September 22, 2010

Boiling Springs.

Oh, there's an apt name.


le Douanier said...

I think that one of my teachers wanted to do me when I was in high school. And, she was hot. She was also only eleven years older than me.

If I had done her I'm sure I would never blather about it.

Luke Lea said...

We just had a false accusation like that near here, in north Georgia. The teacher was acquitted and is now suing the state. The charge was outrageous.

Clyde said...

When cougars attack!

At least it wasn't in Squeaking Springs...

wv: mundi. That's the way of the world...

traditionalguy said...

The descriptive term jail bait has switched genders here. Women seem to be the risk taking gender while the men/boys are their play toys. I blame Camille Paglia.

Anonymous said...


I blame Camille Paglia.

Now you're just sucking up to Althouse.

Palladian said...

They both look like old prostitutes.

traditionalguy said...

D J...someone has to do it. Keeping the Professor feeling that The Patriarchy is over and imprisoned forever is the best tactic for now.

Lisa said...

My family is from near there. This just seems bizarre for that community.

Methadras said...

It's not like these teachers were remotely hot, but jesus, where the hell where teachers like this when I was growing up. From the article, the larger outrage seems to be not that these women had sex with minors, even though one of them isn't being charged with with that, but the delinquency of a minor in providing booze and drugs. That seems to be the larger outrage.

nbks said...

There sure seems to be a lot of this going on these days...

Anonymous said...

This kind of thing happens all the time. I frankly think that it's not that big of a deal.

There is a proper double-standard when it's older men and student females or older men and student males. Older women and and student males is not as bad, as any man honest enough to recall male teenage sexuality will attest.

(Older women and student females is somewhere in the middle morally.)

Irene said...

"If I have only one life, let me live it as a blonde."

Palladian said...

"There is a proper double-standard when it's older men and student females or older men and student males."

Proper double-standard? I don't think so.

Anonymous said...

Let me try again, Palladian, and see if you agree. The penalties should be lowest for older women and male students. When older males are involved for anyone, the penalties should be highest.

Unknown said...

It wasn't until this era of union teachers that I understood what I missed going to an all-boys school with only male teachers.

I must say Audrey looks pretty good for 44, but Lisa Jane doesn't wear 42 well.


Irene said...

"If I have only one life, let me live it as a blonde."

Where have I heard that before?

traditionalguy said...

Palladian...I think Seven meant to say a "Proper Double Bed Standard" here. We certainly should expect Standards for bedding whether double, queen or king. The young victims should be protected from bad beds causing back pain.

MadisonMan said...


The jokes write themselves.

Meade said...

Older women and and student males is not as bad, as any man honest enough to recall male teenage sexuality will attest.

In a way, the boys are even more vulnerable than girls. How can the boy say no?

Also, suppose the 30 year-old female teacher becomes pregnant by her 15 year-old student... or sexually transmits to him a disease.

Anonymous said...

Meade -- Very, very good points about pregnancy and disease. We have a responsibility particularly to the younger male to prevent that for him.

I'm not saying we should encourage this behavior or not punish it. I'm just saying that we should admit that it's not as appalling from a moral perspective.

Your other question gets to that moral perspective. Florence King once opined -- I'll never forget this -- that the reason that male homosexuality is considered worse than female lesbianism is ultimately rooted in latent fears about failing to create the next generation of the community. At the end of the day, if every male is gay, you have a serious problem. If every female is gay, well, and she put it much more poetically, you just have legalized rape and problem solved.

When you have an older man and a male or female student, you have a person much more likely using a position of power to take advantage of the student. If you have an older woman and a male student, you've in all likelihood just got two people who want to fuck.

Meade said...

These women are in the same position of trust as male teachers and any degree of double standard gives them the message that they are not as capable as men are of handling their responsibilities. That bad message becomes part of the problem.

NotWhoIUsedtoBe said...

Yeah, feminism works both ways.

More power, more responsibility. Harsher punishment for abusing that responsibility.

Fine with me.

Palladian said...

"These women are in the same position of trust as male teachers and any degree of double standard gives them the message that they are not as capable as men are of handling their responsibilities. That bad message becomes part of the problem."

Exactly. And "excusing" this sort of thing when it jibes with the straight male fantasy of the pimply teenager fucking the hot blond teacher is just old-fashioned chauvinism. Lame attempts to justify it with weird notions of species survival and biological determinism are just lame.

Either it's morally reprehensible for teachers to fuck their students or it isn't. You don't get a pass because you're a woman and your student is a boy.

Anonymous said...

They both look like old prostitutes.

Guaranteed they're both hairless :(


Anonymous said...

I think the the teacher-student power structure (which is very limited by the time you get to high school) and the categories of teachers and students are trumped in a lot of ways by gender, which is something inherent, and sexuality, which is a powerful force.

You both make very insightful points, though.

Anonymous said...

Who isn't hairless these days?

bagoh20 said...

Congratulations, you're equal now. Very impressive.

jungatheart said...

Professor, I think it's time you broke out that old 'Maggie Mae' paper.

@Irene...The closer she gets, the better she looks.

Geraldine Ferraro said...

Clitorectomy/Oophorectomy!!! These people are scum!!!

Or is that only for men that have sex with young girls?

KCFleming said...

But it all seemed so wonderful in The Reader.