"He trails Mitt Romney 46-43, Mike Huckabee 47-45, Newt Gingrich 46-45, and is even tied with Sarah Palin at 46.... It's not that any of the Republican candidates are particularly well liked. Only Huckabee has positive favorability numbers at 37/28. Romney's at 32/33, Gingrich at 32/42, Palin at 37/52... But with a majority of Americans now disapproving of Obama it's no surprise that a large chunk of them would replace him as President if they had that choice today."
I still think that once the race gets going and people really look at, say, Romney right next to Obama — really picture the other guy as President — the eagerness to oust Obama will cool off.
July 15, 2010
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«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 276 of 276yes HD, he disliked her so much that he chose her as Secretary of State. some call that a purely calculated move to keep his enemy close... but that pure cynicism underestimates Obama's patriotism .... he really did want the best person for the job .... and it doesnt hurt that she'll be busy in the 2010-12 time frame.
and this trial period with Bill being nearly perfectly under-control proves that she can work for him. After this first term, they'll respect him more and will back off a bit ...
just you wait...
New...does your vision of a total GOP defeat come by some type of divination? If a vote was taken today, Obama would lose it decisively. Your 2012 argument only sounds like a prophecy. What reason is their to Trust You?
..but that pure cynicism underestimates Obama's patriotism...
Were you laughing when you wrote that?
yes HD, he disliked her so much that he chose her as Secretary of State. some call that a purely calculated move to keep his enemy close...
Well danielle, picking Cabinet appointments is always a calculated move. If not, then its not being done correctly.
but that pure cynicism underestimates Obama's patriotism .... he really did want the best person for the job ....
I'm not sure which part is funnier. The patriotism or best person for the job. Maybe I can get Althouse to put up a poll.
and this trial period with Bill being nearly perfectly under-control proves that she can work for him. After this first term, they'll respect him more and will back off a bit ...
Nevermind. This was the howler.
Were you laughing when you wrote that?
I was. Still am in fact.
I am a pol. I am a campaigner. I have tasted victory and I have yet to taste defeat. There is -NO- (yes, NO) GOP that can win in 2012. If you think you know someone, then you no one. It is end of the line. Forget 2012. If you are a GOP, then help your party by thinking long-term. Forget Romney, Newt, Jindal, Palin. They are old news. Old news are discarded. Who cares? Forget you? Think about Glenn Gary Glen ross where Alec Baldwin says: (to adapt) ABC. Always be Closing. No one in GOP can close. No one. Not a single senator or governor. Save money. Do not contribute. Instead invest in 2016.
There is -NO- (yes, NO) GOP that can win in 2012.
I'll say it again. If we're still sitting at 10% unemployment in 2012 Bristol Palin can win with Levi as her running mate.
I am a pol. I am a campaigner. I have tasted victory and I have yet to taste defeat.
Successful politicians don't have time to be posting on blogs.
Just sayin.
"ah ! not that last one. the one before that !!"
Danielle, they are one and the same, for Christ's sake! You're as bad as the meddling social conservatives. Each want control over other people's lives.
change of topic: apparently there is going to be a John Edwards movie. Tom Cruise should play Johnny. He's got that same cheesy narcissistic grin.
"She has charisma, great leadership ability, management experience, seems to have a pretty good instinctive understanding of how things relate to each other and Cedarford doesn't like her..."
That's what I mean. When examined dispassionately without the seething hatred and bigotry of the demented C4s and Ritmo Foolios of the world she's a very strong candidate and very possibly the Reagan to Obama's Carter.
I wonder how dispassionate one has to be to embrace a universalized notion of "charisma", the idea of a"great leadership ability", "a...good instinctive understanding of.... blah blah blah...". I mean, any more dispassionate and you might start coming up with an objective word or two to describe what you mean instead of just bullshit opinions.
The inability to distinguish fact from opinion on this site is endemic. It's also what's turned the followers of it into sheeple trying to decide on which robot they want to nominate next.
I mean I work for pols (the ones I believe in). I campaigned in Madison in 2008. You know the result. Enough said. I am quite confident in my assertion that there is no way GOP can win until 2016, if by then there are leaders with vision, leadership, charisma, etc.
I am a pol. I am a campaigner
I'm a joker
I'm a smoker
I'm a midnight toker
I sure don't want to hurt no one
I'm a picker
I'm a grinner
I'm a lover
And i'm a sinner
I play my music in the sun
I am a pol. I am a campaigner. I have tasted victory and I have yet to taste defeat.
With all due consideration of your experience in Podunk Animal Control, I don't see how you can reasonably draw these conclusions.
A.W. said...
Completely disagree. The republicans will not be eager to replace one legislator who doesn’t know how to run anything with another. None of the republican congressmen are in the running, period. Only governors and maybe a mayor.
AW likes to obfuscate when he can't counter an argument.
DeMint, Bachmann, or Coburn aren't Zeros and have previous accomplishments to which they can point.
It may be more likely a governor or mayor to get the nod, but the RINO establishment is under siege and what they say is not going to go the way it did.
Roger J. said...
My suspicion is that this may be the election cycle that make the current republican party the whig party of the mid 19th century--time will tell, but I am not optimistic.
The dough-faces of the Whigs are the RINOs of today. That's why the Tea Partiers are so important. they're the abolitionists of the 21st century.
Ritmo...I enjoy reading your posts. Yet they seem to be based upon belief in an educated aristocracy that is needed to govern the commoners who are hopelessly ignorant. There are extremes like that for sure. But the American Experience has been to trust the commoners to understand life well enough to Govern themselves. That attitude came from the radical Christian belief that commoners are just as able to be part of the self governing community as the educated aristocracy. That difference IS the difference between an Obama as King with his Harvard/Yale Aristocracy Cabinet; and a Sara Palin and her belief in Tea Party commoners...like herself. Palin's only defect is that she does not worship educated fools. Why should she?
Where did I ever once say that people who didn't go to Harvard or Yale are hopelessly ignorant?
On the contrary, I'm amazed that you don't count your exaltation of "commoners" who "understand life well" as an embrace of anti-intellectualism.
I am not the one prescribing a folksy antidote to intellect and praising it as some attribute we should all strive for. I actually see intelligence as a variable that can stand on its own, and that requires neither an Ivy League education nor a folksy strain of anti-intellect to correct it.
You are simply praising small-scale camaraderie for its own sake and pretending that it forms a sort of intelligence all its own. It doesn't. It just blinds people to the ignorance that it shelters.
Why a Harvard clique is somehow any more immune to taking account of its own intellectual flaws than one in Wasilla is beyond me.
But thanks for getting me to think about such questions.
"...The fact that Gingrich is even mentioned as a serious contender every four years just baffles me to no end. The guy hasn't done anything for the last 10 years but talk."
You're missing he point, he's an idea guy with a giant megaphone, who has been extremely effective against the left many times...you hate it but it's true.
"I'll say it again. If we're still sitting at 10% unemployment in 2012 Bristol Palin can win with Levi as her running mate."
Funny, but true.
(or not funny... same diff)
New...How much do you charge for advice from a never defeated pol? If you give it away free, then you will not receive a fat fee. Or did you already receive a fee to prophesy doom over the GOP? Palin sure has your master spooked for him send you out to curse the opposition party hoping that can weaken their will.
You're missing he point, he's an idea guy with a giant megaphone, who has been extremely effective against the left many times...you hate it but it's true.
Gingrich is never going to get the nomination. His personal life is too deeply flawed and open to attack. I don't expect candidates to be perfect, but I won't support someone who can have divorce papers delivered to his cancer-stricken wife's hospital bed.
As the guy in Office Space who invents a mat: I know people all over. I can sense that they may not like the admin for one reason or another, they sure do not want GOP in the WH. Trust me, you all are looking at the mirror and talking. Visit a voter and spend time with her or him. Talk about GOP (Romney, Palin, etc.) Ask them about seeing them in the WH. And, see they roll their eyes. Trust me. It is 2016, as the first open shot. If any GOP has half a brain, he or she will stay away from any publicity in 2012 to remain fresh for 2016. You heard it here. That's all folks.
I can sense that they may not like the admin for one reason or another, they sure do not want GOP in the WH.
Well if the GOP controls Congress I could live with another 4 years of Bambi. Best government is divided government.
Talk about GOP (Romney, Palin, etc.) Ask them about seeing them in the WH. And, see they roll their eyes.
Really? I'm in Northern California. Northern frickin' California. And the eye-rolling I see is in response to Obama. If he's getting eye rolls in Northern California, he needs to start thinking about what he's gonna do in retirement.
Ritmo...Your ruling attitude was the method in the Empire of Rome among a small classically educated ruling class. Then the Christian acceptance of all men as equally able to become son's of God by faith in the promises Paul preached and wrote down in letters about the executed and then risen Jewish Prophet Jesus's got spread around again by the Protestant Revolt, especially in 1600s Scotland. The resulting belief in congregational government (Presbyterianism) spread here and fomented a victorious War against the classically (Pagan) educated English Crown. We commoner Presbyterians still refuse to submit to our pretended intellectual betters in either Old England or in New England. That is not anti-intellectual...that is pro-Christian. The day you can match Paul's intellect in Romans, let me know.
Gingrich may be smart and full of ideas (as well as other things) but his time is done. Both personally and historically. I mean, I don't doubt that he can squeeze another tactic or talking point out of his aging mind. But I just don't see how well you can rally voters around the idea that The Deity TM has had more influence on us than on monkeys and rhinoceroses.
Gingrich certainly was the king of talking points. He might as well have even originated the concept with his rise to power by filibustering an empty Senate chamber with a videotaped talk about the evils of communism - and, lo and behold, the contemporary (Democratic) Speaker. And he can certainly deliver them less robotically than his successors can. But I'm just not sure who cares.
The right really doesn't perceive the possibility that their ideas were a passing fad that saw their day, if that was even the point so much as finding an infinite number of ways to gain (and squander) power.
Dust Bunny Queen-
I really love your peaches; want to shake your tree.
Ritmo...Your ruling attitude was the method in the Empire of Rome among a small classically educated ruling class. Then the Christian acceptance of all men as equally able to become son's of God by faith in the promises Paul preached and wrote down in letters about the executed and then risen Jewish Prophet Jesus's got spread around again by the Protestant Revolt, especially in 1600s Scotland. The resulting belief in congregational government (Presbyterianism) spread here and fomented a victorious War against the classically (Pagan) educated English Crown. We commoner Presbyterians still refuse to submit to our pretended intellectual betters in either Old England or in New England. That is not anti-intellectual...that is pro-Christian. The day you can match Paul's intellect in Romans, let me know.
I'm confused. Are we talking about qualifications for governing or for leading religious sermons, theological discourses?
Is it any wonder why atheism is rising in popularity?
We don't need no thought control.
Get back to me when you want to return to your contention that people who didn't go to Harvard have a form of intelligence that Harvard can only corrupt.
(I wonder how George W. Bush, the folksy rabble rouser with a Harvard MBA, fits into that idea, BTW).
Was Sarah Palin's interest in witch doctors borne of a Presbyterian political impulse, BTW? Just wondering.
Also wondering how you managed to skip 1600 years in your timeline on the implementation of Jesus'(/Pauls?) ideas supposedly concerning religious qualifications for governing.
In fact, the MSM is the entity that is always trying to bring up those issues and use them as a dividing wedge. The majority of the country may have feelings about social issues, but right now, the focus of government should be on fiscal and international issues. The rest are distractions and flak thrown up by the Democrats to divide people.
Here, here!
Only a minority fresh-faced articulate female like Indian-American Nikki Haley of S. Carolina has a chance.
Nope. ANY GOP candidate will be pilloried by the MSM. Trying to push forward a bullet-proof face is not going to work.
Daniels, Jindal and Pawlenty have no Presidential “presence,” at least to my eyes. Before Pawlenty was Jesse Ventura and the Minnesota voters simply veered as far opposite to Ventura as possible. As for Daniels, winning high state office is different than winning the POTUS. Nerdy looks and combovers are definite hindrances. Biden doesn’t go for the transplants for nothing. Gingrich has no personal appeal. Rand Paul: ya gotta be kidding! He’s a MSM dream of a GOP Presidential candidate. They would LOVE to have him as their target
Might as well go for the gold: Right now I like Palin, Christie and Ryan, in that order.
BTW, as of this moment I give Obama a better than even chance of winning a second term.
The right really doesn't perceive the possibility that their ideas were a passing fad that saw their day, if that was even the point so much as finding an infinite number of ways to gain (and squander) power.
What is really funny about that is when I look at the EU and the number of countries embracing austerity and curbing massive government spending because, lo and behold, there is only so much money that you can tax from the productive members of society and which means you can only borrow so much before being cut off.
Yes, I suspect the left will soon realize that the State can't replace mommy and daddy anymore.
Wow, do I ever disagree with Althouse on this one.
Once Obama is getting looked at as a candidate who could be president instead of as the man who is the presdient, people will be repulsed by his shallowness and snarky partisanship even more than they are now.
And when you stand him next to Romney, he looks like a skinny college kid standing next to a real grown-up who has actually done things besides make speeches.
I think that Obama is very unlikely to be re-elected in 2012.
Was Sarah Palin's interest in witch doctors borne of a Presbyterian political impulse, BTW? Just wondering.
Not much to wonder about I would think. I mean I'm Roman Catholic (lite) but that didn't preclude my interest in Greek and Roman mythology.
Rational people find it quite easy to have interests that don't necessarily conincide with their religious beliefs. I think they call that having an open mind ;-)
Brett Favre might run. He's ready. The arm's still good. He can throw the long one if he's not sure about the run.
If you really believe the Republicans have no chance in '12, ask yourself why all the Koslings here are expending so much effort spreading FUD.
Dust Bunny Queen said...
I am a pol. I am a campaigner
I'm a joker
I'm a smoker
I'm a midnight toker
I sure don't want to hurt no one
Very nice, mum.
"Was Sarah Palin's interest in witch doctors borne of a Presbyterian political impulse, BTW? Just wondering."
Maybe it's my day to be blunt, but Ritmo, why do you insist on lying about this? You have no evidence of any sort that Sarah Palin is "interested" in witch doctors or anything else spooky.
All you've got evidence of is that she doesn't get totally freaked out about other cultures in the world... sort of the way conservatives are scolded that liberals are so dang good and sophisticated about when in truth most of the "sophisticates" can't even imagine a world without their own superiority or get past the lovely tribal quaintness of it all.
In case anyone doesn't know what Ritmo is hyperventilating over, Palin allowed herself to be prayed for by a visiting African missionary who prayed to protect her from witchcraft and she was gracious about it instead of leaping away from him and screaming in horror.
So, quite as typical as usual, good manners and cultural acceptance of those with different sensibilities is twisted into a lie because it can be and because it's really dreadfully important to lie about Sarah Palin.
"Is it any wonder why atheism is rising in popularity?
We don't need no thought control."
Someone describes the uniquely Christian and strongly Protestant notion that each individual, him or herself, has spiritual authority in their own life and is subject to no man, and what Ritmo reads is "thought control."
Is it any wonder we're surrounded by people who want to be ruled?
Only a minority fresh-faced articulate female like Indian-American Nikki Haley of S. Carolina has a chance.
"Nope. ANY GOP candidate will be pilloried by the MSM. Trying to push forward a bullet-proof face is not going to work."
And it would be an evil thing to put Ms. Haley through. Inexcusable, really, until we actually prove to be stalwart enough not to let it happen and not to abandon those it happens to.
But still... maybe Ritmo should start lying about Haley to sort of get a jump on the process.
Ritmo ...We are talking about a social order, the Governing style of which either respects common people or totally stiffs them every chance it gets. British officers here putting down the Presbyterians revolt in the late 1770s despised the peasants and the urban merchant classes, but George Washington set a needed tone for a long war's victory by drinking toasts with his uneducated soldiers. Showing respect got him respect. We are now faced with that same British attitude being used on us by King Obama. The Harvard meme is to spotlight the Professors who are doctrine spinners of the Socialism being Rammed Down our Throats by this hostile King using royal prerogatives as if we will not notice and fight back. Our lesser educated commoners understand this truth far better than Obama and Pelosi want to admit. The commoners are organizing local Tea Parties and picking a gutsy fighter for their leader. But that is not because they are following a preacher's sermons like Tom Paine's but because they refuse once more to surrender their style of self government to the arrogance of an intellectual King who even pretends that he believes in Global warming hoaxes and the like.
Paul Ryan for 2012, but he has no name outside of Washington and Wisconsin. His economy background would be a tremendous asset to have, but also, his conservative views, and his ability to dissect the progressive leftard movement from it's history, his own background, and to effectively articulate how progressive leftardism, if it continues as a national public policy is going to kill this country and push it into an unresolvable welfare state.
In my estimation, this is really the last chance that this country has to fight of the the scourge of Democrat Party and it's nutty leftard public policies by starting in 2010 and working towards 2012 and I think as Ryan matures in his standing and builds a public brand, especially with his plan initiative, the more I would like to see him as a viable candidate for 2012. He's already taken it to Captain Kickass and he can soundly do it again without question. I'd support and work for him in a heartbeat if he did it.
danielle said...
yes HD, he disliked her so much that he chose her as Secretary of State. some call that a purely calculated move to keep his enemy close... but that pure cynicism underestimates Obama's patriotism .... he really did want the best person for the job .... and it doesnt hurt that she'll be busy in the 2010-12 time frame.
and this trial period with Bill being nearly perfectly under-control proves that she can work for him. After this first term, they'll respect him more and will back off a bit ...
just you wait...
Danielle, isn't it nice to be able to see what you think you want to see? Hillary is mitigated to the dust bin of the ultimate do nothing post, SoS. The head of HHS has more power than she does. Your grip on reality is continuing to slide.
What is really funny about that is when I look at the EU and the number of countries embracing austerity and curbing massive government spending because, lo and behold, there is only so much money that you can tax from the productive members of society and which means you can only borrow so much before being cut off.
And that surely won't prevent the right from being blind to things like "balance" and believing that Europe is on its way to becoming the next Sparta. Or New Hampshire. Or whatever.
I take back what I said earlier: Triumphalism at all costs.
Dust Bunny Queen-
I really love your peaches; want to shake your tree.
Well, come check out my cherries.
Decided I liked that photo better.
And, once again I agree with Synova. If we can't stand by our candidates, potential leaders: we let them be eviscerated by the howling barbarian mobs, without coming to their defense... it is inexcusable and immoral to allow them to throw themselves on the points of the barbarian spears in our stead ....and then look away.
What kind of people have we become if we allow this pillorying of honest citizens by devious slime like those who post lie after lie, and innuendo upon innuendo, and we don't fight back or support the brave who fight for us.
"Is it any wonder why atheism is rising in popularity?
We don't need no thought control."
Someone describes the uniquely Christian and strongly Protestant notion that each individual, him or herself, has spiritual authority in their own life and is subject to no man, and what Ritmo reads is "thought control."
Take away the words "spiritual" and "authority" and then your attempt at analysis here might have value to people who are neither Christian nor Protestant or merely just not interested in thinking all their values have to handed on them on a platter from a church somewhere - regardless of any formal denomination they may belong to.
That's OMG to you, toots! And you forgot the "lols".
Is it any wonder we're surrounded by people who want to be ruled?
I hear more projecting. Re-read that part where you inserted "authority" into this discussion. Yep, that's right. Where YOU inserted that word into it. Not me.
Someone describes the uniquely Christian and strongly Protestant notion that each individual, him or herself, has spiritual authority in their own life and is subject to no man,
This is a uniquely Christian notion?
You need to get out of your closet more often.
In case anyone doesn't know what Ritmo is hyperventilating over,
It was a whole one, maybe two at most, lines of "hyperventilation." Yes. My attacks are really that short.
So, quite as typical as usual, good manners and cultural acceptance of those with different sensibilities is twisted into a lie because it can be and because it's really dreadfully important to lie about Sarah Palin.
I dunno. I'd be more willing to entertain that comeback when I find evidence that Nancy Reagan, soulmate of the political prophet and father of the Republican revolution Ronald Reagan, consulted an astrologer when setting the president's schedule out of concern for "cultural sensibilities".
Until then, I continue to see it as an extension of the rightist's need to consult spiritual authorities on every matter of mundane thing, and to entertain any silly charade as long as it appeals to the false ideals of "control" and "order" - or failing that to at least seriously pander to it.
Ritmo -
It doesn't matter whether it was one line or 15 single-space typed pages. What it WAS was breathtakingly dishonest.
You know full well what the circumstances of the "witch doctor"'s visit was. You also know that Palin has never "been interested" in it.
If attempting to rehash long-since debunked lies and distortions are the best you have to offer, then you really would be best served to stop embarrassing yourself by continuing to post such obvious propaganda.
It doesn't matter whether it was one line or 15 single-space typed pages. What it WAS was breathtakingly dishonest.
You know full well what the circumstances of the "witch doctor"'s visit was. You also know that Palin has never "been interested" in it.
If attempting to rehash long-since debunked lies and distortions are the best you have to offer, then you really would be best served to stop embarrassing yourself by continuing to post such obvious propaganda.
Here we go again with someone of or sympathetic to the right thinking that absolute control is possible and worth attaining. I'd love to know what makes Jim think he knows what is in my mind or what was in it at that time.
As far as concerns the contention that this was long debunked, I don't read RedState or whatever so I wouldn't know. But you can always post a link to your source, biased or otherwise. If it has merit I'll let you know.
ritmo said. blah blah blah blah blatherblather blah.
Thread over.
Go bleat on about your silly cherry, Jane Jetson Hairdo lady.
Or post the same picture of yourself on your blog twice in one week. That would be entertaining.
I think too many Palin supporters are smitten with Palin as an image, in almost exactly the same way people were smitten with Obama as an image.
Been saying that for . . . months? a year?
wv: unhoppe (and unchangge?)
What does Nancy Reagan have to do with Sarah Palin?
Someone calls you out on your deception and you point and shout, "Look over there!"
And Palin didn't consult a witch doctor anyway. She got prayed for by a visiting Christian missionary from Africa.
What is there to "debunk" about that?
"Until then, I continue to see it as an extension of the rightist's need to consult spiritual authorities on every matter of mundane thing, and to entertain any silly charade as long as it appeals to the false ideals of "control" and "order" - or failing that to at least seriously pander to it."
All of your "leftists" claim they consult spiritual authorities, have great faith in God... and you give them passes on that because you believe they are liars.
And you believe that the "rightists" are telling the truth.
Well you know what. I think that Obama is a liar, first rate, whenever he talked about God or being a Christian, so I suppose we're even.
You're such a hypocrite.
It's like... if Republicans believe in God they are stupid and bad. If they pretend to believe in God or "pander" then that is stupid and bad.
But if Democrats believe in God (certainly Jimmy Carter did sincerely) you just assume they are lying. And if they pretend to believe in God or "pander" that's quite all right with you.
Have some standards for once. If it doesn't cause a sprain.
Brett Favre can't run on that ankle, Trooper.
He'll fart around and think about running.
He'll give a lot of interviews about running.
He'll show up and file about 5 minutes before qualifying closes.
Cheesy avatar? I'm thinking it's my new tattoo.
Someone needs to look up the word "deception".
You don't feel you were deceived and from the assorted groan and grumbling I presume others weren't either.
There was no intention to deceive.
Precisely what am I supposed to be convinced of when it comes to your assertion without evidence? I heard otherwise regarding this goofball Palin consorted with. Nancy Reagan comes into the picture based on how willing some people are to believe goofy things and base their lives around them just because they "feel" familiar and offer the illusion of order and control. Like the idea that Christianity allowed people to be free.
Actually, it was Judaism.
Obviously I'm kidding but it's pretty cool that I don't have to look very far to note that you got the wrong testament when it comes to an original "divine" warning (at least in Near Eastern religion) about kings, or any earthly power for that matter (such as a golden calf... funny how often the right sees right through that part).
synova -
This is the typical "debate" tactic of the Left:
1) Say something you know is absolutely untrue.
2) Wait for someone to call you out on it.
3) Pretend you have no idea what they're talking about, and DEMAND A LINK!!!!
4) When they tell you to piss up a rope for being a jackass who can Google it for themselves if they are so ignorant of the subject matter at hand that they have no business even commenting on it, CLAIM VICTORY!!!
5) Rinse, lather, repeat.
It's the refuge of the most juvenile kind of mind, and akin to arguing "ARE NOT" "ARE TOO" with any eight-year old. Even if you finally convince the eight-year old "ARE NOT," you still wasted your time and energy on a meaningless enterprise.
It's pretty much par for the course over at Fark.com, and you can pretty much guarantee that every single thread on the Politics tab is going to end with some variation of a Leftist playing this game.
I would have thought Ritmo above the level of the average Farker, but this feigned "I had no idea" response on the witch doctor thing is so embarrassingly bad that I'm going to have to revise my estimation to at least "no better than" subject to further revisions downward.
It's like... if Republicans believe in God they are stupid and bad. If they pretend to believe in God or "pander" then that is stupid and bad.
The problem isn't belief. It's the inability to separate a metaphorical lesson from a literal one. We are opposed to the fundamentalists. We are opposed to those who promote the idea of "scriptural inerrancy". They miss the whole fucking point about religion. And about life and knowledge in general, for that matter.
I suppose that's why people who long for order in every aspect of life have such respect for them, though.
Pandering is usually bad.
But if Democrats believe in God (certainly Jimmy Carter did sincerely) you just assume they are lying. And if they pretend to believe in God or "pander" that's quite all right with you.
Where did I say anything of the sort regarding Carter?
Have some standards for once. If it doesn't cause a sprain.
You mean, like evidence for the things I say? You first.
This is the typical "debate" tactic of the Left:
More assertions without evidence.
He who brings the challenge owes the evidence. I googled it and didn't find any of your "debunkings".
Absolute knowledge of all things Sarah Palin and otherwise is apparently the standard for not being a "jackass". Even though she lies so casually and is the only politician of any reknown who actually refuses to answer unscripted questions of the press, who has never given an unvetted press conference.
Hey, sounds like your hero is a "jackass", too! I'm just emulating her standard. But then, unlike her, I never claimed to be right about everything. Especially about such piddly things as what concerns you re: Palin.
She can't be trusted with power or to construct a halfway honest narrative about anything. I guess it's no coincidence you're as unconcerned with her deliberate and casual lying as you are correcting a missed fact about her insignificant life.
Ritmo Brasileiro said...
Go bleat on about your silly cherry, Jane Jetson Hairdo lady.
Or post the same picture of yourself on your blog twice in one week. That would be entertaining.
Honestly, you are like a fucking cockroach that waits for the lights to get turned off and then emerges from underneath the fridge. A cockroach of one. A Sctickmo to the bitter end. When will your act end I wonder? You can't maintain your smarmy know-it-all-attitude for much longer with the constant beating it has been taking lately. I wonder what sort of sophistry you are going to resort to next? Oh yes, The Amazing Sctickmo. There you go, little boy, now you have a real act to be productive with.
Wow. That was much more temperate than your usual spittle, Meth-Head-erest.
I mean, usually I get the impression that you're not much more than the byproduct of an experiment in selective breeding and entertainment conducted by Michael Vick.
Seriously, Meth. It's time to ask for that second installment of the rabies shot. You're running late.
Oh, and if I thought I knew it all, I'd have to change my name to Sarah Palin.
But I forgot. She gets to be the leader so a little humility (or even honesty) is inappropriate to ask of her. Deference, please.
What slavishness you project onto others.
"Precisely what am I supposed to be convinced of when it comes to your assertion without evidence? I heard otherwise regarding this goofball Palin consorted with."
And the source of what you heard? What did you hear anyhow? Seriously. Details, give us details. This "witch doctor"... where was he from?
I mean... you've got people claiming that Palin didn't give birth to Trig or that she actually said she could see Russia from her house, and you think that a story claiming that Palin consulted a witch doctor is credible?
A visiting Christian missionary from Africa, an African person, IIRC, prayed over her and prayed to protect her from dark forces and witch doctors or some such. If you think that American Christians take the spiritual world seriously, you never bothered to meet an evangelical from any place else. The events as described are consistent with the custom of missionaries traveling through the States, talking about their mission and the challenges they face. It's how they raise money and people like to meet someone from so far away.
I don't have any idea how prevalent a belief in witchcraft is in Africa anymore only that it sometimes makes the news when someone gets arrested for shriveling men's privates. I also actually knew a girl who was a missionary's kid in Liberia 30 or more years ago and when she was 13 the local witchdoctor asked her father to marry her. She didn't seem all that concerned about it, only bemused that he was surprised when her father said "no."
In the end it doesn't matter if the witch doctor has some sort of evil spiritual power or not... I'm pretty sure my friend's parents weren't at all worried about it... or if the spiritual danger is metaphorical as you prefer... if someone wants to pray for you, you generally let them do it. Graciously.
Have you noticed that when it comes to actually doing something on an international basis, Obama always sends a buddy. He uses Hillary for pageantry and for countries that do not matter much. She has screwed up as badly as he has with the foreign relations. That bit about the Virgin of Guadelupe and the Reset Button with the Russians were priceless.
When someone as tone-deaf as Obama with the foreign relations can't even trust the one he named Sec of State, then you know there is some undertone going on with the relationship.
Whatever. No one's provided me a link so there's no need for me to post whatever I read from Sullivan or Bill Maher regarding the witch doctor. (I'm not into the stuff about the false pregnancy either, so don't ask. He's still a good writer. They're all allowed liberties, even Hitchens -- whom the right loves to use for their own ends anyway).
In all honesty, it was probably implied casually that their relationship was unclear in order to needle the right - as I can see here that mixing "multiculturalism" with "religion" causes a bit of tension. Regardless, the guy said some nutty things that could be interpreted uncharitably in an advanced Western society. So deal. Who knows what he means? He probably doesn't even know. But the context of coming from a country where witches are taken seriously and retaliated against should leaven your appreciation of his beliefs.
Palin's statement about Russia and whatever is fun fodder but the real criticism is that she doesn't know anything concrete that she doesn't believe she was somehow "schooled" into believing from upbringing and experience. The fact of the matter is people leading the world need to read a book every now and then and step outside their own reality - no less on matters of foreign policy and history than when it comes to "being prayed for".
The sheer volume of inane posts produced by that one guy is astounding.
, I'm curious. Why not Jinal? (sic)
Because Jindal is not an eligible Natural Born Citizen. His parents were Indian Immigrants and gave birth to Bobby 6 months after arriving in the US. They were not citizens at the time (but were legal residents, unlike the children of illegal aliens), so Bobby was born with dual citizenship of India and the US. He chose US citizenship by residence at the age of majority (which is the real holding of Wong Kim Ark). Since he was born subject to the jurisdiction of India he is certainly not a Natural Born Citizen, eligible to be POTUS. Natural Born Citizens are born within singular jurisdiction of the US, i.e born in the US of US Citizen parents.
Obama Sr. was never a citizen or legal resident, and Obama 2 has admitted to birth w/ allegiance to Britain, as such he is NOT an eligible Natural Born Citizen, and is Usurping the office, with the help of prof. Althouse, and most posters here.
Methadras said...
"Paul Ryan for 2012"
I would like to see a Ryan/ Christie ticket. That is a winning combination.
The sheer volume of inane posts produced by that one guy is astounding.
Ritmo doesn't really debate but instead uses this forum to practice rhetoric. If you notice, the bulk of his arguments (if you can call them that) are nothing more than strawmen creation ie; equating Palin humoring some visiting African witch doctor with Nancy Reagan's obsession with astrology.
His dig on the African witch doctor is interesting since it allows him to slam Palin but he forgets his typical leftist meme of being tolerant of other cultures. Whether Palin was humoring the guy or was sincere should be applauded by the Left as it shows the tolerance and acceptance of other cultures that the Left says conservatives eschew. But alas, Ritmo can't tolerate Palin's tolerance so the African witch doctor must be referred to as a goof to tear Palin down. Broken eggs and omeletes and all that ;-)
Ritmo is interesting to read for a brief period in the same sense Shakespeare is up to the point you keep reading the same paragraph 4 times because it doesn't make any sense.
But alas, Ritmo can't tolerate Palin's tolerance so the African witch doctor must be referred to as a goof to tear Palin down.
That's the irony I keep noticing, though I think it's more that he just can't tolerate Palin, period.
OT: Another day, another hassle with posting Blogger comments. Guess Blogger really isn't going to get is act together. Oh, well.
"My feeling on Huckabee is that there is nothing wrong with his social conservatism. The problem is that he is not even a little bit conservative in any other way."
And further:
"I don't have any idea how prevalent a belief in witchcraft is in Africa anymore"
Quite prevalent.
DBQ, that's a nice-looking vehicle you've got lurking in the background there...
His dig on the African witch doctor is interesting since it allows him to slam Palin but he forgets his typical leftist meme of being tolerant of other cultures. Whether Palin was humoring the guy or was sincere should be applauded by the Left as it shows the tolerance and acceptance of other cultures that the Left says conservatives eschew.
Hey Hoozhie. I'm tolerant of the things I can criticize about you, too!
If the preacher decided that the entire state of Indiana was populated by witches who needed to be ostracized or worse, I guess I could get on board with this guy's program. Wonder how that would affect Hoosier's thinking, though.
Until then, you go ahead and think real hard about what makes tolerance and criticism antonyms. Umm... narcissism?
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