May 20, 2010

"Republican success in 2010 can be boiled down to two words..."

"... Rush Limbaugh."


Dark Eden said...

Rush has been around for years doing essentially the same thing. If you boil this down to talk radio you're looking for something to blame other than what is starting you in the face.

Joe said...

Not entirely, or even in a majority sense...
1) Thank Obama, Reid, and Pelosi (Their agenda and unwillingness to compromise enough to bring 10-15% GOP participation was/is critical)
2) Voters. Voters determined that they really didn't approve of 1) above and resolved to do something about it.

Beck and Limbaugh might be the lightning rods around which they collect and providers of information concerning the movement and the Administration/Regime.

But absent 1) and 2) above there is no Tea Party, no GOP Revival.

Joe said...

Dark Eden, you misuderstand Zev Chafetz..I thought it was a blaming article too. It's not, it's a CREDITING article.

traditionalguy said...

I wondered when you would blog about this one. It is a surprisingly fair assesment of the state of political discourse. El Rushbo is a tremendous analyst of the spin coming out of both sides in DC and its new Government media. I hope he can stay well and keeps his aim straight like Gary Cooper in the Sargent York film.

Dark Eden said...

Either way its not accurate. There's a lot more going on here than Rush. (No offense Rush!) If Rush wasn't around, the Tea Parties would still be here.

Dustin said...

""Republican success in 2010 can be boiled down to two words...""

Obama Deficit

garage mahal said...

No mention in the article of the special election in PA-12, in a district McCain won by 17 points, where the Republican got trounced by a Democrat. Hmmmph!

Hoosier Daddy said...

Too bad the MSM won't show the Dems in Congress giving Presidente Calderone` a standing ovation after he got done telling us what a shitty country we are for having the audacity to insist that people from Mexico follow our immigration laws. Oh and that its our fault that his country is being overrun by drug lords.

That would probably guarantee a 70 seat turnover.

lemondog said...

4 words:

Bal oney

Barack Obama

Joe said...

GM, would that be the election in a district 2:1 DEMOCRAT?

Hoosier Daddy said...

GM, would that be the election in a district 2:1 DEMOCRAT?

Don't forget they're racists too. Murtha even admitted it.

Jon said...


McCain won the district by less than 1 point, not 17 points.

And that was only because the people there were mad at Obama for insulting them during the PA primary campaign. This is a 2-1 Dem district that voted for Kerry in 2004, and would certainly have voted for Hillary over McCain in 2008 if she'd been the Dem nominee.

garage mahal said...

In the only matchup pitting a Republican against a Democrat, the Democrat won. So much for that Republican Wave.

Tank said...


Of course, the Dem was doing his best impersonation of a Repub.

Dustin said...

"No mention in the article of the special election in PA-12, in a district McCain won by 17 points, where the Republican got trounced by a Democrat. Hmmmph!"

What a strange reaction. It's a district with 20 point democrat advantage for this particular office. It's interesting that they went 5 points for the GOP for a totally different office, but for this office, the GOP made substantial gains over party representation.

How is PA-12 not an additional sign that the democrats are losing support? They did, after all, lose quite a bit of ground for this district's house race.

When the democrats have to point to a district where their election result was more than ten points worse than their actual registration advantage and historical result advantage, that's a sign of deep insecurity.

Alas, I'm disappointed this district kept electing Murtha and wants to continue to attempt to get as much pork as possible. That's not very patriotic. As many say, democrats are still good at appealing to social conservatives and promising goodies, so the GOP needs to be more effective in countering that.

But we can't win every district we have a massive disadvantage in. Mccain support is a pretty lame proxy for conservatism, as most realize.

MadisonMan said...

Results from an experiment performed with no controls aren't worth much.

tim maguire said...

If you look to the NYT to decide what's "right wing" then you're wrong right out of the gate.

Joe said...

In the only matchup pitting a Republican against a Democrat, the Democrat won. So much for that Republican Wave.

A d-base of ONE is pretty much meaningless. But if it helps you sleep at night, Garage dream on...

Why did David Obey quit? If the "wave" is a mythical beast.

Anonymous said...

Republican success in 2010 can be boiled down to two OTHER words:

Barack Obama

Scott said...

I think Chafets overstates his case a little bit. After all, he is selling a book.

But to say Limbaugh is alone, or even primarily, the prime mover behind the conservative movement is to ignore Buckley, Goldwater, Reagan, and the hundreds of others who have played their parts.

The ongoing rejection of statism by the American people is wonderful to behold.

Hoosier Daddy said...

Please don't get garage upset. He's liable to punch someone in the face.

Michael said...

Garage: Pa-12 means there is no problem with the Dems crushing the Republicans in the fall. There is no other takeaway and you have absolutely taken the wind out of this conversation with that.

Joe said...

Michael you make a good point, the new Meme is "If Republicans don't win EVERY race, they've lost."

So, I guess it's counter-point must ALSO be true, IF a Democrat loses a race, the Democrats must ahve lost.

garage mahal said...

Remember November!

garage mahal said...

Actually Critz won because he ran unapologetically on trade reform. Something brain dead Democrats cannot get through their thick skulls.

ricpic said...

Hey garage, since you're so convinced PA-12 signals the return of Democrat strength get the word out to all the Dems up for reelection to run proudly on King Obama's record. Please!

Unknown said...

Whatever Republican success there is this year, none of it will come from Michael Steele and the Assistant Democrats.

One point that needs to be mentioned in the PA-12, is that the spread was only 8 points. Considering the race was run similar to NY-23, yeah, they screwed up (Tip O'Neill's maxim, "Awll Pawlitics are local", is the key), but the Demo did run against The Zero, so analysis isn't as one-sided as garage would like.

Hoosier Daddy said...

Too bad the MSM won't show the Dems in Congress giving Presidente Calderone` a standing ovation after he got done telling us what a shitty country we are for having the audacity to insist that people from Mexico follow our immigration laws. Oh and that its our fault that his country is being overrun by drug lords.

That would probably guarantee a 70 seat turnover.

You may see it in a few ads this fall.

At one point, he said, "Wherever there is a Mexican, there is Mexico". Given the number of Americans who have retired to places like Taxco, it would be interesting to say, "Wherever there is an American, there is the United States", and see how that goes down in Old Mexico.

Considering we occupied about a quarter of the country in 1847, it might even be more fun to say we think we want it back now.

John Stodder said...

I was prepared to scoff because I tend to view Limbaugh as far less influential than most people think, given that, like Fox News, his audience is enormous only when compared to other similar media, but is a teacup in the ocean compared with the voting public.

But Chafets makes a couple of good points. The GOP was utterly keening and near-prostate after Obama won in 2008. The Washington party's first instinct was to protect themselves by going along with Obama, seeking slight mitigations at the edges. That's clearly what Obama expected too. He figured he'd present the GOP with a bill with 110 percent of what he wanted, the GOP would bargain him down to 90 percent, and both sides would claim victory.

That it didn't work out that way is probably due to Limbaugh's ability to use the GOP's feebleness to his own ends, scaring them into thinking they had to go along with him or face further damage. When someone is cowering in a crouch, they don't care whether the blows are coming from the left side or the right side, they just want it to stop. Limbaugh scared them more than Obama.

It turned out that, strategically, Limbaugh was right. The "party of no" was a good political strategy. That wasn't clear in early '08.

The other way in which Limbaugh probably helped the GOP was in admonishing the tea party not to become a third party. Since I don't measure the rise and fall of the sun by Limbaugh, that didn't seem like a particularly big deal, but I guess to the TPs, it was.

It'll be interesting to see what he does with the mortal threat posed by Rand Paul. I don't listen to him much; he's probably already addressed it. But Paul's comment on the Civil Rights movement move the TP from the mainstream to the far outer reaches. So it'll be interesting to see how they get out of this predicament.

garage mahal said...

Wish I would have saved all the smack and predictions I've been hearing the past 6 months. Which Scott was it here predicting a 80 seat swing for Republicans?

Too many jims said...

Scott said...The ongoing rejection of statism by the American people is wonderful to behold.

Huh? Maybe in some primaries but I think it is early to make that declaration. The most obvious example of your thesis (I think) would be Rand Paul and he has begun walking away from some of his most anti-statist rhetoric. And I bet he will be walking away from some of his other anti-statist positions (e.g. Social Security, agriculture policy, the gold standard and the role of the military) or soften them seriously before November.

GMay said...

I'd say Dark Eden nails it right out of the starting gate.

I enjoy it when people tell me I get my opinions from a man I neither read nor listen to, or from a station I never watch.

Tyrone Slothrop said...

Rush is the keeper of the flame, he is not the forest fire.

John Stodder said...

Wish I would have saved all the smack and predictions I've been hearing the past 6 months. Which Scott was it here predicting a 80 seat swing for Republicans?

You really think that's off the table? I sure don't. The polls for Obama are as bad as they've been. The PA-12 result shows that Dems can win a Democratic district if they put a lot of muscle and money into it, and if they run a candidate from the hard right. In other words, it shows nothing. They won't run that many conservative candidates, and with dozens of seats to defend, they won't be able to apply the same firepower to each one as can be done in a special election. Moreover, the Reeps are slow learners but they do eventually learn, and the PA-12 campaign showed them what not to do.

I am not predicting an 80-seat swing, or making any prediction at all. But a dramatic shift in power toward the GOP in Congress is still very much a possibility.

I'm Full of Soup said...

You can't dispute that Obama is in the midst of a losing streak...VA, NJ, MA and PA. Obama campaigned for and supported the loser.

So a landslide is very possible when like it or not, Obama is literally [heh] on the November ballot in every state.

AFG said...

""Republican success in 2010 can be boiled down to two words...""

Obama's Black

Fred4Pres said...

Rush is very important. But to say everything is on him is incorrect.

garage mahal said...

Yes, a Republican landslide in Nov. is still a possibility!

Joe said...

Obama's Black

I agree it's OBVIOUSLY Racism....why else would anyone oppose such a great Teleprompter Reader?

Big Mike said...

Actually, I think the NYT is more to credit for Republican resurgence. Once people stopped believing in what they, and the LA Times, the Washington Post, the Philly Inquirer, etc., were putting out there, contrasted with what Joe already pointed out way upthread, the rest was bound to follow.

Joe said...

Garage define "Land Slide" would you? I want to pin you down for post-November analysis.

garage mahal said...

Ok, I'm predicting Repubs pick up 18 seats in the House, and 3 in the Senate. There, I'm on record.

Synova said...

That's really silly.

Limbaugh has been around forever and he didn't stop Obama, so...

Although I suppose Obama calling him out by name made a difference, still...

He can't *drive* anything. What he can do is notice which way the parade is headed and jump out in front of it. I think he's probably pretty good at doing that.

victoria said...

And their failure can be boiled down to 2 words, Rush Limbaugh. Why anyone would listen to that douche bag is beyond me.That man has no love for America or the American people. And likening him to Gary Cooper, Sargent York and John Wayne is ridiculous.
He is no patriot, he is an entertainer.

Mark my words, no great rebellion in November. Same old, same old.

Alex said...


Ok, I'm predicting Repubs pick up 18 seats in the House, and 3 in the Senate. There, I'm on record.

When the GOP picks up 70 seats in the House and 7 in the Senate, will you be on suicide watch?

Alex said...

victoria - Pauline Kael also claimed not to know anyone who voted for Nixon in '72. Nice little bubble you live in.

Jon said...

@John Stodder

It's important to keep expectations realistic. As much as I'd like to see it happen, Republicans are not going to gain 80 seats.

In 2006, when Bush had an approval rating in the 30s- with Katrina, Iraq, and Mark Foley scandal creating an environment that was absolutely toxic for the GOP- the Dems gained... 31 seats.

Gaining 40+ seats in a single cycle is very hard. Republicans could do very well this fall by historical standards, and still fall a few seats short of retaking the House- so it's not a good idea to be making that the bar for success, let alone raising the bar to essentially impossible levels with talk of 60, 70, or 80 seat gains.

bagoh20 said...

2 words: over due. I'm greatly appreciative of the Tea Party effect of people finally seeing that the government is getting too big to sustain, but it may be too late to reverse it without great pain. It will be reversed no matter what, either by political will or necessity, but the dependency is so pervasive that even those wanting smaller government will have to make great sacrifices. We will see how serious we are about avoiding disaster or prolonged malaise, which are the only two alternatives to scaling back government. This is true worldwide, not just here.

I'm more than prepared to sacrifice much of what I get from government: my S.S., less cops, less teachers, less fireman, etc. That, of course, comes way after the nonessential government employees and their exorbitant benefits that that the majority paying for them cannot enjoy due to the burden of the public sector. Sorry Ann, but I'm sure you would still do just fine in my world anyway.

Phil 314 said...

So much for that Republican Wave.

So then its not Rush Limbaugh.

Did anyone notice the author is selling a a book about Limbaugh

And speaking as someone who doesn't appreciate Mr. Limbaugh,
Can we go back to just being racists?

Jon said...

garage said: "Ok, I'm predicting Repubs pick up 18 seats in the House, and 3 in the Senate. There, I'm on record."

I predict 35 in House, 7 in Senate.

Paddy O said...

"And likening him to Gary Cooper... and John Wayne is ridiculous.

He is no patriot, he is an entertainer."

So, uh, weren't John Wayne and Gary Cooper entertainers?

That wasn't authentic footage of historical events that we see on the screen.

Jason (the commenter) said...

from the article: Less than six weeks after the inauguration...

Rush was going after Obama during the inauguration. For a while there he seemed like the only person in the public sphere who wasn't cowering in the face of Obama's victory, who was thinking critically and not going along with the hype.

It's a two edged sword though. Imagine what people think when they look at what Rush does and then look at the behavior of Republican politicians. The sort of dissatisfaction they feel is why the Tea Party refuses to classify itself as Republican.

Fred4Pres said...

Paddy O, too funny.

But the Duke and Cooper were extraordinary entertainers. Just sayin.

Fen said...

The familiar pattern of a Diversity Hire - blame the system or anything other than yourself when things gets tough.

Obama and his Alinsky Acolytes need to demonize "Rush Limbaugh" to deflect responsibility for their two words: "Obama Deficit"

Time for another Two Minutes of Hate. Our Dear Leader's Plan has been sabotaged by Goldstein yet again.

Anyone have some spare chocolate rations?

mesquito said...

All I know is that Rush lives, rent-free, way up in Obama's head.

Palladian said...

"Anyone have some spare chocolate rations?"


Big Mike said...

I'm still going with a pickup of 40 in the House, 9 in the Senate. I was thinking ten seats after Blumenthal was caught lying about his Vietnam Era service, but then Rand Paul opened his big, fat mouth and gave Democrats hope in Kentucky.

In the Senate I see Republicans returning all their incumbents; holding all their open seats except, now, possibly Kentucky; picking up Arkansas, Delaware, Illinois, Indiana, Nevada, North Dakota, and Pennsylvania; plus picking up two or three out of California, Colorado, Connecticut, Washington, and Wisconsin. I think that PA-12 showed the RNC that they can't have candidates just show up and say "I'm the Republican, gotta love me." Be interesting to see what happens to PA-12 in the fall rematch.

And I still think Joe Lieberman will love every second of being an Independent in the next Senate, with a 48 - 50 split (plus independents Lieberman and Sanders, who normally caucus with Democrats).

Brian Hancock said...

Every time he is mentioned by our President and his administration or sound bites are put up on MSM in an effort to discredit him, Limbaugh wins.

Same as when the right goes after Jon Stewart.

You can't win a pie throwing contest with a jester.

Jon said...

@Big Mike

I wouldn't worry too much about Kentucky. Paul has a 25-point lead there. It will tighten, but Paul will have to completely melt down to lose to an Obamacare and amnesty-supporting liberal Dem in a red state this year.

Only GOP Senate seats I see as in real danger right now are OH (the most recent polling has Portman slightly behind) and possibly NC.

AllenS said...

There's a very good possibility that before November, there may be two other words that will have an impact:

Stock market

WV: reazin

Anonymous said...

I guess Rush is the new Dark Lord of the fevered liberal imagination, supplanting Rove and Atwater.

It's more elementary than that: We're just not into you, Dems.

Jason (the commenter) said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jason (the commenter) said...

PatCA : I guess Rush is the new Dark Lord of the fevered liberal imagination, supplanting Rove and Atwater.

He's just one of many bogeymen (and women)the left is "afraid" of and refuse to give a fair hearing to, lest they become "brainwashed".

Meade said...

from Chafets' op-ed:

"Mr. Limbaugh loved being tossed into this briar patch."

Now who can deny, if Rush Limbaugh were to use this "tar baby" metaphor, that he would absolutely be pilloried as a racist?

paul a'barge said...

Swallow it, Obama.

GMay said...

"And their failure can be boiled down to 2 words, Rush Limbaugh. Why anyone would listen to that douche bag is beyond me.That man has no love for America or the American people. And likening him to Gary Cooper, Sargent York and John Wayne is ridiculous.
He is no patriot, he is an entertainer."

Funny how much weight Obama and you lefties give entertainers isn't it?

Sounds like you listen to him a lot. How often have you been listening to him?

Damon said...

Every news article has to proclaim the magic bullet. An original take on a situation.

Reality is small government conservatives were pretty unhappy with Bush for many things. Obama, Pelosi, and Reid just added fuel to the fire by ticking off the small government and social conservatives, and scaring the indapendents with their government power grab. So, the common theme is government as currently governed is better limited. When you don't agree with government you sure don't mind it being limited.

Rush is more small government conservative and so it makes sense for him to have the voice of the discontented.

Jason (the commenter) said...

Meade: Now who can deny, if Rush Limbaugh were to use this "tar baby" metaphor, that he would absolutely be pilloried as a racist?

I don't know if he would be pilloried or not. But I am sick of people saying "If a Republican did that...".

Just say Chafets is racist. Write to the New York Times and demand an apology, or find some place he is speaking and call him out about it to his face--picket the place perhaps.

And I wish everyone would do that in all such cases, because the "If a Republican did that..." line sounds like whining to me.

maninthemiddle said...

Good example... Attack of the el Rushbo on Calderone's amazing performance during the Wolf Blitzer show.

Calderone on the Arizona Law - basically "racist, human rights, un-American, anti-brown people,world no like... blah blah."

Wolf does an excellent job, asking if folks can just walk into Mexico. "No, fill out papers, analyzed, permission must be granted."

Can someone cross the Southern border of Mexicao - like from Nicaragua, and come into Mexico and get a job? "No, they cannot, we catch them and send them back."

As Rush asks - is this guy an idiot?


Fen said...

I don't know if he would be pilloried or not

Yes, you do know. Quit pretending.

And if you really gave a damn about racism, you would have a strong position against anyone exploiting racism by making false charges for political gain.

Jason (the commenter) said...

Fen: And if you really gave a damn about racism, you would have a strong position against anyone exploiting racism by making false charges for political gain.

Yes, I wouldn't whine about it.

Fen said...

I think you meant yes, if I really gave a damn about racism, I would call the NYTs myself instead if whining about people whining...

But its much easier to just pretend Moral Righteousness, isn't it?

garage mahal said...

The more one whines about not being a racist in all likely hood makes them more of a racist, in my opinion.

Fen said...


Well then Libtard, your opinion doesn't amount to much since you don't comprehend what you just read.

Hint: we weren't talking about what you think we were talking about.

I'll wait while you figure it out....

Jason (the commenter) said...

Fen: But its much easier to just pretend Moral Righteousness, isn't it?

I'm sorry, I can't figure out if your comments are directed at me or Meade. Meade is the more qualified to answer since it concerns him more than me.

Fen said...

Geez Garage, you know better than to come in here without your Soros Talking Points prepared.

Fax broken again? Left to your own meager devices eh? Too bad.

Jason (the commenter) said...

garage mahal:The more one whines about not being a racist in all likely hood makes them more of a racist, in my opinion.

That would only make me think them more a fool. Isn't that worse?

Jason (the commenter) said...

"Stop whining and start governing"

I think that would make a good picket sign.

amba said...

You can't win a pie throwing contest with a jester.

Wins thread!

amba said...

The previous verification word was "elogis."

Would you take a drug, or use a computer program, by that name? Trust a company by that name to organize your data?

Makes me wonder whether pharmaceutical and other companies ought to be (or are) using this new-word-generating process for product names and company names.

This time it's "prefaun." Take that as an appetizer for Viagra.

Meade said...

I don't know if he would be pilloried or not. But I am sick of people saying "If a Republican did that...".

Okay, you're sick of it. I hear your complaint.

Just say Chafets is racist. Write to the New York Times and demand an apology, or find some place he is speaking and call him out about it to his face--picket the place perhaps.

But I'm not saying Chafets is racist. You completely missed my point.

And I wish everyone would do that in all such cases, because the "If a Republican did that..." line sounds like whining to me.

Is it possible you are projecting whining where, in fact, there is none?

MadisonMan said...

Gaining 40+ seats in a single cycle is very hard.

Especially given the Republican leadership.

I think AllenS has the right idea. Replace the words Rush Limbaugh with Stock Market.

It's the economy stupid, to quote someone.

Eric said...

""Republican success in 2010 can be boiled down to two words...""

Obama Deficit

I think this is much more accurate. Limbaugh is a symptom, not a cause.

Eric said...

The more one whines about not being a racist in all likely hood makes them more of a racist, in my opinion.

Nah. People who've won arguments need to point this out, since the last resort of leftists on the losing end of an argument is to call the other guy a racist.

The Crack Emcee said...

No, Meade, he got you:

It's unseemly that you're reading the paper closer than I am in this regard. Tilling the mediasphere's soil is Rush's job - that "entertainment" we keep hearing so much about - but what's your excuse? This is the same point I've been trying to get through to your "wife" and Glenn Reynolds: y'all spend more time keeping race alive as an issue than all the race hustlers and racists combined. I can go most days without encountering a single racial issue or situation, except when I'm hanging with y'all. Do you understand what that's like? I'm normal until I get around y'all - then I'm black. Is that what you're intending? It's over.

Pass it on.

Jason (the commenter) said...

Meade: Is it possible you are projecting whining where, in fact, there is none?

Possibly. But the meme is a whine, and if you aren't willing to say Chafets is a racist, then you are part of the collective whine.

KCFleming said...

I certainly hope the NYTimes and the rest of the Democratic party focus on Rush and racism for the next 5-6 months.

The Dow fell almost 400 points today.
Is this the start of the double dip?

Peter V. Bella said...

Rush has 20 million listeners. From all appearances, no one is listening to Obama, Biden (the dumbest White man in America), Pelosi, or Reid.

How many listeners does so called progressive radio have? Hmmmmmmmm?

wv=homilde- the name of the next SCOTUS nominee if Kagan does not make the cut.

Fen said...

But its much easier to just pretend Moral Righteousness, isn't it?

Jason: I'm sorry, I can't figure out if your comments are directed at me or Meade.

Directed at you, Jason. Someone complains about false accusations of racism used to score cheap political points... and whats your beef? The complaint itself instead of the false accusation.

How long have you been molesting little boys, Jason? Remember not to "whine" about false accusation when you answer....

somefeller said...

garage mahal says: Wish I would have saved all the smack and predictions I've been hearing the past 6 months. Which Scott was it here predicting a 80 seat swing for Republicans?

Nicely put. There's been no shortage of conservatives claiming on this blog and elsewhere that a big GOP wave is coming. If that were the case, things would have gone differently in last night's special election.

I'll give a marker tonight. The Democrats will lose 30 House seats and 4 Senate seats. In other words, just a slight bump-up against the standard mid-term losses of the President's party. Nothing major, and certainly no big national movement, despite the ravings from the peanut gallery seats.

Anonymous said...

@tooclass: I predicted the notion of blacklash (TM, SM) as the left's sorry excuse as far back as late summer 2010. Glad to see you are tooling for me.

Let me know where to send the invoice.

Anonymous said...

The over/under is four Senate seats, where four is a push? I will take that action. What's the bet?

Anonymous said...

Correction -- late summer 2008.

Anonymous said...

The big shocker is that a CNN anchor asked some tough questions!

Peter Hoh said...

Opining about a party's political success, six months ahead of the November elections, can be boiled down to five words: counting chickens before they hatch.

GMay said...

The Dow fell almost 400 points today. Is this the start of the double dip?

That's the beginning of Europe's contribution to the shitstorm. Just wait for the China bubble to pop.

GMay said...

"Nothing major, and certainly no big national movement, despite the ravings from the peanut gallery seats."

Even with a lowball figure like that, I'd say that's indicative of a major mood shift considering that just two years ago we were hearing how about the "death of the Republican Party" or permanent Democrat majorities.

I'd say Scott Brown alone pretty much made mincemeat out of these observations.

Chase said...

There's been no shortage of conservatives claiming on this blog and elsewhere that a big GOP wave is coming. If that were the case, things would have gone differently in last night's special election.

Well this conservative isn't claiming a "big GOP wave", but I caution our liberal friends to examine what really happened in the special election:

The Democrat who won - in a district where registered Democrats outnumber Republicans by 137,000 voters, 62% to 29% - won by running:
● Pro-life
● Pro-Gun
● Anti-Cap and Trade

In otherwords, he won running on an anti-Obama platform. In Democrat Pennsylvania. Are we feeling warm yet?

So - c'mon liberals - you just have to love winning that way. Let's see how that works for you in November in the 77 Republican leaning districts that have conservative Democrats - many of whom are already publicly mad at Obama and are already telling their constituents that they won't be burned (read Obamacare)by Pelosi-Reid-Obama again.

Are those voters really stupid enough to believe them? We shall see how stupid won't we?

Chase said...

This is also delicious because it shows how morally bankrupt our Democrat/liberal friends are. They:

will accept anyone calling himself/herself a Democrat as long as they win and keep the Congress in the D column - which shows a lack of real values they can stand up for - moral ambiguity and emptiness of character.

which again proves the Democrats to be the party of the ends justify the means, integrity and values be damned.

I'm just sayin' . . . .

John Stodder said...

The more one whines about not being a racist in all likely hood makes them more of a racist, in my opinion.

The left depends on this dynamic heavily.

They throw the epithet "racist" at someone who takes a position they disagree with. Worried about long-term debt? Racist. Disagree with this monstrosity of a health care bill? Racist.

If the target doesn't react, "their silence speaks volumes."

If the target does react, they're "whining." They "doth protest too much."

Jason (the commenter) said...

Chase: This is also delicious because it shows how morally bankrupt our Democrat/liberal friends are. They:

will accept anyone calling himself/herself a Democrat as long as they win and keep the Congress in the D column - which shows a lack of real values they can stand up for - moral ambiguity and emptiness of character.

Bernie Sanders.

Opus One Media said...

Two things are instructive here:

1. The article didn't take comments
2. the writer is also an "author" of a kiss-ass book.

Rush Limbaugh is a liar. The truth is only his truth not real truth. Anyone and I mean anyone who takes this fellow as either gospel or truth might as well go to the dentist and when he says open wide he/she replies "please hurt me".

Opus One Media said...

I think that when you are talking about:

Rush Limbaugh

I do believe you mean rendered.

GMay said...

"Rush Limbaugh is a liar. The truth is only his truth not real truth. Anyone and I mean anyone who takes this fellow as either gospel or truth might as well go to the dentist and when he says open wide he/she replies "please hurt me".

I'll ask like I did in the other thread:

So how often do you listen to him? I really want to know because I never do. When it comes to lying and Limbaugh, the only incident I know of is the MSM's blatant propagation of phony quotes attributed to the man in an attempt to smear him.

Didn't work out too well from what I recall.

So perhaps you'd like to share some of his lies? After you do, I'd like to share some by entire networks and other "legitimate news organizations". And they lie a lot too, so does this mean you have the same boycott of outlets like MSNBC, CBS, the NYT, etc?

Cause it's reeeeeeal easy to find their lies, and they pretend to be journalists. Something that I understand Limbaugh doesn't do.

AllenS said...

"With talent on loan from God."


"With half my brain tied behind by back just to make it fair!"


"Meeting and surpassing all audience expectations on a daily basis."


"Saying more in five seconds than most hosts say in an entire year."


Calypso Facto said...

The excuse list keeps growing! According to the liberal machine, the tea party has traction because:
*They're rednecks! No? Hmm. Then because
*They're racists! Can't get much traction there either? Then because
*They're wacko right wing militia types! Wait....not working. Then, because
*They're puppets of Rush!

Getting pretty desperate. Might even have to check their own unpopular policies before long.

traditionalguy said...

The Tea Parties movement are all middle class Americans that want some basic truths to be told by their political representatives. That will be some hard medicine to take since the near death country has been warehoused in ICU and its voters kept outside in a waiting room being told by the Politician/Doctors that the patient on life support is fine and getting better everday. These Tea Partiers have seen thru the lies told them by everybody in DC who were just drawing huge fees for keeping the comatose patient from flat-lining for a few more years. These useless liars in DC, from both Parties, are now being fired and replaced with a Doctor who wants to save what is left of our dying Country. But the last nail in our coffin would be a charlatan quack like like Rand Paul taking over as lead Doctor.

Opus One Media said...

GMay...there isn't time nor space to indulge you. Look around the internet. There are zillions of quotes, sites, name it...all listing Rush's lies.

I listen on occasion to find out what talking points will be featured on the likes of Glenn Back, Hannity, Savage and the felony guys who I don't have to listen to them.

It is unpleasant to find a brainswashed fool on here but I do wish you well and hopefully you don't pass on your illness to others. I suspect that there are others like you around...all trees, no forest (or in Bush terms..all hat and no horse) and it is sad. Problem is you breed.

Shanna said...

or in Bush terms..all hat and no horse

All hat and no cattle.

GMay said...

Hey HDH, you mistyped "I'm too lazy and stupid to answer a simple question."

You're a waste of bandwidth and sperm.

AllenS said...

all hat and no horse

Makes me wonder, when was the last time House left the house?

HA! I make a funny.

Anonymous said...

Hey, check it out, the publisher of this fellow's upcoming book just invited me to review it! I love when things fall together like this.

- Lyssa