August 13, 2010

Democratic Senate candidate indicted on a felony charge of "disseminating, procuring or promoting obscenity."

But don't worry. It's only Alvin Greene, the guy they already wanted to get out of the way.


Lem Vibe Bandit said...
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traditionalguy said...

Alvin is playing in the big leagues now. I wonder if he can get a refund of his life savings.

Kirby Olson said...

I think he's going to create a funny race this fall. I loved his comment that the country could get going again with Alvin Greene toys.

Only question: why would parents buy them for their children?

rhhardin said...

Running for the Senate was plan b.

Anonymous said...

How convenient.

The Dude said...
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dick said...

Mentioned this to my friend Carmen and she sent me back this response:

I suppose you have to hand it to Greene. Hes a Democrat in a hurry. After all, most Democrats have the good sense to wait until they are elected before getting indicted. THIS guy is ahead of the usual Democrat curve!

She has a good point there.

Valerian said...

Showing an adult pornographic images is a felony? The South Carolina statute is none too clear, but it doesn't appear that consent is even an element.

I see buggery and some other eyebrow raising offenses in there, too. Do people who are not running for office actually get charged with this stuff?

Methadras said...


Kirby Olson said...

The Democratic hierarchy didn't want you to win. Go directly to jail without passing go.

You can't have your filing fee back.

We need it for our pork projects.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Isn't there a way for Greene to blame Dubya Bush.

Common lets help this guy out ;)

mesquito said...

Looks like Kathleen Parker's found her fill-in co-host.

Penny said...

Lucky for Mr.Greene that he had "lofty" goals.

The state prohibits convicted felons from serving as a senator. Not so for the US Senate.

Fen said...

Whats telling is that Democrats will hold Greene to a higher standard than they hold Rangel, Waters, Pelosi, etc.

Hey non-Libtard Dems, this is your chance to do something over than stare down at your shoelaces while repeating "but the GOP is worse... but the GOP is worse.."

The Scythian said...

But O heart! heart! heart!
O the bleeding drops of red,
Where on the deck my Captain lies,
Fallen cold and dead.

Trooper York said...

This is what happens when you challenge the powers that be.

Trooper York said...

Oh and if Mort was awake and found out that they were arresting black guys who tried to pick up college girls by showing them dirty pictures, why he would be pretty scared.

mesquito said...

He's being charged because he's African-American. Obviously.

Trooper York said...

You are right. I mean how come this is a felony because a black man is doing it and Brett Farve gets off scott free for emailing pictures of his johnson to sideline reporters all over the NFL!


Phil 314 said...

There are so many comments that could be made but really, isn't this situation beyond satire.

(But I will "go there" in one sense:

If Rep. Rangel is re-elected and indicted are we seeing a trend with black politicians and black voters?)

Phil 314 said...

Brett Farve gets off scott free for emailing pictures of his johnson to sideline reporters all over the NFL!

I guess i missed that news story.

Trooper York said...

That's what you get for hanging out at Althouse. She never covers the good stuff.

Trooper York said...
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Trooper York said...

I mean she is covering up the fact that John McCain and Snookie are emailing each other and might hook up in the next season of Jersey Shore.

How is this gay marriage nonsense more important than that I ask you!

lucid said...
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Penny said...

"If Rep. Rangel is re-elected and indicted are we seeing a trend with black politicians and black voters?)"

No. We are seeing what matters most to their electorate, and many other electorates, for that matter. Think Ted Stevens in Alaska and Charles Murtha in Pennsylvania.

We are mighty shameless voters when it comes to "What's in it for me?"

lucid said...

Does anyone seriously doubt that Greene won the South Carolina primary becuse he is black, because the Democratic electorate in Sout Carolina is overwhelmingly black, and because of the racism of black voters that led them to choose an umqualified black candidate over a much more qualified white candidate?

Does anyone doubt that this is the phenomenon that Bill Clinton was talking about when he minimized the significance of Obama's win over Hillary in South Carolina by pointing out that Jesse Jackson had also won there?

Does anyone doubt that Bill and Hillary have between themselves discussed Greene's election in exactly these terms?

Affirmative-action-thinking is a disaster for the United States. It is time to root it out now, and to call decisons made on the basis of skin color by the name they deserve--racism.

Affrmative action is just state sanctioned racism. It harms us all.

Clyde said...

@ c3 -

Re: Rangel and identity group politics: For Democrats who are members of approved "victim" groups, the only thing important to them about a candidate is whether he/she is one of "them." A candidate who is will be forgiven just about any crime. For example, just look at William Jefferson down in Louisiana or Marion Barry in Washington, DC. It's the old "he may be a crook, but he's OUR crook" thing. And the people who keep re-electing Charlie Rangel, Maxine Waters and similarly characters see no problem with doing so. It's just maintaining group solidarity, and often a case of "let he who is without sin cast the first stone."

john said...

"Well, I said I best be goin', I couldn't do nothin' for her, an' she said, oh, yes I could. An' I asked her what, and she said to jus' step on the chair yonder an' git that box down from on top of the chifforobe. So I done like she told me, and I was reachin' when the next thing I know she... grabbed me aroun' the legs. She scared me so bad I hopped down an' turned the chair over. That was the only thing, only furniture 'sturbed in the room, Mr. Finch, I swear, when I left it... Mr. Finch, I got down off the chair, and I turned around an' she sorta jumped on me. She hugged me aroun' the waist. She reached up an' kissed me on the face. She said she'd never kissed a grown man before an' she might as well kiss me. She says for me to kiss her back. And I said, Miss Mayella, let me outta here, an' I tried to run. Mr. Ewell cussed at her from the window and said he's gonna kill her".

A.W. said...

the way they have treated this guy is downright shabby. No, i wouldn't want him to be my senator, either, but there is a certain basic respect you have to show to the guy the people chose.

As for this, this smells to high heaven. just how often are people prosecuted for this crime?

Penny said...

"Affrmative action is just state sanctioned racism. It harms us all."

Affirmative action merely gives the "protected" extra points in a nation of people who, more often than not, decide things on the basis of "What's best for ME?"

I would suggest it's the "Always about ME!!!" thinking that does the greatest harm.

lucid said...

Apparently some people want to argue that committing a crime while black means you are not guilty.

Unknown said...

Charlie, Maxine, and now Alvin. Pelosi Galore may want to re-think running on a Culture of Corruption this fall.

john said...

A.W - Depending on the race of the woman, the felony charge could be for being uppity.

Trooper York said...

You think showing a girl dirty pictures when they are both over twenty one is a felony? That this is not a selective prosecution?


I mean I am more conservative than Ann Coulter’s Diaphragm and I think this really stinks to high heaven.

lucid said...


You are incoherent as usual. Your motivation of "what's best for me" surely applies to blacks as much as anyone else.

Affirmative action gives blacks a motivation to be racists and to perceive racism in others because it gives them an advantage--a racist way to play "what's best for me."

Think about it. I'm sure you'll get it after a while.

lucid said...

@Troper York:

Apparently, he walked over to a college student whom he did not know (how old is he? how old is she?)and showed her pornographic images, which she did not wish to see. He then asked to go to her room.

Whether it is a felony or a misdemeanor will be for a jury to decide. But it certainly does seem like a crime of some sort to me.

Or a basis for being hospitalized.

Trooper York said...

If you want to see the whole deck of race cards being played, youse guys should check out the "Real Housewives of DC."

All of the issues we are talking about are in full frontal mode in the latest episode where they are setting up this English skank to be ripped apart for being a racist. Check it out if you can.

Everything you need to know about America can be found on Reality TV.

Trooper York said...

I don't know lucid. This seems kind of trumped up don't you think. I mean if it was so terrible why wasn't it a federal case before he started to embarrass the Democratic establishment?

I think it is a big bag of bullshit.

I remember when I was in college one of the fraternity hazing pranks was that you had to pull the two front pockets out of your pants and take out your Johnson out and walk through the cafeteria. It was called walking the elephant.

Do we really want to hold everything someone does in college against them?

I mean after all, didn’t the Big O deal pot and cocaine when he was in college?

john said...

Trooper -

I understand that, in your honor, they renamed it "Yanking the Mole".

ken in tx said...

Back in the 60s, when I was in college, I worked in the state mental hospital. One of the guys in there was there because he accepted a choice from a judge to go to the hospital instead of going to prison. His crime was making obscene phone calls. I asked him why he did it. He said it was because he got lots of sex that way. He would call people randomly, and talk dirty if a woman answered. If they responded favorably, he would ask them to meet him. He would say that he would be the guy with his car hood up on a certain road. If the woman didn’t like his looks, she didn’t have to stop. If she did, she would. He said that this worked often enough to keep him doing it.

I think Alvin Greene was doing something similar to this. I don’t think it should be a felony.

Trooper York said...

Actually John since I am Irish they called it the ant on the potato chips.

dbp said...

Greene is a bit of a nut and has zero chances of winning the Senate race, but these felony charges are crazy.

Now when he looses it will look like "the man" was out to get him instead Greene being essentially a Chauncy Gardener.

traditionalguy said...

Ken in SC...You South Carolinians need to try internet dating sites. The whole State of South Carolina seems to treat females like you would sex addicted perverts...just waive a dirty picture or thought at them and reel them in. It is more complicated than that in Georgia. Women here like to get some romance, flowers and a card in the deal.

The Dude said...
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I'm Full of Soup said...

I am pretty sure Greene was arrested for this incident before the primary but it was not in the news because no one knew he was a candidate.

He may have even filed for the race after the incident and after he was arrested.

former law student said...

Be careful about s-e-x in the Bible Belt. While I don't know the rules in South Carolina, I know you can't subscribe to XXX channels on your satellite TV in North Carolina, and you can't buy a Hitachi Magic Wand in Alabama.

former law student said...

Trooper -

I understand that, in your honor, they renamed it "Yanking the Mole".

I heard it was "threading the needle."

Hey, maybe that's why he got into the shmatta business.

Trooper York said...

Hey traditonal guy I thought all the girls in Georgia waited for family reunions before they decided who they wanted to date?

Penny said...


You are incoherent as usual. Your motivation of "what's best for me" surely applies to blacks as much as anyone else."

Two thumbs up, lucid!

Halfway there. ;)

And now YOU have three choices...

You can focus on my personal inability to make an important point "clearer", OR you can focus on how we seem to agree with each other when you said, "what's best for me" surely applies to blacks as much as anyone else.", OR...

Maybe we could call a truce and rationally talk about the upside and the downside of "ME ME ME" thinking?

lucid said...


Self-interest and reciprocal altruism as a form of self-interest are fundamental parts of our nature.

People who claim not to be acting in their own self-interet are simply playing the game of being self-interested in a particular way. They get lots of benefits out of talking about how self-interested other people are.

This is what Nietzsche called "slave morality"--the form of moral thought practiced by those without money, resources or power in order to make themselves feel better--all that stuff about how it is harder for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of heaven, etc.
It also enable them to view those whom they fear--the powerful--as evil. So the slaves acquire a sense of moral superiority which makes them feel they are really better than other people. Thus, it serves their self-interest.

Everyone is self-interested. We exchange reciprocal acts of altruism. But we are altruistic only when the general situation and relationship makes it advantageous to us in the long run.

And affirmative action gives benefits and disadvantages on the basis of race. That is racism. If you want to say racism is good sometimes, then say that. But I think racism deeply corrupts the possibility of a decent community and of skin-color-blindness.

If I were an African-American, i would be deeply ashamed of the attempts by Maxine Waters and the Congressinal Black Caucus to excuse criminal acts by saying they are being picked on by racists in Congress because they are black.

As Jon Stewart put it the other night, the race card is badly overdrawn, payment is now due, and in any case the race card is automatically void during a black presidency.

Anonymous said...

Come on, Democrats! Let's Stay Together. I'm Tired of Being Alone.

Penny said...

"Self-interest and reciprocal altruism as a form of self-interest are fundamental parts of our nature."

Apparently true, but please don't lose sight of the ORIGINAL objective. Last I heard, the objective is STILL "survival".

We need to share our world with seven billion, equally self-interested, people...and that is one helluva lot of opera singers just beginning to "tune up".

me me me ME me me me...

Followed by the same, only one octave higher...

And again and again...

Until we either run out of octaves, or run out of time.

Chef Mojo said...

One word:


Seriously. The brother was simply expressing his first amendment rights to pick up a white girl, and then along comes The Man to spoil the action.

It's clear that Al has to take the fall for pissing off The Man, when all Al wanted was a little sweet trim.


Wild how the Dems is SC are in complete Dixiecrat mode over Al Greene. They're setting him up to take the fall over that most egregious of Southern crimes: A black man seducing/raping a white woman.

Now, do I know that a white woman is involved in this case? Well, no. Not really.

Except for this: If Al Greene was coming on to a black female USC student, would anybody be raising a fuss?

former law student said...

If Al Greene was coming on to a black female USC student, would anybody be raising a fuss?

Because if you're black, skeevy guys twice your age have a license to show you porn and ask to follow you to your room? On what theory? Because blacks have no dignity to lose? They're all just sluts, anyway? I can't recast the question in any way that doesn't make the asker a disgusting bigot.

Chef Mojo said...

@FLS: As usual, you're missing the point. I'm asking the question hypothetically within the context of South Carolina's racial history. Was a time not too long ago that a black man hitting on a black woman in this way would not have garnered much, if any attention at all. It would have been a "black thing," unworthy of attention by the authorities.

This whole thing stinks of tossing out "scary black man" syndrome to destroy Al Greene. Really. Using porn in this day and age as a pick up tool? A crime? Fucking ridiculous.

Chef Mojo said...

@FLS: BTW, I'm incapable of being a bigot. I'm an atheist.

lucid said...
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lucid said...

@chef mojo.

you may be an atheist and also a bigot, but mainly you are an ass.

I live in New York City. If somebody did what Greene did in the Columbia or NYU library, white to white or in any other color combination, security would be on him so fast his dick would drop off.

traditionalguy said...

Hey Trooper...Jeff Foxworthy's family is famous for that. There is no love greater than a red neck woman who gives her love to her first cousin. But we have a few islands of more civilized folks down here too. The Wesley brothers came thru Georgia in the 1700s and those founding Methodists left a good influence in rural areas. Atlanta is a half Yankee world, not that there is anything wrong with that.

John henry said...

When life hands you lemons, make lemonade. I see a whole campaign here for Greene.

Start with a bit about how many pols have to be in office years before being indicted.


"Alvin Greene: Pre-indicted for your convenience."

John Henry

Phil 314 said...

I mean I am more conservative than Ann Coulter’s Diaphragm and I think this really stinks to high heaven.

I am simultaneously trying to understand that analogy and scrub that image from my brain.

Why oh why did you write that!!

Phil 314 said...

And as I re-read it I'm wondering what "stinks to high heaven":

you, the diaphragm or the situation with Senate candidate Greene.

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