May 28, 2010

The 1-word exam.

A tradition at Oxford, scrapped.


Anonymous said...

One word reaction:


reader_iam said...

The unveiling of the word was once an event of such excitement that even non-applicants reportedly gathered outside the college each year, waiting for news to waft out

I *adore* this.

Anonymous said...
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From Inwood said...


traditionalguy said...


chickelit said...


Unknown said...


(Can't believe anyone else didn't say it)

Palladian said...


Palladian said...


Palladian said...


Palladian said...


Palladian said...


Penny said...

Let me guess...Just not egalitarian enough for today's "sensibilities".

Michael said...


Joan said...

Let me guess...Just not egalitarian enough for today's "sensibilities".

My impression, reading the linked article, is that too many people have learned how to bullshit at length on any topic for the one-word Essay essays to be useful in determining how the candidate meets the criteria they're looking for over at All Souls.

Having just completed 2 exams, cranking out 9 (albeit short and very pointed) essays in less than 3 hours, I think I would love an exam like that, to be able to explore an idea in depth. You have to really be able to think on your feet, construct an argument, and be truly educated to be able to do it well. I wonder if the college ever considered publishing a collection of successful essays. I'd read it.

Ken Pidcock said...

I can see some value to the exercise. What you're going to get is an exposition of what the candidate has been thinking about lately, which will provide some insight into the depth and breadth of the knowledge they bring to their candidacy.

That said, I'd be completely lost, but excluding the likes of me is kind of the point.

Skyler said...


Methadras said...

it was meant to test intellectual agility, but sometimes seemed to test only the ability to sound brilliant while saying not much of anything.

So Ritmo passed this test wit flying colors?

Hector Owen said...


reader_iam said...


reader_iam said...


reader_iam said...



wv: ruclys

Beldar said...

Three-hour essay exam from my freshman honors medieval history course at UT-Austin in Spring 1976, on which 100% of the course grade depended:

"The Middle Ages is the story of Christ's victory over Caesar. (Discuss.)"

Or it might have been the other way around.

Conserve Liberty said...
