June 7, 2010

At the Helengoyle Café...

... take a good look at what you've done.

(Thanks to Palladian for the image.)


vanderleun said...

Yet another head graces the National Cathedral.

vanderleun said...

""The Gorgon had surveyed the building again in the night, and had added the one stone face wanting; the stone face for which it had waited through about two hundred years. It lay back on the pillow of Monsieur the Marquis. It was like a fine mask, suddenly startled, made angry, and petrified. Driven home into the heart of the stone figure attached to it, was a knife. Round its hilt was a frill of paper, on which was scrawled:

"Drive her fast to his tomb. This, from Jacques."

--A Tale Of Two Cities - Charles Dickens

The Crack Emcee said...


The Crack Emcee said...

I'm putting this here, also, because I want y'all to see it:

I know Trooper was just kidding, but I think it's fascinating that, every time someone online decides to depict me, they want to see me as a hobo or a crackhead - because it couldn't be farther from the truth: it's just my stage name, The Crack Emcee (and, yes, I drew that) but I still think it says something. No one ever sees me as heroic, except in person. (Today, one guy at work said I'm the best looking person in the office - and we have lots of women where I work.) Just to fill in the picture a bit, here's the photo you know.. Also, here's a few - including a shot of me when I was a youngster in the Navy. Another performance shot is here.

Here's some career info, but not nearly everything (I was once a model for Bank of America - ain't it wild how a dose of cultism, a divorce, and a few murders, can change a man's fortunes?) and, on the lower right-hand side, some more solo tracks that were never released. (I plan to release "Doorstops and Sugar/I Am" one day soon.)

There's also a couple of my rock songs (written, produced, arranged, and sang by me) on this other lousy MySpace page. The second song here ("Pow!") is some of my Jazz. Here's a popular album cover., and you can listen to snippets of it's tracks here.

So, I'm not what anybody thinks - and what I'm trying to do, the disrupted promise I'm asking you to help me fulfill before I die, is probably better than what any of you snarky bastards can fathom.

I've been called a genius my whole life - and, sorry, but I know it - and I think, after all I've been through, not helping me lead conservatism through the arts is a crime.

That's what I'm most pissed about.

traditionalguy said...

I'd rather see a woman stumbling down and vomiting drunk in the street than to ever see that face again.

Fred4Pres said...

Bravo! Can I order a cast for my garden? It will keep the deer out so they stop eating the veggies and flowers.

vanderleun said...

World on the street is that Thomas will replace the Travelocity Gnome.

The Crack Emcee said...

BTW, Trooper, just to show there's no hard feelings - and I know you were joking - send me an e-mail and I'll send you some of my Country Music (I can't find any online.)

And, if anybody wants to hear it, drop me a line and I'll send you a (really rough, un-mixed or mastered) clip of a live performance.

LonewackoDotCom said...

* This is all good, dumb, low-grade teaparty dumb fun and all, but what exactly do her looks have to do with her ideas?

* It's odd how the 'partiers have ignored the Poizer v. Whitman race, despite the fact that it's a referendum on immig. as a campaign issue. If he loses (as he probably will), hacks will point to it as yet another example of why the GOP should do what the Dems want on that issue. Perhaps the 'partiers are ignoring it because it's a referendum. Whatever it is, I know it's not because they're complete idiots.

* In case anyone would like to help Kaus, make a link just like the following on your site: Nick Gillespie of Reason Magazine.

Wince said...

Shudder. I need to stop smokin' those dried vulture brains.

Bob Ellison said...

Crack, could you just simmer down? Most of us don't give a shit who you are.

Methadras said...

The horns are a nice touch.

The Scythian said...

"What do you mean 'regret' when something should be so strongly condemned..."

-- Helen Thomas, taking task with the word that press secretary Robert Gibbs employed in his statement concerning the IDF raid on the IHH blockade runners.

"I deeply regret my comments I made last week..."

-- Helen Thomas, a few days later, "apologizing" for her antisemitic comments.

Methadras said...

The Crack Emcee said...

not helping me lead conservatism through the arts is a crime.

That's what I'm most pissed about.

At this point, I believe in conservativism through the martial arts.

traditionalguy said...

Bob Ellison...Crack is a talented friend of many commenters here. We actually prefer when he simmers up. What harm does he do to you?

Methadras said...

LonewackoDotCom said...

* This is all good, dumb, low-grade teaparty dumb fun and all, but what exactly do her looks have to do with her ideas?

Her ideas are as ugly as she is. It's clearly evident that her ugly ideas have twisted her visage into something just as ugly. That satisfactory enough for you?

GMay said...

Well done Palladian. Bravo!

AST said...

You'll have to explain. Which one is Helen Thomas?

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
William said...

See Avatar. Whenever there is a clash of civilizations, our Hollywood conscience tells us to favor the poorer and more primitive one. Such peoples, they feel, are less corrupted by the hypocrisies of civilization. The Arabs under Lawrence are purer than the Turks and the British, the Commanches under Costner are nobler than the Seventh Cavalry, and the Scots under Mel Gibson are better than the English. A lot of the liberals have a soft spot for the Palestinians on this basis. They don't love the Palestinians despite their failures and endless rage but because of their failures and rage. They think there is something ennobling about it. What rot......The Navi in Avatar were able to live in harmony with nature because they were living, in fact, in a computer generated world. They were able to successfully fight the machines that despoiled their forests because the computer generated niftier, holistic weapons for them. The Navi, this nonexistent people generated by a machine, defeat an army (that looks remarkably like ours) that is less in harmony with the computer generated world of the Navi. We must not use machines and the profit motive to despoil a land that was created by a computer in order to make money for the film's producer. My head hurts thinking of the moral significance of this argument and its applicability to the Israel-Arab conflict. It's like the difference between an avatar and a gargoyle. And so to bed.

Chip Ahoy said...

Jason said...

I will not pile on Helen Thomas.

I am quite sure she is mortified at what she has done in the last professional act of her very long career, and she'll have to spend her last months and years reflecting on that.

That is more than enough. Have a little charity for an old woman.

As far as I am concerned, the matter is concluded.

GMay said...

"That is more than enough. Have a little charity for an old woman."

Maybe if she had issued an apology. Maybe. But she issued an apology my children even recognize for the disingenuous bullshit it was.

If she were some old lady of little consequence, sure. But an old lady in complete possession of her faculties, in a position of honor and inluence in the White House Press Corps, who uttered such vile hateful remarks?

Fuck 'er.

"As far as I am concerned, the matter is concluded."

Good for you.

reader_iam said...

... take a good look at what you've done.

Interesting, that tag-line.

Methadras said...

Dead Julius said...

Okay, so Helen Thomas is exposed as someone with opinions as ugly as her withered face, and she's gone from the political scene.

Does that make you happy?

No. Seeing this leftards existence come to a final end will make me happy. The sooner she ceases to be the sooner her filthy ideology can go with her. Fuck her and fuck her apologists, you want to join that rank and file, then step in line and I'll tell you the same.

Anonymous said...
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Opus One Media said...

"I can see Russia from here"

The Dude said...
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Roger J. said...

HD house: you do seem to have a fetish for Ms Palin--like the rest of the liberal "men" on this blog you must masturbate every day to images of Ms Palin.

Please tell me why your comment has any relevance to the topic?

Unknown said...

I was going to twit you on your mastery of Photoshop until I saw the credit. Very Chip Ahoy of you, Palladian.

William said...

See Avatar. Whenever there is a clash of civilizations, our Hollywood conscience tells us to favor the poorer and more primitive one. Such peoples, they feel, are less corrupted by the hypocrisies of civilization. The Arabs under Lawrence are purer than the Turks and the British, the Commanches under Costner are nobler than the Seventh Cavalry

For the record, it's the Sioux in Dances, not the Comanches.

HDHouse said...

"I can see Russia from here"

Perhaps, but he can't see the forest...

Opus One Media said...
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Opus One Media said...
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Opus One Media said...

Roger J. said...
"HD house:you must masturbate every day to images of Ms Palin.

Please tell me why your comment has any relevance to the topic?"

1. throw up is more like it.
2. first you tell me why the topic has any relevancy whatsoever.

Ms. Thomas, although no one I know including me, subscribes to her views, they are HER VIEWS

No one put her up to them. When asked she answered. I think they are stupid and moronic and I also think that much of what the skinhead right on here posts is stupid and moronic and I call them out on it but I never ever say that they 1. don't have the right to post what is on their mind and 2. people are entitled to think and believe what they want..no matter how reprehensible the thought process or short of facts it is.

Free speech extends to everyone, not just the right wing. You buy into it 100% or 0%. There is no middle ground - that is of course if you believe in the constitution...and from the comments on here and elsewhere I'm not convinced that you right wing ilk do.

As to Sarah and the gargoyle - your question is what?

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Roger J. said...

HD HOUSE--you were the person who injected Ms Palin into the thread--not our hostess--you dont think the thread was relevant? its her blog and if you dont like the relevance, then scroll on past.

I do agree with free speech--so Ms Thomas is free to say whatever the hell she wants to--as are you if it is political speech--Thats what the constitution protects. If it didnt there would be no need for libel or slander laws.

this thread was about a clever photo shop of Ms Thomas--had nothing to do with Ms Palin--you saw fit to throw that in. So you intent in doing so was precisely what?

I simply dont understand what your post was all about in the context of this thread? Free speech? great. Ms Thomas can say anything she wants in the arena of political speech--but it doesnt mean that speech has consequences.
she has reaped that particular whilrwind.

garage mahal said...

I see that little Van Der Slime confessed to his latest murder of a young woman. Always knew there was something very wrong about that guy.

Anonymous said...

HDHouse said: bunch of stuff about free speech applying to everyone

HDHouse, who are you arguing with in your 6:24 comment? When has anyone here said, or suggested, that Ms. Thomas doesn't have or shouldn't have freedom of speech?

How is it that liberals fail to understand the distinction between criticism and censorship?

- Lyssa

Opus One Media said...

Gargoyles seem to come in various forms. When I saw the photoshop I saw Palin. You saw Thomas. Reasonable mistake on your part.

Roger J. said...

HD House--you should be checked for macular degeneration if you saw Ms Palin. You clearly have issues. I do recommend professional help

Hoosier Daddy said...

Free speech extends to everyone, not just the right wing. You buy into it 100% or 0%. There is no middle ground - that is of course if you believe in the constitution...and from the comments on here and elsewhere I'm not convinced that you right wing ilk do.

Helen has free speech. She was free to say her stupid comments and didn't go to prison for it. Cause that is what the Constitution provides for, that Congress shall make no law restricting the right of free speech. It doesn't say that private enterprise can't sack you for being an anti-semetic POS.

Yes I know hdhouse, such concepts are foreign to that viscous swamp of oatmeal you call a brain but for us rightwing skinheads, we actually know what the Constitution says and how it works. If you could stop spewing your leftwing hatred and obsession with Palin for 20 seconds you might actually be enlightened.

Hoosier Daddy said...

HD House--you should be checked for macular degeneration if you saw Ms Palin. You clearly have issues. I do recommend professional help.

Do that still have state mental hospitals that do electric shock therapy?

Anonymous said...

HDHouse said: Gargoyles seem to come in various forms. When I saw the photoshop I saw Palin. You saw Thomas.

You saw who? Helen Palin? The post is called "At the Helengoyle Cafe . . ."
(Also, there's a "Helen Thomas" tag.)

Roger J. said...

Lyssa--you are assuming HD House has a brain and is capable of (1) reading comprehension, and (2)rational thought--bad assumptions,as HD continues to prove so eloquently in his commentary.

AllenS said...

Look! Over there! It's Sarah Palin!

AllenS said...

I'm sorry, that was Russia that I saw.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Palladian obviously needs to drink more to make himself more sociable and less anti-social. Heh.

I'm Full of Soup said...

President Obama called. He said he wants to learn how to kick ass like that Palladian dude.

Opus One Media said...

It was a logical mistake on your parts...Ann tried to fool you with the Helen stuff....but Palladian was kind enough to offer a front and rear view of Ms. Palin so there was no room for doubt...and with Todd looking on, wings back, beak slightly ajar...well a family portait so to speak...

and with Russia in the background...c'mon folks...anyone can see it.

Lincolntf said...

Oh for crying out loud, Helen's free speech rights are perfectly intact. She didn't get arrested, did she?
The vile old anti-semite should have retired long ago, before her hatred and ignorance seeped through to the outside world.
The fact that the walking catcher's mitt was the "face of the DC media" for generations was always fitting, though. I'll miss that.

Opus One Media said...


Everyone's free speech rights are perfectly preserved in this country until of course, some don't like what someone says.

Opus One Media said...

lyssalovelyredhead said...
"How is it that liberals fail to understand the distinction between criticism and censorship?"

Lyssa, criticism is when you tell someone that they spoke badly or ignorantly..whatever. Censorship is when others seek retribution for what you said in ignorance.

Helen Thomas spoke like a moron. What she said has very little defense and represents a small minded point of view that for some will not be settled in a 100 lifetimes. If the criticism went after her remarks and stopped at the "I disagree because..." stage that's one thing...but it went straight to retribution and off with her head rhetoric and that is censorship or a ham handed attempt at it.

Hoosier Daddy said...

Lyssa, criticism is when you tell someone that they spoke badly or ignorantly..whatever. Censorship is when others seek retribution for what you said in ignorance.

Very good hdhouse, you're actually getting it. Neither of those things are prohibited in the Constitution which, as you are aware, is the document that restricts the government from infringing on our rights.

Helen Thomas is free to speak on whatever anti-semetic topics that she wishes and I am confident that there are plenty of leftwing circles in which discussions of sending the Jews back to Der Vaterland are welcomed and celebrated. Then there are those mainstream folks like us where such things are frowned upon and we invoke our right to not associate with those people or the organizations that promote them.

MadisonMan said...

House, Helen Thomas obviously can't self-censor -- for whatever reason -- so it's up to Society to do it. I applaud the forces that pushed her into retirement.

If she wanted to fight for her job, that's entirely within her right, by using more speech. She could try to convince me that her point is valid and worth considering. But she chose to retire instead. Lesson: Just because you can speak freely doesn't mean your speech won't have consequences. Be prepared to deal with them. HT decided instead to retire.

Why should anyone listen to you trying to make the case for her -- a case that she won't make for herself?

AllenS said...

Mr. House,

May I ask you whose quote this is: "I can see Russia from here"

Who said that? I'm curious.

Lincolntf said...

It has nothing to do with censorship, and you know it. Helen is free to spout her inanities, and even to express her wish for a new holocaust, to her black heart's content.
But nobody is compelled to PAY her to do it. But if you're so worried about her being censored, put your money where your mouth is and hire the bitter old cow yourself.

Rialby said...

Does she take the offer that we all know Al Jazeera has extended?

Bruce Hayden said...

Helen Thomas spoke like a moron. What she said has very little defense and represents a small minded point of view that for some will not be settled in a 100 lifetimes. If the criticism went after her remarks and stopped at the "I disagree because..." stage that's one thing...but it went straight to retribution and off with her head rhetoric and that is censorship or a ham handed attempt at it.

That censorship by the public is just what is called for by free speech. It isn't the government censoring her, but rather, the public. It is the war of ideas, and the idea, at least right now, that Antisemitism , esp. when combined with an apparent affinity with the Final Solution, is bad. Society has said that her level of Antisemitism is bad and is unacceptable in public. This is no different than the public not tolerating non-Blacks using the "N" word.

Opus One Media said...

I'm not defending her. In my mind she is without the potential for defense.

I'm also not defending criticism that rounds the bend toward censorship.

Your comments here might be lame, inane and insane but of course you are free to speak them just as Ms. Thomas was free to say what she wished. I don't however, call for your job or go in that direction because that is past criticism...

if you don't like what she says or writes, don't listen and don't read. This is also much ado about nothing.

@Allen...the quote was from someone who Sarah trys to act like sometimes. .. you know, when she puts on yet another Walter Mitty hat and goes on TV to do something other than raise money for herself.

Hoosier Daddy said...

Lesson: Just because you can speak freely doesn't mean your speech won't have consequences. Be prepared to deal with them.

I don't think this can be emphasized enough. When dolts like hdhouse like to cite the constitution as our protector of free speech they exhibit their complete ignorance for all to see. Helen Thomas was not censored by the government, she was censored by polite society that found her statements reprehensible. As you said, she is certainly free to elaborate and clarify but I suspect the only ones who might agree with her the the same ones who chant Death to Israel before embarking on a humanitarian cruise.

Lincolntf said...

The Libs have Helen Thomas.
The Conservatives have Sarah Palin.

There really is justice in the world.

wv: ingospot

A dyslexic calling his dog?

GMay said...

"Lyssa, criticism is when you tell someone that they spoke badly or ignorantly..whatever. Censorship is when others seek retribution for what you said in ignorance."

Listen, and understand. HDHouse is out there. He can't be bargained with. He can't be reasoned with. He doesn't feel pity, or understand the Constitution, or what he's talking about for that matter. And he absolutely will not stop redefining common words, ever, until you are dead!

A.W. said...

ah, no, is ann frozen out again?

garage mahal said...

Helen Thomas was not censored by the government, she was censored by polite society that found her statements reprehensible.

Glenn Beck recommends a book on his show by a virulent anti-Semitic and Nazi sympathizer yet he gets a mic every night for millions, without virtually any adverting support, and Fox keeps him on. Beck has had no advertising for 4 months in the UK. It goes completely commercial-less. A polite society rejected him yet the right and Fox news hasn't.

Bruce Hayden said...

A Macaca Moment [Victor Davis Hanson]:

What has been missing from critiques of Helen Thomas’s anti-Semitic diatribe is any discussion of the precise way in which it trumped the usual slurs we hear from political figures (e.g., Jesse Jackson’s “Hymietown,” Reverend Wright’s “them Jews”). By picking Poland and Germany as the ultimate destinations to which she wishes Israelis would go, Thomas was, deliberately or carelessly, saying that they should be uprooted and sent to places where 6 million of them were liquidated. In other words, Thomas was not voicing the usual prejudice, but something much creepier, a sort of flippant pop blueprint for a repeat of 1939–45, echoing the shout from one of the seaborne “peace” protestors, “Go back to Auschwitz!”

Of course, Thomas doesn’t care that nearly half the Israelis are of Middle Eastern heritage, that many Israelis can claim a family residence in “Palestine” longer than her own in the United States, that a Jewish presence in Israel dates to the dawn of recorded history, that many of Israel’s older generation were ethnically cleansed from cities like Baghdad and Cairo after the 1967 war, or that her views are in sync with the Hamas charter and Iranian promises. Note also that Thomas is not concerned with occupation in such places as Tibet, Cyprus, or Ossetia; such human-rights violations as Turkey’s treatment of the Kurds; such violence on the high seas as the North Korean attack, Iran’s hijacking of a British ship, or the pirates off Somalia. All these are mere abstractions — unless they involve the Jews

AllenS said...


A cite would be nice.

roesch-voltaire said...

This is fine sport as long as it doesn't keep us from working towards a two state solution and Israel's withdrawal from the 1967 borders, with the promise of recognition of the right to exist and some other mutual agreements.

AllenS said...

I don't listen to Beck, but are you saying that there are no commercial breaks on his show?

Dust Bunny Queen said...

The issue for me isn't that Helen Thomas is a nasty old urine smelling senile anti semite.

The issue is that she felt comfortable enough in expressing that opinion publicly.

This tells me that she has been swimming in a sewer of similar thinking people.

These would the main stream media reporters who are actively pushing the (so called) progressive agenda upon us.

These are the people who have been able to shape the dialogue, the thoughts of ordinary people through propoganda disguised as news.

These are the people who shoved Obama down our throats and who have probably been the main instrument in the destruction of the United States of America as a free republic.

These are the people who see their power and control of the media and the message slip sliding away because we, the people, now have other sources of information.

They are losing control and they are scared. When they are scared, I am frightened because they will probably resort to even more drastic measures.....as evidenced by the obvious fascist thoughts of our resident liberals.

Anonymous said...

Garage said Glenn Beck recommends a book on his show by a virulent anti-Semitic and Nazi sympathizer yet he gets a mic every night for millions, without virtually any adverting support, and Fox keeps him on. Beck has had no advertising for 4 months in the UK. It goes completely commercial-less. A polite society rejected him yet the right and Fox news hasn't.

Assuming for this discussion that that's true (and that it wasn't just a "you should read this book to understand what these people are thinking" sort of thing) which I doubt, on the grounds that most of the criticism I've heard against Mr. Beck tends to fall apart upon inspection , you are welcome to call for Mr. Beck's job. If enough people do, and Fox fails to make money off of him (I don't know about the U.K., but he seems to have plenty of ads in the U.S., and his ratings are huge), then he will lose that job. People who think this is wrong will criticize it, on the grounds that they think that Beck's critics are wrong or over-reacting.

No one is getting censored unless the gov't steps in and tries to mess with this stuff. It's just the way things work, and it usually works out.

- Lyssa

GMay said...

Yeah garage, I'd like a cite too. I don't listen to Beck or watch FOX, so I'll defer to your clear expertise.

(Though I do love this stuff. A comitted and lionized lefty outed herself as a clear anti-Semite so we have to frantically search for equivalence by finding a righty who supports an anti-Semite. Good stuff.)

Hoosier Daddy said...

Glenn Beck recommends a book on his show by a virulent anti-Semitic and Nazi sympathizer yet he gets a mic every night for millions, without virtually any adverting support, and Fox keeps him on.

Well for those of us who don't watch Glenn Beck, could you enlighten us on what the book is who wrote it?

This isn't Pat Buchanan is it? The guy you said you were one the few liberals that you liked?

Roger J. said...

Ah HD House: first rule of holes boy: stop digging. and grow a brain. Stem cell technology might help, but just hope you dont get conservative stem cells.

Anonymous said...

Thomas should have lost her front row seat when she became an opinion columnist. She wouldn't have been leaving in disgrace if that had happened.

Lonewacko, DeVore is the Tea Party candidate in his race, despite Palin's endorsement of Fiorina, and he will likely lose. I don't think that Tea Partiers could have put Poizner over the top if they had tried.

GMay said...

DBQ said: "The issue for me isn't that Helen Thomas is a nasty old urine smelling senile anti semite."

Thankfully I hadn't put the coffee to my lips yet, but love the opening!

One quibble though, I don't think she's senile at all.

Roger J. said...

HD House: I respectfully disagree about censorship--the public is free to do what it wants re Ms Thomas--Censorship in terms of the constitution is when the GOVERNMENT closes down free speech--You may want to review the Alien and Sedition Acts of the early 19teenth century--That is,IMO, what the constitution addresses--not the rights of private citizens to disagree with Ms Thomas' remarks.

Hoosier Daddy said...

That's interesting garage. I never heard of her so I looked her up on Wiki and was struck by this description. Elizabeth Dilling Stokes (April 19, 1894 – May 26, 1966) was an American anti-communist, antisemitic, Nazi-sympathizing anti-war activist, and writer in the 1930s and 1940s

Hell she sounds a lot like Pat Buchannan, the guy you said you liked so much.

AllenS said...

I listened to the video clip, garage, and Beck never once mentioned Jews, nor did he mention that the author was an anti-semite. He talked about the book saying things about labor unions.

AllenS said...

Aha! There were no commercial interuptions in that clip. Beck has no sponsors!

GMay said...

DBQ said: "They are losing control and they are scared. When they are scared, I am frightened because they will probably resort to even more drastic measures.....

Let 'em. They're already at rock bottom when they see racists around every corner and violence inciting elderly folks at Tea Parties. And they've marginalized themselves in the process.

If they get more drastic, then we can finally expose them for the lunatics they are.

Automatic_Wing said...

How cute to see our favorite little Pat Buchanan afficionado furiously searching the interwebs for suspected Nazi sympathizers.

You're a regular Simon Wiesenthal, garage, LOL.

GMay said...


Got another link? because I'm having a hard time taking Salon seriously, what with the links to Media Matters and...ahem...other articles on the same page.

garage mahal said...

I actually tried to find a right wing source, but couldn't find any. I don't think you dispute Beck pushing this book though, do you?

Hoosier Daddy said...

Got another link? because I'm having a hard time taking Salon seriously

Well I'll take Salon's view on it at face value. So Beck is hawking a book written by some nazi shrew whose been pusing daisies for the last 40+ years and garage is wondering why Beck still has a show. Dunno, probably the same reason his favorite Republican Pat Buchanan has one on MSNBC.

I guess garage would actually have a point is Beck actually said something like, oh, how about you Jews all go back to Germany and Poland. Or maybe if the book was about sending all the Jews back to Germany or Poland. But trying to equate Thomas getting trashed for her comments with Beck hawking some obscure book written in the 1940s is some thin gruel.

Anonymous said...

I realize I've been commenting up a storm w/out figuring this out, but I have to admit that I don't really know how the White House Press Corps works. My basic understanding had been that media outlets (i.e. Herst, NYT, Fox) send one or so of their reporters, and, I assume, the White House has to approve that reporter in some way? (because otherwise, they would be overrun with wordpressers and blogspotters and the like).

What critera does the White House use to approve the reporter? I think a neutrally applied ban on opinion writers would be acceptable, but, otherwise, Ms. Thomas should not have been banned by the White House for an objectionable opinion (which she wasn't.) Herst, being a private company, should ban or keep employed whoever it likes.

Am I approaching this correctly? (it's all irrelevant, because neither the corps or Herst axed her, but in the sense of a theoretical set of rules that should be followed in similar situations)

- Lyssa

Opus One Media said...


to be pithy we could ask Talon News and Jeff Ganon...but it is, in reality, by nomination by the media outlet and by application from the outlet and a security check. The white house has no say or pick over the press corps members other than the potential for security clearance issues or false representations in the application nor are there peer decisions (press corps voting someone out) other than they might not speak to that person again but that has nothing to do with work or job status.

William said...

Just as a matter of curiousity, has anyone here ever read a word that Ms. Thomas has ever written, or do you know anyone who has? Her fame obscured her insignificance.

kent said...

How cute to see our favorite little Pat Buchanan afficionado furiously searching the interwebs for suspected Nazi sympathizers.

Sort of the internet equivalent of "Keeping up with the Jonses," I daresay. ;)

garage mahal said...

So not one condemnation of Beck pushing Nazi propaganda? Tsk tsk. Makes me believe that the right dancing on the grave of Helen Thomas had nothing to do with anti-semitism.

Hoosier Daddy said...

So not one condemnation of Beck pushing Nazi propaganda?

Was the book nazi propaganda?

I mean seriously garage, after that post showing how much you admire Pat Buchanan I'd be avoiding this one if I were you.

AllenS said...

garage, I don't believe anybody who comments on this blog listens to or watches Beck besides yourself. Why should we care?

garage mahal said...

Was the book nazi propaganda?

Dilling attended Nazi meetings, praised Hitler, and denounced the Allies.

I mean seriously garage, after that post showing how much you admire Pat Buchanan I'd be avoiding this one if I were you.

I have nothing to avoid.

kent said...

[Pat Buchanan] is about the only sane Republican I've heard these past 8 years. An truthfully I thought Buchanan's joke about Washington D.C. being 'Israeli occupied territory' years ago friggin hilarious, with some truth behind it. But, I'm in the minority of liberals who like Buchanan.

-- garage mahal, 9/3/08 7:20 PM

Get yourself a new supply of credibility, son. You foolishly whizzed your previous allotment of the stuff down your pants legs in genuinely spectacular fashion, only yesterday.

garage mahal said...

Look, it's the resident Althouse Brownshirt piss-ant, Kent.

Hoosier Daddy said...

Was the book nazi propaganda?

Dilling attended Nazi meetings, praised Hitler, and denounced the Allies.

Ok I'll just take that as confirmation that like Beck, you probably don't know whats in the book either.

I have nothing to avoid.

Fine by me. I just think you look pretty dumb taking this line of argument after you claimed your admiration for Pat Buchanan who seems to hold a lot of Dilling's beliefs.

kent said...

A self-confessed Buchanan fanboy, attempting to smear someone else as a "Brownshirt." Now, baby, that's the clown funny car that passes for leftist "logic!" ROTFLMAO!!!

MadisonMan said...

Just as a matter of curiousity, has anyone here ever read a word that Ms. Thomas has ever written, or do you know anyone who has? Her fame obscured her insignificance.

Back when she wrote for Hearst, I may have. Not really sure. In the past 20 years? Nothing. I agree completely with your last sentence.

GMay said...

"But trying to equate Thomas getting trashed for her comments with Beck hawking some obscure book written in the 1940s is some thin gruel."

Hence my parenthetical note. I'm just fascinated by watching garage's persistence in derailing a thread.

His equivocation-fu is lacking though.

garage mahal said...

Fine by me. I just think you look pretty dumb taking this line of argument after you claimed your admiration for Pat Buchanan who seems to hold a lot of Dilling's beliefs.

Not sure what this says, but Beck and Buchanan are both conservatives, which leads me to believe you Brownshirt Boy seem to hold a lot of the same beliefs as Beck and Buchanan. I denounced both Hamas and Helen Thomas yesterday, yet no one here can do the same for Beck. Selective outrage. If you are outraged that I said I like Buchanan, you would be outraged that Sarah Palin campaigned and voted for him. Neither of which I can assure I did not.

Lincolntf said...

Palin campaigning for Buchanan? Bad.

Obama basing his entire career on the rants of a vile anti-semitic race hustler from Chicago? Worse.

Hoosier Daddy said...

Not sure what this says, but Beck and Buchanan are both conservatives, which leads me to believe you Brownshirt Boy seem to hold a lot of the same beliefs as Beck and Buchanan.

Well I don't know garage since I don't watch Beck I don't know what his beliefs are. I thought Buchnanan went off the rails after Crossfire and I don't know any in my circle of friends who support what he believes.

I denounced both Hamas and Helen Thomas yesterday, yet no one here can do the same for Beck.

Ok. Beck is a moron for touting a book written by a nazi sympathizer and anti-semite. Glad you finally got to denouncing Hamas though.

Selective outrage.

Its not really selective outrage garage. Helen Thomas is a iconic figure in the media who showed her ass by saying anti-semetic remarks to the world. Glenn Beck is a blowhard talking head who...wait did he say anything anti-semetic? Oh that's right he didn't did he. All you have is some obscure book plug he probably didn't read. Is that really all you have?

If you are outraged that I said I like Buchanan, you would be outraged that Sarah Palin campaigned and voted for him. Neither of which I can assure I did not.

I'm not outraged that you like Buchanan. Surprised is the word I was thinking actually but then you both seem to have the same views re: Israel.

GMay said...

"I denounced both Hamas and Helen Thomas yesterday, yet no one here can do the same for Beck. Selective outrage."

Yo, genius, did Beck say that Jews should return to the lands where they were systematically exterminated less than a lifetime ago? Has he called for the destruction of Israel?

These are easy questions dude.

Trooper York said...

Hey Crack, there are never any hard feelings on my part man. I am just glad to you get the joke. Almost everything I do is not to be taken at face value. I am just creating a character of the Crack Emcee much like others
who didn't always take it as well.

And I will email you. You are a cool dude. Don't ever forget that.

garage mahal said...

Yo, genius, did Beck say that Jews should return to the lands where they were systematically exterminated less than a lifetime ago? Has he called for the destruction of Israel?

beck was plugging a book celebrating the extermination. So, no condemnation. Duly noted.

Hoosier Daddy said...

beck was plugging a book celebrating the extermination.

Garage is that what the book was about? According to Amazon it was written in 1935, which is three years before Kristallnacht and seven years before the Wannsee Conference when the exetermination got going in full gear.

Or are you just making stuff up again?

garage mahal said...

Dilling most certainly celebrated the movement that carried out the Holocaust. She went to Nazi rallies inside Germany. I have a feeling you would have a lot less hard time denouncing if it wasn't from your own side.

kent said...

Sarah Palin campaigned and voted for him.

You were righteously busted for lying about this just yesterday. Why you might possibly think none of us remember said bitch-slapping is anyone's guess, really.

'Gov. Palin has never worked for any effort to elect Pat Buchanan — that assertion is completely false. As Mayor of Wasilla, Sarah Palin did attend an event with Mr. Buchanan in her hometown, where reports described her wearing a Buchanan for President button. She wore the button as a courtesy to Mr. Buchanan, and in an effort to make him feel welcome during his visit, but immediately sent a letter to the editor of her local paper clarifying that the button should not have been interpreted as an endorsement of any kind.'

Honestly, this is like beating Stephen Hawking at clog dancing, or something. Just pitiful, really.

Trooper York said...

When I was just a baby accountant I worked at this account in the garment center. There was this old guy named Herman. His deal was he put the silk lining into fur coats. That's how long ago it was, fur coats were cool.

Anyway there was no air conditioning in his tiny little showroom but he always wore a suit and tie. He looked a lot like Harry Truman actually. So one day it was extremely hot. Unbearably so. So he took off his jacket. And he had this tattoo. For some reason that day he started talking about it. You see he used to be a twin.

That informs my position on this whole mess.

Trooper York said...

Sorry to be serious.

I have been thinking about Herman the last few days. Thats all.

Back to the tit jokes.

AllenS said...

Back up.

"And he had this tattoo. For some reason that day he started talking about it. You see he used to be a twin."

I don't get it.

Trooper York said...

I know Allen. Neither does Garage or Cedarford.

Just for different reasons.

Hoosier Daddy said...

Dilling most certainly celebrated the movement that carried out the Holocaust. She went to Nazi rallies inside Germany. I have a feeling you would have a lot less hard time denouncing if it wasn't from your own side.

I'm sure she did garage and I already deounced her as I do all nazis. But that wasn't what I asked you. You claimed that Beck touted a book that celebrated the extermination [of the Jews]. I simply pointed out the fact that the book was written at a time when it had not taken place. You obviously can't tell us what the book is about other than it was written by a nazi sympathizer and anti-semite.

Now that I rather easily destroyed that weaksauce can I suggest that actually having some facts on hand before posting really helps in not making you look like a tool.

Trooper York said...

Hey did anyone ever see Helen Thomas and Andy Etchebarren in the same place at the same time?

kent said...

Sorry to be serious.

No need to apologize. The adults hereabouts all nodded, solemnly; and garage smiled and hummed the Horst Wessel song to himself.

AllenS said...


Now I understand. It's been a long time, but I've seen one of those tattoos.

garage mahal said...

McCain spokesman Michael Goldfarb, who declined last night to comment on Palin's relationship with Pat Buchanan, today denies it to ABC:

PWNED! Because if a campaign spokesman says something on the heat of the campaign trail, it must be true!

I'm sure the picture of her with the John Birch Newsletter on her desk can all be explained too.

kent said...

PWNED! Because if a campaign spokesman says something on the heat of the campaign trail, it must be true!

Argument from Incredulity: a logical fallacy "where a participant draws a positive conclusion from an inability to imagine or believe the converse."

Yup. "Pwned" is exactly the right word for it, Forest. You poor, doomed feeb.

Hoosier Daddy said...

garage do you want to retract your statement that Beck was touting a book that celebrated the extermination?

LonewackoDotCom said...

Kirstin: the 'partiers thank you for enabling them by apologizing for their gross stupidity. If the 'partiers weren't what they are, they could have easily driven Meg Whitman out of the race simply by repeating those and other points.

But, like I said: that would require the 'partiers to be completely different people: smart and able to focus.

kent said...

I'm sure the picture of her with the John Birch Newsletter on her desk can all be explained too.

The current, and then-, president of the group, John McManus, confirmed that the cover fit the description of a 1995 issue of the magazine.


McManus said Palin wouldn't have had to have any connection to the society, or the journal, to have wound up with that issue on her desk.

"Any attempt to link her to the John Birch Society would be ridiculous," he said of speculation on the liberal blogs that first noticed the magazine.


"We sent thousands of copies of that newsletter out to all kinds of people trying to forestall the constitutional convention," McManus recalled. "The plan at that time was for us to send copies of that newsletter to county commissioners, mayors, state legislators, local officials."

Five minutes worth of Googling, max, was all that was necessary in order to handily deconstruct the latest in garage's sad (and increasingly ineffectual) attempted smear jobs.


Lincolntf said...

I wonder how many copies of "Prairie Fire" we would've found on Obama's desk back in the day?

Oh well, it doesn't really matter. Obama's blown his load and now it's just a matter of watching him wilt. The next couple years will be an object lesson to the people who voted as if the U.S. Presidency was "American Idol". Hopefully they'll be paying attention.
Whether his ultimate failure and defeat come as a result of his hatred, his ignorance or his philosophy will be the most interesting factor to me. What happens when cultists turn on the cult leader? It'll be fascinating to find out.

garage mahal said...

Five minutes worth of Googling, max, was all that was necessary in order to handily deconstruct the latest in garage's sad (and increasingly ineffectual) attempted smear jobs.

Smear job? It's a picture of it on her fucking desk! I don't give a shit either way, it's just funny. But you are one gullible mofo.

AC245 said...

So not one condemnation of Beck pushing Nazi propaganda? Tsk tsk. Makes me believe that the right dancing on the grave of Helen Thomas had nothing to do with anti-semitism.

... seems an awful lot like your comment in the earlier thread ...

SO there is a racist conservative poser [Pat Buchanan] on TV every single night and not one call for him to be fired? Good one!

... which you made before everyone found out that you were a Buchananophile ...

Palin's church can't be any weirder than Obama's, and if she is a Pat Buchanan Republican I feel safer. He is about the only sane Republican I've heard these past 8 years. An truthfully I thought Buchanan's joke about Washington D.C. being "Israeli occupied territory" years ago friggin hilarious, with some truth behind it. But, I'm in the minority of liberals who like Buchanan.

kent said...

The Houston chapter leader shared a quote from Pat Buchanan who also endorsed the Bircher magazine.

Pffftt. Figures that garage's semitaphobic man-crush Buchanan, on the other hand, would be an actual SUPPORTER of Birch.

Speaking of "gullible mofos" and suchlike, I mean.


Lincolntf said...

Garage, apart from Buchanan's anti-semitism, what else do you like about him? Anything?

wv: glomole

What happens when fireflies mate with rodents?

The Crack Emcee said...

Damn you, Troop,

You've got me laughing my ass off at work - making everyone wonder what's so funny - and I can't show 'em!

Fucking hilarious.

kent said...

Garage, apart from Buchanan's anti-semitism, what else do you like about him? Anything?

A little respect here, please. One of garage's heroes died in a Nazi concentration camp, you know.

Yup. Poor bastard fell out a guard tower and broke his neck.

Trooper York said...

Your welcome Crack. And you point is noted.

From on now I will portray a "different" Crack Emcee.

The Crack Emcee said...


You are a cruel, cruel man. A fucking monster.

wv: "flavelet" - which is too damn appropriate.

reader_iam said...

Beck blew it. (I'm not a regular watcher, much less anything close to a fan, but I check in, especially recently during his Friday history themed episodes, because I have relatives who ARE fans and tend to quote from those shows).

I saw a chunk of Friday's show, including the Dilling book-waving part. It was wince-inducing for anyone who actually already knew something about Diller and her work, which, of course, most people don't (most reprehensibly, Beck, given that he was focusing on her book).

He blew it. Yuck.

And Helen Thomas is a vile bitch.


No one ever said there aren't assholes from the right and the left. Did anyone?

reader_iam said...

There are plenty from the middle, too. Didn't intend to leave it out.

garage mahal said...

Yup. Poor bastard fell out a guard tower and broke his neck.

My father fought the Nazis asswipe, along with 2 of his brothers. He was a navigator on a B-17 with over 35 missions - part of the Lucky Bastard Club. So I have history in my family of actually killing Nazis. You?

Lincolntf said...

I do GM, though it was my Grandfather who I followed into the service, not my father.

Still, a familial connection to patriotic virtue doesn't grant you moral license to parrot Buchanan's Hitlerian fantasies with impunity.

garage mahal said...

And if I was parroting Buchanan's Hitlerian fantasies you would have a point.

kent said...

So I have history in my family of actually killing Nazis. You?

Assuming for even one nano-second that you're actually telling something approximating the truth -- and, quite frankly, given your track record in such matters thus far: meh -- your father and uncles:

1.)... deserve our nation's thanks;

2.)... would doubtless be mortified (and rightfully so) to discover that their son and nephew was given to nodding approvingly at soulless husks the likes of Pat "Congress is Israel-occupied territory" Buchanan. If anyone here is dishonoring their memories, therefore, either in word or deed... well: Baby, Take a Bow.

Hopefully, there is still some vestigal portion of your core, essential self still capable of feeling something even remotely approximating a plain, garden variety sense of shame... both for your noxious anti-Semitism, and your selfish attempt to cheapen the honest sacrifices of such genuine heroes as those men in your failed attempt to use them as an all-purpose "guilt" card.

My own paternal grandmother perished at the Ravensbrueck camp, north of Berlin. That's how I can routinely smell asswipes like you coming from a thousand yards off.

jeff said...

Garage, congrats on the accident of birth. Way to go. This changes everything.

Trooper York said...

Just so you know.....Andy Etchebarren has long been considered the ugliest man to have ever played professinal baseball.

He was described as "having a face they set on fire and put out with a track shoe."

Trooper York said...

That's professional baseball. Sorry.

(That means it doesn't include the Red Sox)

Trooper York said...

Personally, I always thought that Don Mossi deserves some consideration in that discussion.

Trooper York said...

And of course Willie Mcgee.

Who bears absolutely no resemblance to the Crack Emcee. I swear.

Trooper York said...

Of course, others might have players they think are uglier.

But I guess it depends who you are fan of after all. Right?

garage mahal said...

Go piss up a rope. You know nothing of me, or about me, to make any such moral judgments. That's true of me too, the only I do know though is you're neither funny or smart, mainly just a sniveling little brownshirt who runs around the internet fresh from the moronic blogs you travel from, calling everybody you can find an anti-Semite. It's sort of like wingnut gang sign language, to let your fellow brownshirts know that your here, you're one of them, and you're ready to rumble. I've been posting here for 4 yrs and I've been called an anti-semite here a total of 3 times, all in the past 2 days, from 3 clueless idiots, yourself included. You claim I hate Jews although I've never mentioned the word Jew, or hate. Talking big is easy on the internet, but I guarantee you that you would never have the courage to call that to my face. Whatever, just fuck off and go away.

The Scythian said...


What were the antisemitic gems that Beck pulled from the book's pages? Well, let's see, unions in the 1930's were fronts for Communists, and that the NEA was a haven for radicals even back then.

That's a far cry from saying that the Jews should go back to Germany and Poland, or that Buchanan's ZOG propaganda is funny and true.

Hell, even Media Matters backed off the whole "Beck is an antisemite" line this morning, instead pointing out (accurately, in my opinion) that he's simply "lazy and irresponsible".

I'm pretty sure that Glenn Beck will stick his foot in it in a big way. And when he does, he'll get the axe. But he hasn't yet.

AC245 said...

You know nothing of me, or about me, to make any such moral judgments.

"garage mahal said...
Palin's church can't be any weirder than Obama's, and if she is a Pat Buchanan Republican I feel safer. He is about the only sane Republican I've heard these past 8 years. An truthfully I thought Buchanan's joke about Washington D.C. being "Israeli occupied territory" years ago friggin hilarious, with some truth behind it. But, I'm in the minority of liberals who like Buchanan.
9/3/08 7:20 PM

We know enough.

The Scythian said...

"[T]ruthfully I thought Buchanan's joke about Washington D.C. being 'Israeli occupied territory' years ago friggin hilarious, with some truth behind it."

-- Garage Mahal snapping at the tasty ZOG bait.

AllenS said...


My father fought the Nazis asswipe, along with 2 of his brothers. He was a navigator on a B-17 with over 35 missions - part of the Lucky Bastard Club. So I have history in my family of actually killing Nazis. You?

Well, garage, you got me there, too. My old man killed Japs. He never killed a Nazi.

Trooper York said...

My dad joined the Army at 16 by borrowing his brothers ID because the guy who owned the funeral home they lived over wanted him to take over the business.

But he was just a cook.

Killed a lot of bugs though.

Of course that was with his food.

Sorry I can't be more heroic once removed.

kent said...

You know nothing of me, or about me, to make any such moral judgments.

Every cockroach finds some smidgen of comfort, I daresay, in the dull belief that it is somehow different or better than its billions of fellow vermin. More power to you, certainly, if it helps.

I've been called an anti-semite here a total of 3 times, all in the past 2 days

Well, you really do have to give these sorts of things time, after all. Others will come around as well, the longer you continue stupidly seething and spewing. Keep your eyes on the prize!

Whatever, just fuck off and go away.

Get used to disappointment.

The Crack Emcee said...

I've got the most fitting banner headline I could find today.

It's so cool - so appropriate for my blog - I may leave it up for a couple of days.

The Scythian said...

"So I have history in my family of actually killing Nazis. You?"

I do! I do! I have two great uncles who were infantrymen in the European theater in World War II, one of whom stormed the beach at Normandy. My mom's oldest sister signed up for the Women's Army Corps, but that was just before the war ended.

After that, my family's history is all about fighting Commies. One uncle fought in Korea, one in Korea and Vietnam, and another in Vietnam. My dad fought in Vietnam, too. (All were in the Army except for my uncle who fought in Korea and Vietnam, he was in the Army for Korea and in the Navy, as a Seabee, for Vietnam.)

After that I have two cousins who primarily fought boredom, as one joined in the late 1970's and the other joined in the early 1980's.

I'm kind of the last in the line, there. I signed up for the Army as a PSYOP Specialist a little while after September 11th. My goal was to serve in Afghanistan, but then there was that whole dealio in Iraq, so that's where I went.

There weren't many Nazis around, but the terrorists I fought were, more often than not, antisemitic.

So there you have it. I hope it stacks up!

AllenS said...

Thank you, Youngblood, for your service, thats more than garage can say.

AST said...

She's a tough old liberal broad. I didn't know her when she was younger, breaking through glass ceilings. All I've ever seen of her is her bad tempered diatribes posing as questions at White House briefings. Apparently she lost the idea that she was to report on actual events as opposed to her prejudices at least 15 years ago, and has done nothing since but hector press secretaries and waste other peoples' time with her left wing bilbe. Katrina vanden Heuvel can lament her passing from the daily scene, but I won't. I hope that if and when I become a crank like her, someone will have the sense to keep me from embarrassing myself and my family.

The Scythian said...

You're welcome, Allen.

Thank you for supplying me up with meals, equipment, transportation, ammunition, and everything else. And thank you for hooking me up with money to continue my education. I really appreciate that.

I don't see myself as being in competition with Garage. I happened to be young and healthy at a time of war. Not everybody is.

I just don't like it when people invoke the ghosts of their military ancestors in service of whatever rhetorical point they're trying to score at a given moment.

kent said...

I just don't like it when people invoke the ghosts of their military ancestors in service of whatever rhetorical point they're trying to score at a given moment.

This. Co-signed.

Opus One Media said...

AST said...
She's a tough old liberal broad"

WRONG. And that is the problem with you conservative idiots. She is a tough old broad and not a LIBERAL broad in any sense of the word.

That kind of "association" labeling is what is going to continue to tie the far right as the later-day party of 30s Germany - how do you like them apples - where bad behavior became Jewish behavior and called such.

AllenS said...

Good morning, Mr. House,

Would you be interested in buying some coats, boots, shoes? How about a nice jacket?

kent said...

not a LIBERAL broad in any sense of the word.

"I'm a liberal -- about as far left as you can go."

The internet makes jamming bumbled mendacities such as these back down the left's collective gullet far too easy, more days than not. Like balancing on one foot, or kneeing a Mousketeer in the groin.


Hoosier Daddy said...

The internet makes jamming bumbled mendacities such as these back down the left's collective gullet far too easy, more days than not.

Well it IS hdhouse you're talking about here so its not that hard. You could just as easily refute anything he has to say by consulting a five year old.

kent said...

Well it IS hdhouse you're talking about here so its not that hard.

hdhouse, Alpha and -- earlier, in this very thread -- garage (a.k.a., "Forest"): the doctors Howard, Fine and Howard of the Althouse site. ;)

Opus One Media said...

kent said...
not a LIBERAL broad in any sense of the word.

"I'm a liberal -- about as far left as you can go."

well Kent, I stand by my statement. She isn't a liberal in any sense that I can see or agree with. First read the definition of liberal...second, well let's take Sean hannity...he says he is a "great american"...see what I mean?

Thomas said something that no mainstream liberal would agree to or support..that she calls herself that on Faux Noise was likely meant to distance herself from the far right loonies so that there would be no confusion.

I'm reminded of the Ben Franklin quote ...An ox doesn't mind being called a bull but would, in the end, rather have back to him that which rightfully belongs".

Hoosier Daddy said...

well Kent, I stand by my statement. She isn't a liberal in any sense that I can see or agree with.

Oh well isn't that precious I mean you being the arbeiter of all things liberal. Maybe you should take a look at some of those videos of Frau Pelosi being heckled at a liberal conference. More than a few signs being held that said Stop Israei Terrorism!
Seems those liberals have a lot in common with Thomas too. Maybe its you that is out of the mainstream of contemporary liberalism, which is a pretty frightening concept.

kent said...

well Kent, I stand by my statement. She isn't a liberal in any sense that I can see or agree with.
-- HDHouse, 2010

"When I use a word," Humpty Dumpty said, in rather a scornful tone, "it means just what I choose it to mean -- neither more nor less."
-- Humpty Dumpty, 1872

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