June 1, 2010

Al and Tipper Gore separate.

"We are announcing today that after a great deal of thought and discussion, we have decided to separate. This is very much a mutual and mutually supportive decision that we have made together following a process of long and careful consideration. We ask for respect for our privacy and that of our family, and we do not intend to comment further."

They've been married for 41 years. What's happened?

In happier times:

ADDED: There may be global warming, but there's household cooling.

AND: Everyone's tweaking the same joke. Meade, in the comments, writes: "Gore-ball cooling."


Phil 314 said...

What the hell happened!?

Pastafarian said...

Indeed, what the hell? Why would people divorce after 40 years together?

Rialby said...

He cheated.

RuyDiaz said...

Talking to four other men right now: we ALL assume he's been 'seeing' one or more younger women.

Fred4Pres said...

Perhaps Al Gore is a much of a pompous asshat at home as he is in public? Yeah, I am siding with Tipper on this one.

Fred4Pres said...

Ironic that their passion.

Fred4Pres said...

Ironic that their passion cooled.

AllenS said...

They have two houses. One in Tennessee and the other one in California with all the bathrooms. Which one will Tipper choose?

Palladian said...

Wow, when even a sanctimonious cow like Tipper Gore can't stand you anymore...

Martha said...

They've been married for 41 years. What's happened?

THAT KISS---totally creepy!
can you imagine being married to THAT! Such public displays of affection are unnecessary for normal couples.

Original Mike said...

"What's happened?"

Well, Al has gone insane. That might have something to do with it.

Andrew Koenig said...

It seems to me that sometimes when one member of a couple undergoes a religious conversion that the other does not share, that conversion is cause for separation.

AllenS said...

She'll get half the money he scammed out of everyone with that Global Warming Crap.

WV: phipawns

Meade said...

Gore-ball cooling?

Michael Haz said...

I'll line up at the betting window taking bets that Al is getting his globals warmed somewhere other than at home(s).

Paul Kirchner said...

Maybe those exaggerated public displays of affection got too embarrassing. Or maybe he caught her watching one of Lord Monckton's YouTube videos debunking AGW. Or maybe he's as insufferable at home as he is in the public arena. Probably, as others have said, he wants to cash in some of his carbon-credits on an adoring young trophy.

I have had so little respect for Al Gore for so many years that nothing he does could diminish it further.

AllenS said...


When the divorce settlement comes around, don't accept any Carbon Tax Credits. Go for the cash instead.

The Drill SGT said...

Althouse, 40 years (from 1970) could even be 39 at this point in 2010

The Dude said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Pastafarian said...

Seriously; after 40+ years, why would anyone cheat? Don't you get beyond that sort of thing at that point? Doesn't the other person eventually become more important to you than your own life, let alone your own remarkably long-lived adolescent urges?

Why would you divorce that person for any reason at that point? Even if my wife loses her mind in 30 years, I'll stay with her, for fuck's sake.

What's the matter with people?

Anonymous said...

I agree - he cheated.

To much travel and too much ego.

And to many green floozies that want to mate with a god.

AllenS said...

Maybe Tipper is always forgetting to turn the lights off.

The Dude said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
lemondog said...

His carbon footprint.

Will they split the $100 million?

Pays to Go Green! Al Gore's Net Worth Jumps From $2 Million in 2000 to $100 Million in 2008

Joe said...

The reasons people get divorced is usually known only to those involved. Quite often, the reason a couple stays together is known only to themselves!

What if its as simple as both realizing that they were living completely separate lives and saw no point in carrying on the pretense?

Meade said...

Pastafarian said...

"Seriously; after 40+ years, why would anyone cheat?"

Or even 40 days.

Rialby said...

Maybe she bought low and is selling high. When you see the carbon credit market peak, you get out. Tipper wants to split the $100M he's worth today not the $1M he'll be worth when that market collapses.

AllenS said...

Joe said...
The reasons people get divorced is usually known only to those involved.

Stick around, Joe, we'll come up with the correct answers.

Jon said...

Everyone thought their marriage was still strong- Al had succesfully hid the decline.

Hoosier Daddy said...

They've been married for 41 years. What's happened?

I think your first sentence answered the second.

Michael Haz said...

Save The Gores!!!!

$9,000,000,000 Write Off said...

That's what happens when you invent Internet porn.

Fred4Pres said...

Al Gore: "Tipper made my hockey stick graph head in the wrong direction!"

AllenS said...

So, Love Story doesn't have a happy ending?

Meade said...

It doesn't take a genius (scraped from the bottom of the genius barrel) or even a nobel prize winner to know that one of the best ways to reduce one's carbon footprint is to share one roof, one car...

ErnieG said...

He cheated? I don't believe it. Why, only a total asshat...

Never mind.

Pastafarian said...

Meade -- agreed, 40 days would actually be too soon. There's a sweet spot there between those two extremes -- right around the seven year itch.

But even that seven-year cliche presupposes that the spouses are still young enough to be so self-absorbed as to allow their animal urges to overpower the regard they hold for their spouse. Nobody is a selfish adolescent after 40 years of marriage.

This is just a little odd. I'd say after 20 years you've pretty much committed yourself for the duration.

Brian Hancock said...

What chance do we have when the inventor of the Internet can't even keep his marriage together?

BJK said...

Any truth to the rumor that Tipper wanted to start censoring the content on Current TV?

(That would also make censors the only people watching the channel.)

Does anyone know if he'll be able to keep the lockbox in the Divorce Decree?

chuck said...

What happened? I would guess money and fame with a side dish of affair.

Ann Althouse said...

He survived the 7-year itch, the 14-year itch, the 21-year itch, the 28-year itch, the 35-year itch, and then... the onset of the 42-year itch was finally just too much. He had to go for some other woman's warm globes?

Trooper York said...

Is some skanky broad doing a documentary about him.

Sigivald said...

Al's love for Satanic Black Metal finally drove them apart, is my guess.

AllenS said...

Here's a good one:

"When my sister and I were growing up," Mr. Gore told a small audience made up mostly of women, "there was never any doubt in our minds that men and women were equal, if not more so."
(Source: NY Times, 08/12/00)

campy said...

Does anyone know if he'll be able to keep the lockbox in the Divorce Decree?

As long as he doesn't run for senator against Barack Obama.

Rialby said...

A man with an ego that large who loves the ability that his voice gives him to teach people that only he can save the world is bound to cheat on his wife.

Rialby said...

Al Gore probably did too.

Michael Haz said...

AllenS - It's the more so, you've always got to be on the lookout for the more so.

Michael Haz said...

He survived the 7-year itch, the 14-year itch, the 21-year itch, the 28-year itch, the 35-year itch, and then... the onset of the 42-year itch was finally just too much. He had to go for some other woman's warm globes?

He must have met Miss Calamine.

MadisonMan said...

Breaking up in public. No one looks good when that happens, yet how can a public couple avoid it?

I wonder why they announce it. Do they think people will care, or are they announcing their availability now?

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Tragic.. Other than his global warming nutery, Al Gore has been a decent good American.

ErnieG said...

Proof that the "Gore Effect" can occur indoors as well.

Original Mike said...

Railby said: "Maybe she bought low and is selling high. When you see the carbon credit market peak, you get out. Tipper wants to split the $100M he's worth today not the $1M he'll be worth when that market collapses."

That might very well be.

AllenS said...

Hard to believe that the Clinton marriage will last longer than the Gore's. I guess if you never see each other, that helps.

Wince said...


You mean "Gore-ball bluing," don't you?

AllenS said...

Alpha, you pass judgment on us all of the time.

Anonymous said...

I've got my money on a West Coast barbie from the same mold as Laurie David.

john said...

Maybe she touched his cloak too often, that would start bothering any decent prophet after a while.

Or maybe she caught him wearing her makeup.

Or maybe he is leaving her for Maurice.

Jon said...

Bill Clinton must be loving this.

Michael Haz said...

What finally did them in was Al constantly demanding "I want a recount!" each time they had sex.

Michael Haz said...

@larsPosena - Sheryl Crow is single, I believe.

Original Mike said...

"Alpha, you pass judgment on us all of the time."

Allen 1, Alpha 0

Anonymous said...

Unlike the oceans and global temperatures, maybe something was not rising?

AllenS said...

She might have been having hot flashes, and it could have been too much for Al to handle. How about that one, Alpha?

mccullough said...

It's W.'s fault.

AlphaLiberal said...

I do pass judgment on you for things you say and write about public issues. More for the vacuous and unfounded attacks on people who disagree with you and the inability to have a rational conversation.

Plus the conservative hate, there's that. Lots of that.

Not for your personal lives and relationships. For example, all I've had to say on the Althouse-Meade thing is basically "congrats."

It's a personal ethic.

I wish the Gores well.

Anonymous said...

I read he had a incredibly heated affair with the ultimate MILF - Mother Earth - and Tipper wasn't having any of it.

Anonymous said...

Or maybe Al got tired of turning his Frank Zappa down when his wife was in the house.

Greg Hlatky said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
William said...

I always thought that the happiest marriages were the dullest. Inert matter doesn't explode. Maybe not.

AlphaLiberal said...

It's interesting. This news was released only this morning but has probably already gotten more news coverage than the cuckolding/payola sex/embezzling scandal engulfing Senator John Ensign (R-NV).

An interesting study in contrasts. Senator John Ensign is under investigation by the FBI for misuse of campaign funds and, I think, for the way his parent's paid off his mistress' husband to keep quiet. May have been law breaking there, too.

Oh, and then there's the legislative favors he did for an energy company funneling hush money to the cuckolded husband.

Wonder how his marriage is going?

Is their an "Ensign" tag at Althouse? Not likely!

AllenS said...

I believe Alpha is passing judgment on Senator John Ensign.

Plus the liberal hate, there's that. Lots of that.

Trooper York said...

AlphaLiberal spouts
I do pass judgment on you for things you say and write about public issues......Not for your personal lives and relationships.

Jeeez, Sarah Palin is gonna be so happy that you changed your policy.

Oh wait that doesn't count.

Anonymous said...


"I do pass judgment on you..."

Typical humorless, lefty narcissistic droning. Here we are having a few yucks at the expense of a humorless narcissistic bore, and you make the mistake of thinking anyone gives a shit what you think. Lighten up. It's better to be a witty prick than just a prick.

Anonymous said...

"Is their an "Ensign" tag at Althouse? Not likely!"

Please, comparing Ensign to Gore ala newsworthyness is like comparing Pluto to Jupiter. Gore won the Nobel for heaven's sake. He is important - the savior of the planet. Just ask him.

A.W. said...

i just had a epiphany.

A few weeks back they bought oceanfront property.

Now they are separating.

Al Gore is planning to give tipper the oceanfront property! Then when the oceans rise, she will die. he's trying to kill her!

Devious, devious.

(yes, that is all a joke.)

Palladian said...

"I wish the Gores well."

I wish them well gored.

GMay said...

Hey Alpha, since you're in your sanctimonious mode are you still peddling that Will Folks stuff you were last week?

Not that you were being judgmental or hateful or anything like that. Just good old-fashioned concern right?

Anton said...

I'm with Tipper on this one. The power-lust that must have accompanied his rise to world-wide Goracle status no doubt led to a bed that floweth over.

sonicfrog said...

Why doesn't anybody stay together anymore?

Anonymous said...

Maybe they've wanted to separate for a long time (for any number of reasons), but they've stayed together so he'd have the option of running for president, and now he's definitely decided not to run for president again.

pm317 said...

It must have been hard to cope the loss(read theft) of 2000 election -- losing a presidential election in the way he had to in 2000 is monumental. More so for Tipper because she may have had to put up with his depression and mood swings(I can't imagine there were none). To top it here comes the global warming debacle which may have just been the last straw. The stress of it all and whatever they both did to keep it together may not have been enough.

Anonymous said...

Al just sold Bill Clinton $20,000 worth of nooky offsets.

Anonymous said...

After putting up with him all these years, it's Tipper who deserves the Oscar.

It will be interesting to see who gets the CA beachfront property.

I'm betting ManBearPig already has his new main squeeze out there.

AlphaLiberal said...

More interesting news about Senator John Ensign, which makes one wonder why the press doesn't find the story interesting:

* Republican Senator John Ensign who was schtupping Cynthia Hampton, who was married to one of his top aides, Douglas Hampton.

* Republican Senator John Ensign was a member of the "C Street" fellowship in Washington, DC. A crypto-Christian haven for religious hypocrites.

* "In early 2008, Ensign was confronted by Douglas Hampton regarding the affair. Ensign then contacted political and corporate supporters in Nevada, seeking work for Hampton." "Ensign arranged for Hampton to join a political consulting firm in Nevada and lined up several corporations who had been Ensign campaign donors as lobbying clients for Hampton. Senior aides, such as Hampton, are prohibited from lobbying the Senate for a year after leaving their posts. Hampton said he and Ensign were aware of the lobbying restriction but chose to ignore it."

*"In 2008, after Hampton began working for the political consulting firm, Ensign and his staff repeatedly contacted federal agencies, often after requests from Hampton, on behalf of the companies that were Hampton's clients."

How this story doesn't generate more press, I will never understand. It's got sex, money, greed, corruption, hypocrisy, false religiosity. Hunh

Methadras said...

So will Tipper get half the internet in the divorce?

pm317 said...

Read (cope with..) in my previous comment.

you need the constitution of Hillary to go through a grand theft (like the '08 primary or '00 general for Gore) and still be standing and being productive and making yourself useful to the country you love and to the rest of the world. Hats off to that likable enough woman.

Methadras said...

AlphaLiberal said...

Judge not lest ye be judged, bitches.

Ha!!! You wouldn't know the first thing about that now would you. You've been judged to be an unmitigated liar and rancid propagandist by me. You lie at every turn. Nothing you've said here in your entire tenure has been truthful.

AlphaLiberal said...

Hey Alpha, since you're in your sanctimonious mode are you still peddling that Will Folks stuff you were last week? .

No, not so much. I flagged it with caveats that it may not be true. But I have lost interest, mainly because the accused candidate doesn't seem to be the sort of religious hypocrite so many are.

You'll note I stuck to the reports as reports and didn't go off with the sort of assumptions we see up and down this page.

Patm said...

Gore has gone so bananas-crazy in the past decade, he probably feels he is too great to be married to a mere mortal.

I hope Tipper takes him for half his billion.

I wonder who he bought the mansion in Califonia for...besides to fit his ego?

GMay said...

Hey Alpha, that's generated far more pres than Barney Frank's escapades, which make Ensign seem like a boy scout.

I guess you're equally appalled by that lack of coverage as well? Not to mention that Ensign has what to do with the topic of the thread? But don't let that stop you, you non-judgmental person you.

Anonymous said...

Judge not lest ye be judged, bitches.

Hey, who here's even all that afraid of being judged? I'm not. I've never understood why people get all up in arms about someone, who they neither know nor respect the opinion of, may think something negative about them.

Alpha Lib, you're welcome to judge me.

- Lyssa

Anonymous said...

(Please don't judge me on my horrible sentence structure above, though!)

GMay said...

AL lies: "I flagged it with caveats that it may not be true. But I have lost interest, mainly because the accused candidate doesn't seem to be the sort of religious hypocrite so many are.

You'll note I stuck to the reports as reports and didn't go off with the sort of assumptions we see up and down this page."

If by flagging with caveats and sticking to reports you mean that you said you'd "grab some popcorn", then yeah, I guess ya didn't get sucked into that whole charade did ya?

As long as you believe your own bullshit, that's all that really matters.

traditionalguy said...

Poor Al Gore. First he loses the Presidency and now he loses his family. All he has left is a Nobel Prize for climate superstition and some slopy seconds from Rielle Hunter.

AllenS said...

Poor Al Gore. First he loses the Presidency and now he loses his family. All he has left is AlphaLiberal. Even the earth has cooled to him.

Brian Hancock said...

@ Methadras

That was the best line yet!

jamboree said...

Well, he clearly went insane, but really, after 41 years, what's the point?

WV: Waster

John Stodder said...

ALS, re Ensign: How this story doesn't generate more press, I will never understand.

Given all the details you were able to cite, I think the press dove in, got the story and has moved on. The real question is, how does Ensign continue to be viable?

dick said...


And Ensign has exactly how much to do with Gore. Nada. Guess you just like to redirect the news to items you can bloviate on as you so frequently do.

Scott M said...

Been very busy today. Just found out about this and haven't read through the thread (though I will). My first gut instinct is...HOLY GHOSTWRITER, BATMAN...I SMELL A BOOK ADVANCE TO TIPPER!

On with the thread reading...

Moose said...

She finally stopped believing him when he said those gay videos he was watching were for "global warming" research?

Scott M said...

My second gut instinct is that she's tired of being Mrs. ManBearPig...although someone's probably already made that joke...

reader_iam said...

What a hypocrite you are about hypocrisy, Alpha.

JAL said...

pm317 said...
It must have been hard to cope the loss(read theft) of 2000 election -- losing a presidential election in the way he had to in 2000 is monumental

is a monumental lie.

There fixed it.

Go google the election recount by the NY Times and other papers of note.

Alpha -- I believe the coverup and 3 monkey stance of the MSM in regard to John Edwards (they were running for the presidential nomination while he was sleeping with Hunter for cryin'
out loud!) should be a major story. Don't you?

Unknown said...

Of the Willie, Hilla, Albert, and Tipper show in '92, I always thought Tip was the only real human being.

Presumably, Climategate, and its attendant loss of godhood for Albert, has taken its toll on the Living Redwood (not joking) and things just got too tense at chez Gore.

Sixty Grit said...

And he made her spray paint his bald spot one time too many. All women have their breaking point.

You never know.

Meade said...

Pastafarian said...

"Seriously; after 40+ years, why would anyone cheat?"

Or even 40 days.

Thus spake the husband of Althouse.

AllenS said...

Hard to believe that the Clinton marriage will last longer than the Gore's. I guess if you never see each other, that helps.

It's a merger, not a marriage. Be interesting to see if Hilla stays when she doesn't get the nomination.

Methadras said...

So will Tipper get half the internet in the divorce?

Very good. The divorce will be adjudicated by the W3C.

PS Alpha does the Alinsky thing about judgment and then makes the usual speech about conservative hate. He really doesn't see it, does he?

JorgXMcKie said...

It must have been hard to cope the loss(by being so incredibly wooden and lying that the voters mistook him for Pinnochio) of 2000 election -- losing a presidential election in the way he had to in 2000 is monumental.

Big Mike said...

Maybe he linked to the issue of True Men where flying rodents ripped the flesh from somebody's body -- and one of the articles was titled "Don't be Sucker -- Cheat."

Scott M said...

If there is anything like a global warming cabal...not saying there is, but stay with me...than what we should see over the next weeks and months are key figures starting to distance themselves or divest themselves from it. Why? Because very few people would be better educated on what went on behind closed doors than Gore's soon-to-be ex-wife.

Frankly, there doesn't have to be some Star Chamber cabal re AGW in order for this to happen. Keep on eye on the key players for the rest of the year though with this split in mind.

Triangle Man said...

I was going to say he finally came out about being a Frank Zappa fan, but Quayle beat me to it.

Perhaps Tipper finally caught a chill from the Gore effect??

Scott M said...

By the by, Alphaliberal waxing biblical about judging others has simply got to rank up there with John Denver being hauled in front of the Parents' Music Resource Center on the ridiculousness scale.

Roger J. said...

I agree with Lem. I think the Gores are decent people. Don't agree with their politics nor the global warming baloney, but I am sorry for the Gores and their family--41 years with the same partner, in this day and age, is something to be proud of IMO. Seems to me to be an excessive amount of schadenfreude on this thread.

Alpha--go fuck yourself.

jamboree said...

They say there was no affair in their email to friends. Who knows? Weird that the Clintons are still married and the Gores aren't.

Hoosier Daddy said...

I think the Gores are decent people. Don't agree with their politics nor the global warming baloney

I'll have to respectfully disagree there. I think his decency leaves a lot to be desired when his desired cures for 'global warming' will leave a whole lot of impoverishment while he resides in a gazillion sq/ft house on the beach. He may have been decent but I think that was before he became a con man.

The Dude said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Roger J. said...

Hoosier Daddy--disagreement noted and thanks for the courteous disagreement BTW :)

Anonymous said...

I'm surprised. I've always suspected that Al is the extravagant one.

I wonder if they're invited to Chelsea Clinton's wedding this summer.

bagoh20 said...

Why is this automatically a bad thing. 41 years may have been just enough and both want to live differently now. They may both be much happier for the remainder of their years pursuing new lives enjoying a long repressed freedom and independence with plenty of money to do it as they wish. I assume they both want this over what they had, a win - win. Congratulations to both of them.

Roger J. said...

Bagh--you make an excellent point--I guess I am just sad to see such a long term relationship collapse--whatever the case,it is their lives and I wish them both well.

Trooper York said...

I was watching "Pawn Stars" on the History Channel over the Labor Day Weekend. You know the show about the Pawn shop in Vegas where all these weird people bring in weird stuff to pawn or sell.

Anyway this weird Guido guy from Brooklyn with fifty Pez Dispensers in a big carrying case. He had a real asshole attitude and even called the hapless retard Chumley a Chootch which is Sicilian slang for a big dummy. They bargain back and forth and Rick the owner offers him like $100 for the whole collection which makes the guy freak out. He grabs all his Pez Dispensers and leaves in a huff.

When they interview outside he goes “That freakin guy doesn’t know what he is talking about. $100 for a collection that includes the original Batman, Mickey Mouse, Bozo and Popeye Pez Dispensers? You what that is? It’s an insult to the Pez community!”

I have always pictured AlphaLiberal as a political Pez Dispenser. A long emaciated body with a bulbous head that spits out talking points and drivel like Pez.

But lately he has become an insult to the Pez community

Ralph L said...

That email could use some editing.

"We're separating. MYOB"

Martin Gale said...

Shouldn't they try to stay together for the sake of the chillin'?

AllenS said...

I guess what makes this newsworthy is the simple fact that Al Gore wants to tell everyone else how to live.

X said...

I gotta go with what pm317. It was the 2000 election, and that means Bush is to blame. Could it really ever have been anyone else's fault?

Phil 314 said...

It's better to be a witty prick than just a prick.

Quote of the day.

Freeman Hunt said...

I think that Al Gore is really awful, but it's also really awful to hear that a forty year marriage is about to dissolve. Too bad. Something terrible must have happened to do this after all that time.

Freeman Hunt said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

The planet only has a few years left, so we must enjoy ourselves while we can.

I think the lefties are upset that the Palins haven't separated.

DADvocate said...

Perhaps Al Gore is a much of a pompous asshat at home as he is in public? Yeah, I am siding with Tipper on this one.

That's my guess, too.

bagoh20 said...

"Seems to impart an instability to children's lives that they have a very hard time escaping throughout life."

It could, but I just don't see that. My mother is on husband #4, yet my sibling and I are happy, stable and normal. Divorce is a norm nowadays, and the close nuclear family we idolize is not at all the dominant form in history. It can be great or terrible as can be a divorce.

I'm glad that my mother divorced my father. He was a good man, but she was unhappy and the divorce did make her happy and our family carried on quite successfully. Additionally, my father stayed close and in my life till his death. Divorce does not have to be a terrible conflict with hard feelings. In my family's case, it was simply a decision to make an improvement and fix a mistake. Nobody, had any animosity afterward.

At Christmas, we would often have 3 different fathers visiting simultaneously. My mother is an exceptional woman.

Anonymous said...

I honestly thought last week after reading something about Gore's sleazy "green" fortune, how can that moralistic woman stay with such a thief?

I think Tipper secretly watches Glen Beck and now can no longer live with such a large scale criminal.

lucid said...

I bet Al's globes have encountered a new locus of intense warming.

save_the_rustbelt said...

should we start a betting pool for the identity of Al's "trophy wife?"

Mrs. Rusty is betting on "male menopause" a psychiatric condition well understood by mature women.

dbp said...

He is quite mad, you see?

Rialby said...

It actually reminds me of the Sandra Day O'Connor story.

Her husband suffered from severe dementia and fell in love with another woman. She wanted him to be happy so she blessed his other relationship.

EnigmatiCore said...

Her body language in that pics makes a lot more sense now.


vw: rearesse -- could this be the reason why?

Trooper York said...

Al Gore deserves whatever he gets.

When he lost a close "disputed" election he didn't man up like Tricky Dick Nixon did when he got screwed by Daley in Cook County and Johnson in Texas. It was the same exact situation; a sitting vice president lost a razor close election. By protesting and dragging it out he encouraged the crazies on both sides to poison the well to the point that we are at today.

Al Gore is the Danielle Staub of politics. He shows up a fundraiser for a baby with cancer with a bunch of paroled felons and Hells Angels and wonders why people think he's a freakin psycho.

Trooper York said...

I feel sorry for Tipper though. But she can do better.

When will Phil Spector be out on parole?

Meade said...

Reminder: Separation and divorce are two distinct events. Not every separation ends in divorce.

Meade said...

Rush was talking about this today.

The Dude said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Michael Haz said...

Al wanted Tipper to modernize her personal grooming. Tipper wanted no part of waxing.

They'll both blame bush.

Jeremy said...

Sixty Grit said..."When there is a fortune involved, and one party hires a lawyer, divorce is a certainty. The best family lawyers will not leave money on the table. Couldn't happen to two more deserving individuals."

And you base this on your extensive experience as a divorce attorney?

And what in the world do you mean when you say it "Couldn't happen to two more deserving individuals."

Two people who evidently loved love each other and remained married for 40 years, deserved...what?

Half the people in America get divorced...what have you got to say about them?

Jeremy said...

Trooper Dolt - Al Gore is now a "freakin psycho?"

Sometimes you tea baggers really outdo yourselves.


Jeremy said...

Needy said..."Rush was talking about this today."

Of course, look at all the energy Al and Tipper saved by remaining married for 40 years...contrary to the fat man and his three ex-wives.
(Or...how about YOU and the Queen?)

And don't forget all of the energy it takes to woof down that food the fat man shovels in every day...along with those illicit drugs.

AllenS said...

Wow, Jeremy thinks that teabagging is involved. Well, I guess he should know.

Jeremy said...

As to: "Perhaps Al Gore is a much of a pompous asshat at home as he is in public? Yeah, I am siding with Tipper on this one."

DADvocate said..."That's my guess, too."

Well, then she must be as dumb as a fucking stump because it evidently took her 40 years to figure it out, huh?


Jeremy said...

Allen The Racist -Drop those balls out of your mouth and try to think for a few minutes.

95% of the people who post here every day are tea baggers...and you're right at the top of the list.

Jeremy said...

All of the whining about Gore's efforts to educate people about global warming...and the tea baggers here (just like all of them) will be the first to beg for help from "big government" when the shit hits the fan.

AllenS said...


AlphaLiberal said...
I do pass judgment on you for things you say and write about public issues. More for the vacuous and unfounded attacks on people who disagree with you and the inability to have a rational conversation.

Plus the liberals hate, there's that. Lots of that.

I think he's talking to you.

Peter V. Bella said...

I bet the Enquirer will have the real story.

vnjagvet said...

Jeremy is trying to make up for lost time on this thread. Alpha must have called for reinforcements.

WV: grimis - what Jeremy's comments make me do.

Rialby said...

Jeremy - why do you write about homosexual behavior in a pejorative fashion? You act as if there's something wrong with being a homosexual.

Methadras said...

Jeremy said...

Needy said..."Rush was talking about this today."

Of course, look at all the energy Al and Tipper saved by remaining married for 40 years...contrary to the fat man and his three ex-wives.
(Or...how about YOU and the Queen?)

And don't forget all of the energy it takes to woof down that food the fat man shovels in every day...along with those illicit drugs.

Ahhhh... The human cum dumpster, Jeremy shows up again to let people make a deposit. So, Jeremy, how much of Mr. ManBearPigs love nectar did you have to guzzle to work up the nerve to show up here to defend him? Oh, looks like you missed a little on the side.

Eric said...

Seriously; after 40+ years, why would anyone cheat? Don't you get beyond that sort of thing at that point?

Well, the Gores claim there's no third party. But even if that's not true, it's hardly unusual for wealthy men to cheat with younger women.

Alec Plumb said...

Couldn't happen to a more sanctimonious, hypocritical windbag. And don't get me started on Al.

Alec Plumb said...

Well, the Gores claim there's no third party.

That depends on what the meaning of "is" is.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

Hey Tipper-

If you want some tips on thing you could do to keep your man interested, maybe you could listen to some rock lyrics.

Jeremy said...

ABP said..."Couldn't happen to a more sanctimonious, hypocritical windbag. And don't get me started on Al."


And he could ONLY keep her around for 40 years.

Must have been horrible.


Jeremy said...

Methadras said..."Ahhhh...human cum..."

I bet being one of them good 'ol tea bagger types...and of course holding those testicles in your mouth so often...makes you kind of a con-o-sewer of such things...

Want to try a new flavor?

Jeremy said...

Rialby said..."Jeremy - why do you write about homosexual behavior in a pejorative fashion?"

Nobody says tea baggers who let people dangle balls in their mouth have to be homosexuals.

There are plenty of wing nut women tea baggers, too.

Are you jealous of the women?

*And don't forget...it was the tea baggers themselves who chose the name and started the "tea bagging" others routine.

Jeremy said...

Allen - How do you type with a sack in front of your eyes?

And why do you hate people of color?

Methadras said...

Jeremy said...

Methadras said..."Ahhhh...human cum..."

I bet being one of them good 'ol tea bagger types...and of course holding those testicles in your mouth so often...makes you kind of a con-o-sewer of such things...

Want to try a new flavor?

You only wish I was a tea-bagger. Wish fulfillment isn't one of your strong suits, skippy.

Methadras said...

Jeremy said...

Allen - How do you type with a sack in front of your eyes?

And why do you hate people of color?

How do you type with both hands in your pants?

DADvocate said...

Maybe Al is like Jeremy, or Jeremy is like Al. Both asshats. But are they similar asshats? Do they share the same asshat style? Could be. They're both freakin psychos.

Be said...

My great aunt, after more than fifty years on the farm with my great uncle (not to mention 10+ kids - Big WNY Polish Catholic famly) actually divorced him, as she was "tired of being married." When, a couple years later, Great Uncle was diagnosed with cancer, she was there with him - took care of him until he died.


My mother (died last year; am still trying to find good words about her - maybe these are it?) divorced my dad very uglily when I was four or five - early 70s, anyway. Just before 9/11, when my dad had the multiple bypass, she was actually the one who was taking care of him, but didn't say anything about it. When he got better, they kept up a weekly routine - she'd cook for him, he'd take out the trash for her and her upstairs neighbor. This continued until he got the word that she'd been taken to the hospital last Fall.

Who knows why people divorce? Maybe there's a problem with the institution? Maybe we have expectations nowadays that weren't in effect when the institution was developed, way back when? I don't know.

(BTW - despite Tipper's past politics, I actually voted for Gore against Bush in the early aughts.)

Be said...

(Or is it "ought?") shrug.

Freeman Hunt said...

Local weatherman posted on Twitter:

"40 years?! Screw that. who wants to relearn a new woman."


bagoh20 said...

Tipper was right. Look around.

Revenant said...

They've been married for 41 years. What's happened?

He suddenly realized that he was married to an ignorant bitch?

Revenant said...

I wonder who he bought the mansion in Califonia for...besides to fit his ego?

I've lived in Tennessee and I live in California. The only question in my mind is "why the heck did they keep the place in Nashville?".

Nichevo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Nichevo said...

Blogger Revenant said...

They've been married for 41 years. What's happened?

SHe suddenly realized that she was married to an ignorant bitch?


Simon Kenton said...

Judging by that picture, she got tired of having her interiority raped.

Largo said...

Feeding trolls invites trolls folks. Just a reminder.

Be said...

A friend of mine, when I mentioned this, was all like, "She's available?! Does Dee Snider know?"

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