zoning environment makes me shudder.

[deep breath]

What we need out in flyover country is customers. That's the first thing a business needs. It comes before a loan, or believe it or not, employees. Paying customers. The problem out here is nobody is buying anything. They're not getting their houses painted, or exterminated, or their carpet cleaned or anything else.

By the way Trooper, did you think he knew what accounts receivable are?

Man I am really getting tired of people on the left that haven't a single clue.

Oh, and the Yankees suck.

knox said...

Ouch...that might hurt if I was a Republican.

garage is fixated on the assumption that all Althouse commenters are republicans.

Like most on the left, he doesn't comprehend the disgust and outrage most conservatives/right-leaning people have with republicans, as well as democrats. They think it's just a partisan thing, that people on the right are just anti-democrat for the fun of it.

There are very real consequences to what Obama has done. There are real reasons why people oppose his policies.

Anonymous said...

Is that arugula on his burger?

Hoosier Daddy said...

Republicans just blocked a bill that would have provided 30 billion in loan programs and 12 billion in tax breaks targeted specifically for small businesses.

See garage thinks that this is the proof that Obama really wants guys like Trooper to succeed and it was those evil Taliban...I mean GOPers who prevented it all.

But Trooper had it right. He's getting his ass kicked. Obama's small business program was the equivalent of a car thief giving you cab fare after he steals your car.

Trooper York said...

There are always customers. But it is the price you can charge that is the rub. If you barter or you offer a low enough price you can get by. That is why a lot of people are going underground. Off the grid as it were. You can't do that if you have a store where they can find you but contractors have always done this and now only more so.

The additional taxes and medical benefits and insurance charges might be the straw that breaks the camels back for the legit business who plays by the rules and pays their taxes.

It makes your margin to low to survive the hard times.

Which is right now.

garage mahal said...

I hope you wear a helmet while you post, or at least that your mother puts frosting on the monitor.

Admit it, you had no fucking clue this bill was even being debated. You, struggling small business owner without access to credit. The bill would also lure investment in your business by eliminating capital gains taxes. CBO estimates it would bring 1.1 billion in profits. All and all a pretty decent deal, I can see why Republicans would be against it, the goal of making everyone as miserable as humanly possible while Democrats are in control.

L@@K! Black Panthers!

Trooper York said...

I want to say that I have been very lucky. I offer a unique product that no one else is producing so I have an advantage over all the little boutiques in my city. It is a struggle but we are holding on and improving our operation as we streamline and improve our operation.

I even hope to expand if I can get an investor. I might have a store in a place near you someday.

Trooper York said...

But then I am an incurable optimist.

Some people see a glass half Obama. I see it half America

ricpic said...

Question: Which is sadder: an aging lefty, an aging hippy or an aging homo?

Answer: They're none of them sad. Each, whether he is one, two or all three combined, is simply aging as what he is. What you are is not sad. You can be criticized for a position you take or a view you hold. But what is is. I yam what I yam. Essence trumps categorization.

Scott M said...

I'm done trying to get GM to answer simple, straightforward questions so that the debate can continue. Anyone else want to try?

Just an FYI, opinions on all matter of matters are not fixed, regardless of what you think about in the wee hours. That would make me a zealot. In truth, I'm as open to a logical debate on anything and, gasp, I'm willing to admit when I'm wrong.

That's hard to do when you won't step up to the plate.

Scott M said...

Question: Which is sadder: an aging lefty, an aging hippy or an aging homo?

Aging lefty because they directly fly in the face of Churchill's axiom. Aging hippies, mostly due to Tommy Chong, become sort of cool all over again...providing, of course, that their mind is completely baked making them harmless.

Phil 314 said...

"Hey what's the big deal? So you buy one less dress this week."

Maybe the mayor was just speaking for himself

Some people see a glass half Obama. I see it half America

Nice turn of a phrase. Did you just make that up?

Freeman Hunt said...

I had a subscription to the Utne Reader when I was about seventeen or eighteen. Someone, probably a teacher or professor, had given me the idea that a "thoughtful" (or similar) person should be reading the Utne Reader.

Having been convinced that it contained the right and erudite sort of thinking suitable for the best of persons, or for making readers into the best of persons, I tried to make myself like it. I forced myself to read it. For a time. Then I didn't renew the subscription.

I took away the impression that being an intellectual had something to do with preferring very dull writing. I wonder how many young people are led, not just by the Utne Reader but generally, to believe that.

And yeah, looks like readership might be trending older and older.

jungatheart said...

' Otherwise he has to track down that business and get their address and tax id and mail it out to them. Who would you rather buy stuff from?'

Wouldn't it just become a matter of course for every business to have their tax id number printed on the receipt along with their name, address, etc.?

But even with that convenience, I can see what a nightmare paperwork web this will become.

Known Unknown said...

I think it should be spelled Libraray too, Ann.

Trooper York said...

You really don't want your tax id number floating around like that.
What's to stop someone from using it to buy stuff for cash and giving your information out so that is charged to your account?

jungatheart said...

'And maybe, just maybe, if Congress hadn't screwed up the operations of small banks with an overreaching 2,000 page finance bill (New rules weigh heavily on community banks) they wouldn't have to come back later and try to prop up those small banks with a bailout.'

Or maybe that was the plan all along.

Michael said...

Garage said: "The bill would also lure investment in your business by eliminating capital gains taxes."

So how would this help a small businessman?

I have a feeling you haven't the slightest idea what the sentence means, the sentence that you wrote.

jungatheart said...

'You really don't want your tax id number floating around like that.
What's to stop someone from using it to buy stuff for cash and giving your information out so that is charged to your account?'

Yeah, that's right. But still, as a customer, you would demand it up front just for convenience's sake.

Congrats on your great business model. I wish you well, and thanks for the info. :)

KCFleming said...

Hillary said it best for all Democrats when they are dealing with the gummint:
"I can't be responsible for every undercapitalized small business in America."

Which is code for 'Screw you, mom n' pop'.

GMay said...

"Admit it, you had no fucking clue this bill was even being debated."

And yet you still haven't answered a simple question.

"You, struggling small business owner without access to credit."

Obviously didn't read anything I wrote.

You don't even know what my business is, and you're obviously pulling down quotes and talking points as you furiously try to educate yourself on a matter you were clearly (as usual) ill-equipped to discuss.

Credit isn't the issue.

"Overall, 91 percent of the owners reported all their credit needs met or they did not want to borrow, up one point. Credit may be harder to get compared to the bubble period (as it should be) and is always harder to arrange in a recession. But credit availability does not appear to be the cause of slow growth as many allege."

"The bill would also lure investment in your business by eliminating capital gains taxes."

First of all, this only applies to some long term investors.

This is what Trooper has been trying to beat into your helmet-protected skull to no avail.

This sort of crap doesn't "lure investment". You know what lures investment? A solid product/service. High sales. Excellent business practice. All that economy/business management 101 stuff that is obviously foreign to you.

"CBO estimates it would bring 1.1 billion in profits."

Is this the same CBO that completely dicked up the healtcare bill costs? Ever hear the phrase "garbage in, garbage out"? That pretty much sums up the CBO.

But lets talk about 1.1 billion in profits.

How much money do you think is bouncing around in the small business arena? If you had a clue, you'd laugh at a figure like 1.1 billion. Hell, the numbers you lefties toss around with reckless abandon would make me think you'd realize 1.1 billion ain't shit.

"All and all a pretty decent deal, I can see why Republicans would be against it, the goal of making everyone as miserable as humanly possible while Democrats are in control."

All in all, it was a fucking joke that can't be paid for (you know, that simple question that you keep ducking every. single. time.) and won't do jack shit for small businesses.

Now run along and pray you can find some other nugget of information that will make you appear more informaed.

jungatheart said...

'Is that arugula on his burger?'

lol good catch, Kirstin. Also, Michelle is wearing gardening gloves.

GMay said...

"Admit it, you had no fucking clue this bill was even being debated."

You still haven't answered the question.

"You, struggling small business owner without access to credit."

Obviously didn't read anything I wrote.

You don't even know what my business is, and you're obviously pulling down quotes and talking points as you furiously try to educate yourself on a matter you were clearly (as usual) ill-equipped to discuss.

Credit isn't the issue.

"Overall, 91 percent of the owners reported all their credit needs met or they did not want to borrow, up one point. Credit may be harder to get compared to the bubble period (as it should be) and is always harder to arrange in a recession. But credit availability does not appear to be the cause of slow growth as many allege."

"The bill would also lure investment in your business by eliminating capital gains taxes."

First of all, this only applies to some long term investors.

This is what Trooper has been trying to beat into your helmet-protected skull to no avail.

This sort of crap doesn't "lure investment". You know what lures investment? A solid product/service. High sales. Excellent business practice. All that economy/business management 101 stuff that is obviously foreign to you.

"CBO estimates it would bring 1.1 billion in profits."

Is this the same CBO that completely dicked up the healtcare bill costs? Ever hear the phrase "garbage in, garbage out"? That pretty much sums up the CBO.

But lets talk about 1.1 billion in profits.

How much money do you think is bouncing around in the small business arena? If you had a clue, you'd laugh at a figure like 1.1 billion. Hell, the numbers you lefties toss around with reckless abandon would make me think you'd realize 1.1 billion ain't shit.

"All and all a pretty decent deal, I can see why Republicans would be against it, the goal of making everyone as miserable as humanly possible while Democrats are in control."

All in all, it was a fucking joke that can't be paid for (you know, that simple question that you keep ducking every. single. time.) and won't do jack shit for small businesses.

Now run along and pray you can find some other nugget of information that will make you appear more informed.

GMay said...

hmmm, disappearing comments

GMay said...

"Admit it, you had no fucking clue this bill was even being debated."

You still haven't answered the question.

"You, struggling small business owner without access to credit."

Obviously didn't read anything I wrote.

You don't even know what my business is, and you're obviously pulling down quotes and talking points as you furiously try to educate yourself on a matter you were clearly (as usual) ill-equipped to discuss.

Credit isn't the issue.

"Overall, 91 percent of the owners reported all their credit needs met or they did not want to borrow, up one point. Credit may be harder to get compared to the bubble period (as it should be) and is always harder to arrange in a recession. But credit availability does not appear to be the cause of slow growth as many allege."

"The bill would also lure investment in your business by eliminating capital gains taxes."

First of all, this only applies to some long term investors.

This is what Trooper has been trying to beat into your helmet-protected skull to no avail.

This sort of crap doesn't "lure investment". You know what lures investment? A solid product/service. High sales. Excellent business practice. All that economy/business management 101 stuff that is obviously foreign to you.

"CBO estimates it would bring 1.1 billion in profits."

Is this the same CBO that completely dicked up the healtcare bill costs? Ever hear the phrase "garbage in, garbage out"? That pretty much sums up the CBO.

But lets talk about 1.1 billion in profits.

How much money do you think is bouncing around in the small business arena? If you had a clue, you'd laugh at a figure like 1.1 billion. Hell, the numbers you lefties toss around with reckless abandon would make me think you'd realize 1.1 billion ain't shit.

"All and all a pretty decent deal, I can see why Republicans would be against it, the goal of making everyone as miserable as humanly possible while Democrats are in control."

All in all, it was a fucking joke that can't be paid for (you know, that simple question that you keep ducking every. single. time.) and won't do jack shit for small businesses.

Now run along and pray you can find some other nugget of information that will make you appear more informed.

GMay said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
FormerTucsonan said...

I guess the Utne Reader wants higher food prices to hurt the poor and make the world starve?

They'd throw away the Green Revolution and be shocked (shocked!) when famine struck.

No, they'd sit around blaming big agri-business for not doing enough to help feed the poor.

FormerTucsonan said...

So what is the long-range lib plan when the middle class is completely sucked dry?

It goes like this:
1) Destroy the middle classes


3) Profit!!!!!

Yep, we're being governed by the Underpants Gnomes!

le Douanier said...

It looks like Palin covers are popular.

le Douanier said...

BTW, before any of the literalists here freak out, I do realize that's not the cover.

GMay said...

(8th try)

"Admit it, you had no fucking clue this bill was even being debated."

You still haven't answered the question.

"You, struggling small business owner without access to credit."

Obviously didn't read anything I wrote.

You don't even know what my business is, and you're obviously pulling down quotes and talking points as you furiously try to educate yourself on a matter you were clearly (as usual) ill-equipped to discuss.

Credit isn't the issue.

"Overall, 91 percent of the owners reported all their credit needs met or they did not want to borrow, up one point. Credit may be harder to get compared to the bubble period (as it should be) and is always harder to arrange in a recession. But credit availability does not appear to be the cause of slow growth as many allege."

"The bill would also lure investment in your business by eliminating capital gains taxes."

First of all, this only applies to some long term investors.

This is what Trooper has been trying to beat into your helmet-protected skull to no avail.

This sort of crap doesn't "lure investment". You know what lures investment? A solid product/service. High sales. Excellent business practice. All that economy/business management 101 stuff that is obviously foreign to you.

"CBO estimates it would bring 1.1 billion in profits."

Is this the same CBO that completely dicked up the healtcare bill costs? Ever hear the phrase "garbage in, garbage out"? That pretty much sums up the CBO.

But lets talk about 1.1 billion in profits.

How much money do you think is bouncing around in the small business arena? If you had a clue, you'd laugh at a figure like 1.1 billion. Hell, the numbers you lefties toss around with reckless abandon would make me think you'd realize 1.1 billion ain't shit.

"All and all a pretty decent deal, I can see why Republicans would be against it, the goal of making everyone as miserable as humanly possible while Democrats are in control."

All in all, it was a fucking joke that can't be paid for (you know, that simple question that you keep ducking every. single. time.) and won't do jack shit for small businesses.

Now run along and pray you can find some other nugget of information that will make you appear more informed.

Methadras said...

E.M. Davis said...

I think it should be spelled Libraray too, Ann.

Library is the proper spelling.

chickelit said...

Library is the proper spelling.

Hey, misspelling words, dropping articles and leaving out whole words is kinda cool now.

I blame my blogfather, but others are just riffing on what's called "trooponics".

former law student said...

Here's a picture of the Diner in Chief at Ray's Hell Burger in Arlington.

On this recommendation I had one -- delicious, messy, and actually reasonably priced for D.C.

The Crack Emcee said...

Michelle looks as beautiful as the professor is always claiming she is.

jungatheart said...

'Michelle looks as beautiful as the professor is always claiming she is.'

Michelle is not beautiful, but she can be striking.

I must say, I had very high hopes for her attire on Inauguration Day...geeze, what a disappointment.
She was dowdy by day, and I've seen better looking bridal shower toilet paper wedding gowns than her ball gown.

GMay said...

[Ninth Try]

"Admit it, you had no fucking clue this bill was even being debated."

You still haven't answered the question.

"You, struggling small business owner without access to credit."

Obviously didn't read anything I wrote.

You don't even know what my business is, and you're obviously pulling down quotes and talking points as you furiously try to educate yourself on a matter you were clearly (as usual) ill-equipped to discuss.

Credit isn't the issue.

"Overall, 91 percent of the owners reported all their credit needs met or they did not want to borrow, up one point. Credit may be harder to get compared to the bubble period (as it should be) and is always harder to arrange in a recession. But credit availability does not appear to be the cause of slow growth as many allege."

"The bill would also lure investment in your business by eliminating capital gains taxes."

First of all, this only applies to some long term investors.

This is what Trooper has been trying to beat into your helmet-protected skull to no avail.

This sort of crap doesn't "lure investment". You know what lures investment? A solid product/service. High sales. Excellent business practice. All that economy/business management 101 stuff that is obviously foreign to you.

"CBO estimates it would bring 1.1 billion in profits."

Is this the same CBO that completely dicked up the healtcare bill costs? Ever hear the phrase "garbage in, garbage out"? That pretty much sums up the CBO.

But lets talk about 1.1 billion in profits.

How much money do you think is bouncing around in the small business arena? If you had a clue, you'd laugh at a figure like 1.1 billion. Hell, the numbers you lefties toss around with reckless abandon would make me think you'd realize 1.1 billion ain't shit.

"All and all a pretty decent deal, I can see why Republicans would be against it, the goal of making everyone as miserable as humanly possible while Democrats are in control."

All in all, it was a fucking joke that can't be paid for (you know, that simple question that you keep ducking every. single. time.) and won't do jack shit for small businesses.

Now run along and pray you can find some other nugget of information that will make you appear more informed.

vza said...

Library is misspelled in the title of this post.

former law student said...

Abrecombie and Fitch are closing 100 stores.

They don't sell canoes and they don't sell shotguns, so who the heck cares?

In the fashion business sometimes even stores go out of fashion. A&F: rude teen edition -- had a good long run.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Prisons are madly violent places.

There is a good chance the State of New Jersey may put me in one of theirs after a second DUI and a second driving while suspended.

jungatheart said...

'Yep, we're being governed by the Underpants Gnomes!'

As much as I appreciate South Park, I had to look that up...heh.

former law student said...

Lem -- you need someone to keep you on the strait and narrow. People who have suffered losses should not be getting drunk.

Kakashi said...

Just a note: The artist Jason Seiler does a TON of work for The Weekly Standard, which you can see on Seiler's website:

I knew that style looked familiar.

Kakashi said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sokmnkee said...

Back when I was too ignorant to know any better, I had a subscription to Utne Reader just because it was weird to read. There was an article on how to analyze your own turds. I'm serious! Actually, it IS a hippe 'zine, so consider the source, but it can be entertaining. I don't want to give them my money anymore though.

roesch-voltaire said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
roesch-voltaire said...

GMary You claim the vast majority of folks who earn over $250,000 per year are small business owners. REAlly only %3 of the population earns that, and there are many more than that involved in small businesses. Based on the few small business owners that I know most do not earn that much. Those that do tend to gamble on the market, or have a specialized product in high demand and seem to thrive. That said I am all for supporting the small business owner and making loans easier, but the tight credit at this point- which is due to a whole set of factors.There are of course places to get micro loans, like Prosper etc. designed to help small business owners.

Unknown said...

I'm Brenton Dickieson, the fat, running guy. Perhaps I am also too young for Utne, particularly when there are comments like, "Utne Reader is the Readers Digest for paleohippies."
I'm just not sure how old is young and young is old. I'm 35, tomorrow.

(article link: )

Ann Althouse said...

Hi, Brenton. Thanks for coming by. I thought "Geez" was short for geezer.

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