July 23, 2010

“Shirley Sherrod, who didn’t know who Andrew Breitbart was 72 hours ago, now knows him well enough to say that he wants to put all blacks back into slavery."

"If I were David Axelrod, I’d be calling this woman and beg her to stop talking. And, yes, she does owe Andrew an apology."

Apologies, apologies, apologies. I'm more on the side of standing by what you have done (unless you actually believe you were wrong). Defend yourself!

For example, here was Rush Limbaugh on the radio yesterday:
People have asked me about this woman Sarah Spitz, who's now "apologized," and they want my reaction to it. And this is another thing I'll react to it but I really don't want to. This bores me as well, this whole concept of forcing people to apologize for things they meant to say. Why is she gonna apologize? She meant to say it, she wrote it, stand by it. You want to watch me die, Sarah? Say it! Where are your guts? Well, she's "apologized."...

[It's] the latest trend in apologies, "That's not who I really am." You know, "That's not the person I am." Bull! It is who you are! You are a commie! You are a full-fledged Marxist liberal! You do wish I was dead. It is who you are.

I don't care whether it's Tiger Woods saying, "You know, that's really not who I am." It is. It is who you are! What, did somebody steal your personality for a day and grab hold of your hands and start typing on your keyboard and it wasn't you? "This is not who I am. I want everybody to know, as a publicist I understand and this is not who I am." It is who you are!
Ha. Exactly. I said the same thing about Tiger Woods, by the way, back in February.


TML said...

That was a perfect response from Rush. Bravo. Let that woman own her words and not cheaply buy them back.

mesquito said...

For every genuine expression of remorse there are 10,000 acts of damage-control.

Scott said...

"I said the same thing about Tiger Woods, by the way, back in February."

Cool. So when are you going to do a guest slot on Rush's show? I think you would be good at it; and he's mentioned you on the show before so he knows who you are.

The Dude said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Eric said...

But this trend has given rise to a new artform: The non-apology apology. The trick is to give it the form of genuine contrition without the content.

knox said...

Just when it can't get more nauseating, it does.

chickelit said...

Ha. Exactly. I said the same thing about Tiger Woods, by the way, back in February.

That's because you two are connascent.

MadisonMan said...

I agree with TML -- if you write something, you own it. There is no reason to write something you will later regret. It's been 20+ years since the internet has been around. Learn how to edit your writings, people.

Never write something on the internet that you don't want to see on the front page of your local paper.

Synova said...

Integrity is being the same person, even when no one is looking.

Or maybe it was just all those admonitions that what is done in secret will be shouted from rooftops that I heard as a child and took to heart, but it seems a good way to avoid foot-in-mouth disease, to at least *try* to behave in private in a way you wouldn't mind being made public.

H. Gillham said...

*scratches head*

rcocean said...

why the Jonah Goldberg tag? Seems the waste of a good tag.

DADvocate said...

Never say you're sorry, it's a sign of weakness. That said, I do apologize at times, mostly to my kids.

As others have noted, these apologies by Spitz, etc aren't genuine, just cowardly. I've known more libs filled with hate than any sort of racists.

My liberal sister and her husband used to sit and watch TV evangelists just because they hated them so much. They derived some sort of pleasure sitting there for hours talking about how full of shit Jim Baker was. WTF? If I see something on TV I don't like, I change the channel. I don't sit there and stew in feelings of hate.

Humperdink said...

Sarah Spitz......more Love and Compassion from the party that has claimed 100% ownership these two attributes for decades. It is amazing what dribbles on to their keyboards when they think the opposition is not watching.

Fen said...

So when are you going to do a guest slot on Rush's show?

Ooooh not a good idea. Look, I love Ann for who she is, but she's alot farther to the Left than she thinks. Rush's audience would politely slice her to ribbons.

For instance, my first call would be "why do you only ban one kind of racial slur on your blog, and isn't that the same reason you voted for Obama?"

Of course, the contrast would finally shut up the Libtards who think Ann is conservative. They're so far into left field that they're in the parking lot.

Metamorf said...

(unless you actually believe you were wrong)

So she'd owe him an apology if she actually believed she was wrong to say what she said about Brietbart. But she was wrong, so she should believe that. And therefore she should apologize. Saying you're sorry is not the same thing as saying "that's not who I am", which you (and Rush) are right about.

bagoh20 said...

I hate to bring up a troll response, but did Rush say anything similar after the oxycotin revelation? I don't know what he said.

Jason said...

Ok, now this time she should be really fired.

Revenant said...

I don't often say this... but Rush made an excellent point, there.

traditionalguy said...

El Rushbo and The Professor are right about the usual marxist loons. But they have met their match in Sherrod's perfect tone and demeanor. I would give up on Sherrod as a lost match, and go on to the next political encounter drama as soon as possible.

rhhardin said...

Sherrod could unlearn her learned stupidity; which maybe would lead her to apologize.

It's only a matter of black credulity that prevents it; that I assume would not be culturally eternal.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Oh sure....

She isn't racist at all. What a saintly woman.


She just can't help herself.

True Colors shining through. And sorry......those colors are butt fucking ugly.

Mark O said...

When one says sorry "to those who may have been offended," it suggests that no serious, intelligent person could possibly have been offended.

She didn't mean it. We all know that. The sooner we can be honest about that and the President's racism, the better.

Humperdink said...

The "If I offended anyone" apology is not an apology...it's a dance, a Washington DC creation.

As usual, Rush is Right.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Let Sherrod be Sherrod!!

Let Sherrod speak!!

I thought we had freedom of speech in this country.

Trooper York said...

You say something to someones face if you say it behind their back. Own it. Or STFU.

dbp said...

S.S. is a loose cannon but she is now also a martyr; she has become nigh invulnerable.

Adam said...

Althouse to ShoutingThomas@ 8:11 am today:

"Apologize or fuck you."

Opus One Media said...


or is there another lying SOB named Breitbart floating around?

Ann Althouse said...

@Adam Now you can put 2 and 2 together.

nobody said...

Here is a short documentary on the Albany Movement that features Charles and helps to show where the Sherrods are coming from and what kind of people they are.


They are American heroes.

Unknown said...

I told you about Mrs. Sherrod. Her epiphany was more desired than real.

DADvocate said...

Never say you're sorry, it's a sign of weakness. That said, I do apologize at times, mostly to my kids.

The exact quote, from one of America's greatest horse soldiers, is, "Never apologize. It's a sign of weakness", but you have the spirit.

And I agree, there's no shame in saying so when you're wrong.

HDHouse said...


or is there another lying SOB named Breitbart floating around?

The liar is HD. Breitbart made a dumb mistake, but he told the truth.

WV "bonono" What The Zero says when the White house dog misbehaves.

That, or a member of a crime family.

Anonymous said...

I was initially sympathetic to Sherrod, but now the time for any apologizing about this disgusting episode is past. She's taking her fifteen minutes and playing the race card, and the knives are coming out all around. Hope she realizes the kind of ruthless bastards she's playing with. Someone is going to get hurt.

nobody said...

Breitbart did not tell the truth, though I don't think he lied either - he misread the audience, he misread the vibe, he misread the speaker. He made a cultural mistranslation.

All y'all misread the video.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Tiger Woods should have said:
-- "I never should have gotten married. I love to play around and boink as many hot sexy babes as possible. I'm a hound and I'm proud of it."

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Bull! It is who you are! You are a commie! You are a full-fledged Marxist liberal! You do wish I was dead. It is who you are.

Heh. Go Rush.

Anonymous said...

"All y'all misread the video."

How the hell would you know, unless you are omniscient. Screw off.

Fen said...

RacistEnabler: he misread the audience, he misread the vibe, he misread the speaker. He made a cultural mistranslation. All y'all misread the video.

Nah, after seeing Sherrod the Sequal, where she accuses yet another white man of wanting to take blacks into slavery, I think we pretty much nailed it.

She's a racist. Was then. Is now.

Stop covering for her. Next week she'll get caught spewing a hate-whitey rant.

tim maguire said...

Huh, a Rush statement that I completely agree with. That doesn't happen often (though I sometimes sort-of agree with him).

Enough with the demanding of apologies, enough with the fake apologies. Enough.

And while I'm enoughing, enough with having to sign in every time I want to comment, even if I'm already signed in to gmail. What?!?

Fen said...

And Nobody, I'm still waiting for your response to this:

If the justifiaction for Sherrod's racism is a life-time of hard core discrimination in the South, including the murder of her father... what was the catalyst that reformed her? The whitey that didn't help the whitey she pawned off on him?

AC245 said...

MayBee pointed out similar statements by her to MediaMatters back on this thread, which didn't get much play.

I'll repeat one of my comments from there:

As Twain might have put it, it appears the reports of the death of Sherrod's racism were greatly exaggerated.

(I see "nobody" is still plugging away at the Big Lie that Sherrod isn't now and never was racist. In an ironic twist, "nobody" is buying it.)

Anonymous said...

"That's not who I really am."

Christ also calls bull.

Matt. 12: 34 - O generation of vipers, how can ye, being evil, speak good things? for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.

Luke 6:45 - A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is evil: for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh.

That is who they are, and they just don't admit it to themselves, and are shocked when they discover it in a new light.

AC245 said...






Shirley looks like she's around step 3 or 4 already. When her statements reach the full-blown stage 5 bigoted ravings of the original, media outlets will drop her like a hot rock and the left will start praying for her to shut up.

Revenant said...

Here is a short documentary on the Albany Movement that features Charles

Once again, nobody gives a rat's ass about Charles Sherrod.

Michael said...

tick tick tick tick, Shirley's few minutes of fame are fast fading. Couldn't keep her trap shut so...tick tick tick tick...

JAL said...

As someone mentioned yesterday: Shirley Sherrod - a gift that keeps on giving.

Revenant said...

It is interesting what is revealed by the NAACP's and Obama Administration's hasty overreactions to the Breitbart article.

Think about it. Suppose someone portrayed the Republican or Democratic parties as voicing approval of a woman discriminating against, say, black people. Suppose there was even partial video supporting it. Would the party leadership immediately assume the video was totally accurate and sack the person in question? Of course not. Because people don't talk like that in front of an audience. Hearing that they have, and that the audience approved, immediately sets off our bullshit detectors.

But Obama's and Jealous's immediate response was "that's totally believable". What does that tell you about their perception of the NAACP's membership?

Brian said...

It may tell you that the NAACP is full of racists. Or, more likely, the White House overreacted the way they did in firing Ms. Sherrod because their perception is that people can't be trusted to look at the video, in context. Or not care. Or that Fox News is going to report it as proof of NAACP racism, and CNN, MSNBC, NYT, etc. can't balance the coverage.

In short, they didn't trust the electorate. To me that speaks volumes.

Fen said...

In short, they didn't trust the electorate. To me that speaks volumes.

Yup. The talking points they've been testing all revolve around "you're too stupid to understand the nuance of it".

I keep waiting for them to float "Sherrod's not racist, she's racial".

DADvocate said...

Just say Sherrod on Anderson Cooper's 360, she doesn't sound all that bright. She and every other NAACP person I've seen on TV can't seem to get past accusing others of racism while their bent is quite apparent.

DADvocate said...

Just saw, that is.

Synova said...

HD's insistance that Breitbart is a liar is based on an overboard "pimp" costume being worn in the opening of the Acorn videos but not in the offices, because real pimps look like stereotypical urban (black) guys in a flourescent fedora, gold chains, and driving a pink cadillac beating up their ho's. And if someone doesn't look like that, not even saying "I'm going to set my girlfriend up to do tricks in order to raise money for my political career and we've got underaged Salvadoran girls on the way and would like advice" is NOT presenting one's self as a pimp.

Who knew?

Now on this case... did Breitbart make a mistake? The article he wrote was not as harsh on Sherrod as the video he had, so was he actually not cautious enough? What point was he trying to make and did he make it? Did he attract a great deal of hostility on himself? Is viewing that as proof of a mistake also a mistake?

The "thing" as it were about inviting hostility or charges of racism on yourself is that it only matters if something other than that is an option. If we recall, the charges of racism and exactly the sorts of things that Sherrod said about this being all about opposing Obama because he is black and only because he is black have been made non-stop about the Tea Party for the last year. Usually it's someone like Garofalo who can be expected to spout off idiocy in public and who listens? But then the NAACP does it. We can and ought to ignore an attention seeking celebrity, but the NAACP is supposed to be respectable and we're supposed to listen to them. So they imply, in nice official language, that the Tea Parties must be tainted by the behavior of a few, real or imagined persons of either simple bad taste or racist inclinations.

What's up with that? What does the NAACP have to do with the Tea Party when it would be near impossible to find anyone who approved of the "lion in Africa" poster or thought that "witchdoctor Obama" was in good taste? (Not going to disavow Obama as Hitler considering the incessant BusHitler garbage).

So the NAACP resolution meant to make people apologize got some to apologize and Williams, at least, to provide some useful racist-sounding rhetoric, and a whole lot of push back from Breitbart and others that forced the NAACP to back up and insist that they never meant to say that the whole Tea Party had to accept the racist label if they didn't fall in line... but they did.

And Breitbart posts a video and essentially says "clean your own house" and was it really a mistake?

In general I'm not all that fond of "but he started it" arguments, but I'm starting to view some things as self-defense. How much abuse are you supposed to take before you kick someone in the groin?

Synova said...

"But Obama's and Jealous's immediate response was "that's totally believable". What does that tell you about their perception of the NAACP's membership?"

That was what was wrong with the Glenn Beck at an AA meeting analogy.

If a video surfaced of Glenn Beck confessing to alcoholism or drug use or anything the response would be, "And then what happened?"

Texan99 said...

I don't understand "Nobody" to be disputing that the video shows Sherrod is a racist. Admittedly it's hard to decipher his point, but he seems to be claiming (on other threads here) that it's totally understandable that she would hate white people, so it's totally OK for her to be a racist.

I've lost track of what he believes Breitbart misrepresented about Sherrod. That she was a racist? That she wasn't? Who knows.

virgil xenophon said...

And, sports-fans, why did the NAACP, DESPITE being in possession of BOTH the complete transcript of Sherrod's talk and ALL the video tapes STILL put out a defensive Press Release stating that such "racism" as Sherrod had demonstrated couldn't be tolerated?

Revenant said...

I don't understand "Nobody" to be disputing that the video shows Sherrod is a racist.

He is, over here.

Not only that, he's peppering us with histrionic posts about how everyone who dares to even suggest that Shirley Sherrod USED to be racist is "striking at the heart of MLK's dream".

JAL said...

@ Scott Broccoli: So when are you going to do a guest slot on Rush's show?

Rush doesn't have guests on.

I think I heard GWB in the runup to the 2000 election. Maybe Cheney once.

He has explained why.

Because he is Rush. That's why.

Palladian said...

"They are American heroes."

Boy, that coin is certainly becoming debased.

LoafingOaf said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
LoafingOaf said...

Hmm. I clicked on Althouse's link and I was not taken to Shirley Sharrod's statement. I was taken to InstaPundit quoting Jonah Goldberg, who was filtering a statement by Sharrod that he does not link to. After going through multiple layers of right-wing douchebag bloggers to get to the actual clip of Sharrod speaking, I find I'll have to go to Google to get to it myself.

Not sure why Althouse and the right-wing bloggers she is working in coordination with do not want me to see this Sherrod quote in context. I guess they don't like that Sherrod didn't just let slimeball liar Andrew Breitbart continue to dance in the end zone after he defamed her (as he Tweeted he was doing when he first learned she had resigned). Althouse was high-fiving Breitbart then.

But Sharrod's fighting back and I guess you folks don't like that. Well, she didn't like it when this no-morals slimeball, Andrew Breitbart, came at her and turned her life upside-down when she didn't deserve it one bit. And, really, I find it hard to explain Andrew Breitbart's actions over the last year without seriously wondering if he's a hardcore racist. For certain, he's not someone who wants America to get past the racial divide

chickelit said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
chickelit said...

Nobody: They are American heroes.

Palladian: Boy, that coin is certainly becoming debased.

IMO nobody's an American hero until they have been (or will be) on a postage stamp.

chickelit said...

Loaf wrote: Not sure why Althouse and the right-wing bloggers she is working in coordination with do not want me to see this Sherrod quote in context.

Emphasis added for LOLs

LoafingOaf said...

I found it interesting to see the PowerLine blog go from calling for Breitbart to apologize for his defamation to this: "Yesterday I asserted that Andrew had made a mistake and owed Shirley Sherrod an apology. Whether I am right or wrong about that, I also think he is right to withhold it under the circumstances."

I guess they decided they'd better conform with the right-wing blogosphere, who want to back Breitbart no matter what he does. For their change of heart they, of course, got a link from InstaPundit, who works hard to keep all these bloggers in coordination with the propaganda agenda rather than blogging with integrity.

William said...

Sherrod grew up black and poor in the rural south. She comes by her grievances honestly. I don't mind her resentment. It's authentic and appropriate. The saintly pose, however, is phony and irritating. She has a right to be irritated at Breitbart, but the way she expressed her irritation lacked class. If she wishes the world to think she's better than Breitbart, she is obliged to act better than Breitbart.

chickelit said...

For their change of heart they, of course, got a link from InstaPundit, who works hard to keep all these bloggers in coordination with the propaganda agenda rather than blogging with integrity.

So you think Glenn Reynolds was "coordinating"?

Althouse's views have been consistent throughout.

Other bloggers I follow mostly through via Twitter (Sissy Willis, Dan Riehl) have had a consistent stance. Are you suggesting that they are scripted? LOL!

Synova said...

"And, really, I find it hard to explain Andrew Breitbart's actions over the last year without seriously wondering if he's a hardcore racist. For certain, he's not someone who wants America to get past the racial divide"

And you complain that Sherrod is not quoted? You paraphrased her pretty well.

Interesting, too, that it's wrong to make assumptions about Sherrod but on the basis of not understanding someone's politics, hard core racism is the obvious answer. As if one person's inability determines someone else's guilt.

As far as I can tell there is an enormous segment of the population ready to be over the racial divide, who realize that racism is used as an all-purpose attack tool, and are refusing to play that game any more.

Or else... if not play it... do what they can to force the other side to live up to their own stated principles.

Synova said...

I find it interesting that someone complaining of a lack of links did not click through from Powerline to see why they said they have now changed their minds.

I liked the transcript to the debate between Breitbart and the Media Matters guy and how Breitbart says he has four separate videos taken during the time when the Congressmen said they had the n-word shouted at them 15 times by 15 different people and while it's quite possible to hear what people were saying and shouting, that word is never heard on any of those videos.

And the Media Matters guy says it's Breitbart's *word* against the Congressmen's *word*? How is a video the equivalent of someone's unsubstantiated word? How are four videos the equivalent of someone's unsubstantiated he-said/he-said word?

Breitbart comes across better here.

Palladian said...

"IMO nobody's an American hero until they have been (or will be) on a postage stamp."

Garfield is on a postage stamp.

AllenS said...

The more that Shirley Sherrod talks, the bigger of a racist she reveals herself to be. But, the worst thing about this woman, is the fact that she is so stupid. Her statements are absolutely ignorant. Your government at work.

Revenant said...

And, really, I find it hard to explain Andrew Breitbart's actions over the last year without seriously wondering if he's a hardcore racist.

The funny thing is that LoafingOaf thinks this says something about Breitbart. :)

Andrea said...

Oh noes! Loaf had to click through layers and layers of "right wing douchebags"! Man, that must have been like torture to a delicate, sensitive fellow like Loaf. My condolences. Would you like a scented hankie to wipe your brow with?

Opus One Media said...

TML said...
That was a perfect response from Rush..."

you mean that was a "typical" or "generally simplistic" or perhaps "superfically slanted"...

perfect? nah. gosh pretty soon Breitbart will be the victim set upon by a demon black woman from the south...(well actually there is a courthouse in their future where the two of them can work it out without Rush)

Eric said...

But, the worst thing about this woman, is the fact that she is so stupid.

That's the big crime in all of this. How is it this woman is spending my tax dollars? Talk about a broken system.

AC245 said...

Not sure why Althouse and the right-wing bloggers she is working in coordination with do not want me to see this Sherrod quote in context.

Here's a link to the video of her on CNN discussing Breitbart, LoafingOaf. Here's a transcript:

Cooper: Do you think you've gotten past black versus white?

Sherrod: I know I've gotten past black versus white. He's (note: Breitbart) probably the person who's never gotten past it and never attempted to get past it so he can't see because he's never tried and because he hasn't he can't see what I've done to get past it and he's not interested in what I've done to get past it.
I don't think he's interested in seeing anyone get past it because I think he'd like to get us stuck back in the times of slavery. That's where I think he'd like to see all black people end up again. And that's why I think he's so vicious.

Cooper: Do you think, do you think he's racist?

Sherrod: Yes I do. And I think that's why he's so vicious against a black president, you know. He would go after me, I don't think it was even the NAACP he was totally after, I think he was after a black president.

Cooper: So when he says this wasn't about you, that this was just about the NAACP and what he says is their racist or their bias, you say you don't buy that?

Sherrod: I don't buy it at all. What has he done to promote unity among the races? Tell me. Tell him to come forth and tell us what he's done. I haven't seen him do anything but try to divide us. You know. Where does he think this will take us? What does he think this will accomplish? I'd like to hear him answer that. I'd like him to show me how he's not a racist.

Cooper: Are you think of pursuing any kind of legal action against him?

Sherrod: I'm certainly not gonna turn, you know, away from that if that's a possibility. I'm certainly gonna look at it.


There's no missing "context" in the clip that makes her paranoid racist delusion that Breitbart's goal is a return to slavery sound any less nutty, LoafingOaf. That's a fantasy as wacked out as anything the truthers or the birthers have dreamt up.

(And this was not a one-off thing or a slip of the tongue: she was spouting similar racist conspiracy theories about Fox News to Media Matters earlier this week.)

So far, each additional interview has made Sherrod look worse, revealing her as an enthusiastic acolyte of Reverend Wright's toxic teachings on race, not Reverend King's.

AllenS said...

Sherrod: I'd like him to show me how he's not a racist,

And then, I want him to tell me when he stopped beating his wife.

knox said...

Cooper: Are you think of pursuing any kind of legal action against him?

Sherrod: I'm certainly not gonna turn, you know, away from that if that's a possibility. I'm certainly gonna look at it.


Hagar said...

I think the NAACP person who posted the clip from the event record tape on YouTube did not do so with any ill intent; he was proud of Ms. Sherrod's speech and the event at his chapter, and I think he stopped the clip when he did because he realized that some of her later remarks were over the top on other grounds than race and could get her in trouble with the Hatch Act and civil service rules.

Opus One Media said...


Take a deep deep breath ok? The minute part you are dwelling on (just in case you've been in a coma for the past few days) was taken completely out of context by Breitbart and used as bait. Read what you just wrote in your last comment...but this is what you really said:

I was proud of Ms. Sherrod's speech. she rules.

Hagar said...


I think the NAACP chapter person who posted the YouTube clip was proud of her, and that the part of her remarks that caused the panic attacks in the Administration was something other than her anecdote from 24 years ago.

And I would still be interested in hearing just what it was.

Hagar said...

And that it quite possibly may be in the full tape recording rather than in the clip re-posted by Breitbart.

AllenS said...

If Sherrod is looking for some cracker-ass to sue, here's a couple of names: Tom Vilsack and Cheryl Cook. She'd have a better chance in court going after these two, than Breitbart.

Go get 'em, Shirley. Look at all the pain and suffering they have caused you.

Humperdink said...

HD said....."I was proud of Ms. Sherrod's speech. she rules."

Patent pending.

AllenS said...

Sherrod is a sans-cracker-ass. Can I say that?

GMay said...

"I'm sorry to anyone I offended."

Left unsaid is...

"Fistbump to those who weren't."

GMay said...

Loafing Oaf is cracking me up!

He's representative of all the little leftist rats that are red-faced (with anger, not embarrassment), straight-armed, stomping, fist-clenchingly pissed that they got caught.

"But mooooooooom, he's doing it toooooooooo."

Hagar said...

Or it may be not in anything she said, but that she spoke at all and attracted national attention.

I note that they did not offer her her old job back, but another position away from her homeowners' association.

Fred4Pres said...

Jeff Goldstein does a good job addressing the underlying language issues addressed by all of this.

Morgan Freeman addresses how to deal with racism.

Republican said...

Like going to war.

It's who you are at the moment you commit to warring.

You're there to win.

Fight to win.

Do what it takes to Win.

Own the choice.

Hagar said...

Most of the time these things turns out to be not about race, religion, or whatever, but about the universal basics - money and power.

Anonymous said...

Huh? So you would admire Hitler because he stood up for his principals? I'm sure he wouldn't apologize for what he said or did. What the fuck kind of logic is that?

I'm Full of Soup said...


You are right - this racist lady and others like her have been wasting billions of our money for years. It's nothing but a money grab and how many other boondoggles like it has the fed govt been supporting?

No wonder the country is broke!

Richard Dolan said...

So many different ways on this thread to answer the question: Who is the 'real' me?

I am the sum of:

what I said;
what I wrote;
what I own;
What I intended to do;
what I accomplished;
what I overcame;
what others understood me to mean;
what others saw me do;
what I secretly feel;
what I did (except for the occasional mulligan).

Not too many today for:

what I ate;
who I helped;
what I believed.

As is usually the case, the problem is with the question more than the multiple answers. It's quite amazing how the word 'real' comes to mean almost its opposite in that usage.

bagoh20 said...

I would prefer a political environment where we don't have to go ballistic over things like Sherrod, witch doctor Obama, Chimp-Hitler Bush or most of the rest.

These are just some guy's/gal's opinion. It's not policy, it's usually just isolated. Some of us have opinions that are insulting, stupid or purposefully confrontational. Big deal. Just tell the guy his sign sucks and keep walking.

Something like Jourolist is another story. That's a conspiracy compromising one of the most important checks on power in our democracy. We need honest, independent information. With an overload of info, that is the holy grail of our time.

There is just no comparison of the damage from the unknown Sherrod to that of the Jourolist coven.

MayBee said...

I agree with Rush.

Another rule I'd like to see followed is, let's stop asking questions for which only one answer is "acceptable".

Opus One Media said...

Hagar said...

"I was proud of Ms. Sherrod's speech. she rules."

To Hagar and the rest of you that this is just zooming by, I am using Hagar's words exactly...but I am just cutting out the other words..ignoring them, editing them out...JUST LIKE BREITBART did.

You wrote the words Hagar. You just wrote more to them than was useful to me in making my point.

Most others just noted it and didn't check my quote against your original post. They took it on face. Even you did't really get the point.

Get it now?

Hagar said...


But Breitbart did not edit the tape. The NAACP person did. Breitbart copied the YouTube posting whole, and then commented on what he saw on what was posted.

gk1 said...

Wow. Been a tough couple of weeks for obama and the house liberals here. Even their favorite race card is backfiring. Maybe then need to try a different tact?

Fen said...

Yah, now they're jew-baiting in the latest thread.

Ya know, if I ever get power, race-hustling will be a shooting offense. So much hate and violence stems from them leveraging racial issues for personal gain.

Hagar said...

Well, I finally followed the Professor's link and got back to the full NAACP tape and Breitbart's posting.
There are two clips from the tape in Breitbart's post, both are excerpts that illustrates Breitbart's points, and I do not understand that unless the full tape was posted on YouTube to start with. So, either I misunderstood that part or there was something else going on here too.

As for the full tape, it is a powerful personal story that Ms. Sherrod told to give her audience the background to what she was telling them. She did make some partisan political remarks, which a Federal employee most certainly is not supposed to do (the Hatch Act), but really not all that bad, and given her background, I think both understandable and forgiveable.

As for her encouragement for the young people in her audience to seek employment with the USDA and/or apply for USDA programs; well, we conservatives do not like that, but that is indeed something that the USDA expects her to do. It is part of her job.

Which still leaves me puzzled and curious about the reaction of the national NAACP and, even more so, the Administration.

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