July 27, 2010

"If it’s an Althouse link, everybody drinks."


(Via Instapundit.)


Bob_R said...

I saved my first drink to have with you.

le Douanier said...

Who will create the Althouse drinking game?

Things that must be included:

con red meat
Palin (who seems to be con and lib red meat)
NYT link (bonus for MoDo link)
insty link
anything Sully

Unknown said...

Does Green secretly intend on getting Althouse drunk?

What will Meade say when he comes home?

Rose said...

LOL, very good.

The Crack Emcee said...

I think I was the first one to notice Glenn overdoses on you, so, if anything, somebody should be buying me a drink.

garage mahal said...
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garage mahal said...

Who will create the Althouse drinking game?

Things that must be included:

Things that must be included should include:

New Glarus Moon Man

Love this brew. A beautiful uber hopped sessionable clear beer with a nice fluffy white head, floral citrus-like orange and grapefruit highlights, and a crisp yet smooth malty backslide. Highly recommended. According to the rep I talked to it it's the #2 selling beer at New Glarus, already, behind Spotted Cow, after less than 6 months in production.