August 28, 2010

"Simpson is not only a misogynistic old geezer, he's a plagiarizing old geezer."

My dear, it's called an allusion. The error isn't stealing, it's assuming people get it.


chickelit said...

*audible titters*

rhhardin said...

300 million is the current tit population of the United States.

Christy said...

Good Grief. Don't progressives bother to educate their scions anymore? Is it progressive to believe that superior intelligence is sufficient?

David said...

"Is it progressive to believe that superior intelligence is sufficient?"

They are morally superior too--in fact they would shrivel and die if they could not see themselves as morally superior.

Plus coffee house liberals will never, ever understand a man like Alan Simpson.

Unknown said...

Considering we have a Vice-Plagiarizer these days, you'd think the Lefties might be a little more circumspect.

I'll bet Mencken is quoted without attribution a good bit by educated people Simpson's age.

rhhardin said...

300 million is the current tit
population of the United States.

Probably more like 100 million, not counting the prepubescent tit population.

bgates said...

edutcher, that Biden stuff is old news.

Especially compared to all the Obama speeches that Axelrod originally wrote for Deval Patrick.

wv: "salka" - there's one born every minute (omg plgrizm!)

RiverRat said...

Uh? Does someone have a Mencken pronunciation of "teats"? Simpson said "tits" just as i would as a westerner from cow country. Does that mean he'd spell it that way if writing it himself?

AST said...

Would Collins have preferred him to say 310 million at the public trough? The point is the same. They're making a fuss about the way he said, not what he actually said.

The fact is that they're running out of other peoples' money (cf. Margaret Thatcher). It that more palatable?

wv: A Dune reference, piter as in Piter deVries

MayBee said...

I'm still trying to figure out why it's ok for the feminists to equate milk cows with women.

What next? They'll be picketing dog shows, bitches.

AST said...

Oh, and he's misogynistic because he said "tits?" Do women now have exclusive rights to that term? As I understand it, his metaphor is to animals, probably piglets, suckling from their mothers.

It's not as if he said somebody had gotten her tit in a wringer, or that he'd kicked her ass (Bush 41.) Now that would have been misogynistic. Dumb broad.

Opus One Media said...

rhhardin said...
300 million is the current tit population of the United States."

nope. twice that. 2 per.

The person cited posts all the time on the NYTimes from her "Realitychex" site. Most of the time the Times buries her but she does stay up and posts when the online edition first appears...1130p or later and when the first comments are permitted.

Anonymous said...

The liberal agenda is like a used tampon, soaked with the blood of feminism yet unable to be flushed down the toilet.

AC245 said...

Thank God Simpson didn't mention "Wicket"!

Outraged out-of-touch feminists who didn't get the allusion might have called him misogynistic (and then doubled down when their ignorance was exposed by insulting his virility and sex appeal).

Glass houses, stones, etc.

Pastafarian said...

HDHouse said: "nope. twice that. 2 per."

Um, HDHouse, do you have tits? Moobs, perhaps? Because I don't. Just useless little vestigial nipples. Those aren't tits.

rhhardin is correct in his calculations. Please don't question the man when it comes to tits.

chickelit said...

Don't be too hard on him Pastafarian. Math and critical thinking aren't House's strengths.

le Douanier said...

"Don't be too hard on him Pastafarian. Math and critical thinking aren't House's strengths."

Or, maybe he's hung around too many cons and he's greatly overestimated the number of illegal (aka undocumented) women who are here to make baby terrorists.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

"My dear"?


Thank you, everybody. Thank you.

save_the_rustbelt said...

Has anyone ever been on a farm?

Have any liberals ever had a conversation with a blue collar worker?

Bunch of wussies.

Matt said...

That's a good comment. The most salient point is that Simpson has made a living off of the tax payers his entire life and yet he has the audacity to claim people over age 75 - most of whom worked real jobs - are milking 'tits'. By his standards he's been sitting on a bench next to the cows most of his life.

Rich B said...

From Al's email - "It’s the same with any system in America. We’ve reached a point now where it’s like a milk cow with 310 million tits! Call when you get honest work!
Al" I think he wasn't only talking about SS but was making a broader comment about the government.

I also liked the Bob and Ray allusion he worked in. Older Womens League my ass - more like Harridans of America.